week 6-9 midsemster - sep

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Content 06. Week Six Case Study Matrix


Panelisation is a flexible technique for designing the gateway. In our group initially we started with “Voussoir Cloud” Project as inspiration. The first outcomes had similarity to the “ Voussoir Cloud” in terms of shape and structure. These outcomes were result of working with panels as a uniform shape of arches. Next step we start to put aside the “Voussoir” arches and experimenting nonuniform panels. Non-uniform panels had a unlimited results and shapes but in terms of structure and workability of

was not very successful. Lastly we examine the flat surfaces and arranging panels on flat surfaces. This option was successful because the panels could vary in terms of their design. In terms of structure it was much lighter. The other advantage of last option was the flexibility of assembly and design. The flexibility of final outcome increase the level of sustainability of the project. This meanse by using this approach and technique any type of change is applicable.






Matrix Selection









Content 07. Week Seven Model Fabrication Test Model Final Model

Model Fabrication

After finalizing our design, we start to prepare the file for fabrication. Since we had a curvilinear surface with triangular panels, we needed to be certain about the workability of the model. Selected deign form the matrix included ten surfaces turning into different angles. In order to have a model with good workability we needed to be certain about the angle of each surface. To chive better stability of the model we unified the point across the whole model.

Selected model from matix

Rolling surfaces for fabrication 54

Test Model

After finalizing our design, we start to prepare the file for fabrication. Since we had a curvilinear surface with triangular panels, we needed to be certain about the workability of the model. Selected deign form the matrix included ten surfaces turning into different angles.


Final Model




Content 08. Week Eight Midsemster EOI Argument Precedents Proof of concept

EOI Argument Perusing panlelisation as our technique, we aim to achieve a flexibility and complexity of design. Via Grasshopper it is possible to work with the scale and the shape of the design. The “ Vessoir Cloud” project, was successful in terms of light and shadow but in terms of structure it was a time consuming project. In “ Voussoir Cloud”, each panels required tabs to be attached together to achieve the final structure of the design.But in our design we chanage the panels to surfaces.Through panelisation technique there is a chance to work with the surface of panel sizes and shapes. Concept of light and shadow is a suitable approach for the gate way. The site has a curvilinear lay out and it exposed to direct sunlight. Through panel design it is possible to play around with different lights and shadow. This can be via solid material which produce sharp shadows or transparent material which generate defused light and shadows. One of the challenge that panelisation is facing is the structure.

In certain designs it might be challenging in terms of structure. But this can be solved through providing few structural supports.Art615 project [GH3D] is an example the include structural supports for the pnaels.This is only an inspration interms of structure. Panelisation has a great potential of design and if there is any weakness in the design it can be solved through changing the material, size of the panels and division of the panels. Because of the flexibility that panelisation has, it can be a sustainable approach. The reason is, in case of any change in future; panels can be removed and transformed to something else. In terms of material metal is suitable for gateway project. Metals can vary in weight and color. Depending on specific desired design it can be installed with or without extra support. Large installation can be achieved via division of the panels into surface. The workability of the panels depends on design.







Proof Of Concept


Proof Of Concept


References: http://www.alanslu.com/#Voussoir-Cloud-IwamotoScott http://www.demagazine.co.uk/architecture/voussoir-cloud http://designplaygrounds.com/blog/dragon-skin-pavillion/ http://designplaygrounds.com/deviants/tetramin-by/http://designplaygrounds.com/deviants/stalactile-tessellated-manifolds/ http://designplaygrounds.com/deviants/art615-project-gh3d/



Perusing panlelisation as our technique, we aim to achieve a flexibility and complexity of design. Via Grasshopper it is possible to work with the scale and the shape of the design. The “ Vessoir Cloud” project, was successful in terms of light and shadow but in terms of structure it was a time consuming project. In “ Voussoir Cloud” project, each panels required tabs to be attached together to achieve the final structure of the design. Through panelisation technique there is a chance to work with the surface of panel sizes and shapes. Concept of light and shadow is a suitable approach for the gate way. The site has a curvilinear lay out and it exposed to direct sunlight. Through panel design it is possible to play around with different lights and shadow. This can be via solid material which produce sharp shadows or transparent material which generate defused light.

One of the challenge that panelisation is facing is the structure. In certain designs it might be challenging in terms of structure. But this can be solved through providing few structural supports. Panelisation has a great potential of design and if there is any weakness in the design it can be solved through changing the material, size of the panels and division of the panels. Because of the flexibility that panelisation has, it can be a sustainable approach. The reason is, in case of any change in future; panels can be removed and transformed to something else. In terms of material metal is suitable for gateway project. Metals can vary in weight and color. Depending on specific desired design it can be installed with or without extra support. Large installation can be achieved via division of the panels into surface. The workability of the panels depends on design..


Grasshopper So far.....

I believe Grasshopper is an extremely heavy program. It is working with complexity. To me Grasshopper is like being God. You should have such an enormous power and knowledge and control to be able to design the system you like. I find it challenging and I am putting a lot of effort to deal with it through our design. I expected it to be challenging from the beginning. But I think like any other thing in this world it is always best to choose correct approach. Grasshopper is something that can be extremely revolutionary. At this stage it is too soon to judge about the Grasshopper but so far I try to stay friend with it and learn it continuously.



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