The Wetumpka Herald 08-17-22

Page 4

Elmore County students earn Alfa Foundation Scholarships

Holtville High School basketball coach arrested

sity studying political science. Luster is a sophomore at Auburn University studying animal sciences.

A virtual teacher at Elmore County School’s Edge program has been arrested and charged with school employee distributing obscene material to a student.

Four local college students were among a group of 100 who earned a $1,000 scholarship through the competitive Alfa Foundation Scholarship Program. Richard Burleson, Deatsville; Jackson Hand, Titus; Judson Hardin, Wetumpka; and Abigail Luster of Wetumpka each received a scholarship.

The award may be used toward tuition, fees, books or supplies. The 100 scholarship recipients hail from 52 different

Elmore County Sheriff Bill Franklin said Emmanuel Andre Wilson II, 32, of Montgomery turned himself into authorities Tuesday afternoon.

investigation and handed it off to the appropriate authorities. He was also placed on adminis trative leave at that time.”

Wilson was released on a $6,000 bond 90 minutes after turning himself in according to the Elmore County Jail website.


Scholarships are awarded based on academics, participation in school and community activities, honors, work experience and future goals. The program is administered through Scholarship America.

more County Schools superintendent Richard Dennis.

Dennis said school officials follow the same procedure when administrators re report of allegations against school staff and employees.

counties and will attend 21 different institutions.

Dennis said Wilson also coached other sports at Holtville schools including being the head track coach and assistant football coach.

“We had a report,” Dennis said. “We had a preliminary

“It’s important for young people to get a good education,” Alfa Insurance president Jimmy

Statewide gas prices down nearly 9 cents in one week

Average gasoline prices in Alabama have fallen 8.9 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.53 per gallon Monday, according to GasBuddy’s survey of 3,348 stations in Alabama. Prices in Alabama are 60.1 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and stand 69.4 cents per gallon higher than a year ago. The national average price of diesel has declined 14.8 cents in the last week and stands at $5.27 per gallon.

The Wetumpka Chamber of Commerce held its annual luncheon to install new officers and board members for the first time in a while Thursday.

The COVID-19 pandemic put a hamper on gatherings but the chamber celebrated the successes of business in Wetumpka.

According to GasBuddy price reports, the

“We haven’t been able to do this for the last couple years,” chairperson Clay McConnell said. “Your attendance is an indication people want to get back together and have these opportunities to see each

See CHAMBER, Page A3

Commission approves 2023 budget

Elmore County already has a budget for fiscal year 2023, thanks in part to a process that started months ago.

The process began in late spring with meetings among key staff, meetings with department heads in June and formal presentations to the Elmore County Commission before approval in August.

The 2023 budget helps fund several needs across the county and helps take care of employees.

“Once we hand it over, we know very little about what is going on,” Dennis said. “We cooperate with authorities if necessary.”

Parnell said. “These students represent the future of our state and I’m glad we can support them through these scholarships.”

Burleson is a freshman at

Auburn University studying mechanical engineering. Hand is a junior at Auburn University studying civil engineering. Hardin is a junior at Auburn Univer-

Chamber holds luncheon welcoming members

Dennis said other staff would fill in for the duties of Wilson at Holtville while he is on administrative leave.

Throughout its history, the Alfa Foundation Scholarship Program has awarded $850,000 to students studying at Alabama technical schools, colleges and universities.





Tomatoes, potatoes, squash, zucchini and cucumbers. Cakes, fried pies, casseroles and honey Flowers, friendly people and a great view of the Coosa River and downtown Wetumpka.

It’s been happening all summer long at the City of Wetumpka Farmers’ Market on Coosa Street. But only for two more weeks this season. Be sure to visit between 4 and 7 p.m. the next two Thursdays to find a laundry list of fresh vegetables, treats and more.

Holtville’s Futral Alabama principal of the year

“We have included a potential for a five percent increase in healthcare premiums [for county employees to be covered by the county],” Commission Chair Troy Stubbs said. “We are anticipating an increase. That is information that is not known yet.”

The Alabama Association of Secondary School Principals (AASSP) named Holtville High School principal Kyle Futral the 2022 Alabama High School Principal of the Year.

schoolwide assembly at Holtville High School. Elmore County Su perintendent Richard Dennis was in attendance for the presentation.

The commission will now fund nine school resource officers — up from three — and still share 25 percent of online sales and use tax collected in the county with Elmore County and Tallassee school systems.

The budget also includes a new HVAC unit and ice machine at the Elmore County Jail and

The High School Principal of the Year award was presented to Futral on Friday, Jan. 28 during a

“Kyle Futral is an exception al principal and is very proac tive and innovative in his think ing and approaches to managing his school,” Dennis said,

As principal of Holtville High School, Futral has transformed dents, caused the school

CONTACT US USPS 681-260 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 | VOL. 123, NO. 33 | $1.00 SPORTS: Bear Woods era to begin for Wetumpka football program, B1
CONTACT US USPS 681-260 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2022 | VOL. 123, NO. 5 | $1.00 Deputy recovering after being shot in Claud standoff, B8 Weather Today’s High Low 65 55 THURS: HIGH 71 LOW 53 334-567-2666 Flea Market & Antiques 5266 U.S. Hwy. 231 • Wetumpka, AL (Winn Dixie Shopping Center • Behind KFC)
334-567-7811 Fax: 334-567-3284
Wilson was the head basket ball coach at Holtville High Franklin said investigators with the Elmore County Sher iff’s Office have the alleged vic tim’s phone. Authorities collect ed Wilson’s phone as well. could see a conversa tion between the two,” Frank lin said. “Mr. Wilson is going to contend someone had the security code to his phone and he was not responsible. There is other information we can’t disclose now but I don’t think it’s beneficial to Mr. Wilson.” WILSON According to Wetumpka police chief Greg Benton, this was not a random shooting. FUTURAL culture to See PRINCIPAL,
Page A3
Weather Today’s High Low 89 68 THURS: HIGH 83 LOW 67
chamber’s “A Taste of Our Home Town” luncheon. CLIFF WILLIAMS/ THE HERALD CLIFF WILLIAMS THE HERALD
See GAS, Page A5 See BUDGET, Page A5
Vendors sell a variety of colorful handmade or hand-grown items at the Wetumpka Farmers Market every Thursday until the end of August.

News from the Humane Society of Elmore County

Sunday, 18 September, starting at 1 pm will be our or our 16th Annual Bark in the Park at Fort Toulouse in Wetumpka! Let’s all have some fun with our dogs by bringing your dog out to Fort Toulouse to enjoy a nice afternoon in the park.

There will be plenty to do and see at Bark in the Park – vendors, food, demonstrations, Microchip Clinic, Blessing of the Pets, Pet Parade, Pet Photography, Bark in the Park T-Shirts and a great selection of Pet related Silent Auction items that will be on our Facebook page as we get closer to the day.

We will kick things off at 1 pm with an exciting Police K-9 demonstration so don’t be late and they will stay just a bit afterwards to answer any questions.

to join us – check our Vendor App here: calendar-of-events.html) or email us at the Shelter at .

Grumpy Dog will have Hot Dogs for our “doggy oriented day” and you can get a super yummy Gelato from Venice Gelato. To quell your thirst step over to the Buffalo Rock Pepsi Trailer for a variety of sodas and water for sale.

Our Blessing of the Pets will happen between 2-2:15 pm followed by our always popular Parade of Pets. After all who doesn’t like showing off their beloved pet! During the Pet Parade secret judges will be scouting out dogs for fun prizes – biggest, smallest, best costume and more.

Lake Martin’s Best Source for News and Information.

present. We will be able to take payment via cash, check, credit or debit.

Microchips can be critical to reuniting lost pets and to help keep more pets safe, bring your dog to Fort Toulouse where it can be chipped. From 1:30 – 3:30 and for only $25 (which includes the registration) you can get your pet microchipped thanks to the Tuskegee College of Veterinary Medicine.

Make sure to stop near the Pavilion at Fort Toulouse to purchase your 2022 Bark in the Park T-Shirt for $15. We are most appreciative of the Sponsors for our T-Shirt and we think “Keep it Paws-itive” is a good message for us all this year. We always have some delectable baked goodies as well and who doesn’t like homemade sweets!

We have numerous vendors with pet products, groups and information, crafts, sweets, local businesses and more. Vendors will be set up under the trees and around the Pavilion area and plenty of time for more Vendors

From 1:30 – 3 p.m. our Silent Auction of a large number of pet related items will be ongoing and there are treasures galore! We will post photos and info on our Facebook page as we get a bit closer to the day. All Auction items must be paid for and picked up at the end of the Auction at 3 p.m. If a person is the highest bidder but is not present when the auction ends, we will move to the next highest bidder

Admission to Bark in the Park is $5/person 13 years old and older. ALL dogs coming to Bark in the Park must be good in public, meaning good around children, adults and other dogs in a very busy situation, AND they must have a current rabies tag/proof of rabies vaccination to come to the Park. Pet of the Week –


Fez looks to be a possible Lab/Pit mix, male, one-year old, about 50 lbs. He was found as a stray no one ever came for. Fez gets all excited to meet people at first but then calms down quickly and loves attention. He is very playful, great with other dogs, not sure about cats, loves everyone and wants a family to call his own.

Our adoption fees are $100 for dogs & $50 for cats under one-year-old; cats over one-year-old can be adopted by approved adopters for a fee of their choosing. This adoption fee completely covers the mandatory spay or neuter, basic immunizations, de-worming, microchip, heartworm check for dogs, rabies vaccination if old enough, free health exam with your participating veterinarian.

If you are interested in meeting Fez or any of our pets, our first step is our Adoption Application you can do here: . Once approved, we will coordinate with you to set up an appointment to meet & adopt.

We are located at 255 Central Plank Road, Wetumpka, AL, 36092, our phone number is 334567-3377 and our website is www.elmorehumane. org for more information.

Community Calendar

AUG. 18 - AUG. 25

FARMERS MARKET - City of Wetumpka Farmers Market season will run every Thursday until August 25. The market will be open from 4 to 7 p.m. at 304 E. Coosa Street in Wetumpka. Visit the market to purchase homemade goods, homegrown produce and more. For more information, call 334-5675147.

SEPT. 24

TITUS BLUEGRASS FESTIVALTitus Community Center, 5859 Titus Road from 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Come join and enjoy bluegrass music featuring Homestead, Over The Mountain and Shannon Slaughter. Admission $10, children 12 and under free. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy a day of music, concessions and arts and crafts. Everyone is welcome.


PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: After more than a year long hiatus, Preschool Storytime has resumed at the Wetumpka Public Library. The first story time was held on Friday, May 14, and will take place every Friday at the library at 10 a.m.


MEETINGS: Eclectic Town Council meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at Town Hall. Council meetings begin at 7 p.m. with work sessions taking place prior to the meeting at 6 p.m. Meetings are held in the Dr. M. L. Fielder Municipal Building, 145 Main Street.

NAACP MEETINGS: The Elmore County Branch No. 5026 of the NAACP meets at 6:30 p.m. every third Tuesday (executive committee) and every fourth Tuesday (full membership) at the Martin Luther King Center at 200 North Lancaster St. in Wetumpka.

LIVING WORD: You belong here. You and your family are always welcome here. We are located at 1826 Kowaliga Road Eclectic, across from the Dollar General. Call 334-492-0777 for more information.

OPEN MIC: The Equality Performing Arts Center hosts an open mic jam session from 7 to 9 p.m. every second Friday of the month at 560 Highway 9 in Equality. There is no charge but donations are welcome as they keep the center running. Bring a snack or finger food to share during the intermission.


MEETINGS: Red Hill Community Club Meetings are held every second Monday of the month. Join the Red Hill Historical Preservation Association in the auditorium of the Old Red Hill School, located off state Route 229 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss upcoming events.

CHRIST: Come join us at 4530 Mt. Hebron Road in Eclectic. Our Sunday school begins at 9 a.m. followed by worship service at 10:30. There is also a Wednesday night Bible study at 7 p.m. For more information call Pastor Edwin Walker at 334-541-2025

LUNCH AND LEARN: Lunch and learn Tuesdays with Kelly are scheduled at the Kelly Fitzpatrick Memorial Gallery at 124 Company Street in Wetumpka from noon to 1 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. For more information, visit

CELEBRATE RECOVERY GRACE POINT: Celebrate Recovery meets at Grace Point Community Church at 78223 Tallassee Highway in Wetumpka each Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. All are welcome to the meetings which provide a safe and loving environment for individuals seeking to conquer their hurts, habits and hangups. For more information, visit or contact Gwin Greathouse at

CELEBRATE RECOVERY SANTUCK: Celebrate Recovery meets each Thursday at 6:15 p.m. at Santuck Baptist Church at 7250 Central Plank Rd. This is a Christ-centered, 12-step program for anyone struggling with hurts, habits, and hangups. Call 334567-2364 for more information or contact

GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS: Gamblers Anonymous meets Saturdays at 6 p.m. at Cedarwood Community Church at 10286 U.S. Highway 231 in Wallsboro/Wetumpka. Call 334-5670476 for more information.

