Fresh Winds School of Biblical Studies

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Greetings From Our Dean Grace, mercy and peace be unto you from God our Father, and our Lord, Jesus Christ. I thank God, and commend you, for taking this step to become more knowledgeable about God and His Word. This is the beginning of an awesome, eye-opening experience for you as we journey through the Bible together, and hear the heart of God. This year we are blessed to expand our course offerings by adding additional classes which will be taught by anointed servants of the Lord. Thank God for His provision! I look forward to having a blessed, productive and enlightening school year with you. If I can be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to ask. Here at Fresh Wind School of Biblical Studies we welcome anyone who has a hunger for the Word of God. If you desire to know more about God and His Word, we welcome you. If you want to be strengthened in your faith, we welcome you. If you want to know sound doctrine, we welcome you. If you’re feeling stuck and that you’re not experiencing spiritual growth, take the first step to deepening your knowledge of the Word of God. If you feel you’re not where you should be in knowing or obeying His Word, join us as we journey through the Bible. We don’t just read the Bible for reading’s sake…we study to comprehend the scriptures in context with the chapter so that we don’t erroneously interpret what is being stated. Come and learn how to apply the Word of God to your life. I’d like to share the following quote with you from Marianne Williamson: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” We stand on 2 Timothy 2:15 – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” I hope that this serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement to you to step out on faith and join us at Fresh Wind School of Biblical Studies so that you can be the you whom God created you to be. God bless you.

Dr. Katrina O. Dortch

Our Goals We do a deep dive into the Bible on a weekly basis by doing a comprehensive study of God’s Word in order to gain a true understanding of what the Bible teaches. This prevents one from taking scripture out of context and misrepresenting its meaning. Our goal is to instruct, engage, enlighten and empower everyone who comes to learn of God and His Word and learn how to apply it to their lives and to share it with others. Our classes are taught in a variety of ways: lecture, interactive demonstrations, role play and trivia challenges, just to name a few. Orientation – Monday, September 8, 2014, 7:00 pm. Teachers will expound on the 2014/2015 school year and what exciting ventures lie ahead Register for your class(es) Your attendance qualifies you to possibly win a prize Enjoy light refreshments Course Offerings All classes will be held on Monday evenings. Classes Begin – 9/29/14 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm: Spiritual Formation: Spiritual Growth and Development Course Synopsis: This course is a study of spiritual growth and development concentrating on the formation of character, values, disciplines, and habits particularly related to spiritual growth and maturity. If you want to learn how to grow spiritually as a disciple in Christ, this course is for you. You will learn the steps to take for spiritual growth and maturity as well as practical application of what you’ve learned. 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm: Old Testament History Course Synopsis: This course will examine all of the books in the Old Testament and is designed to provide an introduction and examination of the Old Testament within its historical, social and political contexts. This course will also examine the theological themes of the Old Testament to establish a foundation for the understanding of the New Testament.

7:15 pm – 8:30 pm: Introduction to the New Testament Course Synopsis: This course is designed to help you learn about the New Testament writings, the birth and persecution of the church, church history, early Christianity, and the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm: The Book of Joshua Course Synopsis: This is a comprehensive study of the Book of Joshua. After 40 years of wilderness wandering, awaiting the death of the rebellious Israelites, God now has given His approval for the Israelites to go into the Promised Land. Will they finally possess the land that God promised their ancestors? What problems will they encounter? Will the prostitute who betrayed the people to help the spies now turn on the spies and remain loyal to her own people? Relive the excitement and tension that the Israelites face as they’re perched on the east side of the Jordan River ready to march into their promised inheritance. Essential Tools Needed for Class: 1. Bible – King James Version 2. 1” 3-Ring Binder for Handouts 3. Sheet Protectors (without holes) 4. Notebook Helpful Tools to Enhance Your at-Home Studies:

Study Bible Bible Dictionary Bible Commentary Bible Handbook

School Calendar Class Orientation: 9/8/2014 Monday, September 8, 2014 at 7 pm Classes Begin: Monday, 9/29/14 Time: See Course Offerings Awards & Certificate Recognition Celebration: Monday, May 18, 2015

No Class on the Following Dates: Mon., Nov.10,2014 Mon., Dec.29, 2014 Mon., Feb. 16, 2015

Mon., Dec.22, 2014 Mon.,Jan, 19, 2015 Mon., April 6, 2015

Our Instructors Dr. Katrina O. Dortch is an ordained Elder and an anointed woman of God.

