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On Demand Workshops
"How To" Screen Printing Basics with Brian Garner Presenter(s): Brian Garner
Brian Garner hosts Speedball Art Products "How To" Screen Print video series which takes you step-by-step through the 3 methods of Screen Printing (cut paper stencil, screen filler/drawing fluid, and photo emulsion) including printing of the final image using each method.
"My Dungeon Shook & My Chains Fell Off" Presenter(s): Kathy J. Brown, Ph.D.
In three videos, we explore an introductory examination of antiBlackness, its manifestations in schooling and briefly review frameworks toward anti-racist pedagogy.
2020 Be A Seeker; Grants and Scholarships from the Texas Art Education Foundation Presenter(s): Tim Lowke
Join Tim Lowke, Texas Art Education Foundation Chairman, as he shares successful grant and scholarship tips for applications in the 2021 cycle. Learn how to fuel your work, professional learning and research with funding! For all funding seeker levels.
2020 YAM Meeting Presenter(s): Christine Grafe
An overview of the accomplishments of the past year, and a huge thank you to all the art teachers and administrators across the state who made it all happen!
Acrylic Color Mixing Presenter(s): Beth Wild
Red and blue can make purple! Using a limited palette to create a full spectrum of color. It is cost effective and in use at a number of universities and many high schools and taught at VASE. Students love it, and it works
Adaptive Art: Deconstructing Disability in the Art Classroom Presenter(s): Bette Naughton
Bette Naughton, author of Adaptive Art, shares strategies designed to aid students of all abilities in engaging successfully with art. Learn ways to adapt lessons and objectives, while managing the vast array of learning styles and needs of students in your classroom.
Advocacy: Making the Case for Art Education Presenter(s): Betsy Murphy
Overview of the importance of advocacy in art education. Included is detailed data about the educational and economic benefits of arts education along with some strategies and descriptions of existing advocacy initiatives. Details about Youth Art Month and Big Art Day activities are included.
All Things Drawing Presenter(s): Beth Wild
There are so many options when it comes to "drawing". Explore a wide variety of tools, pastels, charcoal and pencils, in all their varied forms. This will be very exploratory on your part, so come draw, be inspired & learn. This was VERY popular last year
AMACO Classroom & Distance Learning Presenter(s): Kathy Skaggs & Diana Faris
Overview of various clay projects and teaching resources available on-line via different platforms. Ready-to-use presentation materials include “Ceramics 1 & 2 Curriculum”, “Stages of Clay”, “No Kiln, No Problem- DIY Clay Animation”, “Become a Kiln Master” and numerous lesson plans and technique videos.
Artist of the Week Presenter(s): Julee Patterson
Learn how to introduce your students to multiple artists a year and engage them in a weekly assignment that allows students; to think about artists and their artwork on a deeper level, reinforce art terminology, and do it all using technology!
Arts Lead; A Fine Arts Leadership Experience Presenter(s): Tim Lowke
Do you have teachers that serve as department chairs or team leaders, but come without leadership skills? Find out how one district is building leadership capacity through a fine arts leadership training program. Great session for all supervisors!
Basic Elements of Sculpting Presenter(s): Audrey Lozano
Create a three-dimensional sculpture by using basic elements of sculpting like 'Rigid Wrap' plaster cloth, Air Dry Clay, wood and cardboard. This is an easy, creative and entertaining project for all levels.
Basket Weaving Presenter(s): Dani Anderson
How to bring basket weaving into your classroom
Beginning Portraiture - A Different Approach Presenter(s): Jami Bevans
Learn how to draw the various features of the face while using the length and width of an eye to gauge proportion.
BLICK Art Lesson Plans, Products & More! Presenter(s): Blick Art Materials
This virtual exhibit highlights Blick’s 15 new lesson plans and related art supplies in an artwork gallery to help inspire classroom experiences. Cohosted by Education Developers Julie Davis and Whitney Meredith, learn about the perfect products to spark creativity. Plus, watch for the special conference discount code in this video and more details on how to order.
Borderlands Informed Art + Teaching Practice Presenter(s): Christen Sperry García, Monica Gutierrez Padilla, Kassandra Leal, José Hernández, Maritzabel Salinas, Monica Varela, & Alexis Ramos
Employing Gloria Anzaldúa’s ideological site called nepantla, a Nahautl word that means existing inbetween two worlds, UTRGV undergraduate and graduate students present their visual and teaching practices.
