2017 Report
A year to grow and look into the future Origami is a very ancient Japanese art which consists of folding paper without scissors or glue to make shapes that mould our world.It turns the ordinary - a piece of paper - into something extraordinary. It may be TANI´s children´s favorite art. The chance of creating something with their bare hands and pieces of paper is often magic; it is the door to a world of stories and adventures. At TANI, we feel that our everyday work is like doing origami. It requires dedication, c o n c e n t r a t i o n , b u t a l s o s k i l l s t o c re a t e extraordinary results. We work directly with people, their skills, dreams, and emotions. At first sight, these people have a lot in common. All of them come to TANI for similar reasons. But it is only through permanent contact that we see the differences, the nuances, and the aspect that make every person unique.
“what will our origami look in the future? What new shapes do we want to create? Who will we do it with?” The time to answer those questions was 2017. We feel that we have connected with our own essence, with our own desire to provide people with quality service, and with our dream of watching every child grow and develop at their best, families are happy, and young people build their dreams. This report is a summary of our annual activities. We hope it motivates you to join our journey and celebrate together the achievement of the people working with TANI every day.
Therefore, we must be careful. We must not force or mould their worlds without first knowing that they want. We must avoid making folds that leave permanent mark. Since our work is collaborative, we must give priority to an empathetic communication where the result is the image of those dreams we share. This year, we feel that our way of doing origami has grown stronger. We have been closer to the families and, at the same time, we have allowed them to get to know us more and to have a better view of who we are, how we work and why we do it. Now that we are about to celebrate 40 years of existence, and of continuous work, we feel it is necessary for us to take a tome for reflection. At TANI, work never stops. We have little time to reflect on our everyday activities. However, working with people requires taking a break, looking back, and dreaming forward and wonder:
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Message from Christiane Ramseyer, General Director
Our purpose and inspiration
TANI y the Sustainable Development Goals
The TANI Model
2017 Results and Progress in Our Dreams
Strategic Objectives: 2017 Progress
Institutional Financial Report
What is coming in 2018
Our Partners and Donors
Join TANI´s Dream
Contact and Communications
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Message from Christiane
“I would like to express my gratitude to all the families who allowed us to assist and take care of them, and those who supported us”.
Reporting on the activities and the resources used
right to education for teenage mothers and
for these purposes is extremely relevant for us,
women without a complete secondary education,
considering that today, more than ever, any action
the right to an identity for the poorest, the
performed by an institution, an NGO or an
opportunity for vulnerable young people to be
enterprise, requires transparency and clear
trained and have quick access to income, early
pregnancy prevention, early childhood education
We should also say that an annual report is not enough to show what we have done. Therefore, we have tried to summarize the goals achieved, considering that the actions and results shown here are just a small part of the thousands of gestures towards human beings, people, babies, children, teenagers, and parents. This was
and care —especially for those whose mother or father must work away from home—, timely vaccination, and child development as an inalienable right. This is a right we are protecting with all our might in times when there is a recurrence of easily manageable diseases in the country.
achieved with a team of almost 100 people, all of
On the eve of our 40th anniversary and on behalf
them committed to the institutional objectives and
of all members of Taller de los Niños’ extended
family, I would like to express my gratitude to all
We can see huge changes in the actions and results achieved to change specific life situations. Nevertheless, at Taller de los Niños, we are very concerned about the country’s advances before
the families who allowed us to assist and take care of them, and the ones who supported us in our work. Without them, our virtuous chain would not be possible.
problems we believe we are solving creatively and with innovation: mother and child survival
Lima, March 2018.
(especially teenage mothers), the recovery of the
Christiane Ramseyer
2017 TANI Annual Work Report.
Our Purpose At TANI, we strongly believe all children and teenagers must have access to opportunities for their development throughout their lives. To this end, it is essential to build comprehensive strategies to work hand in hand with families, primary caregivers, and communities. Our programmes allow us to join the efforts of different actors, multiply them, and achieve a sustainable social impact in the communities where we work.
What inspires us? At TANI, people inspire us; especially, their ability to grow, learn and improve. We believe in the importance of promoting encounters between professionals and communities. We believe in humanizing the treatment in health and innovating in educational spaces. We are convinced that the transformative capacity of children and teenagers can move mountains, allowing us to recognize individual talents every day, strengthening the capacity to overcome adversity, and continuing to build dreams and plans for the future.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report.
