LGBT History Month Magazine - The Official Guide to LGBT History Month 2016 ®

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Official guide to LGBT History Month


The Albert Kennedy Trust Supporting young LGBT homeless people

The Rainbow Project Northern Ireland

Student Pride Spotlight on Mental Health

Ultimate Planet The LBQ one stop shop

Featured charity

Supported by

In association with

Also inside: The Prime Minister, LGBT Consortium, Historic England, LGBT Networks


2015 Produced by Talent Media and LGBTHM distributed with the Sunday Telegraph

Image: © Paul Grace

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Š 2016 Ernst & Young LLP. All Rights Reserved. Ernst & Young LLP is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

What if our differences are what unites us?

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The Prime Minister LGBT History Month – Stonewall I Had To Come Out Twice Working with over 250 Faith Schools Hinduism Teaches Us To Find Peace National Student Pride – Spotlight Metal Health Goldman Sachs – LGBT Network The Albert Kennedy Trust- Featured Charity Call Me Mx Equality in Northern Ireland EY’s Global LGBTA Network - Unity Ultimate Planet – Planet Nation Jake Graf – Paving The Way for Trans Visibility Educate and Celebrate LGBT Consortium David Bowie Smiled at Me ELA SCITT – Tollgate Teaching Alliance BAME Diversity Recruitment InterEngineering Needs You First LGBT Poet Laureate Did We Really Accept Trans People in 2015? Pride of Place – LGBTQ Heritage Project

Featured charity

Supported by

In association with:

Would like to thank Jamie Wareham, Jeff Kristian, Naomi Bennett-Hall, Jake Graf, Matt Horwood, Josh Willacy, Steven Philip, Sherelle Garwood, Nate Parker, Fran Hall, Reshma Johar, Sky Yarlet, Jimmie Franklin, John O’Doherty, Julie Bremner, Paul Roberts, Mark McBride-Wright, Cynthia Davis and Graheme Robertson for contributing to this magazine

© 2016. LGBT History Month is published by Talent Media Ltd. Copyright of all images and articles remains with the publisher unless otherwise stated. All other rights recognised. No material in this publication may be used without prior permission from the publisher. Disclaimer: We cannot accept responsibility for any unsolicited text, photographs or illustrations. Views expressed and included in LGBTHM Magazine by individual contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. Published by: Talent Media Ltd, Studio N, Container City Building 2, 48 Trinity Buoy Wharf, Orchard Place, London, E14 0FN Tel: 0203 697 9372. Fax: 020 3070 0017. Email: Web: Publishing Director: Darren Waite Sub Editor: Robert Ingham Art Director: Christopher Powell Advertising: Darren Waite Cover Image: © Paul Grace - Produced by Talent Media and distributed with the Sunday Telegraph.



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LGBT History Month is a great time to reflect on the achievements that have been won over the years for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people. BY MATT HORWOOD

It’s an opportunity to educate individuals, groups and organisations, whether or not they are LGBT themselves, on what being LGBT means and how this has changed over the years.

laws that negatively affect the trans community?

And it’s a chance for us to think about, unfortunately, the fact that there is still so much left to do.

Whether on a pitch, in a playground, a place of worship or at work – discrimination still exists – and it’s down to all of us to bring it to eradicate it, even if you are not lesbian, gay, bi or trans yourself.

Same-sex marriage might have been one of the last legal hurdles for the lesbian, gay and bi community, but what about the existing



And legislation aside, it is still clear that lesbian, gay, bi and trans people are still far from equal in society.

Stonewall had a busy year in 2015. We became

trans-inclusive in February 2015, appointing a Trans Advisory Group to help guide our work and ensure everything we do is led by the voices of trans people. We continued to work with over 750 organisations across the private, public and third sectors, be it banks, local government organisations, universities, housing organisations, or the emergency services. And in doing so, we helped their ongoing efforts to ensure that their

workplaces are as inclusive as they possibly can be.

let them know more about what we have planned.

Role Models guide. More about those things later.

And we continued to work in schools, colleges and local authorities, to ensure that teaching staff are equipped to prevent and tackle

We also welcomed more visiting human rights defenders from across the globe on learning-exchange visits, sharing knowledge and

We know that in order to change hearts and minds, to transform institutions and to change laws and to empower individuals, we

We need to amplify the voices of people who are often ignored homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in the corridors, the classrooms and the playground to equip them on how to encourage students to stop using phrases like ‘that’s so gay.’ Alongside schools and workplaces, Stonewall attended more Pride events across England, Scotland and Wales than ever before in 2015, including Trans Pride in Brighton, UK Black Pride, Pride in London and Nottingham Pride. It was fantastic to talk to our supporters far and wide, and

skills in order to improve the individual ways we continue to campaign for equality. And we’ve been focusing on faith, and how it intersects with being lesbian, gay, bi and trans in Britain and overseas. Our Chief Executive Ruth Hunt earlier spoke at Greenbelt festival, as well as to a range of faith press, about issues that LGBT people of faith often face. We also started a programme of work with faith schools, and launched our Christian

need to amplify the voices of people who are often ignored but who are those with first-hand experience of daily discrimination just for being who they are. Faith is the theme for this year’s LGBT History Month. And so we contacted some of our friends, programme alumni, volunteers and staff to share their stories about being of faith and LGBT or an ally, to dispel the myth that you can’t be both and to explore the ways in

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which both intersect and form multiple identities. We hope that you take something from these stories, whether you learn something new, feel empowered to affect change or can pass them on to someone who might benefit from reading them. We’re continuing to work towards a world where all lesbian, gay, bi and trans people both here and abroad are accepted without exception.



Matt Horwood (@matthewhorwood) is Communications Officer at Stonewall. Stonewall is the lesbian, gay, bi and trans equality charity. You can learn more about Stonewall by visiting uk. You can also follow Stonewall on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr on’ StonewallUK.’ You can contact Stonewall’s Information Service on 0800 50 20 20, Monday – Friday during office hours. The Information Service is also available on info@stonewall. or on Twitter @ StonewallUKinfo (and has its Direct Messages set to ‘Open’ for users to message discretely).

Stonewall attended more Pride events across England, Scotland and Wales than ever before in 2015

and understanding, and the importance and power of acceptance within faith.

Places of worship can act as a family, a community, a safe haven... But for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, there’s sometimes a misconception that faith is incompatible with being LGBT or being an ally of LGBT equality. These feelings can come from within ourselves, or they can be forced upon us by others. Feeling unwelcome in your faith can lead to feeling lost, unworthy or angry and confused.

from the church, university and the local community. We were lucky to have some witty, engaging and authentic speakers, some of whom have submitted their personal stories to Christian Role Models to help other Christians understand how they can support people who are LGBT.

Recently I held an event in York to launch Christian Role Models – a Stonewall resource full of hope and celebration.

Rev Rachel Mann is an Anglican parish priest, a Canon and Poet-in-Residence at Manchester Cathedral. Rachel identifies as trans, and spoke candidly about her journey with searing wit and self-deprecating charm, reading a poem from her book Dazzling Darkness.

It was heart-warming and encouraging to be welcomed into York St John University’s Chapel to host this discussion with guests

Father Tony Lester, Carmelite Provincial and former Catholic Chaplain of York University, shared his message of compassion

But this does not need to be the case.

