•curriculum and lessons,
• SchoolArts magazine,
• professional development,
• Davis Digital,
•Davis Art Images,
•and more!
Davis’ print and digital instructional materials provide all the resources you need to support the processes of creating, connecting, presenting, and responding.
. Explore flexible and relevant resources art educators rely on to support their learners. Davis offers:
The Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) promotes quality visual arts education.
TAEA’s vision is achieved by:
Advocating visual arts education as an integral part of a balanced curriculum
Establishing quality art education through standards-based programs
Researching, developing, directing, and publishing best practices in visual arts education
Advancing knowledge and skills through professional developmen t
Serving as a voice for art educators in Texas
Providing members with service and leadership opportunities
Endorsing the placement of highly qualified art educators
Mentoring the next generation of art educators
Conference Schedule 2024 Moody Gardens – Galveston
See Experiences Institutes/Tours later in the document for their schedules
8:00am‐4:00pm Commercial Exhibitors Move‐in EXPO B/C
8:00am‐7:00pm Local Student Exhibition Expo Walkway
8:30am‐3:00pm Council‐at‐Large Expo A1/A2
7:00am‐9:00pm Registration South Foyer
2:00pm‐7:00pm Workshops Breakout
4:00pm‐7:00pm Janet Fox Legacy Library Expo B/C
4:00pm‐8:00pm Visual Art Administrators of Texas Meeting Expo A1/A2
4:00pm‐7:00pm Commercial Exhibits Open Expo B/C
4:00pm‐7:00pm Conference T‐Shirt Sales
4:00pm‐7:00pm VASE Gold Seal Exhibition
South Foyer
Expo B/C
7:30pm‐10:00pm Thursday Make and Take Event South Lobby
7:00am‐7:00pm Registration
South Foyer
7:00am‐7:00pm Local Student Exhibition Expo Walkway
8:00am‐12:00pm Directors of VASE Meeting Expo A1
8:00am‐2:00pm Workshops Breakout Rooms
8:00am‐2:00pm Conference T‐Shirt Sales South Foyer
9:00am‐2:00pm Commercial Exhibits Open
9:00am‐2:00pm Exhibit Hall Workshops
9:00am‐2:00pm VASE Gold Seal Exhibition
Expo B/C
Expo B/C
Expo B/C
9:00am‐2:00pm Walk‐Up Workshops Multi Locations
9:00am‐2:00pm Janet Fox/Fellows Legacy Library
Expo B/C
10:00am‐5:00pm Art Cars on Display Breezeway
Moody Ballroom Awards Presentation, District of Distinction and Keynote Reginald Adams
Expo B/C
Expo B/C
5:00pm‐6:30pm Inside the Studio –Reginald Adams Salon F
4:00pm‐7:00pm Conference T‐Shirt Sales
4:00pm‐7:00pm Janet Fox/Fellows Legacy Library
4:00pm‐7:00pm VASE Gold Seal Exhibition
4:00pm‐7:00pm Workshops
7:30pm‐ 9:30pm Artisan’s Market
South Foyer
Expo B/C
Expo B/C
Multi Locations
Rainforest Pyramid
TEXAS ART EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Conference Schedule 2024 (cont’d) Moody Gardens ‐ Galveston
7:00am‐8:00am YOUTH ART MONTH Meeting
8:00am‐2:00pm Registration
8:00am‐9:00am Division Meetings Open to all
8:00am‐1:00pm Local Student Exhibit
8:00am ‐6:00pm Workshops
9:00 am‐2:00pm Commercial Exhibits Open
9:00am‐2:00pm Exhibit Hall Workshops
9:00am‐1:00pm VASE Gold Seal Exhibition
9:00am‐1:00pm Conference T‐Shirt Sales
9:00am‐2:00pm Walk‐Up Workshops
Expo A1
South Foyer
Multi Locations
Expo Walkway
Breakout Rooms
Expo B/C
Expo B/C
Expo B/C
South Foyer
Multi Locations
12:00am‐2:00pm Fellows Business Meeting Salon A
10:00am‐2:00pm Janet Fox/Fellows Legacy Library
Expo B/C
Moody Ballroom Fellows Induction and Keynote Speaker David Maldonado
4:30pm‐6:30pm Inside the Studio‐David Maldonado
4:00pm‐5: 00pm Pick‐up Local Show
4:00pm‐6:00pm Workshops
Salon F
Expo Walkway
Breakout Rooms
Don’t miss out on the many exciting exhibits at this year’s TAEA Conference! Choose from exhibitors that cover all mediums and educational levels. Our Exhibitors Showcase (Friday, 4:00-5:00 PM) is a great way to relax and visit individual exhibitors without being pressed for time in the Exhibit Hall. This unique experience enables you to talk to exhibitors about techniques, ideas and available products.
