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IB Course Charts
Group 1 Studies in Languages & Literature
(Literature Based) English Language & Literature SL, HL English Literature HL Chinese A Language & Literature SL, HL
Group 2 Language Acquisition
(Communications Based) Spanish B: SL, HL, AB Initio Japanese B: SL, AB Initio Chinese B: SL, HL, AB Initio Classics: SL, HL
Group 3 Individuals and Society
Group 4 Experimental Sciences
History SL, HL Psychology SL, HL Global Politics SL, HL World Religion SL
Biology SL, HL Chemistry SL, HL Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL
Group 5 Mathematics
Math: Applications & Interpretation SL, HL Math: Analysis & Approaches SL, HL
Group 6 the Arts
(Diploma Candidates must take either a Group 6 or a second subject from Groups 2, 3, or 4) Dance SL, HL Theater SL, HL Visual Art SL, HL Film SL, HL Music SL, HL
Theory of Knowledge (Only available to diploma students in Gr. 11 and 12)