AA MEETING: Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Mondays at 7 p.m. located at 105 Tuskeena St. in Wetumpka.

RED HILL GALLERY: The Red Hill Gallery on Highway 229 in the Red Hill Community in Tallassee is open Fridays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for local live music performances. No admission is charged but donations are welcomed to maintain the building and pay for refreshments.

MASTER GARDENER HELPLINE: If you have gardening questions you can call the Master Gardener Helpline at 1-877-252-4769. The helpline starts March 1 and ends in August.

CHILDREN’S HARBOR: Children’s Harbor Treasures and Thrift Store Located on state route 63 just south of Lake Martin Amphitheater, the Children’s Harbor Thrift Store is open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. proceeds are used to help fund the activities at the Lake Martin campus of children’s harbor and the Family Center at Children’s Hospital. Call 334-857-2008 for more information.

The WeTumpka herald Wednesday, augusT 17, 2022 • Page A3
Let’s Have A Picnic! Shop Local For One Stop Savings WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! FOOD OUTLET Everything Priced at Cost, Then Only 10% Added At Register. Cost + 10% 3543 Highway 14 • Millbrook, AL 36054 720 East Main St. • Prattville, AL 36067 439 Coliseum Blvd. • Montgomery, AL 36109 Three Locations to Serve You: Open Daily 7 am to 9 pm Savings for Your Family! We Accept Credit & Debit Cards, Food Stamps & WIC Buy Big, Save Buy Big, Save Big! USDA T-Bone Steaks $695 Lb. +10% At Register Assorted Half Gallon Blue Bell Ice Cream Hamburger Helper $125 Ea. +10% At Register $500 +10% At Register Ea. Buy Big, Save Big! Buy Big, Save Big! 6-Oz. Btl. Crystal Hot Sauce Assorted 4-Pack Dole Fruit Cups 75¢ +10% At Register Ea. $450 Lb. +10% At Register USDA Boneless Chuck Roast 20-Oz. Btl. Heinz Ketchup 4.5-8 Oz. Assorted Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks $139 Lb. +10% At Register USDA 1st Cut Pork Chops $250 +10% At Register Ea. $221 Ea. +10% At Register +10% At Register Assorted 2-Liter Btls. Coke Products 15.9-16.6 Oz. Kellogg’s Raisin Bran Or Raisin Bran Crunch 24.8-Oz./50-Ct. Totino’s Pizza Rolls $372 +10% At Register Ea. $137 +10% At Register Ea. $348 +10% At Register Ea. $253 Ea. +10% At Register Prices Effective Wednesday Aug. 17th Thru Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2022 YOUR HEALTH YOUR STATUS YOUR BEST LIFE For more information on HIV/AIDS such as testing, treatment, and services, visit For information on PrEP, visit Integrated HIV Programs for Health Departments to Support Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States 6 NU62PS924613-01-0 CFDA-93.940 Notice of Funding Opportunity - PS20 2010
ents culture Region LakeMartin L eM a e Living Share theGardenurselffromanactiveshooter Wags

“Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it.” —Thomas Jefferson

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Long list of legendary Alabamians

The longer I continue to write about Alabama politics, the more I realize that Alabama really is a “Big Front Porch” – a saying made famous by our legendary Alabama storyteller, Kathryn Tucker Wyndham.

I have been involved in the world of Alabama politics for 60 years. I have been writing this column for over 18 years and that is longer than I served in the legislature.

I am sometimes asked whether I liked being in the Alabama political arena or writing about it better. The answer is easy. Writing is better. It is more fun to be able to throw stones than to have stones thrown at you.

I am also asked at social or political events around the state what are some of your favorite political memories. Indeed, I have been blessed to have met and known some of Alabama’s best known political and literary figures and some of them well.

I began paging in the Alabama Legislature at age 12, and met Governor George Wallace when he was in his first term as governor. Ironically, 20 years later I was elected to the legislature and Wallace was again governor for his fourth and final term. My leg-

islative district included Pike, Barbour and Dale Counties so I represented Wallace in his home county of Barbour. Wallace loved the fact that I was now his representative. He would have me visit with him often in the governor’s office and he would tell me political stories and maxims. He told me a lot of inside stories about the Civil Rights era, as well as pre-Civil Rights, some of which I have shared with you and some I will share later.

One of my favorite friends in Alabama politics was the late Senator Howell Heflin. Heflin was a very straightlaced gentleman. His daddy was a Methodist minister. He was truly a great man and one of the wittiest and best storytellers I ever knew. He was a real Alabama hero and legend. He was a decorated World War II veteran, one of Alabama’s best lawyers, Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and our U.S. Senator for 18 years. Most people who knew him well in Alabama and Washington simply referred to him as “Judge.”

I wrote a glowing column about “Judge”. He appreciated the column. It really was like a eulogy. He liked to call me “Tree,” a nickname

I acquired in college. After the column came out, he started getting calls from all over the state. He called to thank me. I told him, “Judge I’m in about 60 papers and about 30-40 of the papers send me copies of the paper and why don’t I gather those up and bring them to you and read what title they gave to your column.” He said, “Would you do that, Tree?” I said, “Yes, I would enjoy a visit.”

He had retired from the Senate and was back home in Tuscumbia. I drove to Tuscumbia for the day. Got there for breakfast and stayed all day. We perused the papers I had brought him, and I headed home. Ole Judge died a few weeks later and I traveled back up to the Shoals for his funeral. I was proud when the preacher used some excerpts from my column for Judge’s eulogy. There was a throng of people at Judge’s funeral, including quite a few famous and powerful members of the U.S. Senate. I do not think that the Florence airport had

ever seen that many private jets. I had already had my goodbye with Judge and the line was very long to greet “Mrs. Mikie,” Judge’s wife and Tom his son. Judge’s wife was from a prominent North Alabama family, the Carmichaels, thus he had coined her nickname “Mikie.” As I was leaving, I heard someone shout my name, “Tree, wait.” It was Tom Heflin, the only child of Judge and Mikie. Tom is a lawyer and a fraternity brother of mine from the University of Alabama. He said, “I want to tell you something. When we went into daddy’s bedroom the other morning and found him passed away, beside his bed was a large desk, and on the desk were all the papers you brought him the other day. He had read them just before he went to bed.” It made me feel very good. It is one of the most rewarding memories of my column writing days.

I will continue with more stories next week.

Steve Flowers is Alabama’s leading political columnist. His weekly column appears in over 60 Alabama newspapers. He served 16 years in the state legislature. Steve may be reached at www.

If you are a senior citizen, do you need a will? If you own real estate the answer is yes. If you don’t, then the answer is you need to talk to a lawyer. Even if you don’t need a will, there are all sorts of things you probably do need, including a Power of Attorney and an Advance Directive.

August is National Make-A-Will Month. Central Alabama Aging Consortium, which provides a wide range of services to seniors and to the disabled, urges you to look at your Estate Planning needs. CAAC provides free legal services to seniors over 60 for wills and other estate planning needs*.

“If you own real property, a Last Will and Testament is a vital estate planning tool, says Lee McIver Jordan, Esq. who provides legal services to CAAC clients. “At its essence, a Last Will and Testament is the ideal way for most people to pass title to real estate to one’s heirs and distribute other personal property. It is typically safer to distribute your real estate via a Will as opposed to adding loved ones to your property deed.”

Just as important are the other estate planning services. “Preferably, you will have a Last Will and Testament, a financial Power of Attorney, a health care Power of Attorney, and

an Advance Directive (commonly known as a “Living Will”). We can provide these documents at Central Alabama Aging Consortium, regardless of income, so long as you are 60 years of age or older and reside in Montgomery, Elmore, or Autauga County”, says Jordan.

National Make-A-Will Month is a good time to review your legal needs if you are a senior citizen.

Contact Central Alabama Aging Consortium if you need estate planning help.

Page A4 • August 17, 2022
Kenneth Boone, Chairman Steve Baker, Publisher Kaitlin Fleming, Managing Editor Opinions expressed in guest columns and letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the management of Tallapoosa Publishers, Inc.
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The Herald strives to report the news honestly, fairly and with integrity, to take a leadership role and act as a positive influence in our community, to promote business, to provide for the welfare of our employees, to strive for excellence in everything we do and above all, to treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves. Opinion? What’s your We’d like to share your thoughts and opinions with the community for free. You may submit one letter to the editor per month (300 words or less) and/or a guest column (500 words or less). Include name, address and phone number. We reserve the right to refuse any submissions. Mail: Your View, The Wetumpka Herald 127 Company Street Wetumpka, AL 36092 E-mail: Obituaries: 25 cents per word with a $15 charge for picture per paper (Herald, Observer, Tribune). Obituaries are only accepted via the funeral home in charge of arrangements. We do not accept obituaries from individuals. Weddings, Engagements, Anniversaries, or Birth Announcements: These significant family events or milestones are 25 cents per word and $15 for a photo and must be emailed to us at Include name and telephone number. The text for the announcement must be in the body of the email (not as an attachment) and photographs must be sent as a .jpeg attached to the email. Announcements will appear within 10 days in The Herald or The Tribune. On the Web Follow us Follow The Wetumpka Herald at or on Facebook and Twitter. Submissions Information Postal USPS-681-260 ISSN: 1536-688 The Wetumpka Herald is published weekly on Wednesday, by Tallapoosa Publishers, Inc., 548 Cherokee Road, Alexander City, AL 35010. Periodical postage paid at Wetumpka, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Wetumpka Herald, P. O. Box 99, Wetumpka, AL 36092-0099. Tallapoosa Publishers, Inc. manages The Alexander City Outlook, The Dadeville Record, The Wetumpka Herald, The Tallassee Tribune, The Eclectic Observer, Lake Magazine, Lake Martin Living, Elmore County Living, Kenneth Boone Photography and a commercial web printing press. © 2016 Tallapoosa Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved and any reproduction of this issue is prohibited without the consent of the editor or publisher.
Letter to the Editor Subscribe Today! $50 annually For residents in Elmore County, Tallapoosa County and Notasulga. $38 annually elsewhere. Call 256-234-4281
The WeTumpka herald
August is National Make-A-Will Month

Wind Creek Hospitality launches

“CasinoVerse” social gaming world

Wind Creek Hospitality announced last week the launch of “CasinoVerse”, its latest generation of social gaming environments.

“This third-generation platform is the most engaging and most fun to play social gaming world we’ve ever offered to our players,” said Jay Dorris, President and CEO of Wind Creek, in a press release announcing the launch. “Providing our guests an escape from daily life to a fantasy world of fun and excitement is a core belief of Wind Creek Hospitality. We know that guests can’t always be at one of our physical locations, so we feel having an online brand experience that enables those same elements of escape, fantasy and game play available at home or on the go is

cheapest station in Alabama was priced at $3.11 per gallon Sunday while the most expensive was $4.39 per gallon, a difference of $1.28 per gallon.

The national average price of gasoline has fallen 9.9 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.92 per gallon Monday. The national average is down 63.7 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 74.8 cents per gallon higher than a year ago, according to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports covering over 150,000 gas stations across the country.

Historical gasoline prices in Alabama and the national average going back ten years: August 15, 2021: $2.83 per gallon (U.S. Average: $3.17 per gallon)

August 15, 2020: $1.85 per gallon (U.S. Average: $2.17 per gallon)

August 15, 2019: $2.28 per


CasinoVerse is an immersive 3D world like the environments in widely available role-playing games (RPG) familiar to most gaming enthusiasts.

This allows players to explore the Wind Creek “globe” and play at virtual representations of the various brick and mortar Wind Creek venues in North America and the Caribbean, including the one in Wetumpka. Players in this new world can create an individual avatar of themselves and experience the online world.

