All we are, we owe to our Mothers INFLUENCER HUB HOTLIST
2022 #ISSUE01
I'm a person who firmly believes in the limitlessness of human potential and performance. And the way I bring out the best in other people is through using my oratory gift by installing new ideas in people's minds through motivational speaking, writing for a change and challenging the status quo. I have a deep love for humanity, hence the birth of The Influence Hub Magazine. This magazine is set to expose you to the light, bring out the best in you as we uplift your spirit and inspire you with success stories from all dimensions of life and most importantly, help you manifest your greatness.
"We have been chosen for the greater work!" TAKUDZWA R. SAMBONA FOUNDER
Table of Contents
Article by : Takudzwa Ronald Sambona
It can't be a New Year unless there's a New You!
As is often the case, most people are so excited about going into the new year and we all set our own New Year's resolutions. Which is good by the way. We just wanna light the fireworks up and slide with energy and vibe into the new year. On the contrary, we never actually take the time to sit down and contemplate on those New Year's resolutions. You see, it's not all about taking a piece of paper and writing out 'what you won't actually do' in the next year, but what you'll actually start doing and following in your own life. Discipline is very crucial when it comes to New Year's resolutions. When some people write New Year's Resolutions, it's more like a New Year's Repetitions. They continue doing what they have been doing the previous year and get caught up in destructive chains of negative habits.
Discipline is very crucial #INFLUENCE HUB
2 Focus on the New, not the Old The reason we call it a new year is because we're expecting you to come out of the previous year totally renewed in your thinking and perspective about life. That means changing some habits that you very well know don't work for you. It means becoming a different kind of person in your personal relationships and in society at large. It can't be a new year, unless you become a new being inside and out. It's so easy to spend 30 minutes writing out New Year's resolutions, but it's really hard to actually experience the newness of the year. Don't become like most people who have refused themselves to step into the new year with wisdom, but they're actually stepping back into 2021 with new foolishness.
Don't become like most people....
Happy NEW YOU!
3 Keep the faith, Baby! Hebrews talks about faith as the substance of things hoped for, but not seen. Faith is taking the first step even if you don't see the whole staircase. It is seen through our day to day actions which now provide what we call faith. If you don't act on your goals and dreams it literally means that your hope doesn't have the substance/proof to manifest your faith. Faith is basically an idea. An idea that's built upon various schools of perspectives (views). Here's a further insight, some say faith means pushing through in the hard , difficult moments and continuing to believe that it's possible. Yes, you may believe that it's possible during those tough times, but if you're not acting/working-then that's not faith, but the opposite. That's dead faith or faith without substance. And because there is no substance to your faith,
nothing will manifest your faith physically to the world. What we produce is a direct representation of what we believe subconsciously and tells us more about our faith. Sticking through during the hard times is not necessarily a manifestation of our faith, but a mental resilience you have developed to accomplish your dreams. A person can stick through during those difficult moments, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's faith moving the person. Whilst some see faith that way, others see it as taking the first step towards your dreams even though you have no experience, enough education or excess cash. That's how I choose to see faith and I believe faith is an idea that you hold in your mind about the world and what's possible for your life. Our faith really is a manifestation of what we subconsciously have accepted for our life and to be true, therefore we only act out of that belief system. Our beliefs and the ideas we hold in our minds make up our faith. So when a person has faith, they're simply being driven by their belief system and nothing more. People with a strong/real faith have accepted a life beyond their imaginations and so are open to the opportunities of life and can easily find their purpose. Faith should make a person call upon those things that are not, as if they were!
Believe in Yourself Unquestionably
You have to start where you're right now, without any doubt- that's real faith. That voice that calls you to take charge of your personal life and take the first initiative towards your dreams is faith. Faith is something that's inbound within all of us because we have hopes and dreams though we don't see them in the physical world at first. When we take that first step, we are now producing substance for our faith which eventually gives birth to the greatness that's within us. The greatness that we have inside will never reveal itself unless we act and challenge ourselves. When one falls back or decides to quit along the journey of running towards their dreams, it's not because of a lack of faith; it's because they have stopped listening to the voice that drives them to hope and want to produce the substance of faith, that is ACTION. You don't need to be great to get started, but need to get started to achieve greatness. Let your faith get you started on your journey towards greatness because you have greatness within!
greatness that's within us.
