Tail Fly Fishing Magazine - Issue 48 July/Aug 2020

Page 114


by James P. Spica Jr.

The horizon line is terrifying.

imbalanced mind begins to feed

to figuratively wipe the sand clean

on itself. Fishing is a distraction,

of other anglers; after a few hours

At this hour, two colors meet there:

an escape, indeed a means of

of solitude I begin to imagine waves

black and steel gray. What if I were

relaxation—except that the lonely

literally wiping me from the beach

out there—swept out, overboard,

angler is an emulsion of oil and

without a trace. It’s a curious, gradual

stranded, left to die. The physical

water, in which the therapeutic


strength I’d need to tread water

nature of solitude competes with

would be easy to muster compared

the emptiness of land, water, and

I really only have myself to blame:

with the mental strength I’d need to

soul. Sometimes there’s more oil,

The truth is that I prefer to fish

stave off despair.

sometimes there’s more water.

alone. Even when I’m with another angler, I always suggest we go our

Such thoughts absorb me when I’m

Fishing leads me to a variety of quiet

separate ways and meet up after an

fishing alone.

places, which is great until solitude

hour or more. I just like to be alone

turns to loneliness—turns from a

with my own thoughts, I guess—even

Anxiety has plagued me all of my

pleasant high into a well of paranoia.

though I never know when those

life. Loneliness leaves one alone with

All the way to the beach I’m praying

thoughts are going to devolve from

one’s thoughts, so the chemically

to and pleading with a higher power

peaceful reflection to irrational


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