Motion and Time Class 7 Science Worksheet with Answers This worksheet is for Class 7 Science, comprising the topic of Motion and Time. It will help students develop a better understanding of Motion and Time.
Motion and Time Class 7 Science Worksheet with Answers Download PDF
Answer the following:
1. Answer the following 1. What is the S.I unit of measurement for speed. 2. What is a pendulum bob’s resting position called? 3. What is the posture of the body called when it does not alter in relation to its surroundings? 4. Name a device that measures the vehicle’s speed. 5. Name a device that measures a vehicle’s distance traveled. 6. What is the amount of time it takes a pendulum to complete one oscillation called? 7. What is a pendulum’s metallic ball called? 8. Name the material in which the crystals vibrate at an extremely rapid and accurate pace. 9. Name a timepiece that uses the shadow of a pointer cast by the sun on a graded plate to display the time.
2. State True/False: 1. A speedometer is an instrument to measure a vehicle’s speed at a particular speed. 2. The speed of a car is always uniform. 3. The kilometer is the SI unit of distance. 4. Speed is a vector quantity. 5. Speed of light is always faster than sound.
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