Talking Mums- September issue

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“All lasting business is built on friendship.�

With the first day of Spring

comes an expectation of new things, milder weather brings more outdoor time and migration back to the beach.

You never Know how Strong you are,until being strong is the only choice you have.

I personally love the spring BBQ’s and the social atmosphere of spring, it is truely a wonderful time of the year. It’s September already, I can’t believe it! so as we go into the tail end of the year lets work together to make this season profitable and exciting. Let’s Go Girls! Spring into Spring - Creative Director Contact-

Our Community Shop is now OPEN! ...and we are celebrating with huge discounts and fantastic savings and rewards ! So come visit us and help support our mums in business !

Kids, babies, handmade, beauty, services, yummy treats, fashion, events, australi

Visit Us Now!

CONTENTS 43 SpringStyle Styling ideas to keep stylish throughout spring.

Cover - Sam Shazzam

7 HowtoSucceedinBusiness Sam shares some great tips on small business success in Australia.

17 HowToStartA


Learn how to start your very own merchandising business and get some great ideas.

24 WhyAreWomenAttracted ToACertainTypeOfMan?

A fun article about the rules of attaction

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

25 TheChangingRoleOfFathers How society has changed the roles fathers play in our children’s lives


33 SpringBBQ Learn how to entertain in style with these tasty dishes.

39 FitForBirth How to keep your body in the best shape throughout your pregnancy.

By Sam Shazzam Business is a tough gig. Aside from all of the challenges “normal” businesses face, in Australia we are also dealing with a small population spread over a large area. This makes running a business just that little bit more difficult. A high density of population in close proximity means a better chance of making sales e.g. the U.S., Europe and Asia. The internet has helped overcome some of this disadvantage and has been the main facilitator of the ‘stay at home mum’ small business boom. With websites like Etsy and blogging templates and other resources, mums at home have

been starting up micro businesses on shoe string budgets. The reality though is competition is high and standing out in that crowd is a big challenge. This may sound like a lot of doom and gloom but it’s not. You just have to be realistic and make a plan. Here are some tips you can use to set yourself up and have a better chance of business success. Firstly ask yourself some questions: 1. Why am I doing this?

2. How much time per week do I have available to work on my idea? and 3. How much money do I need to earn for my family? Once you can answer these questions you are in a way better position to make a plan. You could call it a business plan or whatever you like but you need one if you are going to have any chance of making it work. *One of the key things you need to do when creating your


For Small Business Successustralia in A

Sometimes it can be a simple

start off by selling at local markets. This is a good place to begin however what if that market shuts down, or trend shifts and markets lose popularity, or a better market opens up in the next suburb, or it becomes too expensive for you as a stallholder? Using your skills and business concept you need to think up different ways of streaming income into your business. You could do a number of things a) sell your product at markets and online b) sell a DIY kit for people to make your product themselves

c) run workshops with people on how to make your products d) run a blog with tutorials for people to do and sell advertising to brands on your page once you have created a significant following. There are many possibilities. You can make income through all of these different strategies and create security through diversity. This is just one example of a ‘multiple streams of income’ approach. My name is Sam Shazzam, I have 2 young daughters

with my partner and I have set myself up with multiple businesses and streams of income that enable me to earn a fulltime wage. That would not be possible from just one stream of income. Here are some of the things I do: http://www.biznessbabes.

thing. For example when I buy a coffee and I get a surprise biscuit or little treat I am so delighted I want to go back and tell everyone about this great coffee place that goes that one step further than the rest. You want to be that coffee place. Another essential tip for financial success in business is to create multiple streams of income for your business, this is particularly important in Australia because of our small market. If you make a product from home you may

Identify how you stand out from the crowd! plan is to identify how you stand out from the crowd. This is called your Unique Selling Proposition or USP. If what you are offering is the same thing as everybody else then why should I buy it from you? You need to be one step better, more interesting, unique and visible than the rest. If you can do this then you will have created a story worth telling within your business. You need to give people a reason to talk about you and be excited.

Feel free to follow me on any of my facebook pages to get more updates & tips for success.

Talking Mums 8


An Interview with Melissa Toye Author of EnticeMe 1) Where are you from? I live in Brisbane in Australia. 2) When and why did you begin writing? From an early age, I wrote letters to all my friends and have always enjoyed English through school. I wrote play scripts throughout high school and when on holidays

You can purchase Entice Me from Amazon for only $2.99

I would always enjoy sitting on the balcony overlooking the beach and write. When I began writing Entice Me, I did not just want to write an entertaining story but I wanted to impart a message to the reader. My message is to inspire and motivate my readers to find a more fulfilling life that they want instead of accepting the every day grind. And that’s what I hope to continue to pass on through my writing, inspiring messages through entertaining stories. 3) When did you first consider yourself a writer? I feel it was really only at the start of this year, even though I have been writing all my life. My dream was to publish my book, but I had no confidence in my ability. At the beginning of this year I created a blog (http:// ) of my emotional rollercoaster ride to chase my dreams to become an International Best Selling Author. I received supportive comments from people who were experiencing a divorce and cancer that I had touched their lives by sharing my own journey. It was incredibly encouraging. I then started receiving paid freelance writing work to write content for businesses. With the blog and regular featured articles I could see I was touching people’s lives and that people enjoyed my writing style and that’s when I

really believed that my dream in becoming a paid writer and author started to turn to reality. 4) What inspired you to write your first book? I had just left a job that left me feeling lost. I am a positive person, yet working for this company had really tested my values and work/life balance. I just started creating characters. What they looked like, their personality, where they lived. Then scenes started to emerge. Soon I had chapters all over the place and meshed it together to create a novel. Then my computer crashed and I could only recover three chapters. After four months of not writing anything, I started again. Entice Me is completely different from the original, but I believe it offers so much more to the readers. 5) How did you come up with the title? The title was the hardest part to write out of the entire book. Originally I came up with Desired Life because the women all go on a journey to seek a more desired life. However I thought this was not attention grabbing enough. Then I decided on Secret’s Unravelled. As there are many secrets that become uncovered. Finally, I was just relaxing in bed when Entice Me popped into my mind. It fit the book perfectly.

6) Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Absolutely. I want to inspire all who read Entice Me to really think about their current life and if it is what they really want. If you are in a career, is it your passion? If not change it. We have all worked in unsatisfying careers and there will always be reasons why you don’t think now is the time to chase your dream career. I am urging you – to make it happen. Find a way. It is never going to be one way to go about achieving your dream career. Think outside of the box and don’t look back. 7) Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? Miranda is a recruitment consultant and for a brief period I worked as one as well. As the work is demanding and requires long hours, I wanted to convey this as Miranda’s demanding career. There are some experiences that I have been involved in, but for the most part the story just evolved once I created the characters and the scenes. 8) What books have most influenced your life most? Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Awaken the giant within by Tony Robbins and Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. There have been many more that I would love to list but the list is

truly endless. 9) Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work? Janet Evanovich is one of my favourite authors. I can literally pick up any of her novels and will not want to put it down. I love the characters, the entertainment and the adventure that I go on when I read her books. Marian Keyes was the first writer that really captured me and ignited my passion to write.

11) Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? That I can do it! Writing a novel is a long journey. Writing a novel twice is even longer. Then finding a publisher can take one to two years. In the end I self published, I really wanted to get my message out there and Amazon was able to allow me to do that efficiently. I also have grown a lot of self confidence in myself and my abilities. This is my dream and is now becoming a reality.

10) What was the hardest part of writing your book? I don’t think there was any hard part, as soon as I put pen to paper I would write. Scene’s just opened themselves up to me. I did not have a plot, I just let the characters create the story But I will say, it was hard to dedicate time every day to achieve a daily goal. Some days it can feel like a chore to just do it, but once I started I always enjoyed developing my story. Being a Mum and making time to spend with my family, clean the house and then stay up to midnight writing once everyone has gone to bed is hard, but once I worked out how to fit everything in then everything seems to fall into place and when it doesn’t I try to not be overwhelmed by what still needs to be done.

12) Do you have any advice for other writers? Create a blog, get out there, people want to hear from you and what you are doing. Do not give up, believe in your dream and that you can achieve it. Find what motivates you and then remind yourself every day the reason why you want to achieve your goal. 13)Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? You can change your life at any moment in time. There is absolutely nothing that is holding you back. Do not let fear get in the way of you achieving your dreams. Believe you can do it. Make time for your goals every day and celebrate in every milestone you achieve along the way. You can achieve anything that you want.

What is

Linked In & Do I Need It? As defined by the LinkedIn website, “LinkedIn is a networking tool that helps you discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts and business partners. It strengthens and extends your existing network of trusted contacts.”

The keyword here is “tool.” Like any other tool, it is only valuable to you if you use it properly. Hopefully, this lens will help you learn a few ways in which you can use this invaluable tool. LinkedIn is NOT MySpace or Facebook. It is not a place where you will see vampires or zombies. It is not a place where you will pass adult beverages back and forth to your friends profiles. It is a professional place and you will need to present a professional image here if it is going to benefit you. Linked in is not a CRM Solution or Contact Management System. The fact is that not all of your Contacts will be on LinkedIn. While there are over 34 million LinkedIn members is over 200 countries, the fact is there the majority of people are still not on LinkedIn. It just seems like everyone is on it.

Top Reason to be on Linked In 1) Staying in Touch. Over the time you have been in business you have probably been in contact and had relationships with hundreds of professionals throughout your career. Think back and you will likely think of many contacts that you have simply lost contact with. Imagine if you have been able to keep your name in front of these people all of this time. I commonly think of someone I used to work with and think how perfect they would be to handle a particular job that I may have, but I have no way

to contact them. I end up finding someone new and hiring them, when I could have easily passed the work on to my previous contact . 2) Provide References. Think about times when you may need a reference. It could be when attempting to get a new client or even a new job. Imagine if you could just give out a Link that would provide them with a Professional Resume that had referrals and recommendations that were written by others included on it. This could be a powerful sales tool. 3) Get quotes and opinions from professionals in a particular field for use in your article, blog post, or research paper. Go pose a question in the group, and easily get responses to your questions. This is much easier than emailing or calling. 4) Getting publicity in articles, blog post, or research papers. This is the other end of the above. Instead of asking questions, answer them. Let others use you in their articles and blog post. Most of the time, you will get a free backlink in return! 5) Find Events. Use LinkedIn Events to find conferences, workshops and other types of events that would be useful to you, based on your professional profile. You can also see who else within your network is attending! Also you can promote your event! 6) Keep an eye on your competitors. LinkedIn, especially the Job Boards, are a great way to monitor what your competitors are doing. Are they cutting back? Are they expanding? Are they creating new strategic positions?

* I recomend starting an account for your business to grow it’s professional contacts

How To Start a Linked In Account 1) Visit the LinkedIn Web site to start your account 2) Locate the “Join Now” button and click on it. Remember it is free to join LinkedIn. 3) Begin by filling in your name and your email address in the boxes provided for you. 4) Choose a password by entering it into the box provided for you. 5) Confirm your password by reentering the previous password entry.

12) Build Your Network Conduct a “People Search” to get things going. 13) Locate the site map. Find the “Name Search” link and click on it. 14) Choose a person’s name you would like to add to your network and enter it into the box provided for you.

Tip: Joining a group on the LinkedIn network is a great way to expand you connections.

