MSO March proof 2022

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presiDent Deborah Stapley-Graham

DevelopMent coorDinator Beth Woody

vice presiDent Bill Johnston

eDucation coorDinator Sylvia Allen Oman

treasurer Pri Fernando

special events anD proJects Deborah Woody

secretary Bill Johnston-Interim

liBrarian Suzanne Hartzell

past presiDent Jim Valeo

social MeDia coorDinator Olivia Adams

Directors Adam Collins, Deirdre Flaherty, Andrew George, Mark Haythornthwaite, Theresa Johnson, Robin Kendall, Vinnie Pavlish

BoX oFFice assistant Logan O’Connell

eXecutive Director Jo May Salonen Music Director Julia Tai chorale Director Dean Peterson Director oF operations Peter McKenzie patron services coorDinator Kirsten McGlynn

eMeritus BoarD oF Directors Tom Boone Robert Homer Caryl Klein Sophie Lambros Mora Payne Carol Seim John Talbot Marci Valeo

The Missoula Symphony Association is a member of the Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras and the League of American Orchestras.

The MSA is grateful to the following patrons for their generous gifts. Listed below are contributions of $50 or more within 12 months of February 1, 2022. We apologize for any omissions or errors. SEASON SPONSOR Good Food Store CONCERT SPONSORS Anonymous (3) Anonymous Chorale Member Dolores & George Bandow Blackfoot Communications Phyllis & Bill Bouchee Christian, Samson & Baskett, PLLP D.A. Davidson & Company DeMarois Buick-GMC-Mercedes First Security Bank

Deirdre Flaherty Garlington, Lohn & Robinson, PLLP Langel & Associates P.C. Merrill Lynch Missoula Bone & Joint Missoulian Muralt’s Travel Plaza NorthWestern Energy Kathy Ogren Payne West Insurance RBC Wealth Management Anne & Bruce Robertson S.G Long & Company our aMerican voices

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