3 minute read
Emma Tapley
aEmma Tapley
Emma Tapley will major ain health sciences at Auburn University this fall
Emma Tapley packs a lot of activity into her everyday life. An energetic senior at Benjamin Russell High School, she starts the days early and ends them late. From Eclasses to sports to school clubs and church, Tapley’s schedule keeps her busy, busy, busy. “I’m involved in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, National Honor Society, Student Government Association and Wildcat Pals,” said Tapley, who serves as a senior class representative. “Wildcat Pals participate in activities throughout the year, including the Special Olympics. Our goal is to create lasting relationships with students with disabilities. It is one of my favorite organizations.” Academics also keep Tapley occupied. “My favorite classes are math and science,” she said. She takes an environmental science class at the high school and pre-calculus at Central Alabama Community College and has been accepted to Auburn University, where she plans to major in a health sciences program this fall. “Maybe I’ll go to physical therapy school after that, but I’m not sure,” she added. Tapley’s typical day consists of a full schedule at school, which includes all of her academic classes in addition to a fourth period workout. “Workouts aren’t bad,” Tapley said. “We usually go to the weight room to lift; and then, we run.” Her school day is followed by volleyball practice in the fall or softball practice in the spring. “Although volleyball didn’t end like we wanted this year, we had a really good volleyball season,” she said, recalling the area tournament that resulted in an early loss for the Wildcats. “I’m really looking forward to my senior softball season. I have played softball since I was 6 years old. I moved to catcher during my junior year and have really had fun playing a new position.” Explaining further her busy life, Tapley continued, “On Wednesdays and Sundays I spend time at church. We have a great church family, and I enjoy my time there a lot.” Tapley and her family are members of Alexander City Methodist Church. As busy as Tapley is, she has always made time for Lake Martin. Growing up in Alexander City, Lake Martin has always a She was dual-enrolled at BRHS and CACC this year

She loves a Lake Martin sunset and exploring the lake by boat with friends
dbeen a big part of her life. During summers when she wasn’t playing travel softball or working out, she went to the lake. Her grandparents own a lake home in River Oaks, where she has enjoyed spending time with family and friends when her schedule allowed.
“The lake is one of the best things about Alex City. There is always something to do, and I really enjoy spending my free time there,” said Tapley, who appreciates the beautiful sunsets the lake offers.
She especially enjoys riding Sea-Doos to Chimney Rock and exploring the lake by boat.
“I like to take the boat to different islands around the lake and hang out with friends,” she said.
Tapley is not only good friends with her volleyball and softball teammates, but also, she has a group of friends that dates all the way back to kindergarten.

Tapley will play catcher for BRHS softball this spring
“We like to go to just hang out or go to sporting events, and sometimes, we make a trip to Auburn,” Tapley said.
Tapley’s family includes her parents and her 14-year-old brother, Hank, as well as half-brother and sister Brayden and Lucy Phillips. Tapley’s grandparents all live in Alexander City, as well. As much as she loves her hometown, Tapley is excited about and looking forward to experiencing the next step in life.
“I really plan to focus on two things at Auburn: my major and meeting new people,” she said.
Based on her current life, as well as her past, Emma Tapley will excel at both.

She looks forward to what her future holds d


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