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Mood Board
We leveraged existing exposure opportunities like Facebook to voice a need for additional volunteers to the therapy program. This was a smart choice for Chastain Horse Park based on their large following of Facebook users and special interest in gaining retired seniors to donate their spare time. Older demographics are most likely to use Facebook over other social media platforms, so this was the best way to reach them at no cost.
The snapchat filter we created would be an easy way to geographically tag Chastain Horse Park in order to separate it from the broader filter of Chastain Park. This would distinguish between the park and the ‘horse’ park, thus allowing people to recognize them as separate facilities and individual brands. This separation of brands would lead to a greater awareness of CHP and provide clients with a fun and popular way to share pictures taken at the horse park using social media.
*Snapchat Geofilter
social media CONTEST
The social media competition incorporated pictures taken at Chastain Horse Park using Facebook and Instagram. The competition was based on a “spot the difference” style of puzzle commonly found in magazines. The pictures were placed side by side and followers could comment with the three differences between the two pictures to win the competition. They were also required to follow CHP, like the post, and tag a friend. This effort would engage followers and provide incentives to find out more about the horse park.
Because a majority of riders and volunteers at Chastain Horse Park are female, we thought it would be fun to create emijays that they can wear to hold back their hair when riding, volunteering, or for completing any other activity around the park. It also appeals to Chastain Horse Park’s younger client base. This was a fun way to show CHP pride that also presented itself as a potential fundraising opportunity.
*Emijay Hair Ties
People and caretakers utilizing Chastain Horse Park’s hippotherapy and therapeutic riding lessons have a lot on their plate. To help cope with this, we created stress relievers in the shape of a horse. They can be squeezed to combat mental and emotional stress and but can also be used for physical therapy as a muscle-strengthening exercise. This is another way to promote Chastain Horse Park’s therapy program and another potential fundraising opportunity.
*Horse-shaped Stress Reliever
print ads
The “Be a Good ‘Neigh’bor” campaign consisted of print ads that coupled “neighborly” behavior with Chastain Horse Park through images and copy, like the tagline “You can’t lend them your shoes, but you can lend them your time.” Increasing volunteers at the park is one of the main goals of our campaign, and these print ads will help illustrate the need for volunteers in the therapy program. The print ads will be distributed across Chastain Park in an effort to inspire and maintain current volunteers and educate potential volunteers about the benefits of working in equine therapy.