Higher Education - Sydney Institute handbook 2013

Page 1

Student Handbook


2013 Student Calendar Key Dates SEMESTER 1

Enrolment & teacher consultation

21 January to 15 February

Orientation week

18 February to 22 February

Teaching period

25 February to 21 June

Census date

20 March

Mid semester break

15 April to 26 April

Study week

3 June to 7 June

Examination weeks *

11 June to 21 June

Winter vacation


24 June to 19 July Enrolment & teacher consultation

15 July to 19 July


22 July to 26 July

Teaching Period

29 July to 22 November

Census date

21 August

Mid semester break

23 September to 4 October

Study week

4 November to 8 November

Examination weeks *

11 November to 22 November

Exhibition & End of Year Activities

25 November to 29 November

Summer vacation commences

2 December 2013

*Note: Your teacher for each subject will specify whether examinations are conducted during the end of semester examination weeks or within the teaching period.

Š TAFE NSW Higher Education 2013 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1968, no part may be reproduced without permission.

Contents Welcome 2 Our Higher Education Programs 3 University Partnership Programs 3 General Information for TAFE NSW Sydney Campuses 4 Design Centre Enmore Campus Information and Map 9 St George Campus Information and Map 10 Ultimo Campus Information and Map 11 Essential Information for all Students Studying at TAFE NSW Higher Education 12 Student Rights and Responsibilities 12 Harassment and Discrimination 12 Discipline 13 Work Health and Safety 14 Non-Smoking Policy 14 Enrolment 15 Personal Details 15 Security of Information 15 Government Information (Public Access) 15 Computers and Internet Access 15 DEC Student Portal 16 Student e-Services (SeS) 16 TAFE Card 17 Fees and Payments 18 Equipment and Other Costs 18 FEE-HELP 18 Centrelink 18 Travel Concessions and Passes 18 Withdrawing from your Course 19 Results, Course Completion and Graduation 20 Academic Policies and Procedures 20 Academic Standards and Professional Conduct 20 Advanced Standing and Credit Transfer 21 Assessment 21 Attendance 22 Copyright 23 Environment 23 Continuous Improvement 24 Suggestions and Complaints 24


Welcome Director’s Message Welcome to Higher Education at Sydney Institute in 2013. We look forward to assisting you at all stages of your learning journey so that you will enjoy your time here as part of the Sydney Institute community. This handbook will provide you with information about our services available from your first day until after you graduate. Our Student Association can help you to settle in to campus life and our College Counsellors are available for support with educational or personal issues that may arise throughout the year. Our Careers Connect online employment service can assist you to find a job while you are studying or when you graduate. Sydney Institute has an enviable reputation as a quality training provider based on our history of more than 120 years in achieving successful student outcomes. Our excellence has been nationally recognised as the 2012 inaugural winner of International Training Provider of the Year award. We are proud to offer our exceptional degree qualifications that will prepare you for professional practice. Our programs are developed in consultation with industry and focus on applied skills, theory based learning and academic excellence. Our programs are also developed in partnership with universities to provide you with pathways and options to suit your individual needs. I wish you every success as you work towards your goal of achieving your degree qualification to pursue your chosen career. I hope that you will value the opportunity to become an ambassador for Sydney Institute and a future alumni member. Best wishes David Riordan Institute Director TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute


TA F E N S W H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N - S Y D N E Y I N S T I T U T E . S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 3 .

Our Higher Education Programs A TAFE NSW Higher Education degree qualification is a valuable tool for building your future and we are delighted that you have chosen us as part of your learning journey. You have undoubtedly made the right choice and you are in the right place. At TAFE NSW we have the enviable reputation for producing highly competent, industry-ready graduates. We know you will get the best outcomes from your time here with us because: ▲▲Our degree programs are developed in consultation with industry to ensure currency and relevance; ▲▲Our courses focus very much on applied skills; ▲▲We have small class sizes; ▲▲We support your learning journey with caring and friendly staff; ▲▲We provide you with seamless pathways between TAFE NSW qualifications.

University Partnership Programs TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute has formed partnerships with a number of Australian universities to offer integrated study pathways resulting in completion of TAFE and university qualifications within an accelerated timeframe. In 2013 we are offering the following programs at St George campus: ▲▲The Bachelor of Applied Management in partnership with the University of Ballarat; ▲▲The Graduate Certificate in Management (Professional Practice) and the Graduate Diploma of Management (Professional Practice) in partnership with Charles Sturt University (CSU) and its Australian Graduate Management Consortium (AGMC). Both of these programs articulate into a Master of Management at CSU. Current degree qualifications, locations and course coordinators: Qualification


Course Cooindinator

Bachelor of 3D Art and Animation

Design Centre Enmore Campus 110 Edgeware Road Enmore NSW 2042 Ph: (02) 9394 5700 Fax: (02) 9394 5757 Email: SIenmore.Info@tafensw.edu.au

Richard Cass - (02) 9394 5716 richard.cass@tafensw.edu.au Customer Service: (02) 9394 5700

Bachelor of Design (Interior Design)

Design Centre Enmore Campus As above

Dinah Fisher - (02) 9394 5741 dinah.fisher@tafensw.edu.au

Bachelor of Applied Finance (Financial Planning)

St George Campus Corner President Avenue and Princes Highway, Kogarah NSW 2217 Ph: (02) 9598 6200 Fax: (02) 9587 2629 Email: SIstgeorge.info@tafensw.edu.au

Diana Bugarcic - (02) 9598 6280 diana.bugarcic@tafensw.edu.au Customer Service: (02) 9598 6200

Bachelor of Applied Management Offered in partnership with the University of Ballarat

St George Campus As above

Biljana Stanojcic (02) 9598 6366 biljana.stanojcic@tafensw.edu.au

Graduate Certificate in Management (Professional Practice) Offered in partnership with Charles Sturt University and its Australian Graduate Management Consortium (AGMC) Graduate Diploma of Management (Professional Practice) Offered in partnership with Charles Sturt University and its Australian Graduate Management Consortium (AGMC) Associate Degree of Accounting

St George Campus As above

Ronnie Yap (02) 9598 6363 ronnie.yap@tafensw.edu.au

St George Campus As above

Ronnie Yap (02) 9598 6363 ronnie.yap@tafensw.edu.au

St George Campus As above

Nancy Mikhail - (02) 9598 6273 nancy.mikhail@tafensw.edu.au Customer Service: (02) 9598 6200

Ultimo Campus 731-695 Harris Street Ultimo NSW 2007 Ph: 1300 360 601 Fax: (02) 9217 4938 Email: SIultimo.info@tafensw.edu.au

Grace Cavallaro - (02) 9217 3885 grace.cavallaro@tafensw.edu.au Customer Service: (02) 9217 3400

General enquiries: sydney.degree@tafensw.edu.au 3

General Information for TAFE NSW Sydney Campuses Aboriginal Student Support Officers


The Yulang Aboriginal Education Training Unit provides support for Aboriginal students across Sydney Institute and works with the Aboriginal community and industry to customise training. Sydney Institute has a Manager, Aboriginal Education and Training and three Aboriginal Institute Coordinators.