She is an Associate Minister and the First Lady of Mt. Calvary UFW Baptist Church in Brooklyn, NY where Bishop Milton Hines Dortch is the pastor. At Mt. Calvary she preaches and teaches the Word of God. She has a passion for the Word of God and desires to share it with others. The Lord has placed a passion in her for His Word, which at times, seems to be overwhelming. She has been prophesied to many times about her teaching ministry. After hearing her speak, people have come up to her and have asked her if she is a teacher. Knowing that her steps have been ordered by the Lord, after much prayer and seeking God’s guidance, she has birthed Fresh Wind Ministries, Inc., which is a ministry devoted to teaching, mentoring and counseling both the churched and the unchurched. Dr. Dortch has a unique way of teaching, where her students learn to peel back the layers of the text, dissect it, discuss it and apply it. She encourages her students not to be afraid of what they don’t initially understand. We work through it together…no one is left behind. In addition to teaching the Bible, she also teaches Sunday School. Dr. Dortch graduated from Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT, where she received her MBA in Marketing. She was also a member of the Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society. After attaining her Bachelors and Masters degrees in Theology from the New Greater Bethel Bible Institute in Queens Village, NY, she continued on and in 2010 she graduated with her Doctorate in Theology. She was blessed to be the Salutatorian of her graduating class and was honored to give the salutatorian address to the school upon graduation. In 2013 the Dean of New Greater Bethel called to ask if she would help them by working at the Bible School. Since then, she has been working there as an administrator (learning the process and flow of the workings of a Bible School) and as a substitute teacher. While there, she has taught various classes, namely Children’s Foundation, Youth Ministry, Discipleship Training, Evangelism and Christian Work, and Teacher’s Training. God has certainly ordered her steps. The Lord is sharpening her tools and preparing her to do a greater work for Him. She also has a Certificate in Faith-Based Mentoring from the New York King’s County District Attorney’s Office. Dr. Dortch is married to Bishop Milton Hines Dortch and together they have four children, Stephanie, Dwayne, Danielle and Seth, and 3 grandchildren, Jamari, Chynna and Sydney. Regardless of the trials and tribulations that we face in this lifetime, Dr. Dortch believes that everyday above ground is a blessed day, and God has greater things in store for you! You’re just being strengthened for the journey ahead of you in order to walk in your purpose and divine calling. If you trust and believe, and listen to the voice of the Lord, you will walk in your divine purpose for He will surely bring it to pass. Our God is faithful. “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” Psalm 37:5.

Our Instructors Rev. Dr. Cheryl P. DosReis is a true servant of God who walks in

the prophetic anointing. She stands wholeheartedly on the Word of God and is anointed with a powerful story of surviving five heart surgeries, while pursuing a Doctorate in Sacred Theology and establishing a church in Brooklyn, New York—Miracle Temple of Praise Baptist Church. Dr. DosReis began her walk with God after leaving a life of drugs, gang violence, and gambling, which left her broken yet longing to seek His purpose. She then became a servant believing that it is through serving others that one can grow and realize their full potential in Christ. Her humble nature led her to serve as adjutant for church legends such as Pastor Shirley Caesar, Prophetess Juanita Bynum, Pastor Aretha Wilson and Co-Pastor Mary Allen. Her spiritual father, Bishop Clenso Allen, was inspired by her accurate and prophetic gift, and began mentoring her to become a licensed Minister and Prophetess at Calvary UFW Baptist Church. It was clear that Dr. DosReis was destined to become a Pastor as she quickly grew influential and was recognized by her gift to teach and connect people with God. She decided to go back to school to pursue her dream of becoming a Doctor of Sacred Theology. She holds two Bachelor Degrees in Religious Education, a Master’s Degree in Religious Education and a Doctorate Degree in Sacred Theology. Dr. DosReis took a giant leap of faith to establish her own church—Miracle Temple of Praise. With little capital, she began congregating members and preaching in her living room. She began traveling and making appearances as an inspirational and motivational speaker which enabled her to open her own church in Brooklyn, New York. In 2009 she was installed her as the Pastor and founder of Miracle Temple of Praise, marking yet another trailblazing achievement. Currently, her vision for her church is to promote entrepreneurship in the African American community, and to provide services such as continuing adult education, a food pantry, afterschool and daycare for single mothers and to poverty-stricken families. Today, Pastor Dr. Cheryl DosReis lives to preach the word of God and to share her story about the miracles of God through prayer and faith. She is a role model to her four children: Keith Jr, Keia, Asia, and Ashley. She is an inspiration to her husband of 36 years Minister Keith DosReis, Sr. When asked to describe herself, Dr. DosReis’s reply was 1st Corinthians 2:4-5 “And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, But in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”

