The Universitv ol Puqet Sound is a sch@l proud oI its leal hentas€ and its dedication to lib€ral
lls fa:ulhr, fi6tand fo,€mGt, 'sa rea.hinq tacuL rv.sele(t€d nol onl! io, ex(elle.e ln vanoue sub ja.t a@s blt alo ror th€ desr€ and abil'ry to translate thal knowledq€ in a m€anLntul eav. Undd'u.h lb@Llea.hinq, lhe Uni!€tsitys 2,700 undproaduates leam to thLnk anahball! and wnie orohclenllv slllls ihat wLll set them on the rcad t'o a ii€bm€ ol l€aminq and a.h'&ement
Students sele.t.ours€s ofst!d! 'n 32 diff€rmt arts and science dt.lplines and ln Ilve pro{essional s.hmls Graduat€ Droooms are ofl@d in th€ neHs of trcupaiio;L th;ap! pdu.abon and lau
All srldors at the Univdsity of Puqet Sound are gi!€n th€ chance to comp€te in int{.oll€giate alhl€tics Th€ Uriversity fiplds !a6ity teams in ll mens aid 'n 10 womei\ sponr. whtrh hold mpmhp^h'n,ne h,r thp NAIA trthpNCAA Dv sion IL Scoies of intramural sports tams, 6nEns f6m pinq ponq ro war€r bask€rball t@ms, qile studenE h€all,hu bod e\ to qo alona w th h€lthu
The Univ6il! of Plqel Sound h a diverse and vibant communitv wherc each studdt is dnlen to .x.elle..e Whc; s.h.lanhin .omps liri and laming lasis a lifetime.
Alt!€ 6 35." The @minq !@r pomE€s to b€ an €r' cibnq on€. IJPS lootball ull have a n€w l@k unda th€ ladershib ol Ross HElseth. Ro$ ha; wo ed d,llqatlu rin& mtd Marh to inslall his
philosophv and orca.ization I am surc you ae so ing to 6joy the'big pla!" aspect ol the veer option
Th€ Columbla Football Lea@e initiates the b€qnninq ol a histon. .@l't16 oi sma I @l€g€s and niue'rLlLes L. the Pa. 'c Northwst This c@lilbn should cr€ate som€ intaestins nvalnes amonq th€ r€aioml oppon€nts In th. states ol Washinqton and OEqon. Foi the ltst un€ in € cent htslory a ltue smallcoll€ge champion willbe
We hope that vou will suppod Lossa lootball and Cc(h Hjetelh as ha emba s upon hrs fr6t uprr:t lrPs Hp has suro,napa h,mseU wlih an autslandinq stall and the combinalion ol hard wo and enthusiasm should make lor an in te@stn'r v@r. The tuturc ol Loqq€r f@rballl@ks brishl with Ross Fljels€th al the helm
I would also like to brinq lo 9@r atrention and hop€ vou will welco@ and haw lhe oppdtmv to mzel sedal otha ne mmb€6 0f od starf. Robin Hamilion sbned in arlv July as ou Spods R€lalions Dt@tor. Robin c.@s to us nom ldaho Srate Univs5iiv Jominq rhe staff as Intramual Di,trtonnd Asrirbnt Football Coach is Mih€ Dumh. Mlke sp.nt the past h,o y(* at Yanlton Colleqe m Soulh Dakota. R@d Si€4ltnglolns ttE staff as Assista.t Basketball and Assistant Basohall Cc.h and r€.mtlv cGched ad com olered hb Master5 deqr@ ai Nonhem Srate Col
1l/e l@k loeard to seons vou this lall dd Dlease f@l lr@ 10 5toD in and @ us or say hello ivh@ vou haw an @Dortmlv. Besr drshes ior a
