Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

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DALLAS, TX. 75201


(888) 824-5420



The Kamchatka Peninsula is located only 4.5 hours west of Anchorage, AK across the Bering Sea. Anglers start the journey with traveling to Anchorage for overnight in a hotel Friday night following by a Saturday morning flight to Petropavlovsk, Russia (PKC) on once a week commercial service with Yakutia Airlines.



Rainbow trout are the primary target species, however Kamchatka is home to 1/3rd of the world’s five species of Pacific salmon as well as dolly varden, grayling, and Khundza Char (ferocious sea-run char that often exceed 30-35+ inches on some rivers). Some rivers are classic spring creeks with easy wading and excellent dry fly or mouse fishing, while some are larger freestones that dictate swinging streamers for some of the largest trout you can imagine. Other river systems offer a little of both! (See THE FISHING for a detailed description of all the rivers and programs). +


The 2015 Kamchatka season will run from July 12- August 30 for anglers traveling with Yakutia Airlines via Anchorage. Additional September weeks are also available for anglers interested in traveling through Moscow. From a fishing perspective, there is no “best time” to visit Kamchatka, however there are idiosyncrasies about timing your visit to each different river system. (See WHEN TO GO for more details) +


Kamchatka is not for everyone… and it is certainly not a trip for sissies! This is a legit wilderness and trophy trout fishing experience like none other, and is perfect for folks who appreciate a sense of adventure and complete remoteness. If you are simply after a 30” rainbow – go to Alaska! If you are interested in becoming one of a select few (if not the first) to wet a fly line in a uniquely pristine and untouched rainbow trout paradise, this is the trip for you. +


$6750 - $7850 PER PERSON DEPENDING ON RIVER / CAMP 2-WEEK COMO TRIPS AVAILABLE FROM $11250 PER PERSON Travel expenses include airfare to/from Anchorage, accommodations in Anchorage Friday night prior to Saturday flight to Kamchatka. Other travel expenses of approximately $2500 cover round trip airfare to Petropavlovsk & Russian Visa. Additional expenses are not limited to gratuity (approx. $650/week recommended), fishing licenses and alcoholic beverages. (See RATES for details).




Each of Kamchatka’s rivers shares many similari-

is no doubt that this is a hard-core fishing trip,

ties and differences; allowing us to match up your

however the fishing schedule is actually quite civ-

expectations, preferences, and angling style with

ilized. Camps are very comfortable, there are no

the correct fishery. Some of the trips are float trips

early morning wake up calls, and everyone enjoys a

where anglers visit multiple camps, while some

made to order breakfast and hot coffee before the

are jet boat camps where anglers spend the week

day begins.

in the same camp but cover miles of water using powerboats. Some rivers are giant freestones that

Based upon our personal experience exploring and

are home to the biggest trout on the globe, some

fishing Kamchatka since 2003, we strongly feel that

are smaller spring creeks that are more conducive

the quality of the rainbow trout fishing in Kamchat-

to dry fly fishing for larger numbers. Each program

ka is unsurpassed anywhere on the planet. Only

only accommodates four - six anglers, which makes

forty-five anglers fish each program we represent

for a very intimate and private group setting. There

during the summer season. This proves that each



stretch of river is well rested arrive and the fish are

It is often said that Kamchatka is Alaska one hun-

very eager and cooperative. There is no other place

dred years ago. Kamchatka is the last known place

on the planet where fly-rodders can expect to find

on the planet where you can find pure strain pop-

such high numbers of quality, large, uneducated

ulations of several rainbow trout subspecies that

trout. Equally as unique is the bizarre fact that the

have not suffered from the influence of humans.

trout in most fisheries of Kamchatka would rather

Unlike the rest of the trout’s kingdom, there have

eat a dry fly or a mouse pattern than they would a

been no hatchery fish introduced and very little

salmon egg pattern; despite the presence of enor-

poaching or pollution has had an effect on the

mous runs of all five species of pacific salmon. This

trout populations. As a result Kamchatka provides

is very refreshing to those who have fished Alaska

a pristine environment for western anglers to catch

and were disappointed with exclusively swinging

huge fish that have never seen a fly, and is an ideal

flies or drifting an egg pattern with an indicator as a

laboratory for scientists to learn about a species in

mandatory technique in order to have success.

