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Tamara Hoogeweegen


Bachelor graduation project Coach: Oscar Tomico


This development plan will guide you through my vision



my identity as a designer

me as a person



my goals for this semester.



MY VISION AS A DESIGNER In the world of today technologies are developing faster than ever. As designers we need to embrace technology.



echnolog y empowers people. If you look at society the way it has been organized is democratizing with the crowd sourcing, 3D printers and open source platforms. And with greater access to infromation and making-techniques. Society is getting more power into their own hands.

n this world with developing technologies I see technology and materials are one. By blurring the lines between t e c h n o l o g y a n d

m a t e r i a l i t y, t o g e t h e r t h e y u n i f y.

By innovating and merging

technolog y with materiality

design creates new _ objects _ realities _ stories



Applied to

" We a r a b l e Te c h n o l o g y " Technologies have innovated many fields but the not much in the wearable and textile industries.

_“The next black - A film about the future clothing”

“ The concept of clothing hasn’t changed in over 100 years. Textile still covers bodies and signify social code. Shouldn’t there be INNOVATION? ”

I believe that materials and technolog y need to merge, to design innovation in wearables and textiles.



MY IDENTITY AS A DESIGNER When taking ADVENTURES in the world of MATERIALS to design INNOVATION in WEARABLES and TEXTILES, I have a "Classic and Worldly approach.

"Classic and Worldly" I define as being engaged in worldly interests, possessing a practical and often sharp understanding of human affairs. It’s related to the temporal world. Having clear aesthetic choices, it’s timeless, neat and refined. In the following blog I’ve collected images that appeal to me intuitively. It gives a visual experience of my identity: tamaratomoro.tumblr.com.

As I grew up I experienced different cultures, languages and countries. Which helped me develop a so called ‘cultural intelligence’:

" Cultural intelligence means being skilled and flexible about understanding a culture, learning more about it from your ongoing interactions with it, and gradually reshaping your thinking to be more sympathic to the culture and your behaviour to be more skilled an appropriate when interacting with others from the culture." -Thomas, D.C. and Inkson K.C. (14-15, 2009) "Cultural intelligence: People skills for global business", Berrett-Koehler Publishers: San


Fransisco, CA.

This influences my way of thinking and working. I observe, learn and find inspiration in seeing differences and similarities amongst people, places and objects. I have an associative mind, and try to look for connections. With these connections I look for possibilities, create solutions and drive change. I’m critical about what I hear and see. This also makes me critical and demanding about my own work.

// OpENCLOSE - developed a conductive material, existing all of natural materials: leather, liquid latex and graphite.

All this together makes my work "CLASSIC and WORLDLY". // 3D PRINTED TEXTILES - by changing the geometries the properties vary.

// AIRES - a bra that integrates cooling technology to ease hot flushes.

My main assets _ Having positive energ y. _ E y e f o r d e t a i l a n d f o r m g i v i n g. _ Group work and communication. _ Openminded and eager to learn. _ Linking technologies, design and cultures. _ Critical view.




These are the most important things about me and make me to who I am: 25 years old . I’m Dutch/Colombian . speak 4 languages . lived in many countries . bachelor degree in "Public Administration and Organization sciences" . What I do now combines what makes me happy in everyday life.

Society Aesthetics Being creative Solving problems



By looking at where I am now and where I want to be at the end of the semester, I’ll set up my learning goals.


Right now I’m at the beginning of my graduation semester. During the first semesters of Industrial Design I’ve build up a general awareness in all competencies. During the past semesters it became clear to me that Wearable Technology is the field I want to specialize in. Last semester I took a first step in specializing in this direction by learning about 3D printing of geometric materials and garments at my internship. I’ve become more aware of the role of Wearable Technology in society, by seeing it from a different perspective, outside the University bubble.

At the end of this semester I want to have more in depth knowledge and experience in working with materials as a starting point. I want to be a designer with a clear specialization, and work that represents my vision and identity. I want to graduate with a complete design project. With this I mean with a clear message and enclosing different stages and aspects of the design process. At the end of the semester I want to know what my next step will be.


