Talking Shop ISSUE 117 – April 2022
The magazine for Premier retailers
Brave new dawn
New retailer revitalises Farnham community with fantastic new store
Time to Refresh?
Add £50k to your bottom line
Mix it up
Drive sales with premix cocktails
New JUUL2 Available from May 2022 Designed for adult smokers. Not for sale to minors. JUUL is an e-cigarette. This is an age-restricted product and age verification is required at sale. TM and © 2022 JUUL Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
WARNING: This product contains nicotin
ne which is a highly addictive substance.
Talking Shop | April 2022
Talking Shop ISSUE 117 – April
The magazin
e for Premier
A warm welcome to your latest issue of Talking Shop as our thoughts turn to a new season and a fresh set of opportunities over the coming months. As well as the warmer weather, we are certainly looking forward to a number of key seasonal opportunities like Mother’s Day and Easter before summer is upon us and we gear up for what we hope will be another productive, profitable season. You’ll find plenty of great advice, promotions and support in this issue to help you get the very best out of the months that lie ahead. Our annual Premier Beer & Cider Festival is back with another fantastic selection of products and deals, all supported by a full POS pack to help you really bring the festival to life in your store. With summer on the horizon, we are also taking a look at the Jubilee in this issue, a brilliant opportunity to grow sales in a wide range of categories as shoppers head outdoors to enjoy great times with family and friends. There’s also an interesting piece looking at the strong range of pre-mix cocktail solutions that Premier provides to let you offer your shoppers bar-quality cocktails with a minimum of effort and fuss. Cocktails have been in big growth, so this is clearly an opportunity worth looking at for the summer period. In the same vein, Premier has also launched a new range of frozen products, including a new selection of ice cream and ice lolly multipacks. Larger format packs and multipacks have been in strong demand in recent times and these new lines will help you increase basket spend and unlock new sales and profits. Our updated £1PM multipack confectionery range is also featured in this issue, as is our Refresh@Premier solution which could help you earn up to £50k extra profit every year. This drinksto-go solution requires minimal effort from your team and very little, if any, up-front cash outlay – so it’s a great opportunity to attract new shoppers and grow sales with existing shoppers. I wish you all fantastic trading over the coming months!
Brave new dawn
New retailer revitalises Farnham com munity with fantastic new store
Time to Refresh? Add £50k to your bottom line
Mix it up
Drive sales with premix cocktai ls
COVER STORY New retailer joins Premier and revitalises local community with fantastic new store THE THREE BIG STORIES 50 Festival Fun The Premier Beer & Cider Festival returns with more great promotions. 74 Refresh your offer Grow your profits by up to £50k with Refresh@Premier. 78 Multiply your sales Premier’s £1PM multipack confectionery range bigger than ever. Share your shop news
If you’ve got news, tips or feature ideas, please get in touch with Talking Shop: EMAIL: Martyn Parkinson, Sales Director – Retail
4 TalkingShop April 2022
DISCLAIMER: Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change.
78 Earn £50k more with Refresh@ Premier.
Sacrificed living space in a bid to offer a “game-changing” offer.
61 Bar-quality cocktails made easy.
Krishna Krishnapillai has given Blackhill shoppers a unique new fresh proposition.
A show-stopping convenience offer is on show at Premier Horsley Hill.
Premier News
38 Fresh approach
71 Sub-zero sales
New Barclaycard deal and Booker
New fresh offer and refit drives
New ice cream and lolly range to
butchers join elite club.
growth in Blackhill.
unlock fresh sales.
News Booker distributes 1.8 million meals to the needy in 2021.
11 Community News A selection of the latest community-focused news.
13 Industry News New calorie labelling regulations come into force in April.
18 Room for improvement Oxshott retailer sacrifices home to grow store.
24 Refreshing change Sales double after refit for Horsley Hill retailer.
50 Premier Beer & Cider Festival Annual festival returns with great new products and deals.
61 Cocktails made easy Cash in on cocktail growth with pre-mix options.
65 Ones To Watch The latest new products including
74 Refresh@Premier The minimum-fuss way to add £50k to your profits.
78 Price-marked profits Premier’s £1PM confectionery range gets an update.
87 Guest Column Planning for new calorie labelling laws.
16 new frozen lines.
New ice cream and ice lolly multipacks.
30 Brave new dawn New store transforms Farnham community. April 2022 TalkingShop
NEW Fanta is the New and Exclusive to Booker in 2022* *As part of the 6 month Tesco Group Exclusive from Feb 2022.
No 1 flavoured
carb in GB
£7.79 per case.
Introductory offer valid until 3rd May 2022
Nielsen Total Value LC MAT TY (w) up to w/end 06.11.21 © 2022 The Coca-Cola Company. All rights reserved. FANTA is a registered trade mark of The Coca-Cola Company
Booker distributes 1.8 million meals to the needy in 2021 Working with the FareShare network of charities Booker has redistributed 773 tonnes of food to the needy, enough to provide the equivalent of 1.8 million meals.
Case Study:
Glyn Ceiriog
YOUR OVERALL IMPACT IN 2021 l 773 tonnes l 2,063 tonnes CO2 prevented from going to waste l 1.8 million meals l 3,792 charities l 1.6 billion litres water saved l 2.6 million cars miles off the road l 35,500 trees planted
Booker redistributed over 773 tonnes of food to communities across the UK in 2021, the equivalent of more than 1.8 million meals. Working with FareShare, the UK’s biggest charity fighting hunger and food waste, Booker is the first wholesaler to redistribute food directly to FareShare’s network of charities through the FareShare Go programme and the free sharing app OLIO. OLIO’s ‘Food Waste Heroes’ collect food directly from Booker and Makro branches, which is then added to its app for people in the local area to collect. In 2021, Booker helped an astonishing 3,792 individual charities through its work with FareShare. Over 8,600 families were fed and almost 550,000 individuals were supported. In addition, the activity also helped deliver enormous environmental improvements. Well over 2,000 tonnes of CO2 was prevented from going to waste, more than 1.6 billion litres of water were saved and some 2.6 million road miles were prevented. All in all, that’s the equivalent of planting 35,500 trees! Catherine Marston, Head of Sustainability
at Booker said: “These are some impressive achievements but it’s worth noting that Booker only started working with FareShare in April 2021 in a phased launch. It wasn’t until October 2021 that all 198 Booker branches were fully involved – so we expect the results to be even more impressive in 2022 when we have a full year’s activity across all branches to report. “We are delighted that our teams across the whole Booker business have worked so hard with their local partners to reach this fantastic milestone. Not allowing any edible food go to waste is something that everyone at Booker is passionate about and we are proud to be the first wholesaler to work in such a collaborative way with FareShare and OLIO. Through FareShare Go, Booker sites are matched with charities and community groups in the local area that collect the items and turn that into food parcels or hot meals for the people they support. The food redistributed by Booker includes a range of large catering size packs, vegetables, deli and sandwich fillings, as well as smaller packs of meats, fish and fruit.
Glyn Ceiriog is a voluntary support organisation run by Community Agent Davena Davies who works out of the local community hall in Glyntraian near Wrexham. It supplies food packages to anyone that is struggling to buy food themselves and supports between 60 and 80 people. During the festive period, with a lot of other local organisations closed for the holidays, Davena was offered extra food by Booker Wrexham for a special Christmas community dinner. “Everyone loved it and we were able to supply it for free,” said Davena. “They were very, very grateful that they were able to enjoy a Christmas dinner. The food we receive through FareShare and Booker is very important, it helps us such a lot.”
TALKING TACTICS What are you doing in-store to stand out in your local market? Share it with us and your Premier retailer colleagues at
April 2022 TalkingShop
INBRIEF Booker butchers awarded highest butchery honour
Three Booker butchers joined the elite ranks of Institute of Meat-accredited Master Butchers at their annual prizegiving last month.
SPENDING UP 67.3% IN JANUARY Shopper spending in specialist food and drink outlets like Premier stores grew by an enormous 67.3% in January, compared with the same period last year. That’s the findings of the latest monthly research by Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions. By comparison, spending in supermarkets in the same period grew by just 13.6%. Barclaycard says the growth in independent stores has been driven by as shoppers continuing to choose local stores due to the work-fromhome guidance issued by the government. The report also predicts that the forthcoming seasonal opportunities such as Mother’s Day and Easter will benefit smaller, local stores.
Booker’s renowned butchery team further enhanced its reputation and accreditations at Butchers Hall on London on 24 February as three Booker butchers joined the elite ranks of Institute of Meat (IoM) accredited Master Butchers. Peter Howarth, Kevin King and Roy Mason all joined the hallowed ranks of Master Butchers. The new Master Butchers were honoured at the IoM’s annual prizegiving last month. The event has been running for almost 30 years and was attended this year by HRH The Princess Royal. The prizegiving seeks to celebrate and reward individual achievement in the meat and poultry industry.
Keith Fisher, Chief Executive of the IoM, said: “Being granted accredited Master Butcher status is one of the highest accolades a butcher can achieve. In almost three decades of the prizegiving we have accepted less than 60 applications. The process of assessing an application is rigorous and in fact we only consider applications from the most experienced and skilful butchers.’ Also recognised at the event was Booker apprentice Letitia Redfern who won the Best Apprentice award who was presented with her certificate of achievement by HRH The Princess Royal.
BOOKER SECURES BARCLAYCARD DEAL FOR PREMIER RETAILERS Booker has negotiated a new deal with Barclaycard offering Premier retailers special rates on debit and credit card transactions as well as on terminal rental fees. The agreement, subject to subscription criteria, offers debit card transaction rates of 0.290% and credit card transaction rates of 0.699%. An authorisation fee of 0.005p is applicable on all transactions. Additionally, terminal rental begins at just £10 per month. To find out how much you could save, call 0800 151 0122 and quote ‘Booker symbol’, visit or speak to your RDM.
8 TalkingShop April 2022
Booker streamlines retailer claims process
A new online claims form will help simplify and speed up the retailer claims process for deliveries with damaged stock, shortages or other discrepancies.
INBRIEF RETAILERS CALL FOR HFSS REVIEW The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has written to the Prime Minister
Booker has responded to feedback from Premier retailers by launching a new and improved claims process for retailers who receive deliveries with discrepancies, for example damaged stock or shortages. While retailers previously had to call or email the customer service team with any issues around deliveries, the new process sees all claims managed online, directly through the Booker website. To submit a claim, all that Premier retailers now need to do is click ‘My Account’ on the home page and then ‘Submit a Claim’. After selecting the delivery date, the invoice number can be chosen and the relevant products selected. Retailers can even attach photographs or other documents to substantiate their claim. The system automatically validates the claims as they are submitted and eliminates the risk of human error problems such as typing the wrong invoice number or selecting the wrong delivery.
calling for an urgent review of the introduction of location and promotional restrictions on HFSS products. During Prime Minister’s Questions, the PM stated that the industry had been given ‘more time’ to consider the impact of the regulations despite this fact that retailers are still preparing for the implementation of the regulations in October this year, affecting thousands of
As a result, claims will be processed much more quickly and efficiently, ensuring that once a credit is reviewed and approved, credit notes will be issued instantaneously. The seamless process also allows retailers to track the progress of their claim on the website at every stage of the process.
stores at a cost of over £90m to the convenience sector alone. A letter to the Prime Minister submitted by ACS outlines the burden that the regulations will have on convenience retailers and highlights the huge uncertainty still remaining
Booker named Green Wholesaler of the Year
Booker was crowned Green Wholesaler of the Year at the recent Scottish Wholesale Association (SWA) Achievers Awards in Edinburgh. Now in their 19th year, Achievers recognises excellence across all sectors of the wholesale industry and the achievements that have made
a difference to individuals, communities and businesses over the last two years. The judges commended “the immense progress that Booker has made in making its business more sustainable” and praised Booker’s far-reaching Better Trolley for a Better Planet initiative. Better Trolley includes a number of important commitments by Booker to doing the right thing and improving sustainability for customer, communities and the planet. The commitments cover improvements in the supply chain, healthier and more sustainable diets, food waste prevention and community and human rights issues.
about the detail of the rules, which has arisen because the Government is yet to publish official guidance on the regulations. The letter states: “With only seven months left until the implementation of the biggest regulatory change to the sale of grocery products in England for a generation, there remains a huge amount of uncertainty for local shops, supermarkets and food suppliers. At present your officials cannot indicate to industry, including thousands of small local shop owners, a clear definition of the products impacted by the regulations or the promotional mechanism that can be used to sell them.”
April 2022 TalkingShop
Premier retailers stand with Ukraine Many Premier retailers have shown their support for the people and communities of Ukraine. Premier retailers across the country have demonstrated that it’s not just their own communities that they support, pledging assistance to the people and communities of Ukraine in their time of need. Mo Razzaq of Premier Mo’s Blantyrein South Lanarkshire has been collecting items and money for the people of Ukraine. The store has introduced a dump bin in-store for women and children’s clothing, blankets, nappies, baby cream, female sanitary products, first aid bandages, baby jars, formula milk, and tinned food. Mo said: “We have always collected and donated to the Blantyre community, but today we need to look further afield and help others in desperate need.” One of the store’s young customers, Tia Downie, donated all her soft toys, baby foods, toiletries, nappies, and clothes. Meanwhile, Millport’s Premier Store, on the Isle of Cumbrae in western Scotland, has raised more than £400 for the people of Ukraine. The store raised the funds through a bucket collection, which will be used to purchase goods for the Ukrainian appeal, which Island
Express will be transporting to the appeal drop-off point. The store said any money donated will be donated to the UK Disaster Emergency Committee, which has now started a fundraising campaign. Millport’s Premier Store’s previous bucket collection raised £300 for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and is also helping collect tinned dog food for Islay Dog Rescue Appeal.