its original condition and habitat. The average fish caught each season on some rivers has exceeded

Although trophy trout are the targeted species, in

twenty-five inches, while other drainages consis-

addition to an abundance of arctic grayling every riv-

tently yield forty-fifty fish a day (or even more) in the

er hosts huge runs of anadromous fishes such as all

18-27 inch range - the majority of which are taken

five species of salmon, char, dolly varden, steelhead,

on mouse patterns and high floating dry flies. In all

and khundza (an eastern Pacific species of char

honesty, there really seems to be no small fish! But

found only in Kamchatka) as well. Depending upon

perhaps the most appealing aspect to a trip in Ka-

what river and what time of the season you elect to

mchatka is the solitude, remoteness and exclusive-

visit Kamchatka, these species can all be taken in

ly of this wonderful fishery. It is a special feeling to

abundance on dry flies, mice, and streamer patterns.

haul in a monster rainbow on a size #10 caddis pat-

It is also important to mention that on every trip, jet

tern, all the while knowing that there is not another

boats and rafts are used exclusively for transporta-

human (much less another angler) within hundreds

tion - nearly all of the fishing in done wading.

of miles!







CHOOSING THE RIGHT RIVER The following is a list and description of each river system as well as fishing and lodging program we represent on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Each program is differing in the style of fishing, character, accommodation, size and average numbers of fish typically taken, and helicopter flight distance from Petropavlovsk. Tailwaters Fly Fishing Company operates five dif-

know how we can describe each fishery in detail to best match you preferences and expectations. The programs we represent are listed as follows:

»» »» »» »» »» »»


ferent programs on four unique drainages on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Choosing the “right” river for you is not often an easy task, so please let us

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of the huge rainbows and do not pay any attention

TWO-WEEK TRIP OPTIONS: »» SEDANKA AND NORTHERN EXPLORATORY FLOATS »» SAVAN WITH THE SAVAN/ICHANGA BASECAMP »» ZHUPANOVA FLOAT & ZENDZUR LODGE ZHUPANOVA RIVER FLOAT TRIP The Zhupanova is perhaps the most beautiful and scenic river in Kamchatka. Its close proximity to Petropavlovsk (one hour by helicopter) and its huge Rainbows make it perhaps the most popular river on the peninsula. The average trout living in the Zhupanova is a solid twenty-five inches! Later in the season around the first week of August, huge white spotted char known as Khundza arrive which average around twenty-seven inches and some of these veracious critters easily bust thirty-five inches and are a rod breaking fight on a seven weight. Of course there is also enormous runs of all five species of salmon (particularly the silver or Coho), however most anglers soon discover that they are in search

to the salmon. Also found in excessive numbers are aggressive dolly varden that are easy to catch, make for good photos, and will grab a mouse or flesh fly with abandon. The Zhupanova is a river for those angers that are willing to trade in large numbers of fish and dry flies, for sheer size. Because this river is enormous freestone and the fish are huge, six and seven weight rods are mandatory (spey and switch rods are popular as well) and conditions often dictate exclusively fishing streamers and sinking lines. If you are a dry fly purist and need twenty-five fish days to make you happy, the Zhupanova is not for you. However, the majority of the season anglers do have excellent success skating large dry flies (steelhead style) and mouse patterns as well. The Zhupanova may be the best river on the planet to have a shot at a real trophy wild trout in a traditional, easily wadeable, freestone setting.


