o f Ta i w a n D e s i g n C e n t e r
2 0 1 8 A N N U A L R E P O R T o f Ta i w a n D e s i g n C e n t e r
台灣創意設計中心 年報
2018 ANNUAL REPORT o f Ta i w a n D e s i g n C e n t e r
目次 INDEX 02
序文 Foreword
(一)董事長引言 A Word from the Chairman
(二)執行長引言 A Word from the CEO
關於台灣創意設計中心 Introduction to Taiwan Design Center
(一)歷史沿革 History of Taiwan Design Center
(二)2018大事紀 2018 Milestones
(三)財務概要 Financial Highlights
24 26
2018 重要成果 2018 Accomplishments (一)創新輔導驅動轉型 Innovation consulting-driven transformation
1. 產業設計創新應用輔導 Consultation on innovative applications of industry design
2. 設計整合推動地方發展 Promotion of local industry consultation with integrated design
3. 城鎮品牌獎加值輔導 Award incentives for Taiwan’s local products
(二)設計合作輸出國際 International design collaboration
1. 設計經濟力國際推動International promotion on Designomics
2. 國際設計合作輔導 Consultation on international desgin collaboration projects
3. 設計啟動政府創新 Government innovations through creative design
(三)品牌輔導拓展通路 Branding consultation and marketing channel development
1. 農產外銷業者品牌輔導 Branding consultation for produce exporters
2. 生鮮水果電子商務物流包裝設計及品牌輔導 Packaging design and brand consultation for distribution of fresh produce e-commerce
(四)主題策展創造商機 Creation of business opportunities through the curation of themed exhibitions
1. 臺灣文化創意設計博覽會 Creative Expo Taiwan
2. 文化創意產業國際拓展 Fresh Taiwan
(五)金點設計國際發聲 The Voice of Taiwan in Golden Pin Design
1. 金點設計獎 Golden Pin Design Award
2. 金點概念設計獎 Golden Pin Concept Design Award
3. 金點新秀設計獎 Young Pin Design Award
(六)推動全民設計美學 Promotion of aesthetic awareness in design
1. 新一代設計展 Young Designers’ Exhibition
2. 台灣設計展 Taiwan Design Expo
3. 新竹300博覽會 Hsinchu 300 Expo
(七)服務場域整合營運 Integrated operation of servicescape
1. 松菸口 Song Yan Court
2. 台灣設計館 Taiwan Design Museum
3. 不只是圖書館 Not Just Library
4. 設計點 DesignPin
5. 美國創新中心 American Innovation Center (AIC)
(八)其他成果 Other Achievements
1. 文化創意產業輔導陪伴 Guidance of the cultural and creative industries
2. 推動產學設計合作 Promotion of industry-academia cooperation in design
董事長引言 A Word from the Chairman
用設計改變臺灣 設計力就是國力
Using Design to Change Taiwan The Power of Design is National Power
Along with the current tendency towards cross-disciplinary consolidation, the design
industry is also facing a new revolution. Conventional design thinking has gradually
turned into collective intelligence creation and knowledge sharing. Designers need to make good use of local aesthetics, utilize their professional abilities to offer unique
vantage points and overturn the aesthetics of existing visual symbols in order to come
up with original designs that serve everyone. In this ever-changing and hard-to-grasp
society, designers and artists must be able to connect seemingly unimportant things to create new possibilities, and cross-disciplinary innovation among arts, technology and design is a key ability that contemporary leaders must possess.
設計在臺灣各地方政府權責分工長期以來被局限在分散的局處;文化局處的文化創意 產業,都市發展及城鄉發展局處的都市、建築、景觀、室內設計,新聞與傳播局處的
As a result of the division of responsibilities in each local government in Taiwan, efforts for promoting design have been scattered across different agencies over the years. For
example, the cultural and creative industry is the jurisdiction of the cultural depart-
ments of local authorities, urban planning, construction, landscaping and interior
design are the responsibility of urban development and urban and rural development departments, city branding and marketing are the duties of public information authorities, design thinking and cross-disciplinary innovation being the responsibility of
research, development and evaluation committees while packaging design and creative 設計呈現時代經濟、文化、科技與教育的內涵。隨著時代改變,設計出現許多新的機
marketing are under the supervision of agricultural authorities. In other words, design has been nothing more than a disparate part of operations in conventional local gover-
nance. Design therefore has never been a core value in the administration of local
Design presents the contents of the economy, culture, technology and education of an
era. With the passage of time, many new opportunities and possibilities emerge. In the
future, the line between design and non-design will grow less and less clear. Design will therefore play a broader and more integrated role. It will infiltrate and fuse with every field to become a fundamental instrument in national branding and city governance. Over the past year, use of design to change the city has brought city mayors and their administrative teams throughout Taiwan a brand-new opportunity. The country has made active efforts to promote the establishment of a design institute and now is the best time right for local governments to set up design centers. Design is a necessity in daily life and a catalyst to connect with international society. Design can be used to create local value and make friends with the whole world.
財團法人台灣創意設計中心董事長 2
Taiwan Design Center Chairman, Chi-Yi
Chang 3
執行長引言 A Word from the CEO
變革式設計創新 看見臺灣新未來
Transformative Design for Innovation Foreseeing the Future of Taiwan
To reflect on the past and prepare for the future, Taiwan Design Center (TDC) released its first annual
report last year (2018) in Chinese. This year, TDC published both Chinese and English versions in the
hope that all readers can have a better understanding of TDC services and continue to render their
2018 was a year of change and presented challenges for TDC. From helping businesses improve their
innovation in design, promoting international design exchange and cooperation and new southbound
cross-border design projects, to introducing design to local government, establishing cross-disci-
plinary design programs and initiating the Design Research Institute (DRI), there was a series of new
臺灣文博會、新一代設計展、Fresh Taiwan、新竹300博覽會及台灣設計展等大型活動逐一 於2018年揭開序幕,在台創中心全體同仁的共同努力下,都能順利完成、圓滿落幕,由衷 感謝。另各項展會,台創中心皆能以不拘泥於過去的思維、嘗試改變,能更貼近大眾,期能 符合各方期待。例如,第三十七屆新一代設計展的六項精進做法:設計類別專業分流、訂定
challenges which pushed TDC forward to positive change. Large-scale events, including the Creative Expo Taiwan, Young Designers’ Exhibition, Fresh Taiwan, Hsinchu 300 Expo and Taiwan Design Expo, took place one after another in 2018. Thanks to the joint efforts of the entire staff of TDC, each event came to a successful conclusion. TDC was, therefore,
able to get closer to the public and meet the expectations of different sectors by leaving behind the
old way of thinking and undertook various changes, such as the six measures taken to improve the 37th Young Designers’ Exhibition including categorizing design based upon needed specialties,
為確實掌握設計消費服務需求並提供相關體驗,台創中心在服務場域整合部分,特別統整旗 下4大服務場域:台灣設計館、不只是圖書館、設計點商店及美國創新中心,在歷經長時間 的規劃及不計其數的會議討論後,場域新品牌「松菸口」終於在2018年誕生。其中,品牌
setting a corporate day to promote business networking, increasing the number of categories for the Young Pin Design Award, encouraging design innovativeness and business startups, organizing friendly tour routes in exhibition venues, and exhibiting students’ design works online.
To accurately capture consumers’ needs in service design and enable customers to experience fully,
TDC has specifically consolidated the services previously offered by its four affiliates, namely, Taiwan Design Museum, Not Just Library, the Design Pin shop and the American Innovation Center. After
long planning and countless meetings, the newly branded Song Yan Court was born in 2018. The
作。2018年11月更榮獲捷克2018 Ladislav Sutnar獎項,此獎項主要是表揚在應用藝術和設
brand identity, physical store, online platform and member services are integrated to create a unique
design space which is served as gathering place. It is hoped that even more diverse design energy can be injected here in the years to come.
In 2018, TDC also engaged in a number of exchange and cooperation projects with internationally
renowned design organizations and groupings. In November, 2018, TDC was awarded the Ladislav
Sutnar Prize of the Czech Republic. The prize is given mainly to commend groups or individuals with
outstanding performance in applied arts and design, and TDC is the first Asian design organization to
receive such an honor.
