"We Approve These Messages"

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we approve these messages

issue 106

fall 2020

photo by artem podrez





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ISSUE 106 |


FROM THE EDITORS With COVID overstaying its welcome, we hope everyone is managing their classes without stress. A lot has been moved online in hopes to keep the cases throughout campus at bay, and we all understand how difficult it can be but just know we are all rooting for you to make it through this year with no problems! This issue is full of stories relevant to what we have all faced so far. From the BLM movement to the election. We hope you can resonate with some of the content inside. We always try our best to be an outlet for students to talk about what they please without backlash. Wishing you all the best!

Sincerely, Savannah Parris Editor-in-Chief

Marlon Jones, Photographer


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Sarai Jorgenson, Social Media/Managing Editor

Sarah Davis, Design Editor

DeMarquice Phillips, Photographer

Brelande Edmond, Copying Editor

EDITORIAL POLICY The Talon News Magazine is produced by students of Avila University. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Talon News Staff, the Trustees, administration, faculty, or staff of the University. The Talon News Magazine encourages letters to the editor. These may be submitted electronically or in writing and should include the writer’s name, address, and telephone numbers for verification purposes. Letters can be mailed to the Talon News Magazine Editor, Avila University, 11901 Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO 64145. The Talon reserves the right to edit letters for reasons of space, clarity, or inappropriate language. Copies of the Talon News Network Operational Guidelines may be requested by writing to the above referenced address.

ISSUE 106 |


ROUTINE STOP What It’s Like For Me To Be Pulled Over Gaelle Hilaire

At 19-years-old I got my first and, hopefully, last

speeding ticket. It was a routine stop and I feared for my life. I was going 72 MPH on a 65 MPH highway when a radar gun caught my traffic violation and an officer on a motorcycle followed my car and waved me over to the right shoulder of the road. Tears leaked from my eyes as my trembling hands scrambled to grab my license, registration, and lastly place my hands onto the steering wheel before the officer came over. I started to sweat, and my stomach was doing flips from all of the fear and anxiety that was building up in the three to four minutes the officer took to reach my car. Fear that I would be the next hashtag. Fear that I would have to wait months for the officer who took my life away to be arrested. Fear that my mother of one would be left with no one. The officer finally came over gave me my ticket and walked away. I remember feeling ridiculous for thinking my life would end over a speeding ticket. Something that happens all the time but to this day the thought of the emotions I had make me cower. Being a foreigner, it is hard seeing the country that has graced you with opportunities your own


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country could not provide for you behave maliciously and unjustly to people who look just like you. My family and I come from Haiti, a third world Caribbean country. We came to America for a better chance at life and that’s what have been given, for that I am forever grateful. Growing up my mother kept me on a short leash, I was really only allowed to go three places: home, school, and church. And I was never to, under any circumstances, get into trouble with the law. You can imagine my mother was furious when I brought home a speeding ticket, I got lectures for weeks on safety, obedience, and the price of my life. My mom was happy that I was still breathing. She said to me, “they’re killing people of color, and it is ignorant of you to disobey the law, you could have died.” This country that we came to for a better life gave us that, but we still live in fear of our lives being taken from us. Saying that there needs to be a change isn’t enough, making hashtags and repost on social media aren’t enough. We need to speak up against things we don’t agree with and make a difference in the real world. I am going into healthcare to be an advocate for people like me, who are not only black but immigrants as well. Helping others is my passion and my voice will be heard one way or another. ISSUE 106 |


IMMIGRANTS We Get The Job Done Darline Henrius

“Immigration is the international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle as permanent residents or naturalized citizens (Wikipedia )”. If we look at our nation’s history, according to this definition we are all descendants of immigrants. America is a huge melting pot full of different cultures, and that is what makes this country interesting as well. However as “cool” as it is being from a different country it always has its’ downfall. The culture shock that I had being from a different country was hard adjusting to also very eye-opening. I realized that a lot of people go to 3rd war countries and build business and profit off cultures they don’t truly appreciate. Resources will be taken out but not to help build those countries but to help the one that’s already ahead of its time. Who’s looking out for the little guys? Political moves are okay until it is being done in America. This land of the great is great but they don’t truly recognize the other places that factor help factor into that. Now thanks to the new President, there is a stigma on


