2 minute read
Time for Action with LMAUW
Lake Martin Area United Way is calling for all hands on deck June 23 and July 14 to help spruce up classrooms and grounds at local schools before classes resume in August. LMAUW Executive Director Courtney Layfield said the projects vary among the three schools that will benefit this year.
“We’ll be doing some touch-up painting, trimming landscaping, pressure washing, scrubbing walls where all those little hands touch,” Layfield said.
At Reeltown High School, volunteers also will help teachers move into new classrooms. At Benjamin Russell High School, they will paint lockers and spread pine straw, as well as clean walls, floors and windows.

At Central Elementary School in Coosa County, the playground will get some tender loving care, Layfield said. In addition to painting equipment, volunteers will spread pea gravel in the playground area and pressure wash.

Some 60 to 70 volunteers usually turn out for the annual project day in Tallapoosa County, and Coosa County sees between 40 and 50 volunteers every year.
Volunteers work from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on both dates and should wear work clothes. Tools and supplies will be provided unless those are specifically requested in advance of the work dates, Layfield said.
Working for Schools
Volunteers gather to spruce up local schools during the annual Day of Action.
“We are working with local businesses and individuals about sponsorships and donations to help us with supplies. We’re very fortunate; these Day of Action events are well supported by the community,” she added.
Volunteers receive a T-shirt for their efforts, and the camaraderie of working together for the betterment of education in the community can’t be beat, Layfield noted. In addition, students who volunteer earn community service hours.
To sign up, visit unitedwaylakemartin.org. To donate or become a sponsor of one or both of these events, email Layfield at Courtney.layfield@unitedwaylakemartin.org or call her at 256-329-3600.
“Or just show up,” Layfield said. “We have jobs for everybody.”
June 14
Games & Puzzles
Bring the kids to Mamie’s Place Children’s Library in Alexander City at 10 a.m. to make new friends, have fun and explore the wonderful world of books in this summer reading program on the theme of All Together Now. New games this year include Operation, Dancing Challenge and more.
June 15 McWane Center
Bring the kids to Mamie’s Place Children’s Library in Alexander City at 10 a.m. for a wild morning of science about things that stay together – or apart – in keeping with this year’s summer reading theme, All Together Now. Free program.
June 17
LMRA Annual Meeting
Join the Lake Martin Resource Association Board of Directors for the annual breakfast meeting at Kowaliga Restaurant. Breakfast offered from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. followed by the meeting, which will include updates on membership, boating safety, advocacy and environmental issues pertaining to Lake Martin. Visit lmra.info.
June 19
Juneteenth Celebration
The Black Business Council will present a Juneteenth Celebration from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Cooper Rec Center, including an African Libation Ceremony, Drums and Spoken Word; food, clothing and crafts vendors; a DJ; and dance performances by Regeneration Praisers and Mahogany Masterpiece. Sponsored by Tallapoosa County Commissioner T.C. Coley Jr., Anderson Headstones & Memorials and Scenario Design, Inc. Visit bbcalexcity.eventbrite.com or the Facebook pages for Black Business Council (Alex City) and BBC Juneteenth.
June 20
Animal Tales
Join the fun at Mamie’s Place Children’s Library at 10 a.m. for an Animal Tales program in conjunction with the summer reading program, All Together Now
June 20-23
Youth Sailing Camp
Dixie Sailing Club will conduct a youth sailing camp for ages 7 to 17 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., covering basic sailing skills,