Emneth Premier, Emneth in Norfolk, has raised £90 for The Naval Children’s Charity. The store housed collection boxes in-store for the charity, which provides grants and support to children whose parents serve or have served in the naval service. Support ranges from grants in their Emergency Essentials Grant Scheme to larger grants for more complex needs around disability and illness.
SINGH’S SCORE ANOTHER WINNER Community-minded Premier Singh’s in Sheffield has donate £941 to Dementia UK after an afternoon of football fun and fund-raising. Mandeep Singh explains: “For many years we have been running an annual charity football match at Sheffield United FC’s stadium. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to do that in recent years because of the pandemic but we felt that we should still do something
Premier to the rescue
to raise money for charity. So we we
Premier West End Paisley & Post Office has foiled an attempted scam and saved a vulnerable elderly pensioner from sending £1,500 via Moneygram to India. The scammers had gained access to her PC and even had access to her Webcam, threatening to wipe her PC and back account if she didn’t send money via the Post Office. They had initially told her that they were from Microsoft, when things got nasty, they demanded that she send over the money to make it all go away and to avoid any suspicion, to use her sister’s name as the recipient. The store said: “When the customer came into the Post Office, she was visibly shaking and had asked us for a Moneygram form. As this was out of character, we asked if she knew who she was sending the amount to. She whispered, they can hear me, and that I just need to send it.” “We informed her that this was a scam and immediately contacted the police, who confirmed it was a scam.”
kind donations from the community we
joined up with our local school for an afternoon of football fun. Thanks to raised an amazing £941 for Dementia UK. A massive well done and thank you to all involved.”
April 2022 TalkingShop
New calorie labelling laws come into force in April Symbol stores have been included within the scope of a new law which comes into force in April requiring retailers to display the calorie content of non-prepackaged food and drink for instant consumption. From 6th April 2022, many retailers will be required by law to display the calorie content of their food. Following a consultation in 2018, the Government is now requiring large food businesses with 250 or more employees to comply with the new legislation. Critically, however, all symbol store outlets are designated as being within the scope of the regulation. The law affects the entire ‘out of home’ food sector, covering all outlets where food or drink is prepared in a way that means it is ready for immediate consumption, on or off the premises. The regulations require calorie information to be displayed at the point where a shopper chooses what food to purchase, such as on menus and on labels next to food on display. The legislation is primarily aimed at hospitality business but will affect Premier retailers offering non-prepacked food-to-go in their stores or Premier retailers with an in-
store dining area. The Government says the new legislation is geared to making it easier for shoppers to make informed, healthier decisions when purchasing food out of the home but also to “encourage businesses to reformulate the food and drink they offer and provide lower calorie options” for their shoppers. Failure to comply with the Regulations may result in a food business being issued with an improvement notice while failure to comply with an improvement notice could lead to a £2,500 fixed penalty being imposed. The new rules will extend into the digital space and will cover food sold on a website or mobile app, including third party delivery apps. Where food in scope of the regulations is sold on a website or mobile app, the business responsible for that website or mobile app is required to display the calorie information of food offered for sale by any qualifying business.
Retailers selling via third-party delivery websites or apps will be required to provide calorie information to the website or app provider for all products listed for sale on the website or app. Calorie information must be made available to the shopper when the food is delivered in the form of, for example, a calorie labelled menu with the order or stickers on food containers displaying calorie information. Certain categories of food are exempt from the new legislation, including fresh fruit or vegetables (including potatoes), as long as they are not added to other food, or sold as an ingredient in food consisting of more than one ingredient. For example, loose fresh fruit does not need to display calorie information. However, if prepared into a fruit salad, the fruit salad must be calorie labelled. For more information, visit
Labelling specifications Businesses selling food in scope of the Regulations must: l display the energy content of the food in kilocalories (kcal) l reference the size of the portion to which the calorie information relates l display the statement that ‘adults need around 2,000 kcal a day’
April 2022 TalkingShop
RSP £2.25 EACH in NP1, NP2 & NP3
£1.50 £ M265593
Müller Price Marked Packs PMP is proven to drive incremental sales • 1 in 5 shoppers will only buy a PMP
Industry News
How to get involved in GroceryAid Day 2022! GroceryAid Day returns on the 26th of April and the industry charity is asking Premier retailers and their colleagues to get involved and help raise awareness of GroceryAid.
In the wake of the challenges of the last couple of years, the important and valuable work carried out by charity GroceryAid to help industry colleagues in need has never been more important – and has also never been in greater demand. Since this time last year, the charity has already experienced a 93% rise in applications for financial support and a 47% increase in calls to the free and confidential 24/7 Helpline. That’s why the charity is asking Premier retailers to get involved in this year’s official GroceryAid Day which takes place on the 26th of April. GroceryAid is asking retailers and their teams to get involved and help raise awareness of the charity and the free services and support available to all colleagues working in the independent retailing industry.
Read the GroceryAid Day Guide on how to take part at www.
Order your printed materials for GroceryAid Day
IT’S GOOD TO TALK The theme for this year’s event is ‘Let’s Talk GroceryAid’ and the goal is to tell as many colleagues as possible about how the charity can support them. GroceryAid wants as many colleagues as possible to know that support is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Emotional, practical and financial support is available to all and experience shows that talking to a colleague about GroceryAid can be life-changing for an individual member of your team. Last year, 54% of colleagues who approached the charity for support did so because of word of mouth and employer referral. More than 200 companies in the trade took part in GroceryAid Day 2021 on the day and the charity reached millions of people through company engagement.
GET INVOLVED To get involved, all you have to do is visit the GroceryAid website at uk where you can read a full guide on how to take part. You can also order printed materials like posters, flyers, bunting and stickers on the site as well as being able to download digital materials such as social media tiles and Zoom backgrounds to help you spread the word effectively and professionally. Finally, don’t forget to add a ‘Save The Date’ into your colleagues’ diaries to ensure that they are aware of GroceryAid Day 2022 – and make sure you follow GroceryAid on any social media channels you use.
Download your digital materials for GroceryAid Day
Don’t forget to Save the Date in your colleagues’ diaries
Follow GroceryAid on social media
TALKING TACTICS What are you doing in-store to stand out in your local market? Share it with us and your Premier retailer colleagues at
April 2022 TalkingShop
ALSO AVAILABLE IN RASPBERRY & APPLE AND PEACH & MANGO *Contains naturally occurring sugars ** Source Kantar Worldpanel, Take Home panel. Total Robinsons brand (Dilutes & RTD), L52w/e 26 Dec’ 21
Time to
Industry News
Spending up by 13.7% in February
Consumer spending grew by 13.7% in February, the biggest growth since November last year, as Covid restrictions are eased. 12% Rise in spend on essential items like food and drink 59% Of shoppers seeking greater value for money 45% Of these buying own brand or budget goods
Independent retailers on both sides of the Irish border have reacted positively to the opening of a consultation on the introduction of minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol in Northern Ireland. MUP came into effect in the Republic on January 1 this year, sparking fears of a surge in cross-border shoppers seeking cheaper alcohol from off-licences in the Province. Independent retailers believe MUP in Northern Ireland will create a “level playing field” and bring alcohol prices in line with the
Consumer card spending grew 13.7% in February compared to the same period in 2020 – the highest growth since November 2021 – following the lifting of Covid restrictions and work-fromhome guidance. Data from Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions, revealed that spending on essential items like food, drink and fuel rose a further 12% in February. Part of this increase was driven by an 11.2% rise in spend on fuel, due in part to
climbing prices at the pump. The survey also found that 59% of shoppers are “seeking greater value for money to help reduce the cost of their weekly shop”. Almost half of these shoppers (45%) are buying budget or ownbrand goods over branded goods. The travel sector continued to decline at -13.9%, suggesting many shoppers are still choosing to socialise and holiday in the UK, creating extra opportunities for retailers.
Republic, Scotland and Wales, where it is already in place.
Industry calls on Chancellor to support local shops The Association of Convenience stores (ACS) has called on the Chancellor to support local shops with rising costs and the looming reintroduction of business rates bills. The call was made ahead of the Spring Statement and highlighted how the support provided by the Government on business rates over the last two years has enabled thousands of stores to continue trading and serving their communities, but ACS also stated that the UK is “far from operating at ‘normal’ pre-Covid levels”. To continue supporting local shops, ACS is recommending that the Treasury, at a minimum, should continue the existing business rate relief
of 66% for retail businesses for another 12 months to April 2023. Additional measures recommended include a freeze on alcohol, tobacco and fuel duties and a freeze on the business rates multipliers for the financial year 2023/24. ACS has also requested the removal of VAT from deposit return scheme deposits to encourage investment in reverse vending machines and is asking that the Low Pay Commission is given the freedom to set minimum and living wage rates independently of political targets after the two-thirds median earnings target has been reached in 2024.
April 2022 TalkingShop
Changing rooms
Sathees Loheehasan sacrificed living space for shop floor space in a bid to offer a “gamechanging” chilled offer supported by new ‘togo’ and American ranges. 18 TalkingShop April 2022
What are your views? Email
y their very nature, store refits do tend to generate a certain degree of upheaval for the independent retailer as changes are made, processes adapted and new initiatives brought online, but for Premier retailer Sathees Loheehasan, his latest store upgrade wasn’t simply business changing, it was life changing. After two decades of brisk trading in one of Surrey’s most affluent villages, Oxshott is home to numerous celebrities including tennis superstar Andy Murray along with a plethora of Chelsea FC footballers, September 2021 saw Sathees embark on his most ambitious refit yet, overhauling not just his business but also his home, in the process. “The store has seen a significant amount of change over the last 20 years having grown from a small newsagent, into an increasingly valuable community asset,” Sathees explains. “We’ve done a number of refits over the years, each time adding a little more to the offer, but this most recent one has been game-changing.”
Keen to offer his loyal local shoppers an elevated fresh and chilled experience, as well as a roomier, more browsable interior, Sathees decided to give over a large chunk of what was formerly his ground-floor living space to the store, expanding its footprint by a third. At the end of October 2021, Premier Steels Lane in Oxshott was re-born after a two-month build and fit-out process, which forced Sathees and his family to move into hotel accommodation, before finally moving into new living-quarters above the store. “I now have branded chest freezers standing in the very spot where my TV used to be,” Sathees laughs. “In total the store was extended from just under 1,000sq ft to 1,500sq ft, a feat which has enabled us to make a significant investment in chilled by more than tripling the size of our offer,” he adds. “This is an affluent area and we knew we had an opportunity to make much more of chilled. We wanted to give our loyal local shoppers an offer than not only delivered a CHILL OUT: Fresh and frozen space has been increased massively.
good level of quality everyday essentials, but also, a more premium range of fresh and chilled items to cater for those more upmarket tastes. “Booker, and in particular my RDM Stuart King, were incredibly supportive in helping me to shape the new range and we now receive two deliveries a week from Booker plus one from BRP, which together allows us to offer fantastic chilled choice,” he adds. “Before the refit we only had 2.5m of chilled, now we have just under 12m.”
Store CV:
Name: Premier Steels Lane, Oxshott Retailer: Sathees Loheehasan Size: 1,500sq ft Services: cash machine, PayPoint, National Lottery, drinks-to-go, Staff: 2
The store was extended to 1,500sq ft and its chilled offer tripled April 2022 TalkingShop
DRINK TO THAT The store’s BWS zone was also supersized as part of the refurb, growing from a modest 3.75m display to almost 8m, with just under 4m of that now dedicated to wine. “The refit and additional chilled space has also allowed us to introduce chilled multipacks – an element that we couldn’t offer before, but now that we do, has triggered a really positive shift in shopper behaviour,” Sathees says. “Prior to the refit, shoppers used to buy one or two chilled cans of beer but now they will buy a whole chilled multipack. I’m selling far less single cans and far more multipacks now. “Shoppers love the fact that they can just grab a pack and go or put it straight into their fridges ready to drink, and the multipacks also offer them great value for money. Afterall, regardless of income, all shoppers love a good deal.
CHEERS: The BWS zone has increased from 3.75m to 8m.
BIGGER CHOICE: The alcohol range has increased, as have sales.
LIT: A backlit spirits gantry draws attention.
We’ve been here for 20 years and this is such a significant change; it’s made the lives of so many of our shoppers easier.
GOOD TO GO: Food and drinks to go have driven sales.
SPACE RACE: The bigger store allows for more choice.
BIG NEWS: A news island drives impulse sales too.
