Landscape Portfolio 2022

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Landscape Architecture Portfolio

T A M A N N A P A R W A N I K.


THE Vertex

Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture : University of Sheffield

Public Relm Landscape Project designing and experimenting an ongoing studio project.


Design Dissertation : Bachelor degree

Afterlife of post industrial landscapes’ is to What happens to such a large parcel of lands just sitting there with no use or activity happening where as on the other hand the population densities has turned cities into dystopia Where is the space to build a park?


Research Paper: Architectural Theory

A study on Post Industrial Landscapes and its history.


Transparence 15.0 : Competition + Academic Project

From workplaces and hospitals to urban living spaces and schools, studies have shown that adding biophilic elements to interiors can reduce stress, blood pressure, and heart rates while increasing productivty, creativity and overall well-being.


Utopia from my Balcony : Design Competition

The competition aimed at unlocking thoughts of the expected city/town/village in context with the lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic.

Null & Void 04th November 2021

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Photo By Author
01 | Introduction Introduction | 01

Shortlisted entry for “Future Infrastructure Star Challenge 2021” by Bentley Education system

The Quarry |


quarry is a consequence of subtraction, a hollowed-out artifcial landscape. It is a however an open pit. is buried or underground. there is always the connection to the landscape, the sky and the elements . It is my perception to regenerate the post-industrial landscape with an ecological approach, to develop culture, education and recreation functions, and to create a new relationship between mountain and natural ecosystem with the people. The productive city and landscape co-living with urban eco-rhythms will create a gradient from the mountain to the water bodies at the lowest level of the site.

Project :Bachelor degree thesis

Site : Kerala ,India

Type Public space Year: 2020-21

04 | The Quarry The Quarry | 05
Dystopia, Mumbai 20th November 2021 Photo : By Author
06 | The Quarry The Quarry | 07
08 The Quarry The Quarry | 09

The site plan explaining the entirety of concept and planning. The immediate site surroundings include a network of roads on one end and an abundance of empty land on the other. There are no residential zones in close proximity of the quarry . Nestled in a disused quarry, simultaneously acting as an embedded landscape feature and an alien spacecraft holding precious specimens and plants, the scheme will be celebrated as a successful modern interpretation of Traditional Kerala Architecture including its Construction material which is Timber and keralas Sloping roof structure.

10 | The Quarry Site plan The Quarry Site plan | 11

For my user fow/pathway, I restrained from proposing a linear/defned route and distributed the visitors with the help of the strategically designed typology to replace stagnancy of users at spots or build up of queues as 70% of space is part of realm of public activities.

Distribution of Visitors

The village like typology can handle the large amount of visitors in an effcient manner, because it is able to divide and stream all the people into separated public areas.

12 | The Quarry Concept + Landscape details The Quarry : Concept + Landscape details | 13

Biome / Biodiversity Park is the main programme of the design and consists of a major area of the design programme. Sustainability as a starting point, with every consideration given to passive climate control techniques. The main conservatory structures will be the climate-controlled glasshouses in kerala, covering an area in excess of 12,000m², and showcase the fora of those environments most likely to be affected by climate change.

The Quarry Biome Block details | 15 14 | The Quarry : Biome Block details
16 | The Quarry : Sustainabale strategies The Quarry Sustainabale strategies | 17

what are

Industrial Landscapes?

In the mathematics of the environment , Weathering is a power of subtraction , a ‘minus , under the sign of which newly fnished corners, surfaces and colors are ’taken away‘ by rain, wind and sun .But is weathering only abstraction, can it not also add and enhance ?”

The business has applied a gigantic impact over the long haul regarding the alteration of the normal scene, both in the felds and in the urban areas. It has left us a past identifed with a rich culture of creation that can and should be moderated, recuperated and coordinated as a legacy reality. The presence in the scene of huge scope foundations, for example, railroads, plants, dams, stages, viaducts, and different developments has been adjusting the type of the domains after some time, organizing them, checking them and characterizing a particular scene because of the modern movement.

Moreover, “scar” isn’t just a thing yet additionally an action word, inferring a cycle or activity taken. There is someone behind the presence of a scar, duty and decisions are included, and in this cycle, the open injury transforms into a scab on its approach to at long last turning into a scar. The transitional phase of a scab connotes a circumstance of indistinct shapes and agitated implications, a liminal condition that is conclusive for understanding individuals and the spots. While the scar frequently stays equivocal, the scab is signifcantly more not entirely clear in a large number of ways; the battles over orders of noteworthiness become especially unmistakable and perceivable. A few injuries stay as scabs for quite a while, in light of the fact that there is no space for healing and recovery. The tight interrelation between comprehension of critical shared pasts and the actual structures that help individuals to remember these pasts. The signifcance of perceiving these understandings and actual structures in contemporary governmental issues and the cycle compromise and potential option reuse of these scenes.

The meaning of these mechanical scenes doesn't react, much of the time, to a cognizant plan or a pre-set up rationale, yet rather they are the aftereffect of a cycle where need, possibility or chance have decided their plan.

