Taeyoon Kim Portfolio

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SCALe - NATIONAL SCIENCE MUSEUM A MUSEUM THAT ADAPTS AND REACTS Sumer 2015 Professional - Competition Status - Won and Built Group work of five Museum Jongno, Seoul

Contribution - Facade structural detail design - Parametric algorithm for panelisation and kinetic movement of ETFE panels ( Rhino, Grasshopper ) - Diagrams and concept visualisation of the proposal booklet ( AutoCAD, Rhino, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign ) - Maxwell rendering

At SCALe, an architectural firm led by principal Tesoc Ha in Seoul, the team works with firm belief in responsive digital architecture that adapts to its surroundings and program. The office is located in the heart of Seoul, where I worked as a full-time intern over the summer and fully participated in the finalist stage of the open competition for National Children’s Science Museum. We won the competition, and the building is under construction. The museum will be opening in 2017. My work includes visual presentations, diagrams, drawings and 3D modelling with rhino and grasshopper, as well as other administrative tasks. The task was to renovate one of the National Science Museum buildings to create a science museum for children. The concept was to create a museum that is ‘alive’ and responds to the users and the climate. Double skin on the exterior responds to temperature and sunlight. ETFE panels swell up with gas to control the transparency, and automatically controlled vents control air flow. The interior exhibition space responds to the movement of the visitors, interacting with the visitors visually and physically via projections and soft-robotics. The building utilizes renewable energy generated by solar panels on the rooftop. Throughout the circulation, the visitors can experience a sequence of scientific themes, allowing the whole experience to feel connected while providing an open platform for choice.

Double skin facade that reacts to climate The ETFE panels installed on the external skin swells up with gas to become translucent, or contracts to become transparent. Together with other mechanisms, the double skin facade system controls the room temperature and air quality at comfortable levels.

Circulation with Scenario With each entry point, the visitor can choose which spatial sequence to experience. This can also be utilized to re-program the space and allow flexible changes with exhibition spaces

Kinetic Facade

View of the Planetarium from the Lobby

Second Floor Exhibition Space and Void

Rooftop Space as Field of Experience


AZPML - KIRKE I SYDHAVNEN A CHURCH FOR THE COMMUNITY Summer 2016 Professional - Competition Status : Finalist top three Group work of Four Church & Cultural Center Copenhagen, Denmark

Contribution - Overall structure and roof design / modelling ( Rhino, Grasshopper - kangaroo ) - Site model revision in precision / height and additional modelling - Coordination and communication with Terroir for Design development / iterations and spatial organisation) - 2D Drawings of project - Conceptualisation / Axonometric / Plans / Structural diagram / Perspective line drawing ( Rhino, AutoCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop ) - Draft renders and interior render ( Rhino V-ray, 3Ds Max V-ray ) - Checking proposal across Legal regulations of Sydhavnen Planning outline

At Alejandro Zaera-Polo & Maider Llaguno’s London office, I was involved in numerous competitions. The Church competition in Sydhavnen, Copenhagen is one of them. We collaborated with the Austrailian firm Terroir, and I was fully involved in the schematic design phase. The site has been a harbour of industry throughout history. There was brick industry in 19th Century, and Ford Motor factory in the 20th. The site went through a decline with the fall of the industry. Since 2002, there has been an ongoing redevelopment masterplan to turn the harbour into a new residential area. As part of this larger scheme, the Church was to become a place for social gathering and collective activity within the neighborhood. Hence we approached this project with symbolic aspect of Danish architecture, enlarging the cross symbol and adopting it on the whole form, allowing it to become unrecognizable inside the building, seamlessly integrating the symbol with the structure as a whole. The top floor and the ceiling of the church would create a spatial experience with the aura of sacredness, while the levels below provide community space for the public. Working under the supervision of Senior Associate Guillermo Fernandez-Abascal, Principal Alejandro Zaera-Polo, and Maider, I prepared schematic design material to communicate with Terroir, and assisted in advancing the design forward. This proposal was among the top three finalists; AZPML, Zaha Hadid Architects, and JaJa Architects.

Design Process The Cross becomes the form factor for the Church. While the symbol is enlarged so that the religion is easily recognizable from a far distance, it is undetectable inside and hence not an overbearing presence. It only becomes apparent in the Chapel area, where the cross ceiling is raised. The ground level is open to public for the community, and the entrance also acts as an amphitheater.

Located at the Harbour, Next to a Newly Built Bridge

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Community Space and Religion The religious spaces and the community/cultural spaces exist on different floors, allowing a coexistence where the religion factor is not overpowering.

