Closing Appeal to Almighty God
A = Selected Speeches of H.I.M. Haile Sekassie I B = Important Utterances of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I C = Speeches delivered by H.I.M. Haile Selassie 1 st
Nov. 2, 1932
May God help you to understand and always bear in mind all that We have said! May He enlighten you! May He inspire your goodwill and initiative so that you may be able to produce fruits which would be benefical to Our generation!
Opening of First Parliament, A., p. 393
July 11, 1934
The people of Ethiopia, while strongly united to defend the right cause of freedom of Ethiopia, will raise their hands and pray unto the Almighty God that He may grant strength to their patriots and fighting men.
To Parliament on Italy’s Aggression, A., p. 303
Oct. 3, 1935
May those who are unable because of weakness and infirmity to take an active part in this sacred quarrel, help us with their prayers. The opinion of the world has been revolted by this aggression against us. God be with us all. All forward, for your Emperor and for your country.
Mobilization Proclamation, A., p. 304
Sept. 19, 1938
As God the Almighty has permitted Us to lay to rest your bones, while your spirit joins with those of your forefathers, We bid you goodbye in this hospitable land to which we came as guest.
Death of Blatengeta Heruye, A., p.645
May, 1945
May God grant Us his every aid to speed the final Peace and keep it.
Declaration on “V.E.” Day, A., p. 346
Sept. 20, 1949
We pray that the Almighty God enlightens you in this important decision.
U.N. and War Settelment, A., p. 355
Jan. 8, 1951
Since your desire is to participate in the work which We have planned for the wellbeing of Ethiopia and for Our people's prosperity, in sending you this advice, We pray that the Almighty may help you attain your loyal and worthy aspirations.
Ethiopian Students abroad: U.K., A., p. 47
Jan. 19, 1951
We earnestly hope that God grant you strength and His Grace help you discharge the heavy duties that you shoulder.
On Nomination of First Church Head, A., p. 632
Apr. 14, 1951
May God protect you, give you courage to acquit yourselves as heroes and bring you back safely to your beloved homeland.
Kagnew Battalion, A., p. 597
Nov. 2, 1953
When We reflect upon the great blessing which Almighty God has bestowed on Ethiopia and on Our beloved peoples manifested by this enhancement of Our material an moral strenght, there seems to be no other means for expressing Our gratitude to Him than to call upon all, each to the limit of his own possibilities, to serve Ethiopia in unity and selfless cooperation.
UN and Collective Security, A., p. 358
May 26, 1954
It is here that our common Christian heritage unites two peoples across the globe in a community of ideals and endeavour. Ethiopia seeks only to affirm and broaden that co-operation between peace-loving nations.
Address to US Congress, A., p. 118
Nov. 3, 1955
We pray the Almighty to grant Us wisdom and strength to guide Our people to evergreater destinies. We express to Him Our gratitude for having spared Us to celebrae the twenty-fith Anniversary of Our Coronation.
Revised Constitution, A., p. 408
Dec. 10, 1956
May the Almighty and everlasting God continue to protect Our people and bless Our efforts, so that in His good time We may see the fruits of Our endeavours.
Domestic Report, A., p. 97
May 5, 1957
Should you recognise that like Us you have been chosen to serve Us, you will do your duty to God and country, lest your conscience condemn you.
16th Liberation Anniversary, C., p. 3
May 18, 1957
May God accept the tears that were shed and use the hearts of those who have shed them to progress of our country. So let us turn to our duties.
On the Death of Prince Makonnen, A., p. 645
May 25, 1957
May the Almighty God render the tears which you have shed on the tragic death of Our son into a blessing and may He protect Ethiopia and Our people.
Death of Duke of Harar, A., p. 647
Aug. 30, 1957
We pray that the Almighty, therefore, would aid you to be of service to Us and also to serve your country.
Receiving Students, C., p. 12
Nov. 2, 1957
We hope and pray that God will assist and prosper every future undertaking of Ours for the development of Our country and the welfare of Our peoples. God help you, Members of the Parliament, in your great responsibility and high obligation.