Generally speaking these goals are related to deepen my knowledge and experience in materials, to specialize as a designer and to go through an all-encompassing design process.

Materials as starting point I want to learn to design with materials as a starting point, to be able to truly blur the lines between material and technology. MATERIAL SAMPLES For my project I’ll focus on materials and their properties. I will make different samples with different materials and combinations (around 10), in the first phase of the project. By doing this I research different materials with its properties and their usabilities. Form and Senses - Ideas and Concepts MATERIAL EXPERTS To learn on a professional level about materials, experts are involved in the project. By cooperating with Applied Polymer Innovations (API), and research group Smart Functional Materials of Saxion, I’ll learn

about material properties and production techniques from experts. During meetings they will give feedback and share their know how. Form and Senses - Social Cultural Awareness - Integrating Technology BIODESIGN When thinking of materials and taking into account reduced resources, increased population and our environment, the discipline of Biodesign is becoming more and more interesting. Biodesign looks at materials from a Biotechnological perspective. To learn more about this I participate in a Biohack Academy at the Waag Society in Amsterdam. Here I’ll learn about bacteria, microbes, biological processes and the hardware used in a BioLab. Integrating Technology - From and Senses - Social Cultural


Awareness - Design and Research Processes - Ideas and Concepts - Self-Directed and Continuous Learning DIGITAL FABRICATION Digital fabrication is a different approach of working materials. To enrich my digital making skills combined with algorithmic design I signed up for the assignment Digital Craftsmanship. By using generative design, I’ll explore the possibilities in creating your own materials that combine form, function and behavior. Integrating Technology - Form and Senses - Ideas and Concepts - Descriptive and Mathematical Modeling

Contextualizing When designing, context always needs to be taken into consideration. I want to develop my contextualizing skills to make sure that when I design with materials as a starting point the context isn’t discarded.


DIFFERENT EXPERTS To contextualize my design process different experts are involved. This will help me and teach me how to work with all of these together and work with all their different perspectives. Design and Research Processes Communication

RESEARCH COMMUNICATION To show my material research capabilities I will document these by making use of photo and video. In the future I’ll be able to communicate my process and share the gained knowledge on the materials. Communication - Design and Research Processes - Form and Senses SCENARIOS To point out the specific application possibilities of the material samples, I will link a couple of scenarios to each sample. This will make the material usability more comprehensible to the involved parties. Later on in the process a movie will be made to illustrate the use of the prototype made with the chosen material. Design and Research Processes - Social Cultural Awareness - User Focus and Perspective - Communication- Form and Senses - Ideas and Concepts LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT As a designer it is hard to estimate to what extend what you make is truly sustainable, you would have to look at the whole life cycle of a product. To assess the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product (process or service) the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method that can be used. To learn

more about this a LCA expert is involved in the project, Joost Vogtländer. Design and Research Processes - Social Cultural Awareness - User Focus and Perspective Designing Business Processes

Goals for future d e v e l o p m e n t a s a d e s i g n e r.

BRADLEY ROTHENBERG At the end of my internship at Studio Bradley Rothenberg I worked on designing garments to be printed for the 3D printshow in April in New York. I’m still involved in this project. By doing this I will further develop my additive manufacturing design skills and have a chance for it to be exposed to a big public.

Now that I have pretty specific vision as a designer, I can look for specific future possibilities. I want to specialize in the world of materials to design innovation in wearables. MASTER Fitting to this idea I’ve found a possible master: Material Futures. In this degree takes materiality as a starting point. Materiality is where craft, science and technology come together. I’ve been to the open day and will work on taking steps to try to make this work. But I’ll also look into other possible masters. PERSONAL PRESENTATION Considering that this is my graduation project, and my future isn’t completely explicit yet, I want to present myself as a designer with a clear story. Therefor I want to work on the way I present myself. I’ll update my portfolio and design business cards.


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