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immigrants. If we still had all our resources that help keep our countries rich and growing, why would we bother coming to America? Apparently, we are coming here to benefit from America’s freedom when this is the “Land of Free and Home of the brave”. We come and take the jobs that are meant for Americans when the jobs were here way before we got here. However, no one seems to ask about all the jobs that were in America are now being made in China. If we are being honest, China owns us yet somehow, we are “free” but that’s a whole different conversation for another day. In my opinion, if it wasn’t for immigration this country would be boring. We wouldn’t have those “Taco Tuesday’s”, Chinese take-outs, Hip-Hop or Pop Culture, and so many more. The main people that America is trying to push out are the main ones that will help this country evolve. So, this stigma, based on a biased, no sense of connection to culture President needs to stop. After all, our generation was made from people feeling their country for freedom, and some were forced against our will. When America acknowledges these countries and say thank you for their continuous support and sacrifices, this country will never be as great as it can be. This doesn’t make me want to scream, it makes me want to ask, “Can you hear me, is this thing on. If so, what are we going to do about it?” ISSUE 106 |


A Maskless mayhem Which Do You Prefer? Sarai Jorgenson

Since the beginning of the year, we have all been trying to live with the suffocating presence of COVID-19. When I first heard about it, I didn’t really worry. I didn’t think it was serious and I wasn’t scared...until we went home for spring break back in March. Over the break, every place was talking about shutting down, people started buying out essentials in stores, and curfews and quarantine measures were starting to take place. I was terrified at this point. My town didn’t start doing a ‘real’ quarantine until the first week of April I believe. I stayed in my house until July and I barely went anywhere (unless it was to a store, which was rare) and I didn’t see any of my friends. During what was supposed to be a quarantine, still so many people were not following any measures at all. What was the point of me staying in my house, with my mental health deteriorating by the day, while all of these people were out partying, not wearing any masks, and not taking any safety precautions whatsoever? I don’t get it, and I’m not even sure it did us any good. The progress from those that actually quarantined and stayed away from people and tried to flatten the curve, 10

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was ruined by those who didn’t care at all. Also, I am not talking about those who had to work; I know that many people had to work and on top of that, many jobs didn’t offer COVID leave. I am talking about the ones who purposely ignored the rules of wearing masks and social distancing. Even now, when there are mandated mask orders, people are still ignoring them, even when the cases are still rising. It is not going to kill someone to wear a mask for a half hour when shopping. People are also not brainwashed for wearing masks, by the way. Is it really so hard to believe that we wear masks just to protect others? I wear a mask to protect you, you wear a mask to protect me. Other countries can do it and are successful in reducing their cases, so why can’t we? So please, wear a mask, and social distance when you can. If you at least try, that’s all that matters, but don’t ignore these things. Even if you personally haven’t had an experience with COVID-19, that’s great, but a lot of people have, and lots of people have died from it, so the least you could do is wear a mask. We all want this to be over or at least close to normal, and it’ll be that way if we all work together. It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy life, you just have to remember to be safe and to keep others safe as well. ISSUE 106 |


DON’T BE A KAREN We All Know One Manny Hernandez “Karens” have become extremely popular these past couple of months. They have come from the depths of Hell to disturb and harass civilians and suck the life out of things - almost like a virus - terrorizing the entire country. These ladies, women, whatever you want to call them, make me want to scream at the top of my lungs because of how annoying they are. You can identify them in many ways, I don’t want to stereotype, but you can usually catch them speaking to the manager at any place. They have this sense of always thinking they are correct, politically and morally. Honestly, they just seem to not have any common sense. They top off 2020 to being one of the worst years I’ve ever lived. It is hard not to argue with them and try to prove how they are wrong and prove your point, they simply don’t shut up. There are