“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you” B.B. King
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
At TANI, we believe in the importance of contributing strategically with our work For this reason, all our strategies are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are global and for each country. In this regard, we contribute to the following goals:
2017 TANI Anual Work Report
TANI has been promoting the country’s development for 39 years. Throughout these years, there have been many national and global plans and goals used as guidelines to cooperate and strengthen our work. In this regard, aligning with the SDGs was not an extra effort, but a clear incentive to work strategically with common goals. The SDGs have allowed us to enhance previous actions, to strengthen on-going activities and to innovate those aspects that we still need to work on. The nature of TANI requires addressing social problems from integrative perspectives that consider people as complete human beings where everything is connected. To achieve our own goals, at TANI we work on nine out of the twenty-one SDGs. In each of them, we offer development and work strategies that have been effective throughout the years and replicated in other places of the country, increasing their impact every year. We find it essential to highlight the opportunity third sector organisations have today to build common lines of action. At TANI, we believe in the importance of joining forces and working with partnerships to expand our action range, to strengthen development bonds, and to allow different development perspectives to have common goals where childhood has a leading role.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report

The TANI Model  
TANI Sheltering and Protecting Based on the TANI model, we seek to provide a peaceful supporting, and sheltering environment to families or people needing professional assistance for specific moments in their lives We believe in the power of human contact to overcome conflict and strengthen skills, as well as the importance of being protected as a fundamental right.
TANI Empowering and Inspiring At TANI, we believe that everyone has the skills and abilities to grow, but we are aware that it often requires inspiring spaces and activities promoting a comprehensive growth. We believe in the individual’s growth power and communitarian spaces to strengthen each person.
TANI Developing and Building
TANI’s dream is that every person taking part in the activities is late able to build a future with opportunities along with the abilities to achieve their goals. To do so, our actions need to focus not only on the present, but also on the future and everything that will be required when children grow up, teenagers work or families keep on thriving.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report

Sheltering and Protecting 2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Sheltering and Protecting
The Best Possible Start At TANI, we work every day for babies and their families to have the best possible start in life during this new experience. It is not always easy, especially when information and learning spaces are scarce. Therefore, we focus on the first stage: the good health of mothers and babies, breastfeeding, and the development of parent-child bonding from the first days. This year, thanks to your contributions, 2,284 families have had access to protection programs during the early months of life. They have been able to participate in breastfeeding spaces where they learn the most appropriate techniques for breastfeeding and building a bond, and at the same time, they share with other families in similar situations, reinforcing the importance of the role of the community. From TANI, we want each visit to the centre to be extraordinary, preventing lost opportunities.
9 out of 10
mothers feel the bond with their children has improved after the skin-to skin session.
develop strategies alongside the families, to modify them according to each particular case and to ensure that, at the end of the process, families have reduced stress or anxiety regarding their babies’ health problems. Funds allow us to continue receiving families and strengthening those needing our services. The same thing happens in spaces for the development of mother-child bonding where every mother and father are able to talk about their feelings and emotions to positively build a healthy path with their babies.
humanizes the health system and turns it into
a service available for people, in which
Mothers attending breastfeeding workshops
Offering collective low-cost solutions
serving, helping, accompanying, and protecting is the main goal. This allows us to
to ensure to best nutriciĂłn for their babies in the first months of their live.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Sheltering and Protecting
Your breast milk matters: Donating life TANI has strategically worked for many years
campaign. However, there is still a lack of
with the Maternal and Perinatal Peruvian
institutions and people supporting this goal.
Institute (INMP). One of the lines of action is the support for INMP’s Milk Bank. Its primary goal is to feed high-risk premature babies with breast milk because they need it to survive while in INMP incubators until they reach 1,800 grams. Through the Maternal Milk Collection Centre, TANI’s mothers who participated in the breastfeeding learning workshops are the main donors of this milk bank and the most relevant participants in this process. This shows that generosity can save lives. Donations for this strategy save hundreds of
We are grateful to all the families and mothers who broke the record for breast milk donations. We call on everyone able to contribute to this strategy by giving some great milk or breast pumps. Breast mil saves lives, and we all can contribute to saving premature and at- risk babies.
Liters of Breat Milk were given to Lima´Maternity Through the voluntary contribution of the mothers
participating in the program “Your milk Matters”
babies at INMP every year, and TANI —with their support— is one of the main allies in this
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Sheltering and Protecting
“ I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father´s protection” Sigmund Freud
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Sheltering and Protecting
Education for Community Health
medical consultations were made during 2017. The
main issues detected were digestive problems and lung diseases, especially in children under 3.
