2012 Nissan Plans Book

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Research Creative Promotions Media

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Nissan USA asked O-STATE Advertising to develop a $100 million integrated marketing communications campaign that: Builds awareness and lasting favorability Increases total Multicultural share Creates promotional opportunities in specific Designated Market Areas that will garner PR and social media buzz Improves the users online experience (Nissanusa.com, Facebook, YouTube and Nissan Mobile sites) and dealership experience Creates a targeted media strategy and plan, which supports marketing efforts After months of extensive research, O-STATE realized Multicultural Millenials are not looking for a vehicle with the best safety ratings or gas millage. While both of those are important, MC Millennials actively seek an automotive brand that stands for something greater, one that represents strength and authenticity. O-STATE’s “Powerful Beyond Measure” campaign helps Nissan build a long-term relationship with MC Millennials based on their passion points. Our integrated approach connects with the target audience on an intimate level, establishes that Nissan understands that life is not all sunshine and rainbows and celebrates MC Milliennials’ perserverance, motivation and POWER.

Tara Connor, Account Manager O-STATE Advertising Team


RESEARCH To understand the Nissan brand, the automotive industry and MC Millennials, we examined numerous resources including the U.S. Census Bureau, trade publications, popular press, blogs, websites and other syndicated research sources.


Economic Matters: Current economic downturn Decline in sales for automobile wholesalers and retailers Changing standards regarding imported vehicles Increasing trend of “going green”

Distribution Considerations: Negative perception of car dealerships Higher preference of online shopping rather than face-to-face interaction

Competitive Concerns: Parents are loyal to Toyota and Honda Nissan lacks brand recognition

2 3 2

Advertising Influences: Use of two taglines blurs Nissan’s brand image


“Innovation” is solely associated with technology in consumers’ minds






> 6








We conducted one-on-one interviews with MC Millennials. This qualitative research provided an in-depth look into the minds of these consumers and revealed insights into their values, attitudes and lifestyles. The results indicate they:

We administered a survey to MC Millennials 18-29 year olds, collecting more than 300 responses. We assessed attitudes toward social media, advertising, car brands and purchase decisions. The results confirmed our qualitative and secondary findings, and suggest millennials are:

Do not relate to Nissan’s current advertising

Trendsetters among their friends

Do notthe associate Nissanstyle withand innovation Men care about performance, longevity of a car

Loyal to brands they relate to, connect with and trust

Cannot describe what innovation means to them

Rank Nissan higher in design and style than any other attribute

FOCUS GROUPS & OBSERVATION Six focus groups were held to research brand perceptions and group dynamics. We visited dealerships, attended cultural student group activities, and we hosted a musical event in order to interact and observe MC Millennials in an authentic environment. The findings show they: Demonstrate passion about the arts, sports and their families Rely upon word-of-mouth information Frame switch and enjoy bi-cultural lifestyles Perceive Nissan as a trend-follower, not a trendsetter


Our primary and secondary research demonstrates: Men are passionate about cars and what their cars say about them Men care about the performance, style and longevity of a car


Familiar with Altima, but do not associate it with Nissan


Nissan asked O-STATE to target 18- to 29-year-old African American, Hispanic and Chinese millennial consumers. O-STATE found this group to be too large and diverse to reach effectively with one campaign. We narrowed the focus to target consumers who are most likely, according to research, to become Nissan enthusiasts and brand influencers. Our research indicates if Nissan is appealing to men, then their female counterparts will follow. Research led us to our core target: Hispanic-American and African-American Men, 25-29 who are opinion leaders, love cars and live in urban areas. Some Asian-American men share these qualities, but not to the degree of our primary audience. O-STATE plans to address the secondary target, Asian-American males 25-29, primarily through online media which is where they spend most of their time. 1

According to the VALS, our primary and secondary target audiences are makers, strivers and believers. They are brand loyal, family-oriented, resourceful, and highly motivated. These men are persistent, powerful, optimistic and innovative by nature. Because of these qualities, we call them the Innovators. Capturing the attention of the Innovators is key to building a relationship with the entire 18-29 multicultural market.