Structure Frame The structue frame follows the cross form, which enables a gentle curved ceiling at the Chapel space.

Section Drawing


AZPML LONDON - NATIONAL MUSEUM COMPLEX A MUSEUM COMPLEX TRANSCENDS INTO PARK Summer 2016 Professional Group work of Seven Status : Lost bid Museum Complex Sejong, Korea

Contribution - Site model revision in precision / height and additional modelling in Rhino - 2D Drawings of project - Conceptualisation / Axonometric / Plans / Section ( Rhino, AutoCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop ) - Underground logistics circulation design / modelling in Rhino - Checking proposal across museum planning outline - Coordination and communication with Korean firms We competed in the National Museum Complex Competition in Sejong, Korea. I was involved with the schematic design, and final production, upto the final submission of all materials. The site is located in the heart of Sejong Administrative City, next to the central park. The city is under development to embrace new residents and business, and the National Museum Complex is part of the scheme to provide residents with various amenities and cultural community space. Each museum carries its own theme, and we placed them in a fragmented manner in order to enhance porosity, and allow residents and visitors to experience a natural transition to the central park on the East of the site. All of the masses are low in height, and provides a roof garden space in the manner of Villa Malaparte, where the visitors will be able to climb up and enjoy the view of the park and the river.



Fragmentation to create a porous layout The concept in the layout of the masses was to fragment the site in order to increase porosity and enable connection with the Park on the East side.

Site Plan and Elevation The circulation of transportation is underground, making the ground level pedestrian safe. Each museum is given unique programs to satisfy the diversity of the program

Site Plan and Elevation














Typology of the Museum

Interior View


BLOCK PARTY URBAN HOUSING MODEL GENERATED BY GAME BASED DATA 2017 - 2019 Academic - Masters in AADRL Group work of Three Residential London, UK

Role in Project - Overall conceptualisation and scheme of project in all aspects - Managing the overall logistics and development of the project - Physical model coordination and making with two other members - Masonry Unit design to overall structure desin - Fiber Reinforced Concrete casting / fabrication - Research in robotic fabrication process and machine learning - Urbanism model development from concept to physical model - AR development of the OpenStreetMap Digital tools used : Unity game engine, C# scripting in Unity, RobotStudio, MachinaBridge, City Engine, Rhino, Rhinoscript, Grasshopper, Illustrator, Photoshop, Rhino V-ray, 3Ds Max V-ray, InDesign, AfterEffects, Premiere Pro, AutoCAD, Fusion 360 ( CNC ), t-SNE, pix2pix in PyTorch framework

We persue new methods to visualise and explore how urban housing situation in London can be improved. These methods are AR visualisation of gameplay connected with social dynamics of the inhabitants, while adopting machine learning to provide insight of the players - which becomes part of the design process and as a feedback device. We are using these methods at an urban scale in order to explore how urban planning itself can be rethought, while looking for answers to improve the housing crisis of London. We propose a co-living system where users negotiate their boundaries and build communities through game. The dynamic user interactions shape the house, which shape each block, and block by block reshape the entire city. A user can enter the game to generate and manipulate his/her own surrounding. The user gets to make his/her own decisions about what to share, who to share with, or not to share at all. The users will get to make decisions for the composition of their own house as well as negotiate their boundary within the network, both physically and socially. These units accumulate to form an entire block. Hence, the block is no longer a static entity, but one which keeps evolving dynamically, growing or shrinking according to the input of the users. Historically, top-down prescription to urban housing has resulted in dry, monotonous masterplans which treat all individuals as equal variables for calculation and are callous to the social changes. This is our response to this problem.





From community interaction in Game to Architecture The inhabitants enter the game interface as players, who then make tactical decisions to gain most space and rent revenue from the system. Players can choose whom they want to share the space with, and decide how to invest in the shared spaces to satisfy their interests, both economic and social.

Gameplay simulation in Unity game engine



Login through Facebook SDK

User profile building with group information and interests / preferences for clustering 4


Choosing the neighbourhood through OpenStreetMap SDK 5

Projection of game grid / gameplay onto physical model or site through AR 6

Building space/boundary through cells purchased and placed on grid

Projection of game grid / gameplay onto physical model or site through AR

Process of building community in virtual through AR Game

Iterations of the block and analysis of density and GFA Having tried different spatial organisations on the block, we locate which block typology can perform the best with analysis of density, circulation path, and overall satisfaction score from the gameplay.