To open your account visit

6) Complete the remaining boxes and categories, along with your country and ZIP code. 7) Include information on your industry by selecting an option from the drop-down menu. Next, provide your experience. Your education information is optional. 8) Finalize the process by clicking on the “Join Now” button. 9) Make Your Account Specific Specify the needs of your account by selecting the checkboxes in either or both of the categories titled “To Find” or “To Be Found. 10) Check any of the categories that apply best to you and will be most beneficial for your business needs. 11) Click on “Save Settings” to complete your brand-new account.

Linked In Satistics *147 million members world wide *57% of small businesses use social media and 13% of them use linkedIn *1 Professional joins Linked In every second


Merchandising Business

Merchandising checklist 1. Product focus - display it well 2. Create a theme 3. Quirky interesting display entices customers into your stall or shop


4. Product blocks - colour, size, style

Merchandising is a form of promoting your goods to sell in retail. This can be online, in a bricks and mortar store or at a market stall. Merchandising is a way to express your brand strengths to the public to make a display appealing. Brand awareness and representation of a product are a big part of merchandising. Shoppers are very visual and so your brand message and products need to draw them in. Your logo is often the first point of interest for a customer when they look ay signage to recognise your brand with its colours. You forge a relationship with the shopper and pave the way for their loyalty, good word of mouth and repeat business. Think about your favourite brands if you receive a duck egg blue box with a white ribbon you immediately think Tiffany &Co. If you see a hounds tooth black and white shopping bag it’s David Jones. Take forurzero as an example our brand specialises in newborn clothing size 0000. The butterfly represents the size 0000 in the wings and for new beginning of life. Our colours represent our ethical and ecological brand because we manufacture in Australia, in non sweat shop conditions using Organic bamboo and cotton throughout the collection. Our colours green & brown, install

Talking Mums 18

or price, uniformity works visually

5. Bulk up the display. If you have a limited product range collaborate with other businesses to provide variety. Keep it interesting so it entices the customer to shop. Customers will judge you and if they love it they will shop, tell their friends about you as brand ambassadors and comment on social media. It is fun watching the customers eyes light up as they walk past an interesting display.

calm, ethics, environment and trust in our luxury brand. The newborn baby is your most precious asset in your family and we want to provide the support and knowledge that your baby will be dressed comfortably and securely. From start to finish our brand is represented seamlessly in the clothing and packaging. It has taken a lot of time to get the logo and colours right, if you look at our

website or social media platforms you will see we have the same brand message and branding through all platforms. When you are thinking of your merchandising go back to the basics. Is your logo right for your brand? Is your name easy for the customer to use, will it get misspelt? Is the font on signage you are using easy to read? Your brand message isn’t going to be

remembered if your customer can’t pronounce or spell your business name. Brainstorm all these options. Now thinking about merchandising what are your brand colours? Are they used throughout the business seamlessly? Do they represent you well. As a baby brand I wouldn’t put red or black with my business name as its too harsh, but as a PR company you would as it’ll give the business authority. Take the time to google colour and branding you’ll be surprised what you find and example http://www.logocritiques. com/resources/color_psychology_in_ logo_design/ You wouldn’t expect the big brands such as Coco-Cola or Cadbury to not think about brand messages in colour and packaging, so as a small business think big and you’ll instil the confidence in your brand and customers.

This is your store window. Theme your display that fits in with your brand and think about how you are going sell to your products. Start looking at pinterest for ideas and going to markets in your area. The Bulimba Festival is a big event fourzero shall be showcasing the brand and I am preparing my brand for this event. We have a 3x3m stall and I have themed our brand display around a nursery. Fourzero will be collaborating with four brands to make a display and in turn provides great cross promotion. Customers get to visualise the products in their life. - Carolyn

When entering the market place with your product or service think like the David Jones and Myer department stores and how they promote brands. When preparing for your market this is your shop front experience for your customer and how they visually see your brand, recognise you in the future and buy from

Takin Be a planner. Set goals for the first month, first six months and first year. Be a tracker. Know where the money goes and where it comes from. Be a fast learner. Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

It is a huge decision to

create a family owned and family run business. Always remember that you are your biggest asset. Getting the balance right will take trial and error, but every new day is an opportunity to get it right. Money will flow in and out. Money will flow to you in gratitude for your hard

Talking Mums 20

work. Money will flow out to support your quality of life. Accept the responsibility that comes with being your own boss. Speak to your partner and/or children about what you are doing and how you plan on making money. Teach them how you are using your special set of skills to earn it,

what things cost and how, as a family, decisions will have to be made about where the money goes. Don’t be afraid to involve your children; they need to learn money does not magically appear from an ATM machine in unlimited supply. In your business plan, pay them a wage and include

ngCareOfBusiness Tips to Set up a small business

them in preparing a working budget for your small business. Be very clear about what they are expected to pay for themselves and even clearer that once they have spent their money, there will be no more until next ‘pay day’. Use your business experience to help your children understand the flow of money and how it impacts their lives. Never speak about money in a negative light in front of your children, but

realistically show them how to live within their means. It is a truly valuable life lesson as they will learn how to handle their finances from watching you. *Believe in your talent and what you can do. You are taking care of business. - Michelle Worthington

Get Creative andOrganised Here are some great ideas to organise your office

FitnessF 1) Where is SMP Fitness located? SMP Fitness operates out of local council parks. Currently there are classes in North Lakes, and later this month I will be starting classes in Caboolture and Bribie Island. Who knows where we will pop up next! 2) How long have you been located there? I have only been operating since July 3) How long have you been trading for? I finished my studies in June of this year, and began trading in July. 4) What was the inspiration behind starting your business? I have always loved working with children, and since having my daughter have become quite passionate about children’s nutrition and fitness. In an age where we have ‘apps’ for 2 year olds, kids just aren’t engaging in as much physical activity as they used to. Their gross motor skills are not developing as proficiently as they should. If this continues to primary school years, they are less likely to enjoy school sports if they don’t experience success in the activity. I wanted to work for myself to give myself the greatest flexibility to have ‘the best of both worlds’ and allow my work to fit in with my home life, not the other way around and so SMP Fitness was born J

Your Kids will have fun and learn great life skills Talking Mums 22

5) What did you do before you opened SMP Fitness? Before having my daughter in 2009 I was a learn to swim instructor (which I still do now as part of SMP FITNESS). I also worked in school holiday programs as sports instructor/learn to swim teacher in both the UK and USA. When my daughter was around 15 months old I decided to go to TAFE and become a personal trainer specialising in children’s fitness.

