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III / 2009


Bednights down in March:

Market Report / March 2009 Nights back to the level in 2006 and 2007 As a result of the economic downturn, nights in Helsinki were down during the first quarter and March. On the other hand, in the first quarter of 2008 nights increased sharply, so in spite of the drop, nights in January-March were close to the figure in 2007 and clearly above the figure in 2006. Measured in nights, business travel fell the most in the first quarter. Only a slight drop was recorded in leisure travel. In March business travel actually increased on the domestic market compared with last year. This was partly due to the fact that Easter was in March last year.

Total - 12.2% Domestic + 3.9% Foreign countries - 23.3% Up: Canada. Down: Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Russia, USA, Japan, Italy, Norway, The Netherlands, China, Spain, Denmark, Estonia, Switzerland, India, Poland, Belgium,

Business travel clearly down in January-March: Leisure nights: - 9,200 Business nights: - 68,700 Other reason: + 1,800.

Occupancy rate down in March: 53.5% (60.7% in March 2008 and 68.1% in March 2007).

Few changes have taken place in visitors' average length of stay. Foreign visitors spend over two nights on average while domestic visitors' average length of stay is less than 1.5 nights. The average price of accommodation in March was 1 euro higher than the year before. The occupancy rate fell clearly, however.

Average price of accommodation* unchanged in March: 75.32 EUR / night (74.32 EUR in March 2008 and 78.97 EUR in March 2007).

Air traffic down in January-April: The number of passengers at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport: International traffic: - 5.9% Domestic traffic: - 11.1% Total: - 7.2%.

Kari Halonen Marketing Director

Ship traffic unchanged in January-March: Passenger traffic at the ports of Helsinki: Total traffic: + 0.3% Passengers in Swedish traffic: - 1.0% Passengers in Estonian traffic: + 1.7% Passengers in German traffic: - 19.3% *price per person in all accommodation facilities

Monthly bednights in Helsinki 400 000


350 000

2007 2008 2009

300 000

250 000

200 000

Joulukuu December

Marraskuu November

Lokaskuu October

Syyskuu September

Elokuu August

Hein채kuu July

Kes채kuu June

Toukokuu May

Huhtikuu April

Maaliskuu March

Helmikuu February

100 000

Tammikuu January

150 000

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