Families visit the Medical Centre of Taller de
proves prevention and health promotion
los Niños because they trust the quality of
matters have had the desired impact.
care and the kindness provided in the consultation. They also acknowledge TANI as the place to learn the best medical practices to prevent suffering a relapse of common diseases.
Health also has to be experienced in communities. Consequently, we provide healthcare to “Educational Homes”, a community-based institutional childcare program in the district. We identify health
“e believe that health education is the only
problems on time and we can work with
way of treating medical conditions. Whoever
families to find out the best solution for them.
comes with sick children shows us a small
This year, 102 children under the age of 3
picture of their world at that time. For that
received medical assistance in the
reason, we need to explore the background
of that picture, their lifestyles, and possible ways to reduce the recurrence of diseases.
At TANI, we deem essential that those who will be in charge of healthcare in the future
We see with joy how the families coming to
can work hand-in-hand with families to
the consultation for many years reduce the
develop their own assistance methods,
recurrence of those conditions and only come
ensuring they are kind, empathetic, and
back for their annual health check-ups. This
focused on the well-being.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Sheltering and Protecting
Being a Mother Before 18 Red Mami assistance program is carried out in cooperation with the Children Action foundation. It offers support to the program teams for its strategic follow-up, provides funding, and is partnered with the Maternal Perinatal Peruvian Institute (INMP). Our common goal is to offer company, support, and development opportunities to teenage parents and their babies in San Juan de Lurigancho.
86% of teenage mothers feel that the Red Mami
assistance program has helped them to be better mothers and has had a big impact in their live.
In 2017, we worked with 1,166 teenage mothers and the same number of babies. Our strategy starts by reaching out to their homes and visiting them. This way, we are changing their current point of view about a health care system far from communities and people that neglects the necessities of families, and their reality. This first strategy allows us to give them the shelter they need at the beginning of their motherhood and the lives of their babies. We identify with them and their families the best practices at home and in the community: learning about breastfeeding and resting periods, identifying possible risks, and promoting learning in young mothers to reduce risks in the baby’s first months of life.
This year, the program has allowed 99% of teenage mothers to obtain their IDs and health insurance on time, enabling a timely assistance against diseases that require immediate attention. Additionally, it has promoted healthier practices within the house, empowering teenage mothers in their new role, thus reducing future complications. We found that, although there is an increasing interest in the topic of teenage pregnancy, more strategic and permanent efforts are needed Teenage pregnancy requires more than occasional campaigns. It demands a comprehensive look at how this topic is included in public policies and how strategies are built to ensure their rights. From TANI, we summon authorities or organizations interested in joining us in this j o b a n d , t h i s w a y, b u i l d t o g e t h e r development plans for teenagers, keeping in mind that they are the present and the future o our country.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Sheltering and Protecting
Story of Success ‘First, I was in the Growth and Development
She gives me advice and I am very fond of
Program. Then, at 17, I enrolled on Red
her for that. I am lucky to have found such
Mami Assistance with Ms. Lourdes. After
good people here at
that, she told me there was a way to finish secondary school. I had almost finished it..
TANI that have given me strength to go on. My goal is to finish my studies and run my
Sometimes, I did not have anyone to take
own business to work at home with my
care of my baby and I had to take her to
daughter. At the beginning, it is painful, but
classes with me for a while. After I
if you have a motivation and a reason to
graduated, I was told that I could keep
fight for, you will move forward. My
studying. I chose cosmetology and got a
motivation is my little one.’
scholarship for PROFORTEC at TANI. Mary, the coordinator, has been very good to me.
Rocío Mallqui
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Sheltering and Protecting
Protection and Peace Culture n Peru, there is an epidemic for which a cure has not been found yet. The level of violence in the streets, homes and/or relationships is very high. An extensive look at the need to improve mental health in the country as well as at the need to build a culture of peace since early childhood is required, imagining a different future for children in Peru and the world. At TANI, we are worried about the increase of violence in society. Although this crisis is not recent, we have found out that there is a permanent normalization of this situation in our own working areas. This leads to unhealthy relationships with our surroundings. We believe in the importance of building areas to work for the development of a culture of peace, where the community has a guarding role towards children, women, and men. For this, we involve all the “TANI community” (partners, parents, board members, etc.) in the construction of a Protection and Welfare Protocol. This allows us, from both internal and external levels, to have clarity on how to identify and solve atrisk situations, what strategies to use in solving them, and how to create spaces for
dialogue and learning to reduce the levels of violence, especially at home. Our strategies have made it possible to offer 860 conciliation and learning for peace consultations with highly vulnerable groups in the community, thus promoting healthier attitudes. However, in order to build a sustained culture of peace, we require the adhesion of the whole community to identify situations of violence in the environment, to denounce them and, especially, to seek help to learn to solve them in a peaceful way.