“Making all these changes has required the loss of a lot of house space to the business but it needed to happen,” Sathees continues. “The old store was also beginning to feel very tight, which is also not in keeping with what shoppers want these days. “Shoppers want more room as they navigate the aisles, it gives them the freedom to browse more freely and crucially, given the current climate, to not have to pass so closely next to others. We also have a lot of parents with young children here and for these shoppers, space for buggies and toddlers is also paramount.” The refit and additional space also allowed Sathees to introduce a number of new ranges including a premium frozen ready meal offer from Ruby Frozen Foods and American confectionery – the latter of which has become a runaway success due to the store’s proximity to a prominent international school. April 2022 TalkingShop
What are your views? Email
“We initially launched the new store with a two-metre bay of American confectionery but I’m already planning to boost that by a further two metres as it’s so popular,” Sathees says. “The margin is really good and the shoppers can’t get enough of it. “There is a big American community in Oxshott due to the ACS International School just a couple of miles away. For those kids the new range offers a real taste of home but I’d say that just as many adults buy it as kids!” he laughs. Premier’s winning Refresh concept was also introduced as part of the refit, allowing Sathees to also offer shoppers a locally unrivalled selection of on-trend ‘to-go’ options including Tango Ice Blast, Jolly Rancher slush, plus F’real and Hershey’s milkshakes. “The range is already doing really well and that’s in late winter, so I’m expecting it to be huge this summer,” he adds.
GET FRESH: The Refresh@Premier zone was an instant hit.
£50 baskets are not uncommon since the refit CANDY CRUSH: American confectionery sells well.
PREMIUM SALES: High end ice cream has helped drive up basket spend.
LOCATION, LOCATION The store’s location on a key residential road linking the two affluent villages of Oxshott and Cobham means that it benefits from a high volume of passing trade as well as local shoppers. “In the day we have a lot of passing trade from local builders, maintenance workers and landscape gardeners who are busy tending to the nearby homes, while in the afternoons we get a lot of local trade including elderly shoppers and parents with their children,” he adds. However, regardless of who they are, Sathees says that all shoppers are thrilled with the results. And with sales up more than a quarter since the refit it seems they are truly putting their money where their mouths are. “Shoppers are delighted with what we’ve done. We’ve been here for 20 years and this is such a significant change. It’s made the lives of so many of our shoppers easier. They are so grateful that they can now answer so
many of their daily needs under one roof and it’s now not uncommon for us to get £50 baskets or higher. Many shoppers now say to me, ‘this is the store we have been waiting for!’ “I couldn’t have done it without Premier’s support though. My RDM Stuart was so helpful during the planning and building process and particularly when it came to merchandising the store. “Initially I was tempted to give even more of our newfound space over to stock but Stuart urged me not too, stressing how important it was to maintain the new sense of light and space and he’s been proved absolutely right. The extra space gives the impression that we have even more stock than we actually do. It allows the range and any offers we do to shine much brighter and gives shoppers the room to take it all in. “I’m so optimistic about the year to come. All the right elements are now in place and I can’t wait to see what the spring brings.” April 2022 TalkingShop
STORE PROFILE | Horsley Hill, South Shields
A refreshing change
FRESH START: Jag Singh’s new store has revitalised the community.
Jag Singh has moved mountains – and sandwich shops – to create a show-stopping convenience offer at Premier Horsley Hill, South Shields.
Store CV:
Name: Premier Horsley Hill Retailer: Jag Singh Size: 1,500sq ft Services: Post Office, mobile top-up, free ATM Staff: 8 including Jag and his wife Mandy
24 TalkingShop April 2022
ike a cool, clear pool in the middle of a scorched desert landscape, Jag Singh’s new-look Premier store has become a veritable oasis for local shoppers in the South Shields village of Horsley Hill. And with sales having more than doubled since it’s hotly anticipated re-launch in mid-November 2021, it’s certainly no mirage. In fact, shoppers are so enamoured by the store’s new offering that its re-
launch even made the news, as part of a glowing report in the local Shields Gazette. Behind it all is independent retailer Jag who, with the support of his family, has spearheaded the transformation from a 450sq ft CTN to a 1,500sq ft destination store, serving a multitude of different shopper needs. Jag explains: “I’ve worked as an independent retailer since completing college, when, with the help of my
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Average basket spend is £8 and growing week on week. parents, I opened my first store in 2012. I was only 17 at the time, but my parents had always been retailers, I had been brought up in stores and I was always very clear that I wanted to have my own place where I could develop my own concepts and support local shoppers in new and innovative ways. “The first site did really well, despite being small, the business just grew and grew until it got to the point when space really started to become an issue. We knew that to carry on growing, we had to expand.”
ROOM TO GROW However, Jag’s mission for more metres was no easy feat: “There was an empty unit next door to our store which would have been perfect to expand into but we couldn’t knock through to it because there were entrances to residential flats in-between. So we had to think outside of the box. “We made a deal with the owner of the sandwich shop who occupied the unit on the other side of the
BIGGER, BETTER: The extended store has become a true hub of the village.
vacant one. We moved him across to a different unit and paid for his shop fit. It was a complicated and costly way of doing things but it enabled us to take over his unit plus the vacant one and make it into one big store. “It took a long time – about a year to make sure that everyone was happy with the move and crucially, to get the council on board and win the planning permission. “The council’s backing was really important to us and fortunately it was supportive of our plans. At the end of the day the council wants the local area to thrive as much as we do and what we were proposing was a new larger store that would boost footfall to the area and reduce the number of empty units.” The build also saw Jag extend at the back to make way for a large new stock room and allow for the creation of a range of products and services that Premier Horsley Hill is now renowned for. “The build was a lot of work but it’s made such a difference, not just to us but the whole community,” Jag explains.
Before they used to have to visit three or four different stores to get what they needed or get the bus or drive to the nearest big supermarket but now they can get it all in one place.
April 2022 TalkingShop
The biggest launch in the category since 2017! ©2022 AB InBev UK Limited, all rights reserved.
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GO LOCAL: Locally sourced products are a point of difference.
SUB ZERO: Jag now has 7m of frozen space.
The store sold more than 400 cups of Hershey’s milkshakes in its first week of trading – in November! UNIQUE OFFER “The store is totally unique in this area – there are a few other convenience stores but they are all tiny, as my previous one was,” says Jag. “We are now a true destination store, with really innovative points of difference that shoppers love.” “Before, we only dabbled in chilled and we never even had a freezer, now I have a five-metre dairy product fridge and seven-metre frozen range including frozen meats and even prawns following shopper requests. “Chilled produce flies out. We have a quality range of fresh meat including mince and steaks which are all supplied by Booker. We also sell vast numbers of chilled local pies, pasties and saveloys from Dicksons, which is a well-known local brand in the north-east. “Fresh and frozen really sets us apart from the other stores in the area. It’s been a huge learning curve, especially with fresh, but utterly fascinating. There was a bit of wastage in the first couple of weeks, as you’d expect, but that’s shrunk to
CHILL TIME: Chilled space has been increased to 5m.
REFRESHED: The Refresh@ Premier zone has been a huge hit in-store and on social media.
minimal levels now that we’ve honed our understanding of what our shoppers really want.”
MIXED AUDIENCE “The shopper base here is very mixed, but it varies throughout the day,” comments Jag. “We have a strong ‘grey pound’ shopper base who visit in the morning to top up and use the Post Office Services. “From 3pm there’s a totally different vibe though; the store is buzzing with kids who pop in after school for their snacks, treats and drinks-to-go.” And thanks to the store’s bold new Refresh zone, complete with Tango Ice Blast, Jolly Ranchers slush and Hershey’s milkshakes, they certainly are spoilt for choice. “The Hershey’s Machine in particular has really taken off,” Jag says. “It’s even surprised us how well it’s done, especially as we launched in the winter. But the customers went crazy for it, and we sold 400 cups in the first week of trading alone! “Our American confectionery offer is
also a big draw and another great point of difference. Products from the key Hershey’s and Jolly Ranchers brands, all of which are sourced through Premier, go really well, and we just added Takis Crisps which have also created a lot of buzz. “Exciting products like these create lots of chat on social media which is great. As a store we are now very active on Facebook. We gained 800 followers in just under two months of trading and we’ve now got just over 1,000 and that number is growing every week. “My wife Mandy looks after a lot of that side of things and we post at least twice a day. One post is always a promotion and another will highlight the positives of a specific product, such as our locally made pie range for example. “Remaining professional is of course key when posting on social media but it’s important to try and inject a bit of fun into the posts too. We also like to link them to an event, theme or development to keep our feed interesting for shoppers.
April 2022 TalkingShop
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In January for example we put a lot of emphasis behind our vape offer for those shoppers who might have been looking to quit or cut down on tobacco. “The store features a dedicated Vape Station display and vapes are proving really popular. Geek Bar is probably our biggest seller along with other disposable brands. They are especially popular with shoppers in their twenties and early thirties and we are seeing a growing number of younger tobacco smokers now cutting down on tobacco and dualling with vape. “We also did the same sort of thing for Dry January, by highlighting all the great deals that Premier had on low to no alcohol drinks such as Stella Artois and Heineken 0%. “Shoppers also always react very positively when you can be first in your area with a particular product. We were among the first independent stores to get our hands on J Whitley Blackcurrant vodka at the start of February and it created a great buzz online.” Spirits in general are strong sellers thanks to the store’s seven-metre range, all of which is displayed in an attractive backlit unit behind the counter. “The spirits are really popular with our young professional shoppers, who then make up the third wave of daily shoppers,” Jag says.
comments like: ‘we’ve been waiting for something like this for so long!’” And the store doesn’t just serve the needs of in-store shoppers. Thanks to a new partnership with Snappy Shopper, Premier Horsley Hill is also racking up a growing online trade and has “big plans” to drive this side of the business in tandem with store sales. “I have so much ambition for this store,” Jag adds. “Take-up of Snappy Shopper is already proving to be very pleasing and is growing week by week. It was a great way of creating some excitement in January and we ran a promotion offering shoppers £5 off their next orders over £15. “We always offered a delivery service to our elderly shoppers in my old store, and we are still doing that too. In fact, we have just bought a new delivery van to help us better service those needs. “Our shoppers will always be at the heart of everything we do here. They are the reason we are here and we are grateful for every single one.”
SPIRITED: An eyecatching backlit spirits gantry boost sales.
GRAPE EXPECTATIONS: And expanded wine section drives footfall.
EASIER LIVES “From about 5pm we get another rush of shoppers who have finished up work and are on the hunt for groceries, beers, wines and spirits,” explains jag. “There really is something for everyone here now and shoppers just seem to love the whole package. “Before they used to have to visit three or four different stores to get what they needed or get the bus or drive to the nearest big supermarket but now they can get it all in one place. “We’ve made life easier for them and that’s probably the most common bit of feedback I hear, along with
DELIVERING: Home delivery is growing fast.
ROOM TO GROW: Wider aisles allows shoppers to move around more freely.
GIN PALACE: A big range of gins is a hit.
April 2022 TalkingShop
Brave new dawn
New independent retailer Amrik Aidan is changing Farnham’s retail landscape for the better with a fantastic new Premier store.
mrik Aidan is certainly not afraid of change, in fact he embraces it. After a lengthy stint as an independent drinks wholesaler, 2021 saw Amrik embark on a new career in independent retail, opening up a brand new Premier store in a residential part of Farnham, Surrey, in the process. And it’s not just Amrik’s career path that’s been transformed. At 1,200sq ft, his new Premier has opened on the site of an old military store which had been closed for a number of years before Amrik removed the shutters and breathed fresh life back into the store, and the
Farnham community as a whole. “The site’s potential was clear to see from the start,” Amrik explains. “It’s located in a residential part of Farnham but on a busy road with a school next door and lots of flats above and in front, and there’s also a pub and a hairdresser.” However, despite the site’s obvious potential, Amrik was also clear that he needed the support of a progressive symbol group to help him navigate
NEW FOCUS: The new store has been a boon for the local area.
ALL SMILES: Amrik (right) and his team are enjoying their new role at the heart of the Farnham community.
the change and bring the store to life. “Working as an independent drinks wholesaler had been becoming increasingly tough and I knew that when I moved into retail I didn’t want to be unaffiliated. “I was very clear that I wanted the support and expertise of a well-known symbol group and Premier was just the perfect fit,” he explains. “I knew it from the very first meeting that I had with my RDM Stuart King. He was so well prepared, so professional and so passionate about the industry and
30 TalkingShop April 2022
the potential that our site held. He talked me through everything and from the get-go filled me with such confidence that with the Premier brand above the door and the range inside, we could make a real success of this store.” And he’s certainly been proved right. After a lengthy and full refurbishment of the tired old site, Amrik’s brand new Premier store opened its doors on Christmas Eve, spreading newfound excitement and cheer across the local community.
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GETTING FRESH: The new Refresh@Premier zone has been a star of the show.
JEWEL IN THE CROWN The jewel in its crown is the eye-catching Refresh zone featuring Fwip Ice Cream, Hershey’s Milkshake and Tango Ice Blast machines plus barista-style coffee and more. “I had visited a number of other Premier stores while we were planning the refurb and the Refresh concept had always really impressed me and I knew we had to have it in our store. It’s such a sensory zone, the colours are vibrant, the machines are always moving and whirring, it really helps to bring the whole store to life,” he says. It’s not just Amrik who has been spellbound by Premier’s Refresh concept; local shoppers are too. “From day one shoppers were so enthusiastic about the Refresh zone as there’s nothing else like this locally. We get so many positive comments about the offer in store but also lots of good comments and likes and shares about it on social media too. As a footfall driver it’s an absolute charm,” he adds. In fact, the Refresh concept is proving to be such a
magnet that some shoppers are pulled in to store straight from bed! “Some shoppers come in their pyjamas,” Amrik laughs. “Visiting us is the first thing they do after they wake up. I have a number of regular shoppers who come in for a coffee-to-go as soon as the store opens and one shopper who arrives in her dressing gown to buy a Hershey’s milkshake first thing in the morning. She obviously feels very at home here which is great! We want this to be a community store where people feel comfortable. “We also have lots of families who come in the evenings after their dinner to treat themselves and their kids to a Fwip ice cream or a Hershey’s milkshake, which is fantastic. Family, community and bringing local people together is what we are all about. “The store is surrounded by homes and flats, with more flats being built as we speak, and we want to become a central part of this growing and thriving local community,” he adds.