According to the press release, CasinoVerse offers many of the same game titles found on Wind Creek Hospitality’s casino floors, additional titles from industry providers, and “proprietary content” developed by Wind Creek and its Flow Play Game Studio subsidiary. Along with casino style games, CasinoVerse is introduc-

gallon (U.S. Average: $2.63 per gallon)

August 15, 2018: $2.55 per gallon (U.S. Average: $2.85 per gallon)

August 15, 2017: $2.09 per gallon (U.S. Average: $2.34 per gallon)

August 15, 2016: $1.85 per gallon (U.S. Average: $2.12 per gallon)

August 15, 2015: $2.21 per gallon (U.S. Average: $2.67 per gallon)

August 15, 2014: $3.22 per gallon (U.S. Average: $3.46 per gallon)

August 15, 2013: $3.27 per gallon (U.S. Average: $3.53 per gallon)

August 15, 2012: $3.47 per gallon (U.S. Average: $3.71 per gallon)



Birmingham- $3.54 per gallon, down 7.2 cents per gallon from last week’s $3.61 per gallon. Montgomery- $3.52 per gallon, down 10.9 cents per gallon from last week’s $3.63 per gallon.

ing idle play games.

CasinoVerse is a free-to-play social game, with no cost to download or play, and has no in-app purchases.

“Our social gaming platforms occupy a unique niche among casino themed games” said Ken Rohman, Chief Marketing Officer for Wind Creek, in the press release. “They are always completely free in every regard to play, but the marketing offers provided to players are always real.”

CasinoVerse players get real marketing rewards similar to monthly offers while playing, including free play, food credits, hotel stays and more that can be redeemed at any Wind Creek location.

CasinoVerse is available for download and play from both Apple and Google.

Huntsville- $3.56 per gallon, down 13.0 cents per gallon from last week’s $3.69 per gallon.

“For the ninth week straight, gas prices have continued to fall, but the streak is at great risk of being broken this week with wholesale gasoline prices having bounced back up some 40 cents per gallon as oil prices have rebounded,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. “That means the decline in average prices could wrap up soon, with some price increases possible as early as this week, especially in areas of the Great Lakes. While the West Coast and some areas of the Rockies may see prices continue to drift lower, I do believe the national average could tick higher this week as the better than expected jobs report last week likely means less demand destruction than anticipated.”

GasBuddy is a voice for gas prices and source for station-level data. GasBuddy’s survey updates 288 times every day from a diverse list of sources covering nearly 150,000 stations nationwide.

three new operators and a supervisor to help address more road issues.

The county will also still absorb fees from using online services to pay taxes and other fees through the internet.

“We are continuing to waive the fees for online payments to encourage citizens to use those,” Stubbs said. “That is something that resulted from the pandemic.”


Elmore County commissioners can now take part in the commission meetings electronically.

A bill which passed during the last session of the Alabama Legislature allows an ill county commissioner to take part in a commission through technology.

Now the Elmore County Commission passed the measure. For a commissioner to take part electronically, a quorum must physically be present at the meeting and there must be means for the commissioner to speak with other commissioners and for all to hear the commissioner participating from a distance.

The measure isn’t to be used for a commissioner on vacation, only if sick and must be documented in the minutes of the meeting.


With the new census data came the reflection of the population growth and movement of Elmore County. The changes require adjustments to the districts of the Elmore County Commission. Elmore County has worked with Alabama State University to develop proposed new district lines.

The maps of the current and proposed districts are available on the county’s website.

The commission set a public hearing for Sept. 12 to get the public’s input on the pro-

posed redistricting.


Before the county commission meeting began, Stubbs asked for a little help from those in attendance in wishing Commissioner Henry Hines a happy birthday.

A crowd of commissioners, county employees and youth baseball and softball players joined in the festive song.

“Oh, y’all are killing me,” Hines said.


• Recognized four different All-Star teams from the Wetumpka Youth Softball and Baseball League for accomplishments in state tournaments and World Series.

• Approved a proclamation for H.O.M.E.S. Day, Home Ownership Means Economic Success.

• Accepted a Elmore County StormReady Recognition from the National Weather Service.

• Approved the vacation of an unnamed road in the Woodhaven Subdivision.

• Approved applying for two domestic violence grants.

• Approved two contracts allowing three beds for juvenile detention.

• Approved execution of opioid litigation settlement agreements.

• Set a public hearing for Sept. 12 for the proposed vacation of section of Providence Road.

• Approved the reimbursement of excess funds from a tax sale of real property.

• Authorized execution of a contract for resurfacing of portions of Cobbs Ford Road.

• Approved minutes of the July 28 meeting.

• Approved warrants in the amount of $1,258,332.16

• Was reminded the Elmore County Courthouse would be closed Monday, Sept. 5 in observance of Labor Day.

The next meeting of the Elmore County Commission is scheduled for 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12

The WeTumpka herald Wednesday, augusT 17, 2022 • Page A5
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15TH 5PM – 9:30PM Win a 2022 Ford® Raptor®! (866) 946-3360 | Play Online for FREE at ©2022 Wind Creek Hospitality. Management reserves all rights. Actual make, model and color may vary. See PLAYER SERVICES for details. WCH_89133-1_WCW_Oct_WildRoaringRaptor_PrintAd_WETUMPKA_9-88x10-5.indd 1 8/11/22 3:08 PM
GAS Continued from A1 BUDGET Continued from A1 Staff report

USPS expands next-day delivery options for businesses

Staff report TPI Staff

The U.S. Postal Service launched USPS Connect — a set of four delivery solutions that leverage ongoing network improvements, new equipment, new pricing and enhanced operational precision to meet evolving business package delivery needs — Monday morning.

“USPS Connect provides businesses of all sizes what they have been asking for— an affordable way to meet consumer demand for fast delivery,” said Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General and CEO in a press release. “A pivotal point in our Delivering for America plan, it positions us to more fully leverage our network capacity to increase volume and revenue so we can continue to serve the American people with affordable, reliable mail and package delivery.”

According to the press release, the USPS Connect program offers several solutions to “help business of all sizes meet growing consumer demand for affordable, fast local, regional and national deliveries and returns.”

Alabama is one of several states in the nationwide rollout to make USPS Connect Local available in select locations. Including the loca-

tion in Wetumpka. The four USPS Connect business solutions are:

USPS Connect Local is a new way for local businesses to affordably and quickly reach local customers. USPS Connect Local offers affordable next-day service in all locations, with same-day delivery, Sunday delivery and pickup options in select locations. This offering also includes USPS Connect Local Mail, an affordable First-Class Mail option for documents up to 13 ounces. Businesses can enter USPS Connect Local packages and mail at the receiving dock of the designated postal facility or take advantage of free en-route pickup when their carrier delivers their mail. Free flat-rate bags, boxes and envelopes are available via Click-N-Ship.

USPS Connect Regional provides next-day regional entry and delivery of Parcel Select packages and Parcel Select Lightweight packages. Businesses should consult with USPS representatives to identify the entry points and options that work best for them. Most packages will be delivered the next day within a specified region.

USPS Connect National provides delivery solutions for businesses of all sizes. They can benefit from the

Postal Service’s new mail processing equipment and reconfigured network to receive reliable delivery of packages through First-Class Package Service, Parcel Select Ground and Retail Ground.

USPS Connect Returns is a service for businesses to offer their customers convenient returns, with free en-route pickup by their carrier or drop-off at a nearby Post Office location.

“We’ve listened carefully to our business customers to develop this program,” said Jakki Krage Strako, chief commerce and business solutions officer. “We’re increasing next-day deliveries. We’re also giving smaller businesses big-business rates and all businesses more user-friendly ways to interact with us.”

Nearby participating Post Offices in Alabama are:

Auburn Post Office, 300 Opelika Rd, Auburn, AL 36830

Lagoon Park, 560 George Todd Dr, Montgomery, AL 36121

Opelika Post Office, 500 S 7th St, Opelika, AL 36801

Prattville Post Office, 501 Greystone Way, Prattville, AL 36066

Troy Post Office, 1300 S Brundidge St, Troy, AL 36081

Wetumpka Post Office, 216 W Fort Toulouse Rd, Wetumpka, AL 36093.

Millbrook police investigating felony theft

Staff report TPI Staff

The Millbrook Police Department is investigating a felony theft and is seeking the public’s help in identifying the suspects.

On August 5, at approximately 6:38 p.m., an unknown male and female entered the Walmart located at 145 Kelley Blvd. in Millbrook, AL. Once inside, they took $1,561.08 worth of merchandise. The male subject was seen leaving the store at 7:59 p.m. with the merchandise. Moments later, he was observed coming back in the store and soon exiting again to

get into the passenger side of an unknown black sedan. This subject is wanted for theft of property in the second degree.

If you have any information regarding the identity of these subjects or their whereabouts, please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using the 24-hour tip line at 334-215-STOP (7867) or 1-833-AL1-STOP (7867) or download the P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with investigators in case there is a follow-up question. Your tip may lead to a cash reward.

If you need to remain anonymous call CrimeStoppers.

Accident involving Millbrook man results in a fatality

Staff report TPI Staff

A two-vehicle crash that occurred at approximately 10:20 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 11, has claimed the life of a Coker woman.

Mikayla L. Ramsey, 23, was fatally injured when the 2018 Nissan Sentra she was driving struck a 2020 Freightliner tractor-trailer driven by John C. Hill, 33, of Millbrook. Ramsey was pronounced deceased at the scene. Justin

E. McBride, 23, of Northport, a passenger in the Sentra, was transported to Baptist Medical Center South in Montgomery.

The crash occurred on Alabama Highway 21 near the 102-mile marker, approximately 20 miles south of

Hayneville, in Lowndes County.

Nothing further is available as Troopers with the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s Highway Patrol Division continue to investigate.

Multiple law enforcement agencies searching for suspect

Staff report TPI Staff

The Prattville Police Department is investigating the fraudulent use of a credit card and is seeking the public’s help in identifying the suspect.

Prattville investigators have now released photos of the unknown suspect wanted for fraudulent use of a credit card.

On July 23, at approximately 5:26 p.m., one unknown male was observed paying for a prepaid Visa card using a stolen credit card at the Millbrook Walmart.

This subject is now wanted

for his involvement in fraudulent use of credit card offenses in Prattville, Millbrook and Hoover.

If you have any information regarding the identity of this subject or his whereabouts, please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using the 24-hour tip line at 334-215-STOP (7867) or 1-833-AL1-STOP (251-7867) or download the P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with investigators in case there is a follow-up question. Your tip may lead to a cash reward.

If you need to remain anonymous call CrimeStoppers.

Page a6 • Wednesday, august 17, 2022 the WetumPka herald
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A National Park is an area of land that is preserved and maintained by the Federal Government to keep it from being destroyed. The lands that make up the National Parks have significant natural landmarks, unique ecosystems, and are also often important historically. There are a total of 423 sites protected by the National Park Service, while there are 63 actual National Parks. The first and oldest is Yellowstone National Park which was created in 1872 by President Ulysses S. Grant. The park, which may be the most famous of the National Parks, is in the three states of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. It is home to many hydrothermal features, including the World’s most famous geyser, Old Faithful. The creation of Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks followed soon after Yellowstone. The largest National Park is Wrangell-St. Elias National Park which covers more than 13,000 square miles in Alaska. The smallest National Park is the Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial which is less than two-tenths of a square mile in size and is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Altogether, the National Parks protect over 84 million acres of precious lands and history in our Country. More people visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