Opening Parliament, C., p. 33
Apr. 15, 1958
We pray that Almighty God will bless the conference with strenght and wisdom and crown its efforts with success.
Accra Conference, A., p. 189
May 31, 1958
We express our most profound gratitude to God Almighty for having inspired Us to envisage this project and having enabled to Us to see it inaugurated.
Laying Foundation Stone of Koka Dam, A., p. 578
July 17, 1958
Place your faith and trust in Almighty God; for, without His assistance and guidance, man is but a weak and puny creature.
Engineer College, A., p. 11
Oct. 24, 1958
May God Almighty continue to bless the Organization for the sake of human wellbeing.
13th Anniversary UN, C., p. 79
Dec.29, 1958
We pray that peace may be vouchsafed to all men, that labours of this Commission may ever be conducted in an atmosphere of harmony and co-operation.
Economic Commission for Africa, A., p. 199
May 5, 1959
Praised be the Lord Almighty Who has done all this and will continue to do all that needs to be done.
18th Anniversary of Liberation, C., p. 124
May 18, 1959
We entrust this flag to you – this testimony to those who have served Us by their sacrifices made during the exile and the campaign of liberation; moreover, this symbol of the sacrifices made by the patriots. We hope the Almighty God will guide you to fulfil this trust.
Presenting Colours, A., p. 603
Aug. 29, 1959
May Almighty God sustain Us to realize these high ideals.
Address to the Nation on His Tour, A., p. 458
Sept. 18, 1959
May the Almighty God help us in the fulfilment of all our undertakings.
Address to the Nation, C., p. 166
Nov. 03, 1959
In invoking the blessings of the Almighty upon Our labours and upon those of Our beloved People, We pray that He may
29th Anniversary of the Coronation, C.,
spare Us to lead them forward in peace, progress and happiness, and that they may advance in friendly co-operation and understanding with all the peoples of the Earth.
p. 179
Feb. 17, 1960
We shall follow with the greatest interest the deliberations of this conference, and We pray that we may enjoy the guidance and the blessings of the Almighty as we apply ourselves to the tasks that now confront us.
UNESCO and Education, A., p . 364
Apr. 18, 1960
The cause which you espouse is a noble and just one and, with the help of Almighty God, will triumph.
To American Commitee on Africa, A., p. 207
June 15, 1960
We pray, therefore, that the deliberations and decisions of this Conference may not only stand the test of the time and serve as an inspiration to the peoples of the continetn, but that they may also enable us to attain, by common effort a peaceful, free and abundant life on our continent.
Second Africa Conference, A., p. 204
Sept. 13, 1960
Thanks be to the Almighty who brought Our wishes and desires into a happy realization and made Us celebrate the New Year in unity.
Re-Union Anniversary, A., p. 347
Oct. 2, 1960
May the Almighty God spare Us to accomplish Our desire.
Unveiling Monument Ras Makonnen, A., p. 615
Nov. 2, 1960
God, the Supreme Arbitrator, will judge us harshly if we fail ‌
UN and Disarmament, A., p. 367
Dec. 14, 1960
Ethiopia welcomes you and wishes you God-speed in your deliberations.
Message to Women's Seminar, A., p. 213
Feb. 6, 1961
We know that the Economic Commission for Africa will continue to serve the ultimate interests of African peoples, and We pray that Almighty God will bless your labours and crown them with success.
(Opens Africa Hall), A., p. 216
Apr. 14, 1961
Those of us to whom the grave responsibility of governing have been
Public Officials called to Responsibilities,
given bear a heavy burden before the people and before Almighty God for the proper discharge of our duties. Let us all labour in this sense, that the people of Ethiopia may ever live in happiness and prosperity.
A., p. 416
Aug. 24, 1961
Let the Almighty God engrave these words in the heart of everyone of us.
Addressing Judges, A., p. 421
Sept. 3, 1961
If this force in men can but be awakened and focused on the problems of each day, we shall, God willing, survive each day to the dawn of tomorrow, and in this survival guarantee to our children and our children's children a lifetime of peace and security, under justice and right, and under God.