The cashier accepts payments from students. All cashiers are open during standard office hours and are located:

You can contact the Yulang Aboriginal Education Training Unit on (02) 9217 4896

Bookshop & Art Supplies You’ll find a range of books and many unexpected treasures in our campus bookshops – it is certainly worth you dropping in and having a look. Discounts are also offered to Student Association members. St George and Ultimo campuses both have bookshops that provide materials, books and access to services that will complement your academic study. The Design Centre Enmore has an art and design supply store stocked with materials to satisfy all creative requirements.

Design Centre Enmore: Building A ground floor St George: Building A ground floor Ultimo: Building D ground floor & Bld W ground floor (See page 9-11 for maps of campuses)

Childcare Childcare services at Sydney Institute are committed to working with families in a respectful and supportive way that values the diversity of the community it serves, and provides an environment that enables children to develop to their full potential. Childcare is offered at St George and Ultimo Campuses for the children of students studying at Sydney Institute. Students at Enmore are able to access childcare facilities at Ultimo or St George campuses, subject to availability. Eligible students can apply for government assistance. For more information, refer to the Children’s Centre at: St George: (02) 9598 6452 or Ultimo: (02) 9217 4448

Canteens Sharing a meal or a coffee and socialising with newfound colleagues and friends is one of the joys of studying – and our canteens are a great place to meet other students and relax between classes. All our canteens offer reasonably priced food and drinks and are usually open during semester times from Monday to Friday: 8.00 am – 8.00 pm

Career Services - CareersConnect@Si Want help with part time or casual work to support your study? Or perhaps you’re seeking guidance for future career choices? CareersConnect@Si is your one-stop job support service. CareersConnect@Si can provide a range of career services – it can help you find paid work through temporary or part-time jobs and give you the opportunity to gain practical experience and work-related skills while you are studying. This service is free of charge. By registering with CareersConnect@Si you can access the online job vacancy service, workshops, resume support and careers information service. You can contact our Careers Connect Coordinator on (02) 9217 4485 or email: si.careersconnect@tafensw.edu.au


Counsellor and Career Services Your time studying is often one of transition and personal development. There may be a time of difficulty when you begin to feel that you would benefit from some professional counselling. Campus Counsellor and Career Services provide a professional and confidential counselling service to assist students to make the most of their experiences. Our caring nurturing counselling staff understand that there may be times when students face adjustment problems, loss and grief, depression or anxiety, sexuality and identity issues, academic difficulties, and cultural and racial concerns. Making those times less stressful is a major goal for our counselling staff. Some counsellors speak more than one language and interpreters can also be organised, if required. Counselling services are free and confidential. For further information please call: Design Centre Enmore: (02) 9394 5710 St George: (02) 9598 6232 Ultimo: (02) 9217 3238

TA F E N S W H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N - S Y D N E Y I N S T I T U T E . S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 3 .

Disability Services


Sydney Institute provides a range of disability services. Specialist disability teacher consultants are available to support people with a disability to have equal access to education and training. Our disability teacher consultants have expertise in physical, psychiatric/mental health, neurological, intellectual, blind/vision impairment and deaf/ hearing impairment disabilities.

Depending on the situation, your teacher or a security officer may ask you to evacuate the building. If this happens you will be required to:

Please call: St George: (02) 9598 6407 Ultimo: (02) 9217 3690 Students at the Design Centre Enmore should contact Customer Service on (02) 9394 5700 for referral to an appropriate Disability Teacher Consultant. The disclosure of any disability information will remain confidential.

▲▲evacuate when directed ▲▲close all windows and doors if directed or leave open if there is a bomb threat ▲▲follow emergency exit signs – do not run ▲▲exit the building without using lifts ▲▲proceed to the designated Emergency Assembly Point (see page 6 for more information) ▲▲remain at the Emergency Assembly Point for roll call. If you do not answer your name at roll call you may put others at risk; and ▲▲remain outside the building until instructed.

Emergency Procedures We want your learning journey to be safe and enjoyable. So once on campus, please take a moment to become familiar with all emergency fire exits, especially those closest to the classrooms you use. An emergency evacuation plan is displayed in student areas and in every classroom. In the event of an emergency, or unsafe incident (chemical or water spill, smoke odours, or unusual objects) do not panic. If you are the first to notice, immediately tell your teacher or another staff member. Your priority is to ensure your own safety. Students aren’t expected to fight a fire or attempt to rectify an unsafe situation. You must follow directions given by staff and leave the building or campus area when requested.

Should an evacuation need to take place, please follow carefully the instructions given by Security Officers, Work Health and Safety Services, Floor Wardens and staff members.

Lockdown Under some circumstances, your teacher may instruct you to lockdown. If this happens, you will be required to: ▲▲·go into a building or classroom if you are not already inside; ▲▲close and lock doors and windows, barricading the door with furniture if necessary; ▲▲pull down the blinds and turn off the lights; ▲▲gather together out of sight of the windows; ▲▲turn off mobile phones; ▲▲keep quiet and remain calm; and ▲▲await instructions that the lockdown is completed. 5

Emergency Assembly Points

Learner Support Centres

Refer to your relevant campus map on pages 9 to11 for entry and exit points in the event of an emergency evacuation. Make sure you familiarise yourself with Emergency Assembly Points at your campus.

Sometimes you just need a bit of a helping hand to guide you on your path to educational success. The Learner Support Centre is a free, friendly advice service, providing guidance and information on all aspects of effective learning and study skills to all students from the minute they arrive until they finish their studies.

First Aid

Each college has a designated Learner Support Centre for where students can get assistance from teachers with their studies. Students are assisted in a variety of areas such as exam and assessments preparation, literacy and numeracy, essay writing and study skills.