The WeTumpka herald Wednesday, augusT 17, 2022 • Page A7 334-741-7600 Alabama Foot Care Center 2304-B Gateway Drive (Hwy. 280) Opelika, AL Feet Hurt at All? Call Dr. Paul! 450 Hackel Drive Montgomery, AL 36121 Phone: 334.273.1119 • Toll Free: 800.253.6619 5268 U.S. Hwy. 231• Wetumpka 334-567-5136 SITE WORK • GRADING CONCRETE ASPHALT PAVING “Since 1967” P.O. BOX 210577 MONTGOMERY, AL 36121-0577 (334) 215-3000 CO. CONSTRUCTION 405 Gilmer Avenue Tallassee, AL (334) 252-0099 62 Claud Road Eclectic, AL (334) 541-2231 “Serving Elmore County For Over 14 Years” Dr. Gus W. Bell, D.C. For Your Well Being Call Today! 334-514-4977 State of the Art Chiropractic Care Center 220 Company Street • Wetumpka, AL 334-567-6760 Singleton s Alignment & Muffler Service, LLC ALIGNMENTS TIRES/BRAKES EXHAUST OIL CHANGES KEITH CANNON, Owner AMBULANCE 2530 East 5th Street Montgomery, AL 334-265-1208 ELMORE COUNTY Sheriff Bill Franklin 334.567.5441 Emergency: 911 SHERIFF Everything Rotates Around You! Toulouse Tire Pros 5376 U.S. Hwy. 231 • Toulouse, AL 36092 334-567-0012 TOULOUSE Wetumpka Tire Pros 1745 U.S. Hwy. 231 • Wetumpka, AL 36093 334-514-0455 WETUMPKA Slapout 334-569-3325 Wetumpka 334-567-8833 Clanton 334-755-2739 Tallassee 334-283-2795 APPLIANCE PROPANE 740 Memorial Drive • Prattville, AL (334) 567-4567 E-mail: alantaunton 200 Executive Park Dr. P.O. Box 780248 Tallassee, AL 36078-0248 Phone: 334-283-2567 Fax: 334-283-6900 • Tax Planning and Tax Preparation • Bookkeeping and Accounting Services • Payroll and Payroll Tax Services • Small Business Consulting Services • Quickbooks and Sage Peachtree Assistance J. Alan Taunton & Company, LLC Certified Public Accountants OWNER: ROGER JONES Serving the Local Area for 44 Years 24/7 (334) 567-7108 917 Company Street | Wetumpka, AL JONES AUTO & WRECKER SERVICE 4680 US Hwy. 231 • Wetumpka, AL 334 - 567 - 4371 AUTO PARTS Wetumpka Kidz Page The River Region’s best source for news and information! THE WETUMPKA HERALD To subscribe call Erin 256 -234-4281 | 430 Airbase Blvd. • Montgomery, AL 334-272-0767 1-800-GOT-SCRAP?
Across Clues: 3. Largest National Park. 4. Park Service is under the __ government. 7. The second oldest park in the Park Service. 8. There are 63 of these in the United States. 9. Over ___ million acres of land are parks. 10. The lands in National Parks are ______. Down Clues: 1. Smallest unit of the Park Service? 2. What is the first and oldest National Park? 5. Many natural ____ are preserved in Parks. 6. Which President began the Park Service? Crossword Ans: Across-3) Wrangell-St. Elias 4)Federal 7)Yosemite 8)parks 9) eighty-four 10)protected Down- 1)Thaddeus Kosciuszuko 2)Yellowstone 5) landmarks 6)Grant Arches National Park is located in Utah and is home to over 2,000 natural arches. Old Faithful Geyser is located in Yellowstone National Park. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SPONSORS! Acadia, Arches, Congaree, Crater Lake, Denali, Everglades, Glacier, Grand Canyon, Haleakala, Hot Springs, Katmai, Kings Canyon, Kobuk Valley, Olympic, Redwood, Sequoia, Yellowstone,Yosemite, Zion PARK SERVICE WORD SEARCH NATIONAL PARKS CROSSWORD Everglades National Park is found in South Florida. It was founded in 1947 and is the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States.
per year than any other, followed closely by the Grand Canyon National Park.

Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart are enlarged; bring me out of my distresses. Consider my affliction and my trouble, and forgive all my sins.Psalm 25:16-18

Remember the old television commercial for an antacid tablet that asked, “How do you spell relief?”

The answer, according to the advertisement was “R-O-LA-I-D-S.” Bonus question: According to the ad, how much excess stomach acid was Rolaids supposed to consume? (Answer: 47 times its own weight.) It’s probably been more than fifty years since I saw that ad. Who says advertising isn’t effective?

I suppose we can remember that kind of stuff because it was repeated so often, or

Bethlehem East Baptist Church

Bethlehem East Baptist Church will have all Sunday school classes beginning at 9:45 a.m. Sunday morning followed by regular service at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary. We will continue with Facebook Live Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and Worship Service at 11 a.m.

Carrville Baptist Church

Regular hours of service are Sundays- 9 a.m. Sunday School and 10 a.m. Morning Worship. Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. the church offers Children’s

because our young brains were better at remembering than they are now. Maybe we also stored that information away because we’re so serious about finding relief when we’re uncomfortable.

If the Psalms are an accurate indicator of David’s prayer life, he prayed a lot about his troubles. Our text is a good sample. He was lonely, afflicted, troubled and distressed.

There’s no doubt that he asked the Lord to help him with those matters. But look at the difference in what David asked about those things and what he asked about his sins. “Consider my afflictions and my trouble, and forgive all my sins.”

It is fine and appropriate to bring both our sorrows and our sins to God. David modeled the right spirit of

Gospel Project, Youth Bible Study and Adult Prayer Meeting.

Regular office hours are Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

East Tallassee United Methodist Church ETUMC is holding services on Sunday at 11 a.m. and at 5 p.m.

The “River’s Edge Flea Market” is open every Saturday from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. The flea market is sponsored by the East Tallassee UMC and is located at the side of the old East Tallassee Hospital, across from the library. We will offer various priced booths. To

entreaty about these matters. Trusting God completely, he said, “Look at my sorrows, do what you will to relieve my suffering.” But he was more specific about the galling guilt he felt, praying “Forgive all my sin.”

Isn’t it true that we’ve prayed some of our most fervent prayers when we’ve been sick or hurt or in some kind of trouble? Perhaps we can maintain some sense of selflessness by pointing to our most fervent prayers being offered for a loved one’s distress and not for our own. But even then, was the earnest prayer about some physical ailment or present difficulty? When we’re in distress, we are serious about finding relief.

In a book of Puritan prayers called The Valley of Vision, I found these words that made

Church Briefs

reserve a space call Joan Wood at 334-312-4913 or Melanie Baker at 334-415-8314. All proceeds raised by ETUMC will be used for church-sponsored programs.

Episcopal Church of the Epiphany

Please join us for Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. We are asking everyone please to wear a mask. The service will be live streamed on Facebook https:// For more information, visit the church website at

me stop and think about the choice the author is making in his prayer to God: “No trial is so hard to bear as a sense of sin. If you should give me choice to live in pleasure and keep my sins, or to have them burnt away with trial, give me sanctified affliction” (page 139).

I wonder if my prayers have reflected the same choice. Would someone overhearing my prayers think I was more serious about getting my pains relieved or my sins forgiven? Do I hate sin so much that, if necessary, I would choose sanctified affliction? That is a sobering

First United Methodist Church “We are OPEN and everyone is WELCOME! Come worship with us in person Sunday mornings at 8:50 a.m. (contemporary) or 11 a.m. (traditional). Sunday School for all ages is offered Sunday mornings at 10 a.m., and a nursery is available for infants.

CHILDREN & YOUTH: meet Sunday evenings from 5-6:30 p.m. and Wednesday evenings from 6-7:15 p.m.; supper is included both days! For more information about our church or the programs we offer, visit our

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. – John 3:17

thought. Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not minimizing your pain or your problems. And I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t pray about them. Remember, “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray” (James 5:13). But I am reminding us that as much as we seek relief about our troubles, we should be even more earnest about seeking forgiveness for our sins. We can bear the trouble; we cannot bear the burden of our sin.

I am so thankful to know the good news about salvation from sin in Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that he died so our prayers for forgiveness can be answered. I never want to take that greatest blessing for granted.

Which is more important to you--forgiveness or relief?

website: or call us: 334-283-2195. FUMC Tallassee - 1 Jordan Avenue.”


Airs every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. on 580 WACQ, FM 98.5 & 101.1, on your smart speaker, your TuneIn app, or on our website Please share on social media. This set of programs features Msgr. Charles Troncale, Fr. Mateusz Rudzik, Fr. James Dean, Fr. David Carucci, Fr. Patrick Driscoll, and Deacon Jim Labadie.

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. – Proverbs 10:12

Page a8 • Wednesday, august 17, 2022 the WetumPka herald
What’s your choice — forgiveness or relief? Worship With Us 256-234-4281 Small budget advertising can have you swimming laps around your competitors. Some of us have to paddle before we can swim. 9301 U.S. Hwy. 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 7250 Central Plank Road Wetumpka, AL 334-567-2364 “A Family of Families” SUNDAY Sunday School........9:00 a.m. Worship...................10:30 a.m. See our website for Sunday night activities WEDNESDAY Small Groups for all ages at 6:15 p.m. THURSDAY Celebrate Recovery at 6:00 p.m. Small Space Advertising Works. Infinite possibilities for every budget 334-567-7811 SPACE FOR SALE Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.” – John 3:5 10:15 am 9:00 am 10286 U.S. Hwy. 231 Wallsboro, AL (334) 567-0476 � � � Sunday Bible Study...9:00 AM Sunday Worship......10:00 AM We are a Congregational Christian Church which, in the name of Jesus, invites all to worship with us. Nursery Check out our Facebook page Cedarwood Community Church “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” – Romans 8:28 8000 Titus Road Titus, AL Sunday Services at 11 a.m. Minister Dr.
Many a small thing has been made large... ...with the right kind of advertising. 2562344281 CALL MARILYN 334.202.5108
John Brannon There is Harmony at Harmony United Methodist Church! *Please Join Us* HARMONY United Methodist Church
Call Marilyn Hawkins 334.202.5108 to advertise your church’s services. Advertising options that
CALL MARILYN 334.202.5108

Wetumpka’s Boshell shows versatility all over the court

Julie Boshell has been a mainstay in the Wetumpka volleyball lineup for years, and now the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ is entering her senior year with the Lady Indians.

Boshell has proven to be one of the area’s most versatile players over and over, and she certainly showcased that in a stellar junior campaign last year. She plays as the team’s setter, but she filled up stats all over the court.

The biggest is that a new clear bag policy will be enforced upon entry to the stadium.

Clear tote bags will be allowed in the stadium as along as they do not exceed 12” x 6” x 12” in size. One gallon re-sealable clear plastic storage bags will be allowed, and small clutches that do not exceed 4.5” x 6.5” in size will also be allowed.

Bear Woods era to begin for Wetumpka football program

As football begins this week, the Wetumpka football team is preparing to begin a new era of Indians football.

First-year head coach Bear Woods will take the field with the Tribe for the first time this Friday, Aug. 19, at 7 p.m. as Wetumpka opens the 2022 season against Jefferson Davis.

Wetumpka and Jefferson Davis have played each other six times in school history, dating back to 2006. The two teams played most recently in 2011 with Wetumpka winning that matchup, 23-21. That win was later forfeited.

Wetumpka leads the All-Time series between the two schools, 4-2, and has outscored Jefferson Davis 181-88 in the process.

Both teams enter the 2022 season trying to better a losing record from 2021. The Indians went 5-6 last season and lost in the AHSAA Class 6A playoffs, while Jefferson Davis went 4-6 and missed the playoffs.

Tickets for the game are $12 and may be purchased through or at the ticket office prior to the game. Fans can visit for more ticket information.

Prior to the game, Wetumpka will host a “War Path” at 5:45 p.m. That will consist of a player walk on the home side of the stadium near the field house.

When Wetumpka opens the stadium doors on Friday night, there will be a few new rules enforced at the City of Wetumpka Sports Complex Stadium.

The biggest is that a new clear bag policy will be enforced upon entry to the stadium. Clear tote bags will be allowed in the stadium as along as they do not exceed 12” x 6” x 12” in size. One gallon re-sealable clear plastic storage bags will be allowed, and small clutches that do not exceed 4.5” x 6.5” in size will also be allowed.

Fans with toddlers and infants will be allowed to bring diaper bags in, while camera bags are subject to search.

Medical bags and/or devices that are not subject to clear bag policy will be allowed but may be searched.

She finished the 2021 season with 178 kills, 264 assists, 211 digs and even recorded a 90% serve percentage. She was named first-team All-County for her skills, and now she has one year left to do it all over again.

“Julie brings longevity to the court every time she’s out there,” head coach DeAnna Smith said. “She’s been playing with these girls for years. She’s a gamer and she wants to win. She has tenacity and she is never going to quit. She’s really good at serving, but she’s our utility player. She’s our

Swiss Army Knife. Anywhere that I put her, she’s going to do well.”

Setting is Boshell’s main attribution to the court, and she knows that. She proved that with nearly 300 assists last year. But she’s quite good at hitting at the net as well.

Boshell was second on the team last year in kills, only behind Player of the Year Khloe Harris who had 326.

Boshell had more than the


Wetumpka volleyball coach DeAnna Smith was disappointed with how early her team was eliminated from last year’s playoff run, but she believes her 2022 squad could be the team to make that next leap.

Wetumpka was eliminated in the first round of super regional play last year for the first time in years. The Lady Indians lost three seniors from last year’s squad, but return the majority of their starting rotation in 2022.

That includes All-Area players Julie Boshell and Madison Milton alongside Khloe Harris, who won the 2021 Player of the Year award.

With those returning players and some talented freshman joining the team, Smith is confident in the talents of her team entering the year.

“As far as talent wise, we are good,” Smith said. “This year is going to depend on their mindset and their want-to. You can teach them up all day long, but they have to have the desire and the heart to get there. But I do think we have all the right factors and talent to push through.”

Boshell, who was one of the team’s most versatile players last year, returns as one of the team’s setters. Her sister, Cheyenne, is the other team’s setter to start the year. Cheyenne is one of two freshmen who will start and play significant minutes.

The two sisters will be passing the ball to a very experienced group of hitters. Harris will continue to command the net after she recorded 326 kills last season.