Addresses the Belgrade Conference, A., p. 187
Nov. 2, 1961
May Almighty God grant you wisdom, understanding and judgment...
Modern Ethiopianism, A., p. 461
Nov. 23, 1961
In laying the cornerstone of this hospital it is Our prayer that the Almighty will spare us to have the opportunity to participate in its inauguration, and that its medical and health services will benefit Our Police Force.
Lays Cornerstone of Police Hospital, A., p. 548
Dec. 19, 1961
God grant you success.
Jan. 26, 1962
Let us work together, arm in arm as brothers, that our progeny may live in peace and well-being, that posterity will honour our names and our achievements. This will suffice. This will be our victory. May Almighty God grant it to us.
Lagos Summit Meeting, A., p. 230
Feb. 2, 1962
May God grant you the wisdom in your endeavour to accomplish the task before you.
The PAFMECA Conference, A., p. 237
Feb. 15, 1962
May these tears We shed be accepted by God as price for peace in Ethiopia and in the world.
Passing of Empress Menen, A., p. 651
June 27, 1962
May God the Almighty guide you in the carrying out of the heavy responsibility with which We have entrusted you.
Visit to Eritrea, A., p. 472
Convocation of HSIU, A., p. 27
Oct. 14, 1962
If each and everyone endeavours to cooperate and work in as much as his capacity permits, Our faith rests upon the Almighty God that He would bless the results for us.
Plans for Economic Development, A., p. 511
Oct. 15, 1962
May God the Almighty make you leaders as well as followers.
Teacher Training, A., p. 81
Oct. 25, 1962
To live a full life and to be thankful for the blessings of God nothing is more rewarding than after having learned to teach your fellow-man, using your talent to teach others. May God guide you in the accomplishment of this task.
Vist to Awassa, A., p. 519
Nov. 10, 1962
We pray to Almighty God in His Mercy bless this enterprise ans all those who strive to maintain and strengthen its foundations.
Inauguration Shoa Sugar Factory, A., p. 531
Nov. 16, 1962
We are thankful to Almighty God. Who, through His Grace, has spared Us to see this day.
Accepting Eritrean Assembly, A., p. 476
Nov. 18, 1962
We pray that the Almighty bestow His blessings and divine grace on all those who are assembled in this monastery in the name of the Saint.
Dedicating Debre Libanos Church, A., p. 634
Dec. 4, 1962
We are most thankful to Almighty God for His ever Helping Hand in Our efforts to accomplish Our programme for the development of Our Country.
Receiving Boeing Jets, A., p. 571
Jan. 12, 1963
May God bless all that has been accomplished and the words We have said.
New Schools-Debre Zeit, B., p. 5
Jan. 18, 1963
It is Our fervent hope that Almighty God will guide and bring Our efforts to fruition.
Development Reforms Eritrea, A., p. 429
Jan. 21, 1963
We wish that God will assist you in carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to you.
To Naval Cadets, A., p. 67
Feb., 1963
We pray for the blessing of the Almighty God for the success of this Training Centre.
Ground-Forces Technical School, B., p. 14
Apr. 17, 1963
Let Almighty God help us in the fulfilment of our wishes.
Africa Day, B., p. 343
May 25, 1963
We approach the days ahead with the prayer that we who have assembled here may be granted the wisdom, the judgment and the inspiration which will enable us to maintain our faith with the peoples and the nations which have entrusted their fate to our hands.
A Call to African Leaders (1963 Summit), A., p. 257
July 2, 1963
And for you who are graduating today, may the Almighty make your future clear and challenging.
University Graduation, B., p. 24
Sept. 14, 1963
May the Almighty God be with you in the fulfillment of your duties.
Facutlty of Law, B., p. 26
Nov. 16, 1963
We pray that Almighty God will bless your deliberations here.
Council of Foreign Ministers, B., p. 368
Nov. 22, 1963
We ask that Almighty God bless your work.