Dr Ri.had IJLichIncluded in a numbd ol ne begiminss for th€ LrPS prcgrams this s6on willbe the ad d ion ol Iootball @.h Ross Hjelsetb {prc. .ounced Jells.th). Hjelseth, 34, saed as the had assistant loorball @ch ar Nonh Dakola State Univ€rslty 60r the last f@r !@s, Dudng Hjelseth's stinr with the Biso., NDSU compiled an amazins 45 7 rccod and won thp NCAA Dlvisio. ll Natidnal Cham pionship in 1983, Hjels€th sded as the Biso's chiel raruita and coach of the oll€.sive backs md re@ivere. NDSU'S ofl4e was 6.k€n No. 1 .atio.ally in the NCAA DMsio. II i. 1984. Hjelseth! coachins talenls will be complimed€n by an dlstand. ing cast of assishnts dudng th€ '85
Tic yas Unile6ih/ ol Puget Sound i@lbaU tam €nle.s a new e in Logger f@tba[. The souad qll be la.ed with rilanv chall€nqes durinq the coLrse ol th€ s€ason Howev€r, lhe hard wo& and dedication that both players and c@ches have pul in wlll payo{l large dividends lor th€ Logqer
A n€w had c@ch, .ew systens, and the new Colunbia Football Leasue wlll confront the mmb6 ol the €5 squad The t€am will b€ look hg lo imprcve o. a 5.4.1 ledger of a ye aso and btroru the lirst tille holdeE ol the Columbia
The Logga ofiense will have lhe v@r l@k in 1985 accodins to Had C@ch Bos Hj€h€t'1 The veer oilense c@at€s the big play excitement that Iootball lans look for at the colleqe level. The '85 Logg6 re&rn six startas who nust prcvid€ the lead€Fhip in m@ing the lootball. The olfensive lin€ retums exp€riened playas, Dave Honbach, Mke Vh.ent and B6d Benn.tt Th€ backli€ld r€trm€es include rccord.setling quartedack Roy lvledley, tunningbacks Alain Parton, Jell Austin,
and Mike Olhhant, all ol whom have the ab1l,ty to make th€ big pla9. The aplGiv€ Jirep@o oI the olfense benelits with the rctum of Jack Jon€s.
L[{io H@ell, Bnan Burdick, and Russ Jenktns at Def€nsivel9, the Loggds aill play tchnique f@tball, and will be trad€mtked by the ability to pursue. Dick Crabb, Rich Sassara, TBcy M€n1I, and Jon H€arcn rctum as lhebackeG along with nos€glard Lonnie Tw@I. They will {orn th€ nucleus of rhe d€lense with help lroo rehrming cometacks Rich LaMoni.a and J@ L.san.
GEnt All.n Etrms to handle the punting chdes and Jin Becktun has two pr€uious yars ol * p€n€n@ as the Lossq kicker. Both facers ol th€ kickinq game will r@o!€ h@vy enphasis Ior rhe\
It is obvlous rhat th€ 1985 UPS f@tball team willb€ laced with a number of challelg€s but on air ol opiDrsm and dedication to the goal motivat€s the UPS Eogram. The LjPS slosan"Cooing Alile in '85," the goal A Columbia Football Leasu€ Champioishh.
The LoqqeE know when lhev take to the li€ld todali thev wil be plavins a entcal contest in their bLd lor a @tiomlplalroft spot The Puq€t Sound tedm is !o aqainst an aLwavs touqh Central Washingion squad. CWIJ is 3 3 ov@ll and 2-2 in the CFL.