April 2022 TalkingShop
*For more information please visit
©2021 Mars or Affiliates.
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REVITALISED: The new store has united the community.
Average basket spend is currently £9 and growing.
Lots of shoppers say things like, ‘this feels like it’s our store,’ which is just wonderful, and exactly how I want them to feel.
AMERICAN DREAM: A new American candy range adds interest and sales.
PICTURE PERFECT “Shoppers are genuinely happy that we are here, some even take pictures of themselves by the Refresh zone and post them on social media. Certain elements such as the Tango Ice Blast and Jolly Ranchers slush look great in pictures so it really appeals to our younger shoppers,” he says. “Our American confectionery offer has a similar impact. Our younger shoppers can’t get enough of it and just six weeks after opening we’ve already extended it because of its popularity. It also works as a great gifting category and we get lots of grandparents buying products from the American range for their grandchildren as treats too.” The store’s premium barista-style coffee-to-go offer is also being warmly received by local parents who delight in a reviving cup in the wake of the school run frenzy. “One new shopper who has now become a regular is also the local
DRINKS DRIVE: A bigger drinks range has generated bigger sales.
postman who now comes in every day now for a cup of coffee during his round,” Amrik says. “He didn’t have anywhere to grab a warm drink before, so we’ve made a really positive difference to his day and he regularly tells us how much he values the store,” Amrik says. Alcohol is also now proving to be another growing category with sales now growing week on week, especially on wines. “Wine is a big seller here and a popular choice with shoppers who pop in for a bottle along with an evening meal solution or snacks. We’ve actually increased the wine range since opening to include a number of speciality lines following shopper requests. “Pink Moscato was requested by one shopper so we bought it in from Booker and since then other shoppers have commented on it and started to buy into it too. They really appreciate the fact that we have adapted the range to truly suit their needs. Lots of shoppers say things like, ‘this feels like it’s our store,’ which is just wonderful, and exactly how I want them to feel.” April 2022 TalkingShop
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PAWS FOR THOUGHT The store also features a dedicated vape unit and shoppers’ furry friends are also not forgotten with a comprehensive pet food offer. “Cat and dog food is proving to be a surprisingly big seller,” Amrik says. “This is a residential area surrounded by lots of glorious countryside, so sales are being fuelled by the rise in the number of households that purchased new pets during the lockdown months and in the new home-working culture that followed,” he adds. Chilled sales are also on the up as shoppers increasingly turn to the new store for meal solutions and essentials with all chilled produce housed in smart chillers with doors. The artfully created sense of light and space in the store is also enhanced in the chilled zone with uplifting ‘blue sky’ ceiling lights. “We also have a growing local food offer thanks to Booker who put us in
touch with a number of fantastic local suppliers,” Amrik adds. “We have tied up with a local bakery who supply us with a range of local cakes, as-well as a nearby brewery who supply us with some lovely local ales. Local items like this add important unique selling points and shoppers love them. The local bakery supplies us with freshly baked cakes and pies four times a week and orders have doubled since the start. “We’ve also built a new relationship with a local farm which we’re quite pleased about. We donate any out-ofdate bread, fruit or vegetables that we have so that they can use it to feed their animals. We’re sending them quite a few boxes of product every week and it’s great that it’s not going to waste. We’re also hoping to start stocking some of their local eggs in return which would be another nice touch,” he says.
BAR BILL: The new vape section is flying with disposable bars leading the way.
LOCAL HUB: Amrik’s store is already the centre of the local community.
BAKED GOODS: Branded, own brand and local products offer great choice.
Orders of fresh cakes and pies have doubled since switching to a new local bakery supplier.
SWEET TREATS: Local bakery products feature in the store.
April 2022 TalkingShop
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LIGHT SHOW: Creative lighting makes the store feel bigger.
COOL MULTIPACKS: Multipack frozen ice creams boost basket spend.
IN THE SPIRIT: A large backlit spirits gantry is unmissable.
Store CV:
Name: Premier Farnham, Surrey Retailer: Amrik Aidan Size: 1,200sq ft Services: National Lottery, free ATM, drinks-to-go Staff: 2
Looking to the future Amrik says he’d like to introduce a hot food-to-go offer, with Premier’s help. “Hot food-to-go is something that we aren’t yet offering, but we’ll have to be very careful about how we do it as we don’t want to lose the lovely sense of space that we currently have and that our shoppers value so much. It’s a fine balancing act but one which I’m sure Premier will help us to achieve further down the line,” he adds. For now though, he’s just happy to bask in the glow of growing sales and shopper appreciation. “Shoppers are just so pleased that we are here and that after so many years without a local convenience store they now have a place they can rely on and call their own.
Sales are growing week on week which is hugely encouraging considering that we opened at the start of the year which is traditionally a quieter time for convenience sales. “Aside from social media we haven’t done a great deal of local marketing either. However, that’s all about to change now as we’ve just received our first batch of promotional leaflets from Premier with the store’s name on plus a whole range of excellent deals, so we can’t wait to distribute them to local households and really get the message out. “Every day we see new shoppers coming in for the first time and I can’t wait to see those new faces start to become familiar ones.”
April 2022 TalkingShop
A fresh
approach D Familiar face Krishna Krishnapillai has given Blackhill shoppers a unique new fresh proposition.
LOCAL HERO: Krishna has long been at the heart of his community.
40 TalkingShop April 2022
espite having been open for less than a month, shoppers at Krishna Krishnapillai’s new Premier store on St Cuthberts Avenue, Consett already feel very much at home. And given that his first store, ‘Jamula & Brothers’ on Ashfield, is less than a quarter of a mile away, it’s clear to see why. After seven years of brisk trading at his first store, a small 400sq ft store supplied by Booker’s Shop Locally Retail Club, Krishna spied an opportunity to open a second store, just a stone’s throw away, when an old former shop was put up for sale. “That store had been closed for just over a year and was in need of quite extensive refurbishment as well as a large extension,” Krishna explains. “I knew that buying it and fitting it out would be a big expense but I was determined to do it – after all, I didn’t want another retailer opening so close to me!” he says. “I’d made a name for myself in the local community already and my existing store had become a real lifeline for local shoppers during the first national lockdown, so when they heard that I was planning on buying the other store, they were instantly supportive,” Krishna adds. “The fact that the two stores would be so close together wasn’t an issue, because from the start I knew that I had the potential to do something really different at the new site. “I had great insight into what local shoppers wanted and needed and with no other major convenience competition in the nearby area, I knew that a store with a quality fresh and chilled offer, backed by a strong promotional focus, would be a winner. “I also knew that I wanted to sign with Premier from the start. I’d always been so impressed with the professional look of Premier stores and the group’s value for money proposition, so I knew it would be the right partner to help me achieve my goal.”
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FRESH NEW LOOK Plans in place, a lengthy £20,000 building process then ensued to double the 300sq ft store’s floor space to 600sq ft, a move which required Krishna to knock into what was a large rear storeroom. A further £70,000 shop-fit followed, in which new floors and smart suspended ceilings were fitted. Bright and cheerful ‘blue sky’ light panels were also fitted throughout the store to help offset the old building’s low ceiling height and create the illusion of even greater light and space. Then in mid-February, Premier Jamuna Stores finally opened, much to the delight of local shoppers. “Shoppers are just so thrilled with their new store,” Krishna says. “While many of our shoppers are already known to us, we are also seeing an increasing number of new faces every day as word gets out about our fresh new offer.” And fresh is certainly the word. Unlike Krishna’s first store, the new Premier has a surprisingly high fresh mix for its 600sq ft size, with more than 5m of fresh, plus a large frozen food offer and food-to-go. “This store has a totally different proposition from my other one which majors on tobacco, confectionery and news but records strong footfall and sales nonetheless. “At the Premier however, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on fresh and chilled, which I am confident will take off. There are currently no other stores in the immediate area offering such a comprehensive fresh and chilled offer, and shoppers really value having it on their doorstep. “My Premier RDM John Carter has been an absolute rock and huge source of support in helping me to design the store and create the range,” he adds. “On Premier’s advice we’ve also fitted smart chillers with doors throughout and are now offering a large range of ready meals, fresh meats and fruit and vegetables, plus of
FRESH FOCUS: The small 600sq ft store still finds room for 5m of fresh and chilled.
course dairy items.” “We also have a large frozen range offering meal solutions such as pizzas, chips and ice cream. Ice cream is a very strong seller, especially as part of the frozen meal deals.” The whole offer is underpinned by a strong promotional focus which Krishna says is really important to local shoppers. “Meal Deals are already proving really popular, especially the ‘2 for £5’ on ready fresh ready meals, while in frozen, the ‘2 for £3’ on Chicago Town Pizzas is a real winner as is ‘two Goodfellas pizzas plus Carte D’or ice cream for £5’.” “I’m a big believer in the power of POS and take care to support all promotions with the Premier POS which adds to the professional feel that I was so keen to create here.
Store CV:
Name: Premier Jamuna Stores, Blackhill, Consett Retailer: Krishna Krishnapillai Size: 600sq ft Services: National Lottery, Paypoint, Fwip, Coffee-to-go Staff: 3
April 2022 TalkingShop
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With no other major convenience competition in the area, I knew that a store with a quality fresh and chilled offer, backed by a strong promotional focus, would be a winner.
VALUE FOCUS Alongside promotions, Krishna also maintains a steely focus on everyday low pricing, even selling certain key items for below their RSP to win greater footfall and volume sales. “I do tend to price slightly below the RSP on certain key lines such as big-name wine brands like Casillero del Diablo for example, which I’ll often price at £1 below RSP. It actually makes a relatively small difference to my margin, but shoppers are instantly aware of the price reduction and I think it drives a much greater rate of sale, loyalty and overall basket spend. “Shoppers know that they are getting a good deal. They are very price savvy these days and especially with the internet, it’s so easy to do comparisons. Getting a good deal makes shoppers happy and that’s so important to me.” Krishna has a similar ethos when it comes to coffee-to-go: “The new store features a
quality new coffee-to-go machine within our new Refresh zone. Premier helped me to source the machine and I bought it outright as I don’t really like to lease equipment if I can help it. “The machine is excellent quality and shoppers tell me they love it. I only charge £1.50 a cup though and lots of shoppers have told me I could put my prices up to £2 but I won’t. That price-point is a great footfall driver and sometimes 50p can make all the difference when it comes to impulse purchases, or a shopper choosing to buy a coffee every day or every other day. “Milk and bread are also proving to be strong sellers and again, sales are being driven by promotions. We have bread for £1 and milk two for £2.40 – that’s a Premier deal which shoppers love.” And with the store having racked up almost £1,000 worth of sales on its first day alone, it’s a tactic which is clearly proving dividends.
BUILDING BLOCKS: The store is already well established in Consett.
Krishna invested £90,000 in extending and fitting out the new store.
ON IMPULSE: The store makes great use of limited space.
SKY LIGHT: Eyecatching roof panels add to the ambience.
ROOM TO MOVE: Despite being just 600sq ft, the store feels spacious.
April 2022 TalkingShop
Spring & tonic!
Schweppes Slimline Tonic 12x150ml M246657 Schweppes Tonic 12x150ml M246655
£8.75 per case.
Stock up today. © 2022 European Refreshments UC. SCHWEPPES is a registered trade mark of European Refreshments UC.
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FOOTFALL FRENZY “Footfall is pleasing considering we’ve only been open a matter of weeks and its growing week on week,” enthuses Krishna. “Just today we’ve had baskets of £40 and £50 from shoppers buying the chilled meal deals, groceries and kids’ sweets. “The store also boasts a new American confectionery range which is proving a hit with our younger shoppers especially as the displays look so good. “The whole store just has a really professional look thanks to Premier and it really sets us apart. Fortunately, I also have a great team who work tirelessly to help me maintain standards. We have three members of staff here who support me in the store along with my brother-in law who also works in the business. “They all work in my other store too and we rotate them around between the two sites as needed. I’ve known them all for years now, they are all local residents too and are very well-liked and respected which counts for so much. “As it’s early days I’m also trying to spend as much time as possible in the new store. It’s important that shoppers know it’s me behind the counter. “We get one delivery from Premier per week at the moment, but I visit the local Booker branch every single morning to get fresh bread and anything else we need at 6am to ensure the freshest and best quality in time for when I open at 7am. It’s a very hands-on approach but I think it’s an important one, certainly in the store’s infancy. “Even though it’s a new store, there is a great deal of familiarity about it and shoppers love that.” Krishna is also confident that shoppers will love the store’s new refresh Zone when it comes into its own later this spring. “The Refresh Zone already looks great with our coffee-to-go and Fwip offer but we are also planning to add Jolly Ranchers slush in the coming weeks which I know will be a hit with our younger shoppers, especially as we head into spring and summer. “This store also benefits from a prime location adjacent to a large community playing field, which in the summer is a hive of activity so I expect our Refresh, soft drink, ice cream and other impulse sales to soar.”
