8 Great Ways to Scaffold Your Chinese Learning Chinese language learning isn’t easy, agreed. However there are great ways to scaffold Chinese learning by breaking up the learning process into smaller parts by giving certain tools. Few scaffolding ideas are as follows: 1. New Age App: Download translation app on your mobile. It is handy and convenient too. Be careful to use it only in the initial stage of your learning and not fall prey to it for long. 2. Traditional Method: Initially use flash cards, pictorials etc. to grasp the word. It becomes easy to grab the word thereof. Paste those cards on your cupboard doors or walls and keep changing them as those words are learnt. 3. Listening Is An Art: There is no better way to scaffold Chinese language learning but to listen as many times as you can. The art of learning the language is in its diction. So pay attention to the intonations, pause and stress of the letters that makes learn Chinese so interesting. Take hold of Chinese news records, cookery shows, animal planet, travel diaries etc. 4. Cognate Styling: There could be words which mean and sound the same in your language, are easy to learn. Create a chart, based on cognates and false cognates. False cognates are words that sound the same but mean differently. For example, coffee of English is same as KĀ FĒI in Chinese. On the same lines hǎo or hào in Chinese language learning means good, but in English ‘how’ means in what way? This becomes false cognates. 5. See More Learn More: Reading newspapers, magazines, TV shows, movies in Chinese is a great way of scaffold your Chinese language learning. In fact visualize the texts given with pictures gives you an impact of the same. You could read Chinese comics to menu books to read on Old master Q or Shang chi; you will find it hilarious and light too. 6. Speech Correction The best way to go ahead is to learn Chinese to speak is to know the utterance, though there are fantastic institutes like Happy Mandarin who can teach you with scaffolding and without it too, but you could also take the help of text to speech. When you want to read a text, get the mode of text to speech on in your mobile phones and you are good to go. 7. Writing Does It All: Jot down the words or sentences you have learnt in a manner that you will understand. It is a great idea to write down the pronunciation in the syntax that you understand and revise on it. For instance, you watch a Chinese movie; you could use the written support of the subtitles to do your little notes. 8. Common Signs And Sayings: Road signs, ATM hoardings, banking slogans, restaurant names etc. are some things you see on the run. Pay attention to it. It becomes easy to associate words therefore. Inculcating scaffolding in Chinese language learning helps you learn the language easily. There are many Chinese language learning centers that help you learn Chinese in the most effective way like Happy Mandarin. Thus, take the advantage of the best resources and learn it in a simple way.