3 minute read
Olivia Walls
Alabama fan Olivia Walls will transfer to Auburn University this fall
lOlivia Walls

y44 LAKE JANUARY 2022 y Growing up in a sports-focused family, Horseshoe Bend’s Olivia Walls knew she wanted a sports-related career, and while searching exercise science majors one day, she found it: sports nutritionist. “I was so excited when I first heard about it; I looked it up on YouTube,” said the 21-year-old Central Alabama Community College sophomore. “A sports nutritionist basically designs an athlete’s whole day – what time they wake up; what meals they eat – how many calories they need to gain weight or muscle or lose weight; the workouts they do; when they go to bed, everything.” She loved the idea so much that she started applying the principles of sports nutrition to her own life. “I work out every day, eat healthy, and the more I did it, the more I saw differences in myself. People started asking me how they could do that for themselves, and I thought, ‘This could be a career,’” she said. Her choice was heavily influenced by her family’s lifestyle. Walls grew up playing softball and cheering while her father coached her younger brother in football. As avid sports enthusiasts and Alabama fans, the Walls family frequently attends Crimson Tide games and watches a lot of sports channels on television, especially football, she said. “I always watched the coaches and the players. I could see how much they love it, how passionate the coaches are. They’re all in it, and I want to be around that,” Walls said. Her career path will require a master’s degree, and this dedicated Alabama fan has chosen to attend Auburn University. “I’m still passionate about Alabama, but I want to be closer to home. Every person I have talked to about Auburn absolutely loves it. They say it’s like a family, very welcoming. And I have heard that they have a very good nutrition program,” she said. “I prayed a lot about it and talked to my parents. The more I prayed about it, the more I was drawn to sports nutrition and Auburn,” she said. “I take my relationship with God very seriously. We go to Rocky Creek Baptist Church and have been there since I was in the fifth grade. I love that church.” But Walls chose to start her college education at a community college because she did not think she was ready for big-campus life right after graduating Horseshoe Bend High School in 2019. “I went to Horseshoe Bend School from kindergarten up. Everyone knew each other. I graduated with about 70 people, and we were very close. We had so much fun. It was like we were all brothers and sisters. The teachers Walls grew up in a sports-focused family She played softball and cheered in high school


ywere very helpful. They care about you as a person, as well as in the classroom and your grades. It’s very much like a family,” she said. “I went to a very small 2A high school, and I just thought going right to a big campus would be too much too fast for me, too overwhelming. I was more comfortable with a small school.”
Walls’ first choice was to attend Southern Union Community College, but she hesitated at the thought of the long drive. “Going to CACC was a last minute decision. I wasn’t too excited about it, but I love CACC. It was the best decision I ever made,” she said. “I love the teachers and the size of the classroom. Every teacher cares so much about the students individually. They are very, very helpful. They take their time and really care about you and your grades.”

She works out daily and looks forward to a career in sports nutrition