All campuses have first aid officers and first aid rooms. If you need help please ask a member of staff. Students can also access a Health Service via the Student Association. In an emergency, dial (02) 9217 3333 for assistance.

Health Services Sydney Institute students can access medical care through medical centres located near to each campus. Consultations are covered by Medicare. However, please note that some centres require you to make an appointment and may charge you for some special consultations such as travel vaccinations and diving medicals.

International Students International students form a vibrant and central part of College life, bringing with them a cultural diversity which enhances and enriches our community.

We aim to ensure that all of our students, regardless of background or disadvantage, have equal access to our educational support programs. We also provide support services for students with special learning needs to ensure they get the best possible outcomes from their study. For further information on these services, please contact your Campus Customer Service Centre or call us on 1300 360 601.

Legal Service The Sydney Institute Student Association provides a free and confidential legal service offered by a qualified and experienced solicitor for its members. The Legal Service is located in Building U, 622-632 Harris Street, Ultimo College. There are many legal matters we can help you with: ▲▲credit and debt issues ▲▲criminal law

Sydney Institute’s International Students Unit (ISU) is located in Building H at Ultimo Campus and provides support services for international students.


Each campus has a dedicated International Student Coordinator offering advice, support and guidance. Refer to campus information on pages 9 to 11 for further information.

▲▲employment law

▲▲domestic violence ▲▲neighbourhood disputes ▲▲social security ▲▲tenancy matters ▲▲traffic offences. You can contact the legal service on (02) 9217 5473.


TA F E N S W H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N - S Y D N E Y I N S T I T U T E . S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 3 .


Student Association

The Sydney Institute Library is a vibrant research facility, supporting students and researchers with a rich and relevant range of resources. It provides an inspiring and accessible environment for study, research and collaboration.

The Sydney Institute Student Association (SISA) is our student services club. It provides you with a wide range of great deals, including access to many services, facilities and activities. It is great value for money and the good news is you can join for only $20 a year. As a member you will receive many exclusive benefits, including:

The library has eight branches, each providing resources and services to support your learning and research needs. In the library, you have access to help and guidance from dedicated and enthusiastic library staff. Remember, our librarians are research experts and are there to help you. When you enrol, you will automatically become a member of the library and you can then access relevant and up-to-date information for your assignments in print and online. There is also a range of tools to help you with assignments. The library also offers:

▲▲free Careers Connect Service ▲▲free Legal Service ▲▲discounts on textbooks, stationery and course material at your college bookshop ▲▲common rooms with televisions, kitchens, microwaves, hot water and lounges

▲▲Computer facilities

▲▲discount parking at some colleges and local participating parking stations

▲▲Group study rooms

▲▲discounted recreational activities

▲▲Individual study areas

▲▲discounted mobile phone cards, international calling cards, internet access

▲▲Printers/photocopiers ▲▲Relaxed reading areas College libraries also offer online services which are available 24/7. College libraries are open extended hours to cater for both day and evening students. You may also borrow from any other TAFE library in NSW using your TAFE card.

Lost Property Campuses cannot accept responsibility for lost or damaged property. Please use the lockers provided by the Student Association and your campus to ensure your belongings are kept securely. If lockers are not available, we suggest you carry your belongings with you at all times. If you lose property please contact the Customer Service Centre or Security Office at your campus.

▲▲discounted USB drives ▲▲discounted movie tickets to Hoyts, Events, IMAX, Dendy and local cinemas including Randwick, Paddington and Moonlight cinemas ▲▲discounts on gym membership at some colleges ▲▲half price photocopying and printing at all college libraries ▲▲discounts on faxing, binding and laminating at most colleges ▲▲Student Association diary, student bag and samples ▲▲barbeques and entertainment throughout each term ▲▲free or discounted participation in TAFEActive programs ▲▲special offers and discounts at local businesses, retailers and suppliers ▲▲student locker hire at some colleges ▲▲access to sporting and other equipment


▲▲discounts on laptops and computer software.

All campuses are staffed by professionally trained security officers focused on ensuring your personal security & safety. Security officers are experienced in helping students, including international students with limited English; and they are also certified in First Aid. Duty times vary depending on campus. Design Centre Enmore: (02) 9394 5890 St George: (02) 9598 6122 or (02) 9598 6309 Ultimo: (02) 9217 4777 (24 hour service)


Transport Details on public transport and parking for your campus are located in the Campus Information section of this guide (pages 9 to 11). For timetable information call 131 500 or visit www.131500.com.au

Useful Websites Anxiety and Depression

Gay and Lesbian Counselling



Career Information






www.myfuture.edu.au www.sit.nsw.edu.au/careersconnect

Public Transport

(Careers Connect @ Sydney Institute)



Rape Crisis Centre



Drugs and Alcohol

Student e-Services (SeS)



www.alcohol.gov.au www.drinkingnightmare.gov.au www.drugs.health.gov.au


Study in Australia www.studyinaustralia.gov.au

TA F E N S W H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N - S Y D N E Y I N S T I T U T E . S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 3 .

Design Centre Enmore Campus Information and Map Design Centre Enmore, 110 Edgeware Road, Enmore NSW 2042

Student Services and Facilities

Ph: (02) 9394 5700 Fax: (02) 9394 5757 Email: SIenmore.Info@tafensw.edu.au

Canteen - Building E, Ground Floor

Art and Bookshop - Building E, Room EG.10

Cashier - Building A, Ground Floor Course Information - Building A, Ground Floor


Computer Access for Students - Building A, Library

▲▲ANZ/St George: Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre

Counselling - Building B, Room B1.05

▲▲Commonwealth Bank: Enmore Road, Enmore

Customer Service Centre - Building A, Ground Floor

▲▲Westpac Bank: Enmore Road, Enmore.

Exhibition Centre - Building D, Ground Floor, Room DG.08 First Aid Room - Building C, Room 1.01

Car Parking

International Student Coordinator - Enquire at Customer Service Centre for details

Ample parking spaces are available in the main car park on Edgeware Road.

Library - Building A, Second Floor

The campus takes no responsibility for any damages to or loss of personal property.

Public Telephone - Building A, Ground Floor Security/Stores Officer - Building A, Ground Floor, Room 11 Student Association - Building A, Room G.12


Student Association Lounge - Building E, Room G.09.

