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Train and cable cars station in Bubny, Praha

Studio Project| Individual | Academic| Supervisor: Henri Achten Summer 2020


The design considers three locations to be connected with point-topoint cable car lines: Dejvická, Letenské Náměstí and Bubny Station.

The three locations are important urban nodes with distinguished functions in the urban structure. Dejvická plays a role of one of the main urban centers surrounded with residential, and multi-functional development including university campus.

On the other hand, Letná Park with its iconic Metronome Tower is one of the main weekend / holiday recreational destinations for Residents of Prague and visitors.

The third location, Praha Bubny is currently underdeveloped. However, the new site development plan which has been approved in 2017 defines the new guidelines aiming to create residential, cultural and administrative development.

The old location of the train station Praha-Bubny retains its function according to the plan.

This particular location became interesting for our design experiment due to following reason:

The existing location has a potential to serve as an urban hub, since the node includes Train Station, Metro Station (line C) and tram station in single location. Adding another, point-to-point mode of connection would make sense not only for the residents of the new development, but also commuters who arrive to the train station via train.

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