Also speaking was Jamie Fletcher, Director of The Dancing Bear Trilogy, a series of experimental films, talks and performances aimed at engaging different audiences in conversations about LGBT issues. Jamie spoke honestly about the isolation he felt coming out, losing his connection to church, and how the project has connected him to LGBT people of faith. Rev Annie Rowley, chaplain of York St University, then offered a moment of perspective, highlighting that in some parts of the world I would be imprisoned for holding such an event. This humbled me, as did a contributor to the guide from East Africa, who is unnamed for their own safety. Full of life, kindness and selflessness, they and everyone featured in the guide has my love and respect. Brave people like these empower individuals, engage with faith groups in new, meaningful ways and positively impact LGBT people on a local and international scale. They show that being LGBT and of faith are not mutually exclusive. And that just demonstrates the power that sharing your stories can have. Josh Willacy (@joshywillacy) is an Account Manager at Stonewall Download Christian Role Models at

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Steven Philip

Yet it was the second occurrence that allowed me to fully embrace my queer identity. Faith has allowed me to open doors, rather than create closets. As a Jewish man, I have the practice of blessing my food before eating it. This requires a moment of pause, to think about what is on my plate. In doing so, I gain an awareness of what I am putting in my body. I wonder if it’s healthy. Is this what my body needs at the moment? I think about where it comes from, noting the countless hands that touched my food between farm and table. I question whether these individuals are receiving a fair wage, if they are given adequate rest, and if they are able to self-advocate within their

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I had to come out twice: first, as a gay man; then, as a person of faith. place of employment. None of these are new questions. Within the Jewish tradition, the rabbis have been wrestling with these concerns for several thousand years. Yet, now more than ever – where the provision of cheap consumables has come at the cost of human dignity – this approach is needed. I am not interested in a faith that resists innovation. Those who advocate for its immutability ignore the fact that religion has never been static. It has and should continue to evolve with our understanding of the world. As a gay man, I have a role to play in the growth of our religious understanding. Within the Torah, one of the

most repeated commands is ‘al tirah’, ‘do not fear’. The antidote to fear is empathy. Those who have experienced marginalisation due to their sexual orientation or gender identity know what it is to be the target of hate. As I prepare to enter the rabbinate, I hope to let my queer identity shape my religious praxis: to seek those standing at the door of the church or synagogue, the individuals pushed to the fringes of society – even those who I am tempted to call my enemy – and love them. That is an act of faith. Steven Philp is a first-year rabbinical student at Hebrew College

I came out as a lesbian to my parents when I was 15 years old. As far as I can remember, I’ve always been attracted to women. I grew up in a very heteronormative household and didn’t know much about being LGBT as I was growing up. I’m originally from the Caribbean and, like many from this culture, grew up in a strong Christian household. I attended Church every Sunday from a very young age and went to Christian schools during my childhood. During school, my sexuality became more apparent to me. I struggled with this a lot as I knew it would be heavily frowned upon by my parents and peers. Homophobic comments were common during school, and teachers rarely interjected or punished students for this. When people in my school discovered my sexuality, I also became the target of homophobic and hurtful comments. Many people, including my parents, believed that

it was impossible for me to be both a Christian and gay as the two were seen to be mutually exclusive. I started to also believe this and began to avoid going to Church or taking part in any Christian events. When I was 18, I became friends with a lesbian woman whilst working at a summer placement. She identified as Jewish and often spoke to me about her religion and how members of her congregation felt about her sexuality. She inspired me, with the help of some of my friends, to be able to go back to Church. I slowly began to realise an intersection between religion and sexuality can exist. Christianity taught me to love and accept those around me, regardless of our differences, and therefore it always hurts and surprises me when individuals use

Sherelle Garwood

religion as a means to discriminate against others. I’m on the committee for both the LGBTQ+ Society and Christian Society at University, and use these positions to try to create acceptance within both societies. We run joint events together and are in the process of creating a LGBTQ+ and Christian’s Alliance Society. We’ve also run joint events with the Islamic Society as I realised that members of all faiths can encounter similar issues. I hope that one day, all those who identify as LGBTQ+ and are religious will feel free to be who they are, wherever they are.

Sherelle Garwood, a Stonewall Young Leader, is a University student based in London

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Stonewall is proud to work with over 250 faith schools across the country that represent a diverse spectrum of religions. As well as training teachers to deal with homophobic, biphobic and transphobic language and bullying, Stonewall also empowers staff to teach their students about different families, sexual orientation and gender identity. And for faith schools or in faith communities, the way that this intersects with faith and belief. But sometimes, it isn’t Stonewall that’s best equipped to do that. Stonewall Training Partners are a group of individuals and organisations that have specific knowledge, experience and expertise in areas or communities that might have been harder to reach for us in the past. And one of these areas is religious communities. We work with some fantastic Training Partners who deliver our programmes to specific schools or colleges in question and, in doing so, bring their own insight and experience. One example is on how to discuss sexual orientation or gender identity in a faith setting. Our Training Partners include

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faith schools, church diocese and religious LGBT groups. Teaching staff in Stonewall ‘School Champion’ schools, who have been trained by our Training Partners, work alongside Stonewall in facilitating visits from Stonewall School Role Models. School Role Models are a free benefit for all School Champions. We work with volunteers from different backgrounds, with different jobs and life experiences, who visit schools to tell their story about growing up as an LGBT person. A School Role Models visit usually starts with the role model addressing an assembly, class or selected group of students and talking about their experiences of growing up and being LGBT, and is followed by a Q&A. The session normally lasts about an hour. Stonewall School Champions are entitled to one visit per year. Role models are so important to young people, and this is often especially the case

Fran Hall

for those in minority groups. Lesbian, gay, bi and trans role models not only encourage young people that you can be yourself and achieve your goals – but often prove educational for those other young people who might have had a distorted view of ‘what LGBT is.’ Meeting visible diverse role models can often dispel these myths. For young people of faith in particular, meeting someone who can talk about their own intersectional experience as an LGBT person of faith is extremely powerful, and Stonewall facilitates this with schools across the country with a range of speakers who represent a wealth of different experiences and communities/identities. You can learn more about Stonewall’s School Champions programme, School Role Models and our Training Partners programme at: uk/get-involved/education Fran Hall is a Programmes Officer at Stonewall in its Personal and Professional Development Programmes team

Hinduism teaches us to find peace to take care of all forms of life

BY RESHMA JOHAR I was born in the UK and raised in a Gujarati household. I lived with my parents, grandparents and sister. We have a big extended family and so growing up was amazing as we all got to share experiences, festivals and cultures together such as holi, Raksha Bundan and Diwali, our New Year and celebration of light. We also joined in with Easter and Christmas. One of the first prayers I was taught was to respect my parents and elders. I try to maintain these simple teachings in my life today. The Bhagavad Gita (holy book) teaches two duties

in life: to family, friends and society; the second is a spiritual duty to God. My sexuality definitely made things confusing. For years I kept my family, religion and sexuality, which I thought was forbidden, separate. Although nothing I read about Hinduism specifically said being gay was wrong. But it was only when I met my now partner that I raised it with family. We'd met at a Diwali party, dragged out by our respective friends, and met up one evening having exchanged numbers. After months of awkwardness

we realised we liked each other. One thing that made our relationship easier was our similar family culture and spiritual awareness. Initially, to my family, she was introduced as my 'friend'. When I came out to my parents, they were shocked. They had some concerns and worried it would affect my career. My parents also told me not to tell my Grandma and if I wanted to get married, I should do this discreetly. I was incredibly close to my Grandma. I would always confide in her and couldn't see taking such a big step in my life without her. I LGBTHM 2016 - 13

incredible and spoke of his knowledge in Hinduism and as a human. He said that no law can change a person's sexuality and that love has never been a sin. People have views and opinions, but a person cannot play God and try to change or ignore a person's instinct.

prayed and hoped she would understand. I wanted her blessing to get married, and an opportunity presented itself one day when I found myself alone with her. I was terrified and did my best to explain in broken Gujarati. I said that I was in love with someone and that the person was a woman. I explained my feelings more and we shared tears and cuddles. We agreed to keep it a secret and wait for my parents to tell her. When that happened a few days later, my Grandma told them that they should hold a traditional Hindu engagement ceremony. My Grandma conducted the engagement ceremony and was not at all fazed that it was two women. It was a beautiful ceremony, conducted on an auspicious day and time according to the Hindu calendar. After speaking to Priests and visiting temples, I learned that Hinduism teaches us to

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find peace to take care of all forms of life. Our souls are neither man nor woman. It seemed that all the conflicts I thought I knew about my sexuality and choice in partner was founded in ignorance and cultural expectations – not religion. With the support of my Grandma, and religion not being a conflict, I researched whether Hindu wedding ceremonies could be performed. I spoke to four wedding priests who said that there was nothing wrong with two people of the same sex marrying. One of these in particular was very supportive and agreed to help us. We then had the usual hen parties, henna parties, Pithi ceremony, civil ceremony, pre-wedding prayers (mandvo) and finally the Hindu wedding ceremony. Our Hindu wedding ceremony marked the union of two souls. Our priest was