Bright and Brilliant Batiks Presenter(s): Mikhaela Boyles
Batik is a traditional wax resist technique based in Southeast Asia, Egypt, and Africa. This process emphasizes its historical and cultural
context by creating patterns and designs onto fabric with wax and dye as works of art in the classroom!
Building a Community of Collaboration Presenter(s): Bobby Markle
In this workshop, our team of Caldwell arts educators and principal will talk about how to build relationships and alignment with core teachers through authentic arts integrated lessons that enhance the academic experiences. This will allow participants to bring back some concrete ideas to their campus leadership and core content peers to start a dialogue about the value of arts in the classroom.
Functional Cardboard Furniture Presenter(s): Christine Grafe
In this workshop we'll discuss materials, tips, and techniques for building furniture with cardboard and papier mache. It's a great way to engage your learners and develop higher order thinking skills while creating functional works of art!
Centers and Choice in Primary Art Rooms Presenter(s): Rachel Varney
This workshop is a glimpse into using centers in the primary grades. It is a method I have used with great success, to build knowledge of tools and techniques, encourage exploration and collaboration, and engage children in the process of art making. I've experimented and found wonderful ways to create meaningful learning experiences for primary students and would love to introduce you to the key to success with k/1.
Ceramic Whistle Presenter(s): Sara Schoborg
Introduction project to working with clay. How do you create pinch-pots, join clay together, and carve relief into ceramic work? With musical instruments we can inspire our art students.
Cloisonne iin the Classroom Presenter(s): Stacy Cianciulli
Learn how to create the beautiful and ancient art of CLOISONNE using ordinary classroom supplies. This project inspires pride in students while building dexterity and increasing their appreciation of old-world arts.
Crash Course in Classroom Management Presenter(s): Deborah Down
Take your classroom management to the next level with a crash course packed with ideas, tips, and strategies. Whether you are new to teaching, rusty from being in the virtual classroom for months, or wanting to improve your skills, you will immediately have ideas to implement in your classroom.
Creating Brave Spaces In the Art Studio Presenter(s): Kim Moncus
Why not combine everything we already are required to do (SEL, CLI, RC, AVID) and everything else we do (mindfulness) so that it will fit with my students and myself in a more meaningful way for us all. This is what I am sharing with you today! I can't wait! Let's share!
Creating with Cyanotype Presenter(s): Katelin Miller
Learn the magical alternative Photographic/Printmaking process of Cyanotype. Create stunning Cyan blue prints with anything from leaves, everyday objects, and photo negatives to your own India ink drawings!
Critical Hip-Hop Pedagogy in Art Education Presenter(s): Xiaoyuan Xian
This workshop introduces the hip-hop art curriculum in terms of its definition, historical inquiry, rationale, goal, and implication for art education. It aims to discuss how a hip-hop art curriculum as a pedagogical tool to inspire 21st century youth and develop their skills of critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. The conceptual foundation bases on the critical hip-hop pedagogy (CHHP). Four recommendations have been provided for the implementation and future development of the hip-hop art curriculum, including 1.school leader’s support 2.teacher autonomy 3.opportunities for in-service teachers to participate in local art programs 4. an evaluation of hip-hop art curriculum in high school setting. In conclusion, hip-hop art curriculum can build opportunities for students to develop their critical voices and free space for artistic expression and creativity. Critical consciousness, collaborative engagement, creativity, and communicative approaches are all key factors of the hip-hop instructional value to help 21st century learners share their opinions, develop their critical thinking, and share their authentic stories. Keywords: critical hip-hop pedagogy, art education, 21st century learning and innovation skills
Depicting Light and Shadows with Charcoal!! Presenter(s): Hailey Jo Gross
Texas Art Educators Association Conference 2020 Hello everyone and welcome to my video all about how to draw with lights and shadows with charcoal to create an abstract work of art with your students! I initially made this project to help my students understand and interpret abstract art making, experiment with charcoal, and decipher value differentiation across their entire composition! I hope you enjoy!!