LOVING IT: The local community love their new store.
BRIGHT FUTURE The signs are certainly positive, as Krishna admits: “The two stores have such a different offer that it’s not unusual for one shopper to visit both stores on the same day. We are, however, seeing lots of new faces in the new store though and more and more every day as the word gets out,” he adds. Krishna is also planning to up the ante with a concerted local marketing campaign set to kick off in March, with a keen focus on social media and local leaflet drops. “This is a long-term plan for me. It was a big initial investment but it’s one that should hopefully give us a bright future. I want us to be indispensable, the type of store where shoppers ask, “what did we do before you came along?” Well, he certainly seems well on his way to achieving that. April 2022 TalkingShop
Nielsen, Independent and symbol Stores versus Total Market, 31/10/2020; 2Mdlz Refreshment U&A Study UK June 2019 ; 3 Lumina, CTP, Independents and Symbol Stores; 4Nielsen, Independent and Symbols, 52 Weeks, Oct 2021; 5 Mdlz Category Demand Spaces 52 w/e 19th April 2020
*Nielsen, Independent and Symbols, 52 Weeks, Oct 2021
**Retailers are free to set their own prices.
UK & ROI, 18+ only. 10:00 28/02/2022 – 16:59 30/09/2022. Internet access required. Purchase a promotional pack of Trebor Extra Strong or Softmints (GB only), visit and select your region. ROI & NI residents purchase not required. Enter your name and contact details including Eircode / postcode (for ROI & NI) or your barcode & batch code (for GB) to find out instantly if you’ve won a prize and to be entered into the Grand Prize draw. Grand Prize: 1 x £10,000/€. Instant Win Prizes: 201 choice of vouchers from spa days, gym/wellbeing memberships, hair stylists and many more up to the value of £50/€ (subject to individual terms and conditions). Grand prize draw to take place on 07/10/2022. Wrap Up Draw: Entrants between 17:00 01/10/22 – 16:59 31/12/22 will be placed in a final draw for a chance to win £250/€. Retain receipt to claim. Max 1 entry per person per day. Max 1 Prize per household. Visit website for full T&Cs. Promoter: Mondelez Europe Services GmbH – UK Branch with registered office at Cadbury House, Sanderson Road, Uxbridge, UB8 1DH.
FEATURE | Premier Beer & Cider Festival
Beer & Cider festival returns! The Premier Beer & Cider Festival returns soon, offering a great opportunity for retailers to rack up additional footfall, sales and profits.
ith the days getting longer and temperatures creeping up it’s time for retailers to begin turning their attention to what should be a busy and profitable summer. To get the season kicked off in style, Premier will once again be bringing back its annual Beer & Cider Festival in Period 3, from 28 April. With Covid restrictions eased, this summer is shaping up to be a sales scorcher as UK shoppers make up for lost time and socialise with friends and family. The Premier Beer & Cider Festival offers
48 TalkingShop April 2022
the perfect opportunity to help get your shoppers back into the swing of things.
WHAT’S NEW? This year’s Festival is set to generate huge excitement among your shoppers thanks to a raft of new beer and cider products, some fantastic multibuy deals and a new ‘Craft Beer Basket’ that will help Premier retailers cash in on the continued growth of craft beers. New products for the Festival include Stella Unfiltered, a hazy Stella aiming to bridge the gap between premium lager and craft beer, and Heineken Silver, a new
premium and refreshing variant targeted at Generation Z shoppers and backed up by a £15m media campaign. Also new is Spanish premium beer Madri in a 660ml bottle and, for cider lovers, Strongbow Ultra which is a low calorie fruit cider that contains only 95 calories per can and that is being launched with the help of a £13m media campaign.
BASKET SPEND While these big brands and new products are likely to be a huge hit in your store during and after the Festival, there is an increasing number of craft beer fans out
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EDLP er& e B Basket CeISDtIEvRAl Updates F As part of the Premier Beer & Cider Festival, retailers will be able to access some fantastic 2-for-£4.50 deals on large bottles and some 3-for-£6 deals on cider. These deals are sure to grow footfall as well as driving increased basket spend and profits.
Deal: 2 for £4.50 POR: 26.0%
What’s Included: l Singha 630ml - NEW l Madri 660ml – NEW l Stella Unfiltered 660ml – NEW
CIDER Deal: 3 for £6 POR: 26.0% What’s Included: l Rekorderlig Blood S Orange – FIN NEW l Old Mout Strawberry & Apple NEW
9 9 . £12 l
“We’re really looking forward to the Premier Beer & Cider Festival as it will be the first we’ve experienced since joining Premier. It looks like the perfect opportunity to generate some excitement in the store and on social media and I think shoppers will be right up for it. 2 2 0 /2 0 /0 00 “They’ve spent so long cooped up at home that I think Ojectfftoeavarilabeilityn. Higdherandspricmaeyshodiffwner inrelasomtesetostotheres.LonE &disOE.they’ll be keen to get back out and about, have some fun e Sub ed retail pric recommend with friends and family and enjoy a few beers and ciders. I can’t wait!” NP0.22.A2.2
Premier Craft Basket Did you know that craft beer sales make up 9.9% of grocery beer sales yet only 2.6% of sales in independent retail? That’s a huge opportunity for Premier retailers, particularly as craft beer was the only beer segment in growth in impulse last year, up 4.9%. To help retailers cash in, Premier has created a special Craft Basket of 4-packs for the Premier Beer & Cider Festival. The range is available in Period 3, from 28 April, at a special Festival price of just £5.50, before moving to an EDLP price of £6 after the Festival. PRODUCT
Camden Hells
Camden Pale Ale
Brewdog Punk IPA
Brewdog Hazy Jane NEW
Planet Pale NEW
Brooklyn NEW
April 2022 TalkingShop
GROLSCH 12 X 330ML M269612
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there – and Premier has responded with a new ‘Craft Basket’ of premium 4-pack craft beers, all available to shoppers at just £5.50. Craft beer sales make up 9.9% of beer sales in supermarkets, yet account for only 2.6% of beer sales in independent retail. This represents a huge opportunity for Premier retailers and the Craft Basket will help them grow profitable sales during the Festival and beyond. Alongside popular products from Camden and Brewdog, the Craft Basket also features three new lines: Hazy Jane, Planet Pale and Brooklyn. Stock all six lines and you will be well equipped to attract more craft beer fans and grow incremental sales across your store.
EDLP UPDATE Also featuring in the Premier Beer & Cider Festival will be two exciting EDLP baskets featuring large format beer products and cider products, all them new to Premier. Three new large bottle beers will be featured in a 2-for-£4.50 shopper deal: Singha 630ml, Stella Artois Unfiltered 660ml and Madri 660ml. For cider fans, the EDLP basket will see two new products featured in a 3-for-£6 shopper deal: Rekorderlig Blood Orange and Old Mout Strawberry & Apple. These fantastic brands and outstanding products will help you grow basket spend and footfall, especially if you flag them up to your shoppers on social media.
BRING IT TO LIFE To maximise the opportunity presented by the Premier Beer & Cider Festival, it’s important to start talking to your shoppers now about it and to build excitement as the Festival draws closer. Premier will provide a full eye-catching POS kit that retailers can use to bring the Festival to life in their stores. Why not create a dedicated Festival fixture in-store, if you have the space, to make sure the event is unmissable to your shoppers. And don’t forget to keep reminding shoppers on social media, highlighting deals and new products and maybe even running a ‘like and share’ competition offering some of the new products as a prize to grow your social media following and increase engagement and footfall?
RETAILER VIEW DENNIS WILLIAMS Premier Broadway, Edinburgh “The Premier Beer & Cider Festival is a huge opportunity for us and its coming at the perfect time as summer is on its way and lots of shoppers are keen to back out and about again after a couple of challenging years. “It’s great to have so many new products to offer and shout about, and also to have some more cracking deals that will let us unlock new footfall, sales and profits. We’ll be going big on it this year and we expect it to make a big difference to our sales during and beyond the Festival.”
To help add excitement to the Premier Beer & Cider Festival 2022, a collection of new products will be available to help retailers generate interest and attention both in-store and on social media.
5.2% ‘hazy’ Stella to bridge the gap from premium lager to craft beer.
Spanish Premium lager.
Premium, refreshing 4% lager. Aims to recruit gen Z shoppers with a £15m media campaign including the Women’s Euros.
Low calorie fruit cider, only 95 calories! Backed by a £13m media campaign.
April 2022 TalkingShop
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Includes 18 x 5ltr bottles of slush concentrate
Includes 24 x 5ltr bottles of slush concentrate
NOW ONLY £11.99
Free POS with each machine Free cups & straws included *at RRP £1.50/Reg 300ml
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Same price to call as 01 or 02 landlines - including from mobiles. Prices correct at time of publishing - Q1 2022.
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Queen’s Jubilee | FEATURE
Are you ready for the Jubilee? The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on the 5th of June is a huge opportunity for Premier retailers to engage with their communities and grow footfall, sales and profits.
PLAN AHEAD! June may still seem like a long time away but the Jubilee celebrations are set to be huge this year, so there are plenty of things that require planning, such as: l If you plan to organise entertainment or equipment for a street party like a marquee, bouncy castles or face painters, it’s probably best to book them now. l If you plan to use bunting, street signs, posters and other informational materials for the party, it makes sense to order it all now to avoid missing out later. l If you need to have a temporary road closure for your street party, your local council will need around six weeks’ notice. l If you want to sell alcohol at the party, you may need a Temporary Events Notice, so it’s worth checking that now. l If you are planning a BBQ or street food offering, speak to your Booker RDM now to make sure that your food and drinks order is in place in plenty of time.
his year, Her Majesty The Queen celebrates becoming the first ever British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, commemorating a remarkable 70 years of service. While there are many events marking the occasion throughout the year the focal point will be the official Platinum Jubilee party on Sunday the 5th of June. Communities across the country are being actively encouraged to take part in the Jubilee to both mark the Queen’s reign and bring communities together. The festival offers a clear opportunity for Premier retailers to
engage with their own communities and to drive up footfall, sales and profits. Organising a street party (or taking part in one organised by the local community) or organising a Big Jubilee Lunch on the 5th of June are just some of the ways that retailers can join in with the official celebrations. The Queen’s official Jubilee website – – offers detailed guidance on how to organise both a street party and a Big Jubilee Lunch. In the case of the Big Lunch, you can even order a free pack of materials to help you advertise and promote the event. The Jubilee offers the ideal opportunity April 2022 TalkingShop
Snowshock is the one stop shop for all your drinks to go needs. We supply everything you need from machines to consumables. The UK’s most protable slush and iced products range. An expert partner at your side bringing you maximum prots.
Still the strongest seller & Britains favourite slush The mainstay of drinks to go. • • • • •
Fizzee carbonated slush puts more money in your pocket than its rivals! Better quality, lower prices, more profit!
Free stock to more than cover the cost Monthly payments* Try before you buy* On-site warranty Exceptional back up and support
The UK’s newest, tastiest and best value carbonated slush. You can’t buy Fizzee in cans or bottles which gives it a strong advantage when it comes to unbeatable sales.
Iced Coffee is a rapidly growing market, this is the product the UK has been waiting for! Frappina – is the only ready to drink, dispensed iced coffee in the UK, it is fantastically popular and growing every day. Low cost bundle including free stock and no waste.
We sell the worlds best ice cream machines, at unbeatable prices.
The real profit in ice cream is a good soft ice cream dispenser. The compact, high performance yet efficient machine from Snowshock is more than capable of meeting any shops needs. Self serve is definitely an option and easier than you think to set up. Snowshock’s set up for Self Serve Ice Cream is a game changer in it’s simplicity and tried and tested operation.
*T&Cs Apply
0330 053 6132
Same price to call as 01 or 02 landlines including from mobiles
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to organise and take part in some fantastic celebrations of community and neighbours, giving Premier retailers an outstanding chance to reinforce their role at the heart of the communities they serve.
GET THE PARTY STARTED Organising a street party or Big Jubilee Lunch isn’t a complicated process. There is no licence required and even if you need the street to be temporarily closed, all UK councils are being encourage to grant temporary road closures for the Jubilee. They will need six weeks’ notice but the request is usually a formality. You do not need a risk assessment – a common sense approach will do, says the Government – and you don’t need public liability insurance. If you are planning a street
party, or considering one, it’s probably wise to start the ball rolling now. Ask for volunteers to help with your preparations from among your team and your shoppers, allocate simple tasks to them and give them set deadlines. It’s also important to remember that, with street parties likely in many communities across the UK, entertainment and equipment suppliers will be in huge demand. So if you plan to hire a tent or marquee, or you intend to hire bouncy castles, trampolines or face painters, it makes sense to book them now. And if you intend to host a BBQ, street food stalls or any other form of food and drink offering, why not speak to your RDM now? They will be able to help you with the planning and will help ensure that your order is in early so that everything goes smoothly on the day.