I know that had I married a man, more family members would have attended but to me the most important people made this possible: my wife and my Grandma. The Hindu wedding ceremony is not only the marriage of two souls but the coming together of two families. As we had experienced some negative comments and some members of the family were unhappy, we decided to create a new surname. We were proud of the step we were taking and did not want our name to be tainted. Our surname was found with the help of our priest and means courage. Two and a half years on from our marriage we both take part in the Hindu prayers, traditions and rituals. We visit and pray at the temple together. Reshma Johar is a Tax Consultant based in London

national student pride in association with:

london 2016

5th 7th feb 2016

LGBT students from across the UK

FREE daytime festival: featuring mental health debate careers fair live music stage 2 club nights at G-A-Y

friday - registration drinks at g-a-y late • opening party at g-a-y heaven saturday - free daytime festival at university of westminster • attitude mental health debate • job fair • coming out panel • live music • bar & food • club night at g-a-y heaven with £2.50 drink deals sunday - film screening ‘milk’ platinum sponsor:

gold sponsor:

silver sponsors:

media sponsors:

Why National #StudentPride has turned its Spotlight On Mental Health this year. University - your chance to dress outrageously, twerk the night away and dye your hair bright pink. I was sold, really quite easily. I only wish I’d been told about the hidden pressures too. Unfortunately, the picture on campus is not as easy as it is perceived. Suicide is the biggest killer of young men in the UK, and a recent study by the National Union of Students produced for parliament showed 4 in 5 students faced mental health issues in the last year. To add to this, on top of the pressures any student faces, another report by the NUS’s LGBT arm in 2014 showed that 1 in 5 students face homophobia, and 1 in 3 face transphobia. This year, National Student Pride has decided to focus on mental health. A difficult, but vital conversation that is so important for the LGBT community to trailblaze the way forward with because, as with so many pressures in

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our world, LGBT people are disproportionately affected by it. For me, it was Paris Lees, trans activist and journalist speaking at Student Pride 2015 that succinctly pointed out why. “If you’re facing family and social rejection, that’s not good for your mental health.” 48% of trans people in the UK under 26 have attempted suicide because of the discrimination they suffer, sometimes even from within the LGBT community. According to mental health charity Rethink, gay and bisexual men are four times more likely to commit suicide than the rest of the population and, from that NUS report on Students Mental Health, those who did not identify as heterosexual recorded a higher rate of contemplating suicide - 55% had considered it. In the eleven years of National Student Pride, the event has pulled in celebrities, activists and politicians. In 2015 alone making global headlines as

JAMIE WAREHAM NATIONAL STUDENT PRIDE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Oscar winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black called out Hollywood agents for their insistence on keeping actors to stay in the closet and for the announcement of the first trans storyline on EastEnders, played by a trans actor. But for me, it was the #VotePride debate that inspired LGBT policy debates in the build up to the election that showed even then - mental health was one the LGBT community needed to pay attention to. During the debate Owen Jones called out the politicians because he believed the “last government’s provision for mental health got worse because of cuts they made.“ I can’t attest to that more myself. My world felt very dark at times whilst I studied at university and it was my on-campus LGBT community that were my ray of light when I felt like the NHS mental health system had let me down.

That’s why Student Pride continues on, providing a platform for debate and discussion, driven by students. The 2015 event was a huge success with over 120 Universities and colleges attending. Providing a safe ground for debate is core to our event - there are so few places to talk and so much stigma around mental health (though we’ll go party in our pink jeans later on too, see you at G-A-Y’s Heaven for the Graduation party you’ll want to re-live over and over). Student Pride is also of course proud to host the biggest LGBT student careers fair. Not only is it an integral part of the daytime event, it provides the opportunity for employers to reach into the incredible diversity of LGBT students. Corporate sponsorship is essential to keep the daytime event free and therefore accessible to all, regardless of age, wage or background. National Student Pride is being platinum-sponsored in 2016 by EY for the sixth consecutive year. Liz Bingham (Managing Partner for People, UK & Ireland at EY and Student Pride ambassador)

said: ‘We are very proud to support National Student Pride for another year. At EY we are passionate about enabling people to come together in an environment where they feel included and respected. National Student Pride enables LGBT students to do just that.’ Law firm Clifford Chance are gold sponsors, with Aviva, IBM and Enterprise Rent-a-car, and Lloyds Bank as silver sponsors. Steered by a group of graduates, activists and former speakers, every single person who contributes to student pride does so completely voluntarily. Just like the push for equal marriage, the event is driven by a group of students who ask for nothing in return. The event began at Oxford Brookes University in 2005 as a response to the Christian Union’s ‘Homosexuality and the Bible’ talk. Student Pride continues this mantra in its 11th year, and is returning to the University of Westminster’s Marylebone campus opposite Madame Tussauds. Why a university with a history of inviting notoriously homophobic speakers like Sheikh

Haitham al Haddad who believe homosexuality is a scourge? Every year we shine a spotlight on LGBTphobia, the situation on campus improves, something the University of Westminster has seen and responded to. This year we also turn our spotlight back on our own community, discuss how coming out is no longer only synonymous with sexuality, explore the burgeoning world of LGBT YouTubers and challenge the black dog that is mental health. Because we have nothing to fear when we stand together.

Tickets for the event are on sale now. The daytime festival is free and open to all (not just students) club nights at G-A-Y and Heaven are £5 for a weekend wristband. Exclusive film screening of Milk, the story of Hope and assassinated gay politician Harvey Milk is extra, see www.

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Our greatest asset is what makes us different. Goldman Sachs is pleased to celebrate LGBT History Month. At Goldman Sachs, we know that without the best people, we cannot be the best firm. We aim to attract, develop and retain people from many backgrounds who can offer fresh perspectives. The firm supports this approach through numerous initiatives and partnerships with its employee networks, including the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Network. These efforts foster a strong sense of community and illustrate the belief that our success depends on having people who reflect the diversity of the communities and cultures in which we operate. Being diverse is not optional — it is what we must be.


At Goldman Sachs, our commitment to cultivating and sustaining a diverse and inclusive working environment is absolute. As we operate in an increasingly global marketplace in which change is constant, diversity is a significant business imperative to help us remain competitive and at the edge of innovation. It is at the very core of our ability to serve our clients well and to maximize return for our shareholders. We must have diversity at all levels of the organization in order to continue to be leaders in the market and to strengthen our culture of excellence and meritocracy. The firm’s employee affinity networks and interest forums support our diversity and inclusion efforts, including the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Network. The network is open to all employees and organizes a series of events throughout the year to recognise the contributions of LGBT people to society and culture, and raise awareness of challenges still faced by the LGBT community. The LGBT Network was instrumental in establishing the Managing Director (MD) Straight Ally programme at the firm. As Sally Boyle, international head of the Human Capital Management Division and co-sponsor of the EMEA LGBT Network states, “The impact and value of our MD Ally programme in creating an inclusive environment is clear from the feedback we receive from employees and candidates on campus. We want to be an employer of choice for the LGBT community and our network and allies help us work towards that goal.” As a Stonewall Star Performer organization, Goldman Sachs continues to work closely with Stonewall, the largest LGBT rights organization in Europe, to support our LGBT people and the advancement of LGBT rights and equality.

© 2016 Goldman Sachs





THE ALBERT KENNEDY TRUST on their new campaign, which aims to help the thousands of homeless young LGBT people in the UK.

For any parent, the thought of their child living rough on the streets is a terrifying one. The threat of violence and exploitation is very real… the stuff of nightmares. Imagine then, a young person being forced on to the streets by their parents. It’s inconceivable

isn’t it? Sadly, for 4,800 young lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people right now in the UK, it’s a hard-hitting reality. At The Albert Kennedy Trust we hear daily from young people who have been forced out of their family homes simply because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans. In most cases

who have been supported by AKT. You can watch Ash and Jovanie’s stories at our website:

they have been driven out because of parental rejection, abuse from within the family, aggression or violence.