Alleviate LLC
Armadillo Clay & Supply
Art & Soul
ARTB Activities
Blick Art Materials
Carpenter-Wild Associates
Ceramic Store of Houston LLC
College for Creative Studies
Davis Publications
Denton Art Girls
Do Rad Things
Gelli Arts
General Pencil
Jack Richeson & Co. Inc.
Laguna Clay & Glaze
Laguna College of Art & Design
L&L Kiln MFG., INC.
Legacy Library
Majeza Jewelry Cleaner
Mayco Colors
MC Art Supplies
MD Enterprises Pro Panels
Minneapolis College of Art & Design
Montserrat College of Art
Nidec -Shimpo America Corporation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Royal & Langnickel Brush
Savannah College of Art and Design
School Specialty Sax
Skutt Ceramic Products
Spectrum Glazes
Standard Clay Co.
Stephen F. Austin State University
TAB Electric
TAEA Headquarters
Take Care of Texas
Texas A&M Engineering, Spark!
Texas A&M University – Commerce
Texas State University
Texas Tech University School of Art
The Art of Education University
Third Coast Clay
U of H Clear Lake
United Art & Education
University of Texas at San Antonio
UNT College of Visual Arts & Design
Wacom for Education
VASE – TAEA Membership & Programs
YAM – TAEA Membership & Programs
Click on https://www.taea.org/TAEA/conference.asp and then click on the Workshop Schedule link for a full list of the tentative workshop schedule. Please note that updates to the schedule can occur up to the time of the conference. Check on the TAEA Conference App when available for schedule updates during conference.
Conference fees for TAEA members are shown below. You must be a current member or guest to attend. You can join or renew at taea.org. Note fees shown below do not include the cost for any additional Experience Institutes and Tours you may register
(1)Includes 3 memberships and 1 conference fee.
(2)Pre-Service Students are required to volunteer for two hours of service while attending. Contact Chelsi Johnston (cjohns17@springisd.org 346-812-4071) to sign up for a time.
(3)This is separate registration and does not include access to the rest of conference.
You can also register by mail. Click on conference registration and select print out registration form.
If you are paying by Purchase Order or check, please plan to do so early to take into account the time required for your district to process your request. If you are sending in a paper registration, only send in the last page. Don’t forget to select any ticketed workshops, experience institutes and tours. Registration via purchase order or check must be mailed in.
If needed, a sample letter to your administrator is available at https://www.taea.org/TAEA/conference.asp
If registering online, you are only allowed to select 2 ticketed workshops to allow late registrants a chance to participate in them as well. Note that the ticketed workshops are only a subset of the workshops available to attend. There are over 200 workshops to choose from.
Replicate iconic works of art with Stroke & Coat® and Jungle Gems™, the industry’s most vibrant glazes! Fun for students of all ages, Jungle Gems™ contain small crystals which bloom during the firing process, while Stroke & Coat® adds bold contrast. Use for all-over coverage or design work on earthenware, terracotta, or stoneware surfaces of clay or bisque and fire from cones 06 to 6. Visit MaycoColors.com for lesson plans.
(seedetailsonthefollowingpages) TIMEOFEVENT
*LEAVEANDRETURNtimesreflectwhenbusloadsattheMoodyGardensConventionCenterandloadstoreturn. ApproximatereturntimetotheConventionCenterisinparentheses.Usethesetimeswhencreatingyourschedule.