As a team the W dcts averase aLnost 383 vads pe. cont€st on olfense while qivins up 426 vards on del€ns€ Th€ oJl€ns€ attack oI CWU is a 6is con.m to the UPS coachins staIl and def€.se th's week W. haLe lo hnd,ome wdu to \t6 th€ runn'nq qame or cenrral 'nored d€rere, e t@' dinator Mik€ Duftin. We canlt allow the biq plav
lonq qains o! lons louchdow.s. The stronq C€.tral otl6s€ 6 drc.led bu ouartaback Matt B,r,lra.L.h a senio' t'om Sa-r iose Ca lom:a. whohas hiton 78 of 143 Dasses ths s€ason uith a TDs and 937 uards In'the back li€ld lmk ior sreat runnins pedomnces ftom Tim Mccomick at fullback. lvlcco6rk niks thnd ,n the CFL i. turh,nqwith a18\,"rds.4 TDs and a 7.1Der.aaa\eraq€ Jrmmi€ Dillinaham, a sophomo,e from Tacoma, will also see a lot ol action catuno the ball for lhe Wild.ats in todavs .ontest
Central Washinston
to Pacilic Luth€En last w@k and CGch Ross Hjelseth expecrs the Wildcals ro be readv to mak€ up for the der%t 'Cenka lost to a qr€at PLU lpam !i<i uppL an,r u,4 au,nls h.!, io he @a.I/ wh€n we lace a t6o comiitg oft a lo$.' saja tljels€th. Cent6l has an a0lull f€ns€ Thev run th€ option !€rv w€I can hurl you in so hany ways W€ look at rhis qame as a ueqr big on€ and we €xp€.Ian intens€ dvalry The! have a nunbs ol plaeers Ircm this apa and rhey woi at Baler Siadiun last year so thev know rhev can do it. We have to be r@d! and look at lhis qame as a chance to move hom 5 1 to
RAWLINGS SPANJIAN DIAMOITID Llniorms Trophyo.dS rk Screen Spe.'olsls
CHAMPION'S A]HLETIC SUPPLY INCUnivereitv ol Puqet Sound 1985 Men! Baskel ball s€ason starts Nov€mb4 171h. Get ytur ri.k€ts taiay at the UPS Athletic Departmenr or by calling 756 3140. Donl miss (he action oi Los.
Yugoslavian Nat. Champ. (Exh) ..5,00 p.m.
N@emb€r 25
Geors€Foxuniversity .... ...7:30 p.m.
Weslem Washinsto U.rve6ity .7130 p.m
Bryant Collese . . . . . . . .
De.enbq 27
2A Holday Cla$ic
Univ. ol Ndthem Colohdo, Sonom Sraie Univ., Westem Baprisi College .TBA
The 1985 86 season. as you know. harks th€ lirst year o1 th€ Llnive6ity's membeship in the re and .hallengns Columbia Foot ball L@ae. P€Eonall,!, lam excired by the oppdunqr to conp€i€ Esularly not only with olher indepe.deni instituhons but also with public colleges and univdsities in Washinston and Or€gon. Competing wilh th4e schools should add an inrercsting nelv dimensio. ro Logs€r iootball and Mll enhance significantl! rh€ value and prcstige ol a Puser Sound League Chanpionshlp b€t{€en th€ Nodh and Soulh
Iwould also lik€ to ra!€ this opporirnitv to ask you to welcome Bo$ Hjelseth as our n€w h€ad footbal! coach. Boss comes to us ,rom a position as ollensive tean coach at Nodh Dakoh Slate Univ€Eity. He is a {ine coa.h and an mspiratio.al l€ader who will sei lhe utmosl ircm his playeE and ar the same time instill prin.lples ol sportsmanship i. the besl rladition of collegiate athletics.
I kn@ lou willwant lojoin 6e in ext€nding to Cach Hjelseth aid hG slall as well as ro every memb* oJ lhe Logsr I@tball 1€am, our vew best uishcs Io. then qr.ers in I SR5 86
Ioday's halltime eotertaitrme is a pre.€ntalion by The City of Desti,y Flying Dts. ae6n. Ihl6 group tncludes Rob FreeDar, DonFosle, Eric LaBue, Matt Keel, and Bandit "'th€
ln addition, Flaky Ja ke's R6taurant of Tacoma, 5409 - 5th Avenue, is supporting Puset Sound athletiG slth a frbbee and Borger Bucks gtveawag today.