A donation of as little as £5 can make a difference to a young person, so please do consider giving what you can. At The Albert Kennedy Trust we pledge to continue to be there for young LGBT people and to make sure they have the start and support in life they deserve. And a roof over their head.

At last count, almost 25% of all young people living rough in the UK identified as LGB or T. This is unacceptable. We’re supposed If you’d like to get involved with to live in enlightened times. At our work, visit our website at AKT we believe there’s no room for hate, which is why we offer vital support and services to make sure our young people are cared for, and have a roof over their heads while they build a life for themselves. We recently launched our brand new campaign ‘No Room For Hate’, which aims to highlight the problem of LGBT youth homelessness and raise vital funds to help us continue to support young people. We’ve produced some hard-hitting videos featuring young people


Call Me


The phrase LGBT has, for a long time, appeared synonymous with sexual orientation. The stories of those struggling with their gender identity often being overshadowed and carelessly forgotten. In 2015 this began to change with trans celebrities such as Caitlyn Jenner contributing to society’s growing discussion around gender and gender identity. But Trans, like the LGB labels, is an umbrella term that cannot be easily defined. An umbrella term that, in the last year, has placed increasing pressure on the traditional gender binaries to which our society remains fixated. “I use a variety of terms to describe myself,” explains Sky Yarlett, who now feels comfortable blurring society’s notion of gender. “Trans is an umbrella term, but I also use ‘non-

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Sky Yarlett

binary’ and ‘genderqueer’. I see gender and its expectations, and it just doesn’t fit me. I’ve learned that isn’t something I should be ashamed of.” Sky still remembers the moment they finally realised where they stood with society’s view of gender. “I was at a workshop about Trans identities when the facilitator explained in a very matter of fact way that sometimes gender doesn’t fit people, and that it was okay not to feel like

either gender. It was as if a light bulb went off.” Even people like Sky, who are confident in who they are, can still find other people’s lack of acceptance and accommodation hurtful. “I use ‘they’ as a pronoun. At first people find it hard to adjust and re-wire their language, and I try to be understanding, but even if someone mistakenly uses the wrong pronoun, it hurts. It feels weird and uncomfortable. It feels like an insult.” “I saw something online about how people react

I was so nervous when I started to try and explain who I was



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Sometimes gender doesn’t fit people when you correct their use of pronouns, and how if someone is corrected about an animal’s gender they understand and correct themselves, whereas with a trans person people tend to be more affronted.” Educating people remains a large part of the lives of many who identify as non-binary or genderqueer, an endeavour Sky describes as “exhausting”, and that cisgendered people (those who identify in the gender they are assigned at birth) rarely have to endure. “Coming out the first time is monumental and stays with you forever, but it’s a constant process. I think coming out as non-binary is both very similar and incredibly different to coming out as gay. There is the same fear of isolation and rejection, but the added complication of trying to change people’s fixed perception of gender.” The process of coming out as gender non-conforming is something that is also regularly forgotten, the term ‘coming out’ again often being synonymous

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with sexuality. The tide is beginning to change, however, with charities and events such as this year’s National Student Pride festival looking to explore coming out in all its forms, whether that be as gay, trans, or something as socially divisive as being a Belieber. “With my current employer, I was so nervous when I started to try and explain who I was. It was something that a lot of my colleagues hadn’t heard of, so there was, and still is, quite a lot of education involved.” That is not something Sky fears though, despite it sometimes feeling arduous. “I’m ok with that, but it can be tiring having to constantly explain things”. A significant progression in the UK within the last year has been the introduction of the gender-neutral ‘Mx’ title on official documents, which Sky recognises as a positive step forward, as well as the recent revelation by certain toy shops that a boy buying a

doll won’t bring the world to an apocalyptic end. Sky feels they have been lucky, and is thankful of their loved ones’ support and continued determination to educate others. “Trans-related barriers or issues most often stem from a lack of knowledge and awareness, rather than a deliberate aim to hurt.” The way we view gender binaries is changing, with gender nonconforming people and their stories beginning to take centrestage. The progressions made in 2015 ensured it was a big year for the T in LGBT, but with the discussion surrounding gender and its place in society still gaining momentum, it looks as though 2016 could be even bigger.

National #StudentPride takes place from the 5th-7th February at the University of Westminster and G-A-Y. Open to all - not just Students - buy your tickets at www.

Equality in Northern Ireland BY JOHN O’DOHERTY,


LGBT History Month gives us all a chance to reflect on how far the campaign for LGBT civil and human rights has come - unfortunately some parts of the UK haven’t moved as far as others. 2015 was a busy year for same-sex marriage

advocates, none more so than for those living in Northern Ireland. Many people from Northern Ireland were heavily involved in the campaign for a ‘yes’ vote in the marriage referendum in the Republic of Ireland and, on the day the referendum was passed,

there were celebrations in Belfast, the largest city in Northern Ireland. As happy as we were to see our southern sisters and brothers take this historic and revolutionary step towards equality for LGB&T people, it was only natural for us in the

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North to wonder: ‘When is it going to be our turn?’ For LGB&T people in Northern Ireland, it isn’t unusual to feel left behind. We were the last part of the UK where sex between two men was decriminalised, and the majority of our members of Parliament have voted against every equality measure put forward for LGB&T equality, including marriage equality. Two weeks after the referendum result The Rainbow Project, with our partners in Amnesty International and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, organised a march and rally for civil marriage equality. On a sunny Saturday afternoon in Belfast, 20,000 people came out to show their support for marriage equality and to tell our political leaders that they

Kristian Nairn, AKA Hondor from Games of Thrones

are not representing us on this issue. Following the historic landslide ‘yes’ vote for marriage equality in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland is now the last part of the UK or Ireland where same sex marriages are neither conducted nor recognised. For us, this is a totally unreasonable situation in which we

Northern Ireland is now the last part of the UK or Ireland where same sex marriages are neither conducted nor recognised 26 -


have been left. We find it difficult to understand that when a couple from Northern Ireland get married in another part of the UK and come home to Northern Ireland, their marriage is reclassified as a civil partnership without their consent. With marriage equality legislation introduced in the Republic, there are couples in the border areas of Ireland where their relationships will be reclassified when they go to work in the morning or when they go to their nearest supermarket. This illogical patchwork of marriage laws was created by the UK government. Instead of following the precedent set by the Civil Partnership Act, which was settled on a UK-wide basis, the UK government decided that it felt that marriage was a devolved

There have been five votes in the Assembly on marriage equality issue, even though the government must have known that by allowing the fundamental right to marry to be devolved to the regions of the UK, that Northern Ireland would be unable to pass such legislation. The truth is that for all practical intents and purposes, it is not possible for the Northern Ireland Assembly to pass marriage equality legislation. The largest party in Northern Ireland, the Democratic Unionist Party, is the most antiLGB&T political party in these islands and because of its size in the Northern Ireland Assembly it is able to veto any legislation of which it does not approve. There have been five votes in the Assembly on marriage equality. Despite a majority of Assembly Members voting in support of the measure, the DUP were able to effectively veto the decision using a mechanism called a ‘petition of concern’.

This requires 40% of both unionist and nationalist politicians to support a particular measure. As the DUP have more than 50% of unionist members, this is effectively a veto. Unless the DUP experience a mass Damascene conversion to equality, there is no legislative solution to the illogical patchwork of marriage laws which have been created. In the absence of a legislative solution, we must then look at alternative means of securing the right to marry. This means that, just as we had to do over adoption, the ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men and even the decriminalisation of sex between two men, we must turn to the courts and seek a judicial solution. There are currently two live legal challenges to marriage inequalities in Northern Ireland, one in which couples are seeking

recognition of the right to marry and one in which a couple who were married in England are seeking a declaration that their marriage remains valid in Northern Ireland. Ultimately, we believe that this should be resolved by political leaders and that courts should be a last resort but if the Northern Ireland Assembly is incapable of correcting this injustice and the UK government is unwilling to extend marriage rights to all UK residents then we must use whatever avenues that are open to us. Marriage equality is coming to Northern Ireland, perhaps not as quickly as other places and perhaps without the widespread political support it has received in other jurisdictions but eventually it will come. Our opponents can only ever delay us; they cannot defeat us.