Digital Portfolios with Google Sites Presenter(s): Shelby Klasel and Travis Oliver
Digital portfolios can be invaluable for students and teachers alike. Learn the in’s and out’s of using Google Sites to host your students’ portfolios. We’ll explain how to create and organize the sites but also how to introduce this as a lesson to your students.
Documenting The World Around You. Presenter(s): Varsha Tyagi
Lesson ideas and insights on Journaling to document artwork and creating observation Drawings and Paintings.
East Meets West: Create with Asian and Western Art Materials Presenter(s): Yasutomo
Loosen up, and create with Yasutomo products. Find new ways to use Sumi ink, rice paper, bamboo brushes, oils pastels, and watercolors to create mixed media compositions, and unique design elements.
Easy Cross Curriculum Origami Presenter(s): Beth Wild
Origami is an ancient art, it is full of history, it is iconic to Japanese Culture, it uses math and physics. We will provide links and ideas to include those subjects for your class. And you will learn the language of origami and learn 3 simples folds.
Fine Arts Friday –Collaboration Presenter(s): Kari Schiffman and Amanda Tabor
In March when schools went virtual, our school, Mahanay Elementary School in Alief ISD in Houston, Texas, created a weekly social media schedule for different topics to be presented each day. Fridays were designated as Fine Arts Friday, and this is where it all began. We presented fun mini activities that kids could do while at home, all the while reassuring them and being that friendly face amid all the uncertainty. Some weeks we collaborated, and others we went solo. One week while Amanda was teaching about instruments in Music, Kari had the kids make their own instruments during Art. Then that Friday, all the kids were invited to join a Zoom jam session to show off their instruments and play all together to music. As we began the 2021 school year, we kept up with the weekly activity and shared new lessons, like drawing what you see in your mind while you listen to a piece of music. We also celebrated International Dot Day with our traditional "Dot Day Parade" in a virtual video, along with learning and singing the Dot Song.
Folded Forms of Beauty: Modular Origami Presenter(s): Yasutomo
Learn how to create complex polyhedra designs, and patterns from simple folds to explore color, design, and math. The Sonobe unit folding technique allows for creative exploration by the number of units, and ways to assemble them. The fifteen minute workshop covers the basic folds, and some variations to try. Grab some paper and fold along!
Foundations and Intersections of Art Education and Art Therapy Presenter(s): Dr. Lisa Kay
Enjoy this pre-recorded session with author and expert Dr. Lisa Kay as she addresses art education’s historical influence on art therapy. During this session, you will discover the commonalities and differences between therapeutic art education and school art therapy, pertinent terms with an emphasis on real-world contexts, and specific prompts designed to spark hands-on art making for reflection.
Get Discovered with Behance and Adobe Portfolio! Presenter(s): Nancy Miller
Behance = visionary portfolio + social networking. Creatives of any discipline can showcase their goods, network and seek out inspiration. Level-up with Adobe Portfolio, the website application that simply and beautifully curates your Behance projects.
Instant Inspiration- Integrating Instagram in the Art Curriculum Presenter(s): Gabriela Flores
Come and learn how teachers can use Instagram in the art class. Inspire students to create art using challenges. Explore and connect with contemporary artists, all while students learn digital citizenship and 21st century skills.
International Connections for Educators: InSEA Presenter(s): Amanda Alexander
The International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) is the only worldwide organization for art educators. This presentation will guide art educators through InSEA's history, connections with UNESCO, mission, and how to become a member.
Katazome - Ancient Japanese Print Making Presenter(s): Shawn Knuckles
Instructional Video on Japanese Resist Paste and Indigo Dye Baths
Keynote Bart Mixon Presenter(s): Bart Mixon
“Come learn about my artistic journey as I navigated various jobs until landing in California as a make-up artist/ effects artist for some really fun and exciting film projects.”
Klimt Kids with Chroma Molten Metals Presenter(s): Jennifer VonStein
Students create a figurative painting inspired by the works of Gustav Klimt. This project provides students with the opportunity to reflect on and discuss the Art Nouveau movement as well as learn about the artistic process by studying Klimt’s “unfinished” work, Ria Munk III, as well as paintings from his "Gold Period." Using Klimt’s portraits as inspiration, students will create a portrait or self-portrait that uses personal symbols for patterns while using metallic and glitter paint to replicate Klimt’s Gold Period paintings. Sign up to get the lesson plan! https://mailchi.mp/337a269b99ea/08d4 qyit68.