Our Zhupanova Float trip takes six guests a week.

starting in early August. Zendzur Lodge itself is a

Anglers float between six pre-established camps

beautiful, traditional Russian wilderness outpost,

over nearly thirty miles of river. Similar to all of the

hidden on the edge of a birch and cottonwood for-

trout programs we represent, all of the fishing is

est. Staffed with a combination of talented Ameri-

done wading. The large inflatable rafts used carry

can and Russian professionals, lodge amenities are

two anglers and a guide per boat, and are pure-

surprisingly deluxe, given the remote nature of the

ly for transportation between fishing spots and

operation. They include double and triple rooms,

camps. Huge cottonwood, birch, and aspen trees,

each with a private bathroom, shower and sitting

snowcapped mountains, and volcanoes line the riv-

room. One of the highlights of Zendzur is the fabu-

er - not to mention the occasional brown bear do-

lous on-site natural hot-springs, enclosed in a banya

ing a little fishing of his own.

house, just down from the Lodge on the riverbank. The style and quality of fishing accommodations at Zendzur Lodge is, by quite a wide margin the best in Kamchatka. Plush accommodations combined with the trophy size of Zendzur trout, world-record kundzha char, and the variety of gamefish available, makes Zendzur Lodge one of Kamchatka’s most unique programs available.

ZENDZUR LODGE - LOWER ZHUPANOVA RIVER Zendzur Lodge on the lower Zhupanova River sits in the shadow of a snow-capped volcano, and is surrounded by a thick forest wilderness. Anglers at Zendzur utilize “Alaskan-style” jet-boats to access 25 miles of classic freestone riffles and runs. They average 24 - 26 inches and reach a JumBOW maximum somewhere in the 33-35 inch range. Like the rest of Kamchatkan trout, they regularly crush skated mouse patterns, swung streamers on sink-tip lines, and on occasion traditional Western dry flies. The river also has similar runs of huge Asiatic white-spotted char - or “kundzha” (25-40 inches long) as well as Dolly Varden and Silver Salmon

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The facilities on the Sedanka are the most developed and comfortable camps on our northern rivers. Spacious yurt tents, heated showers and dressing rooms, log cabin dining facilities, flushing toilets, and of course around the clock electricity provide all the creature comforts for the more high maintenance angler If you are a dry fly fishing purist, I would look no further than the Sedanka. The Sedanka is also the most user friendly of all the rivers in Kamchatka, very easy wading and casting, extremely comfortable camps, a less intensive float schedule, and typically yields the highest numbers of trout taken relative to the other rivers. The Sedanka is also our recommendaTHE SEDANKA SPRING CREEK FLOAT TRIP

tion for those anglers who are a bit worried about

The Sedanka is a classic Spring Creek and is with-

their physical conditioning and don’t want to work

out doubt Kamchatka’s best dry fly river. If you are

too hard. However, the more physically fit anglers

interested in fishing mouse patterns and dry flies,

will find the Sedanka a dry fly and mousing dream.

this is the river for you. The Sedanka is a perfect

Miles and miles of river remain untouched each

mixture of the Henry’s Fork and the Madison classic

week, and you can feel free to hike, explore, and

spring creek slicks separated by a series of riffles

fish as much water as you would like.

and braided sections. The average depth of the stream is roughly to your knees, making the entire river easily wadeable and easy to fish. Typically, anglers find themselves fishing a mouse pattern to eager fish all morning and switching to a dry fly after lunch once you started seeing rising fish. Despite the presence of a huge sockeye run in the Sedanka, anglers can expect to take high numbers of trout on very basic, high floating dry flies every day under normal conditions. The average trout on the Sedanka is a solid twenty inches, with several fish in the 25-26 inch range taken weekly or even daily as well. Again, 100% of the fishing is done wading the shallow pools and riffles on the Sedanka. Anglers float between two fixed camps wading various stretches of river along the way.









ous boulders. Overall the terrain is gradual, making

In 2012, we began our initial explorations of the river

getting around a breeze. Vast rolling mountains and

system with two separate week-long wilderness floats

volcanoes flank the broad valley it courses through,

scouting out two different sections of the river. What

and partway down the river is a system of idyllic hot

was discovered was a place of awe-inspiring beauty

springs, perfect for midweek relaxing and soaking.

and an incredible diversity of life, both in the water and along its pristine shores.

