TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

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2012 annual report

Our Vision Youth everywhere actively engaged and connected in shaping a more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable world.

Our Mission Empowering young people to understand and act on the world’s greatest challenges.

Who We Serve We serve youth primarily between the ages of 13 to 30 through: • An online community and initiatives that

focus on enabling actively engaged youth. • Education programs geared

towards K - 12 students.

Our Values Diversity We live in a rich and diverse world and we believe that being inclusive is a basic human value. By encouraging intercultural dialogue, ensuring intergenerational cooperation and championing the notion of equality in everything that we do, we believe in nurturing a world where all individuals have deep respect for their peers.


TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

Collaboration A strong global civil society requires citizens who are motivated to share their knowledge, talents and expertise with each other. Understanding the intrinsic value that every individual has in building our collective future is essential. By being democratic and participatory, we are committed to ensuring that everyone not only has a voice, but has an opportunity to be heard.

Innovation New approaches to solving problems are vital if we are to live in a truly sustainable world. Where there are obstacles to be overcome, new ideas will flourish. Individuals possessing a vision of a better world will stand up and bear the responsibility to be innovative and to embody the best qualities of leadership.

Table of Contents 4 Message from the Founders 5 Messages from our Supporters 6 Theory of Change 8 Youth, Educators and Organisations 10 2012 Highlights 12 Online Community 14 Global Youth Action Network 15 Commit2Act 16 TakingITGlobal for Educators 19 DeforestACTION & Shout 20 Sprout 21 Innovate for Good 22 YouthMovements 23 Global Shapers Toronto & Youth for Change 24 Defining Moments 26 Adobe Youth Voices 28 Internship Program 29 Research 30 Financials 32 Partners and Supporters 34 Special Thanks

For the past seven consecutive years, TakingITGlobal has been recognized as a “Most Democratic Workplace� by WorldBlu.

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Message from the Founders

This past year saw a number of exciting projects come to life at TakingITGlobal. From the redesign of our site header, to the launch of new changebased communities Innovate for Good and YouthMovements, to the debut of our Commit2Act mobile app, 2012 was an eventful year for the TIG team. With the help of our dynamic staff, interns and online volunteers, we were able to implement a huge array of programs that have helped youth, civil society and educators bring positive change to their local and international communities. One of the highlights this year came from our YouthMovements Summit in New York City. Convened with the generous support of the Knight Foundation, the Summit brought together 55 partner organisations, UN agencies, youth advocates and youth allies for a collaborative two-day discussion. Focusing on how to strengthen collaboration and sharing across the youth sector, the dialogue sparked great debates and ideas about the direction of youth advocacy and the future evolution of the YouthMovements Program. We were equally as thrilled to be involved in the Dignity Day Celebrations on October 17th. With our partners at the Centre for Global Education, we connected schools across the country to watch the events in Ottawa, Canada, where we acted as a Dignity Day Role Model alongside representatives from every major Canadian political party. The event was a great reminder of the importance of human dignity and human rights, key guiding principles for TakingITGlobal’s work.


TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

Our programs took us across Canada and all over the world in 2012. We received support from Microsoft to launch Innovate for Good, a program that provides young people with mentorship and guidance to bring their community-based projects to life, holding events in Egypt, Singapore and Belgium, among others. The launch of the Commit2Act app also saw international attention, and we rewarded users from Norway, Ecuador, and Canada with high-tech prizes for their active early engagement. We continue to support youth in multiple areas with the help of our partners and donors, through the continued expansion of our programs, including national art programs, educational programming for classrooms and engaging monthly themes in our online community. As we continue to grow and engage members around the world, we are honoured and humbled by the passion, energy and commitment demonstrated by young people in their drive to change the world within one generation. Please join us as we review 2012 at TakingITGlobal!

Jennifer Corriero Executive Director

Michael Furdyk Director of Technology

Messages from our Supporters

“ During the global launch of Microsoft YouthSpark in September 2012, Jennifer Corriero represented TakingITGlobal alongside other non-profit partners as our CEO, Steve Ballmer, conveyed our commitment to creating opportunities for 300 million youth in more than 100 countries during the next three years. As part of this initiative, Microsoft has worked collaboratively with TakingITGlobal to launch Microsoft Innovate4Good, an online community and program that connects young social innovators to skills, training though the Sprout e-course, knowledge resources, micro-mentorship, seed funding and a global network of influencers. We believe in the possibilities that will emerge when combining the power of technology with rising social entrepreneurs and that is why we have chosen to invest in supporting the ideas of young people with world-changing aspirations.” — Akhtar Badshah, Senior Director, Global Community Affairs, Microsoft

“ Adobe Foundation has been proud to partner with TakingITGlobal to deliver the Adobe Youth Voices program, in an effort to ignite the creative confidence of young people around the world. Through our collaboration over the years, I have been impressed with the dynamic approach that TakingITGlobal has taken to recruit and train local partners and educators as well as evolve our materials, including the 2012 development of the Exhibition Toolkit that will support young media makers in showcasing their works to the public. I applaud the entire team at TIG who extend their passion and talent as they facilitate learning communities and contribute towards increased global dialogue and understanding through youth media and artistic expression.” — Miguel Salinas, Program Director, Adobe Foundation

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Theory of Change



We help develop a sense of social responsibility and awareness of global issues, as well as build capacity among youth, regardless of their placement across the spectrum of engagement.

928,326 546,815 Global Issues page views


International Days celebrated


Panorama Zine page views

110 Featured spotlights

92,076 New members joined the Online Community


We impact shared values through our involvement in global social movements, ultimately influencing attitudes and behaviours towards creating a more sustainable world.

101 107

Educators who completed TIGed PD e-courses


Adobe Youth Voices Educators trained

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

5,520 Students engaged with Global Encounters

1 4



We provide engaged youth with the access to global opportunities, building their skills and creating a sense of belonging to a community of other actively engaged youth.

2 3


Social Innovation trainees


Innovate4Good event attendees


Global Gallery submissions


Defining Moments workshop participants



Initiatives mapped by YouthMovements


We strengthen global social movements by collaborating with other organisations to ensure youth participate and become key stakeholders in these efforts.


Innovate4Good grants provided

177 Online volunteers


YouthMovements network partners


YouthMovements Summit participants

3,383 11,440 Commit2Act mobile actions

Intern hours volunteered

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012




The TakingITGlobal Online Community’s focus is on youth: empowering them to understand and act on the world’s greatest challenges to enable them to be active agents of change in their local and global communities. To help connect youth to information and opportunities to make these positive changes, the online community hosts discussion boards, online petitions to allow them to take action on issues that matter to them, and databases of opportunities showcasing ways for them to get directly involved in an issue.



TakingITGlobal for Educators (TIGed) is a resource and community for educators seeking to bring together global perspectives into their classrooms. By utilizing technology to expand learning experiences for students, TIGed focuses on the 21st century skills in the classroom. TIGed’s work is framed around the three key values of global citizenship, student voice, and environmental stewardship, offering professional development, programming, and online resources to educators around the world.

Organisations http://orgs.tigweb.org

TakingITGlobal provides a platform for youth-focused organisations and networks to advance their work for positive social change. We provide a suite of action tools including: knowledge sharing resources, event listings through interactive visual maps like YouthMovements and Initiatives, tools to help organisations find funding opportunities and connect with potential volunteers, as well as toolkits that help connect individuals and organisations with other like-minded organisations who help to drive social change around the world.


TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

“ Since my young age I have always been concerned about the world, learning and sharing knowledge. Every time I login to TIG I learn one or two things, I like reading and knowing about other people and other aspect not in my domain of experience. My level of awareness and knowledge on other cultures is very high. On TIG I’ve meet people from every part of the world.” — Felix, Turkey

“ TakingITGlobal has provided me with some fantastic contacts in New Zealand and various parts of Africa. Our Global Community Unit in Year 9 is based around the resources that TIG provides in relation to the Millennium Development Goals, which each student’s project must work towards achieving. TIG combined with my career in education has transformed what drives me in my life. My only regret is that I hadn’t become involved sooner!” — Robert, Australia

“ I think it is vital to both connect with young people across the world and to show the tremendous work that we are doing - when these organisations start to collaborate and find a way that they can collectively work together, youth everywhere benefit.” — Alex Wirth, Presidential Youth Council

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


2012 Highlights FEBRUARY JANUARY

Future of YouthMovements


Summit with the Knight Foundation (USA) Sprout Cycle 10 begins Education World Forum 2012 (Canada) (UK) – Keynote by Jennifer Corriero