Let There be Light Presenter(s): Vicki Guess
A fun STEAM project that combines ART and SCIENCE. Students learn how to create a parallel circuit to power LEDs and add it to a work of art to enhance the art.
Make Art then Make Art Move: Transformative Experiences with Transdigital Art
Presenter(s): Tricia Fuglestad
The transdigital approach to art education blends the creation of artwork across physical and digital spaces in transformative ways. See how a media-rich, hands-on program engages students in the classroom and beyond. This presentation will highlight key ways in which teachers can transform their educational practices by engaging students in learning through connecting physical and digital spaces while students create, connect, respond, and present transdigital artwork. See dozens of examples of transdigital lessons implemented in my K-5 art program with adaptations to fit your grade level or curricular goals. All 280+ of my STEAM art lessons, resources, student examples, and implementation notes are available on My blog indexed here: https://www.smore.com/tgcne.
Making Your Mark with Gelli Plates Presenter(s): Gretchen Bell
Participants will learn various printmaking techniques while using Gelli Plates, use skills learned to teach
students or incorporate into personal artmaking processes, and share creations and additional tips with other art educators.
Amaco Matisse Underglaze Applique Presenter(s): Kathy Skaggs & Diana Faris
Using Matisse as inspiration, this project demonstrates how to create and cut sheets of underglaze newsprint to applique colorful designs onto a slab of clay.
Video demonstration includes application of underglaze to newsprint sheets, and the cutting and designing of applique composition. Tips include how to successfully transfer images to clay slabs. Presenter could be available for Q&A preceding the presentation.
Matting for Competition Presenter(s): Jami Bevans
Learn the basics of how to cut a mat, how to assemble the mat and artwork and how to add a coversheet.
MCAD Graphic Design: TIMELINE Presenter(s): Kris Musto
Graphic and web design ideas for your high school classroom! Learn through assignments and language used in MCAD's online Master of Arts degree.
MCAD Sustainable Design: BIOMIMICRY Presenter(s): Kris Musto
Sustainable design ideas for your high school classroom! Learn through assignments and language used in MCAD's online Master of Arts degree.
Metamorphic ASL Presenter(s): Stephanie McPherson
Want to incorporate hand signs into your curriculum and create diversity in your classroom. Look no further. Teaching kids how to draw hands isn't hard when you are making them change into words/objects.
Monet's Japanese Bridge Presenter(s): Mary Reilly
Claude Monet is credited with being the father of Impressionism. He was a prolific painter. His beloved garden and water lily pond in Giverny, France was the subject of many of his landscape paintings. This lesson plan uses one of his Japanese bridge paintings as a starting point to dig deeper into the composition of landscape painting focusing on background, middle ground and foreground. Mr. Sketch scented crayons, gel crayons and markers were used to create the different planes in this project.
Montessori and Art Presenter(s): Kelsey-Rae Robinson
What is Montessori Education? And how does it relate to Art? A look into a different style of teaching and giving students choice in the art room.
Online Art Education Materials from Davis Publications Presenter(s): Curtis Reid
Kristi Oliver, Professional Development Manger of Davis Publications, conducts a casual conversation with Julian Wade, President and Publisher of Davis and SchoolArts magazine. Get answers to frequently asked questions from educators in the field and discover the many resources available for free on DavisArt.com.
Quilling Made Easy Presenter(s): Maureen Doebbler
Quilling is easy and satisfying! Using hand eye coordination, it starts with rolling a strip of paper into a coil; then pinching the coil into shapes that can be glued together. It's a great skill to teach beginning Sculpture students; or any level art student.
Radial Printmaking Presenter(s): Catherine Brown
Create a Radial Print in a Pop up Printmaking center. Adapt to a large classroom, TAB classroom or small classroom for small group work. Can be adjusted from Elementary up or simplified for younger students.
Recyclops Monster Head Sculptures Presenter(s): Keisha Casiano
Learn how to master in plaster! We will create Monster heads using recycle good like cardboard and milk jugs. An activity that encompasses skill 5th and even middle school for all your learners. We will create sculpture that push the idea of materials.
Region 8 Meeting Presenter(s): debbie nicholas
Information for the teachers in Region 8.
