circulatory system in human body maintain homeostasis site of oxygen exchange in lungs through capilaries
arterial system
venous system
delivery and return _ blood vessels in human hand
Multiple dynamic equilibrium adjustment and regulation mechanisms make homeostasis possible.
rain water circulation system
precedent_ BAD {bath} by SMAQ [berlin]
change room & bath
dsts in 3d space
wood + hose basin
continuing explorations
binding /| merge
knit departing from surface
final iteration baked result
gray water recycling Match water quality to water use An emerging and exciting area for conservation planning will be to find and make appropriate use of alternative water sources. To this end, The City of Calgary plans to investigate and promote potential opportunities for the safe use on non-potable water sources. This includes the use of: >stormwater > greywater (wastewater from domestic sources) >wastewater effluent from treatment plants
Precipitation per/year average 420 mm [16.9 inches] 25-30% = SNOW
2 systems |potable + non potable 2 supply + 2 return
water use in calgary calgary : 137 litres per person per day (gross) 52% residential = 71.24 litres per day per house hold
max area of roof on chosen site | 20m x 9m 1937.5 sq ft. 1 inch of rainfall = .62 gallons
71.25 x 365 = 26.0000 litres per year
17 inches (precip/y) x 1937.5 (area) x .62 =
peaks in summer | lawn watering can increase residential use by 50%
20,421.24 gallons @ 10% or 18379 @ 90% efficiency 69,572.083 Litres per year
stormwater managment 1) water collection surface _ woodslats with hose inbetween? openings to let in sunlight
2) secondary holding / storage 3) pump 4) use 1 / system exit one { interor green wall } capillary action humidifies room/ contributes to clean air
4) drainage of excess water through system 5) filtration 6) return to environment (exterior pond_garden_birdbath_ resovoir _ used to water grass/ garden_returns to water cycle through ground water orto atmosphere though plant transpiration} hangs on exterior to collect water | provides shade to west elevation
catchment_ basin
massing strategies
summer solstace shadows
min & max sun angles 15 & 75 degrees