“If we want a world of peace and justice we must put intelligence resolutely to the service of love”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Sheltering and Protecting
Access to identity and Defense
5,532 identity access proceedings were carried out i 2017. Compared to previous years, we see an improvement within the services offered by the
state, which allows us to understand that we have achieved the strategic objective identified more than 10 years ago.
When the program “Derecho al Nombre” (Right to a Name) was launched 10 years ago, four buses for fifty people were required each weekend to transport families to the Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil (National Identification and Marital Status Register) headquarters in Magdalena, a building which was kindly reserved for us, as there were no offices in San Juan de Lurigancho. Today, we are glad to see that, although the systems are still to be strengthened, there are more and more people who manage to have access to services within the district and, in this way, have access to an identity. However, there is still a considerable lack of knowledge and information by the families about the importance of the access to an identity document or a birth certificate. They are not simple bureaucratic procedures, but the gateway to be recognized as a citizen and have access to rights.
This year, 194 families have been assisted to have birth certificates, which they should be obtained before leaving the health establishment after childbirth, as well as 67 difficult-to-solve cases where the documents had been lost in the provinces of Perú or in particular situations. Within the partnership with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University Peru) and Miranda & Amado Law Firm, we want to continue to have the offices to solve complex identity cases and legal defense support in civil cases. This year, with both partnerships, 75 families were benefited. This shows that the community needs high-quality services, that have to be provide them with patience and improving the knowledge regarding their own citizen rights.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Sheltering and Protecting
7,159 Nebulisations were carried out in 2017
32,566 Vaccines were given in 2017
28, 450 Families participated in shelter and protection activities
7,150 Community Visits were carried out in 2017
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and inspiring 2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and inspiring
The Opportunity of the First 3 Years During the first 3 years of life, children's brains develop 700-1000 new neural connections each second. These depend on the interactions children have with their families and caretakers, and on the stimuli they are exposed to. These three years are full of opportunities that must be seized.
At TANI, we strongly believe in the importance of creating stimulating spaces, so families can learn to enjoy parenthood, guided by developmental professionals and with an emphasis on activities that all families can do at home. At the Early Childhood Development Centre (CDIT), we are concerned not only about essential shelter and protection during the beginning of life, but also about the options families should have to learn how to enjoy their babies while stimulating them and building healthy interactions for the future. In this regard, 31,650 check-ups were carried out in children under the age of 4. During the baby’s first year, families are invited to participate in theoretical-practical learning workshops with their babies. Working with other families with babies of the same age promotes sharing, helping, and exchanging the necessary information to improve the children’s quality of life and development. After the first year, many families stop considering these spaces a need because their babies have already started walking or eating. However, they
should keep participating to timely identify language or motor skills problems that are more visible at that age. Nine out of ten language problems we identified on time were solved in the following six months This shows the importance of early intervention and the impact it has on children’s lives. Fo families, learning how to stimulate or interact with their babies is crucial and has a great impact on family structure. Funding for this program allows families to receive low-cost, high-quality assistance from properly trained professionals, who help them reinforce family bonds with the baby through development, stimulation, and interaction spaces. We also receive 100% of teenage mothers and babies from the Red Mami Assistance program, strengthening the work carried out at home.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and Inspiring
Good Food Means Good Health
Peru is a lucky country. The variety of produce and dishes has always been the envy of other countries. Nevertheless, it is not always easy to feed young children or to eat nutritiously at a reasonable cost. Many parents reading this report might remember the first time they fed their child and realized how difficult and stressful it is to feed young children, especially when they start their supplementary diet. At TANI, we have identified that the start of supplementary diet could also be the beginning of an increase in violence against babies. In this situation, stress and anxiety frequently have negative consequences in initial feeding experiences.