National Association for Independent Schools

Innovate for Good launched GYAN attends Build For Change

Conference (USA) Global Encounters: LOW Global Encounters: Voice,

Carbon Lunch

Agency and Democratic Values Global Encounters: Voice, Agency TIGed e-course “Project-

and Democratic Values

Based Learning for Global Citizenship” begins

Global Encounters: National Virtual Town Hall on Sustainable Energy

JULY Defining Moments


winners announced Defining Moments: Travelling Exhibit begins

Adobe Youth Voices site

TIGed participates in

visit to Mexico City

Education Fast Forward 5

Initiatives Page launched


Pearson Fellowship for Social


Innovation fellows chosen

Youth Assembly (Canada)

Adobe Youth Voices Aspire

Get to Know Unconference (Canada)

Awards winners announced

TakingITGlobal featured on Global Giving Banff Forum (Canada) Mobile Technology for Social


Change Video Conference


TIGed e-course “Project-

Media Conferences

Based Learning for Global Citizenship” begins Commit2Act featured on DailyAppShow


TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

APRIL WorldBlu lists TIG as “Most


Democratic Workplace” for the seventh year in a row Sprout Cycle 11 begins Innovate for Good (events

Innovate for Good (events


in Belgium and China)

in Singapore and Egypt)

Adobe Youth Voices Gallery

TIGed e-courses ”Education

Global Encounters: Live Poetry

United Nations Conference

for Environmental Stewardship”

Slam: Witness in the Middle East

on Sustainable Development

and “Project-Based Learning

Global Encounters: Child Soldiers:

for Global Citizenship” begin

Caught Up In Conflict

Innovate for Good (event in Mexico)

Global Encounters: Resistance

International Society for Technology

Art in the Middle East

in Education 2013 Conference (USA)

TIGed e-courses “Education for

Commit2Act launched

Environmental Stewardship” and

June Exhibits for Defining Moments

“Project-Based Learning for Global

(Four in total across Canada: Halifax,

Citizenship” and “Empowering

Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver)

Student Voice in Education” begin

(Rio+20) (Brazil)

Defining Moments featured in “The Coast”


Global Encounters: Live from Rio: How Youth Are Using Technology to Remake Our World

PowerShift Canada


World Congress on Information

Global Encounters: The Transit of Venus

Technology (Canada) Dignity Day with Fieldcrest Elementary Third Planet launched Global Encounters: International Day of the Girl Child Conference Global Encounters: Mental

Innovate for Good website redesigned Global Education Conference TakingITGlobal booth at

Health Awareness and Action

SociaLIGHT Conference

Global Encounters: Global Dignity

Global Encounters: COP-Under-18

Day International Video Conference

Interactive Video Conference

Global Encounters: Middle East

Global Encounters: World

in Transition: Peace & Conflict

AIDS Day Video Conference

(High School) Part 1 and 2

TIGed e-courses “Education

Commit2Act featured on

for Environmental Stewardship”

CTV’s App Central

and “Empowering Student

TIGed e-courses ”Education


Raffi Concert (Canada)

International Days Page launched Commit2Act Contest winners announced Global Encounters: LIVE from COP-18 Video Conference

Voice in Education” begin

for Environmental Stewardship” and “Project-Based Learning for Global Citizenship” begin TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


TakingITGlobal’s Online Community connects our global membership to information, activities and actions to provoke education and mobilization on the local and global challenges faced by our generation. http://www.tigweb.org

2012 was a great year for our Online Community - thousands of youth were able to get inspired, informed and involved through

" TIG has provided a platform for collective reasoning

our diverse set of educational resources, discussion boards, and

with other like-thinking young minds, sharing in their

community tools. Our Online Community successfully connects

experiences and enriching myself with new ideas from

our global and diverse membership to information, activities and

others in the reach-out team. It is also helpful knowing

actions to help put our members’ ideas into action at the local and

that I am not alone in the fight for a better society."

international level. — Abraham Aniso, Nigeria Here are a few highlights from 2012:

TECH UPGRADES We are constantly striving to improve the Online Community platform. This year, with the help of our new header and new site map, our members more effectively connected with the world around them. Redesign of Initiatives Platform http://www.tigweb.org/action-tools/initiatives TIG’s new Initiatives platform was built to accelerate youth-led change by providing an online space for youth to host their world changing ideas. Collaborating online to drive these amazing ideas forward, youth all over the world are using initiatives to make a difference, solving problems in their communities and addressing pressing global issues. Redesign of International Days Section http://www.tigweb.org/global-issues/intdays TakingITGlobal’s new international days section engages our members to join millions of people worldwide in the observance of these days through education, coordinated action, and the support of projects working towards positive change. This new section has been built to integrate across social media channels, using inspiring visual content and quotes to motivate reflection and action towards a better world for all!

432,317 Total members


120 Spotlights

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


International Days celebrated

4,869 Total Petition signatures


Panorama Zine issues


Online Community new members


Ongoing programming

TIG’s Online Community programming builds upon partner campaigns and movements across civil society to engage and inform our members in addressing local and global challenges. Themes and activities for each month are selected through input from our members, volunteer teams, and the Member Advisory Committee along with guidance from our partner networks.

Throughout the year, we facilitated dynamic programming for our members to interact with. These inclusive initiatives allow for deeper interaction with our members, allowing them to contribute to the TIG community while gaining new insights and personal growth in the process. Member Advisory Committee

National High Five day — April 2012 http://petitions.tigweb.org/Hi5 In support of International High Five Day, we petitioned the United Nations to officially recognize a day in honour of the High Five - a simple way to break down superficial barriers such as gender, age, education levels and socioeonomic status.

TakingITGlobal held monthly meetings for this group of advisors engaging their input into the project revamp for YouthMovements, a membership growth strategy, the upcoming profiles revamp, their ability to potentially represent TIG at conferences, and local engagement paths. OC Volunteer Program

Acts of Kindness — July 2012


http://commit.tigweb.org/be-kind-help-others In July, we initiated discussions about the power of kindness in shaping the lives of others and promoted an online commitment to pay kindness forward.

In 2012, new training and recruitment materials were developed to help the OC Volunteer program become more efficient than ever before! As a result, the Online Community and Multilingual Volunteer teams have benefited, resulting in better efficiency and greater access to capacity building experiences for volunteers.

TIG does Movember — November 2012 http://commit.tigweb.org/no-to-gender-inequality In November, we explored the topic of gender issues through a live chat with our members, a global contest to discover the best moustache in the world, several discussion board conversations on these issues and a commitment to stand up to gender inequality.

“Thanks to this online experience, I had the opportunity to establish connections with other passionate youth and I am sure I will continue to be part of the TIG online community as a result." — Paolo Ricciardelli, Online Volunteer

Panorama Zine http://www.tigweb.org/youth-media/panorama Panorama Zine is a multilingual online publication of opinions, interviews, short stories, poetry and experiences submitted by our global membership and curated by our editorial team of 14 multicultural volunteers. The themes for Panorama are selected based on the relevant interests of our members, such as Global Health and Environmental Sustainability. Throughout the year, eight issues of Panorama were published. Dispatch http://www.tigweb.org/community/newsletters

9,132,842 Total page views


Member Advisors

News and updates from across our network and programs are compiled and sent to our members several times a year. Throughout 2012, seven issues of the Dispatch were sent out focusing on issues including The Occupy Movement, wrapping up and building momentum from The International Year of Youth, The Rio+20 conference, and more.

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


GYAN is a youth-led organisation that works to facilitate youth participation and intergenerational partnership in global decision-making, support collaboration among diverse youth organisations, and provide tools, resources, and recognition for positive youth action. The GYAN Network connects many thousands of organisations in over 190 countries. http://gyan.tigweb.org/

In 2012, GYAN helped bring thousands of young people and their voices to global discussions. GYAN became a fully independent 501(c)(3) organisation in 2004, and was granted affiliate status with the United Nations Department of Public Information and is granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC). In conjunction with the Youth 21 Process in March 2012, GYAN supported and advocated for increased support for young people across the UN system. As a result, we were invited to participate in the Building for Change meeting hosted by UNDP and UN-Habitat in Nairobi, Kenya. There, GYAN staff delivered a plenary presentation that focused on the power of collaboration that is possible among youth networks. In 2012, GYAN was also represented on the International Youth Steering Committee and chaired the Virtual Participation task force. As such, GYAN assisted and consulted UNFPA ICPD secretariat staff in development of the ICPDyouth.org website and oversaw virtual participation of 2,825 registered users including the collection and synthesis of 622 Input recommendations which shaped the Bali Youth Declaration.

Partnerships and Coalitions UNESCO Education for All Report http://gg.tigweb.org/tig/youthskillswork/

In the coming year, GYAN hopes to continue supporting youth voice in the “UN process� and meetings, especially in the Post-2015 Development goal context, by strengthening collaborative efforts across the youth sector through networking, consultations with UN agencies, and YouthMovements.org

TIG promoted this campaign and created a Global Gallery set to solicit input into the UNESCO report on the state of education around the world. The Road to Rio+20 http://peacechild.org/road-to-rio20/

45+ Youth delegates at UN meetings


Affiliated organisations Canadian Youth Climate Coalition


Engaged youth during UN processes


TIG participated in a broad coalition of more than 100 Civil Society Organisations to raise awareness and action around the importance of sustainable development and the Rio+20 conference.