Hispanic, African-American males Cross-cultural (skew Hispanic) Age 18-29 (skew 25-29) $30-40K a year Entry-level position (striving for a promotion) Live in rental properties in urban areas Second or third generation citizens

Male Asian (Skew Chinese) Men 18-29 Attended a four-year university college Second generation citizens Place high value on education

KEY INSIGHTS AND COMMON GROUND: O-STATE found common ground and shared values between these two groups. Innovators appreciate authentic style and substance. They share a strong passion for sports, music, arts and family. These men simultaneously value their historic cultural background and modern American culture.


CREATIVE “Powerful demonstrates a young, Hispanicmen who share the motivation

Beyond Measure” true understanding of and African-American a passion for life and to express themselves.

BIG IDEA Innovation isn’t something based on technology; it is based on transformation and progression. Our big idea celebrates the power of MC Millennials. Like Nissan, they are motivated, resourceful, strong and passionate in their innovative approach to success. They are Innovators. Inspired by a quote from Nelson Mandela, our tagline “Powerful Beyond Measure” speaks to their ability to achieve, succeed and persevere through life’s challenges. Our campaign helps the Innovators tell their unique stories and celebrate their collective power. This approach will increase the awareness and favorability of Nissan among MC Millennials. Nissan will be seen as a company that reinforces their inspirations and motivations.



105691816/Mike Harrington/Getty Image

WA4811-001/Mike Powell/Getty Image

PRINT ADS These print ads use abstract bars to show Innovators in motion. The Nissan pops off the page by featuring only the vehicle in color. This use of color will be used consistently across all of our media platforms.



AB000730/Sundell Larsen/Getty Image


AB000730/Sundell Larsen/Getty Image


These ads highlight an Innovator and share his story. The Innovators and stories featured in the print ads are chosen to better identify with the targeted readership of the magazines: Alma, Black Enterprise, GQ, Car and Driver, Maxim, Men’s Health and ESPN The Magazine. These powerful images and stories resonate with Innovators and help connect them with Nissan.


Male VO: Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.

It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.

You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit.

It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward.

That’s how winning is done! Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth.

But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be

Because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you.

You’re better than that! You’re powerful beyond measure.

LAUNCHING THE BIG IDEA With motivating images and music, this 60-second commercial speaks directly to Innovators through an iconic quote from the movie, “Rocky.” The images depict Innovators moving through life and overcoming adversity. This motivational message demonstrates that Nissan understands who these men are and what is important to them.



The music begins and the camera pans to rural street scenes.

Camera fades to people writing words on white boards.

The music begins and the camera pans to rural street scenes.

Individual man is shown holding a sign with one word.

Group VO: We are all

Group VO: driven

Group VO: by something.

Man VO: Success

A group of MC Millennials is shown enteracting.

Individual is shown holding the white board.

Camera focuses on two individuals

MC Millennials get in a Nissan and drive away.

Group VO: Equality

Man VO: Athletics

Man VO: We are powerful

Man VO: beyond measure.

TV SPOTS Using the same motivational message as the introductory TV spots, Nissan continues to build a relationship with Innovators by featuring them telling their stories and communicating what drives and motivates them to perservere.





PRODUCT PLACEMENT Our in-game placements direct gamers to NissanUSA.tv and reiterate our tagline “Powerful Beyond Measure.” These ads create brand awareness and reach our target in a relaxing environment which drives more traffic to the website.




BILLBOARDS The power and strength of Nissan will be reinforced by communicating the “Powerful Beyond Measure” tagline on billboards in the top 10 DMAs.


DIGITAL BILLBOARDS These moving billboards show a Nissan driving across the screen then our tagline appears. These attention-getting ads will show Innovators and Nissan in motion, increasing top-of-mind awareness.


BUS WRAPS We are wrapping buses with a black matte finish featuring Innovators in a powerful pose and a bright red Nissan Altima. These bus wraps also include our tagline and drives viewers to NissanUSA.tv. Innovators who use public transit are reminded of the “Powerful Beyond Measure� message daily.