We also see that in educational spaces, children have problems eating vegetables and fruits, often because they have been forced to eat them. At TANI, we believe in the importance of patience and a good mood when feeding children. In 2017, 4,913 consultations were made during our nutrition training program for parents. In these consultations, families successfully learnt how to change their eating habits and be healthier. They also learnt how to introduce a supplementary diet to babies without violence. At our educational spaces, children learnt to eat every type of food, respecting their tastes, and, after 6 months of work, it was possible for them to have a balanced and healthy diet.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and Inspiring
102 families
receive psychological support in the Educational Community Home Support Program. This
allowed the reinforcement of the work made by
our mother-educator associates, and also made it possible for the children and their caretakers to receive monthly psychological support.
Community Support In this community, we have Educational
Homes, which are communitarian homes led by mothers. After being trained by TANI, they start a childcare centre for children between 6 months and 3 years old. These educational homes were created to provide training opportunities for mothers in the community. It also provides a day-care centre where a mother-educator is responsible for the development and care of children under the age of 3, whose parents work all day long. TANI, in partnership with mother-educators, offers balanced meals for every child, and psychological and medical evaluations in order to contribute to the mother-educators’ task in any possible way.
This year, this psychological support has allowed us to work with the families by fostering their role as care providers and by
providing spaces only for parents who, largely due to cultural issues, do not play an active role in their children’s development and education. Our workshops had an attendance rate of 98%, and addressed topics such as domestic violence, comprehensive child development, anxiety management, healthy eating, and parenting habits. Additionally, four out of five parents took part in activities for the development of a successful, healthy, and active parenting, allowing positive changes in the development indicators of these children. We are grateful to the mother-educators for believing in the importance of safe places for children and allowing us to support them in their everyday work. The funds let us offer a greater quality in the assistance, set-up, and support to these community spaces every day.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and Inspiring
“The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new
things, not simply repeating what other generations have done; men and women who are creative, inventive and
discoverers, who can be critical and verify, and not accept, everything they are offered”
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and Inspiring
Investing in Early Childhood In 2017, we received 178 children between the ages of 3 and 5 at our Child Comprehensive Development Centre. From March to December, they stayed at TANI an average of eight hours per day. At TANI, we are convinced that investing in early childhood is the best investment possible. Day by day, we see how children start to develop their abilities, build wonderful worlds, and learn to play peacefully when interacting with other children in healthy environments. In December, sixty children aged 5 entered primary school and their achievements reinforce our strong belief that these spaces are invaluable in current times. This is not only because of the need of parents to leave their children while they are working, but also because of the need for those environments to be safe for development and education, where stimuli are personalized for each child and where they can learn, little by little, to socialize with people of their own age and
adults. Building up their own selves and being part of a community enhances all their abilities. In connection with it, we see that the families that were part of TANI for 3 years and have seen their children graduate this year, have developed their skills to raise autonomous children. In many cases, they were able to read and write, talk about the world around them, express their feelings and needs, and have developed habits and values that are essential to school learning. We found that nine out of ten families with problems reduced the conditions of vulnerability in which they live. Moreover, all of the boys and girls reached an optimal development for graduation, ensuring a great start in primary school. Investing in early childhood generates changes not only for the future, but also helps build a present focused on development and the importance of not skipping phases in life.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and Inspiring
Our Educational Approach Learning Development
Since 2017, TANI has incorporated the Reggio Emilia Approach to our work with children, strengthening its impact. Methodology recommended by specialists in early education.
Playing as the core activity Playing allows children to develop their abilities and share social settings with other children. Adding 1 new space of play in each class room.
Children at the center of every action
Focused on ensuring a better development and growth, the activities are built for the children and with the children. 100% of children participate in classroom meetings.
Emotions come first Working with the Children´s emotions is a priority for identifying potential risk situations for them. 3 out of 4 children have access to psychology services to work through their problems.
Environment, the third teacher The environment also influences learning, so this year we have implemented new spaces for all the children. Every classroom is divided into 6 areas according to educational recommendations regarding the number of children per room.
Healthy practices and routines
Children must learn healthy practices and routines like washing their hands, using the toilet and health eating. 32,400 balanced lunch were provided to children.