(政府、企業、民眾等);其次,適應則指台創中心要能協同產業、透過設計力快速回應新 環境的挑戰(例如,AI時代的因應);最後,面對未來組織的可能調整,每一位台創中心同
As recorded in the Annual Report, TDC employees are able to closely review the significance and value of each task we complete every year. Times are changing rapidly and the world is as unpredict-
仁須做好心態改變(mindset shift)的準備,改變就是轉變的契機。衷心冀望未來的一年,
able as ever. While making efforts to gain the status of DRI in 2019, the management team and staff
members of TDC not only need to be clearly aware of their roles and positioning of the organization but also develop macroscopic thinking. There are three concrete strategies to achieve the objectives: empowerment, adaptation and transformation. Those to be empowered are the TDC staff members and all its stakeholders (including the government, enterprises and private citizens). Adaptation means TDC must have the capacity to help industry apply design to respond to new emerged challenges (such as the coming of the AI era) within the shortest time. In addition, as organizational adjustments in the future are unavoidable, all TDC staff members must be well-prepared (i.e., to have a mindset shift). Changes are opportunities for transformation. It is hoped that in the upcoming year everyone in TDC works wholeheartedly together to make design not only more attractive but more influential.
財團法人台灣創意設計中心執行長 4
Taiwan Design Center CEO, Tung-Jung
Sung 5
Introduction to Taiwan Design Center
創造設計影響力─ 深入創意實踐的每個階段,以設計力 促進整體產業成長與轉型
A value-creating platform of integrated services boosting Taiwan’s social development and creative design economy
Creative design is crucial to improving national competitiveness; as a result in 2003, for the purpose of promoting the development of cultural and creative industries, the government established the Taiwan Design Center (TDC) as a national design organization. Its operations started in 2004.
推動臺灣創意設計經濟 與社會發展的整合服務創價平台 創意設計是提升國家競爭力的重要關鍵,政府為推
為設計人和創意事業提供知識與助力,並透過輔導 設計產業國際化、辦理國內外展會、舉辦專業設計
我們的主要任務為提升設計人才原創能力、促進國 際設計交流、奠定企業發展自有品牌基礎、加強產 業市場競爭力與提高產業附加價值,並藉此向世界 宣言,「Designed in Taiwan」的時代已經來臨。
TDC is positioned as a value-creating platform of integrated services, is devoted to driving innovation, and promoting industrial and economic development through creative design. This will facilitate Taiwan’s innate momentum in creative design to exercise its influence in the social and cultural domains. Its main objectives are to improve designer originality, promote international design exchange, establish a basis for private brand development, enhance industrial market competitiveness, and increase the value attached to the industry. It is with these tasks that TDC proudly
announces that the era of “Designed in Taiwan” has dawned.
Realizing the Influence of Design – Promoting industry growth and transformation through design and delving into every step of creative implementation TDC is the only incorporated organization in Taiwan founded with design at its core and the promotion of industry and social creativity as its aims. By examining closely the value networks of the creative design industry and extending comprehensive services of knowledge and assistance to various points where designers and creative industries are in need of, TDC hopes to create benefits in integrated design and optimize the influence of creative design by providing consultation on industry globalization, hosting domestic and overseas exhibitions, organizing awards for professional design, promoting designer-client matchmaking and industry-academia collaboration, establishing market platforms, and managing creative spaces. 9
(一) 歷史沿革
History of Taiwan Design Center
(Design Promotion Center, DPC),是TDC的前身。
面對全球經濟潮流的轉變,「金點設計獎」(Golden Pin Design Award) 開始走向「全球華人市場最頂尖設計獎項」的新定位,首次開放國際報 名參賽便創下1,901件作品參賽之佳績;《design 設計》雜誌推出中、英
雙語版本;「不只是圖書館」(Not Just Library)重新誕生,讓圖書館 不只是圖書館。
DPC於臺北華山文化特區舉辦首屆「台灣設計博覽會」。 TDC與美國在台協會(American Institute in Taiwan, AIT)合作於臺北設 置亞洲第一個「美國創新中心」(American Innovation Center, AIC)。
政府為推動文化創意產業發展,成立國家級設計中心「財團法人台灣創 意設計中心」(Taiwan Design Center, TDC)。 2015年 2004年
情報服務系統」轉型為「台灣設計波酷網」,意旨由TDC打造設計線上 資源的寶庫。
TDC規劃執行「2016臺北世界設計之都」六大官方活動,向全世界展現 臺北是一個不斷提升的城市(Adaptive City);並將《design 設計》雜
誌與「台灣設計波酷網」整合,推出線上媒體「design x boco」。
參賽,為金點設計獎年度最佳設計獎之前身;《design 設計》雜誌轉由 TDC接手並轉換出版形態。
TDC以「2016臺北世界設計之都」計畫獲頒Design Value Awards年度設 計價值大獎,也成為臺灣第一個獲此殊榮的設計組織,並且是此次獲獎
及IFI)正式組成國際設計聯盟(International Design Alliance, IDA)後 的第 1 次世界設計大會。
臺灣文博會首度以「我們在文化裡爆炸」進行議題式策展,引爆風潮, 獲得日本國際設計大獎「Good Design Award」及「Good Design Award
Best 100」肯定。
TDC自南港遷至松山文創園區,將園區打造成為兼備產業互動、輔導、 研發、育成、展示、美學體驗、推廣及行銷之多重功能的指標性園區。
TDC成立全球華人第一座以「設計」為展覽主軸之專業博物館「台灣設 計館」;並辦理全球首次「臺北世界設計大會暨臺北世界設計大展」。
TDC協助臺北市獲選為「2016世界設計之都」(World Design Capital ®, WDC),並成立「紅點設計博物館」。
The Product Design Department of the Taiwan External Trade Development Council was restructured as the Design Promotion Center (DPC), the predecessor organization of TDC.
DPC organized the first Taiwan International Design Competition.
With the help from TDC, Taipei City was selected as the 2016 World Design Capital; TDC established the Red Dot Design Museum Taipei.
DPC organized the first Taiwan Design Expo at Huashan 1914 Creative Park.
Faced with the shift in global economic trends, the Golden Pin Design Award was redefined as the “top design award in the global Chinese market”; the award’s first year received record-breaking 1901 entries from both domestic and overseas contestants. The Design magazine was made available in both Chinese and English. Not Just Library was opened to the public, to create a new library that was more than just a library.
museum among all Chinese communities dedicated to showcasing creative design. TDC held the first IDA congress in Taipei/Taipei World Design Expo.
In order to boost the development of the cultural and creative industries, Taiwan Design Center (TDC) was established by the government as a national design organization. 2004
TDC entered formal operation at Nangang Software Park, taking over the organization known as the Taiwan International Design Competition, a categorized design competition and predecessor to the Golden Pin Concept Design Award. The Global Design Industry Information System was renamed Taiwan Design BOCO with the intention of allowing TDC to build an online resources center for creative design. TDC established the National Design Award, an award eligible to those who passed the Taiwan Good Product Design Evaluation and the predecessor to the Best of Golden Pin Design Award. TDC took over the publication of the Design magazine and reformatted the magazine. TDC helped Taipei City win the right to host the 2011 International Design Alliance (IDA) Congress, beating out 19 competing cities from 13 countries. This was the first IDA Congress after the creation of the IDA by Icsid, Icograda, and the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI). The National Design Award was officially renamed the Golden Pin Design Award. The Taipei City Government, Industrial Development Bureau, and TDC cosigned a collaborative agreement to repurpose the Songshan Tobacco Plant into a center for the development of arts, design, and the cultural and creative industries.
TDC moved its headquarters from Nangang to Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, establishing the Park as the iconic multi-functional venue that combines industry interaction, consultancy, research and development, talent cultivation, exhibition, aesthetic experience, promotion, and marketing.
TDC collaborated with the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) to establish the first American Innovation Center (AIC) in Asia. 2015
To rebuild the brand image, the Golden Pin Design Award was adjusted to include the new Golden Pin Concept Design Award (previously the Taiwan International Design Competition), Young Pin Design Award (previously the Young Designers’ Award) and the original Golden Pin Design Award.
TDC organized and held the six official events of the 2016 Word Design Capital Taipei, showing the world how adaptive a city Taipei is. TDC released “design x boco”, an online media integration of the Design Magazine and Taiwan Design BOCO.
TDC was awarded the 2017 Design Value Awards for its 2016 World Design Capital Taipei program, becoming the first design organization in Taiwan to receive such an honor and the only winner of the year to integrate design into a system of public service facilities, demonstrating how creative design, the integration of design thinking and corporate strategy into holistic marketing, and financial strategy can help the organization innovate and create value. The Creative Expo Taiwan’s topic-based curation approach in the Cultural Explosion exhibition took the design community by storm, winning the internationally acclaimed Good Design Award and Good Design Award Best 100 of Japan. Not Just Library was moved to the first floor of Songshan Cultural and Creative Park’s Office Building, where Taiwan Design Museum and Cafe Solé are also located, to form a design community of spatial uniqueness.