Fun 6) Tell us a little bit about your fitness programs for kids and your point of difference with your programs? Kinder Moves (for 3-5 year olds) is a 30minute themed activity that develops gross motor skills, balance and co ordination, socialisation and so much more. The classes are a great way for your child to be physically active in a non-comepetitive, non sport specific environment. Mini Moves sessions go for 60 minutes and are suited for 5-8 year olds. 7) Have you won any awards or achievements we should know about? Not yet, but watch this space ;) I have been nominated for the Quest Business Achiever Awards, but the winners have not been finalised yet.

Ask Sarah about her 1 on 1 learn to swim classes for all ages. SMP will come to your home

8) What ages do kids have to be to participate? Kinder Moves is for 3-5 year olds, and Mini Moves is for 5-8 year olds. 9) Do you have specialised programs, such as party packs etc and explain a little about how they work? SMP Fitness can take the stress out of organising a birthday party! We supply the activities, games and fun, and even include a nutritional component where the children make and taste a great fun snack! Parties can be held in your backyard, or a local park

10) A short description about how you operate (also juggling all of your commitments etc). I am still working this out!!! I am a single mum, so I run classes on the days my daughter is in daycare while all ‘paperwork’ side of the business gets completed at night once she is asleep. Talking Mums 23


Fun Facts Women do not want an honest answer to the question, ‘How do I look?’ In Saudi Arabia, women can get a divorce if her husband doesn’t give her coffee! Women speak on average 7000 times per day while men only speak on average 2000 words per day. Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. Six year olds laugh on average 300 times per day. Adults only laugh 15-100 times per day. It is a fact that women in business are more prepared to risk big in terms of their business investment and are twice as likely to then men.

Talking Mums 24

Mmmmmmm Broad Shoulders....... I mean, nice guy!

Are you attracted to Men with broad shoulders and a defined Jaw Line? Heres Why I’m not sure if you have noticed

how us women seem to love broad shoulders on men. Not only broad shoulders but we also love the “Brad Pitt” well defined jaw line. Now I’m not going to tell you to not notice these things or that’s it’s bad. However you may be curious into why this is. Luckily for us psychological research has found some answers to this phenomenon.

What the research has found is that males that have broad shoulders and those jaw lines we love are likely to have higher testosterone levels than those who don’t have these features. What does that mean? You ask. Research has found that high levels of testosterone is not actually good for the body and it takes a killer immune system to still be healthy and happily functioning with these testosterone levels.

Therefore us women who are unconsciously looking for the best physiological partner to create healthy babies are attracted to the men who have a high functioning immune system. So checking out those shoulders are for our children’s own good! -Katrina Dekka

Mum 2 Mum In recent times the role of fathers has changed significantly only a few decades ago The main role of the Father of the house was to work and bring in the bulk of the money and be the main disciplinarian, with the changes in the economic development of women’s

roles in the business and commerce sectors, we are finding that not only are men capable nurturer’s but they are also able to cope quite well with physical and phycological changes in their children, the roles of the modern Father are varied these can include external employment, stay at home dads, step

dads, single dads and adoptive fathers to name a few. Research also shows that affection and increased family involvement on the part of the father or father figure suggests that these kids were more socially and emotionally developed. When Speaking about the Dad in the childs

The Changing Role

of Fathers

life this can also mean the significant male which includes, Step fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles and other relatives as they can play a huge role in the lives of the child. The absence of the biological father does not mean the absence of the dad or father figure.

physical needs, by helping to monitor discipline, being available for consolation with the children and providing for their needs (ie; provide a home clothes and food) with of course a good dose of Fun. - Jeanette Gray

In conclusion the modern day father can contribute to the health and wellbeing of their children supporting their phycological and

My favourite Quote about Father’s “A father is someone who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.�

Maghead 09


SCISSORS 1) Where is Giggles and Scissors located? Gold Coast, Brisbane & Bayside 2) How long have you been trading for? 3 years 3) What did you do before opening Giggle and Scissors? I worked in a Brisbane day spa that catered for mums with children. 4) What was the inspiration behind starting your business? The idea came from when I was

working in a children’s salon in Sloan Square London. The over head cost of a salon in this day and age was frightening enough without having to charge an arm & a leg just to keep it open! Children are always more comfortable in their own 5) Tell us a little bit about your business and your point of difference with your products/ business?

Giggles & Scissors specialise in mobile childrens & special needs hairdressing! We take all the drama out of haircut time by coming to you! Our stylists are fast and have different techniques to keep everyone involved safe. 90% of parents with ASD children will tell you what an ordeal haircut time can be! We get in and get the job done, we dont worry about it & once its over neither should the

the parents! “Believe me, your 2yr old wont do anything I haven’t seen before!!” If you have more than one child it is a bit of an

By coming to your home Pam and her team take the organizational chaos out of the trip to the hair dresser and the kids enjoy it too.