Work on your Mindset
The Proven Ratio that actually works: 1 as to 17 Did you know that for every one negative thing or word someone says about you, you have to affirm positively 17 times to neutralize that one time? Yes, if a person says you can't do something only once; you have to say to yourself 17 times to cancel the effect of those negative words. The next time someone says something bad/negative about you, repeat to yourself something positive for 17 times to neutralize the effect of their words. Psychology proves that this is the magic ratio for dealing with negative thought patterns and negative people. It has been tried and tested by psychologists and mental health experts. It always works all the time, only if you believe what you say about yourself is true. It is built upon the principle that human beings tend to put their own opinions first before anything else. Naturally we tend to be self centered as individuals, which is good when dealing with people and negativity. Anyways, who else would you rather believe than yourself? Only you can truly know what you can achieve,
not anyone else. You have the power to choose and change your reality by speaking it into existence. A great spiritual psychologist was once asked by her students a question. "Why are names and prayers always repeated in spells and rituals?", the students asked curiously. She gave this simple response, "there's power in repetition." What's good about it is that we can all use the power of words by constantly speaking out the reality and results we wish to manifest in our lives. It's never too late to start affirming and declaring good things for your life. Once negative thoughts and negative self talk take root in our minds, they begin to grow just like seeds; each day damaging our mental fortitude and wiping out our belief system that's built upon greatness and replacing our minds with mediocre thoughts and a victim mindset. But that doesn't change our biological potentially. There are still some more cool things that we can do that we haven't discovered yet.
6 Double Your Failure Rate All of us are afraid of failing, but we can never succeed unless we fail. Failing is part of the process to achieving greatness. Greatness is not a four letter word that only the rich can attain, but all of us can be successful if we choose to start following our dreams. You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to achieve greatness. Success is not being perfect all the times or never missing your targets , but being consistent with what you do. It's as Winston Churchill puts it, "success is moving from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm".
Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they're too heavy to be broken. - Warren Buffet
If you have failed and fallen on your knees as you have been running towards your dreams, but you're still going and believing that it's possible -then you're a big success! Consistency matters more than competition with anyone in life! It's not about being the one that gets to reach the finish line first, but it's about the challenges that you encounter as you chase your dreams, that's what makes you a true winner when you get onto the other side of life. Winning is hard, but so is giving up on your goals and dreams. It doesn't matter if it's taking too long to accomplish your dreams. Always remember that time will eventually pass and you'll get want. Never give up on a dream just because of the time it'll take to accomplish it because the time will pass anyway.
7 Get real life experience
We all have heard these statements many times before: "Listen to me your mother, I'm 50 years and I have a lot of experience" or "I've been there and done it all, I know how it should be done!" The one thing that's prevalent/common in statements such as these is the notion or idea of our age contributing to our level of experience in life. It may be true looking at it from one perspective, but if we're to consider that viewonly; that would make us closeminded individuals and seemingly apathetic. I choose to see things from the IF ideological angle. There's always an IF to everything; every choice, opinion, perspective or decision we make. If old age was a true experience, then the government would not have to deal with the growing crisis of baby boomers losing all of their money within the first 5 years of retirement. Clearly, people should smell the coffee! Retirees often complain about being ripped off of their pension or 401(k)s as if they don't see that the government money is losing it's value bit by bit, even the US dollar.
It's even evident now, more than ever because the cost of living has drastically increased over the years and an ordinary pay check can't even take care of all the family needs. I think having real life experience means really looking around and smelling the roses, and learning from life itself. And not just going through life without making any worthwhile observations that will secure your future. So most adults are going to depend on their children for the rest of their retirement because they lack real-life experience
If old age was a true experience, then the government would not have to deal with the growing crisis of baby boomers losing all of their money within the first 5 years of retirement.