TDC established the Taiwan Design Museum, the first specialized
(二) 2018大事紀
2018 Milestones
照片提供:格式設計展策 攝影:汪德範 Photograph provided by InFormat Design Curating. Photographer: Te-Fan Wang
Feb. 9~13
組團前往德國參與「法蘭克福春季消費品展」(Ambientes)。 TDC delegation attended the tradeshow “Ambientes” in Frankfurt, Germany.
整合旗下營運的「台灣設計館」、「不只是圖書館」、「設計點」以及 「美國創新中心」四個服務場域,納入展演交流、設計閱讀、創意實作 和風格選物等生活議題,並引其口字型路徑,定名為「松菸口」。 The Taiwan Design Museum, Not Just Library, DesignPin, and the American Innovation Center were further incorporated to welcome activities such as exhibition exchange, the curated selection of concept stores, and reading materials and hands-on creative design amongst other subject matters surrounding daily life. This space was formally named the Song Yan Court in reference to its square shape.
照片提供:格式設計展策;攝影:汪德範 Photograph provided by InFormat Design Curating. Photographer: Te-Fan Wang
May 11~Jun. 1
首次AR跨域企劃展演「黑青:日目圖像創作展」,100隻黑青全面佔領 松菸口。 The first interdisciplinary exhibition to incorporate augmented reality, Black and Blue Cosmos was displayed at Song Yan Court with 100 strange creatures of black and blue.
May 25~28
以「翻」為展覽主題,於臺北世界貿易中心展覽1館、3館舉辦「2018新 一代設計展」。 The 2018 Young Designers’ Exhibition (YODEX) on the theme of “Turn” was held at Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1 and 3.
Jun. 15~Oct. 3
「世界最美的教科書展:從日本看見」於台灣設計館展出,展出日本與 臺灣超過 150 本的教科書籍。
Apr. 3~5
The Most Beautiful Textbook in the World: Insight of Japan exhibition was
held at the Taiwan Design Museum, displaying over 150 textbooks from
A hundred Taiwanese designs symbolizing everyday routines were
Japan and Taiwan.
displayed at The Shape of Taiwanese Living exhibition. Jul. 21~29 Apr. 17~23
Apr. 18~22
以「See You Tomorrow, Hsinchu 300」為策展主題,於新竹文創館舉辦
「新竹 300 博覽會」。
TDC delegation accompanied Chia-Lung Lin, then mayor of Taichung
The Hsinchu 300 Expo on the theme of “See You Tomorrow, Hsinchu 300”
City, on his visit to Mexico City to attend the World Design Capital event.
as held at the Hsinchu Cultural & Creative Museum.
Aug. 12~15
組團前往美國參與「紐約禮品展」(NY NOW)。
TDC delegation attended the tradeshow “NY NOW” in New York, United
博覽會」;其中,華山 1914文創園區展期延長至 4/29,主題展「一座高
山博物館」榮獲 2018 Good Design Award 及2018金點設計獎,「嘻哈 囝」獲得2018金點設計獎年度最佳設計獎。
Aug. 15~Sep. 16
With the exhibition theme of “Body Knowledge”, the 2018 Creative Expo
Taiwan took place at the three major creative venues of Taipei City, Song-
The Taiwan Design Expo took place at the Taichung Cultural Heritage
shan Cultural and Creative Park, Huashan 1914 Creative Park, and EXPO
Park with the exhibition theme of “Future Beyond Imagination”.
Dome. The exhibit at Huashan 1914 Creative Park was extended until Apr. 29. The themed exhibition Body Knowing was awarded the 2018 Good
Aug. 30~Sep. 1
金點設計獎與TGA Select組團前進泰國曼谷參與「台灣形象展」。
Design Award and the 2018 Golden Pin Design Award; TAIWAN HIP HOP
The delegation of the Golden Pin Design Award and TGA Select visited
KIDS was awarded the 2018 Best of Golden Pin Design Award.
Bangkok, Thailand to attend the Taiwan Expo. 19
Sep. 6
美國 Facebook 亞太區副總裁唐立洋來訪。
Nov. 17
TDC received a visit from Dan Neary, Vice President of Asia Pacific at
~2019. Jan. 13
The 2018 Golden Pin Design Award—Nature Knows exhibition; the exhib-
Facebook. Sep. 21
its were on the topic and value of circular sustainability.
與丹麥 INDEX 機構簽約合作共同推動跨文化與跨領域之環境教育設計。
Nov. 17
TDC signed an agreement with Danish organization INDEX: Design to
~2019 Jan. 9
The Ingenuity Follows Nature exhibition took place at the Taiwan Design
Improve Life for the joint promotion of interdisciplinary, cross-cultural
design of environmental education. Nov. 29
Oct. 16~
2019. Feb. 24
The Golden Pin Design Award 2018 Forum and Award Ceremony were held
The 100 Years of Czech & Slovak Graphic Design exhibition took place at
at the Multi-Showcase Hall in the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park.
the Taiwan Design Museum, showcasing the essence of traditional and modern design of Central Europe in the past 100 years.
TGA 輔導計畫首次組團帶領8家臺灣農產業者參與「日本沖繩大交易會」 B2B買家洽商會。
Oct. 17~21
The delegation of the Taiwan Good Agriculture (TGA) Consultation
TDC delegation attended the Style Bangkok Fair in Thailand.
Program, accompanied by representatives from eight Taiwanese agricultural businesses, paid their first visit to The Great Okinawa Trade Fair, a
Oct. 24
business-to-business (B2B) trade fair.
與越南價值商業中心及越南新創基金會跨國合作,簽署三方設計合作備 忘錄。 TDC signed a tri-party Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the
「不只是圖書館」獲 2018 Taiwan Design Best 100 年度最佳藝文設計平
Value Commerce Hub (VCHub) and the Startup Vietnam Foundation (SVF)
for international collaboration.
計獎年度特別獎-綠色設計雙料肯定。 Not Just Library was awarded the 2018 Taiwan Design Best100’s Best Arts
TDC獲捷克西波西米亞大學頒發 2018 Ladislav Sutnar 獎項,旨在表彰在應
and Culture Design Platform award, and its 2018 special edition ticket set
was awarded the twin accolades of the 2018 Best of Golden Pin Design
TDC was awarded the 2018 Ladislav Sutnar Prize from the University of
Award and the Golden Pin Special Annual Award for Green Design.
West Bohemia in Czech Republic. The award is awarded to individuals or organizations with outstanding performance in the field of applied arts and design. TDC is the first Asian design organization to become a laureate of the award.
Dec. 1~31
TGA Select 於日本沖繩 Ryubo琉貿百貨進行為期1個月的銷售檔期活動。 TGA Select organized a one-month sale event at the RYUBO Department Store in Okinawa, Japan.
Dec. 4
辦理打開松菸口 VIP night,邀請200位影響力人物共同體驗。 TDC organized a VIP Night event at Song Yan Court and invited 200 influencers to experience it.
Dec. 8
松菸口「CO-PAPER 口號」出刊,第1期以「老空間 新生命」為主題,
2019. Mar. 3
Song Yan Court published the first issue of its new zine, CO-PAPER. The
The “Circular Design—Are you In-Circled?” exhibition took place at the
topic of the first issue was “Old Space, New Life”, echoing the endless
Taiwan Design Museum to raise awareness of sustainability.
possibilities of wonder at Song Yan Court with its light reading material. 21
(三)財務概要 Financial Highlights 2018年1月1日起至2018年12月31日止業務經費約新臺幣3.98億元,其中77%經費來自經濟部工業局、文化 部、臺中市政府、新竹市政府、農委會等標案型計畫,最大的兩單位分別為經濟部工業局約新臺幣1.5億 元、文化部約新臺幣0.9億元。 The business expenditure between January 1 and December 31, 2018 is approximately NT$398 million; with 77% of its funding from the government contract projects of the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Industrial Development Bureau, the Ministry of Culture, the Taichung City Government, the Hsinchu City Government, and the Council of Agriculture. The two largest funding comes from the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Industrial Development Bureau (approximately NT$150 million) and the Ministry of Culture (approximately NT$90 million).