Th€ Pus€t Sound AtNelic D€partm€nt thaDks rhe mober. ofThe Clrv of Dettny Flgtng Disc Team and Flaky Jak€'s of lacoma lor their
als.lr'no tr a DrcrerLo' Lh.( deridnds lonq hw6 ,nd a"i,r,miv,6; lddnL& ol5u!.e- lhp dLdlhoi n hqno a t66allcc!:h js.dainlv ^oi L\e h Eollilm nan r-":i $? .oLd cin d $e radnu ol L\e ,a.! Htu44, ;-[i id .*.d ....]ks have rakli tha chaLGne ol rhe Drc i:. .i ^rd haw mde rhe 1985 UPs .G.hinq nafl one of .o".h R!! H'eL;erh ha, baom€ La " h, .F,"r. i,trPs m.n,o, bu' D ,. $ea-trLnl$atoro\deHr€lseLlrrrh nvaluah2tulp P. Lu, .o r 20v;. ca.h na ler reqile'r! Lsc; lmrbarl Th! run rho.o Ld! trn €tr
, .h , i*- o; .e.aL nai5 d.?L€i.!.' no'ed ctch Hrkdh ll! t rlsi !€ry a(de ol frdiriois ol opponsnr ,;,rq ^*sPn - ;erepodrpo rrDr hc can Cn€.t a deiense and b Ld liEm lnr. on ot rhe rlo in rhe CduobL Fmtball Lea@, M&e s a mr or T.n!lrG ddllpl.ah H€ ha, a o'.lec€den!."id., .pD J(de ol 1, llrenL rend5 n .o]"ts fobdll and 'DunLn.om.s t lPs rom
, L "". " --io $16 Dalob aoa.h Dum n b aL,u 'hp hr^m n Dl;b. m amus.
Fh,l W,llhuh"m L th€ irln lnLltrere {\.o:!h and nP lv eu;iLoo oi hsDcsbr'd.@ . \aa-duR?io:h addioi to h,on €d.6.hnqdr $ !h!F L .hde !l .omds {ouhn
"i--..n ;@Ds aid rc,noo ,eac WLll'nqira o ' d .rer ( rPS f@LbaLLDLalr,nd had.6.hal m h€ a Pa pn./ ! c Lmrno to;.ho;lld hD ma'k5 dloc€
MI? sholPu th! L@?'s ,sLd. LLo otuoel Lo;'6"Ll.G.hlsh'oLa \ rtendne th! UPs ljw < AMr n6!, Mndho Lhe dcitund, ol .ole@ .G.hinq ir da, al.o hd5 'csodn'bLLLdz5 ror Lh? LtrL ^q qim€ Pam ;. , t^.i., ,,h. rhe tutule Lawo add, r 506 Elo€ale ,r Nnnon r. Lhe L@qer rLri Sh'pl?eqL/essru'mse r n ,o oeol. and Lnto rh. mibLqdm?-vid Hrei P h n.i Nr.o, fa nEd GobeLhdv€ a e Irps,erb^l !e[h bo$ b.inq fom{ Lqer iaidtuts MoE a bd.[ Ln coLLe@ D n .ha'qe ol L\a rum nq bd!] 5 He^cunanrLu L oshL.qlx5deo€eai UP5.nd F nll n ou!h rrh ,h! olaGE &ALaq5 Lon ,. a plaFis .c.h "nd a . -.h^,G;6 ookdilelseLh U:unqbenapLvo h"F m a unLque posrd.n. He li $e abili!_ to io[e and keep p€o
R,id..Fa@! ^n on{aid'no UPS Dhv-dnd ha. mads , .mm'h b '[oo ro.6ch]nq. Gobel E n.hde ol i].