8 Become more valuable converted into actual wisdom and knowledge. Most people have what I call fake experiences. They have tried out something new for only one time in their life and they have been repeating the same thing over and over again without learning anything new. The only way we can gain real-life experience is by trying new things which we haven't done before, otherwise, it's fake experience if all you do is master one thing only in your whole lifetime and do it repeatedly. See it from this context. Most adults go to school and then acquire a college/university degree and then go job hunting. Whilst at work they get comfortable and secure on living off of a paycheck and so they go to work everyday doing the same thing. Never pursuing anything else. All they know is their jobs and nothing more. If a person does not do something new or venture into the unknown, how the hell do they acquire the experience they claim to possess. Experience only shows up in our lives when we try new things; not only once, but for a whole life time . Experience is not something that you can buy or attain from a degree and say I have had enough of experience, so I'll just relax and ease down. Acquiring experience is a constant process of trial and error, putting to test what you learn and deriving lessons which now form the basis of what we call experience.
So if you stop trying new things, you're not gonna get the lessons and without lessons you don't have real life experience. So most adults have only learnt one or few lessons from their jobs only and have stopped there. This here proves that old age doesn't necessarily mean experience, but it can be- if you continuously learn new things.
Article by :
here can be no imagination of sorts! There can be no distinguish on thoughts but you are a true woman of substance. So walk proud and be who you are. Shine bright like the star, make it happen and know that you can. Lady you are so strong. Know the sense of pride you belong, go beyond the things to fill. Never bow down or allow others to fix your crown. Let it shine on it's own and see what it has become. Be confident, be strong in all the obstacles. Be someone who's strong enough to face life, put that smile on your face through strive. You wipe away the tears from your own unfulfilled yearnings of motherhood as you look after and parent the offsprings of others. As a strong woman it's important to find friends and mentors who are successful than you are, especially those who have achieved what you want to achieve. You need to associate with people who inspire you, people that challenge you to rise higher & people that make you better.
Don't waste your time with people that are not adding to your growth. As a strong woman you will succeed by choosing a definite goal and then place all your energy, all your power, all your effort and everything onto that goal. Burn all the bridges that follow failure. Rise! From your adversity, but never forget your origin. Learn from your past, but choose to keep going forward even when your steps get heavy. Transform your pain and suffering into strength and wisdom. Yes you may stumble and fall, but as the sun rises you too rise. Be equipped with an intuition that guides your course like a compass. Lady! Strive to love yourself and all that you stand for with a fierce loyalty even when its difficult. Don't be afraid to seek truth even when it hurts. Be passionate young lady and use your gifts to inspire and spread light and love with mind of wonder and heart of goodness. Be resilient and refuse to be navigated by fear and doubt. Uplift other women and embody authenticity and humility.
Live with compassion. As a strong woman, you should be able to distinguish between a human being and being human. No matter how plain you may be, if truth and honesty are written across your face you will be beautiful. Beauty comes from knowing who you are. When a strong lady comes to a fork in the road, she puts on the brakes, pulls out the Bible(God's road map), and always carefully considers the consequences. Learn how to tackle your problems, block your fears and do good when you get the opportunity. STRUGGLE UNTIL YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS AND BECOME CAPABLE OF TURNING YOUR DREAMS INTO REALITY. You shouldn't be afraid of storms, but learn how to sail your ship. Don't direct the wind, but adjust the sails. FIERCE, DETERMINED AND UNSTOPPABLE WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE!