HOW TO ORGANISE A STREET PARTY Street parties are set to be a major feature of the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, so why not organise one near your store? Here’s some advice from the UK government: l Organising a street party for residents and neighbours is very simple and does not need a licence - though your local council may require you to complete a simple application form. l Plan early and to share jobs out amongst your team and residents. If you need a temporary road closure, get in touch with your council at least six weeks in advance. l You should not need a risk assessment. As long as consideration is given to the safety needs of those attending, common sense precautions should be enough. l If you plan to sell alcohol you will need to check whether you need a Temporary Events Notice, a temporary permission for licensable activities which currently costs £21 and covers events of fewer than 500 people. l There is no requirement to have public liability insurance. l The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has confirmed that one-off events such as street parties aren’t usually considered food businesses, so there are no forms to fill in. l You do not have to register a lottery (which includes raffles, sweepstakes and tombolas) if you are running an ‘incidental lottery’, but tickets must be sold at the event and prizes cannot be rolled over from one event to another. Anyone at the event (including children) can take part and no more than £100 can be deducted from the proceeds to cover organisational costs. No more than £500 can be spent on prizes (not including donated prizes).
Cocktails | FEATURE
Drive sales
with cocktails!
Cocktail consumption has grown hugely during lockdown offering retailers a great opportunity to drive new sales by adding some no-fuss RTD products to their range.
ith many shoppers spending more time at home than ever before during the last couple of years, it’s little surprise that cocktail consumption grew significantly during lockdown. The CGA Mixed Drinks Report 2021 found that an overwhelming 83% of adults made cocktails at home last year. The trend towards increased cocktail consumption was also highly noticeable in the hospitality industry with cocktail rate of sale growing 61% in the first 10 weeks after the reopening of hospitality in April
last year, according to the same report. By October cocktails accounted for 9.9% of all drinks sales in hospitality, a 33% increase on the previous year. With so many consumers turning to cocktails on a night out, it’s easy to understand why they might want to enjoy a similar experience at home. One fantastic way of helping your shoppers do just that with a very minimum of fuss and equipment is by stocking some premix cocktail options that let you shoppers simply pour the product over ice and enjoy.
RTD Premier recommends the following lines as ideal for unlocking growth in RTD cocktail sales in your store: PRODUCT CASE SIZE
Funkin Pina Colada Nitro Cocktail
Funkin Strawberry Daiquiri Cocktail
Funkin Passion Fruit Martini Cocktail
Gordons Pink Martini
Smirnoff Passionfruit Martini
WKD Blue Lagoon Cocktail
WKD Tropical Sunrise
DIY While RTDs will appeal to wide audience, many shoppers may still prefer to make cocktails from scratch at home. Booker has developed a range of fantastic spirit products that are perfect for creating delicious cocktails at home: M271995 Alfred Button London Dry Gin £12.99 M271978 Alfred Button Smooth Vodka £12.49 M271975 Alfred Button Vanilla Vodka £12.49 M272059 Alfred Button Passion Fruit Liqueur £8.99
April 2022 TalkingShop
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FUNK IT UP For shoppers looking for a bar-quality cocktail without the hassle, Premier offers a range of outstanding quality pre-made cocktail bases from Funkin. Available in a range of the most popular cocktail flavours such as Pina Colada, Strawberry Daquiri and Passion Fruit Martini, the Funkin Nitro lines come in handy 200ml cans and all your shoppers have to do is pour over ice. The lines are vegetarian-friendly and get their Nitro name from having been made by infusing spirits with nitrogen to deliver the vibrant, velvety-smooth texture and creamy head they would expect of a cocktail served in their local bar or restaurant. Great value at just £1.99 for your shoppers and great business for retailers as all three lines offers PORs of 25.2%.
RTD Also worth stocking in your cocktail fixture in the chiller are the best-selling premix cocktails from global drinks giant Diageo: Gordons Pink Martini and Smirnoff Passionfruit Martini. The big brand names will resonate with shoppers and these great quality products are similarly ready to drink straight from the 200ml can. They also deliver PORs of 30.2% for retailers as well as adding choice and colour to the fixture. It also makes sense to merchandise the most popular WKD cocktail lines alongside them. WKD Blue Lagoon Cocktail and WKD Tropical Sunrise are both available in big value 70cl bottles at just £4.99, offering retailers very strong PORs of 33.4%. It’s worth noting that, according to Nielsen Scantrack data, RTDs were in growth by 14% last year, far ahead of beer (7.1%) and spirits (8.9%).
Pornstar Martini One in every five cocktails made in the UK is a Pornstar Martini, so why not stock up on the ingredients and share the recipe on social media to drive interest in cocktails and bring new shoppers to your door?
INGREDIENTS l 35ml Alfred Button Vanilla Vodka l 15ml Alfred Button Passionfruit Liqueur l 100ml Funkin Passion Premix
Booker has developed a range of products that are perfect for home cocktail-making including Alfred Button London Dry Gin, Smooth Vodka, Vanilla Vodka and Passion Fruit Liqueur.
l Shake with ice, then pour through a strainer into a martini glass.
This range has been carefully developed as these lines are used in some of the most popular cocktails – including by far and away the most popular cocktail in the UK: the Pornstar Martini. In fact, according to the CGA Mixed Drinks Report, one in every five cocktails made is a Pornstar Martini.
l Serve with a shot of Prosecco.
RTDs may be the fastest-growing category but there will no doubt be some budding Tom Cruises out there among your shoppers so adding in some new lines to help them create more exciting cocktails at home could help open up new revenue streams.
April 2022 TalkingShop
*Ingredients Water, Barley, Malt, Maize, hops, sugar, natural flavours. ©2022 AB InBev UK Limited, all rights reserved.
To purchase these products now, visit
Ones to
A selection of key products that will deliver for you in-store
Deliver Monster sales
49%+ POR
WHAT? MONSTER ENERGY ULTRA ZERO SUGAR RANGE WHEN? AVAILABLE NOW WHY? Monster is one of the biggest energy drinks brands in independent retail, and energy drinks is one of the fastest-selling categories in independent retail – so the launch of four new lines from Monster offers Premier retailers fresh opportunities to generate excitement in-store and on social media as well as driving footfall, sales and profits. WHO? With demand for tasty, zero sugar energy drinks growing, the four new fruity Monster Energy Ultra lines fit the bill perfectly. The new products offer four very different taste profiles to suit the majority of tastes: watermelon, mango, kiwi and citrus.
Available in standard 12-can cases, all four products offer Premier retailers PORs in excess of 49%.
Case size: 12 WSP: £7.05 RSP: £1.39 POR: 49.3% MONSTER ENERGY ULTRA BLUE M264643
WHERE TO STOCK? Site the new lines prominently in the chiller in the energy drink section where the eye-catching cans will help drive trial and draw more shoppers to the fixture.
Hitting the button WHAT? CADBURY CARAMILK BUTTONS WHEN? AVAILABLE NOW WHY? Following the hugely successful launch of the Cadbury Caramilk brand in June last year, Cadbury is bringing the popular products to market in a new format: Cadbury Caramilk Buttons. Available in 90g hanging bags, the caramelised white chocolate
buttons help bring the brand to a wider audience and offer Premier retailers the chance to freshen up their hanging bag fixture and grow sales and profits. WHO? The Caramilk brand has quickly become a favourite with all ages and the new line is expected to be a hit with existing Caramilk fans, as well as helping bring new shoppers into the brand.
WHERE TO STOCK? Feature the new product on your hanging bag display and consider siting them at high traffic points in your store like tillpoints and aisle ends to drive trial and impulse purchases. CADBURY CARAMILK BUTTONS M274805 Case size: 16 x 90g WSP: £6.25 RSP: £1 POR: 25%
April 2022 TalkingShop
Introducing… Premier’s new frozen range To help get spring off to a flying start in the growing frozen category, Premier has added 16 new frozen lines including many take-home and multipack ice cream and ice lolly products.
minimum POR
cream to fish fingers, chicken nuggets and vegetables.
WHEN? AVAILABLE NOW WHY? The resurgence of the frozen category in the last two years has been one of the most notable trends in independent retail. To help retailers capitalise on this trend, Premier has unveiled no fewer than 16 new lines as part of its new spring frozen range. The range features products from a wide array of categories, from ice lollies and ice
62 TalkingShop April 2022
All products are from big brands such as Bird’s Eye, Mars, Cadbury and Ben & Jerry’s. Every single product in the range offers a minimum POR of 20%. WHO? With more people based at home than ever before, the frozen category has experienced strong growth as shoppers buy bigger packs and bigger volumes of frozen products to save money, maximise
convenience and minimise waste. These new products will help Premier retailers offer new and exciting products and refresh their frozen offer. WHERE TO STOCK? Stock ice cream and ice lolly products within the main chiller alongside other similar products or within a dedicated ice lolly freezer, if you have one. Merchandise the other products prominently within your freezers to drive up sales and profits.
To purchase these products now, visit
Case size: 8x3x100ml
Case size: 6x560g
WSP: £15.99
WSP: £26.19
RSP: £3.00
RSP: £5.50
POR: 20.1%
Case size: 6x1ltr
Case size: 8x403g
WSP: £12.99
WSP: £20.59
RSP: £3.50
RSP: £3.25
POR: 25.7%
Case size: 12x4x51ml
WSP: £15.59
Case size: 16x340g
RSP: £2.09
WSP: £11.99
POR: 25.4%
RSP: £1.00 POR: 25.1%
Case size: 8x3x100ml
Case size: 6x6x55ml
WSP: £15.99
WSP: £15.89
RSP: £3.00
RSP: £3.99
POR: 20.1%
Case size: 8x6x58ml
Case size: 10x3x90ml
WSP: £11.19
WSP: £14.99
RSP: £2.25
RSP: £2.25
POR: 25.4%
Case size: 8x465ml
Case size: 6x950ml
WSP: £22.29
WSP: £11.99
RSP: £4.25
RSP: £3.00
POR: 21.3%
Case size: 6x8pk
Case size: 8x465ml
WSP: £8.19
WSP: £22.29
RSP: £2.09
RSP: £4.25
POR: 21.6%
POR: 21.3%
Case size: 6x6x80ml
Case size: 6x6x90ml
WSP: £9.49
WSP: £11.89
RSP: £2.50
RSP: £2.99
POR: 24.08%
POR: 20.4% April 2022 TalkingShop
Inch’s Medium Apple Cider has been voted Product of the Year 2022 in the Alcoholic Drinks Category Winner Alcoholic Drinks Category. Survey 9,897 People by Kantar.
Cash in on reduced pricing on disposable vapes
Premier retailers can take advantage of prices reductions on hugely popular Geek Bar and Elf Bar disposable vape products to grow profits.
ith disposable products driving a resurgence in the vaping category, Premier is helping retailers cash in on the trend with reduced wholesale pricing on two of the biggest brands of all: Geek Bars and Elf bars. The new pricing on Geek Bars offers a case for just £29.99, delivering outstanding PORs for retailers of 44.5% while the new pricing on Elf Bars of just £25.99 delivers PORs of 43.2%. Disposable vaping products allow retailers to offer their shoppers easy to use, long lasting products that will drive footfall, sales and – most importantly of all – bigger profits. Available in a wide range of exciting flavours and requiring minimal shelf space, the Geek and Elf Bars are the ideal way to bring new shoppers to your door and drive up margins at the same time.
RETAILER VIEW AMRIK AIDAN Premier Aidan’s, Farnham “Disposable vaping products have been driving the growth in the category for a little while now and it’s easy to see why. They couldn’t be easier to use, they’re long lasting, they come in a great range of flavours and they’re fantastic value for money. “Geek Bars and Elf Bars have been by far the most popular so new, reduced pricing from Premier means we can gain vital extra margin on high volume, popular lines.”
Geek Bar Watermelon Ice 20mg
Elf Bar Blue Razz Lemonade
Geek Bar Blueberry Sour Raspberry 20mg
Elf Bar Kiwi Passion Fruit
Geek Bar Peach Ice 20mg
Elf Bar Energy
Geek Bar Passion Fruit 20mg Geek Bar Sweet Strawberry 20mg
10 x single
44.5% POR
Not available in all branches.
10 x single
43.2% POR
Not available in all branches.
April 2022 TalkingShop
New Ice Lolly Multipacks SOLERO EXOTIC M211095 Case size: 10x3x90ml WSP: £14.99 RSP: £2.25 POR: 20.05%
Multipack marvels With warmer weather comes hotter sales in the ice cream and ice lolly category – and Premier has a fantastic new range to tempt shoppers with this spring and summer.
ce lollies and ice creams sell well all year round, but when the warmer weather arrives there’s no doubt that the category truly comes into its own. With the recent relaxation of Covid restrictions, this spring and summer is set to be chock full of opportunities for Premier retailers as shoppers get back out and about and into their old routines. The last couple of years, however, have changed how shoppers purchase products in all categories and ice cream and ice lollies is no different. The shift towards larger format packs and
multipacks has also impacted the category with more and more shoppers choosing to go large. That’s for all sorts of reasons: with more shoppers than ever based at home, it makes sense to many to buy bigger, better value take-home packs to stock the freezer with. Impulse packs will remain critical to retailers this summer for on-the-go consumption but it’s highly likely that shoppers will continue with the buying patterns they’ve adopted over the last couple of years.