EFdtramnol L& {ord,bll ahli he des soedl h? usuaLLv Li nahL ahai 5omerhrq_ td
Hrke h ira hr " $"ai6eL]n pqsonieldid ha, rh' abl
v to Dut DLavere at thef b6r pGihon 'Gob2l r a subniirr€
aenN VlLnE 5ched eM, d lhe.flen.€ llm.oa.h aod lE;oIvmJ! doo? a amd rot ,h olrli* E Lanrid numba on? ^ tl'. naioi n scoine has a ,8., wav d,d 'C.oiq. b a \Pr orremi2
rou. c 4.rilnmo,rr$o* tut
.*.6 ts- efi rni hE enke lbH aE,h? t\o? of pdple
"i1, B.he. ilut a,€ needed to@ na."hnre Th€ L"sseE halp used rh? ohGse'UP5 FodtbaLL ' d.La$ ad- dtd I s ob\'4s hn' ;nh L{+r rmtba
Team Statisticg (Offensive)
Rush'ng li6 ,Lg8 rB
Pa.stng ".i: $ rj }ii '?
R€ce,lhq No Yd. Td 46 715 6
Puniins )i Ig3 i"t;
Fir.. Dowtrt: 93163 Rush'nq 23 Pa$!ns,7 Penalivl
HOTEL MOTEL & Phone 535 28OO
Atro todavs.onrpsr w'rh Ce.rral Washinqton. the Loggas will tak€ the rrek to Eellinqham. Washinston, to tac€ the Vikinqs ol Wesrern Washinston Th€ same rvill be a Nofihm Division batlle o{ the Columb'a F@thall L!ao,!
Th€ @me '5 lct io, a t 30 D - itun .t gnlt insham Civic Stadium
columbra Fooibau fea@c sra inor _<-"ri nn,k:""
Flsht, Fighi. FLsh( ld IIPS Boys
Fiqhr Fighr. Fissi Ior I'ugel Sound
Pull los.iheL couage Ever
Fishr. Fishr Frght for uPs Boys
SU?PORr a LTPSPoRT-. 3.0
t2 t2
A re..d.setrbs ollensive apl.sio^ be rhe Puer sftnd Losgm lai l@k qa@ them rh€r lilth u.b,! or E seaso. w h a 6114 romp drt Ea<em Or€sn Goinq nlo d* gam rhe L.Es6 wo €d hard on ofioosie exe.ulion and the rimwaswLl+enl Mike otipha ins back ,rom aubun had rhree rochdtuns io.Ldjns 79 and 50 yard ell@s OlLphan r end.d rhe .iae uilh 3 1Dt and 206 yads m jun 9 .ams. olDhanr drd nor cary rhe bal in lhe semd haLl As a kam rhe Lc€ses sel m s torsi,,sh sane toh ofi?nse 1615 F sl and tushinc vads 1495) ecljpsins ih? .rd harks whrch wre let b 1972 aeinn &wts
The win pub rhe L€ge6 ai 5 r on L\e sasm and 2 r in b\e Non6 Drvhion o( rhe columbia FotbaLL L69u? cG.h RGs Hjelserh was obvidslv Fleasad lih the vi.r@ o'er rha r.44niia. 5 re @t oII b a smd sbged on tu sidz ofie.siery we phyat prcny we[,, he said. In Eache w ddn'r .haql2 fi2 desig. of or ous* wz jun eftphasized th€ i4dan€ of senins a sood st d and sdlins m rhe @nril pad oI rhe eme on delense w did lairly wli €xepr Ior qivins uF a c@pre .I bis phs Alinoqh w" w@ qery su.ce$ltr|. ihds arc snLl a lot .r
lndiudualle I lj€lserh nobd rhe Drnv oI oliDhant hui was qurk to mniioi L\e.rher necesary,ad.rs in L\e succes oJ an9 runnms back "The ofienrve L'ne plaged butulLy wen. w? also had go<d blmkins rim our tuhl ends and wjd. reei@E Theso p4te desere a sood share oI rhe crcdit uhen dr DshiDs ofiense is elf6rve."
rn orh?! srrdsdcs trom rhe Eadem oeqm sm Rick
Sa$aE led Lh€ derense wiih 7 solo .onsuad ro be a bis lre h fi2 UPS backlield wirh 7 car rcs lor 37 !€rds a.d th,ee ,{chdons ln addrt n qua&r
plohs lou! oI lar pa$es Jac[ Jes came up w]rh No hckoll Edms (or 67 yards and tuo pmr rctums il! 22
comm!.ity since 1924
\re are pro!.ito have been Part ofTacoma s growth over the past 6l years ahd
even brighrer flture.