Help us with our award-winning sports coverage August 17, 2022 • PAge B1 Visit our sister website: Dalton MiDDleton SportS eDitor
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Tallapoosa Publishers is looking for people with a love of sports and a passion for writing and/or photography to help
cover high school sports in Tallapoosa, Coosa & Elmore counties.
Kaitlin Fleming
FILE PHOTO | THE HERLAD Wetumpka’s Julie Boshell returns for her senior year after recording 178 kills, 264 assists, 211 digs and a 90% serve percentage as a junior. DALTON MIDDLETON THE HERALD First-year head coach Bear Woods talks with his football team during a practice.
Aug. 18 – at Montgomery Academy Aug. 19-20 – at Juanita Boddie Tournament Aug. 23 – at Marbury Aug. 25 – TRINITY Aug. 26-27 – at Mayor’s Cup Tournament Aug. 30 – at Stanhope Elmore Sept. 1 – LANIER Sept. 7 – at Park Crossing Sept. 8 – CARVER Sept. 10 – at Auburn Tournament Sept. 12 – at Elmore County Tri Match Sept. 15 – at Tallassee Sept. 17 – at Elmore County Tournament Sept. 20 – STANHOPE ELMORE Sept. 22 – ST. JAMES/BREW TECH/LAMP Sept. 27 – at Lanier Sept. 29 – at Carver Oct. 4 – PIKE ROAD/ACA Oct. 6 – BENJAMIN RUSSELL/MARBURY Oct. 12-15 – Area Tournament Oct. 19-21 – Super Regional Tournament Oct. 25-28 – State Tournament HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS
See COURT, Page B3 See VOLLEYBALL, Page B3
JAKE ARTHUR THE HERALD Wetumpka’s Khloe Harris, the 2021 Player of the Year, returns to lead the Lady Indians for her senior season. She led the county with 326 kills last year.




Marbury: RB Jerrell O’Neal rushed for 407 yards, 7 TDs on 68 carries.

… WR/DB Cody Whitford had 8 catches for 197 yards, 3 TDs; he had 6 INTs on defense. … DE

William Moseley recorded 25 tackles, 12 tackles for loss, 1 sack.

Elmore County: QB Payton Stephenson passed for 1048 yards last season; he rushed for 1,104 yards. … RB CJ Wilkes rushed for 471 yards on 119 carries. … LB Jackson Mann recorded 83 solo tackles and 16 assists.

• Elmore County went 0-10 last season; Marbury went 4-7.

• Elmore County leads Marbury, 6-4-1, all time in the series.

• The two teams last met in 2019 with Marbury winning, 35-18.

• This is Elmore County head coach Kyle Caldwell’s first game as a head coach.

NEXT UP: Elmore County at Autaugaville; Marbury hosts John Carroll.




Reeltown: OL/DL Logan Dillard is the stalwart of Reeltown’s offensive line and plays both tackle positions. … WR/DB Zy Collins is a speedster and big-play threat both at receiver and cornerback. … OL/DL Bowman Brumbeloe will play everywhere across the offensive line this year.

Tallassee: QB Tyler Ellis is entering his fourth year as the starter for the Tigers. … OL/DL Micah Cole returns as one of the most experienced and dominant players on either side of the line. … LB Luke Burdette played outside linebacker last year and is the lone starter returning at the position.


• Tallassee went 7-3 last season; Reeltown went 6-5.

• Tallassee beat Reeltown, 34-13, in last year’s matchup.

• The two teams are tied in the All-Time matchup, 9-9, dating back to 1984.

• Reeltown has won five of the last six games in the series.

NEXT UP: Reeltown hosts Dadeville; Tallassee at Booker T. Washington.



Wetumpka: QB Nate Rogers completed 80 of 148 passes for 1,045 yards


High School Football

Marbury at Elmore County

Reeltown at Tallassee

High School Volleyball

Wetumpka at Montgomery Academy

Montevallo at Holtville Tallassee at ACA


High School Football

Jefferson Davis at Wetumpka

Fultondale at Holtville

Shades Valley at Stanhope Elmore

and 7 touchdowns; he added 828 rushing yards and 5 touchdowns. … LB Justin Crumbaugh recorded 94 tackles, 5 tackles for loss, 1 sack and 1 interception. … Quashawn Wright had 15 catches for 169 yards and 1 touchdown.


•Wetumpka went 5-6 last season; Jefferson Davis went 4-6.

• Jefferson Davis beat Wetumpka, 23-21, the last time they met in 2011.

• Wetumpka leads Jefferson Davis, 4-2, in the all-time series.

• This will be Wetumpka head coach Bear Woods first game as a head coach.

NEXT UP: Wetumpka at Baker; Jefferson Davis at Opelika.



Stanhope Elmore: QB Jacob Bryant completed 108 of 200 passes for 1,259 yards and 7 touchdowns. … WR Jackson Thomas had 44 catches for 602 yards and 3 touchdowns; he added 61 rushing yards. … DL JaQuize Buycks recorded 34 tackles, 10 tackles for loss, and 5 sacks.


• Stanhope Elmore went 5-5 last season; Shades Valley went 3-7.

• Stanhope Elmore won the last matchup against Shades Valley, 266, in 2019.

• The All-Time series between the two teams is tied, 1-1.

• Shades Valley averaged only 9 points per game last season and was shut out five times.

NEXT UP: Stanhope Elmore at Eufaula;



QB Tanner Potts completed 87 of 173 passes for 1,101 yards and 9 touchdowns. … RB

Shawn Brackett rushed fro 854 yards and 10 touchdowns on 174 carries; he added 20 catches for 247 yards. … DE Kei Webb recorded 44 tackles and 2 sacks.


• Fultondale went 2-8 last season; Holtville went 5-6.

• Fultondale went 0-4 on the road last year and was held to an average of 6 points per game.

•Holtville and Fultondale have never played each other before.

•Holtville has not lost a season opener since 2017.

NEXT UP: Holtville at Alma Bryant; Fultondale hosts Carver Birmingham.




High School Volleyball

Wetumpka at Juanita Boddie Tournament

Edgewood Academy at Glenwood Varsity Tournament


High School Volleyball

Wetumpka at Marbury

Edgewood Academy at Glenwood Tallassee at Beauregard

Stanhope Elmore’s Washington has no fear in her game

Stanhope Elmore senior Shakeria Washington has only been playing volleyball for four years, but there is no fear in her game.

Washington, one of six seniors on the Lady Mustangs’ roster this season, is one of the top returning players in the entire area. She was one of the most versatile players in 2021, racking up 73 kills, 29 digs and 20 service aces, but she made her biggest impact at the net on defense.

Talented youth to spark Stanhope Elmore volleyball in 2022

The Stanhope Elmore volleyball team lost eight seniors from last year’s squad, but second-year head coach Flavia Freeney believes her Lady Mustangs can be even better this year.

Stanhope Elmore, which has another six seniors on the roster this year, has high expectations for the 2022 season. They return two of their best players in Shakeria Washington and Zyon Holmes, and a plethora of talented players join the squad.

Most of the 2022 roster will be filled out from last season’s junior varsity team. And while there might not be much varsity experience, there’s plenty of talent.

Stanhope Elmore’s junior varsity team only lost one match all of last season, and now those players are joining the varsity.

“The eight girls we lost last year were very talented and it’s always hard to replace eight girls, but we have six seniors again this year,” Freeney said. “The

girls that we have moved up are all so talented and they only lost one game last year. They were strong. They’ve been playing club and travel volleyball and we’ve been to camps and hosted camps here. I think we’re stronger.”

Another difference from last year’s team will be the amount of front hitters that

the Lady Mustangs have on the roster.

Freeney is high on her two hitters up front, Emily Wilson and Emily White, her “M&M” as she calls them. Them, along with Washington, will be the three main threats at the net this year.

Samantha Wilson will be another new name across

the front, but she will primarily be a setter. She’s very versatile and looks to make a big impact on the court this year.

“Both Emily Wilson and Emily White are very smart players and they’re very ball-conscious and court-conscious. They will make a lot of plays up front and just having Shakeria and her demeanor in the middle is a game-changer. She always knows what to do and what she should’ve done if she makes a mistake.”

While the offense features some new names, the defense will be some of the same as the last few seasons. Washington is the team’s main blocker, as she led the team with 30 blocks last year.

In the rare occurrence that the ball does get past Washington’s hand, Holmes is patrolling the back line to save points.

Holmes led the team with 261 digs last season, more than double what anyone else on the team had. She was one of the area’s

Page B2 • Wednesday, august 17, 2022 the WetumPka herald
JAKE ARTHUR/ THE HERALD Stanhope Elmore’s Shakeria Washington was one of the best defensive players from last season. The senior led the Lady Mustangs with 30 blocks last year. at Juanita Boddie Tournament LOCAL SPORTS CALENDAR JAKE ARTHUR THE HERALD
See GAME, Page B3 See SPARK, Page B3 Aug. 25 – at Elmore County Aug. 29 – TALLASSEE Aug. 30 – WETUMPKA Sept. 6 – at Montgomery Carver Sept. 7 – TRI MATCH vs LANIER/LEE Sept. 9-10 – STANHOPE ELMORE TOURNAMENT Sept. 12 – at Marbury Sept. 20 – at Wetumpka Sept. 22 – TRI MATCH vs PARK CROSSING/ CARVER Sept. 26 – ELMORE COUNTY Sept. 28 – at Lanier Oct. 3 – at Tallassee Oct. 11-15 – Area Tournament Oct. 20-22 – Super Regional Tournament Oct. 26-27 – State Tournament HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS
Stanhope Elmore senior Zyon Holmes led the team with over 200 digs last season. She is one of six seniors on the 2023 Stanhope Elmore volleyball team. STANHOPE ELMORE VOLLEYBALL VARSITY

two other starting hitters on the team, and she believes she’s better at hitting than she is at setting, especially since she’s an everypoint player.

Coach Smith disagrees, and thinks she’s best as a passer and as a server. Last year, she completed 318 of her 354 serve attempts. No matter where she plays on the court, however, she excels.

And she believes she has gotten even better this season.

“I’ve definitely gotten better, not only from last year but especially since I was a freshman,” Boshell said. “I’ve improved at every position and improved with team chemistry. Now it’s about continuing to work hard and I feel really good about the upcoming season.”

When it comes to chemistry, Boshell will have an interesting dynamic to work with this season. As the team’s main setter, she will

Boshell herself had 178 kills, while Milton had 131 kills. Junior Star Angier also returns to parade the front net and lead a dynamic group of spikers.

“It certainly helps having everyone in the front back,” Smith said. “All of our starting hitters are the same and Julie is still our starting setter. In spit of the fact that we have four freshmen on varsity, we’re doing pretty well up there.”

Another freshman will start on defense for the Lady Indians. Ashlynn Turner will be the team’s starting libero to begin the year. And while she is young, she got some playing time towards the end of the year last season.

Turner was forced into the rotation last year after senior libero Erin Douglass was forced to miss time. In her place, Turner played in multiple area matches and big time games. She was able to help beat Stanhope and lead Wetumpka to the area championship.

And now being a year older with more experience, Smith is confident in

her ability to play defense.

control the majority of the team’s passes. But she isn’t the only setter on the team.

And she isn’t the only Boshell on the team.

Julie’s sister, Cheyenne, will start alongside her as the team’s other setter. Cheyenne is a freshman and will look to learn as much as she can from Julie during her senior campaign.

The two sisters were worried early on about the dynamic of both of them playing on the court together and at the same time, but

“It definitely helps that Ashlynn was around last year,” Smith said. “She was able to play in area games and finished out the season. I think her being here as the starting libero all summer has really cemented her place back there and earned her trust with her teammates.”

Wetumpka will lose an area opponent this year as Benjamin Russell leaves the area. Instead, the Lady Indians welcome in Sidney Lanier and Montgomery Carver, two teams out of Montgomery.

Both teams are talented, and Smith knows that. She doesn’t underestimate any opponent on the schedule, and she knows rival Stanhope Elmore, Carver, or Lanier can come in and win in on any given day.

With most of the opposing area teams being full of seniors and juniors, Smith is hoping her freshmen and young players can become mentally tough enough to hang in there and show their talents.

Wetumpka opens the season on Thursday, Aug. 18 on the road at Montgomery Academy.

ball out or chase one down, she does and she gives it her all. When you talk about a kid who give’s it 150% on the court, it’s Zyon.”

they’ve learned it’s actually an advantage.

“It’s definitely not a bad thing,” Boshell said. “It’s an advantage being able to go home and work together and set together and just talk about what we can improve on. Then we can come to practice and work with our hitters. It’s a huge advantage.”