▲▲413, 436, 437, 438, L38, 440, 461, 480, 483 travel along Parramatta Road ▲▲355, 423, 426, 428 travel along Enmore Road – get off at the corner of Edgeware and Enmore Roads ▲▲370, 422 travel down King Street – get off at the corner of Camden and King Streets

Enmore Road, Newtown Train Station, the University of Sydney, Sydney city

▲▲308 travels from eastern suburbs through Alexandria to St Peters – get off at the corner of Alice and Pearl Streets, or Smidmore Street and Edgeware Road. Design Centre Enmore is a 20 minute walk from Newtown, or a 30 minute walk from St Peters train station. LYN







d Stu
























Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre, Sydenham, Sydney Airport


St George Campus Information and Map St George Campus

Student Services and Facilities

Main campus: Corner President Avenue and Princes Highway, Kogarah NSW 2217

Bookshop - Building K, Ground Floor

Montgomery Street campus: 19 Montgomery Street, Kogarah NSW 2217

Cashier - Building A, Ground Floor

Canteen - Building E

Hogben Street campus: Hogben Street, Kogarah NSW 2217 Ph: (02) 9598 6200 Fax: (02) 9587 2629 Email: SIstgeorge.info@tafensw.edu.au

Children’s Centre - Kameruka Cottage, 57 Montgomery Street, Kogarah Computer Access for Students - Building B, Library Counselling - Building A, Ground Floor Course Information - Building A, Ground Floor

Car Parking

Customer Service Centre - Building A, Ground Floor

Parking is available with discounts for Student Association members:

Disability Support - Building A, Ground Floor

Members: $4 per entry Non-members: $7 per entry Disabled parking is available.

First Aid - Building A, Ground Floor International Student Coordinator - Building F, Ground Floor Learner Support Centre - Building B, First Floor Library - Building B


Multicultural Education Unit - Building F, Ground Floor

▲▲State Transit buses 376 (Rockdale-Dolls Point) and 477 (Rockdale to Miranda) run every 10 minutes on weekdays

Public Phone - Building F

▲▲Veolia buses 455 (Kingsgrove to Rockdale Plaza), 947 (Hurstville to Kogarah) and 958 (Hurstville to Rockdale) run every 30 minutes on weekdays

Student Association and Lounge - Building D, Ground Floor.

▲▲Punchbowl Bus 446 (Kogarah to Roselands) runs every 30 or 60 minutes on weekdays ▲▲Kogarah train station is a 10-minute walk from the campus. T





Rockdale, Sydney city



















O TG n io e at us St o e tH lic ur o o P C &





Brighton Le Sands, Botany Bay







a uk er e m ag Ka ott C






St George Private Hospital


TA F E N S W H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N - S Y D N E Y I N S T I T U T E . S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 3 .

Hurstville, Sutherland, Cronulla






Ultimo Campus Information and Map Ultimo Campus

Student Services and Facilities

731-695 Harris Street, Ultimo NSW 2007

Bookshop - Building H, Ground Floor Cafes - Buildings E and H Canteen - Building H Careers Connect Officer - Building U, level 2 Cashiers - Building W, Ground Floor Building D, Ground Floor Child Care Centre - Building Z, Ground Floor Counselling and Careers Service - Building D, Level 4 Customer Service Centres - Building D, Level 4; Building E, Level 1; Building F, Level 2; Building G, Ground Floor; Building H, Level 2; Building M, Ground Floor; Building N, Ground Floor; Building W, Ground Floor Exemptions and Refunds - Building D, Ground Floor Disability Support - Building D, Level 4 Examination Centre - Building W, Level 8 Executive Unit - Building A Flexible Learning Centre - Building D, Ground Floor (Library) Gym - Building Z, Level 1 Hair and Beauty - Building W, Level 4 Institute Course Information Centre - Building W, Ground Floor International Student Unit - Building H, Ground Floor Library - Building D Multicultural Education Unit - Building D, Level 1 (Room D1.39 - Library entrance) Workplace Health and Safety Services - Building D, Level 3 Security - Building H, Gatehouse Training Solutions Short Course Centre - Building W, Ground Floor Student Association - Building Z, Level 1; Building W, Level 2 Student Administration - Building D, Ground Floor Prayer Rooms – Building J, Ground level and level 1 (Rooms JG.01 and J1.03) Turner Hall - Building B, Level 1

Ph: 1300 360 601 Fax: (02) 9217 4938 Email: SIultimo.info@tafensw.edu.au

Banks ▲▲ANZ Bank: Broadway Shopping Centre and 665-669 George Street, Haymarket ▲▲Commonwealth Bank: Broadway Shopping Centre and 431-439 Sussex Street, Chinatown ▲▲St George Bank: Broadway Shopping Centre and 699 George Street, Haymarket ▲▲Westpac Bank: Broadway Shopping Centre and 671-675 George Street, Haymarket ▲▲There is also an ATM located onsite next to the Student Bookshop near Mary Ann Street Car Parking There is no general parking on campus premises. Parking is available on the Mary Ann Street site for students with a disability. Please contact security staff for details. Motorcycles can be parked in Thomas Street. Students must supply their own chains and locks. Parking is available at local parking stations where discounted parking is available for students who are members of the Student Association. Parking rates are subject to change. You can get further details by visiting the Ultimo Campus Student Association in Building Z, or calling 9217 3679.

Transport Ultimo campus is located on Harris St, a short walk from Central Railway Station and Railway Square. A number of State Transit and private buses operate from Railway Square.




















The ABC Ultimo Centre
















The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)








Broadway Shopping Centre, University of Sydney, Glebe, Parramatta

The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)


The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)





Information Centre

College entrances

Railway Square

Pedestrian tunnel from Central Train Station to Ultimo Rd
















Market City Shopping, Paddy’s Market, Chinatown, Darling Harbour, UTS





Sunken Garden





Powerhouse Museum, Pyrmont, Fish Markets


Essential Information for all Students Studying at TAFE NSW Higher Education Student Rights and Responsibilities As a TAFE NSW Higher Education student, you have a right to: ▲▲be treated fairly and with respect and courtesy by TAFE NSW staff and students;

▲▲litter, swear or spit; ▲▲drink or eat in classrooms and other learning areas; ▲▲harass fellow students or staff; ▲▲threaten or assault fellow students or staff; ▲▲damage, steal, modify or misuse TAFE NSW property;

▲▲a safe learning environment free from discrimination and harassment;

▲▲consume or be under the influence of alcohol or nonprescribed drugs on TAFE NSW premises;

▲▲be provided with course and subject information including an outline of the subject, assessment requirements, health and safety requirements and information about support services. This should be provided within the first week of class;

▲▲smoke in classrooms, learning areas, TAFE NSW buildings, or near doorways and windows;

▲▲receive regular information about your academic progress and a results notification sheet at the conclusion of the subject;

▲▲disrupt classes or other activities by using mobile phones, pagers or other electronic devices; ▲▲carry or use any prohibited weapons or prohibited drugs on TAFE NSW premises.

