Mapping Conversa.ons About Loca.ons
Other Side of the Planet
Legend = Present = Past = Future = Near to Present = Farther from Present • Opaque Line = Very Likely Event Loca.on • 50% Transparent Line = Unlikely Event Loca.on
Process This Google Earth map tracks conversa.ons in which topics about loca.ons have come up. The content comes from four full days of research where I paid careful aMen.on to my conversa.ons with others. If the discussion topic wandered toward a loca.on, I recorded the converser’s name, the loca.on discussed, and the .meline in which the speaker talked about the loca.on: present, past, or future.
Process To show the tense in which the loca.on was discussed I have used color coded pins marking the loca.ons: orange represents past, green represents future, and yellow represents present. To symbolize the amount of .me in the past or future from the present, I changed thickness of the map lines: thinner symbolizes very close to present and thicker symbolizes farther from present.
Process Finally, I present my own judgment on the likeliness of the discussed loca.on-‐specific events actually happening or having happened. To do this I changed the transparency of the mapping lines: opaque lines mean this loca.on event is very likely to happen or to have happened and 50% transparency indicates my high disbelief the event actually happened or ever will happen.
ISSUU Loca.on • hMp:// final_project_issuu/1 • Miller, A. (2014). Background photograph of flower. Retrieved from hMp:// photographybyrourke.dapor`