Her sister isn’t the only player that will be looking towards Boshell for leadership. Being her senior season and being one of the most experienced players, Boshell

Washington tallied a team-high 30 blocks and eight dinks last year as she was named to the All-County team. If there was a ball being hit to the Stanhope Elmore side of the court, Washington was there at the front of the net trying to get in the way of it.

“When I’m on the court, there’s no room for fear,” Washington said. “Either way, you’re going to win or lose. It’s a game. Therefore, if you focus on doing your best and giving 100% effort out there, you don’t have time to focus on fear or failure. You just have to give it all you have.”

Washington started playing volleyball in the eighth grade, and she’s given the sport all she can since she started playing.

She played strictly on junior varsity during her ninth grade season, then started her sophomore year on the junior varsity as well. A few weeks in, she was promoted to the varsity squad and hasn’t looked back.

has taken on a leadership role entering the year.

Smith says she’s one of the best players to push her teammates to be better around her, and that comes from the longevity of playing time she’s had with the team.

“It’s about holding the team together,” Boshell said of how her role has changed. “You have to keep everyone moving straight and pick everyone up when they get down. This preseason is very much about leadership and just putting in the work and hustling.”

there. And you can tell she’s not scared of anything. When a ball is coming, it doesn’t matter who is hitting it. She’s going to stay up there and she’s going to get a hand on it.”

When she does mess up or miss a block, Freeney says that Washington is one of the best on the team at correcting herself and learning on the fly. She can quickly assess where and how she messed up, and the team sees that every time she’s on the court.

That’s why Washington, entering her senior campaign, is one of the team’s leaders. She is just one in a handful of seniors, but she has worked hard at her craft and assured herself to be one of the leaders.

She’s taken the same role in softball, and she knows her teammates like the back of her hand. She knows how to talk and how to coach each one to get the most out of them, and now the team looks to her when times get rough.

She takes her vocal leadership role seriously, but it doesn’t take away that she leads by example every time she steps on the court. She knows she has to be the one to give 100% effort on every play to see her teammates succeed as well.

best defensive players, and she looks to lead the team from that position again in her senior season.

“Zyon is phenomenal,” Freeney said. “She is amazing to watch because she doesn’t even look like she has to put any effort into making the best lifts or passes but then all of a sudden, when she has to dig a

Stanhope Elmore has a new area this season. The Lady Mustangs made the playoffs last year as the No. 2 seed behind Wetumpka, but now Stanhope Elmore and Wetumpka welcome two new opponents.

Benjamin Russell has left the area, while Sidney Lanier and Carver have joined.

Stanhope Elmore opens the season on August 25 against Elmore County.

That’s due to the effort she gives on the court, and her talent on the defensive side of the net. She’s spent the last few years just listening to her older teammates and coaches, and trying to get better at the entire game.

Now she feels she is best at defense, and that’s mostly because of she is not intimidated by anything.

“She’s never intimidated,” head coach Flavia Freeney said. “Being an assistant softball coach, I see her in two sports and she catches over

“There are so many different aspects to a team and you have to learn each individual person to be able to push them on the court,” Washington said. “I think that’s a role that I’m getting better at and it will help the team. Volleyball can get really hectic if you don’t know your team that well, so being a team player has helped me enjoy the game and get better. If you love and know the girls around you and love the game, you’re going to perform better.”

The WeTumpka herald Wednesday, augusT 17, 2022 • Page B3
RNs and LPNs RN and LPN Management and Charge Nurse positions available, 100% pre-paid scholarships for aspiring nurses, tuition reimbursement, sign-on bonuses, short-term contracts, and we consider buying out existing employment contracts Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) and Medication Assistant Certified (MAC) Tuition FREE, paid training classes, prepaid exam fees, sign-on bonuses, and we consider buying out existing employment contracts. Dietary and Housekeeping Positions Excellent Pay and Benefits Low co-pay & deductible BCBS Health/Dental/ Vision/Prescription Drug Insurance, paid vacation, 401K, company paid life insurance, Longevity Bonus up to $1000 a year, employees and their children receive priority for scholarship opportunities, shift differential, and additional weekend differential that starts on Friday. 805 Hospital Street LaFayette, AL 36862 385 East LaFayette Street Dadeville, AL 36853 16 Jones Hill Road Goodwater, AL 35072 V V 260 W. Walnut St. Sylacauga, AL 35150 3701 Dadeville Road Alexander City, AL 35010 Recruiting Top Quality Healthcare Professionals Apply by Responding to Our Job Postings on PM21_AD_Outlook_QtrNews_Recruit.indd 1 11/4/21 11:14 AM COURT Continued from B1 VOLLEYBALL Continued from B1 GAME Continued from B2 SPARK Continued from B2 ty taxes are collected between October and December through the Tallapoosa County Revenue Commissioner’s Office. Sales taxes levied by the Tallapoosa County Commission go to the Alexander City Board of Education. But the City of Alexander City provides more. The extra allocaThe school system paid those utilities to the city. $270,000 last year for wh is listed as subsidies to “We use that toward maintenance and maintain ing facilities,” Lankford said. “We have spent $397,000 in that area this year.” The council provided $360,000 to go toward fine arts program staff. “It allows us to have a music and arts teacher at every school,” Lankford said. The total cost of staff fo music and arts teachers la d h o The Alexander City City Council faces tough ecisions to achieve a balanced budget. Department heads are asking for more posins to provide better services for Alexander ity residents. They are also making requests of he council to fund capital projects. Alexander City finance director Sandy tanbrough said the fiscal year 2021 working dget includes a 3% cost of living adjustment d the requests for new employees. But conserative revenue estimations leave only $142,913 o cover nearly $4 million in capital requests for he city’s general fund. Mayor Tommy Spraggins said at a budget ork session Thursday the city council faces ough decisions as it seeks to pass a budget Oct. “It doesn’t leave much for capital projects,” praggins said. “We have either got to have ore revenue, cut expenses or borrow money.” Spraggins and Stanbrough made revenue proections based on fiscal year 2019. The record venue of the past few months is not taken into count. “We purposely didn’t forecast an increase in a g t l R v m A e ment Turner said the city’s dispatch requires three people per shift and certifications specializing in dispatch. Recreating the lead dispatch position will solve several problems, he said. Turner also requested creating security positions for the entrance at the new municipal complex. Turner hopes to be able to use retired law enforcement in part-time positions but may need to hire a full time employee if that measure doesn’t work. Turner and fire chief Reese McAlister asked for help moving forward with increasing pay for cking groups and others. hese groups seek to rescue d restore child victims of x trafficking through develpment of uniform response rotocols, training and straegic partnerships with law forcement, first responders, althcare providers, including uvenile justice, child-welfare gencies and schools while obilizing communities to prent abuse, raise awareness and crease safety. The signed proclamation is he first step in the process. Alexander City public officials ve set the tone trafficking of children will not be toler- spot what might be human trafficking is not welcomed fight against child trafficking of all forms across different disciplines and jurisdictions, including survivor care and support, community engagement, public policy advocacy To learn more about how t get involved in the anti-trafficking initiative visit usiaht. org, Facebook and search SolutionsProject or contact exander City Mayor Tommy Spraggins; Cameron R. Perry, Tallapoosa County Sheriff Of investigator Cameron Perry; Tallapoosa County Sheriff Jimmy Abbett; Tallapoosa County Sheriff Of ce chief investigator Ray Arrington; Jaci Burgess, Tri-County Child Advocacy Center; Teresa Collier co-director of the Child Traf icking Solutions Project; Alexander City Police Chief Jay Turner and deputy chief James Easterwood. New AC budget could have new positions if approved y CLIFF WILLIAMS taff Writer City has provided funding for schools beyond sales The City of Alexande City has historically pr ided ni Alexander City Schools than what residents pay in d al d al tax Education propertytaxes are Lankford f said. those utilities to the ci The city provided f liste i d subsidi s es t agencies “W tow d ain d mai Lankf kf said “Wehavesvespent pent Alexander Council face ugh ns budget et artment better ices for Alexand idents. als king of cil to fund proj xander o gh includes a 3% t of for employe But evenue er n ca y’s g al fund. yorTommy Spraggin ida idata B lso requested tw w positi to gras We are cutting grass at Sugar Creek (Wastewater Treatment),” Brewer said “They did it ith tim B aid water treatment employee ing the gras ften ruing overti rates of $30 and more per hour ur Alexander City police chief Jay Turner said he going to fill two positi in animal control beca it created s with the population at he animal shelter. Turner w er wants to shif the positions to create a lead dispatcher r Currently we have police officers trying to upervise dispatchers,” Turn aid. “(The posiion) s th ime. Turnersaid city sdispatch f ifor spon ols,artnerships law ent, first re e justice es ing c nities o pr b rais and safety ety n der officials the tone traffickincking children not toler ated Now that the commuity bers hav have heard the words, “Trafficking Free Zone” r “huma affickincking” it’s important to educate them on what sex trafficking looks like in their munities how to identify a potential victim rafficking situatio d wh to repor suspicions The idea is through a brief one-hour long training employees will l how to spot wha ght be h trafficking as they work in the community on a daily basis. From the the employee eports it to la forc to further investig Tallapoosa County Sheriff’s Office ce nvestigator Cameron Perry said he program i pen to anyone n Tallap C ty, especially busin They are welcome to join the effort rt oo,” Perry said. “We want ryone to know hu w ing is elcomed med here he .” Perry joined Kristen Culligan, juvenile probation ffi d b f th Children’s Policy Council (CPC) and Family Court of Tallapoosa County, in a parthip with CTSP to help ombat hild exploitation and identify childre risk of sex trafficking in Tallapoosa County. The CPC and CTSP work collaboratively in the figh agains child traffick o acr a oss differe e and jurisdictio ti surviv upport, munity eng ng ent advoc and training T b h involved in the anti-t -t initiati isit usi org, ChildTrafficffickingking-cont rawls@leo.go w AC could have new positions if F Ci t y has pr ovide d fundi for schools sale and pr oper t y t a xe s By CLIFF WILLIAMS Staf Write ite BE A READER December the Reve C issi ’s taxes C issi to the year The cil to go g st s It all d t p g leav ch f apital id. “We have either to h cu pens r bo ey.” dispatch Re ting the lead di d spatch p ch osition will sol al he said Turn lso requ d s ity tions for the entrance at the new municipal l enfo ent in part-time p itions but m y IN PRINT AND ONLINE. During these uncertain times stay informed with the news that matters to you. SUBSCRIBE TODAY. 256-234-4281 | |

Because it’s easy to misunderstand what somebody expects of you today, especially a member of a group, take time to be clear about what others think you’re willing to do. Also be very clear about what you think they expect from you. This could prevent future headaches. Tonight: Check your nances.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

thing. Tonight: You have the advantage.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Be clear in all your communications with others today, because people might make incorrect assumptions. Meanwhile, you will welcome opportunities to relax and daydream. Your heightened imagination might help an artistic project. Tonight: Seek solitude.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Make no assumptions when it comes to nancial matters today, because this is an area where things can be fuzzy. If you’re involved in a nancial negotiation, be very specic. Know what you’re talking about and get it down on paper. Make no assumptions. If shopping, keep your receipts. Tonight: Listen to others. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) It’s important for you to know that you are high-viz today, which means people notice you more than usual. Meanwhile, you have Vaseline on your lens. You might not see things as clearly as you usually do. Or perhaps your words and actions are misunderstood by someone else. Be aware of this. Tonight: Do nothing.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) With Mercury in your sign now, you are keen to express yourself to others. You’re ready to tell it like it is. However, do be aware that today there is an element of confusion, almost a “lazy logic” that makes everyone’s thinking a bit sluggish. Do your best to be clear. Tonight: Postpone plans. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)


Job Opportunities

Don’t jump to conclusions when dealing with bosses, parents, teachers or the police -- or anyone in a position of authority -- because today wrong assumptions are easy to make. You might think you know what someone expects of you, but do you really? Take a moment to clarify everyone’s expectations. Tonight: Coast.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Steer clear of arguments about politics, religion and racial issues. Not only are these hot topics any day of the week, today communications are fuzzy. Don’t waste time arguing about something that could be pointless. Double-check travel plans to catch errors or omissions.

Tonight: Rest.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) This is a poor day to agree to anything about shared property, inheritances, taxes, debt or insurance disputes. If you can postpone an agreement or an important decision, do so. This is because people are a bit hazy with the facts today. Or they might overlook something important.