▲▲receive a testamur and transcript on successful completion of a qualification;

Harassment and Discrimination

▲▲a review of results or other decisions affecting your progress including an appeal if charged with a breach of student discipline;

Staff and students are entitled to be treated fairly and to work and/or learn in an environment free from harassment.

▲▲facilities, equipment and qualified teaching staff that meet program and/or curriculum specifications; ▲▲receive advanced standing in accordance with TAFE NSW Higher Education Policy; ▲▲privacy concerning TAFE NSW records containing personal information, subject to statutory requirements; and ▲▲lodge a complaint or suggestion for improvement without fear of retaliation or victimisation. You have a responsibility to: ▲▲treat other students and TAFE NSW staff with respect and fairness and not behave in a way that could offend, embarrass or vilify others; ▲▲follow any reasonable direction given by a member of TAFE NSW staff; ▲▲follow all safety practices and instructions; ▲▲do all assessment tasks and examinations honestly and not engage in plagiarism, collusion or cheating; ▲▲comply with the TAFE NSW Internet and Email Services Acceptable Usage Policy, including the TAFE NSW Internet and Email Services Code of Expected User Behaviour; ▲▲return or renew library resources by the due date and maintain the condition of these resources. You have a responsibility not to:

Harassment includes inappropriate conduct that is unwelcome, demeaning, unreciprocated, intimidating and/or offensive against an individual or a group of people. Behaviour that is acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another. TAFE NSW Higher Education aims to protect all people by making the environment safe and comfortable. TAFE NSW Higher Education does not condone any form of harassment. Harassment may result in disciplinary action and/or criminal charges. Under federal and NSW legislation, it is unlawful to harass or discriminate against anybody on the grounds of: ▲▲gender; ▲▲sexuality; ▲▲race; ▲▲physical/intellectual impairment; ▲▲marital status; ▲▲psychiatric/physical/intellectual disability; ▲▲pregnancy; or ▲▲age. If you feel you are being harassed, it is important to deal with the matter immediately. In the first instance, speak with the Course Coordinator, Teacher, Harassment Contact Officer or Counsellor. Students can also make a complaint through the complaints procedure. The NSW Anti-Discrimination Board can provide independent advice on harassment and discrimination. For more information, visit: http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au


TA F E N S W H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N - S Y D N E Y I N S T I T U T E . S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 3 .

Discipline TAFE NSW Higher Education provides you with the opportunity to study, learn and develop skills in a safe and healthy educational and social environment. When you sign your enrolment form, you declare that the information you have given is correct and you agree to abide by the TAFE NSW Student Discipline Policy. A breach of discipline can occur when a student acts (on or off TAFE NSW Higher Education premises) in a way that adversely affects the freedom of others to study, work or participate in TAFE NSW Higher Education activities and/or prejudices the management of TAFE NSW Higher Education Institute, campus or Student Association activities.

A breach of discipline will incur penalties as listed in TAFE NSW Student Discipline Policy. Teachers have the right to exclude from class any student who fails to comply with accepted standards of behaviour. Any member of staff who believes that a student has breached discipline can exclude that student from TAFE NSW Higher Education premises for the remainder of the day on which the alleged breach of discipline occurred. The circumstances of these incidents will be reported to a campus manager for appropriate action. For clarification on students’ rights and responsibilities and copies of the Student Discipline Policy, visit: www.det.nsw.edu.au/policies


Work Health and Safety You are required to comply with the Workplace Health and Safety requirements of TAFE NSW Higher Education. You must observe acceptable standards of personal cleanliness as well as standard safety practices including the use of personal protective equipment. Protective Clothing Where personal protective equipment is a specified requirement for a class, you will not be permitted to enter or remain in any teaching area unless wearing those items. You are responsible for providing your own personal protective equipment. Eye and Ear Protection You must wear acceptable eye or ear protection in any area that has been declared an eye or ear safety area. Students not wearing protective equipment will be excluded from these areas. Students must provide their own eye or ear protection. Footwear You will not be permitted to enter or remain in any site location, practical work area, workshop or laboratory if you are barefooted or not wearing appropriate footwear that offers sufficient protection.


Hair and Beards Students whose hair or beard is not cut short or wholly confined close to the head or face, will not be permitted to enter or remain in any practical classroom, workshop or laboratory where there may be a danger to the student from machinery or equipment. Students must observe the directions of the teacher. Injuries on TAFE NSW Premises Any injuries suffered while on TAFE NSW premises or property or during course activities away from TAFE NSW premises must be reported to your teacher. An Injury/Illness/ Incident Report for Students, Contractors and Visitors form must be completed and submitted as soon as possible.

Non Smoking Policy Smoking is not permitted within any building or undercover area on TAFE NSW grounds. Students must obey no smoking signage and may smoke only in designated smoking areas.

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Enrolment Course enrolments are conducted during orientation week. If you are not able to attend enrolment sessions during orientation week, you should contact the Course Coordinator. At orientation you will receive your timetable and be formally enrolled. You will meet your teachers and the Course Coordinator who will show you around the campus and introduce you to campus life.

Personal Details Prompt notification is required in the event of any changes to your personal details, such as: ▲▲change of name (original documents such as a marriage certificate must be provided); ▲▲change of address; and ▲▲change of telephone number. Contact a Customer Service Centre for advice on how to change your personal details. Enrolment Adjustment Forms are available from Customer Service Centres. It is your responsibility to inform TAFE NSW of any changes that need to be made to your student records.

Security of Information Student information is stored in appropriate and secure locations. The transport of student information between locations is undertaken with care. Documents being carried or posted are marked confidential and are not left unattended at any time. All information collected about students is related to or associated with enrolment and/or academic records. Student information is not provided to anyone other than TAFE NSW Higher Education staff and the student concerned. A student may give written consent to the release of information about him or herself. Student records are not provided to anyone over the telephone (including students). Examination marks are confidential and may only be released to authorised TAFE NSW staff.