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

TIG staff are chairing the steering committee for this national coalition of youth focused climate organisations. We helped coordinate workshops and presented two training sessions at PowerShift Canada (also related to Commit2act) and facilitated Livestreaming of sessions and plenaries (Naomi Klein, Winona LaDuke, Bill McKibben, and Mikael Rioux).

Commit2Act is an innovative, challenge-based mobile application that encourages peer-to-peer interaction while promoting campaigns from leading youth organisations as well as daily actions that young people can take to reduce their impact on the environment. http://www.commit2act.org

In 2012, TIG embarked on a new milestone in our mission to connect youth through innovative technology with the launch of our first mobile app. Thanks to a partnership with Active Philanthropy and the generous support of an anonymous donor, we developed, tested, launched, and promoted Commit2Act, a mobile app that engages young people in taking action on climate change through their daily actions.

Highlights: • 3,383 world-changing actions taken by youth globally. • Partnerships with leading youth climate change organisations. • Launch event at the UN Rio+20 Earth Summit Youth Blast. • Two video conferences to engage youth around the world in a discussion on mobile technology for social change. • Promotions at youth and technology-focused events, including the World Congress on Information Technology and civil society events including the CIVICUS World Assembly. • Promotional contest rewarding top users with a draw for an iPod Touch, an iPad, and an iPhone 5.

" I think a lot about the environment every day, and I do everything I can to cut down on my CO2 emissions. So when I found the app Commit2Act I was very happy, because I could get new ideas for my ‘mission’, and also spread the word and try to get other people to think about the environment in their everyday lives. I also like the fact that it is a global app, so you can see what other people in other countries are doing. I just think that Commit2Act is a brilliant app!" — Pernille from Norway, the Commit2Act Top-User Winner..

The launch of Commit2Act has demonstrated the immense potential for engaging in social change through mobile technology. Through promotions at various youth-focused events, we have talked with countless young activists who are interested in using Commit2Act to bolster their campaigns, a promising response that opens up many future directions for the app. Available as a free download for iOS devices, and soon available on Windows Phone and Android devices, Commit2Act brings the power of collaborative action to youth around the world.



Contest winners

Featured news stories

3,383 World-changing actions


Video conferences


TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


TakingITGlobal for Educators (TIGed) supports globally-minded educators in utilizing technology to create transformative learning experiences for students, and offers programming, resources, and professional development in three key areas: global citizenship; student voice; and environmental stewardship. http://www.tiged.org

2012 was a fantastic year for TIGed! Our global community of over 9,000 educators expanded to reach over 140 countries, and we continued to improve and diversify our programs, resources, and PD offerings available to our members.

New Developments Technology Platform Improvements In January 2012, we launched a major redesign of the TIGed website. Our new site features a simplified sign up process that includes an option to “pay what you can” to support various aspects of the TIGed program, and new professional development web pages to reflect our growing variety of offerings. Our resource database also underwent a makeover, with the launch of subject and issue landing pages. You can now browse resources by subject (i.e. science) or issue (i.e. environment), view top resources, videos, and active members for each area, and create your own collection of saved resources on the site. Improvements to our virtual classroom include options to customize your class with colours and logos, the option to add images to posts in the student writing feature, and customizable notification settings for blogs.

The TIGed community in 2012 represented:

9,000+ Educators

3,800+ Schools






Youth in 12 countries participated in Education Fast Forward debate


5,800 Students engaged in Global Encounters


Educators in 16 countries benefited from TIGed's Professional Development e-courses

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

TIGed Professional Development http://pd.tiged.org TIGed’s professional development programs expanded in 2012 to include three e-courses for educators in the areas of global citizenship, student voice, and environmental stewardship. Accredited at the graduate level, these e-courses are designed to support educators by identifying practical ways to implement pedagogies that reinforce the development of 21st century skills in students, while addressing unique needs and curriculum requirements. They are fabulous networking opportunities for educators looking for international colleagues with whom to collaborate on global education projects. More than 100 educators in 16 countries took advantage of these offerings in 2012. We also launched a free monthly webinar series for those interested in learning more about our programs, tools, and resources. In-service workshops, online learning circles, and customized packages were also launched as formal PD offerings.

" The resources used in TIGed e-courses are excellent and the instructors are friendly, encouraging, and very enthusiastic about the area of expertise." — Louise Jenkins, Thailand.

Global Giving http://tigurl.org/ggpd

In September, TIGed launched a fundraising campaign for scholarships to support educators in developing countries to participate in our professional development e-courses. This was made possible through a relationship with GlobalGiving, an online fundraising portal available to charitable organisations around the world. Last year we raised nearly $5,000 - enough to support 20 educators to take our e-courses. Our fundraising efforts also provide scholarships to educators under the age of 30 in developing countries through Microsoft’s Give for Youth portal.

Partnerships and Initiatives

Education Fast Forward

Global Encounters



Education Fast Forward, a debate series offered by Promethean and Cisco, connects thought leaders from around the world on pressing issues related to education through the use of Cisco TelePresence technology. 2012 was the first year that youth voices were included in the debate through a collaboration with TakingITGlobal. 25 diverse youth from 12 countries shared their thoughts on learner voice and global peace after being selected through a TIGed contest, and TakingITGlobal co-founder Michael Furdyk provided a keynote for the event alongside Jeremy Gilley, founder of Peace One Day.

In collaboration with The Centre for Global Education, Global Encounters is a series of international student video conferences that connect students to peers, speakers, and mentors from around the world to learn about global issues and challenges. Together, we hosted 17 conferences on topics that included women’s rights, child soldiers and armed conflict, revolution in the Middle East, mental health, HIV and AIDS, and climate change, engaging approximately 5,800 students. Each conference included a live event, preceded by a week-long online program of activities through which students learned about the topics at hand, collaborated with one another, and received mentorship from subject-matter experts. Of particular note is COP-Under 18, a youth conference held leading up to COP18 in Doha, Qatar. Participating students collaborated on a position paper of recommendations for environmental policymakers. This project culminated with two participants travelling to Doha to attend COP18. Download the position paper here: http://tigurl.org/tcxmhf

“ Global Encounters represents an archetype of grassroots democracy.” COOL 2.0 http://cool.greenlearning.ca

— Senator Grant Mitchell from the Alberta Liberal party (Mentor in our Global Encounters “COP-Under18” conference).

TIGed teamed up with Green Learning to create COOL 2.0, a resource database of environmental education activities in science, social studies, economics, language arts, technology, and more. The searchable database contains lesson plans, videos, research and data, and collaborative projects that are also cross-posted to the TIGed site.

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Continued Partnerships The values of partnership and collaboration are important to TIGed and in 2012, TIGed continued to build relationships with several established partners. We worked with Pearson Education on the myWorld TIGed program (http://myworld.tiged.org), an online companion to the myWorld History and Geography textbooks. Pearson and TIGed co-hosted a contest for a myWorld educator to attend the 2012 International Society for Technology in Education conference (ISTE). We brought global dimensions to, and helped promote, Mindshare Learning’s 21st Century video challenge (http://www.tigurl.org/videoch). We continued to host virtual learning and collaboration spaces for the City of New York’s Global Partners Junior program, which connects students aged 9-12 in cities around the world (http://gpjunior.tiged.org).

Our continued connection with Microsoft Partners in Learning provided support for 9 scholarships to our PD e-course Empowering Student Voice in Education. In collaboration with The Centre for Global Education, TIGed built the Taking Alberta Global program with a district in the town of High Prairie to implement global programming and professional development. Finally, the Challenge 20/20 program, led by the National Association for Independent Schools is still going strong, with classes collaborating to learn about global issues through the TIGed platform (http://challenge2020.tiged.org).

Awards and Publications TIGed was recognized by multiple organisations as an important and valued voice in education, through both formal recognition and published works.

WISE Prize http://www.tigurl.org/wise

TIGed was honoured to be among the 24 finalists from 14 countries who were shortlisted by the 2012 WISE Awards for their innovative approaches to addressing a wide range of challenges in education. The theme of the 2012 WISE Awards was “Transforming Education.” We were also featured on WISE’s website as an example of best practices in innovative education.

New Directions in Social Education Research http://www.tigurl.org/ndiser

Classroom 2.0 The Book http://www.tigurl.org/2.0

The TIGed team contributed a chapter to the online publication, Classroom 2.0 The Book, entitled “The TIGed Program: A Model for Taking Classrooms Global”. The chapter provides a stepby-step guide to utilizing the tools and resources offered by TIGed, and explores the importance of integrating global issues and perspectives into teaching and learning, with inspiring examples along the way. It is written with a practical approach so that educators take away concrete action items for enhancing their practice.


TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

A chapter by TIG staff members on “Global Education and Technology as a Catalyst for Social Change” was included in New Directions in Social Education Research, a book about the influence of technology and globalization on the lives of students recently produced by Information Age Publications.

What’s Next? 2013 is sure to be an exciting year for TIGed, with the launch of a new program, Future Friendly Schools (http://www.futurefriendlyschools.org), that will certify schools around the world as leaders in the areas of global citizenship, student voice, and environmental stewardship. Stay tuned for the launch of this program next year!

DeforestACTION is a global movement of youth and schools taking action against deforestation and building a permanent home for orangutans and other species that depend on forest ecosystems. http://dfa.tigweb.org

Since 2010, the program has grown from a facilitated, online collaboration between eight schools in Asia Pacific to a movement of over 170 schools engaging in collaborative learning and action. DeforestACTION provides online educational resources, videoconferences and Earthwatchers, a companion program developed by Geodan that allows participants to monitor the

220 Schools from 30+ countries engaged

17,000 Students engaged through video conferences

900 Earthwatchers monitoring the rainforest of Borneo

rainforests of Borneo, Indonesia. 2012 was an unprecedented year for DeforestACTION. In March, the Eco Warriors returned to Borneo for 80 days to implement their impact projects in the areas of education, reforestation, animal rescue and rehabilitation and community mapping in collaboration with Dr. Willie Smits and the Masarang Foundation. TakingITGlobal helped more than 12,000 students follow their experiences through online engagement and live videoconferencing, where students witnessed first-hand how their fundraising support translated into real-life impact for communities in the region.

“ My students are learning that their voice does matter and that the world is waiting to hear what they have to say.” — Educator, Chris Gauthier, Australia.

The DeforestACTION team also expanded to include School Engagement Coordinators: North America, East Africa and West Africa. This supported the expansion of DeforestACTION initiatives into Nigeria and Kenya, with a focus on tree-planting and community engagement.

Shout http://shoutlearning.org

Over the course of 2012, TakingITGlobal, through the support of Microsoft Partners in Learning, and the Centre for Global Education coordinated and co-hosted more than 30 international student video conferences, connecting over 17,000 students to researchers and scientists working in the environmental sector. Interactive conferences live from Borneo welcomed new schools and shared stories from participating schools on the progress of their deforestation fund and awareness raising campaigns. This work has been showcased at various international conferences, including a closing keynote address at the International Society for Technology in Education Conference in June 2012.

Since 2010, SHOUT, a partnership between TakingITGlobal, Microsoft Partners in Learning and the Smithsonian Institution, has been offering a diverse of set webinars and projects to help educators and students to take an active role in global environmental issues. Through this partnership, TakingITGlobal, in collaboration with the K-team from Microsoft Partners-in-Learning UK, developed five technical webinars with more than 4000 educators learning how to use Microsoft tools like Kinect, Kodu, Skype, Photostory and Mouse Mischief to create innovative SHOUT learning resources. As a result, educators have uploaded developed resources to the Partners in Learning network, enabling educators to share their work and facilitate dialogue on the use of Microsoft tools in the classroom.

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


With the generous support of the Pearson Foundation in 2012, Sprout and the Pearson Fellowship for Social Innovation saw the successful completion of Sprout Cycles 10 and 11 with participants from around the world. 20 participants were awarded the Pearson Fellowship, providing them with grants and coaching to launch their ideas. http://sprout.tigweb.org

The Sprout e-course program equips youth around the world with

Pearson Fellowship for Social Innovation Cycle 2

essential project management skills to develop and implement

In August 2012, a joint-selection committee of individuals representing TakingITGlobal, Pearson Foundation along with three 2011 Pearson Fellows selected up to 20 Fellows for the 2012 cycle. A total of 14 Sprout graduates from 2009-2012 were awarded Pearson Fellowships with seed grants of $1,000 USD and access to an individualized coaching and action program from September to December 2012. Fellows were chosen based on a suite of criteria including, but not limited to: project readiness, project scalability, coachability, and past performance in the Sprout program. Countries represented include Australia, Canada, Gambia, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. Fellows participated in bi-weekly coaching sessions with resident social innovator and Manager, Social Innovation Programming, undertook a series of reflective and venture-building activities through an exclusive online platform, and engaged in group mentoring sessions with subject matter experts.

effective social innovation projects driving positive change in their communities. Sprout Cycles Sprout Cycle 10 was delivered from January 9 to March 9, 2012 with 12 participants from Australia, Barbados, Canada, Greece, India, Egypt and the United States. Soon after, Sprout Cycle 11 was delivered from April to June 2012 with a total of 16 graduates representing countries including Bangladesh, Canada, China, Colombia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore. Both cycles saw a retention rate of approximately 80% with several graduates emerging as selected Pearson Fellows.

" The Sprout course motivated and pushed me to take initiative and go after my goals, instead of passively waiting for something to happen. I felt encouraged to think outside of the box and to think about my project idea comprehensively. I am proud of what I have accomplished in this course." — Priya Knudsen, USA.

Moving forward


Participants in Cycle 10


14 Sprout graduates awarded Pearson Fellowships

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Participants in Cycle 11

Looking forward to 2013, TakingITGlobal has plans to further develop four stand-alone activities under “Sprout Self”, a selfdirected extension to the online course. This highly individualized approach based on the principles of Leading Self, Leading Others and Leading Community will help young people build essential skills and competencies in themselves in order to produce a positive impact in the world.

Innovate for Good, a Microsoft YouthSpark program in

Microsoft Innovate for Good

partnership with TakingITGlobal, is a global community enabling youth to collaborate, inspire and support each other while using technology to make a difference in their communities. http://www.innovate4good.org

TakingITGlobal and Microsoft have developed a dynamic partnership that includes many online and offline opportunities for young people to enact their ideas and build their projects. TakingITGlobal designed and manages the online community for Innovate for Good, along with delivering the many social innovation offerings available to the community’s members. There are many different ways a young person can participate in the community, however a general pathway might have a member moving through deeper forms of engagement. A member can begin with signing up and posting a project idea, and through workshops and other feedback, register as a Sprout student and launch their venture. Innovate for Good is currently a collective of 800 individuals who have generated more than 60 ideas for social innovation, and 37 of these members are actively developing their projects through the Sprout program. The Innovate for Good program itself involves both offline and online events. There were seven main events in different regions of the world last year, each designed to get young people collaborating on innovative solutions. Innovate for Good offline events are coming up regionally across the United States along with several global events. In 2013, we expect that our membership will grow from several hundred to several thousand. 2013 will also see the launch of a mentorship program, which will engage both Microsoft employees as mentors and Innovate for Good members as mentees, to transfer critical knowledge and know-how to help advance young people’s social ventures and job skills.

" I4G@MicrosoftLatam was one of the best moments of this year for me, I would love to see all the participants continue working to fulfill their goals, projects and make their dreams come true, allowing them to leave a big footprint in society." — Diana Torres, Innovate for Good from Latin America, Colombia




Young innovators





1,000+ Total members

59,363 New members in 2012

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


YouthMovements is a collaborative program, funded by the Knight Foundation which helps organisations effectively share and promote their projects and initiatives while also helping to track and celebrate the collective progress being made across sectors to tackle the world’s most challenging issues. http://www.youthmovements.org










Future 55



organisations, CSOs, youth advocates, and representatives from across the UN system for an intensive two day strategy session to explore collaborative efforts. Facilitated by the Value Web, the YouthMovements Summit helped determine a mission statement and guiding principles to help plan future steps. Additionally, we hosted a series of five inquiry groups to explore trends and best practices across the Youth-focused NGO sector on topics such as: collaboration, impact evaluation, the digital divide, and volunteer engagement. The YouthMovements.org Map was developed to serve as an online portal highlighting the programming reach of the YouthMovements.org partners and connecting youth to the initiatives in their local communities. An Initiatives system was also developed, to provide a free online platform for youth-led initiatives focusing on the Millennium Development goals, community oriented service projects and positive social change. In the coming months, we are planning to continue to add new partners and their data (SparkAction, CIVICUS, Post 2015 development goals Campaign, Canada World Youth, UN-Habitat Urban Youth Fund) to the map to help expand the diversity and reach of listed initiatives. " It is a really exciting time to be alive, not only because


the youth movement is rising, but also because we are


getting it more than ever, that we need to partner, we


need to collaborate to amplify our impact to truly make a lasting change in our lifetime."

TIG promoted the Youthful Cities initiative through its networks assisting with the recruitment of Urban Decoders to help make cities a more friendly place for youth entrepreneurs.