Tonight: Play! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Be clear in your communications with partners and close friends today. Very likely, they will make a wrong assumption about something that you say, or perhaps it works the other way around. You might jump to a conclusion about something that they did not mean at all. Tonight: Some confusion. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Don’t be down on yourself if you feel tired working. Likewise, be forgiving about others if they seem lazy. Communications about your work, anything that is health-related or anything to do with a pet are all subject to confusion. Tonight: Relax.

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Page B4 • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 THE WETUMPKA HERALD Visit our sister website: CLASSIFIEDS/PUBLIC NOTICES Lake River & Classi eds Reaching more than 22,000 households in Tallapoosa and Elmore counties Phone (256) 277-4219 Fax (205) 669-4217 The Alexander City Outlook The Dadeville Record The Eclectic Observer The Tallassee Tribune The Wetumpka Herald
PUZZLES & HOROSCOPE ARIES (March 21-April 19) Kick back and relax today. However, if you have to work, the hours will creep by slowly. Don’t be hard on yourself if you are not that productive, because this is a “fuzzy” day. Cope as best you can. Value your creative ideas. Tonight: Protect your assets. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Fortunately, relations with family members are polite, because both the Sun and Venus are in the part of your chart relating to home and family. Nevertheless, today is ripe for confusion and misunderstandings. Don’t make a big deal about any-
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pp 1035 Canton Rd , Millbrook, AL 36054. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price plus any deed recording costs and transfer taxes must be paid next business day at the Law at the address indicated below.

Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due.

The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed from August 4, 2022 until October 13, 2022, during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama. Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, (“Transferee”) Tiffany & Bosco, P.A., 2311 Highland Avenue South, Suite 330, Birmingham, AL 35205 www.tblaw. com TB File Number: 22-03784

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17, 2022 22-03784




of Elmore County, Alabama, in the undersigned Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Co, as Mortgagee/ Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse atabama, on September 7, 2022, during the legal hours of sale, all of its rights, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Elmore County, Alabama, to-wit: Commence at an iron pin at the SW

North, Range 20 East, Elmore 86 degrees 55 minutes 02 seciron pin on the East margin ofporwill Road, Gravel, said point Thence Northeasterly along said margin of road the follow--

grees 28 minutes 27 seconds Thence leaving said margin of

degrees 0 minutes 00 seconds of Beginning. The above described property lies in the SW Township 20 North, Range 20 East, Elmore County, Alabama.. -


TO TITLE, USE AND/OR EN-TIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a


Advertisement for 2023 Annual Bid Elmore County INQUIRY 2023-3 CLEANING OF ELMORE COUNTY FACILITIES

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Elmore County Commission shall receive and open sealed bids for Inquiry 2023-3 Cleaning Elmore County Facilities at the Elmore County Public Works Department located at 155 County Shop Road, Wetumpka, AL 36092 at 10:00 AM, CST, Wednesday, August 17, 2022.

at the Elmore County Public Works Department, the County’s website (http://www.elmoreco. org), and the Associations of County Commission Website (http://www.alabamacounties. org).

Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Agent at the Elmore County Public Works Department in Wetumpka, Alabama until 10:00 AM, CST, Wednesday, August 17, 2022 and then opened as soon thereafter as possible. Bidders and any others are invited to attend the bid opening.

Any questions or problems related to downloading or obtaining copies of this Invitation to be directed to Jimmy Woodall at (334) 850-0028 or jwecfm@ Any other questions or requests for additional information regarding this invibe submitted in writing no later than seven (7) days prior to bid opening to:

Elmore County Facilities Management Jimmy Woodall 155 County Shop Road Wetumpka, AL 36092 (334) 850-0028

County reserves the right to accept or reject all Bids or any portion thereof.

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 3, 10 and 17, 2022 BID/2023-3


MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Caitlyn Collins, unmarried woman, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for Real Estate Funding Corporation, on December 31, 2019, said mortgage record-


Public Notices

Public Notices

PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLICATION DATES: June 15, 2022, June 22, 2022, June 29, 2022, August 17, 2022. NEWSPAPER: Wetumpka Herald. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by John A Archer and Carol A Archer, husband and wife, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for Bay Equity LLC, on December 28, 2018, said mortgage recordof Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, in RLPY Book 2019 Page 879; the undersigned Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama, on August 4, 2022, during the legal hours of sale, all of its rights, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Elmore County, Alabama, to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, Township 18 North, Range 17 East, Elmore County, Alabama, thence South 618.4 feet; Thence West 512 feet; Thence North 618.4 feet; Thence East 512 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel lying and being in the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, Township 18 North, Range 17 East, Elmore County, Alabama, and containing 7.25 acres, more or less.. Property street address for informational purposes:

Allandale Baptist Church, Inc., whose registered agent is Earl Williamson, must answer the Town of Elmore, Alabama’s petition for sale of a tract of land located in Elmore, Alabama in which Allandale Baptist Church, Inc. has an interest by August 26, 2022, or, thereafter, a judgement by default may be rendered against it in Case No. 29-CV-2022-900059.00 in the Circuit Court of Elmore County, Alabama. The whereabouts of Allandale Baptist Church, Inc. and Earl Williamson are unknown. The last known address for both Allandale Baptist Church, Inc. and Earl Williamson was in Jacksonville, Florida. Done this 15th day of July, 2022.

Michael Dozier Elmore County Circuit Clerk Brent Helms PO Box 204 Elmore, AL 36025 Attorney for the Town of Elmore, Alabama

Wetumpka Herald: July 27, Aug. 3, 10 and 17, 2022 29-CV-2022-900059.00


The following vehicles will be auctioned off by J&J Towing 65 Pierce Rd on 9-13-22

2007 Ford Focus VIN # 1FAFP34N57W160269


Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17 and 24, 2022 AV/07 FORD



In accordance with Section 16, Title 50, Code of Alabama (1940), notice is hereby given that Construction One Inc. Contractor(s) has completed the Contract for the Storage Building for Elmore County or the owner, Elmore County Commission, and has made said contract.

Construction One Inc. 1702 Forest Avenue Montgomery, Al. 36106

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2022




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Nicholas T Brown and Meri E Brown, husband and wife, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for Hometown Lenders, LLC, on August 15, 2016, said mortgage recorded in the

time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price plus any deed recording costs and transfer taxes must be paid next business day at the Law the address indicated below. Tifright to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion-



Notice To: Jarred Kentrell Thomas, Whose Whereabouts and Whose Address is Unknown, the Alleged Father of B.L.G. and J.A.G, both minor children, And Notice To: Any Interested Persons or Unknown Father Take notice that a petition for adoption of the minor children, B.L.G. and J.A.G., who were both born to Ambry Robinson on or about the 24th day of said Court. Please be advised that if you intend to contest thisten response with the attorney for the petitioner named below and with the Probate Court of Elmore County, 100 East Commerce Street, Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 as soon as possible but no later than thirty (30) days after the last day this notice is published.

Petitioners: Antone Robinson, Jr.

Attorney for Petitioner: Aaron E. Bern Anderson, Williams & Farrow, LLC 7515 Halcyon Pointe Drive Montgomery, AL 36117

John Thornton Judge of Probate Elmore County, Alabama Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2022 A2022-017


Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, in RLPY Book 2020 Page 76; the undersigned Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama, on August 4, 2022, during the legal hours of sale, all of its rights, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Elmore County, Alabama, to-wit: Begin at 4 inch iron pipe the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 18 North, Range 21 East, Elmore County, Alabama, with the Northerly right of way of Elmore County Road 161; thence South 42 deg. 58 min. 54 sec. East, 503.02 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue South 50 deg. 22 min. 41 sec. East, 94.08 feet, 5/8 inch rebar cap; thence South 41 deg. 44 min. 40 sec. West, 167.00 feet, 3/4 inch crimped iron pipe; thence North 41 deg. 44 min. 08 sec. West, 103.45 feet; thence North 45 deg. 02 min. 58 sec. East, 152.02 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said property lying in Section 12, Township 18 North, Range 21 East, Elmore County, Alabama.. Property street address for informational purposes: 665 Little Road , Tallassee, AL 36078. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR EN-

REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price plus any deed recording costs and transfer taxes must be paid next business day at the Law the address indicated below. Tif-

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Public Notices

Public Notices


The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed from August 4, 2022 until September 15, 2022, during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama. Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, (“Transferee”) Tiffany & Bosco, P.A., 2311 Highland Avenue South, Suite 330, Birmingham, AL 35205 TB File Number: 22-04568

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17, 2022 22-04568



Any and all persons claiming to be a dependent of Terrence Marquise Ivey, deceased, are hereby given notice of a pending action in the Circuit Court of Elmore County, Alabama, CV2022-900076.00. If you claim to be a dependent of Terrence Marquise Ivey, or if you have information on the identity of any person claiming to be a dependent of Terrence Marquise Ivey, deceased, you are requested to respond on or before August 25, 2022, to the undersigned Guardian Ad Litem, Jeffrey J. Courtney, Esq., at the below address. Failure to make such contact will likely result in a waiver of any and all claims you may have pursuant to the said Elmore County Circuit Court case:

Jeffrey J. Courtney, Esq. Courtney & Mann, LLP. PO Box 100 1881 Holtville Rd. Wetumpka, AL 36092 (334) 567-2545 j effcourtney@courtneymann. net

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2022 CV-2022-900076.00

Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Michael T. Shire and Sarah M. Shire, for and during their joint lives and, upon the death of either of them, then to the survivor of them in fee simple, husband and wife, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for Freedom Mortgage Corporation, on November 20, 2020, said mortgage

Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, in RLPY Book 2020 Page 89895; the undersigned Freedom Mortgage Corporation, as Mortgagee/ Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama, on September 29, 2022, during the legal hours of sale, all of its rights, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Elmore County, Alabama, to-wit: Lot 42, Block B, according to the Plat of Millbrook Manor Plat No. 2 as the same appears of record

Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, In Plat Book 5 at Page 61. . Property street address for informational purposes: 2621 Ellen Ln , Millbrook, AL 36054.

THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price plus any deed recording costs

Public Notices

pyg and transfer taxes must be paid next business day at the Law the address indicated below. Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Freedom Mortgage Corporation, (“Transferee”) Tiffany & Bosco, P.A., 2311 Highland Avenue South, Suite 330, Birmingham, AL 35205 TB File Number: 22-05935 08/17/2022, 08/24/2022, 08/31/2022

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17, 24 and 31 2022 22-05935


Letters Testamentary in the Estate of WILLIAM JACK ARMSTRONG, deceased, having been granted to FLORA NELL ARMSTRONG on August, 10 , 2022 by John Thornton, Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons and parties having claims against said estate are required, within the time allowed by law, to present the same to the Court or the same will be barred.


Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17, 24 and 31, 2022 EST/ARMSTRONG, W.


Letters Testamentary in the Estate of FRED RICKEY COLEMAN, deceased, having been granted to ANGELA D. COLEMAN WAITES on July 25, 2022 by John Thornton, Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons and parties having claims against said estate are required, within the time allowed by law, to present the same to the Court or the same will be barred.


Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 3, 10 and 17, 2022 EST/COLEMAN, F.



Letters Testamentary in the Estate of ROBERT EARL CRUCE, deceased, having been granted to MALYNDA KELLY KAMM on August, 10, 2022 by John Thornton, Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, no-

Public Notices

y tice is hereby given that all per-

sons and parties having claims against said estate are required, within the time allowed by law, to present the same to the Court or the same will be barred.


Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17, 24 and 31, 2022 EST/CRUCE, R.


Letters Testamentary in the Estate of SYBLE GAYLE FITZGERALD, deceased, having been granted to LORI ANN DEAL on July 27, 2022 by John Thornton, Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons and parties having claims against said estate are required, within the time allowed by law, to present the same to the Court or the same will be barred.


Attorney of Record for Personal Representative: BARRY R. HOLT ATTORNEY AT LAW 3164 PARLIAMENT CIRCLE MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36116 334-244-9030


Letters Testamentary in the Estate of TERRY VON FITZGERALD, deceased, having been granted to LORI ANN DEAL on July 27, 2022 by John Thornton, Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons and parties having claims against said estate are required, within the time allowed by law, to present the same to the Court or the same will be barred.


Attorney of Record for Personal Representative: BARRY R. HOLT ATTORNEY AT LAW 3164 PARLIAMENT CIRCLE MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36116 334-244-9030

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 3, 10 and 17, 2022 EST/FITZGERALD, T. PUBLIC NOTICE



Letters Testamentary in the Estate of JOHN TYLER GIVENS, deceased, having been granted to MARY FINCH on August 3, 2022 by John Thornton, Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons and parties having claims against said estate are required, within the time allowed by law, to present the same to the Court or the same

Public Notices

will be barred.