Partnership with families At TANI, we consider that committed families are necessary to ensure that what the children have learnt at TANI has a lasting effect in their homes. 98% of Family Partnerships achieved.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and Inspiring
“What one loves in
childhood stays in the heart forever”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and inspiring
To finish school while being a teenage mother Teenage pregnancy frequently prevents teenage mothers from finishing secondary school. Even though clear regulations demand that these women must return to school, we know how hard it is for them to go back to traditional educational spaces when their lives are not exactly traditional. Therefore, it is necessary to propose solutions and alternatives for them. Three years ago, whilst implementing the Red Mami Assistance program for teenage mothers, we found ourselves with this constant challenge: how can they return to school when they are already mothers? Regular education requires daily attendance and this can be hard for someone who needs to take care of another human being. In some cases, they had dropped out of school even before their pregnancy.
of teenage mothers have dropped out of school before pregnancy. This emphasizes the need to create friendlier educational spaces for them.
For these young women, the endeavor to return to school starts at home. It is necessary to recreate a space for their education, dreams, and appetite for learning whilst they continue to look after a baby who still needs special care. It also requires their families’ support and strengthening their family bonds to create a healthy environment for the baby’s development and support for their care.
All teenage mothers have professional psychologists and sociologists available to help them develop schedules, habits, and recover the documents they need to return to school. In many cases, it is also necessary that professionals accompany the mothers to the schools to make sure they comply with issuing all their documents on time. TANI’s Inclusive School allows teenage mothers to finish a school year in six months, attending class three times a week, which allows them to strike a balance between child rearing and their studies. This year, our funding allowed forty-seven teenage mothers to graduate secondary school. From 2018 onwards, they will be able to decide to pursue technical training, go to university or enter the formal labour market.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Empowering and Inspiring
3,800 Families participated in development and strengthening activities.
31,650 Early Stimulation and development workshops.
47 Teenage Mothers finished secondary school.
1,400 Hours of early education for each boy and grill were given in 2017.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Developing and Building 2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Developing and Building
Fast Training for Employment
In Peru, 19% of young adults are neither studying nor working. At the same time, almost 70% of Peruvians are informally e m p l o y e d o r u n d e re m p l o y e d , w h i c h generates not much job stability and causes uncertainty in their families.
Our technical training program offer a wide array of opportunities. We have short courses and more specialized ones in areas such as skin and beauty care, fashion, sewing, and children party planning, which are businesses with high demand in the area.
At TANI, we have learned, with the families and the young people, about the main problems in the search for proper technical training and, afterwards, in finding a job. Nowadays, paying for technical training is too expensive for some social groups, and their time schedules and requirements are often too difficult to adhere to. Regarding these issues, TANI has been innovating for many years in the technical training of young women and men that desperately need to study in order to start working, and that wish to do so in formal businesses or as small entrepreneurs.
In 2017, we have had 161 students enrolled courses that allowed them to earn money quickly by starting up businesses in the first month. With these funds, they can keep learning more about their trade or further their education at a college or university. Nowadays, we require options for those people who are in economic need, with formal businesses that sustain their subsistence and their families. This allows them to build their dream, fund further technical training or even have a career.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Developing and Building
45 young
received training as barbers and entered the
labour market, either as entrepreneurs with their own business or as a part of a barbershop´s staff.
Barbershop: The new fashion training We started our Barbering project in 2017 after identifying a high number of young men in the community with the need to work. Nowadays, beauty care is no longer solely a women’s issue and we have witnessed a proliferation of men’s care and beauty businesses in San Juan de Lurigancho. This is an opportunity for the male population in the district who desires to obtain formal employment and develop skills for the future. We found different kinds of young men. Some of them come to us with the will to start working as soon as possible, either by opening their own businesses or by working for someone else. Others have always dreamt of working as barbers and they view this program as the perfect opportunity to pursue their dreams. Moreover, others were
prompted by their families to study something so they can improve. What is important to these young men is to find a space that helps them understand the market demands, provides them with the necessary technical skills, and allows them to understand the labour competences they need to develop as professionals. All young men have self-esteem entrepreneurship and labour skills workshops in the program. In 2017, there were forty-five young graduates from our barbering program who are currently starting their own businesses or working in barbershops across the district. These youngsters now contribute to their families, to their futures, and to their country.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Developing and Building
“ Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to the place you want to be tomorrow.�
Walt Disney
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Developing and Building
Spaces to take care of children The Educational Homes program trains mothers from the community interested in starting a childcare business in their homes for children under the age of 3. To this effect, they receive intensive training that will prepare them to take care of 8 to 10 boys and girls every day. These women become TANI’s partners in order to ensure that more children are protected all day.
103 familias
Receive psychological accompaniment in
the Community Education Home Program. This strengthens the work of our partners - the
mother educators - and guarantees monthly accompaniment for all children and their caretakers.