The river runs for over 70 miles, and features countless springs and one major tributary. In 2013, we continued

The Savan River system shows the sort of promise that

our exploration of the river system over the course of a

we first saw on the Zhupanova in the mid 1990s, with

5 week season, pinpointing the most productive sec-

trout averaging 22-26 inches and several fish up to 30

tions, the most idyllic camp sites, and the best landing

inches hooked each season. It is a spring creek sys-

zones. We continued to investigate this remarkable

tem, similar to Sedanka in its crystal clear flows and

angling paradise in 2014 with a 6 week season, with

vibrant ecosystem. The Savan is easily floated and the

boatloads of happy anglers and more photos of tro-

wading is simple, mostly flat, shallow and wide with

phy rainbows than we know what to do with.

a pumice and gravel bottom strewn with a few obvi-

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Fish readily take streamers swinging across the cur-

water we find that consistently hold the Savan’s

rent, and as with other rivers in Kamchatka a mouse

massive resident rainbows. The boats are used ex-

will almost always produce an aggressive take. As

clusively for transportation, with all of the fishing

a spring creek system, there are ideal conditions

done on foot.

for aquatic insect hatches, too, though dry fly opportunities aren’t common-place, they do happen


throughout the season.

Savan Basecamp is the newest discovery on the Savan River system. For the last 3 years we have

The season at Savan and Ichanga begins in the

been floating the Savan and the Ichanga rivers,

middle of July, and runs through August.

finishing our trips at the comfortable base camp. The fishing has been consistently amazing all the

A variety of salmon runs enter the river throughout

way to the takeout, leaving us to wonder what was

the season, including king, chum, sockeye, and sil-

downstream from the Base Camp. What kind of riv-

ver salmon. Because it is a spring-fed system, the

er monsters lay undisturbed in the lowest reaches

river is always clear, and always wade-able. Our Sa-

of the Savan? This last season we set off to find out,

van River floats are set up exactly like our Northern

bringing in Jet boats to explore down river and re-

River Wilderness Floats, utilizing hi-tech 4-season

turn every night to the comforts of the permanent

mountaineering tents and specialized cooking and

Base Camp. It could not have been better.

camp equipment. A cook and camp assistant travel with the group, preparing tasty meals based on a

Every year we learn more and discover new secrets

combination of local fare and more familiar foods.

on our “NEW” river, the Savan, and this year, by

Anglers are responsible only for erecting their two-

adding the jet boat base camp, we were able to

man tents each day and breaking them down in the

expand our reach to it’s maximum potential on this

morning. Comfortable sleeping pads are provided,

unbelievable system. Add to that the comfort of

but you do have to bring your own sleeping bag

staying in the “lodge” all week, with flush toilets

and towel. For convenience of communication on

and hot showers, and you have Russian trout fish-

the river and for a safety line to the outside world,

ings version of luxury.

each expedition is equipped with first aid kits, GPS, handheld radios, and a satellite telephone.

At the Savan Base Camp, inflatable Jet Boats are used to access the lower rivers beats, allowing us to

These expeditions are organized to be flexible

cover an amazing amount of excellent water below

based on the exploratory nature of the fishing.

the lodge. We still have not explored it all! Wad-

There are several sections of braided river where

ing is relatively easy to moderate for most anglers,

we may stay in camp for multiple days to explore

but slightly more technical than the upper river. The

the multiple channels on food from a home base.

lower river is bigger water, like in most rivers, and

Other sections may be fished quickly, covering 10-

can be deeper and faster in some spots. We tend

15 miles of water in a day to focus on the types of

to fish the softer water, as this is where the fish hide,


but we still need to wade over to them, on occasion. There are many stretches of braided water, making


the lower Savan feel much smaller than it actually is a lot of the time. Vast rolling mountains and volcanoes flank the broad valley as the river courses it’s way through the wild terrain. The lower river we cover is over 15 miles of pristine, untouched water. If you counted every channel of every braid separately, it would have to be way over 60 miles of water, far more than we were able to explore in 2 weeks of fishing with 4 anglers a week. The diversity in this section was also amazing. Different than the upper river, the Lower Savan had big broad runs as well as hundreds of smaller side channels, providing an unbelievably healthy trout habitat, with unique water around every bend. We

with a mouse fly, you get the visual aspect of the

were ecstatic about the outcome of this first explor-

surface strike, like in dry fly fishing, and the tight

atory season, finding a larger average size fish than

line grab of swinging, giving you the best of both

we had anticipated and plenty of them.

