Module V: Purchasing Individual Links / Backlinks XXX
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” - Mae West
Module V: Purchasing Individual Backlinks If buying expired domains and setting up websites on them isn’t for you, then don’t worry, we still have you covered. In this video you’ll learn about other ways to acquire these high-pagerank links to your site, which are currently doing wonders for our rankings across a large variety of verticals.
VIDEO: Getting Links from Other People’s Websites Password: feedmelinks
Links: Link Chicks / Backlinks 4 U / Fiverr Do links like this really work? In short: Yes. We wouldn’t be preaching about them on this site if they weren’t working really well for us right now. You can see on the last page (module) that one of our example sites, Thairang, has barely any links compared to our competitors. We’re getting High PR links with targeted anchor text. That is leading to very, very fast rankings.
Module V: Purchasing Individual Links / Backlinks XXX
I thought buying backlinks was bad… If you’re someone who follows the Google Webmaster Guidelines to a T, then yes, buying backlinks is bad. Google specifically say they don’t want people buying backlinks / pagerank in order to manipulate Google search rankings. However, what Google want you to do and what really works are two entirely different things. Also, Google were caught buying links for their own Google Chromebooks promotions last year…3 years after they updated the guidelines on paid links. This is not a tactic we worry about, purely because we have a simple theory: If we build / buy links that clearly hurt is in rankings, we could just do the same thing for all of our competitors. Google deserve some credit in that they’re slightly smarter than this. Instead I purely believe (and their head of Web spam has talked about this) that the links may purely be devalued. You may be buildilng links that don’t help you, but not those that are hurting you. There’s a ironic class division in the SEO world that depicts some tactics as Blackhat and some as Whitehat. I’ve personally been doing this for seven years, and there isn’t really much I view as Whitehat any more. Instead, I think everything is a shade of grey (just one shade). Everyone performing SEO is trying to manipulate the search rankings in their favour, no matter how nicely they think they’re playing by the rules. We simply use, and now preach, what works. Would it be better to focusing on getting the expiring domains with pagerank or getting these individual links? As Diggy explained in the video, it does depend on what your goals are. Right now we have a joint-network of dozens of sites (and we’re doing SEO for others in highly profitable industries) that would be too costly to keep buying individual links. We could afford it based on the income these sites are now making, but we’re getting a lot of good results from purchasing the domains. If you’re just focusing on one or maybe two websites, then stick to individual links. The cost is usually cheaper to begin with and if you’re not totally convinced these tactics will work, then you can try it out for a very small fee. If you’re focusing on more than two websites, I highly recommend you go the expired domains route. You can link to multiple sites from each domain you purchase, and brand them so that they’re relevant to the site you’re linking to. Also you’ll be able to control how many other outbound links there are on each page of your domain. How many links should I be looking to build? In the SEO world, that question is a bit like how long is a piece of string. If you had say $5,000 to spend on links for your first month, I would advise you that you shouldn’t even spend 10% of that. Though I am not seeing any real penalties in search results for links that are built very quickly, I would still advise you to keep things fairly slow. We built our social links and less than 10 High pagerank links in two weeks. That was enough to get us right to the top of the search results and outrank big players like the BBC. In this case it’s quality over quantity.
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