One of TANI’s dreams is that all children in the district grow up in safe spaces during the day, especially if their parents work. For that purpose, the Educational Homes program offers continuous education and training for the women in the community who have decided to accept the challenge of taking care of children at home as their source of income. The training offered to the mother-educators consists in children development and stimulation strategies during the day. It also provides training in first aid, health and nutrition, and constantly updated contents to ensure they are always prepared to take care of children. TANI, as the mother-educators’ partner, is committed to supporting them with psychological, training, and health support as needed to ensure that every child receives comprehensive care. To this effect, a multidisciplinary team visits every home daily, becoming a guarantee for parents and an ally in taking care of the youngest children in the district.
Thanks to the funds, it is possible to train every year more women that decide to start taking care of children under 3 years old, and this is how TANI is every year closer to the dream of having more spaces to protect children.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
179 People were trained in cosmetology and started their own businesses.
45 Young received Barber training and got jobs in the district.
250 Short Updating Workshops were organized during 2017.
100 Training Hours of training before opening a Community Home for kids under 3 years old.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
TANI: Managment and Development 2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Progress of Strategic Goals: First Year
Strengthening of the Social Programs Management We have widely worked towards this strategic goal during 2017. All the programs have been assessed and strategic decisions have been made on their management. All the programs have new indicators of process, evaluation and, in some cases, of impact.
Progress at 40%
Moreover, the strategies to enter different social programs have been reformulated to focus on the target population and users with greater precision.
Improvement of Physical and Technological Infrastructure
In 2017, the planning and the construction plans for the new centre for child and family development began. We dream of creating more inclusive development spaces with greater possibilities for all the families in San Juan de Lurigancho.
Progress at 35%
Additionally, two large donations during the year permitted us to improve our furniture and electronic devices, which will ensure better workspaces for everyone.
Strengthening of Administrative Management Our administrative management has not had any significant progress this year. Nevertheless, we have identified the main challenges at the level of administrative processes, and within the programs.
Progress at 35%
This first report will gradually help to solve institutional needs and ensure a better monitoring of the management of institutional programs.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Construction and Implementation of an Institutional Sustainability Proposal
This is the goal with the greatest progress. As a result of the development of some social enterprise strategies and the support of John Hopkins University and CENTRUM Graduate Business School, we have managed to formulate an institutional sustainability proposal. This will strengthen the activities performed and extend the work and coverage ranges. In 2018, the first changes will be implemented.
Progress at 75%
Implementation and Development of a Human Resources System
Talent management has been in our minds all year long, not only creating a good work environment, but also ensuring that the best talents remain at TANI and that those who want to leave represent what they have learned at TANI throughout their institutional life. Furthermore, the recruitment system has been strengthened and induction processes represent an everyday part of our work.
Progress at 45%
Reinforcement of our Institutional Approach Our institutional approach has undergone a 180o change without losing its essence. We have learnt to understand strategies better, and build scalable service and work models. Innovation culture is more alive than ever in different programs and work areas, allowing each program to have extensive renovations and innovative proposals for families in 2018.
Progress at 60%
In 2017, the progress of our strategic goals was excellent and gave us clarity regarding the steps to be taken in 2018. With your support, we will continue to achieve our goal of bringing development to the communities.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
“This is our obligation to the child: To give him a ray of light
and to follow our path�. Maria Montessori
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Our 2017 Financial Report At TANI, we believe it is important to give economic and programmatic information. As an NGO, we believe this is necessary because all the funds we receive and are generated are immediately translated into actions on the field every day. Throughout the years, some programs have increased their costs because of the lack of funding; while others have been cut down as needs increased. Furthermore, a strong investment in human resources is required to assure that all the team will give the best service requires an big investment un human resources that will be in charge of the communities.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Keeping the balance It is fundamental to ensure that the operating costs remain low, so that the major investment is made in the direct work with the families. However, it is essential to have a strong operating system that allows all the activities to be carried out every day. This was a constant challenge that we could meet in 2017.
Prioritizing our needs The budget investment shows what the priorities should be when working with people. The Health and Development areas represent the majority of our investments. A number of shelter and development activities that ensure a better start for families can prove this.