Government Information (Public Access)

TAFE NSW Higher Education is bound by the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, but is also committed to protecting student information in accordance with the Data Protection Principles recommended by the Privacy Committee of NSW. For further information about the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 visit: www.oic.nsw.gov.au/oic/oic_home.html

Computers and Internet Access All users of TAFE NSW internet and email services must comply with the TAFE NSW Internet and Email Services Code of Expected User Behaviour. https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/ policies/ TAFE NSW reserves the right to monitor and record all usage of its computer networks, including its intranet, internet, email and other online services. TAFE NSW Higher Education reserves the right to take disciplinary action when breaches of the TAFE NSW Internet and Email Services Code of Expected User Behaviour occur. Disciplinary action may include legal action. TAFE NSW Higher Education reserves the right to limit access to internet and email services, including the filtering of websites. All users have a responsibility to: ▲▲·adhere to any requirements for internet and email services usage and behaviour addressed in TAFE NSW Higher Education policies and government legislation; ▲▲use TAFE NSW Internet and email services for educational, professional or career development activities; ▲▲take reasonable precautions to prevent others from using their account/s; ▲▲comply with the TAFE NSW Internet and Email Services Code of Expected User Behaviour, including provisions regarding intellectual property, child protection, pornography, offensive, obscene, abusive, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate conduct or use; ▲▲ensure that the language they use and information they publish through all TAFE internet and email services is respectful of, and sensitive to, all people; ▲▲report on breaches of the policy to a relevant TAFE NSW staff member (in the case of students, to their supervising teacher).

The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 encourages proactive release of public information. The Act establishes four ways for the public to access government information: ▲▲Mandatory Disclosure – information required to be publicly available on the internet ▲▲Proactive Release – the proactive releasing of information into the public domain ▲▲Informal Release – in response to requests from the public ▲▲Formal Access – a formal application process for the release of information. 15

DEC Student Portal

What if I have a Problem and Who do I Contact for Help?

The DEC Student Portal is a free, personal and passwordprotected internet and email account that is supplied by the NSW Department of Education and Communities (DEC). It provides secure access to internet browsing and your own student email account. It is also a gateway to various online resources, including Student e-Services and e-Learning/ Moodle.

If you have difficulty accessing the DEC Student Portal or if you cannot remember your DEC Username/User ID or password, please contact the Customer Service Centre or library staff at your college. See location details on pages 9 to 11.

Student DEC email account You will be issued with a DEC email address, usually in the form of firstname.surname@tafensw.net.au. Teachers and other TAFE NSW staff will send ALL TAFE emails to you at your DEC email account. Other email accounts such as Hotmail or Gmail will not be used by teachers for emailing you. It is your responsibility to ensure you regularly check your DEC email account. You must use your DEC email account to send official email correspondence related to your course, eg: for assessment submissions via email, requests for extension of assessment submission date. You must NOT send official course related emails to teachers or other TAFE NSW staff from personal email accounts such as Hotmail or Gmail. Your DEC User ID and password will be printed on your fee payment receipt. This must be kept secure at all times.

Student e-Services (SeS) SeS is an online service available at www.det.nsw.edu.au/eses/ that allows TAFE NSW students to view and confirm their enrolment and fee payment details and check and print their results. Through SeS, you can: ▲▲access the DEC Student Portal, including your email and My Learning Portlets ▲▲change your contact and address details ▲▲request a Transcript of Academic Record ▲▲view enrolment, personal and employer details ▲▲view the Assessment Guide for the course/s in which you are enrolled ▲▲view notifications and calendar information ▲▲view your results

How can I access the DEC Student Portal? ▲▲As a student you can access the DEC Student Portal from any location with internet access. Visit https://student.det.nsw.edu.au. ▲▲ The first time you log on to the DEC Student Portal we recommend you reset your password and set up a secret question and answer. The secret question will allow you to reset your password at any time. This information must not be shared with other students. All Internet access and usage is recorded against your DEC User ID.

▲▲view the results of your request for an auto-credit transfer, i.e. perform a Course Credits Estimate Report ▲▲view college announcements. The Username/User ID and password for SeS is the same as for DEC Student Portal.

You will not be able to use the internet or email services provided without an active DEC Student Portal account. To activate your DEC Student Portal account, log on to the DEC Student Portal. Agree to the Terms of Use, then: 1. Select the Change Password link and change your password to something you can easily remember; and 2. Set-up your secret questions and answers. The Change Password browser also provides the option to set up your secret questions and answers. The secret questions allow you to access the DEC Student Portal and Student e-Services. You can change your password at any time, after you have activated your DEC Student Portal. This information must not be shared with other students. Internet access and usage is recorded against each student’s DEC User ID. Before you can print or photocopy at any of Sydney Institute’s libraries, you will first need to activate your DEC Student Portal account. Printing and copying will then be enabled within 24 hours of your DEC Student Portal account being activated. 16

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How do I use Student e-Services (SeS)? Go to: ▲▲www.sit.nsw.edu.au and use the Quick Links drop-down selection; or select Information for Current Students and then Student e-Services; OR ▲▲www.tafensw.edu.au and select the ‘Student login’ option in the top right of the screen; OR ▲▲DEC Student Portal at student.det.nsw.edu.au and select the My Applications tab and then select TAFE Student e-Services; OR ▲▲SeS directly at www.det.nsw.edu.au/eses/ If you have not activated your DEC Student Portal yet, enter the Username/User ID and password you were provided with at the time of enrolment. Access to SeS will be provided once your personal details have been entered into the TAFE NSW corporate student records system.

Requesting a Transcript via Student e-Services (SeS)

TAFE Card TAFE card is an identification card that is compulsory for all students. It is provided free and is issued as an identification card as part of the enrolment process. Your TAFE card has no expiry date and is valid at all TAFE campuses in NSW. Your TAFE card is a smart card which provides access to the library, photocopiers and other services at your campus. However, it is not a travel concession card. You must have your card with you at all times while on campus grounds and you must present it to any member of staff who asks you to identify yourself. You should contact your Customer Service Centre if you have: ▲▲missed the TAFE card enrolment photographic session; ▲▲not received your TAFE card; ▲▲experienced problems using your TAFE card; ▲▲lost or damaged your TAFE card (a $20 replacement fee applies).

If you are having difficulty printing and receiving a transcript from your record in SeS, please contact your college Customer Service Centre for help. See location details on pages 9 to 11.


Fees and Payments


Fees for TAFE NSW Higher Education courses are charged on a per-subject basis. Check the course you intend to enrol in for the exact charge.