Interactive mall screens encourage Innovators to walk up and share their stories by touching and dragging the words on the screen. These interactive displays promote NissanUSA.tv where they can also post their stories.

A building wrap displays the Nissan logo and a Nissan Altima. This urban approach is eye catching and visually highlights the brand’s new look.


PROMOTIONS Innovators have grown up around constant change in technology, and they strive to be the first to discover the next big thing. They are early adopters of current trends and new products. 7

WEBSITE Nissan recognizes Innovators’ achievements as they have overcome social and economic obstacles in their past. Nissan celebrates these empowering accomplishments through NissanUSA.tv website. NissanUSA.tv is not an average website; it’s a digital network that delivers content to the viewer in a fun, visually-pleasing and customizable way. The user will navigate primarily through images and receive information through video and news coverage. Every aspect of the “Powerful Beyond Measure” campaign is archived and accessed through this unique online experience.



Displays the “Powerful Beyond Measure” collage, including: embedded videos, pictures of promotional events, links to articles and users’ “Power” posts. When clicked, categories on the left side of the page filter the collage to include only the items listed in that category.


Contains news stories about new innovations in the car industry, Nissan news, promotional events, sponsorship events, the Nissan Power Games coverage, vlogs, featured dealerships and Power Partners.



Shows the current campaign creative, including video and stories about how the creative was developed and behind-the-scenes news. Users are able to upload images that inspire them under the “What Powers You” tab. Pictures and news stories from other categories are mixed with these posts.


Features articles explaining the sponsorships with VH1 and the Boys & Girls Clubs, photos and videos of events and behind-the-scenes of the car art promotions.


Allows consumers to browse the Power Partners profiles, make appointments at local dealerships and read/post reviews about Power Partners, dealerships and Nissan products.



Nissan Power Players’ profiles of selected professional athletes are featured with information and video coverage of the Nissan Power Games. Vlogs and blogs are updated about the Power Games here.


Provides links to Nissan’s main website and social media outlets are on this page as well as a live feed of comments and photos from every social media site. The user can link any posting or page to personal social media sites and/or blogs. NEWSROOM




Innovators prefer smartphones to other mobile devices. There is no all-encompassing Nissan app in the U.S. O-STATE creates a full-service app, called myNissanUSA, for the iPhone, Android and tablets. The app consists of the following services:


Primary research indicated that the demographic has a negative perception of “salesmen.” In order to introduce Nissan sales reps in a positive light, users browse profiles of representatives at local Nissan dealerships to personalize their experience.

Directs the user from their current location to their parked car and assists in the event of theft. This feature also includes an SOS roadside assistance phone number.

VEHICLE INFORMATION Stores the model, VIN, warranty, safety and tag number information and notifies the user with service alerts such as oil change and tire rotations for the user’s Nissan. The user can also browse Nissan products and build a Nissan.

CONNECT Users browse a feed of Nissan’s regional promotional events and nearby nightlife hotspots with photos, footage, comments and links to social media. It links the user to the profiles of Nissan Power Players and their music playlists.

COMMUTE Provides live updates of driving conditions, traffic reports and finds the closest and most affordable gas station.


82957019/Glow Images/ Getty Images

These profiles include customer reviews and interesting facts about each sales rep. The top five Power Partners with the best reviews are displayed on the homepage of the app.

DEALERSHIPS DEALERSHIP EXPERIENCE Nissan hosts special one-week training events at dealerships to demonstrate to dealers and sales reps the value of integrating the Power Partners program into their sales tactics. Sales reps with perfect attendance to the training week will be eligible to win a free iPad; Nissan provides up to 3 free iPads per dealership. To encourage Power Partner program particpation, the first dealership to hit 100 percent Power Partner profile registration will receive two free Nissans to its inventory. Point-of-purchase displays encourage visitors to download the myNissanUSA app to connect with their Nissan. Nissan mounts iPads next to vehicles in the showroom with the “Build your Nissan” section of the myNissanUSA app open. Users can explore all features of the myNissanUSA app on the iPads. To bring Innovators to the dealership, the participants in the Nissan Power Games pick up their Power Packs at the dealership. Window stickers promote the myNissanUSA app to encourage downloads and showcase features.