Economic analysis : the rent revenue transfers between residents Tracking and analysing how the investment and return works in the system, we analyse which block configuration can grant a model where more revenue is returned to residents. The community investement ( represented in black ) is returned more to the community as time goes on ( 2 years ).

Machine Learning : t-SNE algorithm for Communal Area Programming With profile data gathered from the game system, communal area can be programmed to satisfy the bigger majority of the residents’ community. The gathered data is processed through t-SNE algorithm to visually cluster the preference of the groups, which is reflected in the physical structure.

Is the block in Zone 1?


NO Is the block close to a vista?


NO Is the block close to a vista?

NO Is there a public area in 1 mile radius?



Rules of Cerda’s L’eixample Plan : Plans for evolving blocks By deducting a simple set of rules that consist Cerda’s L’eixample blocks in Barcelona, we explore how the same system can be applied to London

Camden residential blocks processed through the rules Connection to public areas, public infrastructure, and inter-connectivity between the blocks shape each block

Rules applied in London Zone 1 and residential areas in Zone 2

Pneumatic Gripper for Robotic Assembly of dry stacking masonry units At Autodesk BUILD Space facility in Boson, USA, we explored how masonry units can be dry-stacked using ABB 6-axis robotic arm. The gripper was designed to hold and release the bricks with precision

Physical assembly and test of structure The first version of the bricks was a compression-only friction based dry-stacking. The robotic assembly process and load bearing test both proved successful, and we moved on to removing dependency on friction to improve structural integrity.






Catalogue of masonry units By developing iterations of corbelling, dry-stacking masonry units, each brick unit could be utilised for different purposes throughout the structure

Interlocking masonry units version 2.1 Once we returned to London, we discovered similar characteristics between corbelling masonry units and 3D-printing without support. Thus we created bricks that will stack at an angle above 70 degrees, to enhance transition of load from one unit to the one below.

BRICK 2.1 + BRICK 2.0



Gameplay result from players


Gameplay result is translated into spatial organisation ( private, shared, communal ) 4

The grouped spaces are clustered / grouped into units and commual spaces

The units and communal space translated into volumes 6


Each unit and shared space is housed by arches to enable staking / hanging

These arches are translated into structural volume 8


Same process for every floor

Alternative Designs


MANIFOLD ASSEMBLAGES 3D PRINTING FABRICATION WITH SEGMENTATION Fall 2017 Academic Group work of Four 3D printing and Segmentation AADRL, London

Role in Project - Overall conceptualisation and scheme of project with other members - Maya modelling / detail modelling in Maya and Rhino - Wooden joinery research and making - Physical model making - Rendering and publication work Digital tools used : Maya, Rhino, 3Ds-Max V-ray, Illustrator, Photoshop, 3D-printing

Manifold Assemblages workshop explores how Maya modelling process can be turned into a parametric process, where each step is defined and controlled as a system. These steps are repeated over, starting from a simple typology - in this case, a cube. We explored how the minimal surface model could be processed to create contious surface model which would appear as discrete parts, while still being a coherent whole. The segmentation and assemblage aspect was considered for 3D printing fabrication. Asian wooden locks were researched and tested to integrate the segments together and lock them to be load-bearing and improving the structural strength as a whole. The outcome is a robust model which also seems superflous at the same time.








Research in Asian wooden joints for assembly of segments

Application of joint research into the assembly of segments









Segmentation to facilitate 3D printing and Assembly process

Analysis of segments before fabrication

Upper half of the model segments unrolled

3D Printed model PLA ( 640 x 640 x 430 mm )

3D Printed model


CLOUD FIVE FAIR A COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION COMPLEX FOR NORTH KOREANS Spring 2014 Academic Group work of Nine + Individual work Commercial Dongdaemun, Seoul

Role in Project - Overall conceptualisation, and masterplan scheme - Managing the overall logistics and development of the project - Overall masterplan design / Rhino modelling and panels - Line drawing and rendering - Physical model coordination and making with four other students Digital tools used : Rhino, Rhinoscript, Illustrator, Photoshop, Rhino V-ray, 3Ds-Max V-ray, Animation in 3Ds Max

