8 tips to Improve Your Chinese Spoken Language China has become one of the largest economies capturing the markets enormously. One fifth of the world speaks Chinese. Learning Chinese is a great career option, more relevant and useful in future too. Chinese spoken language is easier to learn as it is full of repetitions, an exception of formal speeches, corrections and interruptions. There are many Chinese language courses that help being proficient in spoken language. Chinese Spoken language learning is best learnt if the following 8 tips are rooted1. Chinese for you- A Chinese language course offers different modules from basics to advance. It is better to learn Chinese from a tourist point of view rather than a student. Knowing China, the towns, its culture, will slowly build in the love for the language and the drive to learn Chinese spoken language. 2. Conversational tools- Chinese spoken language is easy as one must take care of the tones used only. Often repetition of the words based on the tones, state the meaning. For e a ple, the ord a i mandarin dialect in different tones convey a whole lot of meanings such as mommy- horse- bother- to scold. 3. Avoid speaking English- It is great to learn Chinese language course, in absence of o e s native language. Even the Chinese mandarin words learnt may be few, an inclusion of the same in daily life must be done. A deliberate attempt to avoid speaking English will help to get more words of Chinese and learn more words out of helplessness. 4. Repeated exposure to words and phrases- the more exposure is done for a repeated set of words or phrases; the human mind recalls it, making it easier to replicate it. Besides, listening to a native is best. Chinese language course encourages to listen to radios, Chinese movies, songs, theatres, to get the knack of the spoken language. Thus, the ore o e gets to hear Nihau (hello-in Chinese) xie- xie (thank you), from natives the better is the outcome. 5. Role play- In a leeway, a role play enhances the stude t s perfor a e a d e thusiasm to gain more. In Chinese learning course, groups are divided wherein role plays are conducted so that the essence of Chinese language learning may be withheld. 6. Learn basic words-Learning basic words boosts up the confidence. Greetings and mannerisms, names of food items, addressing others will build in an environment where without the grammar in a sentence, the natives u dersta d the ase li e of the o ersatio . Shi ea i g es, u shi ea i g no, mianitao for noodles, jee dan for eggs and so on. 7. Work on pronunciations- The more one hangs out with natives, the better are the chances of getting the right pronunciations. They encourage you to speak and rectify your pronunciations too. The entire art of Chinese language learning is on its tones, giving that extra edge to grammar and pronunciations. Frequent one practices, easier the learning. Soon the ability to reproduce the tones become honed and speaking with proper tone and grammar becomes effortless. 8. A secret diary- We all have a different way of putting things and understanding. Chinese language learning is si pler he put i a i di idual s st le. Keeping a secret diary with words, pronunciations, flashcards to enable oneself with the correct tones in the respective language in a way that can be understood by oneself, a great tip to go ahead with. Explore and learn being the bottom line. Chinese Spoken Language is a fun experience and never ending too. Come and explore the world of Happy Mandarin with Chinese learning course getting the first-hand knowledge on Chinese language learning.