worlds. When conditions change or the mouse bite dies a little, we can cast streamers, swinging across

A huge part of the diet of the Savan river rainbow

the current, to produce an aggressive take. As a

trout is eating mice. This is some of the most excit-

spring creek system, there can also be ideal con-

ing trout fishing you will ever experience. Fishing

ditions for aquatic insect hatches. Though dry fly opportunities aren’t common-place, they do happen throughout the season. The season at Savan Base Camp begins in the middle of July, and runs through August. A variety of salmon runs enter the river throughout the season, including king, chum, sockeye, and silver salmon. Our Savan River Base Camp is set up exactly like a stationery “lodge”. Everyone will get a double occupancy room in the spacious “Basecamp Lodge”. The lodge has 5 bedrooms and everyone shares an indoor hot shower and flush toilet. We are only taking 4 person groups at the Savan Basecamp in 2015, to insure we are not crowded in the lodge or on the water. A cook and camp assistant are ever

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present at Base Camp, preparing hearty meals based on local Russian fare. Anglers are responsible only for opening a beer at the end of a long day of fishing, and the guys will even do that for you, if you ask nicely. Comfortable beds with mattresses are provided, with a comforter and pillow, but we suggest you do bring your own sleeping bag and towel. For convenience of communication on the river and for a safety line to the outside world, Savan Base Camp is equipped with first aid kits, GPS, handheld radios, and a satellite telephone. These expeditions are organized to be flexible based on the conditions, the group, and the nature of the fishing. This is the beauty of a jet boat camp, being able to be flexible and go to where we think it will be best. There are several sections of braided river where we may spend multiple days exploring the many channels. Other sections may be fished quickly, covering the water, looking for the types of water that consistently hold the Savan’s massive resident rainbows. The jet boats are used exclusively for transportation, with all of the fishing being done wading.





Although simple, there really is no serious roughing

setting for a very civilized and comfortable meal.

it aspect to the facilities in our permanent camps

Every camp has a separate heated showering fa-

and lodges. Each individual camp varies from the

cility complete with hot water and flushing toilets.

next, however are all semi-permanent structures set

A drying facility for waders and wet clothing is also

up preceding the season. You will be extremely sur-

a part of every camp - a warm and welcome place

prised at the quality and comfort level of the accom-

to slip on dry waders on a chilly morning. Common

modations. Each camp also runs full time electricity

areas are paved with wooden planked walkways

off of diesel burning generators, and all of the facil-

making barefoot walking comfortable. Each sleep-

ities in camp are heated with wood burning stoves.

ing quarters is also connected by a riverstone or

Sleeping quarters accommodate two anglers each,

wooden pathway to the main fire pit.

and consist of double walled sleeping huts or birch wood cabins appointed with comfortable framed

Of course if you are at the Zendzur Lodge, you re-

cots, electric outlets, a plenty of room to store gear.

turn each day from the river to a welcoming framed

The mess building is also heated with a full table

lodge and all the creature comforts of home. The

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facility has double and triple occupancy rooms with


private bathrooms and the amenities you expect


from a wilderness fishing lodge… The highlight of

Northern Wilderness Exploratory trips and the

any trip to Zendzur is the natural hot springs and

Upper Savan/Ichanga float trips are set up as tra-

banya to soak in and warm up after a day on the

ditional “camping” accommodations without elec-


tricity, flushing toilets, etc. These programs are designed to be flexible and nimble as anglers explore

Russians in general are not known for their culi-

new water on new river systems where permanent

nary expertise; however the food and drink on the

camps are not established.