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EY has long been a strong and vocal supporter of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workplace equality. Our UK and Ireland LGBT employee network was set-up in 1995 and was one of the first of its kind in the private sector. Since then, Unity — EY’s global ‘network-of-networks’ for LGBT people and their allies — has become established across the world, in locations including the USA, Ireland, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Taiwan, Canada, Singapore and Germany, to name a few. It is important to us that the network is open and inclusive to everyone, whether LGBT or an ally, which is why Unity is EY’s ‘LGBTA’ network. And for us ‘Ally’ doesn’t just mean straight people, to us it means anyone on the broad spectrums of sexual orientation


and gender identity who are supportive, but don’t identify as being ‘LGBT’. Our network was established to bring together individuals regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, status or the extent to which they are ‘out’ — unified in purpose. EY is committed to doing its part to build a better working world. Unity contributes by focussing on the development of our people, strengthening the impact of the network in our offices throughout the UK and Ireland, and supporting a variety of LGBT organisations. We’re very proud that EY continues to be recognised as a Stonewall Star Performer in the UK and we’re also proud to have been named ‘Employer of the Year for LGBT People’

© 2016 Ernst & Young LLP. Ernst & Young LLP is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

Proud to support LGBT equality in Ireland by GLEN — the Gay & Lesbian Equality Network in 2015. This is superb recognition of our work on LGBT workplace equality, but we can’t rest on our laurels. We maintain committed to continuing to drive the advancement of LGBT workplace equality both in the UK and Ireland and beyond. We are in great company and are heartened by the sheer number of organisations that are championing these issues, not just because it is the right thing to do, but because building a workplace where everyone, whether LGBT or not, can feel free to be themselves is just simply good business sense.

way of connecting young people from across the LGBT community and introducing them to forward thinking employers who value diversity and different perspectives in the workplace. At EY we passionately believe that recruiting, developing and nurturing a diverse range of talent helps creates the highest performing teams and enables us to reach better decisions and provide better advice to our clients. It’s a business imperative and each of our Unity members helps to bring this culture to life.

We are also delighted to be supporting National Student Pride again this year, having been headline sponsor since 2011. It is a great

All Rights Reserved.


















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Jake Graf


Following hot on the heels of his first three award-winning short LGBT films: XWHY (premiered at the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, and nominated for the Iris Prize), Brace (which was selected for 55 film festivals and is soon to be released on the latest Peccadillo Pictures’ ‘Boys on Film’ collection), and Chance (award-winning and screened at 35 festivals); he had the only male role in the UK’s first LBQ web series She’s in London. In the second half of 2015, he wrote and directed his latest short, DAWN which is due to be released later in 2016. Jake is currently writing and starring in web series Spectrum East. Graf became the first trans man to be on the cover of QX Magazine in 2015 – making history yet again. In total, Graf appeared on four covers in 2015. He has even

recently written an article for Cosmopolitan, ‘17 things you should never say to a trans person.’ In December, Jake released a collaborative project video called What It’s Like Being Transgender in an attempt to break down stereotypes. This video had over 250,000 views in a week, with demand for a second video in the series. The year ended with a visit to The White House by invitation of President Obama to take part in a Q&A and special screening of The Danish Girl for ‘Champions for Change’, the first ever trans specific event in

Washington. Jake appears briefly in The Danish Girl so keep an eye out for him! He has started 2016 by being featured in G Zone magazine, Turkey and the Middle East’s LGBT Magazine, and is one of the official faces of FTM Magazine – again proving that he is a global success, pushing boundaries for trans visibility around the world. Of course, we are only in February, and there are a good few months of 2016 in which Jake no doubt has lots of plans, so our friends

Obviously, winning a part in The Danish Girl was a huge thrill LGBTHM 2016 - 41

Images: © Paul Grace -

2015 was quite a year for Jake Graf. Not only is he a sight for sore eyes, he is also a writer and director, actor, and a trans role model.

over at Planet Nation sat down with him for a quick chat to find out more.

PN: Why is it so important for you to be such a positive role model?

PN: 2015 was quite a year for you; what would you say were your 3 biggest achievements?

JG: Growing up, I had quite literally no-one trans to look up to and reassure me that things might be alright. It was lonely, isolating, and terrifying to think that I was the only one out there like me and, as a young trans kid, you end up feeling like a total freak. I think that all the trans folk these days putting themselves out there and being visible, from Rebecca Root to Laverne

JG: Last year was phenomenal. I still can’t really believe it all to be honest! Obviously, winning a part in The Danish Girl was a huge thrill, and certainly beyond all expectations; and being asked to appear on the cover of FTM Magazine in May was an honour, and

We are just giving a glimmer of hope to the next generation of trans children seemed to start the ball rolling. But I would be lying if I said that being invited to The White House didn’t top the list. It truly was the stuff of dreams, and even now when I think back, it brings a huge smile to my face. I think doing a Q&A panel in front of hundreds of LGBTQ campaigners and activists, alongside Tom Hooper, Alicia Vikander and Rebecca Root would be up there for anyone!

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Cox to myself, we are just giving a glimmer of hope to the next generation of trans children that they are not alone, which I think is half the battle. PN: What can we expect from Jake Graf in 2016? JG: Hopefully another busy year! I am very proud of new short DAWN, starring newcomer Nicole Gibson and my lead from Brace, Harry Rundle; which features a trans female lead character,

and will hopefully resonate with audiences - so fingers crossed. The web series Spectrum East launches in late spring, and I am also working on a feature script about the first queer republic. I am doing more editorial writing, and may be advising on several other projects, if all goes well! I am also starting shortly my Stonewall Schools Role Model speaking, and looking forward to attending my first Mermaids charity retreat, which helps parents and families of trans children to see that trans is normal too! So, lots to look forward to. Jake Graf is certainly ensuring that the trans rights movement goes down in history from 2015 as having taken a real step forward and for all the right reasons. He is a real example that being trans is not something that should stop you from doing what you enjoy. Of course he is not alone in his efforts – and we are hoping to see a few trans women also getting such exposure to help further both the trans and women’s equality movement in 2016 and beyond. To find out more about Jake Graf, visit his website www. or follow him on @jakegraf1 or on Instagram: @jake_graf5 Like Jake Graf on Facebook: Jake-Graf-420417278137180/

Watch Brace online: http:// live-streaming/video-demand/ brace-queer-short-film View the Chance trailer: watch?v=i0DhMLCpDzc View What it’s like being Transgender: https:// watch?v=dlwZt5Jwexs

LGBTHM 2016 - 43


Worried what your friends or family would think about you working for the police? Don’t be. As a member of Hertfordshire Constabulary, you’ll be reducing crime, strengthening communities and helping all kinds of people feel protected and safe. And that’s something anyone should be proud of. There are lots of different ways you can contribute, whether as a Police Officer, Special Constable, member of Police Staff or volunteer. There are also lots of ways you’ll be supported, such as through Keystone, our dedicated LGBT support group. Find out more and apply at




Why We Educate & Celebrate During LGBT History Month By Elly Barnes, CEO and Founder To whoever reads this, please consider adding a class or assembly to the school curriculum and talk to your students about difference. Don’t just ignore them when they use derogatory language and pretend you can’t hear it. As teachers, you can make a huge difference because I KNOW, from experience, that if you talk about LGBT and educate everyone in schools, you will help so many young teenagers across the UK feel safer and more involved in their school community. LGBT discrimination is an issue that needs to be resolved now. Max Year 11 student East Sussex Max and many other students, teachers, parents and governors are the reasons why we encourage all schools, colleges, universities and organisations to Educate & Celebrate during LGBT History Month. Every conversation is important to move forward with breaking down the barriers to transform schools into LGBT+Friendly places. Our staff training, resources and PRIDE Youth Networks ensure that the whole school engages in an LGBT+Inclusive curriculum via lessons, assemblies and developing an inclusive school code. We encourage visible display and support students to lead community events and campaigns through their Pride Youth Network.

