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Curriculum, Graduation Requirements, Course Load & Homework Guidlines

Mission Statement

Taipei American School’s mission is to cultivate an enduring commitment to learning, personal well-being, and service. We provide a broad American-based education with a global perspective that develops students of character who are committed to making the world a better place.

Course Selection, Course Load, and the Upper School Schedule

Students select courses in consultation with their teachers, academic and personal counselors, and parents. Students take between six (minimum) and eight (maximum) courses at a time unless they have three or more AP or IBHL courses, in which case they may choose to take five courses as a minimum. The upper school schedule is on a 2-day cycle and alternates between an A day and a B day. There are five 80 min periods in a school day and a daily flex period in which advisory, class meetings, and club meetings are held. Please see the sample school schedule below.

Although a wide variety of courses are available, students are encouraged to look closely at the academic expectations and homework load for each course in order to plan for a balanced schedule, including consideration of maintaining study across core subject areas. On the last two pages of this course catalog, students can use the Balance of Life Worksheet and the 4 Year Program Planning forms as tools to guide the decision-making process.

Courses in this catalog are offered based on demand. A drop/ add period occurs in the fall at the beginning of the school year, and students can request to drop and add courses based on their circumstances. However, it is not guaranteed that space will be available in each course after the spring registration period from which the school schedule is built.

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.

Homework Guidelines

Each course description includes a statement about the amount of time students can expect to spend on homework. The following is a guideline for average number of minutes per class meeting during the course of a week.

Light 0 – 30 minutes Moderate 30 – 60 minutes

Heavy 60 – 90 minutes

Note that these are average amounts and may vary. Some students will be able to complete an assignment in 30 minutes, while the same assignment may take another student 90 minutes.

AP and IB courses usually require more homework than other courses. IB classes usually require projects that are done in addition to the “daily” class assignments.

Day Period 1 Period 2 FLEX Period 3 Period 4 Period 5

A 07:45 - 9:05 09:15 - 10:35 10:35 - 11:25 *11:25 - 12:45 *12:50 - 02:10 02:15 - 3:35

B 07:45 - 9:05 09:15 - 10:35 10:35 - 11:25 *11:25 - 12:45 *12:50 - 02:10 02:15 - 3:35

Nelson Mandela

Daily Schedule

* Either period 3 or period 4 will be left open and serve as a student's lunch period.

Four years of upper school attendance are required with a minimum of 22 credits to be earned in grades 9 – 12. Credits are awarded on a semester basis. The required 22 credits must include the following:

English 4 credits

Grade 9: English 9 or Honors English 9 Grade 10: English 10 or Honors English 10 Grade 11 and 12: Full-year courses each year. Note: Journalism, Writing Workshop & Seminar, and Expository Writing do NOT fulfill this requirement.

Public Speaking 1 credit

Students may satisfy the requirement by taking: Public Speaking, Rhetoric, & Debate, International Relations/ Honors International Relations/IB Global Politics, or AP Research; or, by taking Theater Arts, or Honors Theater. IB Diploma students may fulfill the requirement automatically through TOK Year 2.

Note that students may NOT satisfy both the public speaking and the performing & visual arts requirements with the same course.

Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.



3 Credits

3 credits

Computer Science & Robotics 0.5 credit

All courses offered in the Computer Science and Robotics Department satisfy the graduation requirement.


Grade 9: Physics Grade 10: Chemistry Grade 11: Biology

3 credits

Performing Arts or Visual Arts 1 credit

This requirement can be fulfilled by taking visual arts and/ or performing arts courses that total 1 credit. Note that students may NOT satisfy both the public speaking and the performing & visual arts requirements with the same course.

History & Social Studies 3 credits

Grade 9: History of Asia Grade 10: Modern World History or AP World History Grade 11: United States History, AP United States History, IBHL 1: US History, Honors or Regular History of Minorities in America

World Languages or Classics

3rd year proficiency

Health & PE 2 credits

Required for ninth and tenth grade students

The balance of the required credits will be made up of elective courses.

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