項目 Category
1. 自政府單位爭取之收入 Income from the public sector
各科目占收入決算總額比例(%) Category percentage in the amount of final account (%)
補助計畫收入 Funded project income
2. 自民間爭取之收入 Income from the private sector
(1) 業務收入 External business income
自辦業務收入 Internal business income
自籌款收入 Fundraised income
(2) 業務外收入 Miscellaneous income
(1) 業務收入 Business income 委辦計畫收入 Commissioned project income
3. 收入總額合計 Total income
107年度決算金額(百萬元) Amount of final account in 2018 (NTD in millions)
2018 重要成果
2018 Accomplishments
(一)創新輔導驅動轉型 Innovation consulting-driven transformation
1. 產業設計創新應用輔導 為響應聯合國SDGs永續目標與政府之「循環經濟」5+2 重點產業發展政策,從材料源頭設計驅動創新思考,促 進產業跨域合作,創造「產業圈、設計圈、消費圈」互 利共創的 eco system,帶動永續產業鏈的創新發展。 TDC整合材料、研發、設計團隊共同合作開發,如小智 研發以零廢棄為目標,開發單一材料 Airtool Soft循環傢 俱產品;點睛設計則使用可完全分解之生質材料,研發 零污染沙灘玩具。藉由「循環設計展-你在圈內嗎?」 以12種材質為主題,闡述 circular design 如何經由設計 創造新用途與價值,並將有限資源引至再循環的迴圈 中,創造物質新流動,為新世代型塑永續生活風格。
1. Consultation on innovative applications of industry design In order to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the government’s 5+2 Innovative Industries Plan, TDC promotes cross-industry collaboration by driving innovative thinking at the source of design materials, and creates a mutually beneficial ecosystem comprising industry, designers, and consumers, propelling innovation and development in the sustainable supply chain. TDC integrated materials, R&D, and design for collaborative development. For example, Miniwiz developed the only material used in the Airtool Soft circular-designed furniture; and Dot Design developed zero-emission beach toys with biodegradable material. The “Circular Design—Are you In-Circled?” exhibition demonstrated through the twelve recycled materials how circular design creates new purpose and values, and in turn returns limited resources to the loop of recirculation, creating a new circulation of materials and shaping a sustainable lifestyle for the next generation. 26
2. 設計整合推動地方發展 依各縣市發展目標,以在地農特優勢或場域等面向導入設計思考與美學,進 行跨域共創、提升地方發展競爭力。2018年匯集跨域設計夥伴,共同執行屏 東「物產田野調研、食材設計、便當設計」,從產地到餐桌開發「好屏便 當.舌尖幸福」,透過設計加值在地便當形象、帶動屏東在地小農發展。另 啟發公部門導入設計思維,重新檢視屏東菸葉廠與勝利新村等公共服務之識 別性,協助縣府構思未來與園區經營相關之商品與服務,以達縣政永續發展 之目標。
2. Promotion of local industry consultation with integrated design To encourage the introduction of design thinking and aesthetics in the various aspects of products, services, and spaces in Pingtung, TDC implemented interdisciplinary co-creation to strengthen Pingtung’s competitive edge. In 2018, TDC assembled a team of cross-domain collaborators in creative design for the joint implementation of produce field research/study, food design, and lunchbox design. The produce-to-cuisine development of the Pingtung Lunch Box combined design with its local brand image, driving the development of Pingtung’s local agriculture. TDC also encouraged the public sector to implement design thinking in their reevaluation of public service facilities (e.g. the brand identity design of Pingtung Tobacco Plant); TDC helped the Pingtung County Government conceive products and innovative services for future operations of the Park, achieving its goal of sustainable development. (照片提供:阿霞飯店錦霞樓 Photograph provided by Jin Xia)
3. 城鎮品牌獎加值輔導 TDC輔導榮獲2018城鎮品牌獎金獎的宜蘭縣礁溪鄉、高雄 市鹽埕區持續以品牌發展角度,深化臺灣在地城鎮的特色 文化力、設計力與行銷力,透過在地創生產業盤點與訪 談,找出支持城鎮品牌永續發展的地方創生產業發展模 式,其中宜蘭縣礁溪鄉運用溫泉及在地天然染職人培訓優 勢,發展出天然染織染布工藝供貨基地概念,期望打造工 藝商業化的天然染織產業鏈,並透過溫泉周邊商品開發強 化礁溪溫泉的獨特性。 另外,高雄市鹽埕區則為高雄最早商業中心,街區具有豐 裕的時代文化歷史,透過區內駁二藝術特區的發展,從駁 二核心擴散概念,導引人潮體驗鹽埕舊街區從嗅、視、 味、聽、觸五感生活魅力,帶動舊街區朝向創意及藝術經 濟發展,成為漫步高雄的焦點之一。
3. Award incentives for Taiwan’s local products TDC provides consultations to Jiaosi Township of Yilan County and Yancheng District of Kaohsiung City, gold winners of the 2018 Taiwan Town Brand Awards, advising them to further distinguish its unique soft power in culture, design, and marketing from the angle of brand development, and to identify the development model of industries that are capable of revitalizing the region and supporting sustainable development of the towns’ brands. For example, Jiaosi Township utilizes its hot springs and its advantage of local artisan training in natural dyeing to develop itself as the supply hub for the textile craft of natural dyeing, and hopes to commercialize this craft and develop it into a supply chain of natural dyed textiles, further distinguishing its hot springs with the development of merchandises. Yancheng District is the first commercial center of Kaohsiung City, and its streets are filled with rich history and culture. The district’s charm radiates outwards from the Pier-2 Art Center, attracting visitors to the old streets of Yancheng. Pampering to each of the five senses, the art center drives the old streets towards the development of creative and artistic economies and turning the district into a center of attention for passing travelers.
(二)設計合作輸出國際 International design collaboration
1. 設計經濟力國際推動 TDC針對全球新興市場與國家,將臺灣設計能量轉化為實質經濟力,與當地設計組織及相關企業合作,進行 人才培育與產業交流,2018年以國際夥伴參與曼谷設計節,展出循環設計產品與相關計畫,並媒合臺灣設計 團隊與泰國在地臺商進行商品合作開發與製造,以設計帶動科技與產業整體出口表現,形塑臺灣設計品牌形 象,創造設計能量國際輸出的創新模式。
1. International promotion on Designomics Focusing on emerging markets and economies, TDC has transformed the design capabilities of Taiwan into a substantial economic strength. TDC has also collaborated with foreign corporations and design organizations to facilitate talent cultivation and industry communication. In 2018, TDC attended the Bangkok Design Week 2018 as an International partner and displayed products of circular design and other relevant projects. TDC also matched Taiwanese design teams with Taiwanese businessmen in Thailand to initiate collaborative development and manufacture of products, utilizing creative design to drive improvement in technology and industry exports, shape the brand image of Taiwanese designs, and create an innovative model for the international export of design capabilities.
2. 國際設計合作輔導 為推動我國設計服務業朝國際化發展,以黑生起司為例,協助其以設計師品牌Vii CHEN與美國知名家具商Camino以雙品牌共同合作,由黑生起司負責商品設計與生產 製造、美商Camino負責國際展覽與營銷拓展,開發「Graceful Reina」極簡風格適合 歐、亞商辦與小家庭空間的系列傢俱產品。該成果將於2019年參與新加坡、上海、紐 約之國際傢俱傢飾展,於重要商展上推廣臺灣設計師品牌。
2. Consultation on international desgin collaboration projects TDC strives to assist Taiwanese designers in their move towards globalization. For instance, TDC assisted Hey Sheng Chi Si by facilitating its dual collaboration with Vii CHEN DESIGN and American furniture brand Camino; with Hey Sheng Chi Si responsible for product design and manufacturing and Camino is responsible for international exhibition and marketing. The minimalistic Graceful Reina series suits the office and residential space of Europe and Asia. The products will be displayed in major international furniture fairs in Singapore, Shanghai, and New York in 2019, promoting the status and visibility of Taiwanese designers. 34
3. Government innovations through creative design TDC assists the Taichung City Government in their bid for World Design Capital 2022, implementing government innovation and sustainable city development through creative design. In 2018, the World Design Capital 2022 Launch Press Conference was held in March; a delegation led by former Taichung City Mayor Chia-Lung Lin attended the Network of Cities Meeting at the Mexico City World Design Capital 2018 in April; and the launch of the Asian Island Chains Connection Program and the subsequent visit to Toyama and Kobe, Japan for civic exchange. An International Pavilion was also organized for the 2018 Taiwan Design Expo to house the Urban Pulse exhibition. Designers from the seven World Design Capitals (Torino, Seoul, Helsinki, Cape Town, Taipei, Mexico City, and Lille) and three other Asian partner cities (Toyama, Kobe, and Gwangju) were invited to attend the exhibition, which attracted 330 thousand visitors. The international forum “City Transformation – Design Future Cities” also took place in 2018. Twenty-four lecturers from 11 cities (both domestic and abroad) were invited to share the trends and cases of international city design, among those invited were the President-Elect of the World Design Organization, Srini Srinivasan, the acting mayor of Cape Town, Ian Nelson, and the advisor of Toyama Design Center, Toshio Ohya. Through both livestreams and physical attendance the event reached an audience of 14,686 people.