Attorney of Record for Personal Representative: RODERICK B. PERDUE ATTORNEY AT LAW 2033 HOLTVILLE ROAD WETUMPKA. ALABAMA 36092 334-567-7373

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 10, 17 and 24, 2022 EST/GIVENS, J. PUBLIC NOTICE



Letters Testamentary on the Estate of said decedent having been granted to JOHN M. LEE as Personal Representative on the 9th day of August 2022, by the Honorable JOHN THORNTON, Judge of Probate of said County in said State, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are required to present same within the time allowed by law or the same will be barred.


Name and Address of Attorney: Regina B. Edwards, Esq. The Law Firm of Edwards & Edwards, P.C. 109 E. Bridge Street Wetumpka, AL 36092

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17, 24 and 31, 2022 EST/LEE, S. PUBLIC NOTICE


TO: THE UNKNOWN NEXTOF-KIN OF FRANK BURGE MITCHELL, JR., DECEASED, WHOSE IDENTITY AND WHEREABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN, AND TO: ANY OTHER UNKNOWN INTERESTED PARTY YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 14TH day of July, 2022, a certain paper in writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of FRANK BURGE MITCHELL, JR., deCourt of Elmore County, Alabama by RODERICK B. PERDUE, Petitioner, requesting that such Last Will and Testament be admitted to Probate and Record and that the Petitioner be named as Personal Representative of such Estate. This notice of Filing of Will for Probate is given to you as a next-of-kin of FRANK BURGE MITCHELL, JR.

Unless an objection to admission to Probate and Record of such Last Will and Testament is submitted by you in writing to this Court within ten (10) days oftice, the Court will proceed with considering such Petition without further notice to you.


Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 10, 17 and 24, 2022 EST/MITCHELL, F.


The City of Tallassee Planning Commission is having a Meeting/Public Hearing on “Allowing Modular Homes on AFR” on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 @ 6:00pm at City Hall, 3 Freeman Ave, Tallassee, AL.

Wetumpka Herald: Aug.17 and 24, 2022 MEETING

Public Notices




Letters Testamentary in the Estate of ELOISE SHULL MULLINS, deceased, having been granted to WILLIAM HARVEY CHAPPELLE on July, 28, 2022 by John Thornton, Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons and parties having claims against said estate are required, within the time allowed by law, to present the same to the Court or the same will be barred.


Attorney of Record for Personal Representative: D. KYLE JOHNSON CAPELL & HOWARD, P.C. 150 SOUTH PERRY STREET MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36104 PO BOX 2069 MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36102-2069 334-241-8000

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 3, 10 and 17, 2022 EST/MULLINS, E.




Letters of Administration over the Estate of REUBEN EARNEST REDD, deceased, having been granted to SHARON A. REDD on August 9, 20 2022 by John Thornton, Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons and parties having claims against said estate are required, within the time allowed by law, to present the same to the Court or the same will be barred. SHARON A. REDD ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF REUBEN EARNEST REDD, DECEASED Name and Address of Attorney for Administrator: REGINA EDWARDS LAW OFFICES OF EDWARDS & EDWARDS, P.C. 109 EAST BRIDGE STREET WETUMPKA, ALABAMA 36092 334-514-1011

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17, 24 and 31, 2022 EST/REDD, R. PUBLIC NOTICE

LEGAL NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held before the Department of Finance of the State of Alabama in Suite E-317 of the Alabama State Capitol, 600 Dexter Ave., Montgomery, Alabama, at 10:00 a.m. on August 30, 2022, to determine whether consent should be given Central Alabama Electric Cooperative (“CAEC”) to borrow from PowerSouth Energy Cooperative under its building loan program (“PowerSouth”) a loan in a maximum principalnance the construction of a 50,000 square foot facility. All of said loan funds for this loan for construction of the building in Autauga County, Alabama. Any person having an interest in these matters may attend the hearing and be heard on the question of whether the issuance of said notes and evidences of indebtedness for the loan serves some public need and is in the public interest.



By: /s/BILL POOLE Director of Finance

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17, 2022 HEARING Put your ad here call 256.414.4250

our sister website: CLASSIFIEDS/PUBLIC NOTICES Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 918-1611 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! with trade-in BEST DEALS FOR EVERYONE Call AT&T sales rep for details. For trade-in instructions visit Limited time offer. All products and services are offered, supplied and performed by AT&T Services, Inc. (“AT&T”). AT&T is not an affiliate of or endorsed by Sam’s Club. AT&T is solely responsible for the products and services advertised. Sam’s Club has no obligation to perform any responsibilities of AT&T, and Sam’s Club does not guarantee the performance of AT&T’s obligations. iPhone 12 mini for as low as Ask how to get the Iv Support Holdings LLC (877) 324-4002 Find out how to get our most popular phones, call now!
& Bosco, P.A. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness
by the real estate. This
sale is subject to postponement or cancellation.
Do you have available jobs? Call 256.414.4250 to let others know about job opportunities at your business.


Public Notices



for Final Settlement of the Estate of WILLIAM WAYNE SMITH, Deceased, has been BRIANNA R. SMITH, Personal a hearing to be held on the 27th

Public Notices

Public Notices


Public Notices

Public Notices






The Elmore County Commission will hold a Public Hearing to consider a redistricting plan at the Monday, September 12, 2022, regularly scheduled County Commission meeting. The meeting will begin at 5pm at the historic downtown County Courthouse, 100 E Commerce Street, Wetumpka, AL. A map of the redistricting plan is available for viewing at the Elmore Counat the address listed herein) and on the county website located at Should you have questions or comments on the redistricting plan, you may contact the Elmore County Beyer at:

Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 17, 24, 31 and Sept. 7, 2022 HEARING 9/12

TO: TINA WRIGHT, WHOSE WHEREABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN A NEXT OF KIN OF LONNIE WRIGHT, SR.; AND TO: ANY OTHER UNKNOWN NEXT OF KIN OF LONNIE WRIGHT, SR., DECEASED YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 7TH day of July 2022, a certain paper in writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of LONNIE WRIGHT, SR., deceased, of Elmore County, Alabama by requesting that such Last Will and Testament be admitted tosonal Representative of such Estate. This notice of Filing of as a next-of-kin of LONNIE WRIGHT, SR. Unless an objection to admissuch Last Will and Testament is submitted by you in writing on or before September 23, 2022 the Court will proceed with consid-ther notice to you.




You are hereby given notice-/s/______ ______________

JU 2021-136.03 PUBLIC NOTICE



Notice to Contractors Federal Aid Project No. STPMN-2620(258) ELMORE COUNTY, ALABAMA Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Transportation---and are set forth in the adver-ny each bid as evidence of good on the decision to award this-

Transportation Director




Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Millbrook City Council for approval of a Peddlers License for Vivint, Inc. for door to door sales. Said application has been set for Public Hearing before the City Council on August 23, 2022, at 6:00p.m. in the Council Chambers, 3900 Grandview Road, Millbrook, Alabama. All persons who desire shall have an opportunity to be heard or may indicate his or her wishes in writing in favor of or in opposition to the above item. The item may be reviewed at the Millbrook City Hall, 3160 Main Street, Millbrook AL 36054 or call (334) 285-6428 for additional information. Lori Davis, City Clerk, City of Millbrook Wetumpka Herald: Aug. 10 and 17, 2022 VIVINT INC


OWNER’s Project No.____ ENGINEER’s Project No. ____ Project Filter Plant Electrical

Replacement CONTRACTOR R&H Electric, Inc. Contract For Central Elmore Water and Sewer Authority Contract Date 06/06/2022

Completion applies to all Work under the Contract Documents

To Central Elmore Water and Sewer Authority OWNER And To R&H Electric, Inc. CONTRACTOR -

OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER, and that Work istially complete in accordance with the Contract Documents Completion completed or corrected is attached hereto. This list may not to include an item in it does notTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. When this



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When the Elmore County football team takes the field for the first time in 2022, first-year head coach Kyle Caldwell is hoping to see a new team focused on playing good football.

Elmore County hosts Marbury on Thursday, Aug. 18, to open the 2022 season. The Panthers are coming off an 0-10 record last year while Marbury finished last year 4-7 and lost in the first round of the playoffs.

The Bulldogs are led by second-year head coach Hayden Stockton, but not many returning starters as Marbury graduated many players from last year’s team.

“We don’t know much about them,” Caldwell said of Marbury. “Everyone’s first game is pretty unknown, and I feel like that is perfect for us because they don’t know what we’re going to be doing either. We just have to be really good at what we prepare for the other team and then adjust early in the game to what they give us.”

The Bulldogs’ offense will be much different than it was last year. Starting quarterback and one of the top rushers, Jack Thompson, graduated. The Bulldogs top running back, however, could be in the backfield.

Jerrell O’Neal rushed for 407 yards and seven touchdowns on only 68 carries, an average of six yards per carry. Carsyn Cobb and Braeden Mizusawa also return in the backfield after each rushing for over 100 yards last year.

“He’s a pretty good running back,” Caldwell said of O’Neal. “I’ve heard they’ve made some changes and had some kids move in and move out, so we’re focusing on ourselves mainly. We want to be good at what we do and we want to play fast.”

No matter who is on the other side of the line of scrimmage with

the ball in their hands, Caldwell is hoping to see some improvement on his defense.

Elmore County’s defense was one of the worst across the entire state last season. The Panthers, while going 0-10, gave up an average of 41.9 points per game last year.

They gave up over 41 points in eight of their 10 games last year, and only held one opponent under 30 points all season. The 419 points allowed during the course of the season is a school record for most points allowed in a year.

Caldwell is making an emphasis to improve that this season, and he likes what he has seen from his defense so far in fall camp.

“Our defense has done a good job of getting ball carriers on the ground throughout practice,” Caldwell said.

“The defensive line has looked really good so far. I’m expecting big things from that group this week. We just have to tackle and line up in the right sports. We have to play with effort and just have to be willing to put somebody on the ground.”

One offense, the Panthers will rely on third-year starter Payton Stephenson to commandeer the offense.

Stephenson is a true dual-threat quarterback and both passed and rushed for over 1,000 yards last year.

CJ Wilkes joins him in the backfield as a running threat, and threestar receiver Jabari Murphy headlines the passing attack.

The Panthers averaged nearly three touchdowns a game last year, and this year they return seven of their 11 starters on offense and three of their offensive linemen.

“We just want to take advantage of what the defense gives us,” Caldwell said. “It’s a numbers game. If they have more than what we have in the box, don’t run into the box. You have to just take what they give you and adjust off of that. We have to get Payton in to a rhythm early in the game early and get everyone’s butterflies out of their stomach.”

Learning to hunt may seem out of reach for those who didn’t grow up with hunting as part of their family experience. Fortunately, Alabama’s Adult Mentored Hunt (AMH) Program teaches all the skills needed to put wild game on the dinner table and help start new traditions. Getting started in the AMH program is as simple as signing up for a Hunting 101 workshop.

Designed by the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) for anyone with little to no hunting experience, the daylong workshops take place at various Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) throughout the state and provide participants with an opportunity to learn hunting basics, firearm safety and handling, where to hunt and the equipment needed. Immediately following the workshops, participants are encouraged to use their new skills by small game hunting on the WMA with assistance from experienced mentors.

Registration for Hunting 101 is currently open. The first workshop of the 2022-2023 season will take place at the Swan Creek Wildlife Management Area (WMA) near Decatur, Alabama, on September 24.

There is a $20 registration fee for each workshop. To learn more about the AMH program or register for a workshop, visit hunting/adult-mentored-hunting-program.

“Hunting 101 is open to anyone with an interest in learning how to hunt,” said Brandon Holloway, Conservation Enforcement Officer and Regional R3 (Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation) Coordinator for WFF. “Our hope is that participants walk away from the experience with the skills and confidence needed to have a successful hunt on their own or with a hunting partner.”

To attend a workshop, participants must be at least 19 years of age and possess a valid driver’s license. Attending Hunting 101 is required to become eligible to participate in a three-day AMH hunt for deer or turkey. Workshop attendees will be notified by email if they have been randomly selected for an AMH hunt.

Additional Hunting 101 workshop dates for the 20222023 season include October 1 at the William R. Ireland-Cahaba River WMA near Birmingham and October 8 at the Upper Delta WMA near Mobile. A Turkey Hunting 101 workshop is also scheduled for February 25, 2023, at the William R. Ireland-Cahaba River WMA near Birmingham. Vol. 31, No. 33 WEDNESDAY • AUGUST 17, 2022
Staff report TPI Staff Alabama’s Hunting 101 Workshop scheduled for Sept. 24 JAKE ARTHUR THE HERALD Elmore County quarterback Payton Stephenson returns for his third year leading the Panthers’ offense.The senior quarterback opens the season against Marbury on Thursday, Aug. 18.

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