Nissan hosts a graffiti art promotion (fully explained later). The graffiti cars from the promotion are displayed at local dealerships. IPad displays next to cars show the YouTube video, and the artist who designed the wrap displayed in the dealership, similar to a digital art plaque. One wall in the dealership projects the current “Powerful Beyond Measure” page of the NissanUSA.tv website, allowing visitors to see the artwork, current promotions for the campaign and news coverage. iPad DISPLAY


SPORTS Nissan gives each registered player a Nissan Power Pack with Nissan-branded athletic gear available to pick up at local dealerships. The Nissan Power Games are in 16 regions where regional games are played at a central YMCA location. The regional winners participate in a playoff tournament at the selected venue for their sport: Dallas Cowboys Stadium for football, Madison Square Garden for basketball or Home Depot Center in California for soccer. Winning teams receive a grand prize of an all-expense paid trip to the Super Bowl, NBA Finals or World Cup in June 2014. The promotion extends beyond the campaign time frame. Winners create vlogs of their championship game and the professional game to share their stories on the Nissan Facebook page.

O-STATE research demonstrates Innovators enjoy attending sporting events and getting involved in community activities . 5


NISSAN POWER GAMES Nissan creates a Nissan Power Games Facebook page where five-person teams enroll in a football, basketball or soccer tournament, with a limit of 100 teams per sport.


The Nissan Power Games are in 16 regions, and regional championships are played at a central YMCA location. The regional winners participate in a playoff tournament at the selected venue for their sport: Dallas Cowboy’s Stadium for football, Madison Square Garden for basketball or Home Depot Center in California for soccer. Winning teams receive a grand prize of an all-expense paid trip to the Super Bowl, NBA Finals or World Cup in June 2014. This promotion allows for a longer campaign life by extending beyond the set time frame. Winners create vlogs of their championship game and the professional game trip, sharing their stories on the Nissan Facebook page, YouTube and Twitter.

To engage Innovators, Nissan takes over sporting arenas in three specific DMAs. Interacting both outside and inside the arena Nissan creates a memorable experience for all who participate.

NISSAN TAILGATES Nissan-branded tailgating tents include a Nissan photo booth, TV displays and text screens. The Nissan photo booth is built inside the shell of a Nissan Pathfinder where participants sit in the front seats and pose for a photo on the windshield photo screen. The photo instantly prints out of the dashboard with special offers on the back, such as gas cards. Two photos per DMA give away a free Nissan. TV displays show previous photos from the photo booth, upcoming and nearby promotional events, past promotions and the current advertising campaign. Photos from the TV displays stream to Facebook and on big screens inside the stadium. The tent includes Xbox and PlayStation consoles with video games featuring Nissan advertising and content. The Nissan tent and tailgating area displays interactive text screens that allow attendees to text the “Nissan Number” to see their comments and pictures appear on the screen. S6100686306-001/Mike Powell/ Getty Images


NISSAN CLUB LEVEL To show Innovators that Nissan also has a passion for sports, Nissan brands a section of the arena’s club level. The club is branded with floor decals, posters, seat covers and even specialized drinks such as “Rogue on the Rocks”. To further promote Nissan Power Games, floor decals are placed around the arena. In order to access entry into the Nissan Club, fans must watch for one of the three flying Nissan-shaped blimps. These six-foot blimps circle the venue and drop cardstock replicas of Nissan Intelligent Keys. Each key offers a free concession courtesy of Nissan. However, 15 of these keys act as a VIP ticket inside the Nissan Club level for each lucky winner and a friend. To arrive in style, Nissan-branded golf carts escorts the winners to the Nissan Club.