M203621 Case size: 6x8pk WSP: £8.19 RSP: £2.09 POR: 21.6%
MAX CALIPPO MINI M214089 Case size: 6x6x80ml WSP: £9.49 RSP: £2.50 POR: 24.08%
FAB LOLLIES 6-PACK M272007 Case size: 8x6x58ml WSP: £11.19 RSP: £2.25 POR: 25.4%
April 2022 TalkingShop
New Ice
New Ice
Cream Stick
Cream Tubs
Multipacks MAGNUM MINI M235753 Case size: 6x6x55ml WSP: £15.89 RSP: £3.99 POR: 20.3%
CADBURY CRUNCHIE BLAST M267494 Case size: 8x3x100ml WSP: £15.99 RSP: £3.00 POR: 20.1%
BEN & JERRY’S NETFLIX & CHILL’D M254197 Case size: 8x465ml WSP: £22.29 RSP: £4.25 POR: 21.3%
BEN & JERRY’S CARAMEL CHOW CHOW M254166 Case size: 8x465ml WSP: £22.29 RSP: £4.25 POR: 21.3%
Case size: 12x4x51ml WSP: £15.59 RSP: £2.09 POR: 25.4%
Case size: 6x1ltr WSP: £12.99 RSP: £3.50 POR: 25.7%
Case size: 8x3x100ml WSP: £15.99 RSP: £3.00 POR: 20.1%
Case size: 6x950ml WSP: £11.99 RSP: £3.00 POR: 20.1%
CORNETTO CLASSICO 6-PACK M234422 Case size: 6x6x90ml WSP: £11.89 RSP: £2.99 POR: 20.4%
68 TalkingShop April 2022
NEW RANGE That’s exactly why Premier has responded with the launch of a brand-new range of ice cream and ice lollies in multi- and larger format packs. The new range features some of the biggest brands in the category including Walls, Ben & Jerry’s, Cadbury Dairy Milk, Carte d’Or and Mars. Included in the new ice cream products are two premium tubs from the ever-popular Ben & Jerry’s range: Caramel Chow Chow and Netflix & Chill’d. Offering 21.3% POR on an RSP of £4.25, the new lines will help boost basket spend and profits. Other new ice cream tub products include a 1ltr Carte d’Or Vanilla classic offering a strong POR of 35.7% and a luxuriant Cornish Clotted Cream ice cream tub from Kelly’s delivering in excess of 20% POR. There is also a selection of new ice cream stick multipacks with crowd pleasers like a 3-pack of Cadbury Dairy Milk option, a 4-pack Mars option and a 6-pack of Magnum Minis. Every product in the range delivers PORs of at least 20% and will help drive footfall, sales and profits. Alongside the new ice cream products, there’s also a new range of multipack ice lollies to consider adding to your range in-store including Solero Exotic, Fab and Max Calippo Mini – perfect for those warm days when your shoppers decide to throw an impromptu BBQ or get together with friends and family.
30 Must-Stock Lines Premier recommends the following 30 products as must-stock lines this spring and summer: PRODUCT RSP £1.69
Walls Magnum Classic £2.00
Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough
Classic Milk Chocolate Stick PM75
Walls Magnum White Chocolate
Ben & Jerry’s Choc Fudge Brownie IC
Classic Xtra Chocolate Vanilla Cone PM100
Walls Calippo Orange £1.20
Classic White Chocolate Stick PM75
Classic Vanilla Tub PM225
Classic Orange Pop Up PM60
Classic Almond Stick PM75
Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food £4.25
Classic Car&Van IC Tub PM225
Walls Solero Exotic
Classic Strawberry & Cream Tub PM225
Classic Chocolate Tub PM225
Classic Chocolate Cone PM75
Classic Apple & Blackberry Pop Up PM60
Classic Trop Stick PM75
Walls Feast £1.15
Classic Mini Stick PM200
Cornetto Strawberry
Magnum Classic Ice Cream
Magnum White Chocolate Cookie
Cornetto Classico
Classic Mint Cone PM75
Cadbury Flake 99 Cone
Party Ice Cubes
Classic Strawberry Cone PM75 Walls Twister
IMPULSE MATTERS While it may be multipacks and larger format packs that are seeing the biggest growth, there’s no doubt that impulse lines for on-thego consumption will be critical once more this summer. To help retailers ensure they’ve got the right range for the job, Premier has produced a list of 30 must-stock products to ensure that you get the very best out of the category over the coming months. This list, which you’ll see in this feature, includes the best-selling lines, many of which are Booker’s own brand Classic lines which sell fantastically well and deliver PORs of at least 40%. There’s even suggested planograms for multipack ice creams and ice cream tubs to help you make sure your freezers look their best for shoppers looking for a cool treat.
SHOUT OUT Of course, having a great range and displaying it well is critical, but to really drive sales it makes sense to shout about your ice cream and ice lolly range both in-store and on social media. This is particularly true when it comes to the brand-new lines which can help drive fresh footfall to your store and generate incremental sales as shoppers drop other items into their basket during their visit. Why not try a ‘like and share’ competition on Facebook, offering some of the new lines as prizes? That alone could help you add followers and bring new shoppers to your door for the first time.
April 2022 TalkingShop
Refresh your profits Refresh@Premier is a fantastic way to significantly grow your footfall, sales and profits with some great drinksto-go solutions that will excite your shoppers. 70 TalkingShop April 2022
tanding out from the crowd while growing your bottom line has arguably never been more important to Premier retailers – which is where the outstanding Refresh@Premier concept comes into its own. Refresh@Premier offers retailers the opportunity to bring more shoppers to their door, grow sales and add an extra £50,000 to their bottom line every year. Just as important, the solutions featured below are entirely self-serve and require minimal work for your team, ensuring that they can focus their efforts on delivering fantastic customers service and a great experience to every shopper that visits your store. With consumer interest in premium drinks-to-go at an all-time high, Refresh@Premier offers you a quick, easy and hassle-free way to freshen up your store and give your margins a major boost.
The solutions featured here offer PORs of up to 84% and let you enhance your offer with the addition of exciting products from big names brands including many American icons like Hershey’s, Jolly Rancher, Reese’s and Coca-Cola. Booker has been able to negotiate special rates and deals on these solutions which help you maximise your profits from day one. Based on selling just 20 cups a day, Premier retailers could add up to £50,000 a year to their bottom line. The vast majority of solutions are available via Central Billing, further eliminating complexity and paperwork and letting you get on with running an outstanding store. So, is it time to Refresh your offer? Speak to your RDM for further advice.
GET IN THE ZONE To get the very best out of this fantastic range of solutions, why not follow the example of many Premier retailers and consider a dedicated Refresh@Premier zone in-store? By making the drinks-to-go solutions a prominent feature of your store, you can quickly set yourself apart from the competition and drive footfall growth as well as sales and profits by offering something new and exciting to your shoppers. Quick and easy to install and requiring minimal effort from your team, these self-serve solutions could help you take your store to the next level.
STEVE AND JASSY SINGH DHINSA Premier VG Wheatley Hill, Durham
MANDEEP SINGH Singh’s Premier, Teynham
PETER SALEEM Premier Broadway, Blyth
“The Refresh@Premier zone has been so popular with our younger shoppers. They’ve never had anything like this on their doorstep before as we’re the only shop within walking distance offering premium products like this, so it’s been a real boon for them. “We’ve only been opened a few months and we’re already doing in excess of £1,600 a week through the Refreh@Premier zone and our average margin is north of 65% so it’s been a huge success for us.”
“Refresh@Premier has been a massive success for us. We have Tango Ice Blast, Fanta Frozen, Hershey’s, Frappina, F’real and Jolly Rancher, among others. They sell for around £4 per serving and often they are purchased two and three at a time. Our average basket spend before we added the Refresh@Premier zone as about £7 – it’s now up to around £10.
“We have Tango Ice Blast, Jolly Rancher, F’real, Fwip and Costa Coffee and they have been absolutely huge for footfall. We were told by our RDM when we introduced all the new drinks-to-go that they would be huge, but it’s surpassed even my wildest expectations. “Shoppers now literally visit from the other side of town. We’ve become a true destination store.”
April 2022 TalkingShop
6 X 70CL M245463 *Nielsen: Off-Trade - Q4 2021
Tango Ice Blast Up to 78% POR
Make over
£16k a year*
Snow Shock Slush Up to 84% POR
Make over
Compact Twin 6ltr Booker Price £1,618 +VAT
a year*
Booker hire price £5,352.30 + VAT
Finance option through Shire Leasing
Monthly payment options available
36 monthly payments of £182.76 + VAT pcm
Includes 18x5ltr bottles of Slush Concentrate
Based on selling 20 cups a day at £3.50
*Based on selling 20 cups a day at £1.50 ** Free stock value varies based on machine purchased
Hershey’s Hot Chocolate
Iced Frappino Coffee
Up to 69% POR
4 x Cases, 1 x Case Hershey’s Freeze Cups, 1 x Case Lids, 1000 x Paper Straws
£11k a year*
Jolly Rancher
Double Dispenser: £598 + vat
*Based on selling 20 cups a day at £1.49
Make over
*Based on selling 20 cups a day at £3.00
Single Dispenser: £498 + vat
Up to 83% POR
FREE STOCK WITH EQUIPMENT PURCHASE 4 x Cases, 1 x Case Cups, 1 x Case Lids, 1000 x Paper Spoon Straws
Calippo Burst
Up to 79% POR
a year*
Make over
*Based on selling 20 cups a day at £2.25
Up to 60% POR
Make over
a year*
3-year cost £8,100 vs £7,695 if paid upfront
Fully self-filling bag in box operation
Self-contained, no need for chillers
Not available by Central Billing
Contact the Polar Krush group on 01670 818 666
Make over
£20k a year*
*Based on selling 20 cups a day at £3.99
Reese’s Hot Chocolate Up to 60% POR
Make over
£8k a year*
Coca-Cola and Fanta Frozen Make over
Up to 80% POR
4 x Cases, 1 x Case Cups, 1 x Case Lids
RRP – £3.50
Call 02039281987 for more details
*Based on selling 20 cups a day at £2.00
£19k a year*
*Based on selling 20 cups a day at £3.50
April 2022 TalkingShop
Multiply sales with £1 multipacks
Up to 26% POR
With larger format and multipack confectionery more popular than ever, Premier retailers can cash in an extended range of £1 confectionery multipacks from some of the best-selling brands.
hopper habits have changed dramatically over the past couple of years and this has had a significant impact on the way that people purchase and enjoy many categories, including confectionery. With individuals and families spending a lot more time at home, there has been a big shift towards increased demand for larger pack and multipack formats. This has been
74 TalkingShop April 2022
driven by a range of factors including the growing importance of value, more shoppers lunching and snacking at home and more family nights in – and therefore requiring bigger packs. Lockdown also encouraged more shoppers to buy locally, so this represents a clear opportunity for Premier retailers to grow footfall, sales and profits by stocking and display a range in line with the latest shopper
needs. To meet those needs, Premier has further improved and extended its hugely popular range of £1 confectionery multipacks to help Premier retailers make the most of this important trend. The new range now extends to 32 products from some of the biggest brand names in the category. In other words, shoppers can enjoy more choice than ever with that £1 price-
Consumer shopping habits have changed dramatically, with a huge demand on large pack formats, verses on the go.
Key Facts: • Chocolate category is a key growth area • Growth coming from multipacks at +20%1 • New range meets changing shopper needs
Sales Opportunity: • £13k sales opportunity per year2 • £2.6k additional profit2 • Dual site stock to maximise sales • Merchandise at till point and in dump bins • Use £1 shelf strip to highlight value
Ensure you’re taking l Chocolate category is a keyadvantage growth area of this growth opportunity.
l Growth coming from multipacks at +20% [Nielsen, Dec 2021]
UP TO l New range meets changing shopper needs 26% POR
M20424 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
Not all lines wi
Average based on Booker customers implementing the 1m bay, selling 250 units per week.
Premier retailers benefit from increased PORs thanks to enhanced WSPs – so it makes sense to stock all lines in the range and make them unmissable in-store. 109041 26699 Premier Confectionery Multipack Pack Ad.indd 1
so the new range provides Premier retailers with the perfect way of capitalising on the growth of shopping locally and the growth of multipacks. The new £1 multipack range features bestselling brands like Snickers, Twix, Wispa, Mars, Kit Kat, Yorkie and Crunchie. This extended range means there’s something for everyone and Premier retailers that stock the full range will see the benefit in the form of
Chocolate is the key growth area within confectionery, and multipacks are growing at 20% year on year, according to Nielsen. For independent retailers and symbols specifically, multipacks are seeing 12% growth – way ahead of the market at 4% –
POS is available from l Use £1 shelf strip to highlight value the Printshop at *Average based on Booker customers implementing the 1m bay and selling 250 units per week. www Nielsen Indes and Symbols, Total Confectionery, Value Sales (£), YTD WE 26/12/2020 vs. YA
M26511 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
POS is available from Printshop at Great quality £1 £1 l Merchandise at till point and£1in£1 dump bins£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
point ensuring that they know they’re getting great value for money every day of the week.
l Dual site stock to maximise sales
£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
l £2.6k additional profit*
£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
POS £13k sales opportunity per year* AVAILABLE
£2.6K PROFIT £2.6k profi£1t £1 OPPORTUNITY opportunity
£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1
increased sales, footfall and profits. And while shoppers will clearly benefit from this range of top name brands and fantastic pricing, Premier retailers also benefit from increased PORs of up to 26% thanks to enhanced WSPs – so it makes sense to stock all lines in the range and make them unmissable in-store, as well as highlighting the range and pricing on social media.