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many videos on the internet exposing these types of people and how ridiculous they look. Personally, I have never come across a “Karen” and I would never want to come across one. Their mentality is negative and I’m a positive guy, all good vibes on my side. I believe conflict is never the answer and they choose to have conflicts until they get their way. They need to come more to light, and people should be informed on how to handle a Karen when the time comes. They partially have a role to play with the “No Mask” community, which absolutely grinds my gears. They complain about everything: food, how you’re dressed, and also not following new rules applied for the meantime. Karen’ feel above everyone and everyone should do as they say. That is one subject that makes me want to holler through my time these past months and it takes a lot for me not to like someone.

NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE We’re Upset With The Police Tajh Downs What makes me want to Holler?! Police! As a young Black man in America I am already at a unfair advantage in life to other races. I get treated differently based off the color of my skin by police officers. I am looked at differently based off the color of my skin by police officers. They have a certain hostile aggression towards me every time they pull me over. In their eyes I’m a thug who’s out doing crime or I look suspicious to them. I’ve been pulled over and have gotten tickets for the littlest things just because I’m black. I was raised in the inner city or as some people will say the ghetto. Growing up I along with a lot of my friends were taught not to trust the police. When there’s real crime or emergency they take their time getting to the emergency if it’s in the hood. If they hear about a black male that could be

a suspect if a crime they arrive with a quickness and already have a hostile vibe to them or uneasy vibe to them because they assume all black people are hostile or aggressive. I’ve lived to see police brutalize friends and family members just for asking questions about why the officer is simple pulling them over or why the office thinks we are suspects in a crime. Those are reasons why there will never be trust from a black man to an officer. Black men know that not all police officers are dirty or untrustworthy but we can’t tell that all the time until we interact with them. If they want our trust stop killing us, beating us, treat black males like you’d treat a white male make it equal and right. Make us feel like we are protected. Show us change and then you will gain our trust.

ISSUE 106 |


COVID AND CORRUPTION We Want The Truth Thea Tanuis

This pandemic feels more political than it does more than just simply caring for people, and trying to prevent more people from dying from COVID-19. Everything that has come with this summer; the racial injustice, the unemployment rates, and save our children, it almost seems hard to keep up. One of the biggest things that make me want to holler is the hospitals that are profiting from this pandemic. A couple weeks ago, I saw a video on TikTok of an angry man explaining that his father was admitted to a hospital for a heart attack. His


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father later unfortunately passed away from said heart attack, and the hospital wrote his cause of death as COVID-19. The fact that the government could potentially be collecting money from hospitals for deaths is so angering. Then, you have the millions of people who filed for unemployment this year because of the job layoffs due to COVID-19. When you look at Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, you see a billionaire. But how did he somehow made millions of dollars this year, while normal Americans lost their jobs, and couldn’t afford to pay their rent, much

less afford to eat. Something that makes me want to holler? This man could soon be the world’s first trillionaire. He could single handedly help the world in so many ways just from donations, but chooses not to. Over the past few weeks, we have seen the hashtag #SaveTheChildren. This angers me so much because it never makes it one the news. The news right now is filled with everything except this. It started with Wayfair, when someone made the correlation of Wayfair selling storage equipment for $10K+ and the furniture was named after children on the national missing children list. The US Marshal found 39 missing children in Georgia over the last two weeks. Absolutely no news coverage. Children are being trafficked and kidnapped at an alarming rate, and you never see any news coverage on it. That in itself is so disturbing.



