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Places to visit on a short stay in Leicester
Not everyone who turns up at a game at King Power Stadium are local supporters, and although Leicester is not widely known as a tourist destination, there are many things to see and do for folk who visit to take in a game. Apart from the away fans, there are also Leicester supporters who come to visit from various parts of the world, including the US and even Thailand!
Like most cities there are plenty of pubs, restaurants and even cinemas to occupy your time, but here are some interesting alternatives if you have a few hours in Leicester, to enhance your experience.
Leicester Museum and Art Gallery, which is located on the historic New Walk (always worth a visit by itself) boasts a collection of art and artefacts from around the world and where you can enjoy art, history and science, for free. Enjoy exciting temporary exhibitions and permanent galleries dedicated to dinosaurs, ancient Egypt and the natural world. Formerly known as New Walk Museum, they have been receiving visitors for 170 years.
Visit www.leicester.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/ museums-and-galleries/
The King Richard III visitor centre.
This attraction tells the story of King Richard III’s discovery and reburial, and the centre itself is very close to his final resting place at Leicester Cathedral (another of our recommended visits).
The discovery itself hit newspaper headlines worldwide when the remains of the Plantagenet King were revealed under a car park in 2012.
The display showcases the life of King Richard, and additionally how forensic science and reconstructions were used to prove that the remains were in fact the lost King.
Read more https://news.leicester.gov.uk/newsarticles/2023/april/king-richard-iii-visitor-centreshortlisted-for-tourism-award/