Network partners



Representatives attended the YM Summit

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

— Talis Apud, Co-founder Feel Good World.

6,414 23,593 32,578 Initiatives mapped

Page views

Total reached

The Global Shapers community is a network of hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements, and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. http://www.weforum.org/community/global-shapers

In the fall of 2011, the World Economic Forum launched the Global Shapers initiative, intended to extend its network of multistakeholder communities to include young leaders between the ages of 20-30. As a Young Global Leader (YGL), TakingITGlobal Executive Director Jennifer Corriero was invited to serve as the founding curator of the Toronto Hub, supporting the recruitment and development of community leading up to the Hub’s first elections in November 2011. Monthly meetings with new members were held at the TIG office in Toronto during the fall and winter, providing an initial base of operations to bring the group together. In advance of her transition onto the Hub’s advisory committee in July 2012, elections were held in the spring to scale the Hub’s membership and establish an electoral governance process for the community moving forward. In its inaugural year, Lindsay Aranoff and TIG’s Director of Operations & Research, Sean Keith, were elected by Hub members to the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair respectively. As Chair of the Hub, Ms. Aranoff was invited to attend workshops in August 2012 with other Hub Curators from around the world as part of the World Economic Forum’s Annual Curators Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. The Toronto Hub, currently the largest in Canada, successfully scaled again in the fall of 2012, reaching 16 active members by year-end.

While in its early stages, the Shapers community has already expanded, approaching 200 Hubs globally. Beyond 2012, the Toronto Global Shapers Hub will be actively working to create and connect community projects, supported by the Young Global Leaders and World Economic Forum working towards the creation of greater community impact.

Youth For Change http://yfc.tigweb.org

Youth For Change, modelled closely after the Sprout Program, allows young people to better shape, plan and implement their ideas to better their communities through mentorship and microgrants within the MENA and Arab Region. As a partnership between TakingITGlobal and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, The Youth for Change program’s third phase, which was launched in December 2010 in all 22 Arab countries, was able to conduct nine open forums. Overall, 32 local projects are currently being implemented in different Arab countries and will be completed towards the end of this year.

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Defining Moments: Discovering our Canadian Stories is a national digital media arts and citizenship project aimed at engaging youth across Canada to explore, express and showcase their diverse perspectives on Canadian identity. http://moments.tigweb.org http://gg.tigweb.org/tig/defining-moments

At the start of 2012, Defining Moments: Discovering our Canadian Stories continued to run workshops throughout Canada that focused on speaking to young Canadians on matters of identity on the local and national scale. Participants were encouraged to reflect on Canada’s past and how it may influence and inform their present and/or future aspirations. In total, TakingITGlobal reached over 800 participants throughout the workshops phase of the project engaging youth in discussions of identity and what it means to live in Canada today.

" Just wonderful... brought tears to my eyes and makes me even more proud to be Canadian... words and images of much inspiration from our young people of this amazing country. Well done and Thank you!" — Guest book comment in response to Defining Moments exhibition at ArtStarts in Vancouver.


Host organisations


Unique submitters


Provinces and Territories in Canada


Contest submissions

1,200+ Workshop participants


TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

These workshops were also designed as a catalyst for inspiring youth to create artwork reflecting their personal story within the Canadian context. By the close of the contest in March 2012, over 700 submissions from every province and territory had been gathered in our online Global Gallery. The artwork featured a variety of mediums such as song, painting, dance, photography, sculpture, drawing, and animation. Youth aged 13-30 depicted a wide range of topics and personal narratives in their work including migration, immigration, memory, nature, sport, health, architecture, political landscape and tradition.

" I’m really impressed by the art that I saw by young Canadians, expressing themselves with such intricacy and emotion... I’m really flabbergasted, actually." — Defining Moments exhibit viewer in the Yukon

Throughout the month of June 2012, four exhibits that featured original artwork from the Defining Moments collection were held in Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. These exhibits were designed to celebrate the individual and collective identities of Canada’s youth along with garnering excitement for the announcement of the 26 winners that were handpicked by a national jury and announced on July 1 st , Canada Day. The day also marked the launch of the Defining Moments Travelling Exhibit that feature the winning collection. By December 2012, the collection was exhibited in nearly every province and territory; in libraries, galleries, community centres, science centres, and schools.




Online workshops




Contest winners

39,000+ Exhibit & Event attendees

Looking ahead, the Defining Moments exhibits will continue to reach venues across the country in early 2013, including Confederation Park in Ottawa as part of the National Capital Commission’s Winterlude Celebration. The weekend will celebrate the artistic achievements of youth who participated in the Defining Moments project and will bring 13 contest winners to the Nation’s Capital Region to collect their awards, prizes and speak with the public about their work. TakingITGlobal is looking forward to the award ceremony at the National Gallery, where we will welcome project partners and supporters along with members of parliament to congratulate our young Canadian artists.

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


The Adobe Youth Voices program engages youth in underserved communities worldwide to develop the skills required to participate in their communities and use digital art to address the issues that matter to them. http://adobeyouthvoices.tigweb.org http://www.tigurl.org/adobeset

This year was marked by powerful advancements for the Adobe Youth Voices program. We saw increased cross-cultural collaboration between our participants and we received an array of fantastic youth media projects addressing critical global issues. We are proud to have engaged educators around the world in creating meaningful opportunities for the young people in their communities.

New Developments Cross-Cultural Collaboration The spirit of global community skyrocketed in our program this year as four of our most engaged educators embarked on an incredible journey to produce a collaborative documentary. Their initiative has resulted in an inspiring team of young artists from Bonaire, Uruguay, Kenya and Egypt working together to address domestic violence through a documentary film. Resource Development This year we developed a series of new training resources aimed at equipping educators with the skills and confidence to support their youth in producing high-quality media projects. Educators were engaged through a series of five interactive webinars that were customized to meet the educators’ capacity-building goals.


Partner sites

111 Educators




Youth Media Projects


2,782 Youth involved

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

PARTNERSHIPS AND INITIATIVES Site Visits http://www.tigurl.org/vtblog2012 In 2012, we had the privilege of visiting partner sites located in Mexico City and Toronto. The visit to Mexico served to foster a sense of community and encourage resource-sharing among our educators in Mexico City. Our team also visited two Toronto partner sites to shed light on the importance of supporting youth through difficult transition periods using digital art and creativity. Lead Educators Training http://www.tigurl.org/leadeds12 In August 2012, five of our educators were invited to participate in a week-long Lead Educators training event at the Adobe headquarters in San Jose, California. The Lead Educators training is a hands-on professional development program designed to explore topics that pose challenges for educators working with youth and media. Participating educators spent the week creating media, sharing experiences and best practices in their Adobe Youth Voices programs.

Exhibition http://www.tigurl.org/adobeset This year we launched the latest youth media collection in the “Perspectives” series on TakingITGlobal’s Global Gallery. Featured artwork addresses a range of social issues, including women’s rights, community activism, climate change, and child labour. In July 2012, we exhibited 10 print media pieces at Youth Day, an annual celebration based in Toronto. The exhibition brought together over 20,000 participants to celebrate young people’s positive achievements. The event provided a great opportunity to give visibility to the artwork of our young artists (http://www.tigurl. org/youthday12).

AWARDS “ We are working with extremely at-risk boys from a shelter

Aspire Awards http://youthvoices.adobe.com/awards The Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards is a global competition that invites young people to express their vision towards positive change in their communities. In 2012, three of TakingITGlobal’s partner sites won awards in the competition. Puerta Joven, our partner site in Mexico won first prize in the Animation category for Fermin Martinez’s video Cambio Jovenes (http://www.tigurl.org/ ferminaa); Asociación Civil Acción por la Paz from Guatemala also won first prize in the Graphic Design category for Javier Esquit’s piece, I’m a Woman and I’m Proud (http://www.tigurl.org/javieraa); and finally, Bonaire Youth Outreach Foundation from Bonaire won the audience choice award in the Poetry/Experimental media category for Meralney Bomba’s video Let It Go (http://www.tigurl. org/meralneyaa).

called Pronino. Testing different techniques in different lighting and from different angles it is hard to avoid becoming a target of the curious lens of their cameras. It is an important achievement for us as instructors to give local youth positive outlets for their creativity.” — Sam Rioux, Educator, Organisation for Youth Empowerment, Honduras

Intercultural Innovation Award http://interculturalinnovation.org/the-award Our Mexican partner site Puerta Joven was selected as the first place winner of the Intercultural Innovation Award for their work with indigenous youth in Mexico and Guatemala to foster cultural expressions using mobile technology. United Nations Democracy Fund http://www.un.org/democracyfund Shilpa Sayura Foundation, a partner site from Sri Lanka, was awarded a grant through the United Nations Democracy Fund. They will be using the award to support their work engaging students and educators in developing and strengthening democratic dialogue through digital media. Connect4Climate http://connect4climate.org Community Development Centre from India received two Connect4Climate awards for the inspiring work of Manthan Charles, a young digital photographer and Adobe Youth Voices participant. He placed first in the Energy category (http://www. tigurl.org/energy) and third place in the Water category (http:// www.tigurl.org/water)

“ We love taking photos and video that show other people our lives and our community. This program has given me

WHAT’S NEXT? We are gearing up for an exciting new cycle of the Adobe Youth Voices program. In the coming year, we will aim to increase international youth collaboration through interactive webinars aimed at engaging young people in cross-cultural dialogue. We will also continue supporting collaboration among partner sites by facilitating partnerships and providing training and resources focused on developing cross-cultural competencies and fostering international collaboration. In the coming year we plan to continue exhibiting youth media at a variety of exciting events to provide meaningful platforms to showcase youth creativity, while simultaneously drawing attention to critical global issues. We will also focus on supporting our partner sites in delivering high-quality youth media exhibitions for local stakeholders and community members.

a chance to express myself and learn new skills. I also have made a lot of friends here and the teachers have been great.” — Malena Casimiro, Youth Artist, Cloudhead Art Organisation, Argentina.

