Tailor and Stylist - Summer 2013

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L etter fro th Sty lis To open our thirdT& S s eas on,w ew his kedaw ay to B alboa I s land in N ew portB each,w herea his toricalbay frontes tatedes igned by W allaceN eff in 1928 aw aitedus . C om pletew ith s ecretbalconies ,8 0-y ear oldv ines ,anda res toreds ailboat,this is a portrait oftheC alifornian Riv iera lifeatits fines t. I ns piredby theSo C allifes ty lein Tailor andSty lis t’s backy ard, our s um m er lookbookis a celebration ofeas y s ophis tication,the joy ofthePacificO cean,andlots ofs tripes ! I w antto expres s m y s inceres tgratitudeto ThePazam or for s o gracious ly hos ting our photo s hoot. Y our es tates ets thes cenes ofdream s ,andgues ts ofy our v acation rentalarein for theexperienceofa lifetim e! A s pecialthanky ou to the#bes tcrew ev er,w ith L inds ey B oice behindthelens ,J am ieH oov er creating her m akeup m agic,our fab as s is tants A ppleandJ ay m e,C orriefrom N o Ties M anagem ent,andthelov ely A s hly n Pearce. M os tim portantly ,I w antto s incerely anddeeply thankY O U. H earing from cus tom ers near andfar abouthow our clothes m akey ou feelbeautiful,ins ideandout,s ets new highs in pure joy for m e. To beem bracedby s o m any w onderfulcus tom ers andins piring bloggers has truly been thegiftofa lifetim efor m e. I s incerely hopey ou enjoy our s um m er lookbookas m uch as I enjoy eds ty ling andproducing it.

G race K elly D ress in B lack $44.9 9 D ualD elight Sunglasses in B lack $12.9 9 U ltim ate PearlStatem ent N ecklace $29 .9 9 PasadenaPum ps $45.9 9 Point Lom aH at & 22.9 9

G race K elly D ress in B lack D ualD elight Sunglasses in B lack U ltim ate PearlStatem ent N ecklace PasadenaPum ps Point Lom aH at

$44.9 9 $12.9 9 $29 .9 9 $45.9 9 & 22.9 9

G race K elly D ress in Nav y $4 4 .99 Lid o Island H at $24 .99

C ardi by the Sea M ax i $4 9 .9 9 E questrian Leather B racelet $25.9 9

Seine Linen D ress - F rench B lue $39 .9 9 Lux e E dge C ricle Stud B racelet $1 1 .9 9

SeineLinen D ress - C anary Yellow $39 .9 9 B elA ir B racelet- M atteG old $9 .9 9 Pearled B ow Earrings $8.9 9

P aciďŹ c H eights D ress $44.9 9

D elM ar R om per St. Thom as Sandal Point L om aH at B old B raided B racelet

$29.99 $25.99 $22.99 $1 4.99

Coronado Cordage TankTop Sailing L inen Shorts Catam aran Ring A nchor A rm Party B racelet -N av y & W hite A nchors A way B racelet -N av y & G reen

$19 .9 9 $21.9 9 $9 .9 9 $12.9 9 $12.9 9

Pinup Pol ka D ot H al ter Sail ing L inen Shorts L ido I sl and H at Pinup Pol ka D ot W edg es

$ 1 9 .9 9 $ 21 .9 9 $ 24.9 9 $ 44.9 5

M ax iw ith a Sw irl$44.95 D elM ar H at $17 .99 Starfi sh Su rprise C u ff $16.99 M akena Starfi sh N eckl ace $15 .99

M ax iw ith a Sw irl$44.95 D elM arH at $1 7 .99 Starfi sh Surprise C uff $1 6.99

M ission B ayH al ter D ress $29.99 D u alD el ight Su ngl asses in W ine$12.99 Union B racel et $12.95 A nchor A rm PartyB racel et $12.99

$24.9 9 Preppy & Plaid B oat S hoes in Pink $24.9 9 Preppy & Plaid B oat S hoes in B lu e $24.9 9 Preppy & Plaid B oat S hoes in G reen

$34.99 E m erald B each B i ki ni $1 2.99 T otally T ortoi se S u nglasses M erm ai d T reasu res B angles S et $1 5 .99

A ncho red i n D anaPo i nt B i ki ni$3 4.9 9 C harm ed i n N ewpo rt B each B i ki ni$3 4.9 9 D u al D eli ght Su nglas s es i nW i ne $12.9 9 A ncho red i n thePaci ďŹ c Scarf $11.9 9

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