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Being a Griz
by Missoulian
Photo courtesy of Tommy Martino/University Relations
Being Griz during COVID-19
Rachel Crisp Philips, for the Missoulian
Every student faces educational hurdles, but nobody expects a pandemic. At the University of Montana, hundreds of hours of research and discussion have been dedicated to ensure safe learning this fall.
So how does a Griz get by in the time of COVID-19?
Class Life
With the statewide mask mandate in place, expect the same on campus. To help meet these new basic needs, the university will distribute a “Healthy Griz Kit” to all students and employees. This handy kit includes re llable hand sanitizer and surface disinfectant, a micro ber cloth, plus two reusable cloth masks. More sanitizing materials and disposable masks are available across campus.
“Our goal is for students to have, within easy grasp, their own personal disinfecting and sanitizing materials to make sure that they’re able to sanitize surfaces and reduce the risk of surface contact with potential virus or other contaminants,” said Paula Short, UM spokesperson.
As the bells ring for fall classes, the most noticeable change will be the increase in alternative class options. For in-person classes, the university has spent the summer preparing for safe studies.
“All classrooms have been accommodated for social distancing with desks spaced apart, and they’ve utilized a lot of spaces on campus that have not historically been used for classes. The main one that comes to mind is the UC Ballroom, which will hold classes this fall,” said ASUM President Taylor Gregory.
When possible, doors are designated “enter” or “exit” only to minimize congestion. Classrooms must be completely clear before the next class enters, and signage will guide social distancing.
“Those are some of the things that will certainly look different. It will take getting used to, but they’re pretty easy behavioral modi cations that folks will need to make and be thinking about to keep everyone safe,” said Short.
Check CyberBear to con rm class locations, then plan the best path there. Look at the course section details for which classes are in-person, remote, or hybrid, as instructors stay exible with plans.
Outside of class, plenty of places exist to relax or study while maintaining physical distance. With recon gured layouts, the University Center and the Mans eld Library are the best indoor spots to study (and get great WiFi). But, on one of the most scenic campuses in America, why stay inside when surrounded by beauty?
“The wonderful thing about where we live is that it doesn’t take very long, just minutes from campus, to be on the banks of the river y shing, or kayaking at Brennan’s Wave, or hiking on a number of local trails,” said Short. “Those opportunities are still there, and they’re great ways for students to connect.”
Dorm Life
Communication is key in setting healthy habits for cohabitation. The best rst step is to discuss pandemic plans with roommates to coordinate shared spaces and cleaning routines.
“Talking about and communicating expectations in advance is really important. We’re really asking them to become a shared partner with us in these methods because we want to be able to help everyone have a safe and healthy experience in the residence halls, and we can’t do that without their help,” said Sandy Curtis, director of UM Housing.
Dorm residents must wear masks when not in their rooms, limit exposure with others, not host visitors for two weeks, and follow distancing guidelines. Above all else, do not risk community health.
“We’re asking students to take a really good look, and if you’re not feeling well please stay home,” said Curtis. Students who are unwell should seek advice at Curry Health Center.
“Be empathetic towards others and be aware of the ways you’re interacting on campus to make sure that you’re not only protecting your health, but the health of everybody else in the community,” said Gregory. “We’re all resilient, we’ll all get through this together, but that’s my biggest ask — is to have empathy for those around you.”
Griz Life
The Grizzly Athletic schedule currently has football in the Washington-Grizzly Stadium this fall, volleyball in the Dahlberg Arena, soccer at the South Campus Stadium, and plans for Cross Country to run. But some major events, such as the Big Sky Conference and the Great Northwest Athletic Conference, have already delayed starting dates — and anything can change.
The most up-to-date information on Grizzly Athletics can be found at www.gogriz.com/COVID19FAQ, but the essential campus message is consistent.
“Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Social distance. Help slow the spread so we are able to have sporting events with fans in attendance,” said Brynn Molloy, associate athletic director of Grizzly Athletics.
It’s the consistent community of fans that makes the Griz world go ‘round. Whether supporting the Griz in person or online, the No. 1 fan favor is social media interaction.
“Griz Nation is what makes this place so special. We need our fans now, and we need our fans when things get back to whatever our new normal looks like. Our fan support is critical,” said Molloy. “Use #GoGriz on social media to help show the world how incredible this place and our fan base is.”
Athletics aside, many student groups and campus events will have an online presence this fall. Organizations such as Keep UM Connected and the Student Involvement Network are planning virtual events for socialization with digital distance.
“Our student engagement team here on campus is working hard on virtual events, outdoor events, and ways for people to build those connections even in a COVID-19 environment, ” said Short. “These are extraordinary circumstances, but they bring out innovation and creativity in our students, and I think that they will nd ways to connect, and we will help them to do that whenever we can.”
For current information on the University of Montana’s pandemic response, visit http://www.umt.edu/coronavirus
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