2013 will mark the beginning of the implementation of the new Adobe Youth Voices mission: to ignite creative confidence in youth by empowering them to find their voice and make it heard. We look forward to supporting this mission by continuing to inspire creativity and innovation in educators and young people around the world.

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Internship Program The TakingITGlobal Internship program runs three times a year

organisation in 2012 to implement TakingITGlobal programs and

with a focus on mentorship, skill building and personal leadership

develop their interests and skills through workshops, external

development. 36 interns worked closely with staff across the

opportunities and one-on-one mentorship.

“ My duration at TakingITGlobal as an intern was an enriching experience. TakingITGlobal has established a unique culture that allows its interns to engage in tasks that allow them to think openly and creatively about the work they do. This paved my path to new opportunities during my internship experience. My time with Adobe Youth Voices has allowed me to explore the power of creativity and the value it adds to the work I do here at TakingITGlobal. My overall experience as an intern was very Pegah Tootoonchian joined TIG as the Adobe Youth Voices Project Assistant in June 2011 and was hired full-time on as AYV Project Coordinator.

valuable - the takeaway from my time at TakingITGlobal has been very practical and applicable in my career and academic pursuits.”

“ I started my journey with TIG as an intern, and had a great experience characterized by personal growth, and meaningful work. I learned so much about working in the non-profit sector and about the career that I wanted through the support of my supervisor. Now as the Education Program Manager at TIG, I support a team of interns. The program is structured in a way that benefits both the individuals and the organisation, and I make every effort to ensure that interns feel valued Joining the TakingITGlobal team as TIGed Assistant in January 2011, Kate Gatto is now the Education Program Manager at TIG.

and that their time with us arms them with experience to help them along their career path.”

“ When I first joined took on the role of Communications Coordinator at TakingITGlobal, I was finishing my undergraduate degree. I was able to balance both, not only because the TIG team was so accommodating but because they were supportive of my work both in and outside the office. I was given the freedom to shape my projects in a way that let me flex and grow my creative and interpersonal skills while helping me solidify the career path I wanted to take in the future. The entire team at Katie D’Angelo met the TakingITGlobal team while at the YouthMovement Summit in New York City, and is now the Communications Coordinator at TakingITGlobal.


TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

TIG allowed me bring my own ideas to the table and were always heard - I’m extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn with such a great team.”

Research With






TakingITGlobal’s members are actively conveying insights about what issues are of greatest concern, what actions are most often taken online and the kinds of conversations in which they are keen to participate. In an effort to understand how this landscape is evolving, TIG has been working to learn from existing research, evolve our approach to ‘listening’ through in-person consultations and improve the rigour of our capacity to ‘ask’ through academic partnerships. These key initiatives, taken together, are working to refine our evidence-based approach to project and program development, issues identification within the community and monitoring and evaluation in reporting. Academic Publications TakingITGlobal’s Theory of Change is grounded in a decade of action, research and dialogue with our global community. In fall 2012, TIG published a book chapter, entitled “Global Education as a Catalyst for Social Change”, in a peer-reviewed volume titled “New Directions in Social Education Research”. In addition to connecting TIG’s view with existing academic literature on models of change, the chapter provided a platform to highlight the theory in application through discussions of TIG’s Sprout and DeforestACTION projects.

Academic Partnerships: York University http://www.yorku.ca Creating opportunities to learn more about the dynamics of on- and offline civic engagement behaviours is at the core of TakingITGlobal’s research goals. Building on the momentum of the 2010 Member Research Survey, a partnership with the York University Faculty of Health was established. Working with Michaela Hynie, Associate Director of the York Institute for Health Research, TIG members were invited to participate in interviews focused on dimensions of civic engagement, including leadership, synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication and self-efficacy. Monumental Change: Coburn Ventures http://www.coburnventures.com

“ The Crosby group discussions gave me a broader insight into topics such as advertising, big data, and youth today, and it was great being able to hear so many angles and input your own. The event was also a fantastic opportunity to network and meet many interesting new people.” — Fraser McFarlane, Age 16.

TakingITGlobal members were provided with opportunities to come together and discuss monumental change as part of a series of events developed by Coburn Ventures. Together with industry leaders, investors, educators and entrepreneurs, TIG members were invited to participate in the discussions sharing their insights and perspectives. Moderated by TIG Director of Operations & Research, Sean Keith, the intergenerational and interdisciplinary discussions focused on a range of topics, including the question: ‘What older people would be wise to know about younger people’.

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Statements of Financial Position 2012


$ 245,063

$ 63,364











$ 944,123

$ 708,251

$ 146,426

$ 112,028

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities



Deferred revenues









$ 944,123

$ 708,251

2012 Total

2011 Total

$ 379,418

$ 356,256



$ 425,110

$ 379,418

ASSETS Current Cash Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses and sundry assets Due from related company

Capital - at cost less accumulated amortization

Liabilities Current

Long-term Deferred capital contributions

NET ASSETS Unrestricted net assets

Balance Beginning of year Excess of revenues over expenses Balance End of year


TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012



$ 1,122,874

$ 974,217













Salaries, benefits and internships



Advertising and promotion, in-kind and other



Professional fees



Project support services






Office and general









Training, memberships, and dues



Foreign exchange loss



Bookkeepping fees






Bad debts









$ 45,692

$ 23,162

Revenues Grants Program licensing and public speaking Unrestricted contributions

In-kind contributions Amortization of deferred capital contributions


Technology support Amortization

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenses

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Partners and Supporters Key Program supporters


•  Salesforce.com Foundation •  Server Density

•  Ecoeducarte (Argentina)

•  Anytime, Anywhere

•  UserVoice

•  Espolea (Mexico)

•  WorldLingo

•  Rural Education Institute of

Learning Foundation •  Edmonton Public Schools

•  SendGrid

•  YMCA of Greater Toronto

•  GlobalGiving Foundation •  Holy Family Catholic Regional School Division •  International Development Research Centre •  Natural Immunogenics •  Promethean World •  Service Canada •  Simcoe County District School Board


•  Haiti Ocean Project (Haiti)


•  Ilizwi Photography Club

•  Centre for Global Education •  International Society for Technology in Education •  National Association for Independent Schools •  Microsoft Partners in Learning •  MindShare Learning •  World By Cycle

•  American Management

•  GreenLearning Canada •  Global Education Conference

•  Atlassian

•  Principled Learning Strategies

•  Canadian Management Centre

•  World Leadership School

•  Cisco Systems •  Deloitte Canada •  Ginzametrics •  Google •  In-Point Media •  JanRain •  Livestream •  Microsoft •  Parks Canada •  Pingdom •  Riverbed


Adobe Youth Voices •  Agenda Global Siglo 21 (Argentina) •  Antyx Community Arts Society (Canada) •  Caye Caulker Ocean Academy (Belize) •  Comitê para Democratização da Informática (Brazil)

•  Olark

Mexico (formerly FINO) (Mexico)


•  Round Square Global Forum

•  Cliptheory

Foundation (Guatemala)

•  Global Potential (USA)

•  Adobe Systems Association

•  Education for the Children

•  Cloudhead Art Organisation (Argentina) •  David Mather Foundation (Argentina)

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

•  Hope2Educate (South Africa) (South Africa) •  Organisation for Youth Empowerment (Honduras)

