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Women Empowered Elevate
STAC Provides NEW Business Training to Stop Human Trafficking
Survive and Thrive Advocacy Center (STAC) assists human trafficking survivors and empowers communities with the tools to recognize, report and prevent both sex and labor trafficking. Many people think human trafficking only happens in big cities, but the truth is, it’s happening everywhere, including right here in Leon County. STAC provides direct support to survivors and trains thousands of people in our community to identify, report, and prevent human trafficking. (For more information see surviveandthriveadvocacy.org/)
STAC’s training programs for professionals and the public provide information on how traffickers operate and teach individuals what to do if they suspect trafficking. STAC’s latest initiative, funded by Leon County, is STACPRO https://stacpro. org/. This free, online, on-demand training will empower all businesses, workplaces, and employees with greater knowledge about recognizing and responding if they suspect sex or labor trafficking. Workplaces whose employees take this training also will receive special recognition. Let’s face it: businesses are the eyes and ears of the community and play a vital role in identifying trafficking acts and helping survivors to be safe.
The STAC team is working hard to get this information to every workplace and business in Leon County, so they know how to recognize human trafficking and how to react safely and effectively if they suspect trafficking is present. STACPRO is the first comprehensive virtual training program that targets every employment and business sector in Leon County. This includes hotels, restaurants, shops, retail and convenience stores, offices and workplaces of all kinds, financial institutions, and more. With the community’s support, STAC builds a network of people and organizations who stand with survivors and work together to prevent human trafficking. Will you join us?
Robin Hassler Thompson, JD, MA, is STAC’s Executive Director, and you can contact her at: robin@ surviveandthriveadvocacy.org, 850-597-2080 (call and text)
Robin Hassler Thompson
for women by women about women.