float are good/decent considering the remoteness. Lunches are usually sandwiches with lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, cheeses, and breads. Dinners are always warm and fresh with lots of soups, noodles, pork, salmon, caviar, vegetables, fresh fruit, good coffee, fresh Russian beer and lots of vodka. Some of the happiest times are had with the Russian staff around the campfire sharing stories and passing the bottle. Again, the camp schedule is very laid back and civilized. Your camp woodsman arrives in your tent or cabin early in the morning to light the fire in your stove and deliver coffee. Once everyone starts moving, anglers converge on the main dining facility for breakfast. Lunch is taken on the river and there is always time for a shower and a cocktail before dinner. We prefer to stress that although the accommodations have been labeled as “camping”, know that give the remoteness, the facilities are as comfortable as you can imagine. If you are reluctant to book a trip to Kamchatka for fear of being uncomfortable in camp, or are curious whether your spouse would enjoy the experience, we would love to go into more detail discussing the accommodations. Once managed with the right expectations, the most high maintenance people should be comfortable and happy in camp.




TRAVEL & ITINERARY KAMCHATKA IS ONLY 4.5 HOURS FLIGHT TIME FROM ANCHORAGE! After an overnight in Anchorage on Friday night, North American anglers travel to Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka on board weekly commercial flights with Yakutia Airlines on Saturday morning. From Petropavlovsk (PKC), anglers are flown to camp on board efficient and safe Mi8 helicopters. The door-to-door time commitment is only Friday – Saturday.

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Upon arrival in Petropavlovsk, you will be transferred

Travel commercially from home city to Anchorage.

to the heliport, about 30 minutes away from the in-

Overnight in Anchorage at one of our recommend-

ternational airport. The Mi8 helicopter flight into the

ed hotels. Most anglers stay at the Millennium Ho-

river takes a little under one hour. Float trip anglers

tel on Lake Hood only five minutes from the airport.

are dropped at camp #1 while lodge guests continue onward an additional 10 minutes to the lodge.


Anglers quickly unload, unpack, gear up, and start

Depart Anchorage (ANC) on Yakutia Air Flight #510

fishing. The Zhupanova River is conveniently locat-

@ 7:30AM

ed in the central part of the Kamchatka peninsula –

(Cross the International Dateline)

and weather delays are comparatively rare. SEDANKA SPRING CREEK & WILDERNESS FLOATS:


Upon arrival in Petropavlovsk, you will be trans-

Arrive Petropavlovsk (PKC) @ 8:00AM

ferred to the heliport, about 15 minutes away from

Anglers arrive into “P.K”, and are taken immediate-

the international airport. Anglers then fly north ap-

ly to the heli-port for the helicopter transfer to your

proximately 1.5 hours to a refueling station in the

camp. Helicopter flights range from 45 minutes (Sa-

central Kamchatka town of Esso. Upon receiving

van or Zhupanova) to upwards of 3.5 hours with a

weather clearance, anglers take off again and fly

refueling stop (Sedanka). Upon arrival at camp, an-

approximately one hour to camp #1 on the Sedan-

glers will have a half-day of fishing time permitting.

ka. Wilderness float trip anglers are also on board these same flights north and share the chopper


with Sedanka guests.

Five full days of guided fishing.



Upon arrival in Petropavlovsk, you will be trans-

Following a proper half-day of fishing, anglers are

ferred to the heliport, about 15 minutes away

returned via helicopter to Petropavlovsk to make

from the international airport. The Mi8 helicopter

the international connection back to the USA.

flight into the river takes a little over 45 minutes. Anglers quickly unload, unpack, gear up, and start

Depart Petropavlovsk (PKC) on Yakutia Air Flight #509 @

fishing. The Savan River is conveniently located in

9:30PM (Regain Day Crossing International Dateline)

the southern part of the Kamchatka peninsula, and boasts some of the best weather in the region.

Arrive Anchorage @ 5:55AM (Same Day) Make connection onward to home.