3. 設計啟動政府創新 TDC 協助臺中市政府申辦2022世界設計之都,期待透過設計導入市政,啟動政府創新及城市永續發展。2018 年3月辦理「2022世界設計之都啟動記者會」、4月由臺中市前市長林佳龍率團參與「2018墨西哥設計之都城 市網絡會議」,7月啟動亞洲島鏈串連計畫,前往日本富山與神戶進行城市拜會交流。並於2018台灣設計展 策劃國際館,以「設計改變城市脈動(Urban Pulse)」為主軸,邀請7個設計之都杜林、首爾、赫爾辛基、 開普敦、臺北、墨西哥、法國里耳與3個亞洲夥伴城市富山、神戶、光州一同參與,總參觀人數達33萬人次。 同年,舉辦「City Transformation 設計-未來城市」國際論壇,邀請11個城市,24位國內外講師分享國際城 市設計趨勢與案例,包括WDO下任理事長Srini Srinivasan、普敦副市長Ian Nelson、富山縣綜合設計中心顧 問大矢壽雄等出席,線上線下參與人數達14,686人次。
(三)品牌輔導拓展通路 Branding consultation and marketing channel development
1. 農產外銷業者品牌輔導 TDC協助行政院農業委員會推動農產品國際化行之有 年,8年歲月歷經品牌輔導淬鍊與國際市場反饋,於 2018年農委會整併TDC執行兩大輔導計畫,以品牌建 立的「外銷農產品牌輔導專案管理」,與市場導向的 「品牌好農外銷農產品國際電子商務通路拓展計 畫」,進化為「TGA(Taiwan Good Agriculture)農產 外銷業者品牌輔導專案」。 延續農委會對臺灣農業人力培育、技術升級等「品牌 培訓」前期工作,以協助農業人才資源提升;待臺灣 農企業產業資源、研發技術或生產管理等條件成熟, 協助業者透過「品牌輔導」,打造獨特品牌形象,強 化自身產業優勢。再以臺灣品牌「群體」凝聚力,聯 合行銷至國際,最終吸引國際採購買家興趣,達到拓 展銷售至全球通路,藉由「話題行銷」或「國際拓 展」布局全球食品市場。 可謂為「一站式」輔導計畫,即是協助臺灣業者從品 牌而起,終而站穩國際市場第一步的新形態品牌輔導 形式。
1. Branding consultation for produce exporters
through global marketing channels. The utilization of buzz marketing or global promotion can further our strategic placement in the global food market.
TDC has assisted the Council of Agriculture (COA) of the Executive Yuan in the promotion of international agricultural marketing for years. The past eight years of brand consultancy and international feedback has paid
This new form of brand consultation program known as “one-stop,” takes Taiwanese businesses from branding
off with the COA integrating the two major TDC-consulted projects, namely the brand-building “Exported
to their first step in the international market.
Produce Branding Project Management” and the market-oriented “International E-commerce Channel Expansion Plan for Produce,” into the “Taiwan Good Agriculture (TGA) Produce Exporter Branding Project Management” in 2018. TDC continues the COA’s initial work on brand cultivation for Taiwan’s agriculture industry, facilitating the improvement of agricultural talent and resources; as well as expanding manpower training and technology development. As Taiwan’s agribusiness industry matures in its resources, R&D technologies, and production management, TDC shall help businesses build their unique brand through brand consultation, strengthening their leading industry position. TDC shall further utilize the cohesion between Taiwanese brands to conduct joint international marketing campaigns, attracting the interest of international buyers and expanding sales 38
2. 生鮮水果電子商務物流包裝設計及品牌輔導 針對農委會新零售農業的發展,藉由「包裝改善」及「輔導多元小農品牌」試圖改善農產品進入電商銷售問 題,經由農民與電商通路的回饋建議,透過專家會議及國際物流包裝測試(ISTA),提供銜接電商銷售採後 管理及包裝建議,同時協助5家業者針對其本身產品特色及其農作精神,建立或調整目前品牌形象,加強業 者在行銷推廣上的特色,創造臺灣生鮮農產的新價值。
2. Packaging design and brand consultation for distribution of fresh produce e-commerce To assist the COA’s development of the new agriculture retail industry, TDC is attempting to facilitate the launch of produce onto e-commerce platforms through improved packaging and brand consultation with small-scale farmers. TDC seeks feedback and suggestion from farmers and e-commerce distributors, and by meeting with experts and conducting International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) Packaging Tests, provides e-commerce distributors with suggestions for marketing, postharvest management, and packaging. TDC also helps five businesses establish or change their current branding; distinguishing their brands through marketing, setting new values for Taiwan’s fresh produce industry.
(四)主題策展創造商機 Creation of business opportunities through the curation of themed exhibitions 1. 臺灣文化創意設計博覽會
「2018臺灣文博會」首度於華山展區設置全區文化概念策展,於工藝、設計、授權以外,增加音樂、電影、 時尚、生活風格等多元文化議題及主題活動;其中,華山主題展獲得日本G-mark獎及金點設計獎,嘻哈展 獲得金點設計獎年度最佳設計獎。在文化策展以外,商展區亦強化創新及設計思考,除了提出「Life! 研究 所」生活美學策展專區,也規劃了募資平台展區,策劃展示新的商業模式;授權區則有角色品牌聲量研究調 查專區。活動總參觀人數再創新高,達30萬人次以上,已成為每年文創界最大盛事。
1. Creative Expo Taiwan For the first time in the history of the Creative Expo Taiwan event the entire Huashan 1914 Creative Park venue was turned into a themed exhibition. In addition to crafting, design, and licensing industries, the event also included music, film, fashion, lifestyle, and other cultural topics and activities. The themed exhibitions at the Huashan venue were awarded the Good Design Award of Japan and the Golden Pin Design Award, with the TAIWAN HIP HOP KIDS exhibition awarded the Best of Golden Pin Design Award. Apart from the curation of cultural exhibitions, promoting innovative thinking was also reinforced. To accomplish this, TDC proposed an exhibition curated by Life! Lab to strategize new business models, organize the venues for fundraising platforms, analyze the brand recognition of original characters to curate their exhibitions accordingly, and promote thinking as a designer. The event attracted over 300 thousand visitors, breaking its previous record and solidifying its status as the largest annual event in the cultural and creative industries in Taiwan.
照片提供:格式設計展策 攝影:汪德範 Photograph provided by InFormat Design Curating. Photographer: Te-Fan Wang
2. 文化創意產業國際拓展
自2012年起,TDC持續執行文化部「文化創意產業拓展計畫」,組織 Fresh Taiwan 文創國家 隊,參與國際指標型展會。至今已累計輔導290家次臺灣代表性設計品牌、參與31檔次國際指 標展會,足跡踏遍歐洲、北美、日本、中國和東南亞等主要區域市場,於31個國家、92個城 市建立指標型通路代理。 2018年持續率領業者參與法蘭克福春季消費品展、紐約禮品展、曼谷生活美學展3檔國際指標 性設計展會,建構遍及全球各地的拓銷網絡。「Fresh Taiwan」不僅凝聚創意能量、串聯政府 及民間資源、協助業者站穩全球市場,也成為傳遞臺灣文化軟實力的旗手。 「Fresh Taiwan」歷年帶領的設計品牌,在長期耕耘之下已大幅受到國際市場青睞,通路拓展 也讓國家形象於當地市場持續發酵。今年更逐步進軍舊金山 MoMA 博物館、紐約古根漢美術 館、美國國家藝廊、Cooper HewittSmithsonian設計博物館、美國國立建築博物館等26家歐美 博物館通路,亦進駐Another Story、Loft、Room Concept、Open House等泰國百貨知名選品 店,顯示臺灣的設計品牌打開國際市場通路的豐沛能量。
2. Fresh Taiwan Since 2012, TDC has executed the Ministry of Culture's "Fresh Taiwan Project" by organizing the culture and creativity team, and participating in internationally renowned exhibitions. To date, 290 Taiwanese design brands have been included and 31 renowned international exhibitions in the major geographical markets of Europe, North America, Japan, China, and Southeast Asia have been attended, and major distribution channels in 92 cities of 31 countries have been established. In 2018, TDC attended the three major international trade shows of Ambiente, NY NOW, and Style Bangkok with Taiwanese businesses, establishing a global marketing network. By doing so, Fresh Taiwan not only consolidates the creative abilities of Taiwan but also collaborates with both public and private sectors helping Taiwanese businesses to establish footholds in the global market; it also has become the vanguard to the cultural soft power of Taiwan. After years of cultivation, the design brands guided by Fresh Taiwan have earned the recognition of international markets, and the expansion of their marketing channels has also boosted Taiwan’s image across the world. In 2018, marketing channels have been gradually established in popular select shops of Thailand (e.g. Another Story, Loft, Room Concept, and Open House) and 26 European and American museums, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, the National Gallery of Art, and the National Building Museum. All address the fact that Taiwanese design brands have been recognized by the global market with its abundant creative energy.