Organisational nightmare to take them all into a hairdressing salon especially if it is only one child getting a haircut so by coming to the home we are taking all of that organizational chaos out of the exercise and the children usually enjoy it too. AND…we look after Mum’s & Dad’s too! 6) Have you won any awards or achievements we should know about? Giggles & Scissors has been nominated in the 2012 Quest Business Awards, we find out in a week if we are finalists. We are sponsors for the Royal

Childrens Brisbane, Gold Coast & Mater Childrens Hospital Saftey Booklets. 7) Who runs the business? Pam Waring-Baker is Director and she has two amazing stylists to ensure all areas are covered. 8) What are your hours of operation? We work when you need us to! In Brisbane I do a lot of after hour appointments and this means Dad’s can jump in for a quick cut too! 9) What are you most passionate about when it comes to your business? Being flexible and available! Children are very

unpredictable! So we do our very best to be flexible to suit the client (or the 2yr old!)! 10)Do you have any secrets behind running your business such as inspiring quotes or words you live by? My Father is a successful businessman who I bounce all of my ideas off. Its always nice to have a supportive family who keep you grounded. Always remember to take care of number “Be so good they cant ignore you!” is always something that picks me up after a busy draining day! If there is anything else you would like to let us know about please add it in :) Giggles & Scissors does in home headlice treatments to get rid of the nasty creepy crawlies! We can give you tip on how to “Nit Free” your home!

To Find out more or to book an appointment head to

Talking Mumss 29

Moisturise SunProtection LipCare

AvoidTooMuchMakeup FightGreasyHair


September school holidays are fast approaching. I always find this break such a great time of year to getaway with the family. Spring has sprung, the weather is warming up, new life is blossoming; and with this season shift comes inspiration and adventure. Whether you’re road-tripping, camping, heading to the beach or jetsetting off by air, it’s still possible to retain parts of your beauty routines. As a mother of young children, I know the stresses and time constraints that come with travelling as a family. However, Talking Mums 30

there are few tips that I always abide by when travelling, to ensure my skin and hair is not being completely neglected, and I’m still feeling confident in how I look and feel. Holidays are about relaxing, breaking routine and enjoying time spent with your loved ones. Make the most of this time off, by also simplifying your beauty needs.

1) Moisturise. If you’re travelling

by plane or car, your skin can get easily dehydrated by the harsh air-conditioning; therefore ensure

you are constantly keeping the moisture up in your skin with a super absorbent, but oil-free moisturiser.

2) Protect yourself from the

sun. As mothers, we sometimes spend so much effort and time, protecting our children – making sure they have sunscreen and hats on; that we forget about ourselves. Take the time to lather sunscreen into your skin too. The last thing you want on your holiday is painful, itchy & peeling sunburn.

HolidayBeauty Follow these Six Tips to Simplifying your holiday beauty routine and enjoy your time spent off relaxing 3) Avoid make-up as much as possible. Give your skin a holiday too! If you want some colour, just try a few streaks of shimmer or bronzer along the tops of your cheeks and the bridge of your nose. 4) Fight off greasy hair. Dry

Shampoo is the perfect accessory for the busy mum, especially when on holidays. No water needed – just apply to dry, dirty hair and lather through. A musthave if you’re heading out on a camping trip.

5) Lip Care. Swap your usual

lipstick or lip gloss for a tinted lip balm. Travel as well as the change in climate, can cause your

lips to dry out, peel and crack. A moisture-rich lip balm will leave your lips feeling smoother, fuller and shinier.

6) Nail Care. Unless you’re

heading to a day spa for your holiday destination, it’s unlikely you will have the time or desire to maintain your nail colour. Avoid wearing bright, dark coloured nail polish, as when they chip; it will be more noticeable and look messy. Try a soft, neutral colour or a simple clear gloss. - Claire Chadwick

Mums Secret-Moisture cream

Tony & Guy Finish Spray

Maybeline Baby Lips

*Made with a unique combination of 15 natural and organic Ingredients. *One convenient cream for the WHOLE family – from head to toe. Especially formulated for sensitive and delicate skin. *Free from parabens, petrochemicals, paraffin, fragrance, nut oils and lanolin. Just to name a few…

* A spray which adds shine to a finished style. This spray can be used throughout the day to refresh hair, and is particularly effective at combating the smell of smoke and other unpleasant odours.

*Now lips glow with a healthy blush that’s true to you. * It’s a fantastic lip balm and doesn’t make you look like you are wearing lipstick in the middle of the day like some others do.


Yay! Our favourite season is finally here. Now that the cold winter months are over it’s time to get out into the sunshine and discover some of the lovely produce spring has to offer. Apart from having a vegie patch in your own back yard, the Farmers markets are not only a way to get fresh produce, it is also an excellent way to support your local farmers. If you can’t make it along to a local market, another way to source great produce is through online ordering and home delivery such as and They choose your produce for you straight from the source at the markets, pack it and deliver it to your door. - Merydith & Samara

Here are some of our favourite spring foods and helpful hints:



Strawberry picking at some of the local strawberry fields is not only a fun filled activity for the family; it will guarantee you a ripe and sweet tasting strawberry. Being such a versatile ingredient, strawberries can be used as a breakfast food (smoothies, mixed with muesli and yoghurt), and is also a great addition for baking muffins, jams and our ultimate fave, cupcakes!

2 Pineapple A great way to choose a fresh pineapple is to choose one that still has its leaves intact and pull on one leaf gently. If it comes away from the fruit easily, the pineapple is ripe and ready to eat.


Avocado Another versatile ingredient is the avocado. A great first food for introducing baby as it is soft and easy to digest. To ripen an avocado, place the fruit in a plain brown paper bag and store at room temperature until ready to eat. This will take two to five days. Including an apple or a banana in the bag accelerates the process, as these fruits give off ethylene gas- a ripening agent.


Naval Orange Oranges can be used in alot of different ways one example is, Using a “zester�, the top layer of an orange peel can be scraped to produce zest. This can then be used to strong flavor to foods, such as sauces, soups and salads. The zest can be dried overnight and then stored in airtight bottles for future use.



Lemons are awesome for all kinds of different uses some that I have found are handy are * Put a teaspoon of lemon juice added to your dishwashing detergent can help boost grease cutting power * Heat a bowl of water and lemon slices in your microwave for 30 seconds to a minute; then wipe out the oven. Stains will be easier to remove and old food odors will be neutralized.