WHEN TO GO & OTHER INFO THE SEASON We are running weeklong and two week trips from July 12 – August 30, 2015, in accordance with the Yakutia Airlines North American service to and from Anchorage. Anglers interested in fishing September are encouraged to travel to Kamchatka via Moscow. The weeklong trips are based on a door to door Friday - Saturday schedule with five full days of fishing and one half day on arrival day. SEASONALITY There is no “best” time to visit Kamchatka as there are idiosyncrasies to each week on each river sys-

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tem. We would be happy to walk you through some hypothetical fishing conditions we have observed that can effective the style of fishing on any river system based upon over a decade of experience fishing Kamchatka. Some weeks always fish better than others – but that is fishing – and folks should not try and predict the best time to go! Anytime the camps are open you should expect phenomenal fishing. When salmon arrive later in the season, a trout’s behavior is altered somewhat, however this does not adversely affect the overall fishing quality. Fish


hold in different runs and the guides may mix up the areas fished to accommodate the evolution of the river once the salmon show up. This should not be a consideration when planning a trip because the numbers of fish taken remains fairly consistent no matter the time of year. The weather in late June and mid-July, and again in September is typically a little cooler than in late July and August. Guests who fish early and late season should expect lows in the mid thirties with the occasional frost, and highs in the sixties - seventies in a typical week. Later July and August has a little warmer and drier conditions as well, however any type of weather can occur on any given week. Although weather is extremely variable and always changing, in general the summer climate in Kamchatka is less harsh than what is typically found in Alaska and in more northerly climates. On any given week anglers should expect to fish in a tee shirt one day, and be piling on the layers and rain jacket the following. No-see-ums, white socks, and Mosquitoes are found in greater numbers during July and August, and are usually completely gone by September.

OTHER INFORMATION*** Kamchatka itself is also of interest. Its natural wonders are at least as diverse and breathtaking as those found in Alaska, maybe more so. The famous Valley of the Geysers, Nalichevsky National Park, Timonovskye Hot Springs, Avacha Bay, and Kurilskoe Lake Brown Bear Preserve are easily accessible day-trips, based out of Petropavlovsk.


A WORD ABOUT HELICOPTERS The helicopters used to access the remote wilderness of Kamchatka are known as the Russian made Mi-8. Although cosmetically these choppers can use some work, they are actually very solid aircraft with flawless maintenance records. They are used by over fifty United Nations countries worldwide, and have proven themselves with millions of hours flown in both military and civilian usage. The Mi-8 is to Kamchatka what the floatplane is to Alaska. There are over eight hundred on the peninsula performing numerous tasks including hauling Americans and their gear to the most remote corners of Kamchatka. Nearly all of our clients commented on how smooth, powerful, and stable these workhorses feel while in flight. With two jet engines and an 18,000-pound payload, the Mi-8 rarely operates at half its capacity. The Russians are extremely cautious about flying in poor

The Russians are also extremely safe, friendly, and

weather, and unlike an airplane if you run into poor vis-

knowledgeable, in addition to excellent guides.

ibility, the pilots can simply turn around.

Fishing and socializing with the Russians is a very interesting experience and one of the most mem-


orable aspects of the entire trip. They are a delight

We have been pleasantly surprised at the quality of

to talk with, are great hosts, and are very forth-

the staff in Russia. There are dozens of service-orient-

coming with tales of their life in the former Soviet

ed personnel who ensure that these trips function as

Union, Russia, and in Kamchatka. The Russian staff

planned, and that anglers are happy and comfort-

is well educated, well traveled, and add a wonder-

able. From the moment you arrive in Petropavlovsk

ful uniqueness to the adventure.

you are met by competent English speaking escorts who transport anglers to the heli-port for the flight

Each program also has an American representa-

to the river. Each program consists of the following

tive who acts as your liaison and head guide. Every

staff: American head guide, Russian guides, cook,

program has a staff that has been well trained in

and two “woodsman”. These “woodsman” are there

providing the creature comforts and quality service

to ensure that fires are always lit, the generators are

that we Americans expect.

running, the shower is always warm, and that guests are comfortable. The Russian guides are intimately fa-

It is also important to note that every camp has a

miliar with the rivers fished, and do an excellent job

host of dogs on camp known as Laicas. These an-

of finding fish, reading water, assisting with casting

cestors to the American Husky are used to scare

instruction, rigging equipment, etc.

away bears and make nice companions.