(五)金點設計國際發聲 The Voice of Taiwan in Golden Pin Design
1. 金點設計獎
「金點設計獎」創立於1981年,是臺灣歷史最悠久、最具權威性的專業設計競賽。自 2014年起,以促進華人設計產業蓬勃發展為目標,走向「全球華人市場最頂尖設計獎 項」的新定位,為專業榮耀的華人設計獎。每年舉辦高規格年度頒獎典禮、「金點國際 設計論壇」及「金點設計展」等相關活動,協助得獎廠商增加曝光機會,開拓新市場。 金點設計獎是進入全球華人市場的關鍵通道,唯有站穩華人市場,才能進一步放眼全世 界。 參賽類別包含產品設計類、傳達設計類、空間設計類及整合設計類;2018年有來自全球21 國(地)共1,385家廠商、2,932件產品參賽,並由國際間享譽盛名的56位設計專家擔任評 審,經初審、複審、決審三階段嚴謹評選,秉持公平、公正之原則,為金點設計獎得獎產 品把關。其中697件產品獲得「金點設計獎」標章之肯定,並有37件榮獲至高榮譽,分別 為34件「金點設計獎年度最佳設計獎」、2件「金點設計獎年度特別獎-綠色設計」及1件 「金點設計獎年度特別獎-社會設計」。
1. Golden Pin Design Award The predecessor to the Golden Pin Design Award was first established in 1981. It is the oldest and most prestigious professional design competition in Taiwan. Since 2014, the award has redefined itself as the “top professional design award of prestige in the global Chinese-speaking market”, with the goal to promote development in the Chinese-speaking design industry. The annual high-profile award ceremony, forum, and exhibition helps winners gain exposure and develop new markets. The Golden Pin Design Award is the key to the global Chinese-speaking market; only with a firm foothold in this market can one set their sights on the world. The award categories include Product Design, Spatial Design, Visual Communication Design, and Integrated Design. In 2018, 1,385 businesses from 21 countries applied for the entry of 2,932 products in the award. With 56 design experts serving on the jury, the award upholds the principle of fairness and openness in their careful assessments in each of the three stages (Preliminary Selection, Secondary Selection, and Final Selection), ensuring the quality of award winners. The Golden Pin Design Award 2018 contained a grand total of 697 Design Mark winners, among which 37 entries were awarded with the highest honor, including 34 for Best of Golden Pin Design Award, two for Golden Pin Special Annual Award for Green Design entries, and one for Golden Pin Special Annual Award for Social Design. 46
2. 金點概念設計獎
「金點概念設計獎」針對尚未量產或在市場上銷售的作 品,開放世界各地的學生、設計師或公司報名參賽,為 廣納全球創新概念設計之平台。2018年以「概念成真」 為主軸,與臺灣首家群眾集資顧問公司「貝殼放大」合 作,為得獎者提供集資課程及一對一輔導,期望幫助大 膽創新、具前瞻性的設計概念,實現量產上市或實際應 用之可能。 2018年共有來自4大洲23國、4,640件參賽作品,由32位 國內外設計專家組成之專業評審團,評選出45件作品授 與「金點概念設計獎」標章,並從中評選出3件象徵最 高榮譽的「金點概念設計獎年度最佳設計獎」,授與獎 座及獎金新臺幣40萬元。
2. Golden Pin Concept Design Award The Golden Pin Concept Design Award is aimed at works that are yet to be manufactured or marketed. The award is a welcoming platform for innovative concepts of design from around the world and is open to students, designers, and companies. For the 2018 event, TDC collaborated with Backer-Founder, the first crowdfunding consultancy in Taiwan. The event was centered on the theme of “Become True”, and provided winners with a crowdfunding course and one-on-one consultation to facilitate the realization of manufacturing or application for innovative, visionary design concepts. The Golden Pin Concept Design Award received a record number of entries this year; 4,640 bold and innovative concepts from designers in 23 countries and regions. Its professional judge panel, composed of 32 design experts both domestic and abroad, selected 45 entries to be awarded the Golden Pin Concept Design Award Design Mark. Three out of the 45 entries were further selected to be awarded the Best of Golden Pin Concept Design Award, with each winner given a trophy and a prize money of NT$400,000.
3. 金點新秀設計獎
「金點新秀設計獎」為現今全球規模最大的設計新秀畢業製作聯展「新 一代設計展」唯一官方獎項。參賽類別包括產品設計類、工藝設計類、 包裝設計類、空間設計類、時尚設計類、視覺傳達設計類及數位多媒體 設計類;為提升學生作品能見度及量產、市場化的可能性,2018年更特 別增設「金點新秀創業潛力特別獎」,發掘具市場性及後續發展潛力的 優秀作品。 2018年共有64校、137系所,總計4,834件作品參賽。所有參賽作品均經 過初、決審兩階段評選,由42名來自不同領域的專業評審,選出7名 「金點新秀年度最佳設計獎」、35名「金點新秀設計獎」、3名「金點 新秀創業潛力特別獎」、87名「金點新秀贊助特別獎」,共頒發132個 獎項,每件得獎作品皆具專業水準,學生豐沛的創意力受到高度肯定。
3. Young Pin Design Award The Young Pin Design Award is the only official award given at the Young Designers’ Exhibition, the largest graduation exhibition for young designers. The award categories include Product Design, Craft Design, Packaging Design, Spatial Design, Fashion Design, Visual Communication Design, and Digital Multimedia Design. To provide student works with exposure and to increase the potential for manufacturing and marketization, the 2018 event included a new Young Pin Design Entrepreneurship Award so as to discover outstanding and marketable entries with development potential. The Young Pin Design Award 2018 attracted 4,834 entries from 137 departments of 64 schools. Each entry went through preliminary selection and secondary selection, overseen by a panel of judges composed of 42 experts from various fields. Seven entries were selected to be awarded the Best of Young Pin Design Award, 35 entries were chosen for the Young Pin Design Award, three entries were chosen for the Special Young Pin Design Entrepreneurship Award, and 87 entries were chosen for the Young Pin Sponsor Award. A total of 132 awards were presented as a commendation for the professional-level works of awarded entries, each of which displaying the rich creativity of the student who designed it.
(六)推動全民設計美學 Promotion of aesthetic awareness in design
1. 新一代設計展
第37屆「新一代設計展」於107年5月25日至28日在臺北 世貿1、3館展出,集結國內64校、137系、10,114位學 生,展出3,599件作品,吸引8萬人次參觀。本次以「翻」 為主題,呈現新一代持續、反覆、向上的成長動力,並 推出多項創新作法,包括打破校際分界、以「設計類 別」分6大設計專區;首次推出「企業日」,邀請超過千 家廠商及公協會單位參觀,為產學搭橋;全新官網則以 友善使用者經驗為主,讓參觀者快速掌握全方位展覽動 態,使本展蛻變為一個精進、全新的大型學生設計主題 展會。
1. Young Designers’ Exhibition The 37th Young Designers’ Exhibition took place at Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1 and 3 from May 25 to 28, 2018 and included 3,599 works designed by 10,114 students from 137 departments of 64 schools in Taiwan, drawing a crowd of 80,000 visitors. The exhibition was given the theme “Turn” to signify the momentum behind the continuous, relentless, upward growth of a new generation. The event was also implemented with various alterations, including the change from the previous school-based exhibition layout to one with six areas of different design categories, a business-matching “Enterprise Day” that invited over 1,000 businesses and associations to attend the event, bridging the gap between industry and academia, and a redesigned user-friendly official website that allows visitors to quickly grasp an overview of the exhibition. These innovations transform the exhibition into a state-of-the-art, large-scale student design exhibition.
2. 台灣設計展
「2018台灣設計展」從數位科技、智慧材料、職人工藝及城 市發展切入,以「軟:硬-超越想像的產業未來」為題,於 107年8月15日至9月16日在文化部文化資產園區(原臺中文化 創意產業園區)展出,集結10位策展人,呈現1大主題展區、 2大衛星展區(葫蘆墩文化中心、東勢客家文化園區)、8大 展館,在33天展期,以435場活動、蒐羅來自14個國家、邀集 504家廠商、766位設計師、展出675件展品,完整呈現臺灣設 計的「軟」實力及產業的「硬」底子。
2. Taiwan Design Expo The 2018 Taiwan Design Expo adopted the perspectives of digital technology, smart materials, craftsmanship, and urban design, to respond to the theme of “Future Beyond Imagination”. The 2018 event was held at Taichung Cultural Heritage Park (previously known as the Taichung Cultural and Creative Industries Park) from August 15 to September 16, 2018. Ten renowned domestic and overseas curators were invited to curate the main exhibition area and two satellite exhibition areas (Huludun Cultural Center and Donshi Hakka Cultural Park). The exhibition featured eight pavilions, displaying 675 exhibits designed by 766 designers and 504 companies from fourteen countries in the 435 events and activities spanning the 33-day exhibition, to showcase Taichung's unique features that combine manufacturing capability and design strength.