Additionally, this idea of mechanical scene isn't connected to a static idea, yet unique. Its extraordinary limit is likewise thought about a more modest scope, through inconspicuous, specifc and dependable mediations, spoken to by notable components, for example, spans, trapiches, factories, smokestacks, and so forth. These components are defnitive in a considerable lot of the most signifcant social scenes, forcing themselves on them and appropriating their personality.

The activity of man on the domain, as an outcome of the improvement of benefcial exercises or utilization after some time, has brought about a physical, social and cultural reality, which is refected in the scenes through explicit designs and famous components.

Consequently, since forever, industry has assumed a signifcant part in the development of new scenes and the compliance of social scenes, a considerable lot of which encompass us

Brownfeld could possibly mean a contaminated area, covering abandoned buildings or buildings which are already completed but not sold in the period of more than 10 years, either on a government land or private land.

Relinquished quarries, pitmounds, ruin loads, mechanical destinations and railroad lines give a huge number of potential natural life living spaces made by varieties in substrate, incline and perspective. Furthermore, Environmental stresses, for example, absence of water and supplements and limits of causticity/alkalinity, favor the advancement of species-rich networks of plants and creatures on the grounds that nobody species can overwhelm. Nature can colonize the environments in unpredictable way and such destinations may contain locally uncommon species. These beautiful and signifcant untamed life environments can assist with keeping up biodiversity in a neighborhood. Direct highlights, for example, railroads and channels give green passages to individuals and wildlife.

Post Industrial Landscapes 21 20 | Post Industrial Landscapes
Swallowed by Nature, Taiwan. Photo: by cock_a_doodle_do Chernobyl Port Photo: by Michael Kotter

Participation entry for “Transparence 15.0” 15th Edition of Transparence by Ethos India

Project :Co-working Office Space

Site : Navi Mumbai ,India

Type : Commercial Year: 2020

The Dialogue

|| An environment devoid of nature can have a negative effect on health, productivity, and well-being. There is a direct correlation between clever space design and improved well-being and performance. Even simple changes to incorporate nature into our spaces can have a huge impact on how we feel where we work, live, learn, and heal. From workplaces and hospitals to urban living spaces and schools, studies have shown that adding biophilic elements to interiors can reduce stress, blood pressure, and heart rates—while increasing productivty, creativity and overall well-being. Biophilic design is incorporating nature into our built environment and designing inspirational and restorative places that connect humans to their surroundings. Not every space can be designed to incorporate all the principles of biophilic design, but there are often many contributory elements that will collectively enhance the interior and the wellbeing of those within it. It’s more than just the addition of a pot plant or two! Natural light, vegetation, living walls, natural textures, and materials, and nature views will provide a positive impact.

22 The Dialogue Introduction
Access Architects Studio, Mumbai 8th October 2021 Photo By Author
24 | The Dialogue Research The Dialogue Research | 25
26 | The Dialogue Concept + Design Considerations The Dialogue Concept + Design Considerations | 27

Basement Floor layout

First Floor layout

Second Floor layout

Zoning is primarily done in two levels: macro level and micro level . Macro level zoning is divided into 4 parts public amenities, entrance plaza, future expansion and total area that is of 4 acres.

Micro level zones are rejuvenation spaces, library, co-working spaces, incubators and accelerators, and corporate zones. The zones are directional from being informal to formal as we move upwards. The co- working spaces are discrete spaces and also gradually merge with corporate zones at one point; later the corporate zones become discrete, leaving a combination of corporate and co- working in between. Zones here are defned for single use like parking and individual activities and also

combine several compatible activities by use like service blocks which comprises different spaces like toilets , service ducts, lifts and storage facilities.

The courtyard: a well-established architectural typology, the courtyard design creates a safe communal outdoor space that is both protected by and connected to indoor working spaces (this can be on ground level or at an upper level on high rise buildings).

Spaces in between: The use of space in between general working environments and the traditional workspace is widely known to evoke knowledge sharing and peer to peer learning through the chance encounter and social interaction can occur.

Third Floor layout

Fourth Floor layout

Fifth Floor layout

Sixth Floor layout

Seventh Floor layout

Eighth Floor layout

28 | The Dialogue : Layouts / Floor plans The Dialogue Layouts / Floor plans | 29
30 | The Dialogue Sustainable Strategies The Dialogue Sectional view | 31
Detail Sectional view
35 | The Dialogue Sectional view The Dialogue structural system | 36
Detail Sectional view

Project :Co-working Office Space

Site : Navi Mumbai ,India

Type : Competition Year: 2020

‘ Utopia ’ | The competition aimed at unlocking thoughts of the expected city/town/village in context with the lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic under the category of Conceptual design

We are in ‘ LOCKDOWN 4.0’ our current circumstance. People’s actions are now to isolate selves and staying home, safe. Hence people’s outlooks have changed. They are looking forward to staying home and carrying out their activities. But they are restricted to their homes only. So why not bring the urban public space to them when they cannot reach to those?

34 | “Utopia Research “Utopia Conceptual design | 35
| +91 - 7038884412

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