Book by Jenny Laird
Music and Lyrics by Randy Courts
Additional Lyrics by Will Osborne
Based on Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs Before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne
How Far Can You See? …………Stump, Annie, Jack, Otto, Trees
Taking the Tree House for a Spin…………………Annie, Jack, Trees
Friend or Foe (Part 1) ………………Annie, Jack, Henry, Terri, Larry, Gary
Friend or Foe (Part 2) ………………Annie, Jack, Henry, Terri, Larry, Gary
A Mother’s Work is Never Done………Natty, Joan, Susan, Kaylee
When We Woke…………………………………..…Annie, Jack, Natty
Wonder……………………………………………………….…Baby Dinosaurs
March of the Dinosaurs (Part 1) ……………………Jack, Annie, Dinosaurs
March of the Dinosaurs (Part 2) …………………Jack, Annie, Dinosaurs
Roar………………………………………Jack, Annie, T-Rex, Dinosaurs
Think, Jack, Think...…………Jack, Annie, T-Rex, Dinosaurs
When We Woke (Reprise) ………………Jack, Annie, Henry
How Far Can You See? …(Epilogue)………………………………All
Stump……………………………………………………………………Angela Chiang
Otto………………………………………………………………………………William Tsai
Jack………………………………………………………………………………Enzo Gobert
Annie…………………………………………………………………………Makayla Chen
Stump………………………………………………………………Nora Belza Garcia
Otto…………………………………………………………………………Dylana Huang
Jack……………………………………………………………………………Max Metzger
Annie…………………………………………………………………………Evy Mangum
Trees……………Elissa Ma, Eleanor Tsai, Daniel Wang, Isabel Morgan, Holly Williams, Myra Chan
Saplings.……………Leann Tan, Tristan Wu, Madeleine Lee, Evangeline Wu
Ankylosaurus…………………………Lucas Tsai, Oscar Wong, Gilliam Bryant
Panopalosaurus…………………………Eli Wang, Max Artis, Gabriela
Cardoso, Olivia Lee
Troodon……………Olivia Fu, Ariel Huang, Louna Weng, Melissa Lee Igaunadons..........Alaina Lin, Christa Wu, Jacqueline Huang
Protoceratops.……………....Abigail Chiu, Alison Chi, Rena Kim, Mila Kuo
Baby Dinos..........Stella Lee, Lara Cheng, Ashley Chiu, Angeline Pan
Kaylee…………………………………………………………....………………Kaylee Park
Joan……………………………………………………….....……………Hanna Katsutani
Natty……………………………………………………………………...…………Isabella Lau
Susan………………………………………………………………………………Sarina Deng
Toto………………………………………………………………………………Dylana Huang
Terri………………………………………………………………………...........……Trinity Tsai
Gary…………………………………………………………………………..........……Lucas Lin
Larry……………………………………………………………………………Turner Carnell
Henry…………………………………………………………………………....……Theo Jang
T-Rex………………………………………………………………………………Eleanor Tsai
Directors’ Assistants:
Jolie Hsieh
Gracie Hsu
Crew Members:
Aaricia Huang
Candace Hua
Freddy Wilson
Jamie Han
Jasmine Ng
Kayla Chen
Laura Wang
Lexi Tsoung
Lina Lu
Matt Hu
Mia Mutschler
Miles Marcrum
Nelson Wang
Queenie Wang
Robert Thompson
Zita Hung
The cast and crew welcome you to our 5th-grade musical, "Dinosaurs Before Dark"! As we embark on this thrilling journey back in time, we are filled with excitement to bring to life the enchanting world of dinosaurs for you, our audience.
Based on the beloved Magic Tree House book series by Mary Pope Osborne, this musical adaptation takes us on an extraordinary adventure with siblings, Jack and Annie. Through the magic of the tree house, they travel to the prehistoric era where they encounter dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes. But beyond the spectacle of these ancient creatures, this story is about the power of curiosity, courage, and imagination.
In a world where the unknown can be daunting, Jack and Annie teach us the importance of embracing our curiosity and facing our fears head-on. They remind us that even in the face of uncertainty, there is magic to be found in every moment
A production is not a one or two-person show. We sincerely thank the production team for their tireless efforts and expertise. Without their knowledge and time, this show would not be possible. We also extend a special thanks to our 16 student volunteers who are assisting backstage with lights, costumes, and sound. To everyone in the cast and to everyone helping backstage, thank you for always displaying the TAS values of honesty, respect, responsibility, kindness, and courage.
We hope you enjoy the show and can find the magic in every moment.
Sit back, relax, and let the adventure begin!
Mr Orth & Ms Brits
Production Team
Director .....................................................Mr. Andrew Orth
Music Director ……………………………..…Ms. Marissa Brits
Choreographer ………………...…..Mr. Palmer Mathews
Technical Director & Costume Design...................................Mr. Chris Bryant
Technical Assistant……………............…Mr. James Tzuo
Poster Design ......................................Mr. Ramy Youssif
Vocal Coach.................................Ms. Rebecca Schiff
Production Assistant ........................Ms. Fion Chuang
Ms. Evelyne Estey
Dr. Tara Simeonidis
Mr. Rick Rabon
Ms. Becky Klar
Mr. Larry Kraut
Dr. Kevin Held
Grade 5 Teachers
Grade 5 TAs
LS Office Staff
Ping Kao and the Operations Staff
Ming-der Huang & The Security Team
TAS Communications
Thank you to our lower school parents for your support and for raising such fabulous and talented young artists!
Photography by Mr. Jim Klar & Ms. Fion Chuang
Videography by Mr. Tobie Openshaw
Cover artwork By Rena Kim (’31)
All of volunteers that help backstage with hair and make-up:
Ms. Pana Asavavatana
Ms. Denise Bord
Ms. Kismeth Caminero
Mr. Christopher Campbell
Ms. Lulu Chen
Ms. Laurie Hsu
Ms. Julie Kozak
Mr. Palmer Mathews
Ms. Katie O’Gorman
Ms. Brianna Pannell
Ms. Mayuko Perkins
Ms. Rebecca Schiff