TakingthebusforaTourorExperienceInstitute?Gettothebusdeparturelocationatthe ConventionCenteratleast15minutesbeforethedeparturetimesshownabove.If travellingonyourown,usethedeparturetimeasthelatesttimetodepartfromthe conventioncenter.Whenplanningyourworkshopscheduleincludethetimetoloadand toreturntoavoidoverlaps.
(1)NoFee. NeedtoregistertobepartofTour (2)Noregistrationrequired. Pay$30atdoororonline.
Thursday, November 14, 2024 Time Experience
10:30am Tour
Houston Center for ContemporaryCraft Houston Lindsey Ripply VADirector Spring Branch (281)217-1770
Ticketed Event No fee
No transportation offered Limit 20 per tour
Before you drive downtoGalveston for the conference, stop in Houston, to explore an incredible art museum!Take an exclusive tour ofThe Houston Center of ContemporaryCraft, engage in a custom art activity, and receive resources you can use in theclassroom.
Transportation will not be provided byTAEAfor this excursion.
Parking is free at HCCC.
Additional information about this excursion will be provided to attendees via email.
Bring your sketchbook! Time Experience
1:30pm-3:30pm Museum of FineArts HoustonHouston
Ticketed Event
Fee: $15
60 Maximum participants No transportation offered
Before you drive downtoGalveston for the conference, stop in Houston, to exploreThe Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Enjoy an exclusive tour, create a custom art activity, and receive resources you canuse in the classroom.The excursion should finish in time to get back on the island for moreTAEAConference adventures!
Transportation will not be provided byTAEAfor this excursion.
Parking fees for the MFAH will be validated at themuseum.
Additional information about this excursion will be provided to attendees via email.
Bring your sketchbook!
10:00am-5:00pm Johnson Space Center Clear Lake
Ticket at the door
Tickets start at $30
No transportation offered Unlimited number of guests
Visit Space Center Houston 1601 E NASA Parkway, Houston, TX 77058
Hours 10am -5pm
Stop on your drivein from Houston. It’s out of this world!
10:00am-8:00pm The Infinite
None Ticketed Event
Silver Street Studios At Sawyer Yards 2000 Edwards St. Houston
$30 Fee (purchase tickets online) No transportation offered Unlimitedparticipants
Michael C. Miller, CA Executive Director mmiller@rosenberg-library.org Museum: (409)763-8854 ext 114 Rachel Hooper (409)763-8854 ext 125
MISSIONS Virtual Reality (approx.1 hour) 360-degree 3D experience. Step intothe extraordinaryworld of Space Explorers: TheInfinite inspired by NASA missions and join the esteemed few who have experienced space firsthand. Through the transformative lens of immersive VR, you'll be transported 250miles above Earth into the International Space Station. This voyage offersmorethan just mereobservation; it immerses you in the essence of space exploration without ever leaving the ground. This venue is attached to art gallery and studios; Silver Street Studios, an artsand events complex with 68 workspaces, which are home to over 80 artists and creative entrepreneurs. Free parking.
Galveston 2310 SealyAve, Galveston
Ticketed Event Fee: $20
Transportation provided Limit15
Michael C. Miller, CA Executive Director mmiller@rosenberg-library.org Museum: (409)763-8854 ext 114
Rachel Hooper (409)763-8854 ext 125
Located at 2310 Sealy, Rosenberg Library is the only public library on Galveston Island and is theoldest continuously run library in the state of Texas. The RosenbergLibrary architecture is a blend of two eras. The original building was finished and dedicated on June 22, 1904, the birthday of its patron, Henry Rosenberg. The library Museum maintains andexhibits artifacts that document the history of Galveston and the Republic of Texas, as well as the library’s fine art collection. This will be a privatetour group for TAEA participants. Look forward to taking a tour, exploring the behind-the-scenes art storage room and participating in atalk on how to use works of art to deepen student’s understanding of history. Snacks will be provided for participants for the trip.