This was a combination of individual, and collective group work, in order to design and repurpose an US Air Force base, which is planned to be vacated by year 2018. The site is located in the middle of a commercial market area in Gwanghwamun, in the center of Seoul. Considering the large number of small businesses within the vicinity, we focused particularly on the economic context of the site. With the scenario of year 2020, a near future where the two Koreas have been unified, we proposed a production & market complex. This complex will assist the North Korean residents to find a way to make a living with their own regional products and traditional culture, while educating them on the business strategies of a capitalist economy. We divided the whole site into ten sections, each representing a unique market for the five regions of North Korea. Each student will design and program a building or facility, while simultaneously working together on the whole scheme and program to integrate the parts as a functioning whole. The spaces were physically connected with a spatial ‘cloud’ bridging the spaces, promoting active interaction among different departments and providing a pleasant rooftop spatial experience. The whole site will be like a fair, where products made and developed by North Koreans and South Koreans in a collective effort will be put on sale. Various educational programs and business opportunities will help the North Koreans to have their opportunity to settle in and adapt to capitalism.

Site Context The site is located in the middle of the Markets. There is a stream at the North of the site. Connection & transition to the public park on the South side, and the Stream on the North increases access to public green area. The porous masses on the ground level lead vistors from East to West, where traditional markets need more visitors.

Massing Process The North-South axis and East-West axis is emphasized. Connection and transition to the Park on the South side is emphasized, by creating a green plaza on the Southern side of the site. Each divided mass is given a specific sales program to increase diversity and expertise. ‘The cloud’ mass connects the divided masses on the top, increasing interaction and creating a new spatial experience on the roof level.

Intersections of Programs & Space ‘The Cloud’ on the top connects the spaces at various levels, creating a unique spatial experience while enhancing interaction and enhancing the flexibility of the program itself. It acts both as a physical and programmatical bridge.

View from top of ‘the Cloud’

View from the main East - West axis

1:100 Model The mass reflects subdivision of the site and creates dynamic flow of visitors - leading them upto the cloud.

A dynamic sequence of spatial experience A sequence of unique spatial experiences are aimed to entice the visitors into the site. The visitors begin from the ground level and enter the cloud via the core, the terrace ramp, or the internal sequence of the building.

1:500 Collective Model by Nine Students


APGUJUNG RESIDENTIAL MASTERPLAN RE-PLANNING OF APGUJUNG RESIDENTIAL ZONE Spring 2015 Academic Group work of 20 + Individual work Urban Planning Apgujung, Seoul

Role in Project - Conceptulisation / planning of high-rise residential/commercial sector of masterplan - Rhino modelling / 2D and 3D visualisations of high-rise sector ( Indivivdual section ) - Physical model coordination and making with other 19 students - Lumion Rendering and animation work with two other students - Panels and visualisations with six other students Digital tools used : Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, Lumion, 3Ds-Max V-ray, Illustrator, Photoshop

The goal of the masterplan was to provide the community with a rich choice of residential typology, while providing a larger proportion of amenities and green area. As a group of two studios, we focused on creating spaces where people could actively interact with one another. The part of the site I had planned is the front and centeral section, which would act as the landmark for the whole site. The site has a great view overlooking Seoul and the Han river. In order to maximize the view from the other parts of the masterplan, the visul axes were cleared within the site. The amenities and public spaces would be placed along the axes. The existing condition of the site is poor in quality. Tall apartment buildings are standing very densely along the river, blocking the view completely from other parts of the city. The living environment is very harsh with few open public spaces. To fix this issue, the buildings were made taller and the massing was altered in order to provide better view from other areas. While providing a sufficient number of residences for the large population, a larger proportion of the site has been planned for public spaces and amenities to enrich living conditions. The promenade enables residents to access the whole site, with better connection to the river.

1. The site is subdivided by visual axes, connecting landmakrs and mountains. This ensured that the towers do not block the critical view axes. After the subdivision, amenities and green areas were placed, with connections to other sectors.

2. After the programs were placed, ground level was modified in level and form, responding to mixed program and use. This provides a diverse walking experience through the site and promenade.

3. The promenade runs along the whole site with the view to the river. Then the site is connected to the riverside by an overpass.

4. Residential units are placed on the spots with least obstruction of the view. The lower levels have terrace in compensation for the relative worse view.