Six Regional School Showcases To celebrate LGBT History Month 2016 we are delighted to bring you six regional school showcases of speeches, music, song, dance, plays, PRIDE Youth Networks and poetry from young people in our partner schools. I am proud to be part of this project and proud that we found Educate & Celebrate to lead this groundbreaking work. Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson Headteacher Anderton Park School All schools are invited to take part in their nearest showcase to present their LGBT+Inclusive work. To register your school and secure your free tickets please email The whole principle of Educate & Celebrate has influenced everything in our school life, we have changed our vision statement to reflect it, there are rainbow touches throughout the school! Headteacher Hampshire For further information about Educate & Celebrate contact: educateandcelebrat educate_and_celebrate educateandcelebrate

ď Ą donate today at Regitered Charity No. 1159367

LGBT Consortium

the largest LGBT organisations network that you’ve never heard of! BY PAUL ROBERTS OBE, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER In a virtual office there is an organisation working away behind the scenes. They probably work in your area, might even work with someone you know, but chances are you haven’t heard of them! They host the largest network of LGBT groups, projects and organisations in the UK. LGBT Consortium is an umbrella organisation for the LGBT Sector. In other words, they work behind the scenes to support the people who are running your local LGBT social group, local LGBT counselling service, helpline and Pride. Membership & Collaboration: everyone needs a little support

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now and then, and LGBT Consortium offer LGBT groups who become members practical support on a wide range of issues, from governance to finance and everything in between. They understand the unique challenges faced by LGBT groups and organisations and they are on hand to support or signpost. “It’s good to be part of the larger LGBT network. This work can make an LGBT group feel quite isolated locally and so it’s great to be able to reach out to other groups across the country.” Member Voice & Communication: It’s so important that marginalised LGBT voices

are heard across a wide range of platforms, from government to those holding the funding strings. LGBT Consortium work with the staff, volunteers and trustees of LGBT groups to ensure their voices are heard on both local and national levels. A national consortium creates louder voices, bigger opportunities, better partnerships and more effective collaborations. All of this means that a small LGBT group has just as much influence as a big organisation. “As a small LGBT Support group, it is invaluable to us to be part of a large national

LGBT Consortium Team

organisational network with influence.” Member Collaboration & Networks: As well as the central Member network, LGBT Consortium brokers partnerships between Members and also facilitates specialist networks including a Trans Organisations Network, a Research Network and a Network for the Chief Officers of LGBT Organisations.

as volunteers of a small LGBT group, the chance to exchange ideas and experience with larger organisations that employ staff and have specialist skills.” Member So now that LGBT Consortium are the largest LGBT network you have heard of, find out more and get your LGBT group or organisation signed up.

LGBT Consortium is a very friendly and approachable organisation run by people who clearly really care about the work they’re doing.

“It’s good not to struggle alone. Being part of the network gives us, uk or call 020 7064 6500

LGBTHM 2016 - 49

©Peter Shapcott

DAVID BOWIE SMILED AT ME BY JEFF KRISTIAN - WWW.JEFFKRISTIAN.COM Upon the untimely death of one of rock’s most influential stars, Jeff Kristian reflects on David Bowie’s gift to the LGBT community. My school playground was buzzing. “Had I seen David Bowie on Top of the Pops cuddling that bloke?” I had. As his sparkly arm draped Ronson’s shoulder, my father shuffled his feet - perhaps a Freudian reflex to get up and turn the telly onto another channel. Had remote controls been invented, I may have missed the end of the song. Having only recently been to my first rock concert, I was considered by my peers to be an authority on these things. Of course at that age, I wasn’t an authority on anything. Perhaps it was the heady July heat sending everyone into a frenzy, or maybe something profound really had happened on BBC1 the night before? I described the Starman’s multi-coloured figure-hugging cat-suit to my friend, because he only had a black and white

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telly. Despite his portending joke that it must have been made from a very glamorous cat, we could sense that a revolution was underway. As an impressionable eight year old, it had nothing to do with my own impending homosexuality – or at least I wasn’t aware of it at the time. To us Bowie was dangerous, and that was exciting. Gossip had filtered down that Bowie had recently come out as gay in Melody Maker. Nobody in my pre-pubescent class of ‘72 really understood what this meant, but we knew it was somehow fierce. History recalls his blatant display of affection on Top of the Pops as too much too soon for many in middle-England. They had so far graciously turned a blind eye to the high camp of Glam Rock, with its crossdressing, outrageous make-up and long dangly earrings. But suddenly and without warning, a self-proclaimed pretty thing was touching another man on national telly before watershed. It hadn’t been long since homosexuality

had been legalised and for many in and out of the closet, this casual gesture in front of fourteen million viewers was a massive leap for queer-kind. In an instant, he had become our Hero… and not just for one day. A decade or so later, I met David Bowie. Well, I say met… he walked past me in London’s Lyceum Ballroom. Another rock concert, this time an invite-only affair graced by the likes of Kate Bush, Annie Lennox and The McCartney’s. We’d blagged our way in at the stage door with one of the band. Billy Idol from Generation X had just bought us drinks and my heart was fluttering at the sight of his bare chest. Suddenly, there was Bowie. Did he always walk in slow motion or was I just shocked to see him? He glanced briefly in my direction and smiled. Had The Icon noticed me leering at The Idol? I realised in that moment it was OK to be myself because Bowie had told us so. He smiled at me then, and he’s still smiling at me now.

At Santander, we believe being inclusive and making sure all our people feel valued will help us to achieve our full potential. One of the ways we support colleagues is through our networks, such as the Santander LGB&T Embrace Network. LGB&T Embrace “Santander’s Network was established in 2014 and has gone from strength to strength during 2015, with over 400 members and allies. Its mission is to empower colleagues to be open about their sexual orientation and gender identity by helping create a safe, inclusive and diverse environment for LGB&T colleagues and customers alike. We’ve developed a network of six geographical divisions to deliver a consistent approach across Santander - including our branch network and contact centres. We had an incredible 2015; attending eight Pride events across the UK in partnership with our recruitment and branch colleagues. We received an enormous amount of positive feedback from employees, customers and non-customers alike. Colleagues said what a huge sense of pride they felt working for Santander. In December, we were proud to support the Terrence Higgins Trust in a number of sponsored events.

Members in Scotland braved a cold December morning in the aftermath of Storm Desmond to do a 5K run contributing to over £1,500 being raised for THT’s #StopStigma campaign. We are excited to evolve the Embrace Network 2016. We are working with external companies to deliver a series of events around the country. LGBT History Month gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on past events. The fact that there is a pride event in nearly every major city today is testament to how far we have progressed and we have seen huge strides forward in marriage equality around the world but there’s still a long way to go. Generally attitudes towards the transgendered community are greatly improved however there is plenty of work still to be done in this arena. As an organisation Santander are cultivating an open and accepting approach to our transgendered customers and colleagues and it is encouraging that many other organisations are adopting the same attitudes.” Darren Kerrison National Co-Chair Santander LGB&T Embrace Network



SCHOOL DIRECT AT THE EAST LONDON ALLIANCE SCITT Come and find out about teacher training with the ELA SCITT WHO ARE WE? The East London Alliance SCITT is calling for applications from the most able graduates to train to be teachers. The School Direct programme allows top graduates, or those who have been working in a career, to combine training with learning on the job. The East London Alliance School Centred Initial Teacher Training (ELA SCITT) is based at Tollgate Primary School. It offers a route into teaching through the School Direct programmes, which will lead to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). In addition we are able to offer a tuition fee funded programme which will lead to a PGCE. WHY TRAIN WITH US? We have successfully trained cohorts of trainees to become teachers and all the trainees have successfully secured employment. A School Direct trainee from last year stated: ’This was a tough but rewarding course. When I was struggling to keep up the programme course leaders supported me to identify my next learning steps. Since then I have been able to improve my practice in the class room and demonstrate that I am an outstanding practitioner. I am grateful to Tollgate Primary School and the alliance of schools for their support and challenge and helping me secure my first teaching post.’ The Director of the Teaching School; Caroline Stone stated “We are looking forward to receiving applications from those individuals with the potential to be brilliant teachers. School Direct allows us to customise the training to meet the needs of both the school and the trainees, who gain practical experience from day one. It is a great way to learn and qualify to become a teacher, by offering trainees support from their future colleagues who have a wealth of experience. They will also benefit from further learning opportunities to develop their teaching skills and progress quickly into leadership positions.” WHAT IS THE TRAINING? School Direct Tuition Fee Funded: This route is a school based training model and there will be cross phase Primary placements across our network of schools. You will be trained, mentored and coached by highly experienced classroom practitioners and the course will have a strong focus on pedagogical understanding. This is a postgraduate programme and a Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) will be awarded by a Higher Education Institute. School Direct Salaried: This route will be a school based training model and there will be cross phase Primary placements across our network of schools. You will be trained, mentored and coached by highly experienced classroom practitioners and the course will have a strong focus on pedagogical understanding. As the trainee teacher you will be employed by a school throughout your training. As a SCITT we will accredit you with your QTS. It is highly recommended that you have a sponsor school before you apply and ensure this is clearly stated on your application form.