Ticketed Event Fee: $ 20
Transportation provided Limit 30
Tour the building and several working artist’s studios. Originally built as an opera house in 1870, the building enjoyed a glamourous but brief reign as Galveston's cultural centerpiece.This important landmark has now been reborn as the National HotelArtist Lofts, featuring 27 units of affordable live/workspace for creatives and their families and ground-floor commercial space. The project has played a key role in the renaissance of the Strand, a National Historic Landmark District withmany Victorian-era buildings, which has become a major tourist attraction. Sip on a special libation deal in the Proletariat, while viewing the latest exhibit.
Time Experience Location Contact
8:00pm-10:00pm Astronaut Mixer Moody Gardens
Ticketed Event Fee: $25 (included 1drink ticket) Onsite Limit 60
Join in with other art teachers as you mingle and converse with NASAastronauts. Hear their stories and learn about their experiences as astronauts as they learn what it is like tobe an art teacher.
FRIDAY, November 15, 2024
9:00am-11:30am UTMBAnatomy Lab UTMB, Galveston Joan Finn (409)739-8920
Ticketed Event Fee: $35
Transportation provided Limit 25
“The Body Beautiful” Instructor: MarkGreenwalt
This experience is a unique opportunity to draw from The University of Texas Medical Branch’s collection of anatomical specimens, models, and cadavers. *This experience operates in the tradition of scientific and artistic confluence; its goal is to cultivate artistic and observational skills through intimate interaction with the collection in a small class setting.
9:00am-11:30am Ceramics Studio Galveston College
Ticketed Event Fee: $35
Transportation provided Limit 20
Amanda Barry Jones (409)351-1523 Email: ajones@gc.edu
Mason stain transfers Galveston College instructor,Amanda Berry Jones will lead participants in setting up a transfer lesson using technologyand studio practice.Teachers will complete a transfer to take home with them.
10:00am – 11:30am CemeteryTour
Ticketed Event Fee: $40
Transportation Provided Limit 40
Kathleen Maca kmaca@swebell.net (281)935-7141
HISTORICTRINITYCEMETERY TOUR withthe author of ‘Galveston’s Broadway Cemeteries‘ as featured on Texas Country Reporter, Texas Chronicles, KPRC News &moreWalk the cemetery and learn about Victorian age symbolism, sculpture and art.
Ticketed Event Fee: $85
Transportation is provided Limit 16
Join artist and fellow educator, Shauna Marie, and learn to paint withmelted wax! Leave this workshop with two of your very own encaustic works of art on wood! In this specialty workshop, you'll be incorporating several mediums such as paints, pastels, tissuepapers, Shiva oil sticks and even photography. We will discuss a multitude of techniques to create beautifully layered compositions. ALL supplies included, *but you are welcome to bring more. We will discuss the historical significance behind this versatilemedium, the costs of getting started with this medium andways toincorporate it into your classroom while staying on budget. You will leave this workshop with one 8x10" and one 5x5" encaustic works of art on wood panels. *Other items participants may want to bring are: apron and disposable gloves.
9:00pm – 10:30pm GHOST TOURS
Kathleen Maca kmaca@swebell.net (281)935-7141
Ticketed Event Fee: $40 Transportation provided Limit 25
OFFICIAL ‘GHOSTSOF GALVESTON’ STRANDTOUR withthe author of ‘Ghosts of Galveston‘ as featured in TexasMonthly, Texas Highways,Authentic Texas Magazine and on Ghost Brothers TV
Saturday, November 16, 2024
11:00am-12:45pm “Painting Live HAWKSand OWLS” On-site, Ivy 1
Ticketed Event Fee: $15 On-site Limit 30
MaryAnn @ Wild Bird Adventures
MaryAnn Morris Eaglesandowls.816@gmail.com 37326 FM 2979, Hempstead, Tx 77445 (832)545-3582
Painting LIVE owls andHawks on canvas! LIVE observation about bird art, feather details, and composition.