3. 新竹300博覽會
TDC協助新竹市府辦理「新竹300博覽會」以文化深根、城市規劃、設計 導入等方向,協助新竹市政府梳理出城市願景、社會設計、科技能量、 歷史文化、觀光旅遊、市民夢想等展覽內容,並透過數位多媒體、互動 式體驗與共創展示手法呈現新竹市風貌及塑造新竹城市品牌新形象,在 策展過程中整合不同設計領域專業團隊及顧問等,更促成在地團體、企 業及志工共同參與展出,同時首度導入公共服務設計概念,由新竹市市 長及各局處首長於展期親自為民眾導覽,讓展出內容成為與市民對話的 溝通管道,創下全臺首例!「新竹300博覽會」正式展期9天即締造25萬 參觀人潮,成功強化市民的光榮及認同感。
3. Hsinchu 300 Expo TDC assists the Hsinchu City Government in the organization of the Hsinchu 300 Expo through urban planning, design implementation, and the establishment of a cultural foundation, helping the Hsinchu City Government formulate the exhibition content of urban vision, social design, technological capability, historical culture, tourism, and civic dreams. Digital multimedia, interactive experience, and interdisciplinary exhibition are incorporated to present the look of Hsinchu city and reshape its brand image. Professional teams and consultants of different fields come together to curate the exhibition; they are further joined by businesses, volunteers, and local groups in the event’s organization. The concept of public service design is also incorporated by organized tours given by the mayor and senior government officials of Hsinchu City, transforming the exhibition into a communication channel between government and people. The nine-day exhibition attracted 250,000 visitors, successfully reinforcing the citizens’ sense of honor and identity.
(七)服務場域整合營運 Integrated operation of servicescape
1. 松菸口 TDC為傳遞美好生活途徑及打造設計聚落,整合旗下「台 灣設計館、不只是圖書館、設計點商店、美國創新中 心」4個設計場所,取其口字型場域,定調為場域新品牌 「松菸口」。邀請設計師方序中操刀品牌識別、數位設 計媒體dosomething策劃網路平台、空間永續發展團隊 Plan b打造實體地標,並推出會員服務機制,實體與軟性 服務逐一到位。2018年末於松菸口廣場舉辦2場實體聚客 活動,吸引逾200位跨領域意見領袖及媒體參與,未來預 計有更多設計能量在此注入,成為距離設計最近的聚 落。
1. Song Yan Court To deliver the message of a wonderful way of life living and establish design communities, TDC integrated its four subsidiary design spaces (Taiwan Design Museum, Not Just Library, DesignPin, and American Innovation Center) into Song Yan Court, a new space named after the square court, and representing a new brand identity. TDC collaborated with digital media design studio Dosomething Studio in the design of Song Yan Court's official website,
and entrusted the creation of physical
landmarks to Plan b, a firm specializing in sustainable spatial development. TDC also incorporated a membership service mechanism that provides both physical and soft services. Two physical crowd-drawing events were organized at Song Yan Court at the end of 2018, attracting media attention and the attendance of over 200 opinion leaders of various work domains. The future influx of design capabilities is expected to bring the community of Song Yan Court closer to the heart of design. 58
2. 台灣設計館
「台灣設計館」為全球華人第一座以「設計」為展覽主軸之專業博物館,於2011年正 式於松山菸廠古蹟之建築空間營運,具有重要時代價值與意義。本館邀請臺灣及國際 知名之設計師進行策展,推出多元化與跨領域之主題特展,藉由設計專業結合國際趨 勢、環境議題及社會教育等領域,並以傳遞大眾生活美學及美感教育為使命。 營運至今共辦理超過50檔大型展覽,2018年展出「日日器
秀設計展」、「世界最美的教科書展—從日本看見」、「捷克與斯洛伐克平面設計 100年」、「循環設計展,你在圈內嗎?」等展覽,吸引國內外超過5萬人次參觀,接 待205團約5,600位貴賓到訪,如臺北市政府團隊、新加坡共和理工學院、泰國設計中 心、東京墨田區代表團及設計師佐藤可士和等。
2. Taiwan Design Museum Taiwan Design Museum is the first specialized museum among all Chinese-speaking communities dedicated to showcasing creative design. In 2011, the museum began operation at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, where the historical site, the tobacco factory is located. The Taiwan Design Museum regularly invites renowned designers, both domestic and foreign, to curate exhibitions, launching varied exhibitions of interdisciplinary themes. The museum aims to achieve its goals of aesthetic education and the communication of everyday life aesthetics through the combination of creative design with international trends, environmental issues, and social education. During its operation, the Taiwan Design Museum has organized over 50 large-scale exhibitions. In 2018, exhibitions such as The Shape of Taiwanese Living, Young Pin Design Award 2018 Exhibition, The Most Beautiful Textbook in the World: Insight of Japan, 100 Years of Czech & Slovak Graphic Design, and Circular Design—Are you In-Circled? attracted over 50,000 domestic and overseas visitors. The museum also received around 5,600 guests from 205 delegations (e.g. Taipei City Government, the Republic Polytechnic of Singapore, Thailand Creative and Design Center, delegation of Sumida, Tokyo, and designer Kashiwa Sato). 61
3. 不只是圖書館
不只是一個蒐藏紙本的地方,同時也呈現各種觀點和帶來啟發的場域。「不只是圖書館」獲 2018 Taiwan Design Best100年度最佳藝文設計平台;年度限定票券以過期雜誌重新再設計,獲2018金點設計獎年度最 佳設計獎及年度特別獎-綠色設計雙料肯定。 持續閱讀世界正在發生的事!2018年間,設計展覽共10場、國內外設計論壇及講座共22場、國內外設計交 流工作坊10場以上,「不只是圖書館」持續挖掘設計的可能性。尤其策劃荷蘭平面設計大師Irma Boom展覽 「Irma Boom Book」作品展及交流活動,聚焦探索裝幀設計及紙本閱讀的想像之境;更與亞洲最為活躍生 猛的藝術書展「Taipei Art Book Fair草率季」合作國際專題論壇,集邀紐約、東京、上海藝術書展總監登 臺,帶來各城市與眾不同的出版社、書店、藝廊、小誌、藝術書籍出版物等,成為本年度最具能量冒險的創 作者盛宴之一。
3. Not Just Library Not Just Library is not just a physical location for archiving, but also a space that opens perspectives and provides inspiration. Not Just Library was awarded the 2018 Taiwan Design Best100’s Best Arts and Culture Design Platform award; its 2018 special edition ticket set and its magazine’s back issues collage design were awarded the twin accolades of the 2018 Best of Golden Pin Design Award and the Golden Pin Special Annual Award for Green Design. Let’s read about what’s happening around the world! In 2018, Not Just Library organized ten design exhibitions, 22 design forums, and over ten workshops, uncovering creative design’s endless possibilities. Among them, there was the curation of the Irma Boom Book exhibition and the organization of its accompanying forum with Dutch graphic designer Irma Boom, which focused on the exploration of bookbinding design and the state of imagination stimulated by physical reading. In addition, collaborated with Taipei Art Book Fair, the most active art book fair in Asia, on the organization of international forums, inviting the directors of art book fairs in New York, Tokyo, and Shanghai to bring with each of them the publishers, bookstores, galleries, zines, and art books unique to their own city, turning the event into one of the year’s most adventurous and energetic gala for creators.