This ro\ter lbt6 the traE6 ot mehberc whoiotn€d berueeD Seprember I, 1984.rd August 31, 19E5.
,r, Mr€ B$s c rc ao &. De
4 Dan rhuloi 6 Hau.; r,6s
came r Joeeqh ;E re,iwdh.Ds4
ELECTRONIC Pa s. Equirm€n r Suppties
! liduslry, OEM and MRO . Fesearchand DeveoDmonl
t Ma ntonanoe and Repak C&GELECTRONICSCO.
i.sr.ur.nr.nd Bl.mey toon
Se ing Lunohand Dinnar
Two Banquot Booms lor Prtval.
Lunch€on aid Ornner M€€llnos
739rb Sl.Hsl€ft
1? ild
-IIIIII r-rtsrIr rIrIrLlEUUOlr flrfiffi ctllri -
Tho Nauona Assooialion ol tnterco e! ateAlh elics INA a) lsa comolele vaulonomous assoo alion. cur r6nrry adm nisrer no programs or inlerco €s are arherics lo over 500 lurvac.re uflveisies or moderah erc Tonl. The,u;amen lalr.n6l of lhe NAA rs thal int6rcoIeqiare arh elics isa^ rnre0rrrpan o hs lola edu rheinsrirur on This bor er,s srro oovern nq docum6nls. ac1'v res and oroanzal ona snucluro ol the Asso.'arion
Estabri3hsd ln r940 6s the Natona Assoclalron or nlorco l3gr.t6 Baskelbarr (NAtB), lh6 NAtA omanat€d lrom ai'iNar ona sm.[co 6!6 B.skotbal Touhaoonl" inauqunl6d ln 1937 in Kansas C ly, Mlssourl. Th€ conveGron or rrre NA B 1o lh6 NA|A com€ ln 1s52 when rhe orcanlzal on expanded b€yond baskelbar and add.d na 6v6nt. n !o1,, ourdoor track and rerd and tonnis. F6rball, crc* country, basobarl and swrmm no w.r€.dd.d lo 1116 champonshiD ev6nl caendar in 10ta, .nd wr6lrins (1953) sc..er (1959), bow no (1962 73), symnasrca (rs64j (rs66), ce hockey Oe63 34) and rc eybaLl (le6e. Po)
O, majorsignnrcancero the NAtA, was the esrabrisrr. m6nl o,lhewomen s d vis on w t on Au0ust 1,1930. The NAIA decison 1o olrer com per i !e opporrun I es and .hamp,onsh p! n y rhe membersh o lollow'ng lwoyears ot 5rudy and proposars by.n ad hoc commilleeon th€ impremenralcn ol awomei s dlvi6ion in lheNAra curenrry iheAssociation con du.ls ion champ'onsh p evenr p
Blici indoor track and tetd rrEd Bonba (rasr p[.h), so.ce
The lni|a purpose ot rhe NAIA1o provld6 na. llon.l ch.mpLonsh'p .lh.rrc opporlunx es ro 'n. lnd66d b€€n ysr safrad. rh6 As;o.iarbn d.,d' out n.s lts orn rdspons bi iri€s a.d lhos6 ot na m6mb.6: a 6ound arhlolics prooram! adminislercd and controrrod by lhos. respons bto tor lh. .dm nlslrcrion oi lha rnsliturion. This maans dkoct sup€frlsioi Ln .arrber or comp. ton, nancin0 ot lrr.0rcoEm and rakino 5l€or loa $sistan.o rs mad€ avaitabt6 onty rhrouoh lh8 tnslllutlon and und€rlh. sam€ ooi6rs oo[ct* asaid loallsrudoiG. n shorti thsbasic prcm setsrharrh6 athlsii.s p.olam is a basic comoonont o, lh€ eorall.ducationar p.oc*s and
Ihe gov€nino body of rhe NAA s rh€ Nlloda Ex. 6culive committee oonposed ot t6n percons elecled by lhe m€mbsrch p. Tha Er.cutiva Commit l€€ rs respons bre lor estab ishino rh€ poric6s ahd dnecr on ol lho As3eratlon. The Execulive Commilt.. appolnls iho Erecullvo 0 r€clor who conducls the bus nsssand day,to.dEy operal on of the Nalional olflco h€adquan€rcd ln Kansas Cry, Missouri. A lur lrme.tan oI rhnr6.n seryeB rhe membership lrom rhe Nationaloltic6.