•  Heritage Conservation Think Tank (Egypt) •  Puerta Joven. Juventud, Cultura y Desarrollo (Mexico) •  Sega Silicon Valley (Kenya) •  Shilpa Sayura Foundation (Sri Lanka) •  St. Theresa Girls Secondary School (Kenya) •  United Mass Movements for Eco-friendly & Equitable Development (India) •  YOUCAN (Canada)

•  Reto Juvenil (Costa Rica)

•  Antenna Foundation Nepal (Nepal)

•  Sistemas Solares de Iluminación

•  Arabic Academy For

Comunitaria (Mexico) •  S .T.R.A.W. Inc. Centre for Young Women (The Bahamas) •  The Women’s Technology Empowerment Centre (Nigeria)

Development (Egypt) •  Community Development Centre (India) •  Indyebo Youth Information Center (South Africa)

•  Volunteer Toronto (Canada)

•  Jyotirmayee Mahila Samiti (India)

•  Voces de Cambio (Guatemala)

•  NGO A PratiqEcologia (Brazil)

•  Arid Lands Information

•  Organisation for Research

Network (Kenya) •  Asociación Civil Acción por la Paz (Guatemala) •  Asociación Conexión al Desarrollo El Salvador (El Salvador) •  Associação Cidade Escola Aprendiz (Brazil)

Development Studies and Services (India) •  Social Empowerment & Voluntary Association (India) •  Youth for Social Development (India) •  Youth Parliament of J&K (India)

•  Bonaire Youth Outreach Foundation (Bonaire)

Online Community

•  Friends in Trouble (Canada) •  Fundación Proacceso (Mexico)

•  Australian Youth Climate Coalition

•  Guildford School of

•  Canadian Youth Climate Coalition

Languages (Uruguay) •  Great Lakes Media (Uganda)

•  MyClimate •  CIVICUS World Assembly



Ron Mitchell (President)

Benjamin Quinto (Chairman)

Executive VP, Marketing & Communications, Fujitsu Consulting

Founder, Global Youth Action Network General Manager, Natural-Immunogenics Corp

Ellen Ratchye-Foster (Vice-President)

Michael Furdyk (Treasurer)

Principal, Burning Glass Consulting

Director of Finance & Technology, TakingITGlobal

Matthew Pupic (Treasurer) Director, Finance and Development Project Ploughshares

Ellen Ratchye-Foster (Secretary) Burning Glass Consulting

François-Philippe Champagne

Ricardo Baruch (Outgoing)

Strategic Development Director, AMEC

Youth Force Co-ordinator, International AIDS Conference

Kevin Fritz

Vivianna Guzman

Partner, Wildeboer Dellelce LLP

Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer, American Management Association

Rahaf Harfoush Associate Director, Technology Pioneers, World Economic Forum

Joshua Gorman Founder, Generation Waking Up

Virginia Mantycki Client Executive, Consultant & Facilitator, Critical Path Strategies Marcia McClung Public Relations and Communications Professional

•  SociaLIGHT Conference •  Generation Europe Foundation •  World Congress on Information Technology

•  Noble Missions for

•  Rainbow Resource

Change Initiative

Centre for Youth

•  Youth People We Care •  Canada World Youth

•  Banff Forum •  Community Economic

•  Saint John Multicultural and Newcomers Resource Centre

Development and Employability Corporation (CEDEC)

•  Engineers Without Borders

•  Creative Society

•  City of Bathurst

•  Artworks Festival

•  Italian Youth Climate Coalition

•  Wupy World

•  Pabineau First Nations

•  CIVICUS: World Alliance

•  SENSD Europe


•  Connect4Climate

•  Ashoka’s Youth Venture

•  Voices4Climate

•  British Council Global

•  Active Citizenship


for Citizen Participation

Community Centre •  The Open Door Community

•  Connexion Gallery •  Cultural Exchange

Centre Youth Network

•  Eastern Edge Gallery

•  The Military Family

•  Apathy is Boring

•  The Citizens archive of Pakistan

•  Masarang Foundation

•  DoSomething.org

•  Halifax Public Libraries

•  Virgo Productions

•  Feel Good World

•  Katimavik

•  Gachet Gallery

•  Geodan

•  FRIDA the Young Feminist Fund

•  Sidedoor Youth Centre

•  John Arnalukjuak High School

•  Canopy Productions

•  Youth Service America &

•  Aurora College

•  Keshen Goodman Library

•  Welland Heritage Council

•  Kiosque Place de l’Hotel de Ville

•  Association of Fundraising Professionals

YouthMovements & GYAN

Global Youth Service Day •  Turbo Vote

•  Peace Child International •  UNESCO Education for All Global Monitoring Project

Raleigh North Carolina

•  Millennium Library

and Multicultural Centre

•  Spark Action

•  Minwaashin Lodge

•  National Gallery of Canada

•  Jamie Oliver’s food revolution

•  Fire Hall Museum and

•  Parentheses Gallery

•  350.org •  Canadian Youth Climate Coalition

•  International Festival Of

Resource Centre

•  Global Youth Coalition

•  Roy Thomson Hall - Raffi Concert

Education Centre •  Gallery Stratford

•  SociaLIGHT

•  Rideau High School

•  Summerside Public Library

•  Langata Youth Network

•  Manifesto Community Projects

•  Telus Spark Science Centre

•  The Pride Centre of Edmonton

•  YMCA Newcomer Youth

•  Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum


•  UN-Habitat

•  The HUB


•  Southern Alberta Art Gallery

•  McCord Museum

•  UNCSD Major Group for

•  Esplanade Arts and

•  Saskatoon Community Youth

Children and Youth

Heritage Centre

•  Youthful Cities •  HIV Young Leaders Fund •  The Learning About MultiMedia project •  World Summit Youth Award •  Generation Waking UP •  Alliance for African Women •  World Assembly of Youth •  Nigeria Network of NGOs

Defining Moments

Leadership Development

Capital Commission Community Gallery

Arts Programming Inc.

•  Yellowknife Public Library

•  Town of Cornwall Parks

•  Yukon Arts Centre

•  North Vancouver City Library

•  The Old Firehall

•  Vancouver Community

•  Yukon Arts Centre

•  Manitoba Theatre for Young People •  Winnipeg Art Gallery

•  Wychwood Barns

•  Stratford Youth Can-Do

•  129 Gallery

and Recreation

Youth College

•  Winterlude – National

•  Katimavik •  Aboriginal Youth Council Forum •  Arctic College •  ArtStarts

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Special Thanks Staff members

