AMAZING !!!! Mama, Who can find a more virtuous woman? A woman with a heart of gold. A giving spirit, your love and compassion for people was just unexplainable. You gave even when you didn’t have to give. A woman of many talents and gifts. In everything that you did you did it with perfection and elegance. Your mothering spirit allowed you to spread that Godly love to many that you didn’t even give birth to. Your love had no boundaries no limits. With everyone you came in contact with you mad it your mission to help supply their needs. Therefor a lot of words that I can use to describe your character but one word sums it up “AMAZING”! L-oving wife, mother friend teacher. A-biding in the works of the Lord. W-illingness to always serve and protect Gods people. A-lways helping and taking care of others before yourself. N-ever quitting or giving Up on the things of God. N-ever neglecting your family, friends or church family A-ccepting of every role and every position that you had to play in our lives you did it with Gods grace his love and you will be missed FOREVER ! Love Cassie!!!
My Heart Momma you have taught me how to be such a strong woman.Even in times of adversity I never seen you faint. You are my rock my shield, my teacher. Thank you for showing what a true Virtuous Woman is supposed to be. From showing me how to war in the spirit and let God fight for me to, being the best example of how to be a wife. I will always cherish our special moments but most of all I am going to miss hearing you pray, laugh and sing, I will miss your gentle yet strong hugs because they are what helped me make it through at times. Our conversation were priceless. It is an honor now to take up your mantle and become all that I know how to be as a wife, mother and woman of God. Thank you for setting the bar so high! Love you Always, Your Baby Lawanna
Momma, There’s no amount of theological training or counseling that could have prepared me for this moment. Although my head knows that you did not conceive me naturally, my heart doesn’t know the difference. From day one, when I walked into your shop, you grabbed my heart and you never let go! You saw me in my best and always expressed how proud of me you were. Even in my worst, you came through holding me up, encouraging me to stand and loving me until times got better. Momma, THANK YOU! Thank you for being my touchable example of love. You loved us all so hard! You covered, protected, loved, rebuked me when needed, fed me and my children, you kept me grounded and humble. I will never forget you! I remember being so weak emotionally at one time that I couldn’t feed myself, nor properly care for my children. You were there every, single day! You literally fed me, helped me to the shower, took me out in your car so that I could screammmmmmm!!! You covered me and from day 1, until eternity, I WILL BE LOVING YOU ALWAYS WOMAN! Thank you for loving my babies (your grands and great grands) and oh, did you love Pastor Raymond! Yep, I was salty, but I now understand that you were grooming him for now! I love you momma! Love, Delia
Dear Momma, You’ve taught me so much but out of everything you taught me the most important thing was time. The doctors told us we had three months to spend with you, so I thought I had time. The next day you were gone. Time waits for no one. Once its given you can’t give It back and once its taken you can’t get it back. How I wish time was on my side. Gods timing isn’t our timing this I know. You were ready but I wasnt. I wish I could hold your hand just one more time or crawl in bed and watch HGTV with you just one more time. Time was ready but I wasn’t. You taught us to love, give and forgive. You were a true example of Gods love. You’ve instilled so much in all of us and your legacy will live on within us. Love, DeAngila A tribute to a Wonderful Mother
Thank You, Thank you for the love you gave so freely. Thank you for believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you for every laugh, every hug, every rebuke, and every lesson in how to be a woman of valor. You taught me how to forgive without permission and how to love freely. You loved without permission and left a lasting example of how I should conduct my life. There is no amount of words to describe how much you affected my life. When I get married and have my own children I’ll make sure to tell them about “Granny” and how much she would have loved them and still does. You’ve left a lasting impression on my life that shows in everything that I do. I love You Ma, Gone but never forgotten! Your Baby Girl always Alisha
How do you say goodbye forever to the woman who gave you life? How do you stop the tears from flowing when from the moment you opened your eyes, It was her beautiful face, her melodious voice, the caress of her motherly touch, which enveloped, embraced & welcomed you while sacrificing so much. Her youthful years she used to steer, nurture protect & provide, and through all of life’s trials & tribulations she persevered with pride. I don’t know what she meant to others I can only speak for myself, she was my very beginning & her life ending has left me here to dwell... Alone & lost without you Mama, I don’t know where to turn, my heart is aching, my spirit shaken, realizing you’ll never return. Mama remember when I was a little boy I would stay up with you at night? Well I will be waiting whenever you want to come see me, I’ll leave on a light. -Your LOVING son LARRY!