Diversifying our incomes TANI’s main goal in the upcoming years is to increase the low-cost services in order to strike a better balancing of our finances. Once again this year, we have the invaluable support of foundations that believe in our work, as well as the support of the wonderful team of our sister association Atelier des Enfants, association that allows us to collect funds from individuals and families who have been supporting us for many years.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
What comes next in 2018 In 2018, TANI celebrates 40 years of uninterrupted work. This is an important anniversary that marks the end of four decades of full investment in community service, and the start of new paths and styles. In 1978, we began with a visionary dream to create development and protection spaces for children and families in San Juan de Lurigancho. Today, this dream has spread to different families, spaces, and other organizations. We can only assure that we will continue on this path, growing, improving, and building with you all. For this year of celebration and get together, we have the following goals:
A unique celebration of the 40th anniversary with our families and the TANI Strengthening of the Education System Opening new and better training spaces for young people and adults Renovation of our Health and Development spaces Opening new and more schedules for Child Development More spaces to share with partners and other organizations Learning visits to our TANI centre Training of new groups of people for child care in the community New informational and educational material for families Videos and documentation of our work at TANI
If you are interested in learning and replicating our activities, or forming an alliance, please
contact us. By working together, we assure a better quality of life and more opportunities for everyone.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Our Donors and Allies
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
Every year, many people support us individually for our work to be successful. We are very grateful to these people for all their support:
Maria Isabel Cifuentes Yelena Brujic Marc Luna Paul Felder Stéphane Burdet Marion Meuwly Céline Colombini Jean-Pierre Bulliard Francine Joyet Ricardo Gorodisch Larraitz Martinez Fernandez Felipe Barclay Dr. James Calvin Vaibhav Singh Manoj Selvaraj Abhishek Chatuverdi Kevin Toole Pierina Traverso Alexandra Harrison Natalia Manso Shelby Schemerhorn Chirag potgar Maria Fernanda Salazar
Fernando Gonzalez-Olaechea Nicolas Zevallos Ximena Giraldo Luciana Arispe Tomás Carreño Daniela Gaviria Paloma García Isabel Domenack Patricia del Rio Fernando Cáceres Kathy Romero Jeanette Yañez Mayte Morales Salvador del Solar Juan Alberto Flores Amadeus Malca Maria Angélica Sanchez Camila Phum Gisella Butron Alberto de Belaunde Diego Carranza Enzo Tomatis Andrés Moran
Lichi Reaño Milenka Stiglich Karina Herrera Vanessa Vasquez Umberto Piaggio Nancy Serpa Paul Wais Ursula Ledesma Isabel Domenack Paul Wais Julio Cesar Vicente Sarah Johnstone Victoria Illingworth Luis Alcala Yun Hwa Ji Maria Claude Kissling Jean-Luc Kissling Cristian Valenzuela Khalil Esteban Marcela Rueda Meche Vidal Karina Herrera Sönke Hansen
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
JOIN TANI´S DREAM If you have received this report, you have been part of TANI’s dream during 2017. We would like you to help us share this report with people that may be interested in making children, teenager, and families’ dreams come true. Here are five ways to keep helping throughout the year. Together we can give a better future to more children, families, and teenagers.
Become a Partners f you are part of an organization, an enterprise or you work for the government, we can become partners to increase the impact we want to make in our country.
Get involved Be creative and organize events so more people become aware of our work and support us in helping others. You can also participate in fundraising activities or in supporting events for our organization.
Donate to make a Change You can make a contribution through our bank accounts or our donation gateway on our web page:
www.tallerdelosninos.org.pe We also accept material donations because our organization issues donation certificates.
Spread the word Tell other people about TANI and our achievements in 2017. Do it by sharing this report or talking about our work and impact.
Follow us on social media Don’t forget to visit our official web page at www.tallerdelosniños.org.pe. You can also follow us on Instagram @taniperu or on our Facebook page @tallerdelosniños to see our activities.
2017 TANI Annual Work Report
At TANI, we believe all children deserve access to the best education and development spaces in order to boost their full potential. With your help, we can make this dream come true, and help boys, girls, teenagers, and families that need shelter, protection, development spaces, and support for their future. We are grateful to all the people who collaborated in preparing this report. It has been a pleasure to work with you, who help us make this world a better place every day.
CONTACT: Av. Maria Parado de Bellido 179, Magdalena del Mar. Lima - PerĂş 0051-14619389 / 005114619389 www.tallerdelosninos.org.pe www.facebook.com/tallerdelosninos Instagram: @TANIPERU contacto@tallerdelosninos.org.pe