ART Research demonstrates Innovators are highly interested in the arts and music and support brands that give back to local communities . O-STATE connects with Innovators on this level with the following promotions. 5







CAR ART Nissan places a white Altima in New York City with a sign directing bystanders to visit a YouTube video. The video contains footage of a well-known street artist spray-painting graffiti on an Altima. At the end, the video directs the viewer to “Check out the other Altimas.” After one week, Nissan transforms the Altima in New York City, covering the car in a graffiti vinyl wrap. In the last week of the promotion, the graffiti-covered Altima displays a 10-minute 3D mapping light show each night that highlights styling on the car. Hip-hop music plays throughout the light show. The Altima is then placed on a white billboard and the 3D mapping continues for a month. The billboard displays the text, “Expression. Powered by Nissan.” Then wrapped Nissans are displayed at local dealerships. This promotion occurs in the top 10 DMAs.


SPONSORS SPONSORSHIPS Nissan’s current partnerships with Habitat for Humanity and Heisman reaches the general market successfully. To connect closer with Innovators, O-STATE recommends expanding Nissan’s sponsorship opportunities by partnering with VH1 and Boys & Girls Club. VH1 Save the Music Foundation is a program designed to restore long-term instrumental music education. The program incorporates music artists as spokespeople for the organization, known as “ambassadors.” Nissan chooses five deserving schools in each DMA and donates $50,000 to each to help fund music education. The ambassadors will arrive in a Nissan vehicle to visit the children, teach them about music education, perform and vlog about their visits. Boys & Girls Club is a non-profit organization that offers children an opportunity to learn and grow in a healthy environment with after-school programs. Nissan offers one Boys & Girls Club in each DMA the chance to receive the new NV Passenger Van in a graffiti wrap. Each club submits a video to the Nissan Facebook page explaining why they deserve the prize. The public votes and the winning club is announced after a month-long social media presence.



MEDIA O-STATE is implementing a cost efficient media schedule that reaches more than 90 percent of our audience 10 times during spring, summer, fall and winter flights. OBJECTIVES Print, television, mobile and in-game advertising runs across the nation with an additional emphasis on out-of-home advertisements in the top 10 DMAs containing the highest concentration of the target. National media run from April 2013 through March 2014 in a flighting pattern with increased weight every two months. Promotional events occur during the hiatus periods to create continuous presence for the Nissan brand among Innovators.

STRATEGIES TELEVISION: Network, Cable Network (84% reach and 7.1X frequency) PRINT: Maxim, Men’s Health, ESPN, Car & Driver, GQ, Black Enterprise and Alma (28% reach and 8.2X frequency) DIGITAL: autoblog.com, univision.com, yahoofinance.com, pandora.com, spotify.com, abc.com, nbc.com, hulu.com, YouTube.com and facebook.com PAID SEARCH: Google Ad Network and Yahoo! Search Marketing MOBILE: Shazam App Tagging, iADs, Mobile Ad Network OUT-OF-HOME: Billboards, Full-Building Wrap, Interactive Touch Screens, Full-Bus Wraps, Digital Gas Pump Toppers, Transit and Stadium Advertising IN-GAME: FIFA 13, NBA Live 13, Madden NFL 13 and Need for Speed




:30 and :60 second spots on cable television allow for cost-effective reach and frequency, thus creating top-of-mind awareness for Nissan. O-STATE has budgeted for spots during early fringe, primetime and late fringe.

O-STATE chose lifestyle magazines, including culture-specific Black Enterprise and in-language Alma, that index high among 14 the target. In each period, seven magazines feature one full-page four-color ad, while four of those include an additional back cover ad.

To continue Nissan’s presence in the Super Bowl, O-STATE purchased a :30 second spot in Super Bowl XLVIII on FOX.



DIGITAL ONLINE Asian Americans have the heaviest online consumption and index high in finance, shopping, research and entertainment. However, Hispanic Americans and African Americans use online 8 predominantly for entertainment. O-STATE addresses the Innovators’ online usage with banners, premium-branded skins, skyscrapers and interstitial ads. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are used to 10 encourage interaction between potential customers. YouTube also meets the Innovators’ need for interaction and satisfies their demand for consumption of online short video. In addition, Yahoo! Finance addresses Asian Americans’ high index level of 8 online financial research. Autoblog.com—one of the premier sites 8 for auto industry news—indexes high across all three targets.