April 2022 TalkingShop
M273064 *Nielsen total coverage: 52 weeks to w/c 02.10.21
32 products in the range
Cadbury Wispa 4/PM100
Cadbury Crunchie 4/PM100
Rolo 4/PM100
Cadbury Boost PM100
Cadbury Double Decker 4/100
Terrys Choc Orange 3pk
Cadbury Dairy Milk 4pk
Cadbury Twirl 5/PM100
Cadbury Picnic 4/PM100
Cadbury Daim 3pk
Mars Snacksize PM100
Snickers Snacksize PM100
Twix Twin Snacksize PM100
Galaxy Ripple 3pk
Kit Kat Chunky 4pk PM100
Yorkie Raisin & Biscuit 3pk
Toffee Crisp 4pk PM100
Lion Bar 4pk
Kit Kat 4 finger 3/PM100
Aero Bubbly Peppermint
Frys Turkish Delight 3pk
Cadbury Freddo 5pk
Kinder Choc small bar PM100
Smarties Hexatube 4pk
Mr Tom Peanut 4pk
Frys Orange Cream 3pk
Frys Peppermint Cream 3pk
Frys Choclate Cream 3pk
Cadbury Curly Wurly 5pk
Rowntree Fruit Pastil 3/PM100
Mentos Fruit 3/PM100
Mentos Mint 3/PM100
l Dual site stock to maximise sales l Merchandise at till point l Use the £1 shelf strip to highlight value l Use social media to tell your shoppers about the new range l If you offer home delivery, add them as a snack or dessert option.
PROFIT BOOSTER To make the most of the opportunity, Premier is recommending that retailers create a dedicated 1m bay for the £1 multipack confectionery range to make it unmissable in-store. For Premier retailers implementing the bay, Premier calculates that by selling 250 units a week, retailers will add an £13,000 in sales every year and up to £2,600 in additional profit. Bespoke POS material is available to help retailers communicate the great £1 value message. This includes a new £1 shelf edge
strip that has been designed to help Premier bring the new bay to life and help drive sales on the standard fixture by highlighting the value message. POS is available from the Printshop at www.booker. and retailers are urged to make use of it instore. Multi-siting stock will also help you maximise sales and merchandising key lines at the till points
will communicate the fantastic choice and value available to your shoppers. It will also enable you to take full advantage of this outstanding sales and profit opportunity. If you use social media, why not tell their shoppers about the new range and the great value it offers? If you offer home delivery, why not add it as a snack or dessert option, too?
April 2022 TalkingShop
Tango Sugar free range is
worth over £18m RSV and HAS grown +14.6% in the last year
STOCK UP NOW Source: Nielsen, Total Coverage, Value Sales MAT to 20.11.21
Time to
Designed to disrupt your shoppers and stand out in the chiller
Group exclusive delivers for retailers
The Group exclusive Kit Kat Bites Milk Bag has been driving footfall, sales and profits for Premier retailers since its exclusive launch earlier this year. Very few products generate excitement and footfall quite like the many Group exclusive lines that Booker is able to secure as part of a bigger group. A fantastic example is Kit Kat Bites Milk Bag which was launched at the end of January. The exclusive product is price-marked at just £1 and was a Group exclusive for almost three months, giving Premier retailers an excellent opportunity to shout about it in-
store and on social media, bringing new footfall to their doors. Kit Kat Bites Milk Bag is among confectionery giant Nestlé’s most important launches of 2022 so to be able to secure it on an exclusive basis was a profit-driving coup for Booker and for Premier. Nestlé had very high hopes for the new line and they haven’t been disappointed. Nor have Premier retailers who stocked the
product quickly and benefitted for exclusive early access. Kit Kat Bites Milk Bag has been popular among Kit Kat loyalists but has also been a big hit with other shoppers attracted by the exciting new format. It’s an ideal product for sharing, and the £1 price mark has helped catch the eye of shoppers and boost impulse sales.
April 2022 TalkingShop
shopper’s view… Oscar Trower, Horley “I first heard of Kit Kat Bites Milk Bag in a Facebook post that my local Premier store put out and I’ve always been a fan of Kit Kat so I was really keen to try it – and I have to say I wasn’t disappointed! It’s an absolutely fabulous product and I like that it’s in a sharing bag as it means I can just dip into it throughout the day and be a little bit more careful about my consumption. Sometimes I even share it with friends and family! I think it’s great value at just £1 and I regularly pick a bag or two up at my local Premier if I’m planning on sitting watching Netflix or if I’ve got some friends around. Everybody loves Kit Kat, don’t they, so it’s a sure-fire winner. I have to admit that I still buy Kit Kat in standard format too but as often as not I grab a bag or two of Kit Kat Bites Milk Bag just to be safe!”
RETAILER VIEW JAG SINGH Premier Horsley Hill “Group exclusive products are always a huge hit in the store. Being the first to get an exciting new product is so important these days and we’re lucky as Premier is able to secure fantastic exclusive after fantastic exclusive. The new Kit Kat line is a perfect example. We could get our hands on it three months before our competitors and by splashing it all over social media we were able to generate excitement and interest, which led to footfall and sales.”
RETAILER VIEW IAN MITCHELL Premier Girvan “With the marketplace so competitive these days, it certainly pays to be part of a bigger group. As retailers we see many benefits of being with Premier and Group exclusive products like this Kit Kat line are vital for us. “We had them on an exclusive basis for almost three months which gives us all the time we need to really capitalise on a huge product from a huge brand before others could even get their hands on it.”
RETAILER VIEW AMRIK AIDAN Premier Aidan’s, Farnham “Kit Kat is such a huge brand with such an impressive rate of sale that I knew the new line would be a success – so to get it on an exclusive basis is just superb for us. We made a lot of noise about it in-store and on social media and we had so many shoppers ask about it and come in specially to buy it. “It wasn’t just Kit Kat fans that bought it either. We saw lots of shoppers try it and we’ve seen great repeat sales so that exclusive period has really helped deliver for us.”
RETAILER VIEW JOSH JOHAL Premier Birnam “Our £1 hanging bag range has long been a magnet for shoppers. It drives very significant volumes of sales and a lot of those purchases are made on impulse to it’s really good for building basket spend. “The new Group exclusive Kit Kat hanging bag was a welcome addition. It’s such a well-loved brand and the value is clear at just £1 so I’m not surprised that it has flown out the door. The exclusives are a great way of boosting footfall, sales and profits.”
April 2022 TalkingShop
#1 Nappy brand in the UK*
Pampers Baby Dry Nappies Available in PMP sizes 3, 4, 5 & 6
*IRI covered channel - value sales – P52W ending 2nd Oct 2021
Stock up today!
Calorie Labelling | GUEST COLUMN
Booker Technical Director Angela Hughes discusses the impact that forthcoming new calorie labelling legislation will have on many Premier retailers.
It’s time to prepare for new calorie labelling laws A new law which comes into force in April means retailers will need to display the calorie content of non-prepacked food and drink for immediate consumption.
new law is set to come in to force on the 6th of April this year that will have a profound impact on all Premier retailers who sell food-to-go, offer in-store dining facilities to their shoppers or provide home delivery services for food and drink within the scope of the regulations. From that date, retailers offering these solutions will be required by law to display the calorie content of most of their non-prepacked food and drink. The law covers all ‘out of home’ food businesses where food or drink is prepared in a way that means it is ready for immediate consumption, on or off the premises. What does that mean for retailers? Essentially, the regulations require calorie information to be displayed at the point where a shopper chooses what food they are going to buy. So that will mean calories information has to be added to menus, for instances, or on labels next to food and drink on display. While the legislation is principally aimed at hospitality businesses like restaurants and bars, it will affect Premier retailers offering nonprepacked food-to-go in their stores or retailers with an in-store dining area. The Government says the new legislation is geared to making it easier for shoppers to make informed, healthier decisions but it also hopes to encourage businesses to reformulate the food and drink they offer and provide lower calorie options for shoppers. The penalties for failing to comply are severe. If a retailer fails to meet the regulations, they could be issued with an ‘improvement notice’ and if they then fail to comply with that improvement notice they could be issued with a £2,500 fixed penalty fine. So it’s vital that Premier retailers prepare for the new regulations in good time. The new regulations will also affect retailers offering home
delivery. If you sell food in scope of the regulations on a website or mobile app - including third party delivery apps – you will be required to comply. The website or app will need to display the calorie information of food offered for sale. If you sell via a third-party delivery websites or apps, it’s also worth noting that you will be required to provide calorie information to the website or app provider for all products listed for sale on the website or app. Additionally, calorie information must be made available to the shopper when the food is delivered. That could mean a calorie labelled menu with the order, or stickers on food containers displaying calorie information. Certain categories of food are exempt from the new legislation, including fresh fruit or vegetables (including potatoes), as long as they are not added to other food, or sold as an ingredient in food consisting of more than one ingredient. These are significant new regulations and retailers should familiarise themselves with their new requirements from the 6th of April as soon as possible. For more information, visit April 2022 TalkingShop
ACS Viewpoint | HFSS
James Lowman New HFSS legislation will have a major impact on how retailers lay out their stores.
New legislation on products deemed high in fat, sugar and salt come into force in October and have major implications for how retailers set out their stores and promote products.
onvenience stores are used to adapting when the rules change, and the last two years have shown that retailers are fantastic at changing swiftly to ensure that their business can continue trading effectively, not just through the restrictions forced by the pandemic but also significant recent developments like the introduction of Natasha’s Law, fuel grade changes on forecourts, and calorie labelling for some food products in force from April. As we now hopefully look beyond any issues in stores associated with the pandemic in 2022, preparation has begun for the next big shift in the way that we can set out our stores and promote products to customers as we count down to the introduction of HFSS restrictions in October. This legislation, which aims to restrict the location and promotion of over a dozen product categories, will affect thousands of stores and will require many to carry out a fundamental rethink of their strategy and the way that their store is laid out. The rules on both where you can put products and which promotions are allowed are complicated, so it’s crucial that you know you’re going to be on the right side of the law come October, because the enforcement community are going to
be looking at this issue specifically when they’re out visiting stores (it’s not confirmed yet whether they’ll be bringing a tape measure with them, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility). There are exemptions for stores with a relevant floor space of under 2,000 sq ft and for those with fewer than 50 employees, but as with everything, it’s not quite that simple. The Government’s intention is to include symbol and franchise stores within the rules, so the ’50 employees’ definition could include everyone working in stores under a symbol fascia. This is a live issue right now and something ACS is attempting to gain clarification on. We’ve been working on HFSS since its inception several years ago and have now launched a comprehensive guide for retailers which details every step of the process to ensuring that your store is compliant. In the coming months there are likely to be more questions on interpretations of tiny details of the rules, and we’ll be covering those as well through our partnership with Surrey and Bucks Trading Standards. If you think there’s a chance that you’re going to be in scope of these regulations, our guidance can help. Just go to ACS. to download the guide and get in touch at acs@acs.orguk, or on Twitter @ACS_localshops with any questions. April 2022 TalkingShop
YOURSHOUT GOT A QUESTION? Want to post a question or raise an issue with the Premier Team? Get in touch by email at talking or call 0141 222 5380.
Calorie counting
Time for a Refresh@Premier? I’ve been hearing from other Premier retailers that the relatively new Refresh@Premier concept is going down a storm in their stores. We feature a large drinks-to-go section in our store and it’s one of the most popular parts of the store. Is Premier urging more retailers to embrace the Refersh@Premier concept. PATER SALEEM, PREMIER BLYTH MARTYN PARKINSON, SALES DIRECTOR – RETAIL SAID: “Refresh@Premier has been a hugely positive addition to the stores that have added it. It brings something new and exciting to the store with brands like Hershey’s, Jolly Rancher and Reese’s and it’s also a hassle-free, self-serve solution so there’s virtually no extra work for you and your team. Best of all, these lines offer up to 84% POR and you can add up to £50k of additional profit a year by selling just 20 cups a day from each machine. For more detail on Refresh@Premier, turn to page 74.
Festival of footfall? I understand that the Premier Beer & Cider Festival will return this year, along with a Wine festival later in the summer? This has always been a fantastic event for us in the store and has really helped grow footfall and bring new shoppers to our door, particularly when we promote it hard on social media. Do you have any advice on maximising the opportunity? DENNIS WILLIAMS, PREMIER BROADWAY, EDINBURGH MARTYN PARKINSON, SALES DIRECTOR – RETAIL SAID: “The Premier Beer & Cider
Festival is indeed back and runs from the 4th of May until the 31st of May. The Premier Wine Festival will run a little later, between the 1st of June and the 2nd of August. Both Festivals offer fantastic opportunities to really grow footfall, as well as driving up sales and profits. It’s critical that you and your team get right behind the festivals, both in-store and social media. We have some great promotions and products lined up (see p50) and making use of the free POS and doing some in-store theatre as well as a programme of posts on Facebook and Instagram will really help get the message across and boost your business.”
I have only recently learned that new legislation comes into place soon requiring retailers to label the calorie content of the products they sell. Can you tell us a little more? JOSH JOHAL, PREMIER BIRNAM
ANGELA HUGHES, BOOKER TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, SAID: “From the 6th of April a new law will require retailers offering certain solutions to display the calorie content of most of their nonprepacked food and drink. This will particularly affect Premier retailers who sell food-to-go, offer in-store dining facilities or provide home delivery services for food and drink that is within the scope of the regulations. I would strongly urge you to read the articles on pages 13 and 87 to ensure you are fully up to speed and ready when the new regulations come into force.”
April 2022 TalkingShop
s e l a s r u o y e v i r D with
Nielsen Impulse data we 04.12.21
M099725 M203485