Independent The Taft
September 8 - 14, 2016
The Taft Independent
September 8 - 14 2016 • Volume 10 Issue 10
“Serving the West Kern County Communities of Taft, South Taft, Ford City, Maricopa, Fellows, McKittrick, Derby Acres, Dustin Acres, and the Cuyama Valley”
Qik Smog & Tune
No Appointment Needed for Smog Check! Local Motorcycle Repair European and Japanese Street Bikes and All Dirt Bikes Safety Inspection Professional Service Dirt and Street BikeTire Mount and Balance Experienced Mechanics Basic Tune-up to Major Overhaul • 661-763-4445 • 500 S. 10th Street Now Servicing Japanese and European Motorcycles
Mexican and Seafood Taqueria Open 7 Days a Week 7 am to Midnight - 7 Days a Week
Try Our All New Seafood Menu!
SPECIAL Tostada Ceviche Pescado $2.95 330 Kern Street Corner of 4th and Kern Street 745-4898
N o w S e l l i n g Te c h I n s p e c t e d a n d S m o g g e d Q u a l i t y Us e d C a r s
Monarch Fleet Services and Automotive Merced Moreno - Licensed Bonded Serving Taft and the Westside (661) 345-7350
Open Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Saturday and Sunday 10am - 5pm
217 Center Street (661) 765-2886
Financing Available - Buy Here-Pay Here Available