PAID SEARCH Google Ad Network and Yahoo! Search Marketing utilize certain keywords in O-STATE’s campaign. NissanUSA.tv and the Nissan YouTube channel are the first links displayed when consumers search for campaign-related keywords. O-STATE’s strategy optimizes current words that direct customers to Nissan and any words related to the “Powerful Beyond Measure” message.

APPLICATIONS O-STATE uses Shazam to capitalize on the Innovators’ mobile usage. Viewers tag Nissan TV commercials, just as they would a song. The application then offers options to download songs, link to social media, download the myNissanUSA app and visit NissanUSA.tv.

iADS/Mobile Ad Network Nissan iAds help put the “Powerful Beyond Measure” message into the hands of millions of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users throughout the nation. Mobile Ad Network packages are purchased to display Nissan’s message to Android and other smartphone users. These ads effectively reach the target audience when they are actively seeking information about cars.


ONLINE MUSIC STREAMING The Innovators are passionate about their music. Research shows 8 a high level of musical interest via online streaming. :15 second audio spots run on Pandora.com and Spotify.com between music streaming. Premium branded skins run simultaneously with audio spots. These sites have the ability to target the demographic based on musical preferences. For example, a Hispanic-American Millennial who consumes a high level of Spanish-based music is targeted with messages that 10 feature code-switching language.



Constantly on the go and never tied down, the Innovators stay up-to-date with their favorite shows by watching them online at 10 their convenience. Research shows the target indexes high in 8 online video streaming. :15 and :30 second spots run on abc.com, nbc.com and hulu.com during shows and movies that the target frequently watches. :15 and :30 second spots run on Univision.com during shows that are most popular with Hispanic Americans. Univision.com is the 11 No. 1 website for Spanish language television.



OUT-OF-HOME BILLBOARDS O-STATE’s out-of-home strategy includes digital and traditional billboards. Two digital billboards are used per DMA as well as 91 traditional billboards divided among the DMAs with the highest concentration of the Innovators.

BUILDING WRAP The “Powerful Beyond Measure” message is reinforced using a building wrap to target the Innovators in New York City. The building wrap spreads brand awareness among Innovators in 9 one of most populated cities in the U.S.

TRANSIT Transit advertising obtains brand awareness in the top four DMAs: New York City, San Francisco, Washington D.C. and 9 Chicago.


Research shows the target indexes high in shopping. Interactive screens allow Innovators to express themselves by telling their story via touch and drag options. The screens are placed in popular malls within each DMA.


DIGITAL GAS PUMP TOPPER Gas station advertising reaches drivers in a captive setting. This medium is a direct tactic that exposes the target to digital Nissan advertisements. O-STATE is purchasing 50 digital gas pump toppers in each DMA.


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SPORTS STADIUM O-STATE uses stadium advertising to reach the target at their favorite basketball, football and soccer games. Floor decals and Shapeshifter StairGraphics™ remind Innovators of the Nissan brand with every step. These graphics, located in selected sports stadiums, catch fans’ attention with an innovative 3D effect on 2D surfaces.

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L.A. Lakers Dallas Mavericks Houston Rockets Washington Wizards

Miami Dolphins Atlanta Falcons Chicago Bears New York Jets

L.A. Galaxy New York Red Bulls

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IN-GAME In-game advertising reflects the high index of Asian-American video 8 game use. Placement in FIFA 13, NBA LIVE 13 and Madden NFL 13 reflects the targets’ passion for sports. Advertisements in Need for Speed continuously remind consumers of the Nissan brand even when driving a competitor’s vehicle.