Ihe Osrncl sthe basic untol I
6tion !s orqan zed into 12 seosraph oar dislricl3 ai( ol Canada. Each o sticr s qoverned bya D slrict Ex€curive Commrrlee, the ch er orlico. ol which i Th€ Drsrricl Erecurive commirtee eslab shesapo. qram or dramp onship evenrs in va ous sporls and hose dislrcl6v6nls are qua iri€d ro compere in NAIA arcaand Nsron.r
E i!lbi ly ru esw Ih n the NAIA
spo{s redoq^ized by lhe Assocrarlon, noljust po3r. season pay Al 6risb ry 9ude nes mu.t bo adh.rod lo by arr m€mbers, inc ud n0 thrss holdi.0 at ons. c6n lb.llon or elsib y oi al NAA slud€nl/alhletes ls ac comprsh.d through a network or individuars whioh prcssnl6riv. oi €5ch insrilulion, rhe Dsr.rcl Erroib lly charr, and rh6 N.iiona E ig bir ly commirlee
any lou.yaar co e0. or un vo6ty and u9p6r l€v6l lwGysar inst ution in ths Un l€d Slal€s and CanEd. rhal awads lhe bach6lor'sd3or€€ o.€qorv..nl, m5y hold .cliv€ NA|A mamberchip. Actv6 memb6r rny addrodil€d by an approprlElo accr€d t do aqency orcommission.
M3mb6r insllulrons u6l condu.t lh6rr rnr6r co l€o at6 athrerrcs p6oEms uirh th6 slandard3 or the rsoulalo'y associations In whlch rhoy hold m€mb€Bhip, and ih6 NAra. Th€y musr pay lh€lran. nuar m.mberchrp dues and bs rn .uppon ol tho policiB ot ttu NAA, WheG insr rulional rul€3 aid standards aG fror€ slring€nl lhan lhos€ oi lhs Gqularory grcup or rh6 NA|A, th dads of rh6 rnsr tution are roooon z6d and 6up.
1985 Women's Soccer National Champion.hiP Tournam€nt
Mens AL\leilc D ?do Rchadu[i'h wonent ArhL6. DLEI r . satyl'Yse
SponlReLiionsDncbr . R!6in Hamih'n arhlertr Tainer Jm zeke'schuldr
Bakball BEd cheneY
Baskerball(ren) .. Ddzch
Baskerball lw.m?n)
Cwlmeoandw.men) .. . .AlLawE 'a
Cro* Crtnny (meo and uomo) Ch's Lulher
Fmibal RGsHi?lserh
G.u .. GddY Pfei{"
Skihs(menandsomn) Mana'na Hilton
so.erlrun) .. . . Jo&Duslan
Se.dluomen) .. Michael Jeniinss
Soltball . . Robm Hafrilroo
SdmmLns lfrln & w@n) . .DonDun'ai
Tenonlmen&womo) .. DauBtuman
Tn.r and Ftldrnen and womn) JePryt'n voleybaL. .. Rot€rt (rm
Salutes the 1985 Lossers and Coach Ross Hjelseth