Resin Epoxy Creating with a New Twist Presenter(s): Robbyne Teel
Want a fun way to engage the students and create works of art that has depth? Then resin epoxy is for you! The multitude of ways that you can incorporate resin into art is unlimited. I will be showing you how I use the CCDIY Fast Set by Counter Culture, this resin sets up to a semi hard state in just 4 hours. I will also be showing how silicone molds can be used and a project with a small canvas. I can't wait to see what all you create, so please upload images to the padlet link.
Science in the art room with Magic Metallics Presenter(s): Bre Kathman
Bring the magic of science into your art room with this printmaking lesson. Using materials easily found at home combined with Magic Metallics and acrylics, your students will be able to create their own unique prints inspired by nature. Students will have the opportunity to connect STEM & Art by exploring the effects of oxidation on metal particles, experiencing the color changing ---------magic right before their eyes. This workshop will provide you with all of the information you need to bring this cross-curricular, hands-on lesson into your classroom. This technique is great for grades 3-12.
Self-Care for Art Teachers: The Visual Notes Project Presenter(s): Dr. Lisa Kay
Now is the perfect time to focus on how to practice self-care during a tumultuous time. Spend an hour with Dr. Lisa Kay, renowned expert in art education and art therapy, for a handson making session. Bring a sketchbook, or a small piece of paper (4" x 6" works well), and your favorite art materials to participate in the project while learning about therapeutic approaches in art education with a focus on teacher selfcare.
Sketch It! Teaching Drawing for New Art Educators Presenter(s): Lucy Bartholomee
This session is designed for educators in the first two years of teaching as well as pre-service and student teachers. Learning to draw is often a primary goal for young students. Discover teaching strategies using traditional and innovative drawing strategies, creative play and drawing routines to get your students from the sketchbook to the gallery wall. Teachers will leave with a wide range of strategies to take back to their physical and digital classrooms.
Surreal Hollow Clay Self-Portrait Presenter(s): Kathie Walker-Millar
During the lock-down, I changed my self-portrait assignment to one they could do at home with a sketchbook, a rolling pin, 2 pounds of clay, a knife, a wire tool and a needle tool.
Symbolism and Collaboration in a Time of Disconnect Presenter(s): Heather Butler
Supporting SEL strategies and collaborative learning online and in person. Students learn about the importance of symbolism in contemporary art and design. They then build a collaborative installation. This workshop is built around the ideas of a contemporary artist in Austin, Texas, Beili Liu.
Tape Art for Healing: Artist Talk Presenter(s): Michael Townsend and Leah Smith
Enjoy this artist talk followed by a question-and-answer period with renowned tape artists Leah Smith and Michael Townsend. Leah and Michael discuss the application of Tape Art® in their healing arts practice. This session includes examples of their memorial work and disaster response work as well as a deeper dive into Tape Art® as a medium for transforming schools and the people within them. Techniques for using PiktoTape™, the world’s first drawing tape, are discussed in the detailed question-and-answer time at the end.
Thaumatrope - A Vctorian Toy for 3rd - 12th Presenter(s): Kim Temple
Thaumatrope - A Victorian Toy (3rd - 12th grades); jumpstarts students understanding of both optical illusion and animation. Fun toy!
The Mindful Studio: Artful Approaches for Teachers and Students Presenter(s): Kristi Oliver and Jane Dalton
Enjoy an hour in the Mindful Studio. In this session, Jane Dalton and Kristi Oliver provide purposeful experiences to enhance self-awareness by participating in mindful making without judgment to strengthen imagination and enhance the creative process. Following a discussion of theory and background, they will walk us through body scanning and anchor breath techniques often used in mindfulness practice to help soften, settle, and calm both the body and mind. Techniques we can use more of right now! Bring your favorite art material and a piece of paper.
The Phantasmagoric World of Ordinary Things Presenter(s): Rebecca Bridges and Mary K Huff
This workshop is based on the exhibition "David McManaway: Cult of the Unknown" at the Grace Museum in Abilene, Texas. Found objects - corks, keys, bottle caps, anything really can be used to create a work of art. Participants will create an assemblage using found objects while incorporating art elements and principles. This activity can easily be adapted to any grade level.
The Word Collector Presenter(s): Yvonne Lopez-Taylor
In this make and take session, inspired by children’s literature, words leave the pages to become art. Learn how to fuse language arts and visual arts while connecting to your students. Students will love working together to create individual pieces.