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Televison Cable Network Network (Super Bowl XLVIII)


15 22 29

May 6

13 20 27

June 3

10 17 24

July 1


150 150 150 150 150 150


15 22 29



12 19 26

150 150 150 150 150 150 150



16 23 30

October 7


14 21 28


11 18 25

December 2


16 23 30

January 6

13 20 27

February 3

150 150 150 150 150 150 150

10 17 24

March 3

150 150 150 150 150 150 36

Total Print Maxim Men's Health ESPN the Magaizne Car and Driver GQ Black Enterprise Alma


x xx

xx xx

x x

x x

xx x x


x x x

xx x

x x

x xx

x x x

xx xx

xx xx x

x x

x xx

x x

x x

xx x x

xx xx x

x x


x x x

x x x

Total Cost

10 17 24 31

x x x


$ $ $

39,932,100 3,200,000 43,132,100

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

3,358,380 2,349,360 2,712,000 2,247,228 1,291,496 252,000 1,034,160 13,244,624

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,008,000 663,600 663,600 663,600 1,293,600 1,293,600 756,000 663,600 663,600 924,000 8,593,200

$ $ $

50,000 30,000 80,000

$ $ $ $

393,339 825,000 825,000 2,043,339

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

4,519,844 600,000 750,000 492,100 150,000 135,000 6,646,944

$ $ $ $ $ $

88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 352,000 74,092,207 34,851,028,660

Digital/Online autoblog.com univision.com yahoofinance.com pandora.com spotify.com abc.com nbc.com hulu.com youtube.com facebook.com Total

Paid Search Google Ad Network Yahoo! Search Marketing

Total Mobile Shazam App Tagging iAD Mobile Ad Network

Total Out-of-Home Billboards Full-Building Wrap Interactive Touch Screens Full-Bus Wrap Digital Gas Pump Toppers Stadium

Total In-Game Fifa Soccer 13 NBA Live 13 Madden NFL 13 Need for Speed

Total Total Total Impressions


EVALUATION Nissan asked us to increase its total multicultural share. As stated in our research section, we found that the Innovators lacked awareness about the Nissan brand and rarely view it as a brand they plan to purchase. O-STATE addresses this problem by increasing brand awareness and lasting favorability among the Innovators, which leads to increased marketshare. We will measure campaign success using:

PROMOTIONAL EVALUATION O-STATE will track its promotional success to ensure the Innovators are positively engaging with the Nissan brand. Promotional efforts will be measured in the following ways:

Online tracking Monitoring Nissan’s social media presence and news coverage Implementing focus groups, surveys and copy testing quarterly 825,620,000 meaningful impressions

MEDIA EVALUATION O-STATE’s evaluation plan to monitor media performance on a daily, weekly and monthly basis through the following methods:

Click-through-rates Readership levels Nielsen ratings 90% Reach, 10x Frequency, 34,851,028,660 Impressions O-STATE’s tag line, “Powerful Beyond Measure,” establishes a personal connection between the Innovators and Nissan. The memorable creative execution references an urban lifestyle using a motivational approach. By the end of March 2014, O-STATE’s “Powerful Beyond Measure” campaign will have reached 90 percent of Innovators and created 35,676,648,660 total impressions. This gives Nissan a new personality while achieving the objectives and goals.





Armstrong Developments Bar-S Foods Co. BrandExtract, LLC David & Kynda Davis Doug & Dawn Wilken Ford Models Inc. Frank & Shirley O’Dell i360 Texas LLC J. Edgar Hoover Building Jordan Associates Jordan Gill Laurel Operating Company Loudoun County High School Louie’s Restaurant Louis Falsetti ATTY at Law Inc Mason & Moon Advertising, Inc.

Master Screen Graphics OG&E OSU Advertising Club OSU Dept. of Campus Life Pettus Construction Inc. R.G. Denyer Ray & Teresa Bohanan Reid Communications Staplegun Design Terry & Mary Jane Plunk Todd & Lisa Goodfellow Ultiwrap University & Community F.C.U. Virden Oil Weber Shandwick Your Hair Rocks

Allegra Network LLC. Taylor Moss Taylor Buckley Kortnee Henley David Purdie Marcelo Clark OKC Ad Club OSU Ad Club OSU Afro-Am OSU Media & Strategic Communications Norm Grey Dr. Derina Holtzhausen Ashley Garcia Paul West Dr. Juan Meng

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