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RATES SEDANKA SPRING CREEK: $7850 Per Person WILDERNESS FLOATS: $7350 Per Person 2-WEEK SEDANKA / WILDERNESS EXPLORATORY: $11995 Per Person ZHUPANOVA FLOAT AND ZENDZUR LODGE PROGRAMS: $6995 Per Person 2-WEEK ZHUPANOVA FLOAT / ZENDZUR COMBO: $11995 Per Person SAVAN / ICHANGA FLOATS: $6850 Per Person SAVAN RIVER BASECAMP: $6850 Per Person 2-WEEK SAVAN RIVER COMBO: $11995 Per Person WHAT’S INCLUDED All lodge/camp accommodations; Daily guided fishing (2 anglers per guide); Meals; Airport reception & transfers in Kamchatka; Helicopter flights WHAT’S NOT INCLUDED Airfare to Anchorage, Alaska; Hotel Accommodations in Anchorage; Fishing License ($100 USD); Alcoholic beverages; Use of fishing equipment and flies; Gratuities (8-10% of trip cost); Use of satellite phone; Misc Travel expenses ADDITIONAL TRAVEL EXPENSES BELOW – APPROXIMATELY $2500 US *** Additional Travel Expenses involved include the following and are subject to change:

»» »» »» »»

Russian Visa Mandatory Evacuation Insurance Roundtrip Airfare to/from Petropavlovsk, Russia and Anchorage Trip Cancellation / Interruption Insurance (Recommended)

***We will provide all Kamchatka participants with detailed information on how to obtain the aforementioned travel requisites upon booking.

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TERMS & CONDITIONS Tailwaters Travel must adhere to the cancellation policies of the guides, outfitters and lodges which it represents. Our Kamchatka Outfitters’ Policy Follows: Before 2015 season rates and flight schedules are confirmed, a fully refundable $1000 deposit/week/angler is required to confirm initial reservations. Once 2015 season rates and schedules are confirmed, the balance of a 50% deposit will be due and all deposits and final payment funds become non-refundable. After 2015 rates and schedules are confirmed, no space or guides will be held without receipt of deposit beyond 14 days from reservation. Full pre-payment is due May 1, 2015. Medical evacuation insurance is mandatory for all expeditions to Kamchatka. Refunds of deposits/payments made on credit cards will be charged a 3.5% service charge to fully compensate Tailwaters Travel for bank charges incurred, in the event that a replacement angler is found. Tailwaters Travel will make every effort to help locate a replacement angler should a cancellation be necessary, however does not have any responsibility to do so. If the traveler or Tailwaters Travel arranges a replacement, a $150 replacement fee will be charged. Again, since this is a trip that most people plan months in advance, finding a replacement for this trip on short notice can be very difficult, and at times, impossible. Most anglers traveling to Russia make their plans far in advance, some as much as one year. Refunds or credits cannot be issued for fishing time lost due to inclement weather. Receipt of deposits and/or final payment is acknowledgement that registrant has read and accepts the cancellation/refund/responsibility clause.

TRAVEL INSURANCE! Given the inherent strict refund policies associated with nearly all fishing packages, we cannot stress

We will provide you with more detailed information

the importance of obtaining travel insurance to

about travel insurance from our sponsored provider,

protect your investment.

Travel Guard, when you book a trip with Tailwaters Travel.

Travellers can obtain coverage for pre-existing

We can conveniently process a very comprehensive

health problems (related to yourself, your family,

insurance policy for you in-house after asking a few

business partners, or your travelling partners),

simple questions.

emergency evacuation, lost baggage, delay, life insurance packages; even “no questions asked” or


“for work reasons” coverage.

(214) 219-2500 OR (888) 824-5420




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DALLAS, TX. 75201


(888) 824-5420



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