bHM Magazine - The Official Guide to Black History Month UK 2012

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inside... History Arts Culture Music Film

London 2012

Olympic Tribute

Plus....BHM Highlights 2012... Don’t Miss Out!

The BAME network supports those efforts – providing a platform for employees to air their views, create a real sense of community and bring the EDF Energy vision of ‘capturing the value that difference brings’ to life.

Because, ultimately, that’s what EDF Energy is all about.

As part of this, the network ran a focus group for its members across the business. The feedback was simple. Employees felt that they would benefit hugely from increased

The Legacy Champions Project, an initiative launched by ten colleges across the six Olympic boroughs, sets out to engage and inspire young people from a diverse range

Celebrating Black SUPPORTED BY: 1 History Month. Creating An independent guide including advertisements distributed in the Guardian on behalf of TALEN T MEDIA LTD who take sole responsibility for its contents. a brighter future. But more than developing their own employees, EDF Energy is dedicated to extending its beliefs to the community too.

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