Design Process Diagram

Site Plan and Typical Floor Plans

1:500 Model

1:500 Model Collective model by 20 students - 16.5’ x 13’


RESIDENCE FOR A RECLUSIVE ART COLLECTOR A RESIDENCE WITH GALLERY Spring 2011 Academic Individual work Residential Hongdae, Seoul

Digital tools used : AutoCAD, Sketchup, Rhino, Illustrator, Photoshop, 3Ds-Max V-ray

This is a residence for a retired art collector, which also functions as an exhibition space for his art collection. The site is on a very steep slope, facing a road on the front, and a walking trail leading to a park in the back. The front of the site is a residential area full of houses. In the back it is a small hill full of trees and nature. To solve issues accompanying this geographic condition, The building looks almost like a fortress on the front - like a hard shell, not letting any passers-by, neighbors or passing cars to peek into the residence. This would ensure the couple’s privacy. In the back, where there is nature, there are terraces and large windows facing the garden. On the first floor there is a living room/hall, kitchen & dining space, exhibition space, a small toilet for guests, tea room and a deck facing the garden. All the private spaces are on the second floor - the bedroom, a study, a bathroom, a powder room, and dresser room. ‘In Utero’ is the concept for this design - the whole building curls up towards the nature and the slope, with its back turned to the road (the man-made world). This concept was reflected onto the composition of space, with personal spaces facing the garden on the inside, and servant space placed on the outside. Ther louvers in the back can block unwanted exposure to the visitors of the park, and prevent glare.

Ground Floor and Second Floor with1:50 Model The private spaces are on the second floor while the living space, gallery and the kitchen/dining area open up to the park on the ground floor

1:50 Model The louvers installed on the rear blocks unwanted gaze from above

1:50 Model interior

Wall Section Detail Material and assembly of typical wall section detail

Ceiling Fabrication Detail

Wall & Window Fabrication Detail


GREEN BIKES FOR HAN RIVER A BETTER BIKE SHARING SYSTEM FOR HAN RIVER Fall 2015 Academic Individual work Public Infrastructure Han river, Seoul

Digital tools used : 3Ds-Max modelling ( structure and site ), 3Ds Max V-ray, Rhino ( structural detail ), Rhino and Pepakura ( panel / surface unfolding, physical model )

The Han river flows through the center of Seoul. Well paved bike path runs along the river, connecting multiple regions and stretching well over 70 miles in length. However, the bike sharing system available to the public is very poor and unpopular. The main problem was that there were too few bike rental spots, and they were far away from the river. Certain spots were maintained and run by people, which limited rental hours. In order to improve this situation, I proposed a new bike sharing system, which is automatically maintained and runs on renewable energy. Instead of having concentrated rental spots, there will be a larger number of small rental stations installed at every entry point of the river, increasing accessibility. The form of the stations will resemble the vegetation of the area to give unique identity to each station.

1:10 Model - Shared Bicycle

1:10 Physical Model - Unit A Modelled in 3Ds Max, Segmentation controlled in Rhino, Fabrication file through PapaKura software, and made with paper

1:10 Model - Unit B


GANGNAM FLAGSHIP STORE A LUXURY FASHION BRAND FLAGSHIP STORE Summer 2014 Workshop Individual work Commercial Cheongdam, Seoul

Digital tools used : Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, 3Ds-Max V-ray ( render / animation ), Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro

This flagship store for fashion brand was designed to be eyecatching. The site is Located at one corner of a crossroad in the heart of Chungdamdong, Gangnam, where many big brand fashion stores are located. The dynamic form will not only provide a unique spatial experience, but also be a bold statement for publicity. It helps to define the impression of the brand on clients and bystanders, and draws them in. The lower three levels serve as a display and sales area while the upper two floors serve as office space.

Consultation room on the top floor

Spatial Experience The interior spatial organization shifts and embodies the external form, giving the shoppers a unique spatial experience



Expressing architectural concepts and ideas through various media has always been an excitement and a great learning experience. This is the reason I always try to collaborate with individuals from different fields. When I work with a student from a different major, both the process and the result is enriched. The ceramic vase on the left was a collaboration with Heejin Lee, a student with Glass & Ceramic major. In the design process we used grasshopper modelling to replicate the pattern and structure of lotus root, and apply it to a ceramic vase. The method of creating this vase was traditional, with the added procedure of marking the unfolded 3D pattern. I have also participated in Python coding workshops taught by a programmer. I am always looking for opportunities to collaborate with people from different academic backgrounds. I enjoy painting, and making music.

Game of Life in 3D - Unity Engine C# scripting

3D printed Accessory

Concept Model

Modelled and processed through Rhino - made with paper ( 300 x 300 x 400 mm )

Concerthall Physical Model

Paper model ( 640 x 470 x 450 mm )

Replicating Shigeru Ban through Python scripting

City as School

Acrylic on canvas

Classroom Dethroned Acrylic on canvas

Allegory of the Cave Digital collage

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