Shock Setup

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Shock Setup Note: The information below will only work with suspension that has been setup by G T Thunder and has the correct extended shock length with the correct wheel travel. Thank you for choosing GT Thunder for your shock work. Please take the time to read through this shock setup sheet and follow instructions to ensure the best possible performance. 1.

Carefully install your suspension components.


Measure your rear race sag.


Measure your race ride height in the rear.


Set your race ride height in the front.


Verify that you have the correct crossover gap in the front.


Measure your front main spring length at race ride height.


Carefully install your suspension components.

Please have a qualified and knowledgeable technician install your components checking for all the correct clearances and that all your suspension components are moving freely.


Measure your race sag.

Place your quad on a stand that is tall enough so that your wheels are suspended off the ground and the rear suspension is fully extended. Now make a mark on the subframe or other suitable place straight up from the axle. Measure from the axle up to the mark. Next set the quad on the ground and stand on the foot pegs and have someone measure from the axle to the mark again. The difference in the 2 measurements is your race sag. We run 4-5 inches depending on the application and the rider. You can make small adjustments to this by turning your preload nut 2-3 turns and you can make large adjustments by install stiffer or softer springs. Recommended race sag: Race Sag 4-5” 4” For Very Aggressive Rider 4.5” For Intermediate and Correct Riders 5” For the Gentle Riders A Stiffer Spring will give you less race sag and more bottoming resistance

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