9:30am-1:00pm Artist Boat
Coastal Hertitage Preserve Settegast Road
Ticketed Event Fee: $50
Transportation provided Limit 25
Karla Klay, Director Amy Neblett (409)682-0791
From serviceto Science! Participants will spend time instewardship, planting grasses on the prairie, then take a walking tour of the bayside property journaling, birding, and slowing down for a watercolor at the water’s edge. Journals will be provided.
Time Experience Location Contact
10:00am-12:00pm “Teaching Ceramics 101” Galveston College George Bowes
Ticketed Event Fee: $35
Transportation will be provided Limit 20
College of the Mainland instructor, George Bowles will lead participants ina how toteach ceramics workshop. Participants will create atile to take with them.
9:00am-12:00pm PAINTER’S Studio Galveston College Instructor:Ann Wood
Ticketed Event Fee: $35
Transportation Provided Limit 20
Spend time paintingin a master’s studio. Renowned artistAnn Wood will share her teaching expertiseand lead participants thru a series of painting techniques useful for the classroom, specifically using hand stitching and embroidery to embellish the painting plane.
9:00am-12:00pm “Life Drawing” GalvestonArts CenterEducation Director: Megan Hjorth(903) 805-3690 Director:Teresa (361)946-3383
Ticketed Event Fee: $35
Transportation provided Limit 24
Session begins with the model taking a series of short, dynamic poses or “gestures” for up to 2 minutes each, followed by progressivelylonger poses up to 50 minutes, sometimes incorporating furniture and/or props.Focus is on the study of the human figurein its natural state; models typically pose nude or, occasionally, semiclothed/draped.
10:00am-11:30am The Bryan Museum 1315 21st Street Galveston,Tx 77550
Ticketed Event Fee: $25
Transportation provided Limit20
Meg Tucker Program Manager meg@thebryanmuseum.org (409)632-7687
Cometo The Bryan Museum for a close-up and hands-on look at the Museum's collection. Museum staffwill lead educators as they exploreTexas history through theeyes of the artists who documented it. The tourwill include time in the galleries aswell as a special behind-the-scenes look at artwork from the museum's vault. The program will include art viewing and discussion strategies, and cross curricular activities utilizing the Museum's collection and its online resources.Artists whose work is on view in the collection include Tom Lea, Jose Cisneros,Andy Warhol, the Onderdonks, Jean Gentilz and many others. Time
10:00am-12:00pm “Get your Mardi Gras On….” Hotel Lucine, Seawall, Galveston
Ticketed Event Fee: $60
Transportation provided Limit 24
Megan Maberry (409)443-9251
The fabulous Megan Maberry, of Hurricane Headdress brings it again with this workshop. “GetYour Mardi GrasOn” is your opportunity tocreate a spectacular headpiece for the next Mardi Gras celebration.The workshop will take place at the Hotel Lucine on the Seawall.All supplies are provided.
Purchase tickets for a chance to win a
Tickets sold throughout the conference and the winner will be announced at the Saturday General Session. You must be present to win. All proceeds with go to our TAEF Program - Texas Art Education Foundation.
How would you like to attend a workshop while walking about the conference? Do you like games? Are you a bingo fan? Are you observant? Then we have a workshop for you, Find a Fellow Bingo! The Distinguished Fellows will again be sponsoring this interactive walk-about workshop. To participate, you will add this workshop to your registration. The fee of $5.00 includes a Find a Fellow Workshop bingo card. The $5.00 fee will go to The Fellows scholarship fund. A completed card will be drawn for the opportunity for a $250 teacher scholarship! As you are walking through out the conference, be on the lookout for the crazy hats and match hats to your card. In addition, each Fellow will prov ide you with a classroom teaching tip to help you master your skills!
As art educators, we’re always looking for ways to support each other and help spread the message of the importance of art and design in the classroom and in the world. Below are several opportunities for art teachers to explore for their own personal development, in addition to free classroom resources.
» MA in Art Education
» Free prerecorded workshops for your classroom
» In-person or virtual classroom visits
» Portfolio reviews
» High school and middle school career presentations
» Scholarship opportunities for your students
Scan to Request a CCS Presentation & School Visit
Learn more at ccsdetroit.edu/admissions/art-educators-counselors, or contact our Office of Admissions at 313.664.7425.
