A guide for employers
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships
Did you know you can now benefit from training programs for students who are still finishing high school? By linking into a training program for senior high school students you can: cc cc cc cc cc
reduce future recruitment costs attract young people to careers in your industry develop work-readiness in young people address skills shortages increase the training and mentoring skills of your staff
1300 360 601 / www.sydneytafe.edu.au/tvet Design Centre Enmore / Eora / Petersham / Randwick / St George / Sutherland / Ultimo
Information on employing a TVET school-based apprentice/trainee What is a school-based apprenticeship/traineeship? ccThe school student combines part-time work, TAFE study and school which leads to a nationally recognised qualification. ccSchool-based apprenticeships and traineeships are available in all industries. ccApprenticeships/traineeships give the employer the opportunity to start a young person in a trade while they are still at school. ccSchool-based apprentices complete the first stage of their apprenticeship by the end of their HSC year.
Employers link into programs with training providers such as TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute. Students interested choose to study a Certificate II or Certificate III at TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute and spend time in supervised training at the workplace. At the completion of the TVET course (usually two years), the students have a first-hand understanding of the industry familiarity with work practices and motivation to advance in their chosen careers. Strategic employers have recognised the value in training and building their recruitment base this way. What do the students do? Students are usually interviewed to assess their maturity and suitability for the course. Once selected, depending on the chosen course of study, students learn senior first aid, manual handling and OH&S skills before they begin training ‘on the job’. Students are fully prepared and supervised while they undertake tasks. What employers say about the course:
“School-based apprentices help me manage workload demands between TAFE and on-the-job training. I’m never down an apprentice.” Michael Causer, TLC Plumbing
ccSchool-based trainees complete their traineeship by the end of their HSC year. ccThe study and work that school-based apprentices and trainees do while at school is credited towards their HSC. What are the benefits of skilling a school-based apprentice/trainee? ccSchool-based apprenticeships and traineeships provide the opportunity to employ young recruits. ccEmployers will be investing in the future skill needs of their business and industry. ccEmployers will become an employer of choice for young people entering your industry. ccGovernment incentives are available to assist and support your business. ccSchool-based apprentices and trainees have support from their school, community organisations and State Training Services. How do I go about finding a school-based apprentice/ trainee? Contact the TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute SBAT Project Officer to enquire about school students currently enrolled in your industry area or have your company details placed on our database for future students. SBAT Project Officer details can be found at www.sydneytafe.edu.au/tvet
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Where can employers find out more? Visit us at TVET for TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute www.sydneytafe.edu.au/tvet School-based apprenticeships and traineeships in NSW www.sbatinnsw.info Australian Apprenticeships Centre www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au
Published: June 2012
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