Talking Mums 33

Q B B g n e i h r T Sp e l y t S n I n i a t r e Ent

T-Bone Steak

with Garlic & Chive Butter


*175g butter *1 garlic clove, crushed *1 tbs chopped fresh chives *6 beef T-bone steaks *1tbs olive oil

Method 1) combine the butter, garlic, and chives in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Shape into a log and wrap in glad wrap. Place in fridge until firm. Cut the butter into slices and unwrap the plastic from the butter. 2) Preheat a BBQ plate to high. Season the steaks with salt and pepper. Rub oil on the steaks. Cook on BBQ for 4-5mins each side for medium-rare or until cooked to your liking. Transfer to a baking tray. Cover with foil. Leave them sit for 5 mins. Top each steak with a slice of garlic butter to serve.

s a e d I t a Gre for a y a d s ’ r e h Fat Feast Maghead 30

Grilled Pineapple with Lemon Granita


*1 Pineapple, peeled and halved length ways *80grams ( 1/2 cup ) of brown sugar

Lemon Granita

*500ml (2 cups of cold water) *225g (1 cup, lightly packed) brown sugar *4 strips of lemon rind *4 large mint sprigs, crushed *185ml (3/4 cup) fresh lemon juice *2-3 tbs vodka *1 tbs chopped fresh mint


Method 1) To make the lemon granita, place the water, sugar and lemon rind in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, and stir until sugar dissolves. 2) Increase heat to high and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium-high and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in the mint springs. Set aside to cool. 3) Strain the syrup through a fine sieve into a large bowl. Discard the lemon rind and mint sprigs. Stir in the lemon juice and vodka. Pour into a 26x16cm (base measurement) pan. Cover with foil and place in the freezer for 4-6 hours or until firm. 4) Preheat a barbecue grill on medium. Cut each pineapple half lengthways into 6 wedges. Insert a skewer into each wedge. Place the sugar on a plate. Place the pineapple in the sugar and turn to lightly coat. Cook the pineapple on grill for 2-3 minutes each side or until golden and slightly charred. Set aside to cool slightly. Serve with a light salad and a meat dish such as T-Bone Steak and drizzle your dish with Lemon Granita. Enjoy

Tutti Frutti Blackberry & Strawberry Smoothie

Ingredients * 6 Ice cubes, crushed * 400g Strawberries * 150g Blackberries * 1 Banana * 170g Vanilla yogurt


Smoothies I love smoothies! they are my favourite treat for relaxing with on a gorgeous spring afternoon on the varanda accompanied with a great book. Here is a beautiful recipe for you to try at home.

* 400ml Coconut milk * 6 Basil leaves

Method Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 60 seconds Enjoy :)

Our Community Store is now OPEN! ...and we are celebrating with huge discounts and fantastic savings and rewards ! So come visit us and help support our mums in business !

Kids, babies, handmade, beauty, services, yummy treats, fashion, events, australi

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Dinner with Family Dinner with the Family With spring comes socialising. It’s that time of year when we all catch up before ‘crazy’ season starts. Keep your Jewellery simple but remember simple doesn’t always mean plain. By adding a simple necklace and bracelet set to your outfit will brighten and inspire. A handbag hook is the perfect item when having dinner. Nothing worse than having a dirty handbag or not knowing where to put it. These versatile pretty hooks store easily in your hand bag and make for a pretty touch to any dinner table.

Family BBQ Meeting Friends for Lunch As busy mums, this rare treat is something we all love to do but don’t get to often enough. Swap your usual bulky practical hand bag for a pretty clutch. You only need your cash and phone after all! Take off those ‘comfy’ shoes and replace with a kitten heel or sparkly sandal. Change up your mum Jeans with a flowy skirt and remember to enjoy yourself!

My favourite accessory just happens to be my hats. Wear a crochet beanie or top off your outfit with a funky 50’s style hat. Add a long scarf secured by a pretty brooch to add a little warmth and flair to your outfit. Again spring is all about comfort. With a hat and scarf you can keep warm but also be able to store them should the weather turn warm.

Spr ing IsAllAboutComfor t&St yle Talking Mums 38

RaceDay Accessories With the racing season coming up it’s all about Accessories! Make sure you start with your outfit. As with every trend fashion is doing a complete cycle with 1950’s style back in this year. Pick something you love and build your accessories around your outfit. With natural tones being the main focus this year, opt for mixing and matching different colours of the same tone. Pair an earthy dress with a coloured heel, matching handbag and of course the beloved fascinator. As is every year, the more original the fascinator the better, with every woman wanting to be the focus in grand tradition.


w w w.facebook .com/gir leythings

Also available from Ta l k i n g M u m s CommunityShop


Why on earth would anyone in their right mind consider doing pilates whilst pregnant?! 1. The main focus of pilates are the abs – the DEEP abs – the ones that push that baby out of it’s warm little cocoon – the stronger Transverse muscles, the ‘easier’ the labour 2. Pilates strengthens your pelvic floor – 1 in 3 women become incontinent after giving birth – you don’t want to be another statistic now do you?! 3. You may try to ignore it but your boobs WILL get bigger and your shoulders will roll forward to compensate. Pilates sorts out your posture so as your body changes, so does your alignment. 4. A stronger tummy means less back pain 5. The pilates breath actually lowers your cortisol (stress hormone) levels. Better for you, baby and everyone around you! So they’re just a few good reasons. So let’s get into it:

Rolling down the wall

(to really stretch out your lower back. Repeat 3 times) Stand with your back against the wall. Feet hip width apart, about a foot away from the wall. Make sure you can feel your whole spine against the wall and your chest is open. Inhale and as you exhale, let your head drop gently to your chest, relax your arms and feel the weight of your head, neck and arms pull you down. Scoop your pelvis underneath you and release one bone at a time from the wall, rolling all the way down. Keep a soft bend in your knees. When you reach the bottom, take a breath in and then as you exhale again, pull your tummy back towards your spine and then gently roll back up keeping your head tucked into your chest whilst placing each bone back on the wall.