•  Amanda K. Chan

•  David Lapensee

•  Saeed Al Abdulsalam

•  Jen Brailsford

•  Desmond Washington

•  Samantha Marbaniang

•  Aaron Pinto

•  Andrew H. Gutierrez

•  Edith Asamani

•  Sreerekha Pillai

•  Abra Rissi

•  Dorrant Caesar

•  Emily Liu

•  Son Youn

•  Annika Waddell

•  Sara Singh

•  Geraldo Hayford

•  Sriya Potham

•  Chris McDougal

•  Lily Wenfang Wu

•  Gilbert Bita

•  Surya Gaire

•  Christina C Galego

•  Christina Lord

•  Hala Sayed

•  Tamara Donaldson

•  Deanna Del Vecchio

•  Kenny Fong

•  Henry David Namwenda

•  Temidayo Oluwafemi Greats

•  Daphne Edmonds

•  Brandon Quinn

•  Isiguzo Iheanyi

•  Tiberiu Matei

•  Edgar González Rodríguez

•  Lei Xu

•  Jane Pervoi

•  Tih Felix

•  Fatima Jafri

•  Alia Jaffer

•  Jane Shen

•  William Reynolds

•  Francisco Pereira

•  Avery Adams

•  Jenelle Braun

•  Yakubu Ajiji Makeri

•  Jennifer Corriero

•  Tania Rashid

•  Jessica Zou

•  Jennifer Klein

•  Jubeen Sharbaf

•  Jonathan Tang

•  Jeff Clemens

•  Puninda Thind

•  Karishma Shah

•  Kana Takemura

•  Niall Coristine

•  Kaviri Ali

multilingual volunteers

•  Katherine Walraven

•  Keerthika Logendran

•  Kojo Dokyi Appiah

•  Kate Gatto

•  Ailén Cruz

•  Luciana Brasil

•  Kome Udjoh M Dawn

•  Kristle Calisto-Tavares

•  Akincan Basar

•  Charlotte Burson

•  Korey Anthony Chisholm

•  Luciana Brazil

•  Alam Amirul Shiplu

•  Daniel Ng

•  Lenore Hughes

•  Liam O’Doherty

•  Alara Saltik

•  Natasha Yanopoulous

•  Lieketseng Phooko

•  Lissette Rosado Ferrari

•  Alessandro Barbonetti

•  Nadia Farooq

•  Mallah Tabot

•  Mandeep Atwal

•  Amirul Alam Shiplu

•  Christopher Sharpe

•  Manudi Vidanapathirana

•  Michael Furdyk

•  Ana Luiza Cristea

•  Radhika Gupta

•  Mar Campdepadrós Martín

•  Nigel Ayow

•  Anwar Abbas

•  Kate D’Angelo

•  Mary Shourn

•  Pegah Tootoonchian

•  Anwarus Salam

•  Jennifer Velagic

•  Maryam Habib

•  Ryan Erik Maclean

•  Ayad Ajel

•  Julie Gao

•  Mayang Rizky

•  Robert T. Meyer

•  Aysenur Ataman

•  Meeckel Beecher

•  Sara Hassan

•  Balraj Joshi

online volunteers

•  Melvin Mathew Stephen

•  Batuhan Kerim

•  Michael Knoblauch

•  Benedicte Kouassi

•  Abhijith Jayanthi

•  Michael Kosch

•  Carolily Cen Wu

•  Ahmed Bahaa Eldin

•  Miora Ramilijaona Rafanoharana

•  Catherine Fidelis

•  Akua N.M

•  Mostafa Rady Mahmoud

•  Cengiz Cemaloglu

•  Amanda Mazur

•  Muhammad Yahya Khan

•  Chanelly Baloula

•  Aminou Ndala Tita

•  Nada Salah

•  Chuan-Chih Cheng

•  Aminu Bonifacio

•  Nehemiya Maman

•  Daniel Fuentes

•  Amos Chacha

•  Nestor Maslej

•  David Marshall

•  Ana Claudia Penetra

•  Nisreen Abu Libdeh

•  Deniz Ovalioglu

•  Sunniva Gabriella Vann

•  Angela Chan

•  Nohline Akinyi

•  Durmus Alptug Cosar

•  Daitza Frydel

•  Anu Maheshwari

•  Ola’Lekan Babatunde

•  Elaine Castro

•  Dalia Rashid

•  Arrey Emmanuel

•  Omar Hawajri

•  Enrico Pedretti

•  Cameron Danell Klapwyk

•  Benjamin Stall

•  Pankaj Shanker Jethwani

•  Erman Inan

•  Eric Seenarine

•  Boaz Malki

•  Paolo Ricciardelli

•  Fahima Khan

•  Bilal M. Khartabil

•  Carlos Kiplagat

•  Patrick Chinedu Enwerem

•  Farzana Yesmin

•  Sidra A. Butt

•  Charu Gupta

•  Paul Opoku-Nkrumah

•  Felix Rotich

•  Arman Hamidian

•  Claudia Penetra

•  Philippe Menkoue

•  Francesca Romana Raso

•  Jenna Bind

•  Clement Matorwmasen

•  Prakrit Nepal

•  Gaylord Kabongo Booto

•  Aliyah Natalia Hassan

•  Cristina Leger

•  Purity Bosson

•  Giulia Brazzale

•  Sena Hussein •  Sean Keith •  Silvia Olteanu •  Susanna Lopresti •  Todd Fraser •  Vivian Trumblay



TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012

•  Guner Ege Eskibozkurt

•  Sandy Ludosky

•  Bruce Dixon

•  Patric Paal

•  Ibrahim Al-Jubari

•  Sarah Pemberton

•  Jason Dorsey

•  Gladys Patino

•  Ignacio Barbeito

•  Sceni Fabio

•  Lucie Drabinova

•  Darryl Peck

•  Ignacio Rodriguez

•  Shokofeh Shahangian

•  Dawn Dusevic

•  Alexandra Pelletier

•  Inga Wenderoth

•  Silvia Blackburn

•  Sharon Edwards

•  Linda Penning

•  Irina Ramfu-Flader

•  Simona Cercel

•  Kevin Espirito

•  Francisco Pereira

•  Iryna Lewis

•  Sumin Ahn

•  Todd Fraser

•  Linda Poitevin

•  Isabel Lujan

•  Tetyana Nalyvayko

•  Kevin Fritz

•  Robert Potter

•  Ishta Xavier

•  Thiery Mpetshi Baelo

•  Michael Furdyk

•  Alesha Porisky

•  Jaecheol Myung

•  Tobi Dreher

•  Sonya Furdyk

•  Resham Preet

•  Jin Yun Soo

•  Tsedze Mensa Kwami

•  Christina Galego

•  Matthew Pupic

•  Joel Gatama

•  Ulduz Maschaykh

•  Kathryn Gatto

•  Benjamin Quinto

•  Julia Linn

•  Victoria Mueller

•  Chris Gauthier

•  Arun Ravindran

•  Jülide Erdem

•  William Mensa Tsedze

•  Kurt Glacy

•  Jared Rhodes

•  Julie Linn

•  Yikai Zhang

•  Andrew Gutierrez

•  Sherryn Rambihar

•  Kamel Hamani

•  Yuki Zhang

•  Timothy Hale

•  Beverlee Rasmussen

•  Keren huang

•  Yulia Cherkasova

•  Iltihab Hassan

•  Ellen Ratchye

•  Khan Md

•  Yuliya Tereshchenko

•  Sara Hassan

•  Danny Richmond

•  Li Zhang

•  Yuriko Matayoshi

•  Cheryl Hayden

•  Linda Scott

•  Link Cheng

•  Zidan Alwi

•  Sessi Hounkanrin

•  Kerri Scheer

•  Lissette Rosado Ferrari

•  Neelam Jethwani

•  Meghan Searl

•  Lizhang Li

individual donors

•  Pankaj Jethwani

•  Franziska Seel

•  Laura Kash

•  Sushant Sharma

•  Robert Achter

•  Sean Keith

•  Deanna Shea

•  Luisa Visalli

•  Shawn Aebi

•  Deborah Kinvig

•  Benjamin H Sibelman

•  Luz Nolasco

•  Martina Arndt

•  Jennifer D. Klein

•  Zachary Silverman

•  Maria Fernanda Rodriguez

•  Pratima Athawale

•  Joseph Kvedar

•  Ben Strauber

•  Marwa Baabbad

•  Mandeep Atwal

•  Martin Kuplens-Ewart

•  Ankit Sura

•  Mehrshid Motevalli

•  Mauricio Aviles

•  Judith Lang

•  Jocelyn Sweet

•  Melissa Sony

•  Jandev Aujla

•  Janice Law

•  Hugh Switzer

•  Merybell Reynoso-Hidalgo

•  Shauna Singh Baldwin

•  Jack Liu

•  Christina Thai

•  Michael Awiti

•  Joya Banerjee

•  Tina Lee

•  Varun Tripathi

•  Min Chun

•  Tobias Block

•  Susanna Lopresti

•  Carla Villar

•  Mohammed Elkashash

•  Gerald Bocook

•  Marcia McClung

•  Kelly Vuong

•  Mostafa Shahat

•  Evan Burhoe

•  Jarra McGrath

•  Tina Vuong

•  Mukete Michael

•  Kristle Calisto-Tavares

•  Sumita Mehta

•  Luke Walker

•  Mussa Msengi Gunda

•  Donna Callejon

•  Francois Milly

•  Katherine Walraven

•  Mustafa Uysal

•  Lisa Campbell

•  Enzo Mitchell

•  Chaowaroj Wanotayaroj

•  Nabulsi, Mustafa

•  Gina Cella

•  Gail Mitchell

•  Celina Wapachee

•  Negroni, Simona

•  Aaron Chen

•  Gerry Mitchell

•  Mark Weber

•  Nesli Köse

•  Jennifer Corriero

•  Ron Mitchell

•  Shelley Wood

•  N’guessan M’Bahia

•  Jean-Paul Corriero-Furdyk

•  Scott Michell

•  Ellie Zeitlin

•  Ntinou Baloula

•  Jeffrey Clemens

•  Saori Miyagawa

•  Anonymous (40)

•  Nur Gülce Iskan

•  Paul Clemens

•  Eric C Mwarabu

•  Peterson Oliveira

•  Juan Jose Salcedo Cruz

•  Khinlei Myint-U

•  Ronald Mukanya

•  Luis Davila

•  George Nova

•  Rose Kahendi

•  Madan Dembla

•  Hope Obrien

•  Samed Narin

•  Kevin Diamond

•  John Opio

•  Loredan Bucur •  Luay Kaloumeh

TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012


Donate to TIG! Imagine the possibilities. Invest in change. Join us as we continue to provide youth around the world the necessary tools and information to make a positive impact in their local and global communities. Your donations enable us to continue growing all of our programs so we can reach out to more youth around the world. Help build a better, more sustainable future for all. DONATE NOW at http://www.tigurl.org/donate

19 Duncan Street, Suite 505 Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3H1 Canada Tel: +1 (416) 977-9363 Fax: +1 (416) 352-1898

540 President Street, 3rd Floor Brooklyn, New York, 11215 United States Tel: +1 (212) 661-6111

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