Throne Speech 1963, B., p. 39
Feb. 20, 1964
We earnestly pray to Almighty God to guide you in His wisdom through all your work and deliberations.
6th Session of E.C.A., A., p. 259
May 29, 1964
May God help us all.
July 7, 1964
In this noble task, may the Almighty grant you faith, courage, tolerance and understanding to crown your efforts with His glory and success.
Community Development, B., p. 51
Oct. 23, 1964
May the Almighty help you aquire the quality of duty-mindedness, enable you to be vigilant both in body and mind, and thereby facilitate your work in the future so that you may serve your country faithfully and loyally and bring Our combined efforts to final frution.
Military Academy Harar, B., p. 55
Jan. 15, 1965
May God who helped the 318 Fathers of the council of Nicea enlighten and help us all.
Conference Orthodox Churches, A., p. 639
Air Force Officers, B., p. 44
Jan. 21, 1965
Holy Fathers, We have welcomed the title you have given Us, Defender of the Faith, with great honour. May Almighty God grace your name. May God welcome your work. We have received this title given Us by you Holy Fathers, with religious reverence. May your prayers help Us in Our effort to fulfil the task entrudted to Us.
Accepting Formally Title “Defender of the Faith�, A., p. 641
May 7, 1965
May the Almighty help us to redouble our efforts on this 24th anniversary of Ethiopia's liberation and to ready to undertake great responsibilities to build a future for the coming generations.
Modern Ethiopianism, B., p. 60
May 26, 1965
May Almighty endeavours.
African Liberation Day, A., p. 280
June 24, 1965
We beg the Almighty to enable Us to see the day when it will reach completion and be put into operation.
Foundation Stone Awash II, A., p. 584
June 27, 1965
Once we are able to do what is humanly possible, the rest could be left to the Almighty God. So that man whom He has created in his own image may not be destroyed, let us repose our faith in God.
20th Anniversary of UN Charter, A., p. 382
Sept. 3, 1965
We pray to God that He may grant His blessings to the welfare duties being accomplished through this foundation.
On new HSI Foundation Headquaters, B., p. 68
Sept. 11, 1965
For the New Year, it is Our wish that the Ethiopian people continue to march forward; that peace will be restored in areas that are disturbed by conflict; and that the Almighty will continue to bless all efforts in creating a better life for Our people and all the peoples in the world.
Address at the New Year, A., p. 479
Oct. 13, 1965
May God deliberations.
Lutheran Conference, A., p. 643
Nov. 17, 1965
May Almighty God bless you in your labour.
Throne Speech 1965, B., p. 83
Nov. 25, 1965
We are thankful to Almighty God for having enabled Us to widness this growth.
May 8, 1966
May God bless you.
At Air Force Display, A., p. 612
May 17, 1966
May Almighty God bless you in the work that lies before you.
Opening of UNICEF Conference, A., p. 385
June 30, 1966
Once again, We congratulate you all, and we thank Almighty God hat you have proved yourself deserving of this occasion.
5th Graduation of HSIU, A., p. 38
July 7, 1966
We pray that Almighty God will give you guidance on the accomplishment of your task.
To OAU on Rhodesia, A., p. 283
July 7, 1966
We are aware of the job you are charged with is not easy, but We hope and pray that God will guide you during your deliberations.
UN Committee for Colonial Countries, A., p. 284
July 8, 1966
We pray to Almighty God to bless all Our endeavours in seeking expanded benefits to Our nation.
Guenet Graduation, B., p. 99
Nov. 6, 1966
We pray that our deliberations may proceed in an atmosphere of harmony and understanding, and We ask the Almighty God for His guidace in this regard.
Opening 3rd Session of the Summit, A., p. 293
Lastly, may God give wisdom and his blessings to the people of Jamaica. Thank you.
Address House of Parliament – Jamaica, A., p. 144
Apr. 2, 1966
We pray that Almighty God may bless what has been accomplished.
Opening Oil Rafinery, B., p. 130
Oct. 1, 1967
We thank Almighty God for having preserved Us to witness what has been achieved so far.
