Tallinn Arts Magazine - Special Edition

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Raivo Hein: Shooting for the Stars

- Special Edition An Arts & Lifestyle Magazine

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Raivo’s space odyssy Raivo RaivoHein Heinisisan anEstonian Estonianentrepreneur entrepreneurwho whohas hasfound foundsucsuccess cessinindiverse diversefields; fields;from frommedia mediaand andcapital capitalinvestments investmentsto to the therenewable renewableand andtraditional traditionalenergy energysector. sector.He Heisisthe theco-owco-owner nerof ofLHV LHVPank Pankand andoversees overseesthe thebiggest biggestpension pensionfunds fundsinin Estonia. Estonia. But But his his true true passion passion isis far far from from earthly earthly mammon. mammon. Hein Hein has has aa fascination fascination for for the the cosmos. cosmos. So So much much so so that that he he has has built built his his own own private private observatory observatory inin Saaremaa, Saaremaa, the the larlargest gestisland islandoff offEstonia’s Estonia’swest westcoast, coast,and andhas hassinged singedon onwith with British British adventurer-businessman adventurer-businessman Sir Sir Richard Richard Branson Branson to to laulaunch nchinto intospace spaceon onVirgin VirginGalactic. Galactic.Raivo Raivotakes takesphotos photosof ofheaheavenly venlybodies bodiesfrom fromhis hisobservatory observatorythat thatare aretruly trulyawe aweinspiring. inspiring. Tallinn TallinnArts Artshad hadaabrief briefchat chatwith withRaivo Raivoabout abouthis hisastrophotoastrophotography, graphy,lifelong lifelonglove lovefor forthe thestars starsand andwhether whetherspace spacereally reallyisis the thefinal finalfrontier. frontier.


ow did your interest in space come about? Is this a lifelong obsession?

I guess everything starts from childhood. Technology, science and science fiction have interested me since I was a wee lad. Space observation with a telescope and “space imaging”, my photography, is its logical outcome. This hobby has been with me a long time and I hope to continue. I am just planning to renew the technology I have. Is space really the “final frontier” like Captain Kirk said? The last frontier of the universe is of course there, where our eyes can’t see anymore since light from there has not reached us yet. It is located somewhere about 13.7 billion light years away. Until we can see what is there, everything is really waiting to be discovered. If we only had the technology for this! But the time will come when we will get all the answers. Perhaps in the next twenty thousand years.

Tell us about your observatory and space photography.

Everything in the sky is beautiful and unique. Every object is different and therefore beautiful in itself.”

You take some amazing pictures. Thank you. I have two observatories, both of them are located in Saaremaa, where there is no light pollution. There I have two telescopes, 17” and 12”, which are attached to a special appliance – the CCD camera. Sky imaging is a lot different from normal photography. It is a very specific process which requires long shutter speeds and after treatment. You can be read more from here: Looduspilt.ee website:http://goo.gl/nqOXRV The Hubble Telescope’s pictures excited a lot of people. When you look at the vastness and beauty of the cosmos are you reminded of Einstein’s quote about not “playing dice” with creation? I guess it’s arguable whether God is playing dice or not. Scientists and evolutionary theory say one thing and creationists and believers another. The only obvious thing is that the last two are “magic”. The universe’s laws of physics are the same in every corner and entropy as well as energy conservation laws don’t allow us to understand the universe in two different ways.

We understand that you and your wife signed on for Richard Branson’s space tourism flights. Did the recent crash of his prototype put you off the idea of venturing into space?

money, it’s not profitable field of activity. My business areas are investing, real estate, banking, trading and internet services. Plus renewable energy, I have a 30kW solar park and a wind-farm.

It’s only me, not my wife. Women are a bit more sensible. I’m not going to be scared about some setbacks. Science sadly sees these sacrifices everywhere all the time. Besides, it looks like this mistake was made by human error and it wasn’t a failure of the equipment.

What’s your favorite galaxy, supernova, nebula, pulsar or what have you? Everything in the sky is beautiful and unique. Every object is different and therefore beautiful in itself.

You are a serial entrepreneur. Is your business bone connected to your space bone?

What’s next for Raivo?

No, I don’t think so. Even though I’m selling my photography for

Next? Heading into space!

Special edition Copyright Š 2015 Bonne & Amundsen Media Group Tallinn Arts Magazine 3. edition Cultural Partner: Center for contemporary arts, Estonia Tallinn office: michael.amundsen@tallinnarts.com

Advertising: Nordicom ADVERTISING@NORDICOM.EE +372 5666 7770 post@cca.ee +372 6314050 Copenhagen office: camilla.bonne@tallinnarts.com

Cover photo: Art by Camilla Bonne & Michael Amundsen Background photo by Raivo Hein

Art Director: Camilla Franziska Bonne


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