As a student, you may be eligible for financial assistance such as Youth Allowance, Austudy or ABSTUDY. Any government benefits are managed by Centrelink.

Equipment and Other Costs

Centrelink monitors student attendance to ensure continued eligibility for financial assistance, so it is important to inform Centrelink if you change your study program.

In addition to tuition fees, you may be required to purchase additional resources such as equipment, protective clothing and text books.

FEE-HELP FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that assists eligible fee paying students to pay their tuition fees. The FEE-HELP loan is repaid through the Australian taxation system once your income passes a designated threshold. A FEE-HELP loan also attracts a loan fee charged by the commonwealth government. The loan fee is 25%, so if your loan was to cover tuition fees of $1000, the additional loan fee would be $250. The loan fee is also repaid through the Australian taxation system. Please note, if after applying for a FEE-HELP loan you wish to withdraw from a subject you must submit a Withdrawal Application Form to your campus prior to the census date or you will be liable for the cost of the subject you are withdrawing from. For full details about FEE-HELP and to check your eligibility visit: http://www.goingtouni.gov.au/Main/ FeesLoansAndScholarships/Undergraduate/Loans/ EEHELP.htm

For further information, visit: www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/internet.nsf/individuals/ st_index.htm

Travel Concessions and Passes All full time domestic students enrolled at TAFE are entitled to a State Rail Authority (SRA) and State Transit Authority (STA) Travel Concession Card. The SRA and STA define a full-time student as a person enrolled in a full year course. Students NOT eligible for SRA/STA Travel Concession Cards include: ▲▲·full fee paying international students; ▲▲temporary visa holders; and ▲▲part-time students. For more information please visit: http://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/content/guidelines-issuingtertiary-student-cards To receive a Travel Concession Card, please visit your campus Customer Service Centre with your current enrolment form or TAFE NSW fee receipt (see pages 9 to 11 for location details). Your enrolling officer must note the total credit points per week you are studying on these forms. Some travel concessions will be available for International Students. Please contact the Book Shop at your campus for further information regarding eligibility.


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Withdrawing from your Course Thinking about Withdrawing? TAFE counsellors can offer advice on available options, and can assist you with completing the necessary paperwork.

What You Need to Know About Withdrawing Students may withdraw from a subject up to the census date without a failure being recorded and without incurring a FEEHELP liability. If you withdraw or drop a subject after the census date, you will be obliged to repay the FEE-HELP loan for that subject. If you withdraw or drop a subject after the census date, you will have a ‘Fail’ result entered on your record. If however you have withdrawn from the subject after census date and have consulted with the course co-ordinator, or if you have withdrawn due to serious illness or misadventure, a result of ‘Withdrawn No Penalty’ will be entered on your record.

Please note, if withdrawing from a subject you must submit a withdrawal form to your college/campus. If the withdrawal form is lodged prior to the census date you will not be liable for the cost of the subject you are withdrawing from. You must use the Withdrawal Application Form which can be downloaded at: https://www.tafensw.edu.au/degrees/fees/assets/pdf/he_ withdrawal_application.pdf For more information, read the TAFE NSW FEE-HELP Tuition Fee and Refund Policy at: https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/policies/students/high_edu/ hig_tut/PD20100407.shtml

If you are considering withdrawing due to personal reasons, it is important that you receive appropriate support and encouragement. Your course co-ordinator or teacher and campus counsellors may be able to assist you in completing your studies in the future. If you are considering withdrawing because you are dissatisfied with the course, its delivery, or for other reasons related to your experience at the campus, it is important to raise your concerns with a member of staff so these issues can be addressed. Depending on when you withdraw, you may be entitled to a refund of any up-front payment you have paid, or re-credit of your FEE-HELP balance if you have taken a FEE-HELP loan.


Results, Course Completion and Graduation Transcripts are issued progressively after semester completion. Transcripts for studies completed mid-year are issued in July, and for studies completed at the end of the year, in January. If you believe there may have been a mistake with a result, you can apply to your teacher for it to be reviewed. Testamurs for all qualifications are issued on successful completion of these courses, usually at a graduation ceremony.

Academic Policies and Procedures TAFE NSW Higher Education has a range of policies and procedures relevant to academic study. Below is a brief description of the policy areas that will directly affect you as a student. All TAFE NSW Higher Education policies and procedures are available at www.det.nsw.edu.au/policies

Academic Standards and Professional Conduct TAFE NSW Higher Education encourages high standards of professional behaviour and academic conduct.

Your results will not be released to any other person or organisation unless you provide your written consent, or the records are subpoenaed.

Students must conduct all work associated with this course in a manner that is environmentally, socially and culturally responsible, so as not to cause harm or disrespect to the environment, people or their values and beliefs.

Family and friends are welcome to join you. Additional graduation ceremonies are sometimes also held for students who finish their courses mid-year.

Students shall be fair in the criticism of another student’s work, and shall not belittle or denigrate the work or reputation of another student.

If you cannot make it to the ceremony, please check with the campus administration to make alternative arrangements for collection of your testamur.

Students shall hold confidential all information about any specific organisation and their business or business activities, which may be divulged in the process of a lecture and/or tutorial, including lectures given by industry guest lecturers. It is the policy of TAFE NSW Higher Education that respect and acknowledgement is given to intellectual property created by academics, other writers and practitioners whose work is cited in your submissions, or used to illustrate them. It is therefore important to use an academic citation system and include a bibliography with every submission, to acknowledge the intellectual property of others that you have used to support your own proposals or position. The Harvard citation system is the preferred academic citation system used in TAFE NSW Higher Education. Failing to use an appropriate citation system and bibliography is a form of academic misconduct called plagiarism. It is the responsibility of every student and academic staff member to avoid plagiarism. Electronic auditing is used by academic staff to monitor and identify cases of plagiarism, and there are consequences for students who are proven to have plagiarised. Penalties for students who have plagiarised the work of other students, industry practitioners, academics or other intellectual property owners may range from subject failure to expulsion from TAFE NSW Higher Education. Plagiarism may also result in legal action being taken by intellectual property owners whose work is included in your submissions, but not acknowledged.


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Advanced Standing and Credit Transfer


What is Advanced Standing and Credit Transfer?

Subject Guides contain general information about the content and specific details of the assessment activities you are required to undertake in each subject. You will receive a copy of the Subject Guide at your first class in each subject.