Air Force Graduation, B., p. 136
Nov. 4, 1967
May Almighty God watch over and guide you in the coming year.
37th Coronation Anniversary, B., p. 149
Berhane Selam Printing Press, A., p. 524
Sept. 8, 1968
We thank the Almighty God for His guidance in all Our efforts for national development, the welfare of the Ethiopian people, and attempts and attempts to eradicate illiterarcy.
Speaking on Literacy Day, B., p. 155
Nov. 3, 1968
May the Almighty God guide and assist you in your deliberations.
Throne Speech 1968, B., p. 169
June 12, 1969
To this end, may God vouchsafe us the stregth and guide us to serve Him better in the service of humanity.
ILO Golden Anniversary, B., p. 504
July 20, 1969
May the Almighty bless the graduating class and crown their future undertakings with success.
Gondar College, B., p. 192
July 22, 1969
May the Almighty help you in the discharge of your responsibilities.
Asmara University, B., p. 196
Nov. 2, 1969
We pray to God Almighty to guide you in your work and to bless this country with peace.
Throne Speech 1969, B., p. 212
July 3, 1970
In thanking the staff of this college who made this day possible,We pray yhat the Almighty will help you in fulfilment of your task which lies ahead.
College of Public Health, B., p. 221
July 6, 1970
May the Almighty help you so that your future is true to your and Our expectations.
University Graduation, B., p. 229
Oct. 24, 1970
May the Almighty grand us the wisdom, courage and determination to rise to this supreme challenge and reap a rich reward.
25th Anniversary of UN, B., p. 526
Nov. 2, 1970
May the Almighty bless the services you render your country following this spirit and aim.
Thron Speech 1970, B., p . 251
Nov. 27, 1970
May the Almighty help you in this regard and help Us to bring to fruition Our plans for national development.
Awarding Diplomas, B., p. 253
Nov. 29, 1970
We entreat the Almighty to enable Us to witness the successful completion of this project which We hope will serve in full measure the very objectives it is set to accomplish.
Cornerstone Fincha Dam, B., p. 257
Dec. 6, 1970
We are so much pleased as the people here to see this project completed and We thank the Almighty for this.
New Assela Water Works, B., p.260
Jan. 12, 1971
May God our Creator, the Helper and Guiding Light of us all, grant you wisdom that your meeting may bear fruit for His glory. We sincerely wish you all success and pray that God may lead you to that unity which Christians all over the world eagerly await.
Address to WCC, B., p.. 529
May 11, 1971
May God bless this joy as everlasting.
Oct. 23, 1971
May the Almighty help Us in Our endeavours which are directed towards the welfare of Our people.
On VisitsChina/Iran/Somalia, B., p. 609
Nov. 3, 1971
May God give you His guidance and blessings!
Nation-Wide Address, B., p. 304
Nov. 24, 1971
And for help to prepare for the task We pray to Almighty God, who is the source of skill and wisdom.
Faculty of Technology, B., p. 306
Since it is through the Almighty's help and guidance that work is initiated and fulfilled, We thank Him for the success which Our Airlines has been able to achieve to-date.
25th Anniversary Celebrations of Ethiopian Airlines, B., p. 311
Investiture of New Patriarch, B., p. 270
This scripture contains closing sentence(s) from the speeches delivered by H.I.M. Qädamawi Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (QHS), published by the Imperial Ethiopian Ministry of Information in following books:
Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I. (1918-1967) originally published by the Imperial Ethiopian Ministry of Information 1967, republished by One Drop Books, New York, U.S.A. Important Utterances of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I. (1963-1972) originally published by the Imperial Ethiopian Ministry of Information 1972 republished by One Drop Books, New York, U.S.A. Speeches delivered by His Imperial Majesty 1st Emperor of Ethiopia on various occasions (May 1957 – December 1959) originally published by the Imperial Ethiopian Ministry of Information 1967 republished by Debre Zeyt Books, Italy
The quotes in this scripture are with a chronological order.
Jochanan Fey