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All we are, we owe to our Mothers
Takudzwa Ronald Sambona
As a person who firmly believes in the limitlessness of human potential, I feel a great deal of agony and aggravative pain seeing some of that potentiality being underlooked and unnoticed. In a world where women empowerment activists' movements are rising and pledging for the impartial job opportunities for both genders, I deeply support the cause; although I also feel that these wonderful efforts should not only stop at workplaces, but also find their way into our households tackling the ever present abuses faced by our mothers. Yes it's very important that our women also get the chance to be selected for higher managerial positions at their workplaces, but I also believe that it is vitally of paramount significance as well to empower our women from the inside out. I believe that we should all make unified efforts to ensure that women are elevated and uplifted within their households as well. A true sense of empowerment and upliftment starts from within the home as we, men, grant our spouses and mothers equal say in crucial and critical decisions that not only defines their lives; but the whole family's life. Impartiality and involvement is real WOMEN EMPOWERMENT at it's peak. We can't talk about women empowerment when women are coming home to abusive and aggressive counterparts. We must have empowerment balance as we can't empower women's pockets at the sacrifice of their own freedom and self-esteem.
Money without freedom of expression is powerless and money without freedom of the soul is not power at all. Let's not only focus on the economic and financial aspect of women empowerment, but focus on a higher synthesis of personal and emotional upliftment. We need to achieve women empowerment in all spheres of life - from the wailing silence in households to the harsh deprivation in workplaces.
All I am and all I ever hope to be, I owe it to my mother... Abraham Lincoln
Chief Executive Officer at the workplace, but Come Everyday Oppressed at home. We need bilateral empowerment of women. What kind of women upliftment would we have done if our mothers are still being mercilessly abused in their own households? None! I believe that the home is where women empowerment begins. I feel like Abraham Lincoln who said, "All I am and all I ever hope to be, I owe it to my mother". This truth is as solid as the foundations that hold this world together. Malice may attack it, our ignorance may deride it, but at the end of the day, there it is. The incontrovertible truth! If we're to build up humanity, it has to start from the home. I undisputably believe Napoleon when he said, "Give me good mothers and I'll give you a good nation!". At the core of every nation are our LOVING MOTHERS. Gender equality begins at home with you and me. It begins with US. To all the women in the world, know that you're fierce!
INFLUENCER HUB HOTLIST TWISTING TYGA (Munashe Chitsara) Afro-pop Artist "I mostly work with Zexymaine (the producer/owner) of Shreckback Studios in Chikanga, Mutare. Currently I have 10 tracks & I'm working on an EP Album(MOODS). I have 3 collaborations: Chameleon dance(feat. Stokka Yutt), Hot Chocolata(feat. Slim Yunkie) & Chitima Cherudo(feat. Naps Taps). My initial inspirations in music are Nasty C (South Africa) & Zimbabwean aritsts (Killer T, Freeman & Soul Jah Love, although they specialize in ZimDancehall). I just wanna be in the music industry and so I'm working really hard to do just that. Those who got talents out there, I encourage you to work hard because your time will come. Let's just keep working. I know it's hard to keep going when no one is supporting you or when no one is clapping for you and that is why you have to become your biggest fan. You have to back yourself inorder to succeed in your goals". Afro-pop lovers should listen to my music as it teaches, motivates and ignites love. For collaborations: 0786350627 Social media handles: Twisting Tyga
HAZEL MANDAZA Her Excellency
"Bertha is a young lady capable of turning her dreams into reality and will go an extra mile for what is hers. She is someone who is not afraid of storms for she knows that the storms prepare us for our purpose".
Article by : Inertia Ayvor Moyo
Expressing her sorrows Heart aimed piecing arrows A loud innocent sob That does make her heart throb A loud sorrowful scream That diminishes every dream Echoing from the depths of a soul shattered Emotions on a rampage and thoughts scattered An overflowing river of tears From the eyes of an innocent soul A gigantic shadow of fears Obscuring all her capabilities It's a cry for humanity These are the works of these man , And freedom from the prowess of born of the fruitful female womb serial hymen looters It's the cry of I the girl child who is mild in the world of the wild A plea for an innocent uprising Up in arms against the moral decay Protection of our precious bodies
A bruised face and a bleeding body A stolen future and snatched innocence He roars and attacks What happened to gentle man What happened to humanity The affection for her The attention to her cries And the protection of her being For she has emptied the tear ducts dry Is it she was born to cry
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