Talking Mums 40


Roll-ups (you’ll feel your tummy in this one as well as a nice stretch in your hammies and spine. Repeat 6-8 times)


Lie flat on your back and find a neutral position in your spine against the mat. Stretch your arms out over your head, making sure your shoulders are relaxed and your ears are as far away from them as possible! Take a breath in and as you do, raise your arms towards the ceiling and tuck your chin into your chest. Exhale and use your tummy to pull your torso off the ground, still reaching with your arms and curling over as your fingers reach toward your toes (you don’t have to touch them!) Your spine should not straighten. Inhale and on the exhale, start to slowly roll back down to the floor the same way you rolled up, controlling the movement with your tummy, reaching with your arms and keeping them at shoulder height and lowering your spine back onto the floor one vertebra at a time.

Single leg circles

(this will help to loosen your hips and stretch your hamstrings. Trace a football shape using your leg whilst keeping the motion smooth. Squeeze your butt for support and use your tummy too) Lie flat on your back with your arms by your side. Bring your right knee into your chest. Then, keeping your leg aligned with your hip, relax your leg straight up. Get as close as you comfortably can to forming a right angle with your body. Next, whilst keeping your hips still, cross your leg over your body like a windscreen wiper. Once your leg has passed your shoulder, swing it down past your still leg like a blade by about 6 inches, and then up toward the ceiling. Stay within the frame of your body (keep your leg within the frame of your shoulders) and if you feel your hips wobbling around, make the circles smaller. Reverse the movement and repeat 5 times. Then change legs and do it all again on the left side. This is just a tiny taster of many other highly beneficial exercises that pilates has to offer the pregnant lady. Tasha Lawton is a highly qualified and experienced pilates instructor and whilst she was pregnant with her son, she filmed a set of trimester specific pilates for pregnancy workout dvds. They are available from

Tasha Lawton-


Marina Spring is just a magical time of year. In addition to the warmer weather it also brings one of life’s most power gifts…hope. It’s the season of new life in nature, the very real new beginnings, the ultimate example of hope…hope for life; long and prosperous. For most of us this translates to our lives too, albeit often in a less obvious manner. As we shrug off winters chill, the excitement about brighter days, balmy nights, years end, and New Year opportunities all begins to get triggered at the commencement of spring. We future pace our minds into the wonder that could unfold in the

coming months…. We envisage favourable scenarios, we dream, we hope. Or we don’t. For many the thought of warmer months brings apprehension and fear, and the picture I just painted couldn’t be further from their reality. Why? Because many of us are painfully unhappy and uncomfortable in our skin and this seemingly small aspect of our lives manages to impede our ability to fully embrace the emotion of hope and happiness

in all areas of life. True, or true? So while this is sad news, I argue that if this is the case, then there is perhaps no better time than spring to get focused and committed to improving our health and wellbeing. It’s not too hot yet and by working diligently through spring…a gift of 12 weeks… you will have transformed your body, and more importantly your outlook so that this summer you will be able to bask effortlessly in the rays of happiness, fun…and hope :)


in 12 Weeks!

Week 1- 4: Building from walking 45minutes 3 times per week to walking for 2 minutes/jogging 1 minute for 45 minutes 4 times a week. Week 5-8: Begin walking 1 minute, jogging 2min for 40 minutes (4 x times per week) end by jogging 5minutes walking 1minute for 60 minutes, 3 times per week.

What do I suggest you ask? Well, I recommend cutting out sugar from your diet for 12 weeks and eating as fresh and whole as possible. I suggest you start moving more, ideally everyday but if that’s too big a shift, then shoot for the following; a basic beginners running program.

Week 8-12: Begin by jogging 20 minutes, 3 times per week + plus 2 longer walk/jog 45minute sessions. End by running 3040 minutes, 4 times a week.

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Head to for a free guide on the best abdominal exercises to do to get a flat belly and perfect posture Talking Mums 43

SpringFashion Guide to Spring

We have four top spring trends and we are going to show you how you can wear them without looking like you are in costume or trying too hard.


BOLDprints Bold prints are still huge and they are bigger and bolder than last season. If you are concerned with how to wear them everyday, pick one or two colours from the print for your accessories.

Because it is getting hot you can now get away with wearing thongs with your casual outfits, so invest in some vibrant colours this season.

A Bag with Bold Prints can be a great adition to a plain outfit Animal Prints, Flower Prints and

SomePopularPrints Bold Shapes

Talking Mums 44

Metallic 2

Metallic shoes can be a fantastic way to spice up an outfit without over doing it

Metallic is not just for night time anymore. If this seems too over the top for daywear, just just with some metallic nail polish or a belt. Don’t be scared to mix metals. Adding gold to a silver outfit creates some warmth in the outfit.

Metallic Nail Polish

is very in this season and looks fantastic!

By Redcliffe Style

PastelShades 3 Gorgeous soft Pastels are back. Pastels look gorgeous with other pastels or white, but if you are concerned about little dirty fingers, then team your pastels with denim.

By Redcliffe Style

A gorgeous white dress can be teamed with beautiful pastel jewellery

Again pastel shoes can make your outfit really beautiful

Pastel Lipstick

is very elegant and can be worn day or night

Orange 4

You can’t hide in a corner wearing orange. it’s bright, cheery and beautiful. You can soften it with white or make a statement with a complimentary colour. Orange sandals can be a wonderful addition to a gorgeous spring outfit

Orange Accessories can brighten up any outfit

By Redcliffe Style

Out& About

Julieanne and Claire reading to the kids

Talking Mums 48

Claire had designed some special illustrations from the book for the children to colour in

The kids loved the activities that were joined with the book and so did the adults.