10 Best Songs Right Now That Are Relevant To What Is Going On, Too DeMarquice Phillips

1. Things I’ve Seen - Joyner Lucas 2. Reparations- Bobby Sessions 3. Rapture - D Smoke 4. This is America - Childish Gambino 5. Sacrifices - Dreamville 6. On & On - Erykah Badu 7. How Many Times - Eryn Allen Kane 8. Neighbors - J. Cole 9. Arrest Me - Markie Tarantino 10. For My People - Joey Badass


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IT IS UP TO US.. Young Voters Are Important Savannah Parris

This year has been an eye opener for all, and a time for the younger population to make themselves heard. When it came to the protests, a lot of the younger generations starting realizing they had a voice that deserved to be heard. I had never seen so many people united and respecting one another more than I did during those times. Fast forward a few months, protests and riots started losing news coverage but we all know they are still happening. We are still participating. The election is here and it is the young adults time to shine. There are so many of us who feel as if we aren’t going to be heard but that is not the case. We all need to vote if we want to see the change we have been fighting so hard for. Our futures are affected the most by the outcome. Sadly, I have come to terms with the fact that no matter the outcome for the election, whichever party wins, there will be a negative reaction. I’ve seen coverage of businesses in big cities removing all their merchandise and boarding up windows and doors. I’ve seen threatening posts for the opposing parties. I’ve seen just about all of it. All in all, I hope it goes as smooth as it can and we can, as a nation, move past this and everything over the last year with respect. ISSUE 106 |


Memes & Flies The Aftermath Of The First Debate Manny Hernandez

During the first Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden I was at work. Social media on the other hand was having a field day with the memes created. Elon Musk once said “ whoever makes the memes runs the worlds.” and after the Presidential debate I am beginning to believe that. Even though I was not able to watch the debate I was fully informed through Instagram, Twitter, and snapchat. It was not through any news posts or any sort of informational post. Where I saw the most posts were comedy pages. The Presidential debate must have been a comedy show I thought to myself. The memes summed up the entire debate. These memes made the debate a whole lot more interesting and should have not watched the entire debate. Memes now will keep you updated till you are able to look at the news or what is trending. This not only happened in the Presidential debate but also in the Vice presidential debate. This started with the fly that landed on Mike Pence’s head. I wasn’t able to watch this debate

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photo by vanity fair

either but, what I do know is that a fly landed on Mike Pence’s head and it went completely viral. Even if you have no idea what is going on, you will see memes trending about these debates. People are so fast about things they find funny that they will trend and up on your page. Although, I ended up watching these debates later on in the week the memes were the only interesting part about them. Most memes are funny and make fun of the situation, some are informational. In one meme I saw Donald Trump did not Denounce “ The Proud Boys� during the debate. These memes give a sort of motivation to a new generation of voters to vote. This targets younger voters with social media and brings more attention to what is happening in politics. These memes essentially would help voter turnout to the polls. ISSUE 106 |

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HE has what? President Trump Tested Postive For COVID-19 Darline Henrius

President Donald Trump diagnosed with COVID, the irony of it all. Just shortly after his first presidential debate, Donald Trump was tested positive for COVID 19. Some may call it bluff and just a distraction from how horrible that debate went. Throughout the course of his presidency, Donald Trump has made it very clear that he does not take COVID seriously. He has gone from telling the American people to inject their selves 20

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with a disinfectant in order to cure the virus, which may have been seriously harmed by. He has shamed other countries and calling this virus a “Chinese Virus because it came from China.� Now the main person not taking this virus as seriously as he should now have caught the virus. This has shined a bright light for the American people on whether there is a cure. Once tested positive with COVID an individual is supposed to go on quar-

antine for 14 days and before being released from quarantine, that individual must be tested out negative. The president has only been in quarantine for one week, and he has come out and told the press that he has been healed.

in the polls. One thing I can say is, we need help and answers. If the President is lying about this so-called cure and innocent lives have been taking by it he shouldn’t be our next president. I thought once he tested positive, he would take this He stated that they virus seriously and had a medication apologize to the that “fixed” him. American people So now the public for his ignorance on wants to know why the matter and work there is this virus very closely with out there and medi- the Doctors on how cation to cure it and to get our country it hasn’t been proback together and cessed and sent out healthier. Instead, to help the country, we are still stuck or is the President where we began lying about being and have no idea cured of the virus what’s about to in order to stay up happen next. ISSUE 106 |


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