Our Instructors Min. Bernard Nelson Findley is a man of God who enjoys doing the Lord’s

work. He is an Associate Minister at Mt. Calvary UFW Baptist Church in Brooklyn, NY, where Bishop Milton Hines Dortch is the pastor. At Mt. Calvary he works faithfully with the Men’s Ministry and he also helps to conduct the 8:00 am Sunday worship service at Mt. Calvary. In 1996 Min. Findley gave his life to Christ and joined the Church of the Holy Redeemer where he served on the choir as one of the praise and worship leaders, served on the Church Council and became the Chairman of the Men’s Ministry Group. His deeper desires for biblical understanding lead him to seminary in 2010 and to Mt. Calvary in 2012. Min. Findley is a recent graduate of Alliance Theological Seminary where he has received a Master’s of Divinity Degree (M.Div.) in Old Testament Theology. He is a 20+ year veteran math and science teacher with the New York City Department of Education. He holds an Associate’s Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from the City College of New York and a Master’s Degree in School Supervision and Administration from Touro College in New York. Min. Findley has a wonderful wife of 20+ years, and he is the father of two teenagers, Malik (18) and Octavia (17). His years of preparation has prepared him to be an integral part of Mt. Calvary as he seeks to serve, by the grace of God, to grow and build the Kingdom of God at Mt. Calvary UFW Baptist Church. Romans 12:2-5, “Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect”. (NET)

Our Instructors Rev. Vera Miles is a chosen vessel of the Lord. She is an Associate Minister at

Mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church of Passaic, New Jersey where Dr. W. Louis McDowell is the pastor. Prior to relocating to NJ, she was a member of Mt. Calvary UFW Baptist Church in Brooklyn, NY, under the leadership of Bishop Milton Hines Dortch, where her thirst for the Word of God developed. As a young girl, Rev. Vera was deeply rooted in the church and knew the Lord, but it was at an early age that she accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. It was through her personal encounter with Christ, along with the Christian lifestyle and instruction of her mother and grandmother that her journey in ministry truly blossomed. She is sincere and passionate about her ministry and is diligent about preaching and helping all whom she encounters. Rev. Miles preaches that Jesus is Truth and God’s Word (Bible) is Truth. The purpose of a Christian education is finding truth and direction from God. If we believe that God is truth, then we must start with learning about theology (the study of God), studying the Bible and learning how and why Jesus lived. If there is no learning about God then there is no truth, and we will not find God. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6.). Rev. Miles’ career began in New York City as a motivational and professional development force in the financial world spanning over twenty years. She holds leadership positions in her local church and she is active and instrumental in the ministries. Rev. Miles participates in several outreach programs, workshops, spiritual formation sessions and missionary projects. Rev. Miles is currently a Doctoral Candidate at Grand Canyon University pursuing a Doctorate of Education in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Christian Ministry. She also holds her M.S. and B.S. degrees in Christian Ministry. She is the CEO of Milestone Publishing and has held positions such as Vice President of Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan Chase and has served at other Wall Street Firms and boards. The Bible is our foundation. There is so much disconnect between Christian teaching/learning alongside social and cultural change in our communities. It is her belief that people are seeking theories and concepts for this century, however, the main premise of Christianity must stay the same as Christ’s commission for the world. She believes that the relationship between Christian education and spiritual formation should coincide with theology and modern day practices. The Lord has given Rev. Miles the strength to move forward after her loving husband, Deacon Clarence (Bobby) Miles, went home to be with the Lord. She is the mother of two awesome children, Christopher and Jessica, and two wonderful grandchildren, Jayden and Mirah.

Testimonies On Monday nights, I have been attending Bible classes. The class encompasses the entire Bible and has been a blessing to me personally. I now pick up my Bible often and more than I had ever done previously. The class has challenged me to study which has improved my knowledge of the Bible. I am happy to say I’ve learned some history, characters and scriptures. I have been attending for about 2 years and it has become something that I look forward to. My co-worker, who is not a member of Mt. Calvary, has been encouraged by my diligence and now attends as well. The study guides and materials that we are given are clear, concise and directly on point, making it easy to comprehend the topics and targets. I had attended Bible classes sponsored by other teachers in the past at Mt. Calvary, but never felt the connection between the teacher, the students and myself. In our class everyone is treated equally and no one is made to feel small because they don’t know an answer. Everyone is learning in a non-competitive atmosphere. We started from the beginning and it’s for our own self-worth what we personally get out of it. My prayer is that our classes will continue to flourish and that God uses our instructor’s teaching skills to draw more students in to share the Word of God. Sis. Norma Miles I have attended Bible classes at Mt. Calvary UFW Baptist Church for the past 2 years. My experience there has been very inspiring and, because I have a deep thirst for knowledge of the word of God, it is fulfilling my need to continue to study the Bible book by book. Even though I now belong to First Baptist Church of Brownsville in Brooklyn, NY, I grew up at Mt. Calvary and, therefore, I feel right at home attending Bible classes there. My knowledge of the Bible has increased and it is so inspiring sitting under my Bible studies teacher. God is using me in a capacity I would have never thought possible. I never thought I would have felt confident enough to become Superintendent of our Sunday School at First Baptist, but with my bible study classes along with the favor of God and my instructor, things were made clearer to me. I look forward to the September 2014-2015 school year. I find that being able to study the Bible book by book is refreshing to my memory, and I look forward to doing it again. A good form of studying the Bible is to go over and over it. It helps to increase your knowledge of the Bible. My bible studies have increased my knowledge of God’s Word, and until God moves me, I would like to be able to continue my studies with my bible studies instructor. Sis. Wilhelmina Robinson