HOW DO I APPLY? 1. Apply for a place on the School Direct Salaried / Tuition Fee Funded programme by visiting 2. Select Tollgate Primary School and follow the instructions in order to register and apply to the programme. 3. You will be issued with a reference number which will enable you to book your skills tests. 4. Book your skills and sit them within 2 working weeks of applying for the programme. 5. Ensure that you inform us when you have successfully passed the skills tests in order for your application to be processed. Interviews will take place following applications via UCAS. These will take place at Tollgate Primary School, Barclay Road, London E13 8SA There is no closing date for applications. We will continue to review applications until the course is full. Please note that you will need to apply to carry out your QTS Skills Tests in mathematics and English before you can be considered for interview. Therefore you must follow the steps below: WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED? You will need a GCSE C or above (or an equivalence exam) in English, mathematics and science. You will need a degree at least at a 2.2 or above. Graduates can apply for one of two options: a fee-based programme, paid for by the trainee through the Student Loans Scheme. This offers well-qualified graduates the opportunity to train in a school and receive a bursary (if eligible); or the salaried programme. This is an employment-based route available to graduates with three years’ work experience and ensures trainees are paid a salary while they train. At the end of the course graduates will receive a PGCE qualification, which has both national and international currency. People interested in becoming a teacher should visit: or contact the Teaching Line on 0800 389 2500. FURTHER INFORMATION 1. For further information contact: Caroline Stone at 2. The tax-free bursaries can rise to £25k for School Direct trainees whose training is based in a school where more than 35% of pupils are eligible for free school meals. 3. For further information on the current grant funding and financial incentives associated with the School Direct training programme go to:

Accreditation Pathways through the Tollgate Teaching School Alliance Entry into the East London Alliance SCITT

Salaried Trainees - receive QTS after 1 year

Fee Funded Trainees - receive QTS with ELA SCITT and PGCE with UEL + 60 credits to a Masters - (£4500)

NQT Training + PGCE accreditation with UEL + 60 Masters credits (£4500)

NQT Training + 30 Masters credits with UEL (Reflective task) (£250)

NQT Plus One Training + 30 Masters Credits (Reflective task) (£250)

Apply for AEL NQT Plus One Training + 30 Masters Credits - (£1041) (Taught module)

Apply for AEL Offer in third year of teaching - 30 Masters Credits (£1041) (Taught module)

Dissertation worth 60 credits (£1041) Gain Masters accreditation

Masters accreditation offered to staff alongside the accreditation of prior experience. PGCE offered to staff with QTS only




“34% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the UK choose not to disclose their sexuality at work� Diversity and Inclusion Consultancy Firm, BAME Recruitment, truly believe in helping people and organisations live the definitions of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Often, organisations will label themselves as diverse, however, it is important for senior management to be committed to implement diversity and cultural competence training. By understanding our differences and "Protected Characteristics, organisations can create a culture and commonalities where everyone

feels included and are far more likely to engage fully, develop loyalty and enjoy job satisfaction.

- The Guardian

Diversity & Inclusion Firm BAME Recruitment Ltd explain why this is key for employers to embrace the right diversity strategy to attract and retain talent! Whilst some progress has been made, many Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender employees still worry that by revealing their sexuality at work might have negative consequences. In a recent article in “The Guardian Newspaper”, it found that 34% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the UK choose not to disclose their sexuality at work. They hide their private lives from colleagues and clients for fear of homophobia, exclusion

Diversity and Inclusion Specialist Cynthia V Davis, CEO of BAME Recruitment, said that while the findings were unsurprising, more should be done by organisations by continuously supporting their employees irrespective of their Ethnicity,

or in case they are overlooked

Gender or Sexual Orientation by creating a sense of empowerment

for valuable promotions.

amongst their employees and creating a culture where everyone can participate, thrive and contribute. Although it requires a large commitment by management and employees, diversity pays off and can make a huge difference to a company’ s success and affect the bottom line. The expert who has over 18 years of experience having worked with organisations including BT, Carphone Warehouse, ITV, said “The reason I set up our business was to help organisations achieve their diversity strategy and help them to identify ways in which they can better attract and retain talent. Bame Recruitment work within the Private and Public sector offering a unique service that is tailored to each organisations diversity imbalance. Davis believes that by breaking down barriers to provide fairer employment and hiring process that are representative and inclusive of the diverse population of the UK, companies can achieve this.

Cynthia V Davis, CEO BAME Recruitment Ltd


CENG CHAIR & CO-FOUNDER, INTERENGINEERING Engineering is all around us. From the smartphones we use, the drugs we take, the food we eat, to the energy we generate, and the buildings we construct and cars we drive. Engineering underpins everything. Engineering is a rewarding and respected career giving rise to many to many opportunities. It is also very well paid. The UK faces a chronic shortage of engineers

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and will need over 1.8 million people to have engineering skills by 2022. We need to be attracting the best talent to the industry in order to remain competitive. Students and current engineers may be attracted to other sectors due to the improved status of diversity and inclusion, and so this is an issue the industry urgently needs to address. 62% of current graduates who are out at university go back in the closet

when they start their first graduate job. InterEngineering aims to accelerate inclusion in engineering for LGBT people. We aim to support companies create LGBT network groups, share best practice, provide networking opportunities for professionals and students, and support wider initiatives in the sector.

Key highlights over 2015 included: - Membership growth to over 250 LGBT engineers and supporters, over 500 social media connections and over 12,000 website views. - Business events focused on setting up LGBT company networks, the experiences of LGBT engineers in the UK and overseas, and the way ahead for creating a more inclusive workforce.

in Engineering� in conjunction with the House of Commons, which sets out a plan of action for engineering companies and institutes. We have developed strong collaborative relationships with key engineering institutes and continue to grow our relationships with engineering companies.

So, come and join us! Details are below for you to stay connected. Sign up yourself, or pass on to someone you know who might benefit from the work we do.

We are also on the lookout for volunteers interested getting involved. If you are, then please get in touch.

As we go in to 2016, we will continue this growth and establish regional groups.

- Employer roundtable with Royal Academy of Engineering on sexual orientation equality in the engineering sector. - Expansion of InterEngineering with our first regional group in South West. Numerous networking evenings such as drinks socials, meals and a site tour. - Publication of our first report “Engineering Action: Tackling Homophobia

STAY CONNECTED (subscribe to mailing list) Twitter / YouTube / Instagram:@InterEngLGBT Facebook: InterEngineering LinkedIn: InterEngineering

LGBTHM 2016 - 57

Help us build a sustainable future. As one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the world, National Grid delivers electricity and gas to millions of people. We care about ensuring our workforce is as diverse as the many people whose homes and businesses we power. After all, our people are our greatest asset – it’s their dedication and innovation that gives us the power to deliver. From sites and offices to our huge range of after-work clubs and social events, the National Grid culture reflects a commitment to inclusion and diversity. Our people are actively encouraged to treat everyone with respect and value every contribution. We only truly succeed together. To ensure the whole community feels welcomed and valued, we’ve created Employee Resource Groups. They’re designed to support our people at work and champion improved understanding. Our LGBT network, Pride, is a great example. It supports our LGBT colleagues, and is open to all employees, acting as a point of contact for anyone interested in or affected by LGBT issues. We are proud to be a member of the Stonewall Diversity Champion programme. We’ll never stop striving to be an open and friendly place to work. And we’ll never stop investing in people – from personal wellbeing to professional development.