4. 設計點
「設計點」集結金點設計獎及國內外獲獎的精采設計作品,以 「生活,可以設計點」的概念,將美學、品味融入日常生活 中,串聯台灣設計館、不只是圖書館,共同結合展覽、閱讀、 品味購物的好所在,同時每月與臺灣在地品牌合作,推出快閃 主題及特別企劃展,期望透過此平台,讓世界看到臺灣設計的 創新力量。Facebook亞太區副總裁Dan Neary對於臺灣設計的 商品讚不絕口,還豎起了大拇指,直說讚!「設計點」將攜手 BenQ結合智慧科技,期共同打造智慧文創體驗之示範商店, 以提升服務體驗之能量。
4. DesignPin DesignPin brings together the Golden Pin Design Award and award-winning domestic and international designs works. By blending aesthetics and artistic tastes with everyday life through the concept of “More Design, Better Life”, DesignPin’s collaboration with Taiwan Design Museum and Not Just Library makes them the perfect locations for exhibition, reading, and shopping. DesignPin also incorporates monthly collaboration with local brands, pop-up themes, and special exhibitions to demonstrate the innovation of Taiwanese design to the world. Dan Neary, Facebook’s Vice President of Asia Pacific also gave high praise to Taiwanese designed products during his visit. DesignPin will collaborate with BenQ in the integration of smart technology, creating a demonstration store that offers a smart cultural and creative experience with improved services. 64
5. 美國創新中心
以「創新、創業、數位、文化與設計」為主軸,邀請國際知名講 師及國內團隊開設課程年度超過90堂以上,並新增iThome 與 美光科技等知名企業夥伴。2018年AIC參與美國國務院「2018 Fishackathon 魚客松」與美國太空總署「2018 NASA 黑客 松」,舉辦台北場之全球程式設計競賽,兩場活動總計393人 報名,90隊參賽,完成69項解決方案提案。此外,NASA2018 台北場冠軍隊 Light Wonder-Go! Polar Bears!入選全球 Most Inspirational獎項前五名決賽名單;TabbyRangers台北 場亞軍團隊BeeBots則入選全球Best Use of Hardware 獎項 前五名決賽名單。
5. American Innovation Center (AIC) Established with the major themes of innovation, entrepreneurship, digitalization, and culture & design, AIC has organized over 90 courses given by both internationally renowned lecturers and Taiwanese teams, and has established partnerships with iThome and Micron Technology. In 2018, AIC participated in the organization of the 2018 Fishackathon launched by the U.S. Department of State and the 2018 NASA Hackathon launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; the two Taipei events attracted 90 teams composed of 393 contestants and developed 69 proposed solutions. Furthermore, the champion team of the 2018 NASA Hackathon, “Light Wonder—Go! Polar Bears!” was awarded the Most Inspirational award and the runner-up team TabbyRangers was awarded the Best Use of Hardware award for its BeeBots project.
(八)其他成果 Other Achievements 1. 文化創意產業輔導陪伴 TDC協助文化部進行其主管之八大類文化創意產業個人或業者之創 業圓夢、商品開發、品牌行銷、跨域合作、經營管理、法律智財等 不同面向輔導陪伴,並以「不只是個案輔導陪伴,更是緊密互動結 盟發展」為目標,協助文創業者運用文化部獎補助計畫資源,2018 年共336家次申請通過文化部獎補助案經費。 並協助845家次進行相關文創經營與發展的深度諮詢,同時透過主動 發掘潛力文創業者進行輔導102家次,另辦理智財實務等共創工作坊 與媒合交流會、產業領頭羊參訪及成果推廣等活動,讓各類型文創 業者互利共生,形成文創產業群聚,也透過2018臺灣文博會S9洞見 新勢力展區的展覽辦理,將文創業者的軟實力以「五感好生意」為 主題,將這群文創業者行銷於國際。
1. Guidance of the cultural and creative industries TDC assists the Ministry of Culture to provide guidance to individuals or businesses of the eight cultural and creative industries in the various aspects of entrepreneurship, product development, branding/marketing, interdisciplinary collaboration, business management, and intellectual property law. TDC’s goal is to provide not just individual guidance, but also close interaction and alliance development, helping cultural and creative businesses utilize the cultural and creative subsidies provided by the Ministry of Culture. In 2018, applications from 336 businesses were approved for the Ministry of Culture’s cultural and creative subsidies. TDC further assists 845 businesses with in-depth consultation on the relevant operation of a cultural and creative business. TDC also actively reached out to 102 promising cultural and creative businesses to offer them guidance, and organized business matching events, intellectual property practice workshops, visits from industry leaders, and achievement promotion activities, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem among cultural and creative businesses and establishing a community of the cultural and creative industries. TDC has also facilitated the international promotion of cultural and creative business through the organization of the S9 Rising Force exhibition at the 2018 Creative Expo Taiwan, with the exhibition theme of “Culture Become Brand & Design” demonstrating its soft power. 68
2. 推動產學設計合作 2018新一代設計產學合作專案共有20家企業參與,948 組學生團隊報名參加,共遴選出99組入圍團隊,透過企 業參訪、設計及製造技術指導、市場需求研究等方式進 行交流,有效引導學生設計與產業方向結合。產出成果 於設計競賽評比皆獲得首獎肯定,如2018年新銳設計月 活動之一的文化部A+創意季競賽獲得最優秀的大賞獎1 件、國家級的金點新秀設計獎也獲得年度最佳設計獎及 產品設計類首獎,以及教育部全國技專校院學生實務專 題製作競賽工業設計群第1名。另外,有學校與企業進一 步共同申請經濟部CITD產學合作類計畫補助,預計將產 學成果作品朝商品化發展,進行量產上市規劃。新一代 設計產學合作案未來將形成企業外部創意策略合作夥 伴,讓優質創意可進一步量產、商品化,共創雙贏。
2. Promotion of industry-academia cooperation in design The 2018 Young Designers Industry-Academia Cooperation Project attracted participation from 20 corporations and 948 student teams. The event selected 99 finalist teams, effectively guiding the students’ designs towards industry trends through corporate visits, guidance on design and manufacturing technologies, and analysis of market demands. The resulting designs won the top prizes in various design competitions, including the grand prize of the Ministry of Culture’s A+ Creative Festival competition (part of the 2018 New Talent Design Month), the Best of Golden Pin Design Award and the top prize in the Product Design Category, and the first prize in the Industrial Design Category of the National Vocational Schools Students Practical Project Competition. Furthermore, applications for the industry-academia subsidies provided by the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Conventional Industry Technology Development (CITD) project has been jointly submitted by schools and corporations, and are expected to move towards commercialization and further planning of mass production and product launch. The Young Designers Industry-Academia Cooperation Project shall establish strategic partnership with corporations in the future, facilitating the commercialization and mass production of outstanding innovations and creating win-win situations. 70
2018 台灣創意設計中心年報
2018 Annual Report of Taiwan Design Center 發行人 張基義
Publisher Chi-Yi Chang
總編輯 宋同正
Chief Editor Tung-Jung Sung
副總編輯 林鑫保 艾淑婷
Deputy Chief Editors Oliver Lin / Nina S.T. Ay
總顧問 張光民
Chief Advisor Tony K.M. Chang
編輯委員 吳於軒 吳宜珮 李瑞欽 李建臻 洪明正 孫善蓉 常靜潔 許佳惠 楊玉婷 趙麗玲 簡思寧
Members of the Editorial Board Vivian Wu, Irene Wu, Richie Lee, David Lee, Patrick Hung, Steffy Sun, Ginger Chang, Agnes Hsu, Carol Yang, Li-Ling Chao, Isis Chien
執行編輯 陳琬珺
Managing Editor Wan-Chun Chen
共同編輯 丘士剛 吳湘寧 高玉蓉 張瑗雅 許盈盈 陳大齊 陳曉然 程少鴻
李 昀 張櫻馨 陳冠帆 溫雅婷
李寅瑄 曹家琳 陳筱廸 鄭育芬
周如蕙 莊瑋靖 陳瑩珊 魏岑芳
美術設計 角白設計 出版單位 財團法人台灣創意設計中心 臺北市110信義區光復南路133號 (松山文創園區) Tel: +886 2 2745 8199 Fax: +886 2 3322 9028 Email: tdc@tdc.org.tw Website: www.tdc.org.tw
Co-Editors Shih-Kang Chiu, Charlene Wu, Yun Li, Yin-Hsuan Li, Ju-Hui Chou, Yu-Jung Kao, Yen-Ya Chang, Ying-Hsin Chang, Chia-Lin Tsao, Wei-Ching Chuang, Ying-Ying Hsu, Michael Chen, Kuan-Fan Chen, Hsiao-Ti Chen, Ying-Shan Chen, Hsiao-Jan Chen, Shao-Hung Cheng, Ya-Ting Wen, Yu-Fen Cheng, Tsen-Fang Wei Graphic Design WHITEr Design Studio Publishing Organization Taiwan Design Center No. 133, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City (Songshan Cultural and Creative Park) Tel: +886 2 2745 8199 Fax: +886 2 3322 9028 Email: tdc@tdc.org.tw Website: www.tdc.org.tw
國家圖書館出版品預行編目(CIP)資料 台灣創意設計中心年報. 2018 / 宋同正總編輯. ─ 臺北市 : 台灣創意設計中心,民108.04
ISBN 978-986-82817-7-6
面 ; 公分 IISBN 978-986-82817-7-6(平裝) 1.設計 2.創意
108年4月發行出刊 Published April, 2019 版權所有.翻印必究 © 2019 Taiwan Design Center All rights reserved