Testimonies I am so happy that I am a bible student at Mt. Calvary UFWB Church. I have attended several bible study classes in my lifetime, but I can say none were ever taught like the teaching I receive at Mt. Calvary. Our instructor started to teach in 2010 and I have been there dedicatedly since the beginning. Sometimes I feel tired and think I am not going that evening, but when I think of what I would miss, I get dressed in a hurry. The way our instructor teaches is like none other. She teaches as if we, ourselves, are going for our Doctorate Degree. She teaches in depth, but in a way that’s easy for us to understand. We started out with Genesis and now we are getting ready to start the Book of Joshua in the Fall of 2014. I can answer questions about books I never could before. I am bold and confident about the Bible because of what I’ve learned in Bible class and the way that it’s taught. One evening my grandson, who resides in Maryland, called to ask me about some things in the Book of Leviticus. When I started to tell him, I got so deep into it that I just went on and on and when I was finished he said that’s exactly what his pastor said. I was so elated to know that I was able to tell him with such positivity, about what he had asked, and this was all because of Bible classes. I love the way our instructor puts emphasis on us learning about the Bible, not just reading it, but to read and understand the meaning and the reason for all things. She defines the King James Version as we read, in such a way that we understand what we have read. Because of her style of teaching, I am encouraged to read the Bible more and I can understand more as I read. Our instructor is a true woman of God who God gave the knowledge to teach his words, so that through her, others may be drawn closer to God. May God continue to bless others as he has blessed me through our Bible classes. I am grateful and I know everyone who attends feels the same way. We realize how blessed we are here at Mt. Calvary. Since learning the importance of 2 Timothy 2:15 (Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth), I am doing just that, and it is all because of our Bible classes. Thank you God!

Trustee Audrey Morgan •

Testimonies In 2010 I was unable to attend Bible classes at Mt. Calvary because, since 2007, I have been taking a class on Monday evenings at the Community Bible Institute & Seminary. It has been a blessed and rewarding experience attending CBI&S. I have been taught much. I have grown in the Word of God and I have fellowshipped with people from all walks of life. We are studying to show ourselves approved unto God. But there was one thing that I was missing…and that was the Bible classes with my fellow church family members. The ones who attended the Bible class were very excited about what they were being taught. Each week I would hear them talking excitedly about something new that they had learned or some assignment they had been given. They appeared to be enjoying the classes. I wanted to be a part of it, so I made sure that the next year I did not take any classes at the CBI&S on Mondays so that I would be able to attend the Bible classes at Mt. Calvary. I have now been a student for 3 years and I thank God. The love for the Lord is shown in each class session. We started from Genesis, going chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Our instructor explained as she went along, making sure we didn’t miss anything. She pours out to us what God has given her… no holding back. She is preparing us for witnessing by having a one-on-one demonstration of how to do and what not to do. I am learning a lot in these Bible classes, and our instructor makes learning fun. Not only have I learned the Word of God, but also I have learned from my instructor the true meaning of being committed. Rain, sleet or snow, she was there for us. She has a zeal for her students to learn and that’s a true teacher. Sis. Carolyn Shepard I have been a member of Mt Calvary UFW Baptist Church for many, many years. Since attending the Bible classes it has enhanced my knowledge of the Bible and equipped me with a greater understanding of the Scriptures. My teacher is very dedicated and is a straight-forward instructor. Through her teaching, I now have a better understanding of the Bible. Now that I am attending Bible class I have more confidence in witnessing to unbelievers. My Bible class teacher also teaches the children in Sunday school class. The children come in at an early age and they are taught about the Bible in a way that they can understand because they are in the class of a person whose intention is to teach and let students get a full understanding of what the Bible is all about and know what the Bible is saying. Thank God for our Bible class and our Sunday school. Because of these classes, my knowledge of the Bible has greatly improved. Trustee Elena Blount

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