1 minute read

Is Westport Really Safe?



New security measures for security

by Musaad Binkhuzayyim

Westport is a famous street in Kansas City with restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. Westport is the first place that comes to any Kansas City resident’s mind when they want to grab a bite and drink.

Westport has been through a few shootings in the past few years and that’s why Kansas City residents are scared to go there sometimes during the weekends. It used to be crowded and dangerous every weekend. The last shooting that happened in Westport was in Sunday July 8th at 2:45 a.m., and after that they started to use metal detectors every Friday and Saturday night. You can’t get in Westport until you get checked and go through security, and you have to have a valid ID and be over 21. The new security measures made Westport a safer place and no shootings happened since July 8th. They started checking people at 10 p.m. every Friday and Saturday night until 3 a.m. and no cars can get in or leave Westport in that time. Turk J, an international Avila student and a Kansas City resident since 2013 says, “whenever I first came to the States I used to love going to Westport to eat and have fun, but a few shootings happened, then I stopped going there, but now after the new security measures I feel it’s more safe and I will start going there more often.” Westport is finally safe with the new security measures. Make Kansas City safe, enjoy your time, and have fun without doing crazy things.

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