Tips & Techniques for Exciting Watercolor Pencil Art Presenter(s): Kathi Hanson
Join Kathi Hanson as she shares her Signature Watercolor Pencil Techniques for creating exciting watercolor art. Learn how to create unique texture patterns using common household items; how to create a paper palette for wet on wet paint washes; grate and manipulate pigment particles for instant depth within an area, etc. The results are amazing!
Tips for Safe Kiln Firings Presenter(s): Jim Skutt
Jim Skutt walks you through all the ins and outs of safely firing your kiln. Jim has years of experience and will give you helpful insights into everything from evaluating your kiln room to unloading the kiln. Even teachers who have never fired a kiln will come away confident and ready for that first firing.
Tricia Fuglestad Keynote Presentation Presenter(s): Tricia Fuglestad
As your keynote, I will give you a glimpse into one a lesson that started out great, ended up not quite what I was expecting but evolved into an exciting lesson in augmented reality. Come hear all about my journey in developing a lesson in emotions from beginning to end.
United Art & Education 2020 Project Guide Demonstration Presenter(s): Jennifer Deaton
Come find some inspiration for your art room! Watch all 10 exclusive projects and featured in our 2020 Project Guide being demonstrated. Includes art history, cross-curricular and general art fun ideas! Full demonstrations of all 10 projects, materials list and resources to view the videos anytime!
UNT College of Visual Arts and Design Recruitment Presenter(s): Leandra Pope
The discussion will include Admission requirements, CVAD degree programs, and new building updates.
Upper Elementary Stuffies Presenter(s): Lynisa Ross
Students around the world are being thrown into a world of technology, more than ever before. Before COVID-19 there had been a concern in which students lacked fine motor skills due to technology and now more than ever, these skills are important for us as art teachers to share. Incoming surgery students could not sew a basic suture due to the lack of fine motor skills. After reading this article, I felt that I needed to incorporate sewing into my classroom was necessary. My art students designed and sewed their own stuffy. This project has turned into a "legendary" project at our school that 4th graders feel like they have earned and cannot wait to do. I do feel like this lesson could be adapted and used in secondary classrooms as well. Come watch and learn how you can use sewing to have a great lesson filled with skill, creativity, and engagement in your classroom
Van Gogh and I Presenter(s): Tania Viveros Vargas
Re-creating a representational Sunflowers art by Vincent Van Gogh
VASE 2021 Online Event Procedural Update Presenter(s): Chris Cooper
Teachers, administrators, jurors, and qualifiers can learn more details about the changes involved with having all VASE Events be virtual for 2021. Watch this series of videos to prepare yourself and your students.
Watercolor Theory and Skin Tones: Presenter(s): Brady Sloane
This workshop will give you the tools to offer your students control over how to mix colors and create colors found in nature--from an 8 color watercolor palette. We will discuss chart making and swatch painting as well as skin tone creation for beginners. Hands on.
What About Me - Thwarting Compassion Fatigue and Teacher Burnout Presenter(s): Tiffany Frohm
You deserve to be cared for, which means you have to stop putting everyone else first. During this time of change and unprecedented challenges, learn about compassion fatigue, what signs to watch for, and what you can do to thwart the effects in your life.
Who is that Creative You?" Presenter(s): Lucy Bartholomee
Artist-Educators are invited to actively engage with the practices and perspectives of creativity through hands-on making and reflecting activities. Art educator colleagues have expressed to me in conversation and in professional workshops the struggle to maintain their personal creative practice while teaching. Even greater numbers of art educators express a desire see more creativity coming from their students. This workshop will provide a chance to learn and reflect, to be creatively nourished, and to embark upon open ended quests that can rekindle and focus creative productivity.
Why Acrylic Gels are Cool Presenter(s): Beth Wild
One of the advantages of acrylics is the variety of textures and surfaces that can be achieve. Learn by using them to achieve different effects. This is a very popular workshop and now with a whole array of gels. Gels are the secret in acrylic painting

Why Art? Presenter(s): Jenny Stadler and Christopher White
Why is art important? What skills do students learn in an art classroom that they carry into their careers? These two testimonials show how art helps Jenny Stadler and Christopher White daily with their perspective jobs.