Book Reading at Bribie island Book: Darth Author: Julieann Wallace Illustrator: Claire Wallace These two talented women did an amazing job at entertaining the children at Bribie Island Rotary Markets on the 12th of August The kids had heaps of fun listening to the story about Darth, the ladies even brought darth along in person to meet all the kids. There was plenty of games and prizes and everybody, including the adults had a great time.

The fishing game was a hit, because once the kids caught a fish they got to choose a prize. Afterwards Julieanne and Claire signed the their book for their new fans.



Don’t forget your pirate outfits. There will be games and a prize for the best dressed!

Head on down to Bribie Island for another

exciting story time and book signing for the children. Not only do we have very successful published Brisbane Author Michelle Worthington visiting us we also have the very talented professional illustrator Karen Mounsey-Smith.

Michelle and Karen have developed a beautiful children’s storybook called The Pink Pirate. “Arrgh! It’s hard to be the daughter of a pirate. Georgia wants to join the crew of the Jolly Jellyfish more than anything else, but her father says girls can’t be pirates. What will it take for him to see just what a fabulous pink pirate Georgia could be?”

Talking Mums 50

Lisa Cruse from Pint Size Books, a local Bribie Business who has had the pleasure of organising the event says “I am really looking forward to seeing all the children dressed in there best pirate outfits.” Michelle Worthington has several published works and with more on the way she is one busy author. If you have any questions for her about how to get started with your own children’s storybook Michelle runs individual and group workshops. Michelle Worthington (Author) Says “we love coming to Bribie for storytelling. The kids have a real sense of wonder and compassion and they love learning new things. You can tell they are brought up in a community that values the Arts.”

Karen Mounsey-Smith (Illustrator) Says” We love storytelling to the kids at Bribie. They are surrounded by people who love nature, the arts and learning, and that makes a huge difference in their lives. Bribie is a great place to bring my kids.” So for a lovely day out with the children and to meet two very talented women, come to the Brennan Park Rotary Markets on the 9th September at 10.30 am, The rotary club will have their BBQ going for a sausage sizzle lunch with all the proceeds going back into the Bribie Island Rotary Community. -Lisa Cruse

Book of


TheMonth Encourages the fun of reading, by combining basic craft and simple internet skill to personalise a beautiful book for your little Where has the year gone? The EKKA is over as fast as it began, Fathers day is done as well. Before we know it, the Craziness of Christmas in upon us. I know we are all getting better at being organised for Christmas with the big toy sales and long layby’s but….. It is so hard to not splash out in the last month hurrying to find that perfect thing or something you know your friends children have never Talking Mums 52

seen before and will love. Ahhh Why do all the children know about everything and nothing is cool for longer then 5 minutes? This is why I am hoping you will love the book of the month this month. It is something a little different. Not only is it a book with a great story but it is also a fun craft activity for parents and children to enjoy together. The wonderful Australian Author Tracey Regan has

1st Head to Pint Size Books and Purchase your pack for $11, which includes, colour pictures, Cover page and some stickers, 2nd Head to the Lemon Tree Company Web site and type in your child’s name and your email details, 3rd Print and stick your own personalized book


Talking Mums 54

Spring Is In The Air Spring is in the air on Bribie Island. If you are planning a holiday or weekend getaway, this is a perfect time of year to visit Bribie. Join those already basking in the sun and enjoying what Bribie Island has to offer. Spend your days kayaking in the Pumicestone Passage, exploring the Bribie Island Marine Park, spotting for Dolphins, Duggong or Turtles. ‘Boab Boat Hire’ will accomodate you with a boat. For long walks on the beach and a swim in the surf head out to Woorim. Watch the world go by in one of Bribie Island’s famous cafe’s. Breakfast with views of the passage at the ‘By the Sea on Bribie’ cafe is a good place to start your day, followed by lunch, or a relaxing cup of coffee and a homemade cake or two at the ‘Village Deli’.

of what awaits you.

‘The Coffee Club’ on Bribie Island offers all day breakfast, gourmet pizzas, burgers, salads and of course great coffee.

Being bored on Bribie Island is not an option. ‘Take the family to The Abbey Museum of Art and Archeology’ or ‘The Bribie Island Seaside Museum’ for a bit of history, and explore their gift shops.

Fish and chips in one of our waterfront parks is a must and you will find the best and freshest fish and chips on Bribie Island at ‘Savages Seafood’. No holiday is complete without a little bit of shopping. A walk along ‘The Bongaree Village Shopping Centre’ is where you will find fine foods, fashion, jewelery, unique gifts and much more. You should not return home without the ‘Mayyada Bazaar’ experience. Browse the isles filled with a unique range of products such as gifts, jewelery, casual fashion, home decoration and furnishing. A visit to ‘Lilly Cottage’ is always a treat. It’s filled with all things that make a house a home. Sample vintage style living at it’s best. Than there is ‘Your Space’. A unique selection of gifts, massage, yoga, meditation, belly dancing, tarot readings and sewing lessons are just a small sample

While you are in Woorim enjoying the surf beach, check out ‘Bribie Music’ where you will find rare musical instruments, memorabilia, posters, books and musical bric a brac.

‘At The Community Art Centre’ you will find the Mathew Flinders Gallery. The exhibits are always interesting and you can shop there as well. Accomodation on Bribie Island is affordable. ‘First National Real Estate’ has rentals to suit all budgets, and for something different, there is ‘Witchie Woo Wellness B&B’. ‘Bongaree Caravan Park’ has villas, caravans and camping facilities. is your ultimate guide. We are the eyes and ears of Bribie Island. Visit us online and follow us on facebook We look forward to seeing you soon - Betty Homoki

Our Community Store is now OPEN! ...and we are celebrating with huge discounts and fantastic savings and rewards ! So come visit us and help support our mums in business !

Kids, babies, handmade, beauty, services, yummy treats, fashion, events, australi

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