5 questions to ask a multilingual translation services provider

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5 Questions to Ask a Multilingual Translation Services Provider Living in the 21st Century we crave for quality more. Whether it is the basic needs or the highly luxurious products and services, we want quality products. Undoubtedly, QUALITY is never an accident. It is always the outcome of intelligent efforts. Picking the best provider for multilingual translation services could be a tiresome job. At the same time, Quality Assurance is a must. Getting a satisfactory value for the amount invested and meeting the Translation Quality Standards is possible by addressing the following concerns. 5 Questions for Multilingual Translation Service Provider 1. What is the cost of translation? The cost of translation depends on the extent of words used, the different languages used and the processes which led to completion of work. It can be per word, per page, per hour, flat rates or the minimum price for translation. They usually charge for the number of words and any additional costs such as final review to translation quality assurance. 2. What is the average transposition time? The Turnaround time may differ depending upon size and convolution as per the project. Every task is idiosyncratic in its own way and therefore the transposition time for different projects is different. A quality-focused, proficient translator can translate 300 words an hour to 2500 words per day. However these numbers could exceed by working longer hours. So the transposition time in translating should be taken care off. 3. What innovative ideas and techniques differentiate you from other providers? Multilingual translation service providers have fame for their excellent services. Commitment and dedication to the work makes them unique among other translators. Having a professional attitude towards clients would be another factor for choosing the Multilingual Service Provider. The technical jargon accessible for wider range of audience differentiates a provider amongst others. 4. Describe the tools used for quality assurance auditing? A provider who maintains quality norms with proper tools, techniques and processes for assessing formatting, spelling, consistency is preferred over provider with other tools. Linguistic Scoring and monitoring execution of linguists and standards of industry to which a vendor adheres matters the most. Assuring Quality would increase the probability to success and a satisfactory rate of return. 5. What kind of formats you work with; InDesign, FrameMaker, Excel, XML, HTML? Source content is available in various forms. A Multilingual service provider should process all the different formats you need. You might be unaware of the available formats, but your service provider should know of each available formats. It should provide the highest quality translations in the industry irrespective of size and convolution of original file format. A multilingual translation service provider must be selected after evaluating the pros and cons of the provider. Also, confidentiality must be taken care off. Sensitive documents and personal information of clients should be handled with care. Proficiency in handling the translation process, maintaining a satisfactory stream of content in different multilingual languages is other factors while choosing your service provider. So, a translator is the best observant reader. Choose him wisely to let your business grow and prosper.

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