Advanced standing and credit transfer reduces the time it takes to complete a course. Granting advanced standing for prior learning ensures that you commence study at a level that appropriately recognises your prior learning experiences, and you are not required to repeat equivalent learning successfully undertaken in another context. TAFE NSW Higher Education is committed to open and accessible guidelines to grant advanced standing (credit) with respect to specific subjects that constitute a course of study on the basis of prior learning, whether from formal studies or professional work. A credit transfer may also occur when you have completed subjects while undertaking a course within TAFE NSW Higher Education and you wish to transfer to another course. When to Apply An application for advanced standing or credit transfer must be made on the appropriate form at the time of application for admission to the course. The application should be accompanied by sufficient documentary evidence to support the application. Advanced standing is available to international students with some conditions.

It is your responsibility to read the Subject Guide and ask your teacher for any further information that you may require. You must submit assessment work and attend scheduled assessment activities on the required dates.

Examinations At the beginning of each subject your teachers will provide information about the assessments that will be conducted, including examinations. Examinations can be conducted either during the teaching period or during the examinations weeks at the end of each semester (refer to the Calendar at the beginning of this guide). The Subject Guide for each subject will advise when examinations for the subject are scheduled. You will have to show your TAFE card as identification before sitting each examination. You will need to check each Subject Guide to find out whether you will be able to use calculators, dictionaries,


notes and/or textbooks. This information will also be available on the cover of your exam paper.


The timetables for examinations will be displayed on notice boards at the campus.

During the first week of each subject in your course you will be provided with:

If you have a disability which may affect your ability to complete an examination, or complete it within the required time, contact your teacher or the Disabilities Teacher Consultants (see page 5 for contact details). They will determine if you qualify for special concessions such as a modified examination.

▲▲an outline of the subject;

For full details of the assessment policy, visit: https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/policies/index.shtml

You are expected to attend classes regularly and to complete and submit work in accordance with the assessment requirements for each subject. Failure to complete subject requirements will lead to subject failure. If you are sick or otherwise unable to attend class, particularly for an assessment activity, you should contact your teacher via email to notify them in advance of your absence.

The policy covers: ▲▲Assessment Submission Requirements ▲▲Group Work Assessment Guidelines

▲▲special work health and safety requirements; ▲▲the assessment requirements; ▲▲conduct requirements.

▲▲Resubmission Rules ▲▲Deferred Assessment ▲▲Penalties for Late Assessment Submission ▲▲Appeals Processes


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Supplementary Learning Activities Students are expected to: ▲▲complete any pre-reading specified prior to attending lectures and tutorials; ▲▲attend relevant exhibitions, conferences, seminars and events nominated by your teachers and tutors; ▲▲access the subject network shares at least once per week to obtain information, instructions and updates on class activities from lecturers and tutors; and ▲▲access your email accounts at least once per day to obtain information, instructions and updates on events and activities from teachers and tutors.

Environment At TAFE NSW, we are committed to environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources. We encourage students to adopt environmentally responsible practices and work towards environmental sustainability within their industry and community. By applying the five Rs, you can significantly reduce your everyday impact on the environment. Reflect before buying or asking for something and consider if you really need it. Excessive consumption and consumerism are leading causes of social and environmental degradation. Reduce the amount of paper, water, energy and materials you use.

Copyright Under the provisions of the Copyright act 1969, a copyright owner is entitled to take legal action against an institution or individual who infringes copyright.

Reuse paper by making double sided photocopies and making notepaper out of one sided paper. Pass on clothes, books and goods for others to use and consider buying second hand products and repairing equipment instead of replacing it.

Under the Act, you are permitted to make a copy for the purpose of research or study. This is called fair dealing for the purpose of research or study.

Recycle all paper products, metals, glass, PET plastic and aluminium containers, used engine oil, and printer cartridges and everything you can’t reduce or reuse.

A reasonable guide to fair dealing is:

Report any leaking taps, toilet, energy wastage and other environmental risks.

▲▲one article in a periodical,

To reduce greenhouse gases:

▲▲two or more articles (if they relate to the same subject matter)

▲▲shut down your computer and switch off your monitor;

▲▲up to 10 per cent or one chapter of a book.

▲▲if you are last out, switch off the lights;

For more information visit: www.copyright.org.au

▲▲walk, cycle or use public transport to get to your campus.

Your campus librarian or Customer Service Officer can also provide information on copyright.

Respect for the Intellectual Property of Others You must: ▲▲never plagiarise information. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were your own work without acknowledging the original author; ▲▲respect the copyright of owners and authors of work, including works, ideas and graphics, on TAFE NSW Higher Education and other websites. Copyright infringement occurs when an individual inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by a copyright. Many works can only be used with the prior written permission of the author. Always acknowledge the creator or author of any material published; ▲▲not make available or use illegal (pirated) copies of copyrighted software on TAFE NSW Higher Education equipment. Please see: TAFE NSW Higher Education Academic Integrity and Honesty Policy and Procedure at www.det.nsw.edu.au/policies


Continuous Improvement

Suggestions and Complaints

Information will be collected from teachers and students throughout the course and subsequently from graduates and other stakeholders concerning:

TAFE NSW Higher Education is committed to providing the highest quality service and learning experience. If you have a suggestion or complaint, please talk to one of our staff members. You can make a suggestion or complaint in person, by phone, or in writing to any TAFE NSW Higher Education staff member.

▲▲General relevance of subject content to the learning and graduate outcomes ▲▲Specific strong points ▲▲Specific weak points ▲▲Suggestions for improvement ▲▲Appropriateness of assessment methodologies ▲▲Adequacy of this program as a preparation for employment or professional practice. The above information will be used to evaluate course effectiveness and efficiency, and adjustments will be made to ensure that the subjects remain current and relevant.

TAFE NSW Higher Education recognises that an effective system for handling customer complaints is an essential part of quality service. We handle complaints in a way that: ▲▲is easily understood by our customers; ▲▲is prompt and courteous; ▲▲keeps customers informed ▲▲can be managed in the first instance by any staff member who is approached by a customer; ▲▲provides for different responses depending on the seriousness and complexity; ▲▲protects confidentiality of staff and customer; ▲▲leads to improvement in the level of our services through appropriate remedial action. Most complaints will be resolved informally with the relevant member of staff. There are provisions for the use of formal procedures depending on the nature and seriousness of the complaint. For more information visit: www.det.nsw.edu.au/aboutus/epac/index.htm Talk to your Course Coordinator if you need clarification about any of the information in this Student Handbook.


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Degree in Excellence

PUBLISHED February 2013 Published: November 2011


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