Linh Nguyen 1925 Caddo Village Rd. Arlington, TX 76001 817-714-7696 lnguyen@aisd.net
President Elect
Sandra Newton 3627 Whispering Brook Dr Kingwood, TX 77345 281-684-7812 ssnewton@humbleisd.net
Vice-President Membership
Myron Stenne� 5820 Mandarin Ln Sachse, TX 75048 214-450-6141 myron.stenne�@risd.org
Vice-President Elect
Maureen Doebbler 1220 Wyoming Street #102 San Antonio, TX 78203 210-837-9613 moetx911@gmail.com
Vice-President Youth Art Month
Angela Coffey 310 James Loop Killeen, TX 76542 713-594-1495 acoffey@libertyhill.txed.net
Vice-President Elect Youth Art Month
Amber Forgey 9915 Li�le Creek Circle DRIPPING SPRINGS, TX 78620 512-507-4742 amber.forgey@pisd.edu
Secretary Brady Sloane-Duncan PO Box 3302 Abilene, TX 79604 325-864-3008
jaye.nicholssloane@abileneis d.org
Treasurer Ma�hew Wright 5807 66th Street, Apt. 2812 Lubbock, TX 79424 812-453-3384 ma�hew.wright@lubbockisd. org
Execu�ve Director
Sara Chapman 28335 Buffalo Fork Lane Katy, TX 77494 281-923-8886 chapmansara43@gmail.com
Commercial Exhibits Director
Ricia Kerber 914 Delesandri Kemah, TX 77565 281-957-9138 rkerber59@comcast.net
Elementary Division
Keahi Brown
19314 Gale Meadow Dr. Pflugerville, TX 78660 210-632-7163 brownke@georgetownisd.org
Elementary Division Elect
Julie Gallow 2811 Silver Falls Dr. Kingwood, TX 77339 713-838-5892
Middle School Jr High Division
Robbyne Teel 4200 Crestgate Ave Midland, TX 79707 432-889-7797 robbyne.teel@midlandisd.net
Middle School Jr High Division Elect
Leanne Rainey 6075 Independence Pkwy Frisco, TX 75035 972-741-2579 raineyle@friscoisd.org
High School Division
Hailey Jo Williams 22547 Red Pine Drive Houston, TX 77375 515-360-7450 hjwilliams@aldineisd.org
High School Division Elect
Ambra Hernandez 12731 Gruene Pass San Antonio, TX 78253 210-722-4946 vasedirector20west@gmail.com
Higher Educa�on Division Elect
David Moya 10013 Hidden Falls Dr. Pearland, TX 77584 214-300-9152 disciple.moya@gmail.com
Museum Division
Kathryn Mitchell 102 Cypress St Abilene, TX 79601 325-668-8762 educator@thegracemuseum.org
Museum Division Elect
Thuy Garcia 1307 Terra Co�a St Odessa, TX 79765 432-924-8025 thuy.garcia1307@gmail.com
Visual Arts Administrators of Texas Division Nealy Holley 1628 19th Street Lubbock, TX 79401 806-283-3224 nealy.holley@lubbockisd.org
Visual Arts Administrators of Texas Division Elect Kaileigh Newman 9431 Garnet Falls Ln Humble, TX 77396 419-344-2240 karosplohowski@aldineisd.org
P.I.C.A. Division
Lisa Urban 1403 S College Ave, Apt A Bryan, TX 77801 785-342-5628 lurban@stjosephbcs.org
P.I.C.A. Division Elect
Megan McEn�re 1915 Lexington St. Houston, TX 77098 713-825-3505 meganmcen�re@gmail.com
Re�red Art Educators Division
Debbie Nicholas 23 Meadowview Dr Texarkana, AR 71854 903-278-5868 msdebbieths@gmail.com
Re�red Art Educators Division Elect
Suzanne Greene 8738 Fairbend Houston, TX 77055 713-702-1135 gooder71@gmail.com