To find out more about opportunities within National Grid, visit our website

FIRST LGBT POET LAUREATE This inaugural post was devised by Camden LGBT Forum to promote LGBT poetry in London and the UK. The name of the first LGBT Poet Laureate will be formerly announced during LGBT History Month, February 2016. Camden LGBT Forum is a charity that supports local LGBT residents. The Arts is a powerful tool we use to celebrate diversity and promote cohesion amongst our communities. During the last six years our “INCITE” Poetry event has been paving the way for LGBT talent to foster positive change through spoken and written word. The recipient of the title “First LGBT Poet Laureate” is Trudy Howson, and the term of the appointment is for three years. During

Trudy Howson - The First LGBT Poet Laureate

this period she will be expected to write poems for nationally and internationally recognised LGBT days and events as well as write, perform and promote poetry that reflects and celebrates the very diverse experience of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans people within our society. The LGBT Poet Laureate’s poetry will: •

Portray the lives and experiences of the LGBT community.

Celebrate our style and culture.

Support LGBT people who feel isolated and marginalised within our society.

a sense of self respect and pride. •

Raise a greater public awareness of the LGBT community.

Encourage LGBT people of all ages, nationalities and types, to read, write, watch and listen to poetry.

CONTACT: Camden LGBT Forum 020 7388 5720 Email: trudyhowson@ Twitter: @lgbtpoetlaureat

Web: www. Facebook: INCITE Poetry

Encourage within our community LGBTHM 2016 - 59

Did We Really Accept Trans People in 2015? JIMMIE FRANKLIN NATIONAL #STUDENTPRIDE PRESS OFFICER 2015 was a year when you could say the world woke up to Trans issues. The community transformed from a relatively unheard part of society to the centre of a glistening reality show with ‘I Am Cait’ as well as Netflix hit, Orange Is The New Black, both candidly discussing what it is to be Trans. It’s fair to say these shows were at least part responsible for bringing about a breakthrough that is not dissimilar to one the gay community enjoyed in the 90s due to the likes of Ellen DeGeneres and RuPaul in the US and our very own Graham Norton and Julian Clary on British soil. However, whilst we have been willing to open our minds to the experiences of Caitlyn Jenner and Laverne Cox, there is still so far to go in terms of increasing visibility for

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those who aren’t in the entertainment industry. ‘There’s definitely an undertone of making money from a ‘freak show’,’ said Lucas Dennis, a third year university student from Buckingham. ‘There’s a sexist and homophobic notion that trans women are more impressive and spectacular because they ‘used to be men’’. At Student Pride’s Time For T panel in 2014, trans activist Paris Lees spoke about this

obsession, noting there are plenty of other interesting storylines to follow in Trans people’s lives. ‘The example I always give is that I’ve never met anybody with one eye, because if I did, I wouldn’t need to know why they’ve got one eye, or what they call themselves or any of that business.’ One story that is well overdue a discussion is the mental health issues trans people have to deal with. In 2014, distressing statistics put together by LGBT charity,

Mental Health is a particular worry for young people too

Pace, show a staggering 48% of trans people under 26 said they had attempted suicide, with 59% claiming they had had contemplated it. These statistics go some way in showing how the transgender community are disproportionately suffering in society.

2016 after 2015’s focus on LGBT in the media and the announcement at the event that the BBC’s EastEnders was introducing its first trans male character played by someone who possesses that identity. Yet another massive step forward in 2015 - but it was only one step.

Mental Health is a particular worry for young people too, especially students. A recent report from the NUS shows four in five students have faced mental health issues in the last year.

Lucas sometimes hides being trans. “While my Trans status is less ‘seen’ it has its pros and cons. I can pretend to be a cis lesbian if it will make a situation easier”.

It’s something Student Pride is going to tackle as their key focus at their event in

The fact that young people like Lucas are still having to compromise their gender identity by passing in a

way that society feels more comfortable with shows that there is still some way to go with trans rights in the UK. 2015 was undeniably a huge year for trans rights, but was it the start of a revolutionary change in hearts and minds? Lucas says: “We’ll have to wait and see”.

National #StudentPride takes place from the 5th-7th February at the University of Westminster and G-A-Y. Open to all - not just Students, buy your tickets at www.

Supporting performers for 80 years. Together we make things better. Join in:

@EquityUK EquityUK 020 7670 0273

LGBTHM 2016 - 61

Pride of Place Mapping England’s LGBTQ heritage

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When you think about LGBTQ history: what do you think about? You might think about the romance between Vita Sackville West and Virginia Woolf, or you might think of the famous trial of Oscar Wilde? But do you think of the everyday places and spaces where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people lived, loved, laughed and were persecuted? The clubs and bars of the past as well as the ordinary houses where LGBTQ people lived lives that were, at the time, seen as extraordinary.

Centre for Culture and the Arts, people can give examples of the buildings and places special to them; from the private houses of trailblazing individuals; to the much loved local gay bar; to the first venue in town to host equal marriage and everything in between. The result will be a map of England that plots the multitude of buildings across the country that hold a sometimes hidden, sometimes public, LGBTQ history. Please contribute your own special places

Historic England is running Pride of Place (www.historicengland., a ground-breaking research project that is uncovering the untold queer histories of buildings and places people have lived alongside for generations. Led by a team of historians at Leeds Beckett University’s

This project tracks the proud heritage of LGBTQ lives from all backgrounds, all areas and all eras.


at www.mapme. com/prideofplace. Duncan Wilson, Historic England Chief Executive, said: “From the secret meeting places of more closeted and criminalised times, to the houses and headquarters of campaign groups and activists, through to the civic buildings that represent LGBTQ life becoming integrated with the rest of society; each brick, pane of glass and doorway tells a story. This project tracks the proud heritage of LGBTQ lives

Shibden Hall, Halifax

from all backgrounds, all areas and all eras.” There have already been many intriguing places plotted on the map: the Beaumont Society – the UK’s society for cross-dressing men – which held its annual dinner at the restaurant below Broadcasting House in the 1970s and 80s; Sodomite’s Walk, now part of modern day Finsbury Square, which was a popular gay cruising spot in the early 18th century; and The Shim Sham, a gay friendly and ethnically mixed Jazz club set up in 1935 on Wardour Street Soho, and constantly attracted police attention. By autumn this year, Historic England will have

distilled these collective stories into an online exhibition that tells LGBTQ history in England through its buildings and places. Using archive material and images, Pride of Place will tell the most fascinating history of England through LGBTQ eyes. Alongside the online resources there will be ‘pinning parties’ across the country where you can get together and share memories with others, an educational resource pack for schools, and guidance for local authorities on how to recognise and protect LGBTQ heritage. Professor Alison Oram, lead researcher at Leeds Beckett University, said: “It’s really significant that LGBTQ history is being recognised and promoted

by our national heritage body, Historic England, and I am delighted to be developing this project with them. It means that people all over England will have the opportunity to contribute to and learn about the LGBTQ heritage that exists in the streets and buildings all around us.”

To get involved or to find out more, visit: https://historicengland. inclusive-heritage/lgbtqheritage-project/ or contact: prideofplace@ uk or see our Facebook page: www.facebook. com/LGBTQPlaces

LGBTHM 2016 - 63

OUR WORK IS INCREDIBLY DIVERSE. Our people are the same.

Make a complex world yours


To tackle the variety of cyber threats that the UK faces every day, we need people with a diverse range of skills and perspectives. People who think and act differently. People who share knowledge and ideas. And people who complement each other’s strengths. That’s why we support and respect our people’s individuality, encouraging them to work collaboratively to develop innovative solutions for the many different challenges we face. It’s this diversity of expertise and experience that enables us to successfully protect the UK’s people, businesses and interests in an increasingly complex cyber age.

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